

Through the Brazilian Wilderness
Through the Brazilian Wilderness
Theodore Roosevelt
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Theodore Roosevelt, ‘Through the Brazilian Wilderness.’ ? A harrowing chronicle of the Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition through Brazil and Paraguay to map the 950-mile River of Doubt. ? Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., also known as T.R., and to the public (but never to friends and intimates) as Teddy, was the twenty-sixth President of the United States, and a leader of the Republican Party and of the Progressive Movement. He became the youngest President in United States history at the age of 42. He served in many roles including Governor of New York, historian, naturalist, explorer, author, and soldier. Roosevelt is most famous for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" persona. ? Roosevelt was mostly home schooled by tutors and his parents. Biographer H. W. Brands argues that "The most obvious drawback to the home schooling Roosevelt received was uneven coverage of the various areas of human knowledge." He was solid in geography (as a result of self study during travels), and bright in history, biology, French, and German; however, he struggled in mathematics and the classical languages. He entered Harvard College on September 27, 1876; his father told him "Take care of your morals first, your health next, and finally your studies".
The History Of The Remarkable Life Of John Sheppard Containing A Particular Acco
The History Of The Remarkable Life Of John Sheppard Containing A Particular Acco
Daniel Defoe
Classic Crime Press presents you The History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard Containing a Particular Account of His Many Robberies and Escapes in a fantastic ebook edition. ? A particular Account of his rescuing his pretended Wife from St. Giles's Round House. Of the wonderful Escape himself made from the said Round-House. Of the miraculous Escape he and his said pretended Wife made together from New-Prison, on the 25th of May last. Of his surprizing Escape from the Condemn'd Hold of Newgate on the 31st of August: Together with the true manner of his being retaken; and of his Behaviour in Newgate, till the most astonishing, and never to be forgotten Escape he made from thence, in the Night of the 15th of October. The Whole taken from the most authentick Accounts, as the Informations of divers Justices of the Peace, the several Shop-keepers above-mentioned, the principal Officers of Newgate and New Prison, and from the Confession of Sheppard made to the Rev. Mr. Wagstaff, who officiated for the Ordinary at Newgate.
Mica enciclopedie Hygge
Mica enciclopedie Hygge
Meik Wiking
Проверенные годами секреты наших бабушек и опытных современных специалистов! Чтобы получить срочный совет в любой экстренной ситуации или упростить себе ежедневную работу по дому, достаточно просто раскрыть книгу. ? Как сервировать стол к фуршету ? Как выбрать самое свежее мясо, рыбу, молочные продукты ? Какие продукты в рецепте можно заменить и чем ? Как удалить сложные пятна с одежды и мебели ? Как быстро устранить накипь и остатки пригоревшей пищи с посуды ? Как обустроить маленькую комнату, кухню и балкон ? Как избавиться от вредителей сада и огорода ? Когда высаживать рассаду.Proverennye godami sekrety nashih babushek i opytnyh sovremennyh specialistov! Chtoby poluchit' srochnyj sovet v ljuboj jekstrennoj situacii ili uprostit' sebe ezhednevnuju rabotu po domu, dostatochno prosto raskryt' knigu. ? Kak servirovat' stol k furshetu ? Kak vybrat' samoe svezhee mjaso, rybu, molochnye produkty ? Kakie produkty v recepte mozhno zamenit' i chem ? Kak udalit' slozhnye pjatna s odezhdy i mebeli ? Kak bystro ustranit' nakip' i ostatki prigorevshej pishhi s posudy ? Kak obustroit' malen'kuju komnatu, kuhnju i balkon ? Kak izbavit'sja ot vreditelej sada i ogoroda ? Kogda vysazhivat' rassadu.
