Борис Бублик многие годы изучает и практикует способы ?разумного земледелия?, которые облегчают труд на земле и улучшают урожай. К его советам уже прислушались более 1 000 000 последователей! Весь многолетний опыт автора – в одной книге! Узнайте, как организовать работу, чтобы не вредить земле химией, не гробить здоровье и получить достойный урожай. ? Надо ли перекапывать и рыхлить ? Какие растения угнетают рост сорняков ? Как организовать совместную посадку растений ? Как заставить сорняки работать на благо огорода ? Чем отпугнуть колорадского жука и др. ? Как изготовить инвентарь для работы в огороде. Бонус! Вкладка ?Таблица совместимости растений?. Boris Bublik mnogie gody izuchaet i praktikuet sposoby ?razumnogo zemledelija?, kotorye oblegchajut trud na zemle i uluchshajut urozhaj. K ego sovetam uzhe prislushalis' bolee 1 000 000 posledovatelej! Ves' mnogoletnij opyt avtora – v odnoj knige! Uznajte, kak organizovat' rabotu, chtoby ne vredit' zemle himiej, ne grobit' zdorov'e i poluchit' dostojnyj urozhaj. ? Nado li perekapyvat' i ryhlit' ? Kakie rastenija ugnetajut rost sornjakov ? Kak organizovat' sovmestnuju posadku rastenij ? Kak zastavit' sornjaki rabotat' na blago ogoroda ? Chem otpugnut' koloradskogo zhuka i dr. ? Kak izgotovit' inventar' dlja raboty v ogorode. Bonus! Vkladka ?Tablica sovmestimosti rastenij?.
?t tornacsuka a Tapolcai-tavasbarlangban
Это что-то особенное! Яркие иллюстрации, пошаговые инструкции с фотографиями и множество полезных советов — все в чудесной книге для домашнего уюта и увлекательного творчества! Новое модное хобби, приступить к которому вы можете прямо сейчас, ведь для плетения из газетных трубочек в вашем доме наверняка найдется все необходимое: пачка старой макулатуры, вязальная спица, ножницы, клей ПВА и краски — акварель, гуашь, акрил! Немного терпения, чтобы с помощью подробных инструкций заготовить для творчества необходимый материал — удивительно податливый, приятный в работе и дешевый. Но готовые изделия из газетных трубочек вы не сразу отличите от ротанга, а в вашем доме скоро появится масса нужных, полезных и красивых вещей: яркая конфетница ?Арбуз?, кашпо ?Башмачок? для любимого цветка и уютный домик для кошки, большая корзина для столового белья, милая и практичная настольная полочка для детской, пасхальная курочка и даже плетеный журнальный столик, декорированный декупажными салфетками.Jeto chto-to osobennoe! Jarkie illjustracii, poshagovye instrukcii s fotografijami i mnozhestvo poleznyh sovetov — vse v chudesnoj knige dlja domashnego ujuta i uvlekatel'nogo tvorchestva!
Az ?t tornacsuka Salf?ld?n
Этот вид рукоделия сейчас мегапопулярен! Превратите горы ненужных газет, журналов, бумаги в красивые, практичные и стильные изделия: декоративные корзинки и корзины для рукоделия, подносы, вазы, нарядные подставки и кашпо, конфетницы в виде ягод и изящные шкатулки, оригинальные украшения на елку, изысканные клатчи, настенное панно, люстру и даже комод! Эти изделия выглядят так стильно и современно, что никто никогда не догадается, из чего они сделаны на самом деле! Для всех проектов приведены пошаговые фото и пояснения работы.Jetot vid rukodelija sejchas megapopuljaren! Prevratite gory nenuzhnyh gazet, zhurnalov, bumagi v krasivye, praktichnye i stil'nye izdelija: dekorativnye korzinki i korziny dlja rukodelija, podnosy, vazy, narjadnye podstavki i kashpo, konfetnicy v vide jagod i izjashhnye shkatulki, original'nye ukrashenija na elku, izyskannye klatchi, nastennoe panno, ljustru i dazhe komod! Jeti izdelija vygljadjat tak stil'no i sovremenno, chto nikto nikogda ne dogadaetsja, iz chego oni sdelany na samom dele! Dlja vseh proektov privedeny poshagovye foto i pojasnenija raboty.
