

?gy írtok ti
?gy írtok ti
Karinthy Frigyes
Mme. Vauquer (nee de Conflans) is an elderly person, who for the past forty years has kept a lodging-house in the Rue Nueve-Sainte-Genevieve, in the district that lies between the Latin Quarter and the Faubourg Saint-Marcel. Her house (known in the neighborhood as the Maison Vauquer) receives men and women, old and young, and no word has ever been breathed against her respectable establishment; but, at the same time, it must be said that as a matter of fact no young woman has been under her roof for thirty years, and that if a young man stays there for any length of time it is a sure sign that his allowance must be of the slenderest. In 1819, however, the time when this drama opens, there was an almost penniless young girl among Mme. Vauquer's boarders. That word drama has been somewhat discredited of late; it has been overworked and twisted to strange uses in these days of dolorous literature; but it must do service again here, not because this story is dramatic in the restricted sense of the word, but because some tears may perhaps be shed intra et extra muros before it is over. Will any one without the walls of Paris understand it? It is open to doubt. The only audience who could appreciate the results of close observation, the careful reproduction of minute detail and local color, are dwellers between the heights of Montrouge and Montmartre, in a vale of crumbling stucco watered by streams of black mud, a vale of sorrows which are real and joys too often hollow; but this audience is so accustomed to terrible sensations, that only some unimaginable and well-neigh impossible woe could produce any lasting impression there. Now and again there are tragedies so awful and so grand by reason of the complication of virtues and vices that bring them about, that egotism and selfishness are forced to pause and are moved to pity; but the impression that they receive is like a luscious fruit, soon consumed. Civilization, like the car of Juggernaut, is scarcely stayed perceptibly in its progress by a heart less easy to break than the others that lie in its course; this also is broken, and Civilization continues on her course triumphant. And you, too, will do the like; you who with this book in your white hand will sink back among the cushions of your armchair, and say to yourself, "Perhaps this may amuse me." You will read the story of Father Goriot's secret woes, and, dining thereafter with an unspoiled appetite, will lay the blame of your insensibility upon the writer, and accuse him of exaggeration, of writing romances. Ah! once for all, this drama is neither a fiction nor a romance! All is true,—so true, that every one can discern the elements of the tragedy in his own house, perhaps in his own heart. During the day a glimpse into the garden is easily obtained through a wicket to which a bell is attached. On the opposite wall, at the further end of the graveled walk, a green marble arch was painted once upon a time by a local artist, and in this semblance of a shrine a statue representing Cupid is installed; a Parisian Cupid, so blistered and disfigured that he looks like a candidate for one of the adjacent hospitals, and might suggest an allegory to lovers of symbolism. The half-obliterated inscription on the pedestal beneath determines the date of this work of art, for it bears witness to the widespread enthusiasm felt for Voltaire on his return to Paris in 1777: "Whoe'er thou art, thy master see; He is, or was, or ought to be."