Leiner Laura
Борис Бублик многие годы изучает и практикует способы ?разумного земледелия?, которые облегчают труд на земле и улучшают урожай. К его советам уже прислушались более 1 000 000 последователей! Весь многолетний опыт автора – в одной книге! Узнайте, как организовать работу, чтобы не вредить земле химией, не гробить здоровье и получить достойный урожай. ? Надо ли перекапывать и рыхлить ? Какие растения угнетают рост сорняков ? Как организовать совместную посадку растений ? Как заставить сорняки работать на благо огорода ? Чем отпугнуть колорадского жука и др. ? Как изготовить инвентарь для работы в огороде. Бонус! Вкладка ?Таблица совместимости растений?. Boris Bublik mnogie gody izuchaet i praktikuet sposoby ?razumnogo zemledelija?, kotorye oblegchajut trud na zemle i uluchshajut urozhaj. K ego sovetam uzhe prislushalis' bolee 1 000 000 posledovatelej! Ves' mnogoletnij opyt avtora – v odnoj knige! Uznajte, kak organizovat' rabotu, chtoby ne vredit' zemle himiej, ne grobit' zdorov'e i poluchit' dostojnyj urozhaj. ? Nado li perekapyvat' i ryhlit' ? Kakie rastenija ugnetajut rost sornjakov ? Kak organizovat' sovmestnuju posadku rastenij ? Kak zastavit' sornjaki rabotat' na blago ogoroda ? Chem otpugnut' koloradskogo zhuka i dr. ? Kak izgotovit' inventar' dlja raboty v ogorode. Bonus! Vkladka ?Tablica sovmestimosti rastenij?.
P. C. Harris
Az 5 tornacsuka mesés gyerek útik?nyve a Balaton-felvidékre kalauzolja ifjú olvasóit. Ebben a mesében lilába borul minden és a végén még ürgét is találunk. Mert a Balaton t?bb, mint fürd?ruha, sokkal inkább tornacsuka. Tartsatok velünk, kalandra fel!
Rejt?z? kavicsok 1.
Rejt?z? kavicsok 1.
Kolozsi Lázár Ildikó
Схемы, иллюстрации и инструкции помогут без труда справиться с работой. ? Советы по выбору материалов для строительства: дерево, кирпич, камень, бетон и др. ? Готовые проекты: простой садовый домик, двухэтажный ?шалаш?, каркасный дом с мансардой и др. Shemy, illjustracii i instrukcii pomogut bez truda spravit'sja s rabotoj. ? Sovety po vyboru materialov dlja stroitel'stva: derevo, kirpich, kamen', beton i dr. ? Gotovye proekty: prostoj sadovyj domik, dvuhjetazhnyj ?shalash?, karkasnyj dom s mansardoj i dr.
István Józsa
Схемы, иллюстрации и инструкции помогут без труда справиться с работой. ?Сооружение гаража, навеса, летней кухни, сарая, хозблока и др. ? Проекты террас, ажурных пергол, открытых веранд, зимнего сада с указанием размеров, деталей и др. Shemy, illjustracii i instrukcii pomogut bez truda spravit'sja s rabotoj. ?Sooruzhenie garazha, navesa, letnej kuhni, saraja, hozbloka i dr. ? Proekty terras, azhurnyh pergol, otkrytyh verand, zimnego sada s ukazaniem razmerov, detalej i dr.
Gyermekkori rosszaságom: Bukovinai székely népmesék III.
Gyermekkori rosszaságom: Bukovinai székely népmesék III.
