Così è (se vi pare)
Rappresentata per la prima volta il 18 giugno 1917 al Teatro Olimpia di Milano, "Così è (se vi pare)" è una commedia in tre atti derivata dalla novella "La signora Frola ed il signor Ponza, suo genero". L'opera, come la novella originaria, è incentrata su uno dei temi più forti della visione pirandelliana del mondo: l'inconoscibilità del reale, a cui ognuno può dare una propria interpretazione ed una propria verità che possono non coincidere con quelle degli altri.
Wildfire: Special Edition
Horse hunter Lin Sloan never wanted anything more than the wild stallion he called Wildfire. Lucy Bostil found the horse and the unconscious man who had roped him. She saved both their lives and took Sloan's heart in the process. Now another man wants Lucy and the horse--and will stop at nothing short of killing to get them.
The Young Pitcher
High school senior Ken Ward is on top of the world--he's popular, a somebody. But as a freshman at Wayne University, Ken quickly discovers he's a nobody who's treated like dirt by upperclassmen. When Ken can't stand the harassment anymore, he bursts out of his gloom by slugging a sophomore bully--who turns out to be captain of the varsity baseball team. It looks as if Ken's dream of making that team has gone down the drain... until in a moment of wild excitement he proves himself with, of all things, a potato! And Ken keeps on proving himself until the last out of a heart-pounding league championship game.
The Young Forester
Think the Old West was nothing but outlaws and cowboys? Think again. Follow the death-defying adventures of a forest fireman, one of the many brave souls who laid his own safety on the line to make the wild terrain of the region safe and inhabitable.
The Border Legion
Jack Kells was a remorseless killer, head of a gang that ravaged the southern border. He didn't think twice before he kidnapped pretty Joan Randle on a lonesome Idaho trail. His cold eyes filled her with fear, but her goodness made something happen deep within him. Bad as he was, he knew he had to keep Joan safe from desperados far worse than he. Kells had a price on his head and on his heels. Now loving this woman could cost him his life...or it could make him a hero in this wild, dangerous land.
Ein ?lterer Rechtsanwalt berichtet als Icherz?hler von einem seiner Schreiber namens Bartleby, den er eines Tages in sein von Hochh?usern umstelltes lichtloses Büro in der Wall Street aufnimmt. Bartleby beginnt seine T?tigkeit mit stillem Flei? und einsiedlerischer Ausdauer. Er kopiert unermüdlich Vertr?ge, lehnt aber zur ?berraschung seines Dienstherrn schon bald jede andere T?tigkeit mit den Worten ab: ?Ich m?chte lieber nicht“, ?I would prefer not to“. Bald weigert er sich sogar, Vertr?ge zu kopieren, wohnt aber inzwischen in dem Büro - h?flich, freudlos, ohne Freunde und fast ohne zu essen. Der Rechtsanwalt kann oder will ihn nicht gewaltsam aus dem Büro entfernen lassen und auch eine gro?zügige Abfindung interessiert Bartleby nicht. Wegen eines unerkl?rlichen Einverst?ndnisses mit Bartleby sieht sich der Rechtsanwalt am Ende gezwungen, selbst aus dem Büro auszuziehen, statt Bartleby vor die Tür zu setzen. Seine Nachmieter - weniger verst?ndnisvoll - lassen Bartleby bald durch die Polizei abführen und in das Gef?ngnis The Tombs (die Gr?ber) bringen. Dort verweigert Bartleby sowohl alle Kommunikation und auch alle Nahrung. Der Rechtsanwalt versucht, sich um seinen ?Freund“ zu kümmern, aber nach wenigen Tagen stirbt Bartleby an seiner Lebensverweigerung.
The Prince (Hackett Classics)
Il Principe (The Prince) is a political treatise by the Florentine public servant and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. Originally called De Principatibus (About Principalities), it was written in 1513, but not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. The treatise is not representative of the work published during his lifetime, but it is the most remembered, and the work responsible for bringing "Machiavellian" into wide usage as a pejorative term. It has also been suggested by some critics that the piece is, in fact, a satire.
The Law
The Law, original French title La Loi, is a 1849 book by Frédéric Bastiat. It was published one year after the third French Revolution of 1848 and one year before his death of tuberculosis at age 49. The essay was influenced by John Locke's Second Treatise on Government and in turn influenced Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson. It is the work for which Bastiat is most famous along with The candlemaker's petition and the Parable of the broken window. In The Law, Bastiat states that "each of us has a natural right — from God — to defend his person, his liberty, and his property". The State is a "substitution of a common force for individual forces" to defend this right. The law becomes perverted when it punishes one's right to self-defense in favor of another's acquired right to plunder.
King John
The Life and Death of King John, a history play by William Shakespeare, dramatizes the reign of King John of England (ruled 1199–1216), son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine and father of Henry III of England. It is believed to have been written in the mid-1590s but was not published until it appeared in the First Folio in 1623.