Moliere Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Following the Equator (sometimes titled More Tramps Abroad) is a non-fiction travelogue published by American author Mark Twain in 1897. Twain was practically bankrupt in 1894 due to a failed investment into a "revolutionary" typesetting machine. In an attempt to extricate himself from debt of $100,000 (equivalent of about $2.5 million in 2010) he undertook a tour of the British Empire in 1895, a route chosen to provide numerous opportunities for lectures in the English. Themes:In Following the Equator, an account of that travel published in 1897, the author criticizes racism, imperialism and missionary zeal in observations woven into the narrative with classical Twain wit.In keeping with that wit, and Twain's love of a tall tale, Twain included a number of fictional stories in the body of what is otherwise a non-fiction work. In particular, the story of how Cecil Rhodes made his fortune by finding a newspaper in the belly of a shark, and the story of how a man named Ed Jackson made good in life out of a fake letter of introduction to Cornelius Vanderbilt, were anthologized in Charles Neider (ed) The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain, (Doubleday, 1957) where they are presented as fiction. Chapter I A man may have no bad habits and have worse. —Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar. The starting point of this lecturing-trip around the world was Paris, where we had been living a year or two. We sailed for America, and there made certain preparations. This took but little time. Two members of my family elected to go with me. Also a carbuncle. The dictionary says a carbuncle is a kind of jewel. Humor is out of place in a dictionary. We started westward from New York in midsummer, with Major Pond to manage the platform-business as far as the Pacific. It was warm work, all the way, and the last fortnight of it was suffocatingly smoky, for in Oregon and British Columbia the forest fires were raging. We had an added week of smoke at the seaboard, where we were obliged to wait awhile for our ship. She had been getting herself ashore in the smoke, and she had to be docked and repaired. We sailed at last; and so ended a snail-paced march across the continent, which had lasted forty days. We moved westward about mid-afternoon over a rippled and sparkling summer sea; an enticing sea, a clean and cool sea, and apparently a welcome sea to all on board; it certainly was to me, after the distressful dustings and smokings and swelterings of the past weeks. The voyage would furnish a three-weeks holiday, with hardly a break in it. We had the whole Pacific Ocean in front of us, with nothing to do but do nothing and be comfortable. The city of Victoria was twinkling dim in the deep heart of her smoke-cloud, and getting ready to vanish and now we closed the field-glasses and sat down on our steamer chairs contented and at peace. But they went to wreck and ruin under us and brought us to shame before all the passengers. They had been furnished by the largest furniture-dealing house in Victoria, and were worth a couple of farthings a dozen, though they had cost us the price of honest chairs. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans one must still bring his own deck-chair on board or go without, just as in the old forgotten Atlantic times—those Dark Ages of sea travel.
百万销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列。例句、习题、文章、听力全翻译。外教录音,扫码听书。附赠沪江网校100元学习卡。 中国版特别添加:①例句、习题、阅读文章、听力原文的全文翻译;②外教录音,扫码即听。 浓缩考精华,真题命中率高!全方位助力大家考过关。 第1周到第4周彻底掌握N4级核心语法,解析一目了然,全部例句、习题配中文翻译。 第5周行读解(阅读)练习,掌握解题要,对话形式热身,并附全文翻译。 第6周行听力(听解)练习,明确解题步骤,练习所有题型,并附全文翻译。 每天都有超萌卡通人物陪伴学习,令人捧腹的插图对白也是很棒的学习资料哦!
百万销量、日本原版大定番“新日语能力考试考前对策”系列。全文翻译,单词标调,扫码听书。200个核心汉字归类记,500个核心词汇,42次自测,6次模拟考。附赠沪江网校100元学习卡。 中国版特别添加:①例句、习题的全文翻译;②全部单词标注音调;③外教配音扫码即听。 浓缩考精华,真题命中率高!全方位助力大家考过关。 第1周到第3周彻底掌握N4级200个核心汉字,全部单词标注音调、配英汉翻译,更有反义词、特殊读音等拓展内容。 第4周到第6周彻底掌握N4级500个核心词汇,归类记忆事半功倍,词组短句现学现用,更有错误用法、注意事项等拓展内容。 每天都有超萌卡通人物陪伴学习,令人捧腹的插图对白也是很棒的学习资料哦!