Az ?t tornacsuka a Levendula Házban
Делаем сами коптильни, грили, мангалы, уличные печи Постройте уличный очаг и?превратите зону отдыха на?участке в?любимое место встречи семьи и?друзей! Точные чертежи и?подробные инструкции подскажут, как определиться с?нужной именно вам моделью и?построить из?камней, кирпича, бетона, железных и?чугунных элементов и?даже бака от?старой стиральной машины открытый и?полуоткрытый очаг, простой дворовой камин, многофункциональный мангал, гриль или печь-барбекю на?дровах или с?газовой горелкой. Любая из?предложенных конструкций может быть легко модифицирована по?желанию. Книга научит, как выложить русскую печь, тандырную печь или изготовить коптильню.#Н/ДDelaem sami koptil'ni, grili, mangaly, ulichnye pechi Postrojte ulichnyj ochag i?prevratite zonu otdyha na?uchastke v?ljubimoe mesto vstrechi sem'i i?druzej! Tochnye chertezhi i?podrobnye instrukcii podskazhut, kak opredelit'sja s?nuzhnoj imenno vam model'ju i?postroit' iz?kamnej, kirpicha, betona, zheleznyh i?chugunnyh jelementov i?dazhe baka ot?staroj stiral'noj mashiny otkrytyj i?poluotkrytyj ochag, prostoj dvorovoj kamin, mnogofunkcional'nyj mangal, gril' ili pech'-barbekju na?drovah ili s?gazovoj gorelkoj. Ljubaja iz?predlozhennyh konstrukcij mozhet byt' legko modificirovana po?zhelaniju. Kniga nauchit, kak vylozhit' russkuju pech', tandyrnuju pech' ili izgotovit' koptil'nju.#N/D
Bonsai: la guía para principiantes para cultivar, crecer, dar forma y presumir s
Debo podar o recortar mi Bonsai Debo guardar mi Bonsai dentro o fuera Cómo obtengo esas famosas formas Bonsai Con qué frecuencia debo regar mi BonsaiEste libro responde todas y cada una de tus preguntas sobre los árboles de Bonsai. Desde crecer, modelar, replantar, podar, regar, todo está aquí!Si bien hay algunos aspectos básicos que debe aprender para mantener su Bonsai floreciente, no es tan difícil como la mayoría cree. Este libro le pone en la dirección correcta para que comience y mantenga su Bonsai próspero.El cultivo de árboles de Bonsai es una verdadera forma de arte viviente y este libro es la guía perfecta para principiantes para dominar esta forma de arte. A disfrutar!
The Dog Training Bible - How to Train Your Dog to be the Angel You’ve Always Dre
The Dog Training Bible is the complete dog training manual and guides you through every single thing you need to know about raising a happy, respectful dog and a loyal companion through reward training.?**Here's a preview of what you will learn** How to get off to a good start with your new puppy Socializing your puppy The six basic commands (sit, heel, no, stay, down, off) Leash training your puppy Understanding the "Wolf pack" mentality and how to establish yourself as the pack leader How to curb unwanted behavior and eliminate bad habits Potty training your puppy Crate training your puppy Teaching your dog not to chew It's all here! The is one of the most comprehensive books for dog training on the market and is a must read for anyone thinking of getting a puppy or adopting an older dog. Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start transforming your puppy terror into the loyal, well-behaved companion you've always dreamed about!
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Training
Are you tired of your Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy leaving “messes” all over the house? What about the biting and chewing? Does your Chesapeake Bay Retriever drag you down the street when you try and take him/her for a walk? Do you want to teach your new puppy how to sit, stay, or play fetch??This short, simple, no-fluff beginner's training guide can help you with it all! Here Is A Preview of What You'll Learn... - Is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever Right For You? - How Much Is Enough Exercise? - How To Speak Your Dog’s Language - Effective Discipline - How to Potty Train Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever - Basic Obedience Training Such As: Sit, Drop, Come, Fetch, Stay, and Wait - Leash Training Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppy - Socialization Training - How to Stop the Biting and Chewing - and Advanced Training Techniques This is a must-have guide for all beginner Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy owners and individuals who are thinking of getting a Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy. Don’t wait any longer! Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to turn your little fluff ball into the perfect puppy!
