

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
David Hume
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is a philosophical work by the Scottish philosopher David Hume. Through dialogue, three philosophers named Demea, Philo, and Cleanthes debate the nature of God's existence. Whether or not these names reference specific philosophers, ancient or otherwise, remains a topic of scholarly dispute. While all three agree that a god exists, they differ sharply in opinion on God's nature or attributes and how, or if, humankind can come to knowledge of a deity. ? In the Dialogues, Hume's characters debate a number of arguments for the existence of God, and arguments whose proponents believe through which we may come to know the nature of God. Such topics debated include the argument from design—for which Hume uses a house—and whether there is more suffering or good in the world (argument from evil). ? Hume started writing the Dialogues in 1750 but did not complete them until 1776, shortly before his death. They are based partly on Cicero's De Natura Deorum. The Dialogues were published posthumously in 1779, originally with neither the author's nor the publisher's name.
The Old Sixth Regiment:Its War Record, 1861-65
The Old Sixth Regiment:Its War Record, 1861-65
Charles K. Cadwell
The object of this work is to give a true and impartial record of the old Sixth Regiment during the war. The author collected the facts from a private diary kept by himself while in the service. Less has been known of the Sixth by our citizens than most of the other regiments; perhaps this is due partly to the fact that when we arrived.in Washington Colonel Chatfield instructed officers and men that it was unmilitary to write letters for the press; he desired that the War Record should know the record of the Sixth, and not the newspapers only. Its history is less full on this account; yet none can say that the record of the Sixth is sullied. In many trying places the regiment proved itself honor ably and gained confidence from its corps and department commanders. There may be errors in this work, and if any are inclined to censure, I trust they will remember that very few histories are without them; yet they are errors of the head and not of the heart. If what is here written meets the approval of the old members and the intelligent readers in general, I shall feel that my labors have been amply rewarded.
The Dark Queen: A supernatural short story
The Dark Queen: A supernatural short story
J.F. Penn
A sunken city. A lost goddess … and the woman who longs to find her. Lara is part of a dive team exploring the sunken city of Thonis-Heraklion off the north coast of Egypt. When a storm threatens the site, there's only time for one last dive and Lara is determined to be on it – even if it means diving with the man who threatened her this summer. Because The Dark Queen is down there and Lara intends to find her before it's too late ... Sink beneath the waves in this supernatural short story from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, J.F.Penn
Critique of Pure Reason
Critique of Pure Reason
Immanuel Kant
According to Wikipedia: "Immanuel Kant (22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was an 18th-century German philosopher from the Prussian city of K?nigsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia). He is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of modern Europe and of the late Enlightenment. Kant created a new widespread perspective in philosophy which is influencing enlightened philosophy until the 21st Century. He published important works of epistemology as also scripts in coherence to religion, law and history. His most important work is the Critique of Pure Reason, an investigation into the limitations and structure of reason itself. It encompasses an attack on traditional metaphysics and epistemology, and highlights Kant's own contribution to these areas. The other main works of his maturity are the Critique of Practical Reason, which concentrates on ethics, and the Critique of Judgment, which investigates aesthetics and teleology."
Critique of Practical Reason
Critique of Practical Reason
Immanuel Kant
According to Wikipedia: "Immanuel Kant (22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was an 18th-century German philosopher from the Prussian city of K?nigsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia). He is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of modern Europe and of the late Enlightenment. Kant created a new widespread perspective in philosophy which is influencing enlightened philosophy until the 21st Century. He published important works of epistemology as also scripts in coherence to religion, law and history. His most important work is the Critique of Pure Reason, an investigation into the limitations and structure of reason itself. It encompasses an attack on traditional metaphysics and epistemology, and highlights Kant's own contribution to these areas. The other main works of his maturity are the Critique of Practical Reason, which concentrates on ethics, and the Critique of Judgment, which investigates aesthetics and teleology."