叶赛宁是苏联二十世纪一二十年代杰出的俄罗斯诗人。他如彗星般短暂而富有诗意和充满悲剧的一生经受了历史的考验。从20世纪五六十年代,他已重新占有了俄罗斯诗歌史上举足轻重的位置。如今,几乎没有人再会怀疑他的诗能否成为20世纪俄罗斯诗歌的经典,因为浓郁的民族诗性和高度个性化的艺术创新使他的诗在20世纪俄罗斯坛上闪发着耀眼的异彩。 叶赛宁于1985年9月21日出生在俄罗斯中部美丽的奥卡河畔梁赞省梁赞县康斯坦丁诺活村的一个家民家里。 叶赛宁的诗歌,特别是在抒情诗上的突出成就,使他成为20世纪杰出的俄罗斯民族诗人。他的诗成为上承普希金下启苏维埃70年诗歌的重要环节,几乎所有现代俄苏大诗人都从他的诗艺中汲取过营养。著名的当代俄罗斯诗人多里佐说:“我不能设想我的青年时代可以没有叶赛宁,正如不能设想俄罗斯可以没有白桦一样。他属于那些也许几百年才产生几个的诗人,他们不但俄罗斯文学,而且已经俄罗斯的风景,成为它不可分割的一部分……”
Complete Works Of Edgar Allan Poe: The New Raven Edition
Complete Works Of Edgar Allan Poe: The New Raven Edition
Edgar Allan Poe
This volume collects the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe (Wikipedia). It started out as a restructuring and reformatting of the 1903 “Raven Edition” of his works—and then it grew.I have rearranged the texts according to genres in the order of first publications (though still using the later revised versions). I added all the stories, poems, essays, and some miscellanea that were missing in the “Raven Edition”. Thus, you’ll find in this collection: THE TALESMetzengerstein, The Duc de L’Omelette, A Tale of Jerusalem, Loss of Breath, Bon-Bon, Ms. Found in a Bottle, The Assignation, Berenice, Morella, Lionizing, The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaal, King Pest, Shadow—A Parable, Four Beasts in One—The Homo-Cameleopard, Mystification, Silence—A Fable, Ligeia, How to Write a Blackwood Article, A Predicament, The Devil in the Belfry, The Man that Was Used Up, The Fall of the House of Usher, William Wilson, The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion, Why the Little Frenchman Wears his Hand in a Sling, The Business Man, The Man of the Crowd, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, A Descent into the Maelstr?m, The Island of the Fay, The Colloquy of Monos and Una, Never Bet the Devil Your Head, Eleonora, Three Sundays in a Week, The Oval Portrait, The Masque of the Red Death, The Landscape Garden, The Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Gold-Bug, The Black Cat, Diddling, The Spectacles, A Tale of the Ragged Mountains, The Premature Burial, Mesmeric Revelation, The Oblong Box, The Angel of the Odd, Thou Art the Man, The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq, The Purloined Letter, The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade, Some Words with a Mummy, The Power of Words, The Imp of the Perverse, The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether, The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, The Sphinx, The Cask of Amontillado, The Domain of Arnheim, Mellonta Tauta, Hop-Frog, Von Kempelen and his Discovery, X-ing a Paragrab, Landor’s Cottage.THE POEMSPoetry, O, Tempora! O, Mores!, Tamerlane, Song, Dreams, Spirits of the Dead, Evening Star, Imitation, Stanzas, A Dream, The Happiest Day, The Lake —— to ——, To Margaret, Alone, Sonnet—to Science, Al Aaraaf, Romance, To ——, To the River——, To M——, Fairy-Land, To Isaac Lea, An Acrostic, Elizabeth, To Helen, Israfel, The City in the Sea, The Sleeper, A P?an, The Valley of Unrest, Enigma, Fanny, The Coliseum, Serenade, To One in Paradise, Hymn, May Queen Ode, Spiritual Song, Latin Hymn, Bridal Ballad, To Zante, The Haunted Palace, Silence, Lines On Joe Locke, The Conqueror Worm, Lenore, A Campaign Song, Dream-Land, Impromptu. To Kate Carol, To F——, Eulalie, Epigram for Wall Street, The Raven, The Divine Right of Kings, To Frances S. Osgood, A Valentine, Beloved Physician, Deep in Earth, To Marie Louise (Shew), Ulalume, Lines on Ale, To Marie Louise (Shew), An Enigma, To Helen, A Dream within a Dream, Eldorado, For Annie, To My Mother, Annabel Lee, The Bells.THE NOVELSNarrative of A. Gordon Pym, The Journal of Julius Rodman.THE ESSAYSPal?stine, Maelzel’s Chess-Player, Letter to B——, American Novel-Writing, The Capitol at Washington, Instinct vs Reason—A Black Cat, The Philosophy of Furniture, Morning on the Wissahiccon, Some Account of Stonehenge, The Giant’s Dance, A Druidical Ruin in England, A Few Words on Secret Writing, Exordium, Harper’s Ferry, The Balloon-Hoax, Byron and Miss Chaworth, Pay of American Authors, Some Secrets of the Magazine Prison-House, Anastatic Printing, Street-Paving, American Poetry, The Philosophy of Composition, A Few Words on Etiquette, Eureka: A Prose Poem, The Rationale of Verse, The Poetic Principle.THE MISCELLANEAAutography, Pinakidia, Literary Small Talk, Intemperance, A Chapter on Science and Art, Cabs, Omniana, Prospectus of The Penn Magazine, Autobiographical Note, A Chapter on Autography, Prospectus of The Stylus, Souvenirs of Youth, The Head of St. John The Baptist, Doings of Gotham, A Moving Chapter, Desultory Notes on Cats, A Chapter of Suggestions, Marginalia, The Literati, Mr. Poe’s Reply to Mr. English and Others, Fifty Suggestions, Preface to “Tamerlane And Minor Poems,” Prologue to “The Folio Club”, Prefaces and Introduction to “The Conchologist’s First Book,” Preface to “Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque,” Preface to “The Raven and Other Poems.”THE PLAYPolitian.THE CRITICISMThe Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vols. 8-13, ed. by James A. Harrison, Thomas Y. Crowell & Company 1902.THE LETTERSThe Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, 2nd edition, 2 vols., ed. by J. W. Ostrom, The Gordian Press 1966.