La Reine du Sabbat
L’action se passe dans un pays que l’auteur nomme Austrasie par pure convenance, car sa capitale est Vienne, on y parle allemand et la famille impériale est décimée par des deuils, dont une double mort à Mayerling. C’est dire que l’on est en Autriche et que l’auteur donne sa version très personnelle des drames qu’a réellement connus la dynastie des Habsbourg. Le livre a été écrit en 1911, alors que l’empereur Fran?ois-Joseph (Fran?ois tout court dans le texte) régnait encore et que ces deuils étaient tout récents, ce qui expliquerait la très relative pudeur de l’auteur. Il n’est pas possible de résumer ce roman sans en donner les clés et par là en g?cher irrémédiablement la lecture. Disons que c’est une histoire de vengeance et de mort, une histoire terriblement sanglante. L’assassinat qui constitue le prologue du livre n’est qu’un aspect, presque secondaire, de l’intrigue. Mais si le feuilleton ne compte plus les invraisemblances, si l’auteur a recours à tous les artifices les plus classiques du genre : sosies, portes secrètes, déguisements, talents extraordinaires des héros, il faut reconna?tre que l’histoire est remarquablement construite, se développe de fa?on à soutenir constamment l’intérêt du lecteur et que les épisodes s’embo?tent parfaitement les uns à la suite des autres.
Alice nel Paese delle meraviglie
Il racconto è pieno di allusioni a personaggi, poemetti, proverbi e avvenimenti propri dell'epoca in cui Dodgson opera e il "Paese delle Meraviglie" descritto nel racconto gioca con regole logiche, linguistiche, fisiche e matematiche che gli hanno fatto ben guadagnare la fama che ha.
Under the Sunset
Far, far away, there is a beautiful Country which no human eye has ever seen in waking hours. Under the Sunset it lies, where the distant horizon bounds the day, and where the clouds, splendid with light and color, give a promise of the glory and beauty that encompass it. Sometimes it is given to us to see it in dreams. This Country is the Land Under the Sunset. This is the story of that Country, and what happened when evil came to abide there. It is a story all of us must hear.
The Invisible Giant
A fairy tale of a girl who loved birds and was loved by them. She saves her country-the name of which is Country under the sunset(most probably the same country from another short story with the same name)- from the Giant(which is most probably the plague judging from the dark death) through her "devotion and innocence". Nobody believes her when she says of the presence of the Giant because it remains invisible to others. But she,with the aid of a good man, helps them when they fall sick to it. It leaves them after taking the life of this good man, Knoal, and leaves because of her heartbreaking wailing and her offer to sacrifice herself for his life.
The Burial of the Rats
Many of the earliest and most interesting vampire stories, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork
A Lady of Quality
A Lady of Quality is a novel published in 1896 by Frances Hodgson Burnett that was the second highest best-selling book in the United States in 1896. It was the first of series of successful historical novels by Burnett.
Le Capitaine Hyx: Aventures effroyables de M. Herbert de Renich - Tome I
Herbert de Renich, citoyen luxembourgeois, toujours amoureux d'Amalia, pourtant devenue la femme du terrible amiral allemand Von Treischke, se retrouve à bord du Vengeur, un sous marin extraordinaire, con?u pour le plaisir mais surtout pour la guerre, par un américain masqué - les ?tats-Unis n'étant pas encore en guerre - qui, pour venger sa femme, souhaite ch?tier les crimes allemands et fait ainsi subir les pires tortures à ses prisonniers. Herbert se retrouve mêlé à la bataille invisible - puisqu'elle est électrique - que se livre les troupes de l'américain et des allemands autour d'un fabuleux trésor enfoui dans la baie de Vigo... Vaste fresque rendant hommage à Jules Verne, ce roman de guerre fait appel à la science-fiction pour dénoncer une fois encore les atrocités allemandes. Le thème du combat subaquatique et du trésor est repris d'un projet d'aventure de Rouletabille que Leroux a abandonné pour ?entrer en guerre?.
Les ?tranges noces de Rouletabille
La suite du Ch?teau noir... Les noces dont il est question dans le titre concerne Ivana et notre sympathique reporter...
La Machine à assassiner
Le roman para?t, sous le titre La Poupée sanglante, 2e partie : Gabriel, en 41 feuilletons quotidiens du journal Le Matin entre le 10 ao?t et le 19 septembre 1923. L'?uvre est reprise en volume l'année suivante chez Tallandier. Bien que La Machine à assassiner ait été publiée initialement dans un volume indépendant, la plupart des éditions modernes l'incluent à la suite de La Poupée sanglante en ne conservant que ce dernier titre sur la couverture.
Crooken Sands
"Crooken Sands" is a short story by Bram Stoker. A London merchant takes his family on a Scottish vacation and ends up experiencing a most mysterious horrifying adventure...
The Jewel of Seven Stars
The Jewel of Seven Stars is a horror novel by Irish writer Bram Stoker, first published by Heinemann in 1903. The story is a first-person narrative of a young man pulled into an archaeologist's plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy. It explores common fin de siècle themes such as imperialism, the rise of the New Woman and feminism, and societal progress
Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland
Die fiktionale Welt, in der Alice im Wunderland angesiedelt ist, spielt in solch einer Weise mit Logik, dass sich die Erz?hlung unter Mathematikern und Kindern gleicherma?en gro?er Beliebtheit erfreut. Sie enth?lt zahlreiche satirische Anspielungen – nicht nur auf pers?nliche Freunde Carrolls, sondern auch auf die Schullektionen, die Kinder im England jener Zeit auswendig lernen mussten.