Asztalos Ágnes
Открытки, сделанные с любовью, надолго сохранят память о поздравлениях! Для их создания у вас наверняка найдутся цветной картон, остатки ткани, кружев, ленточек и пуговицы. В книге представлены понятные инструкции и пошаговые описания для открыток: ? для мамы и новорожденного ? для друга и любимого ? для жениха и невесты ? к Новому году, Пасхе, 8 Марта, Дню святого Валентина и ко дню рожденияOtkrytki, sdelannye s ljubov'ju, nadolgo sohranjat pamjat' o pozdravlenijah! Dlja ih sozdanija u vas navernjaka najdutsja cvetnoj karton, ostatki tkani, kruzhev, lentochek i pugovicy. V knige predstavleny ponjatnye instrukcii i poshagovye opisanija dlja otkrytok: ? dlja mamy i novorozhdennogo ? dlja druga i ljubimogo ? dlja zheniha i nevesty ? k Novomu godu, Pashe, 8 Marta, Dnju svjatogo Valentina i ko dnju rozhdenija
?t tornacsuka a Tapolcai-tavasbarlangban
?t tornacsuka a Tapolcai-tavasbarlangban
Jámbor Eszter
Это что-то особенное! Яркие иллюстрации, пошаговые инструкции с фотографиями и множество полезных советов — все в чудесной книге для домашнего уюта и увлекательного творчества! Новое модное хобби, приступить к которому вы можете прямо сейчас, ведь для плетения из газетных трубочек в вашем доме наверняка найдется все необходимое: пачка старой макулатуры, вязальная спица, ножницы, клей ПВА и краски — акварель, гуашь, акрил! Немного терпения, чтобы с помощью подробных инструкций заготовить для творчества необходимый материал — удивительно податливый, приятный в работе и дешевый. Но готовые изделия из газетных трубочек вы не сразу отличите от ротанга, а в вашем доме скоро появится масса нужных, полезных и красивых вещей: яркая конфетница ?Арбуз?, кашпо ?Башмачок? для любимого цветка и уютный домик для кошки, большая корзина для столового белья, милая и практичная настольная полочка для детской, пасхальная курочка и даже плетеный журнальный столик, декорированный декупажными салфетками.Jeto chto-to osobennoe! Jarkie illjustracii, poshagovye instrukcii s fotografijami i mnozhestvo poleznyh sovetov — vse v chudesnoj knige dlja domashnego ujuta i uvlekatel'nogo tvorchestva!
Az ?t tornacsuka Salf?ld?n
Az ?t tornacsuka Salf?ld?n
Jámbor Eszter
Этот вид рукоделия сейчас мегапопулярен! Превратите горы ненужных газет, журналов, бумаги в красивые, практичные и стильные изделия: декоративные корзинки и корзины для рукоделия, подносы, вазы, нарядные подставки и кашпо, конфетницы в виде ягод и изящные шкатулки, оригинальные украшения на елку, изысканные клатчи, настенное панно, люстру и даже комод! Эти изделия выглядят так стильно и современно, что никто никогда не догадается, из чего они сделаны на самом деле! Для всех проектов приведены пошаговые фото и пояснения работы.Jetot vid rukodelija sejchas megapopuljaren! Prevratite gory nenuzhnyh gazet, zhurnalov, bumagi v krasivye, praktichnye i stil'nye izdelija: dekorativnye korzinki i korziny dlja rukodelija, podnosy, vazy, narjadnye podstavki i kashpo, konfetnicy v vide jagod i izjashhnye shkatulki, original'nye ukrashenija na elku, izyskannye klatchi, nastennoe panno, ljustru i dazhe komod! Jeti izdelija vygljadjat tak stil'no i sovremenno, chto nikto nikogda ne dogadaetsja, iz chego oni sdelany na samom dele! Dlja vseh proektov privedeny poshagovye foto i pojasnenija raboty.
Az ?t tornacsuka a Levendula Házban
Az ?t tornacsuka a Levendula Házban
Jámbor Eszter
Делаем сами коптильни, грили, мангалы, уличные печи Постройте уличный очаг и?превратите зону отдыха на?участке в?любимое место встречи семьи и?друзей! Точные чертежи и?подробные инструкции подскажут, как определиться с?нужной именно вам моделью и?построить из?камней, кирпича, бетона, железных и?чугунных элементов и?даже бака от?старой стиральной машины открытый и?полуоткрытый очаг, простой дворовой камин, многофункциональный мангал, гриль или печь-барбекю на?дровах или с?газовой горелкой. Любая из?предложенных конструкций может быть легко модифицирована по?желанию. Книга научит, как выложить русскую печь, тандырную печь или изготовить коптильню.#Н/ДDelaem sami koptil'ni, grili, mangaly, ulichnye pechi Postrojte ulichnyj ochag i?prevratite zonu otdyha na?uchastke v?ljubimoe mesto vstrechi sem'i i?druzej! Tochnye chertezhi i?podrobnye instrukcii podskazhut, kak opredelit'sja s?nuzhnoj imenno vam model'ju i?postroit' iz?kamnej, kirpicha, betona, zheleznyh i?chugunnyh jelementov i?dazhe baka ot?staroj stiral'noj mashiny otkrytyj i?poluotkrytyj ochag, prostoj dvorovoj kamin, mnogofunkcional'nyj mangal, gril' ili pech'-barbekju na?drovah ili s?gazovoj gorelkoj. Ljubaja iz?predlozhennyh konstrukcij mozhet byt' legko modificirovana po?zhelaniju. Kniga nauchit, kak vylozhit' russkuju pech', tandyrnuju pech' ili izgotovit' koptil'nju.#N/D
Astrology in a Nutshell
Astrology in a Nutshell
C. H. Webber
Twilight in Italy was written in the year 1916 by David Herbert Lawrence. This book is one of the most popular novels of David Herbert Lawrence, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Правила розвитку мозку дитини
Правила розвитку мозку дитини
John Medina
Damanhur e i damanhuriani: ecco una guida alla Federazione di Comunità e alle sue tante anime: la spiritualità, la ricerca, l’arte, la sostenibilità, la politica, la solidarietà, che da quaranta anni caratterizzano un’esperienza unica al mondo. Con le indicazioni pratiche per una visita, un corso, un periodo di rigenerazione in questa terra magica.