Think And Grow Rich
Think And Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich' is the world's most widely acclaimed motivational book on success ever published. It became the must-have bible of prosperity and success for millions of readers since its initial publication in 1937. Napoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way. After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered the secret to great wealth. By understanding and applying the thirteen simple steps that constitute Hill's formula, you can achieve your goals, change your life and join the ranks of the rich and successful. This book has changed countless lives and it can change yours!
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple + intricately patterned." That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned, and above all, simple novel became The Great Gatsby, arguably Fitzgerald's finest work and certainly the book for which he is best known. A portrait of the Jazz Age in all of its decadence and excess, Gatsby captured the spirit of the author's generation and earned itself a permanent place in American mythology. Self-made, self-invented millionaire Jay Gatsby embodies some of Fitzgerald's--and his country's--most abiding obsessions: money, ambition, greed, and the promise of new beginnings. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning--" Gatsby's rise to glory and eventual fall from grace becomes a kind of cautionary tale about the American Dream. It's also a love story, of sorts, the narrative of Gatsby's quixotic passion for Daisy Buchanan. The pair meet five years before the novel begins, when Daisy is a legendary young Louisville beauty and Gatsby an impoverished officer. They fall in love, but while Gatsby serves overseas, Daisy marries the brutal, bullying, but extremely rich Tom Buchanan. After the war, Gatsby devotes himself blindly to the pursuit of wealth by whatever means--and to the pursuit of Daisy, which amounts to the same thing. "Her voice is full of money," Gatsby says admiringly, in one of the novel's more famous descriptions. His millions made, Gatsby buys a mansion across Long Island Sound from Daisy's patrician East Egg address, throws lavish parties, and waits for her to appear. When she does, events unfold with all the tragic inevitability of a Greek drama, with detached, cynical neighbor Nick Carraway acting as chorus throughout. Spare, elegantly plotted, and written in crystalline prose, The Great Gatsby is as perfectly satisfying as the best kind of poem.
To the Lighthouse
To the Lighthouse
Virginia Woolf
To the Lighthouse (5 May 1927) is a novel by Virginia Woolf. A landmark novel of high modernism, the text, centering on the Ramsay family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920, skillfully manipulates temporality and psychological exploration. To the Lighthouse follows and extends the tradition of modernist novelists like Marcel Proust and James Joyce, where the plot is secondary to philosophical introspection, and the prose can be winding and hard to follow. The novel includes little dialogue and almost no action; most of it is written as thoughts and observations. The novel recalls the power of childhood emotions and highlights the impermanence of adult relationships. One of the book's several themes is the ubiquity of transience.
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection: 221B
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection: 221B
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle’s master criminologist Sherlock Holmes continues to delight readers around the world more than a century after he first appeared in print (in 1887’s A Study in Scarlet). Here you will find all four Sherlock Holmes novels as well as the short story collections The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Return of Sherlock Holmes and His Last Bow - Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes.