Equine Herbs and Healing - An Earth Lodge Pocket Guide to Holistic Horse Wellnes
This informative and beautifully illustrated barn companion teaches you how to combine and use herbs most effectively for your horse’s benefit. Learn what herbs have been used traditionally for which ailments and how to make your own salves, tinctures, braces, and sprays. Praise for Equine Herbs & Healing:“Equine Herbs & Healing is a must-have resource.”– Equine Wellness Magazine“A great gift.” – Natural Horse MagazineHorses of the past were free to roam on large acreages and commonly sought out the wild herbs and other native medicinal plants they needed to stay properly conditioned. Modern horses rely on their human owners to supply the herbs they need to keep their bodies strong and healthy. The herbalists at Earth Lodge Herbals have brought together years of herbal experience to bring you this Earth Lodge Guide to Horse Wellness: Equine Herbs & Healing, giving you all the tools you need to maintain your horse the natural way.
World’s Great Scientific Puzzles Book to Challenge & Solutions
WORLD'S GREAT SCIENTIFIC PUZZLES BOOK: In this book, there are 150 unique puzzles and solutions ?of 16? different categories.?Each puzzle is unique. These are nowhere to be found. All my own production, 150 puzzles with characters numbers, geometric, mathematical, logic and will delight readers of all ages. Puzzles in this book, all illustrated, all different figure, different size and with different levels of difficulty. Some are easy, some are hard some are very difficult. They are very entertaining and easy rules and easy to understand. My puzzles improve the following abilities of people, for example: -comparison -argumentation -focusing -Troubleshooting -Create a solution - motivate -independence -Scientific thinking and research, cause-effect relationship, etc. For people my puzzles is fun, very challenging, educational, scientific and protects against stress, keeps the brain young. ?t is very helpful for all. I think Puzzle-Lover of all ages? will love my puzzles very much. They are very entertaining. Have fun ! Author: Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul * * * Mehmet Esabil Yurdakul, born in 1956, Electrical engineer. He went to F. Germany in 1979. During his education he worked in various jobs. He returned to Turkey in 1984 and ?he began in 1985? to working in Turkey.? 1991 he went official to Germany and worked there? about 11 years. For about 20 years, he has been producing intelligence games / puzzles as a hobby. As an amateur together with his family, he published in 2007-2008 ?monthly puzzle magazine? “Esobil Zeka Oyunlar?" Together with a group of foreign authors, he wrote a book titled,?Spielzeit fürs Gehirn?“playtime for the brain” published in German by ?Reader's Digest in 2014. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? -I?“Brain Puzzle Book-I” published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2016. Esobil Zeka Bulmacalar? - II?“Brain Puzzle Book-II”? published by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUB?TAK) in 2018. He currently lives and works in Ankara/TURKEY
Salut?ri lui Tro?ki
n acest ghid cuprinztor de folosire a plantelor medicinale n vindecare, David Hoffmann ofer o abordare holistic unic prin care s ne putem restabili i menine starea de bine. Sfaturi clare, bine structurate, ne arat cum s diagnosticm i s tratm fr riscuri o gam larg de afeciuni, de la diabet i depresie, la acufene i tuse convulsiv – fr niciun efect secundar negativ.Cartea include:o explicaie clar a sistemelor organismului;sfaturi privind diagnosticarea i tratarea bolilor;metode simple de culegere a plantelor i de preparare a remediilor;un repertoar al plantelor medicinale i un index al denumirilor botanice.Nu toate bolile necesit medicamente puternice, creme sau alifii. Citind acest ghid, poi nva cum s foloseti plantele medicinale pentru binele i sntatea familiei tale.Medicina naturist se bazeaz pe relaia dintre plant i fiina uman, dintre plant i planet, dintre fiina uman i planet. S folosim plantele medicinale n procesul de vindecare nseamn s facem parte dintr-un ciclu ecologic. Asta ne d posibilitatea s fim prezeni n mod contient n lumea vie, vital din care facem parte; s adeverim ntregirea i lumea n viaa noastr prin cunoaterea remediilor folosite. Plantele medicinale ne pot conecta la contextul mai larg al ntregului planetar i, n timp ce ele i ndeplinesc rolul fiziologic/medical, noi ni-l putem ndeplini pe al nostru, construind contiina acestei conexiuni i relaii mutuale." - David Hoffmann
Partir sereinement en voyage: Le guide du voyageur
Farniente au soleil sur une ?le paradisiaque, escapades sportives entre ami(e)s à la mer ou à la montagne, vacances en famille dans un club, séjour culturel avec visite de monuments, quelque soit votre choix de week-end ou de vacances, en France ou à l'étranger, cela se prépare. Cet e-book vous présente de précieux conseils pour choisir et préparer son futur départ. Pour ne pas voyager n’importe comment !Que contient-il ? Va-t-il répondre à la majorité de vos questions ?