Japanese Gardens Revealed and Explained
Japanese Gardens Revealed and Explained
Russ Chard
Japanese Gardens - Revealed and Explained is comprehensive and thorough in its coverage of the subject of Japanese gardens and provides the reader with a journey through their history, meaning and eye catching beauty. All aspects of Japanese gardens and gardening are covered from design to ingredients and it even covers subjects like pruning techniques as well as numerous suggestions of what to plant in a Japanese garden courtesy of Master gardener L.H. Bailey. Discover Zen gardens (sometimes known as Japanese Rock gardens) and the deliberate ease of their appearance on the eye,meaning and design.This book is suitable for beginners right the way through to more experienced enthusiasts of Japanese gardens. Lovingly put together by the author and editor Russ Chard - a Japanese garden enthusiast and writer for over 10 years.Weblinks are included to Youtube videos to see how the author built a small space Japanese Zen garden at his home. This book is not plumped up with photographs, just 70 pages of pure Japanese garden information. The subject is complicated but Japanese gardens - Revealed and Explained is in plain English and simplified and explained for ease of learning. Anyone with ambitions to create and build a Japanese garden or Zen garden would find this book a very useful companion to their dream and plans through to the finished garden.
The Cotswolds
The Cotswolds
Nicholas Reardon
These glorious hills, rightly described as an area of outstanding natural beauty, contain a treasure trove of spectacular views, along with flowers and wildlife just asking to be photographed. In the following pages I take you through the seasons, offering just a taste of what can be seen, in the hope that it will tempt you to explore this wonderful countryside for yourselves. From hidden gems like the stone crocodile head on a fresh water spring in Compton Abdale, and fearsome gargoyles staring down at you from ancient churches, to the grandeur of castles and the splendour of stately homes, I hope to bring the Cotswolds alive for you with the help of my camera. So as not to spoil the images with excess wording I have let the pictures speak for theirselves but at the back of the book you will find a page-by-page explanation of the photographs, along with the locations. This book was made possible by the help and kindness shown to me by the various attractions, allowing me to roam freely over their properties in search of interesting views, fascinating artefacts and plentiful wildlife
Partisan Sort
Partisan Sort
Matthew Levendusky
As Washington elites drifted toward ideological poles over the past few decades, did ordinary Americans follow their leadIn The Partisan Sort, Matthew Levendusky reveals that we have responded to this trend-but not, for the most part, by becoming more extreme ourselves. While polarization has filtered down to a small minority of voters, it also has had the more significant effect of reconfiguring the way we sort ourselves into political parties.In a marked realignment since the 1970s-when partisan affiliation did not depend on ideology and both major parties had strong liberal and conservative factions-liberals today overwhelmingly identify with Democrats, as conservatives do with Republicans. This "e;sorting,"e; Levendusky contends, results directly from the increasingly polarized terms in which political leaders define their parties. Exploring its far-reaching implications for the American political landscape, he demonstrates that sorting makes voters more loyally partisan, allowing campaigns to focus more attention on mobilizing committed supporters. Ultimately, Levendusky concludes, this new link between party and ideology represents a sea change in American politics.