Jens Peter Jacobsen
Diese Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Jens Peter Jacobsen, zu dessen Kennenlernen ich gerne die kleine einfühlsame Biographie von Hans Bethge empfehle, enth?lt das vollst?ndige erz?hlerische Werk des Dichters sowie die lyrischen Werke (einschlie?lich der sp?ter von Arnold Sch?nberg vertonten "Gurre-Lieder") und Entwürfe. Sie reproduziert den Band "S?mtliche Werke" aus dem Insel Verlag zu Leipzig (1912, 877 Seiten); die ?bersetzungen stammen von Mathilde Mann, Anka Mathiesen und Erich de Mendelssohn.
Cuentos de amor
Cuentos de amor
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Es la sexta y última colección de cuentos de Emilia Pardo Bazán que narra historias de amores enormes, mediocres, irrisorios, molestos, peque?os, sorprendentes, entra?ables, dramáticos o felices. Sus personajes proceden de todo el abanico de la sociedad en la Espa?a de su tiempo.
Five Children and It
Five Children and It
Edith Nesbit
To Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother, the house in the country promises a summer of freedom and play. But when they accidently uncover an accident Psammead--or Sand-fairy--who has the power to make wishes come true, they find themselves having the holiday of a lifetime, sharing one thrilling adventure after another. Asleep since dinosaurs roamed the earth, the ill-tempered, odd--looking Psammead --with his spider-shaped body, bat's ears, and snail's eyes --grudgingly agrees to grant the children one wish per day. Soon, though the children discover that their wishes have a tendancy to turn out quite differnetly than expected. Whatever they wish whether it's to fly like a bird, live in a mighty castle, or have an immense fortune --something goes terribly wrong, hilariously wrong. Then an accidental wish has horrible consequences, and the children are faced with a difficult choice: to let an innoncent manbe charged with a crime or to lose for all time their gift of magical wishes. Five Children and It is one of E. Nesbit's most beloved tales of enchantment.
In the Dark
In the Dark
Edith Nesbit
Nice, moody, horror story. Two best friends are bedevilled by a third friend, who haunts them from grade school to adulthood. He seems to intuit things he can't know, and always tells the truth. One friend escapes to India to get away, the other stays in England. When the escapee returns, he finds his friend shattered and half-mad. Why, is the story.
The Magic World
The Magic World
Edith Nesbit
This collection includes, "The Cat-hood of Maurice", "The Mixed Mine", "Accidental Magic", "The Princess and the Hedge-Pig", "Septimus Septimusson", "The White Cat", "Belinda and Bellamant", "Justnowland", "The Related Muff", "The Aunt and Anabel; "Kenneth and the Carp" and "The Magician's Heart"
The Story of the Amulet
The Story of the Amulet
Edith Nesbit
When Cyril, Robert, Anthea and Jane rescue the magic sand-fairy from a pet shop, they have no idea of the astonishing adventures to come!
The Incomplete Amorist
The Incomplete Amorist
Edith Nesbit
A gentle tale of romance and art from a noted children's author . . . "He asked idle questions: she answered them with a conscientious tremulous truthfulness that showed to him as the most finished art. Betty told him nervously and in words ill-chosen everything that he asked to know, but all the while the undercurrent of questions rang strong within her -- 'When is he to teach me? Where? How?' -- so that when at last there was left but the bare fifteen minutes needed to get one home in time for the midday dinner she said abruptly: 'And when shall I see you again?'
Complete Novels
Complete Novels
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn (1640-1689) was a spy for Charles II, a playwright, poet, and novelist, and the first English woman to make a living from writing. Her pen name was Astrea. Ernest A. Baker (1869-1941) was an English writer and historian of literature. In 1905, 216 years after Mrs Behn's death, he introduced this collection of ten of her novels in the language of his day, a form which was not a facsimile of her texts. This ebook, prepared 329 years after her death, silently corrects some typos, and makes further changes. The Introduction and three of the stories contain many poems. The ten stories are: Oronooko, The Fair Jilt, The Nun, Agnes de Castro, The Lover's Watch, The Case for the Watch, The Lady's Looking Glass, The Lucky Mistake, The Court of the King of Bantam, and, The Adventure of the Black Lady.