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin
According to Wikipedia: "John Calvin (né Jean Cauvin; 10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was an influential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. Originally trained as a humanist lawyer, he suddenly converted and broke from the Roman Catholic Church in the 1520s. After a violent uprising against Protestants in France, he was forced to flee to Basel, Switzerland, where in 1536 he published the first edition of his seminal work, Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvin was invited by William Farel to help reform the church in Geneva. However, the city council resisted the implementation of Calvin and Farel's ideas and both were expelled. At the invitation of Martin Bucer, Calvin proceeded to Strasbourg where he became the minister of a church of French refugees. He continued to support the reform movement in Geneva, and was eventually invited back to lead its church. Following his return he introduced new forms of church government and liturgy, despite the opposition of several powerful families in the city who tried to curb his authority. During this period, Michael Servetus, a Spaniard known for his heretical views, arrived in Geneva. He was denounced by Calvin and executed by the city council. Following an influx of supportive refugees and new elections to the council, Calvin's opponents were forced out. He spent his final years promoting the Reformation both within Geneva and throughout Europe."
American Lutheranism
American Lutheranism
F. Bente
According to Wikipedia: "Lutheranism is a major branch of Western Christianity that identifies with the teachings of the sixteenth-century German Reformer Martin Luther. Luther's efforts to reform the theology and practice of the Catholic Church launched the Protestant Reformation and, through the reactions of his contemporaries, left Western Christianity divided. The split between Lutherans and the Roman Church of his time arose mainly over the doctrine of justification before God. Specifically, Lutheranism advocates a doctrine of justification "by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone," which varied from the Roman view of "faith formed by love", or "faith and works". Lutheranism is also distinct from the Reformed Churches, which arose during the Reformation. Unlike the Reformed Churches, Lutherans have retained many of the sacramental understandings and liturgical practices of the pre-Reformation Church. Lutheran theology differs considerably from Reformed theology in its understanding of divine grace and predestination to eternity after death."
Pulpit and Press
Pulpit and Press
Mary Baker Eddy
According to Wikipedia: "Mary Baker Eddy (born Mary Morse Baker July 16, 1821 – December 3, 1910) was the founder of the Christian Science movement. Deeply religious, she advocated Christian Science as a spiritual practical solution to health and moral issues. She wrote Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, founded The First Church of Christ, Scientist of Boston in 1879, and several periodicals including The Christian Science Monitor. She took the name Mary Baker Glover from her first marriage and was also known as Mary Baker Glover Eddy or Mary Baker G. Eddy from her third marriage. She did much spiritual teaching, lecturing, and instantaneous healing. Her influence continues to grow through her writings."
The Age of Reason
The Age of Reason
Thomas Paine
Classic work of political science. According to Wikipedia: "Thomas Paine (Thetford, England, 29 January 1737 - 8 June 1809, New York City, U.S.) was an English pamphleteer, revolutionary, radical, classical liberal, inventor and intellectual. He lived and worked in Britain until the age of 37, when he migrated to the American colonies just in time to take part in the American Revolution. His main contribution was as the author of the powerful, widely read pamphlet, Common Sense (1776), advocating independence for the American Colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and of The American Crisis, supporting the Revolution."
Manual of the Mother Church
Manual of the Mother Church
Mary Baker Eddy
According to Wikipedia: "Mary Baker Eddy (born Mary Morse Baker July 16, 1821 – December 3, 1910) was the founder of the Christian Science movement. Deeply religious, she advocated Christian Science as a spiritual practical solution to health and moral issues. She wrote Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, founded The First Church of Christ, Scientist of Boston in 1879, and several periodicals including The Christian Science Monitor. She took the name Mary Baker Glover from her first marriage and was also known as Mary Baker Glover Eddy or Mary Baker G. Eddy from her third marriage. She did much spiritual teaching, lecturing, and instantaneous healing. Her influence continues to grow through her writings."
Montcalm and Wolfe
Montcalm and Wolfe
Francis Parkman, Jr.
Classic work of history about the war between France and England for Canada. According to Wikipedia: "Francis Parkman (September 16, 1823 - November 8, 1893) was an American historian, best known as author of The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life and his monumental seven volume France and England in North America. These works are still valued as history and especially as literature, although the biases of his work have met with criticism. "
Homiles on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle of the Hebrews
Homiles on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle of the Hebrews
Saint John Chrysostom
According to Wikipedia: "Saint John Chrysostom (c. 347–407, Greek: Ιω?ννη? ο Χρυσ?στομο?), archbishop of Constantinople, was an important Early Church Father. He is known for his eloquence in preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities. After his death (or, according to some sources, during his life) he was given the Greek surname chrysostomos, meaning "golden mouthed", rendered in English as Chrysostom.