Long Is the Way and Hard
Long Is the Way and Hard
Kevern Verney, Lee Sartain
Celebrating its one-hundredth anniversary in February 2009, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has been the leading and best-known African American civil rights organization in the United States. It has played a major, and at times decisive, role in most of the important developments in the twentieth century civil rights struggle. Drawing on original and previously unpublished scholarship from leading researchers in the United States, Britain, and Europe, this important collection of sixteen original essays offers new and invaluable insights into the work and achievements of the association. The first part of the book offers challenging reappraisals of two of the NAACP's best-known national spokespersons, Walter White and Roy Wilkins. Other essays analyze the association's cultural initiatives and the key role played by its public-relations campaigns in the mid 1950s to counter segregationist propaganda and win over the hearts and minds of American public opinion in the wake of the NAACP's landmark legal victory in Brown v. Board of Education. Others provide thought-provoking accounts of the association's complex and difficult relationship with Martin Luther King, the post-World War II Civil Rights movement, and Black Power radicals of the 1960s. The second part of the collection focuses on the work of the NAACP at state, city, and local levels, examining its grassroots organization throughout the nation from Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit in the North, to California in the West, as well as states across the South including Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. Providing detailed and fascinating information on hitherto little explored aspects of the association's work, these studies complement the previous essays by demonstrating the impact national initiatives had on local activists and analyzing the often-strained relations between the NAACP national office in New York and its regional branches.
London, A Very Peculiar History
London, A Very Peculiar History
Pipe, Jim
Charting the quirky past of one of the most important cities in the world, 'London, A Very Peculiar History' will challenge what you thought you knew about this great capital and blow your mind with things you most certainly didn't. From Roman roads to the congestion charge, this title takes a whistlestop tour of iconic London landmarks and eras, whilst poking its head round the corner of the back alleys to see what's really been going on behind the scenes. Alongside the Top Ten Tourist Attractions you'll find curious recipes for cockney food (such as jellied 'iwz'), descriptions of London's 'lost buildings', and lists of royal residences, famous markets and classic film scenes featuring London landmarks. With humourous cartoon-style illustrations and amusing captions and speech bubbles, 'London: A Very Peculiar History' tells the untold tale of Britain's greatest tourist attraction, busiest commercial district and home to the Royals.
Earthy Realism
Earthy Realism
Midgley, Mary
GAIA, named after the ancient Greek mother-goddess, is the notion that the Earth and the life on it form an active, self-maintaining whole. By its use of personification it attacks the view that the physical world is inert and lifeless. It has a scientific side, as shown by the new university departments of earth science which bring biology and geology together to study the continuity of the cycle. It also has a visionary or spiritual aspect. What the contributors to this book believe is needed is to bring these two angles together. With global warming now an accepted fact, the lessons of GAIA have never been more relevant and urgent.
Basque Country
Basque Country
Woodworth, Paddy
The Basque Country is a land of fascinating paradoxes and enigmas. Home to one of Europe's oldest peoples and most mysterious languages, with a living folklore rich in archaic rituals and dances, it also boasts a dynamic post-modern energy, with the reinvention of Bilbao creating a model for the twenty-first-century city of cultural services and information technologies. Hugging the elbow of the Bay of Biscay on both the French and Spanish sides of the Pyrenees, this small territory abounds in big contrasts, ranging from moist green valleys to semi-desert badlands, from snowy sierras to sandy beaches, from harsh industrial landscapes to bucolic beech woods.This often idyllic scenery is the stage for fierce political passions. Almost every aspect of the Basque Country generates passionate disagreement, even its precise location. Spanish and French centralism, often authoritarian and sometimes brutal, has met with resistance for two centuries. Most recently and notoriously ETA, a terrorist group with deep popular support, has engaged in a bloody 45-year conflict. But many Basques consider themselves full French or Spanish citizens, and fear political and linguistic exclusion under Basque nationalist rule.
Kauai Cheap Vacations.
Kauai Cheap Vacations.
Stephanie Laska, William Laska, Charlotte Laska, Alexander Laska
Kauai Cheap Vacations.
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