London, A Very Peculiar History
Charting the quirky past of one of the most important cities in the world, 'London, A Very Peculiar History' will challenge what you thought you knew about this great capital and blow your mind with things you most certainly didn't. From Roman roads to the congestion charge, this title takes a whistlestop tour of iconic London landmarks and eras, whilst poking its head round the corner of the back alleys to see what's really been going on behind the scenes. Alongside the Top Ten Tourist Attractions you'll find curious recipes for cockney food (such as jellied 'iwz'), descriptions of London's 'lost buildings', and lists of royal residences, famous markets and classic film scenes featuring London landmarks. With humourous cartoon-style illustrations and amusing captions and speech bubbles, 'London: A Very Peculiar History' tells the untold tale of Britain's greatest tourist attraction, busiest commercial district and home to the Royals.
Basque Country
The Basque Country is a land of fascinating paradoxes and enigmas. Home to one of Europe's oldest peoples and most mysterious languages, with a living folklore rich in archaic rituals and dances, it also boasts a dynamic post-modern energy, with the reinvention of Bilbao creating a model for the twenty-first-century city of cultural services and information technologies. Hugging the elbow of the Bay of Biscay on both the French and Spanish sides of the Pyrenees, this small territory abounds in big contrasts, ranging from moist green valleys to semi-desert badlands, from snowy sierras to sandy beaches, from harsh industrial landscapes to bucolic beech woods.This often idyllic scenery is the stage for fierce political passions. Almost every aspect of the Basque Country generates passionate disagreement, even its precise location. Spanish and French centralism, often authoritarian and sometimes brutal, has met with resistance for two centuries. Most recently and notoriously ETA, a terrorist group with deep popular support, has engaged in a bloody 45-year conflict. But many Basques consider themselves full French or Spanish citizens, and fear political and linguistic exclusion under Basque nationalist rule.
DIY Household Hacks
DIY Household Hacks
Traveler's Paradise - Cheap Flights: How to Find Cheap Flights & Save a Lot Mone
Traveler's Paradise - Cheap Flights: How to Find Cheap Flights & Save a Lot Money
Traveler's Paradise - Bаlеаriс I?lаnd?, Spain: Travel Guide for Majorca, Menorca
Traveler's Paradise - Bаlеаriс I?lаnd?, Spain: Travel Guide for Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza & Formentera
The Swirl Resort Swinger's Vacation Slippery Swingers: Slippery Swingers
The Swirl Resort Swinger's Vacation Slippery Swingers: Slippery Swingers
Traveler's Paradise - Japan: Travel Guide for Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo &
Traveler's Paradise - Japan: Travel Guide for Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo & Tokyo
Traveler's Paradise - State of California, USA
Traveler's Paradise - State of California, USA
Travel eGuide: Dublin & its region: Discover a charming capital, full of history
Travel eGuide: Dublin & its region: Discover a charming capital, full of history and mystery!
Through the Brazilian Wilderness
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Theodore Roosevelt, ‘Through the Brazilian Wilderness.’ ? A harrowing chronicle of the Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition through Brazil and Paraguay to map the 950-mile River of Doubt. ? Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., also known as T.R., and to the public (but never to friends and intimates) as Teddy, was the twenty-sixth President of the United States, and a leader of the Republican Party and of the Progressive Movement. He became the youngest President in United States history at the age of 42. He served in many roles including Governor of New York, historian, naturalist, explorer, author, and soldier. Roosevelt is most famous for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" persona. ? Roosevelt was mostly home schooled by tutors and his parents. Biographer H. W. Brands argues that "The most obvious drawback to the home schooling Roosevelt received was uneven coverage of the various areas of human knowledge." He was solid in geography (as a result of self study during travels), and bright in history, biology, French, and German; however, he struggled in mathematics and the classical languages. He entered Harvard College on September 27, 1876; his father told him "Take care of your morals first, your health next, and finally your studies".