Summa Theologica: The sixth edition (considered the "definitive" edition)
Summa Theologica: The sixth edition (considered the "definitive" edition)
St. Thomas Aquinas
According to Wikipedia: "The Summa Theologica (or the Summa Theologiae or simply the Summa, written 1265-1274) is the most famous work of Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225-1274) although it was never finished. It was intended as a manual for beginners as a compilation of all of the main theological teachings of that time. It summarizes the reasonings for almost all points of Christian theology in the West, which, before the Protestant Reformation, subsisted solely in the Roman Catholic Church."
The Babylonian Talmud: All 20 volumes in a single file
The Babylonian Talmud: All 20 volumes in a single file
Isaac Wise
The Talmud, from the 1903 and 1918 editions of the translation by Michael Rodkinson, all 20 volumes. This edition is intended for modern readers. Rodkinson omitted sections where the debate becomes extremely obscure. He points out wherever he did so. The introduction, by Gustav Karpeles, is from the book "Jewish Literature and Other Essays".
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Edward Gibbon
The complete 6-volume work, which covers from the reign of Marcus Aurelius to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. According to Wikipedia: "Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794) was an English historian and Member of Parliament. His most important work, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, was published in six volumes between 1776 and 1788. The History is known principally for the quality and irony of its prose..."
Story of the War in South Africa 1899-1900
Story of the War in South Africa 1899-1900
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Classic work of history. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890."
A Short History of England
A Short History of England
G. K. Chesterton
History as seen by a famous novelist and essayist. The Introduction begins: "It will be very reasonably asked why I should consent, though upon a sort of challenge, to write even a popular essay in English history, who make no pretence to particular scholarship and am merely a member of the public. The answer is that I know just enough to know one thing: that a history from the standpoint of a member of the public has not been written. What we call the popular histories should rather be called the anti-popular histories. They are all, nearly without exception, written against the people; and in them the populace is either ignored or elaborately proved to have been wrong." According to Wikipedia: "Gilbert Keith Chesterton (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) was an influential English writer of the early 20th century. His prolific and diverse output included journalism, philosophy, poetry, biography, Christian apologetics, fantasy and detective fiction. Chesterton has been called the "prince of paradox." Time magazine, in a review of a biography of Chesterton, observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories—first carefully turning them inside out."
The Civilization of Renaissance in Italy
The Civilization of Renaissance in Italy
Jacob Burckhardt
Classic 19th century history book. According to Wikipedia: "Carl Jacob Christoph Burckhardt (May 25, 1818, Basel, Switzerland – August 8, 1897, Basel) was a historian of art and culture, and an influential figure in the historiography of each field. He is known as one of the major progenitors of cultural history, albeit in a form very different from how cultural history is conceived and studied in academia today. Siegfried Giedion described Burckhardt's achievement in the following terms: "The great discoverer of the age of the Renaissance, he first showed how a period should be treated in its entirety, with regard not only for its painting, sculpture and architecture, but for the social institutions of its daily life as well."Burckhardt's best known work is The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860).
History of the Britons
History of the Britons
According to Wikipedia: "Nennius was a Welsh monk of the 9th century. He has traditionally been attributed with the authorship of the Historia Brittonum, based on the prologue affixed to that work, This attribution is widely considered a secondary (10th century) tradition. Nennius was a student of Elvodugus, commonly identified with the bishop Elfodd who convinced British ecclesiastics to accept the Continental dating for Easter, and who died in 809 according to the Annales Cambriae. Nennius is believed to have lived in the area made up by present day Brecknockshire and Radnorshire counties in Powys, Wales. He lived outside the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, isolated by mountains in a rural society."
The Imitation of Christ
The Imitation of Christ
thomas a Kempis
According to Wikipedia: "The Imitation of Christ (Latin: De Imitatione Christi) by Thomas à Kempis is a Christian devotional book. It was first composed in Latin ca.1418-1427.[1][2] It is a handbook for spiritual life arising from the Devotio Moderna movement, where Kempis was a member.[3] The Imitation is perhaps the most widely read devotional work next to the Bible,[2][4] and is regarded as a devotional and religious classic
A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus, with the Encheiridion
A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus, with the Encheiridion
According to Wikipedia: "Epictetus (Ancient Greek: ?π?κτητο?; AD 55 – AD 135) was a Greek sage and Stoic philosopher. He was born a slave at Hierapolis, Phrygia (present day Pamukkale, Turkey), and lived in Rome until banishment when he went to Nicopolis in northwestern Greece where he lived the rest of his life. His teachings were noted down and published by his pupil Arrian in his Discourses."