

The Crossing Place: A Journey among the Armenians
The Crossing Place: A Journey among the Armenians
Philip Marsden
Philip Marsden is the author of The Bronski House, The Spirit-Wrestlers (winner of the Thomas Cook Travel Book of the Year Award), The Chains of Heaven, The Barefoot Emperor, The Levelling Sea and Rising Ground. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and his work has been translated into more than a dozen languages. He lives in Cornwall.
Land Rover: The Story of the Car that Conquered the World
Land Rover: The Story of the Car that Conquered the World
Ben Fogle
In 1973, Ben Fogle was collected from hospital in a Honda Acty camper van converted into an Animal Ambulance, complete with green flashing lights (he is not a dog). He learnt to drive in a Toyota Space Cruiser and his first car was a Nissan Micra because his father is obsessed with all things Japanese. Ben finally got his first Land Rover Defender in 2001. It was a short wheel base blue 90. In a moment of madness he traded it in for an American Jeep before coming to his senses and getting a silver short wheel base Land Rover. Marriage obligations necessitated a swap to the more luxurious Land Rover Discovery, before being seduced back to another short wheel base Land Rover Defender. He currently lives in London with the love of his life, a Land Rover Defender, and his mistress a Land Rover Series 1. Ben quite likes Land Rovers.
Forces of Nature
Forces of Nature
Professor Brian Cox,Andrew Cohen
Professor Brian Cox, OBE is a particle physicist, a Royal Society research fellow, and a professor at the University of Manchester as well as researcher on one of the most ambitious experiments on Earth, the ATLAS experiment on the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. He is best known to the public as a science broadcaster and presenter of the popular BBC Wonders trilogy. Andrew Cohen is Head of the BBC Science Unit and the Executive Producer of the BBC series Human Universe. He has been responsible for a wide range of science documentaries including Horizon, the Wonders trilogy and Stargazing Live. He lives in London with his wife and three children.
Down to the River and Up to the Trees: Discover the hidden nature on your doorst
Down to the River and Up to the Trees: Discover the hidden nature on your doorst
Sue Belfrage
Sue Belfrage lives in a cottage in rural Somerset with her husband and pet animals. A writer and artist, she draws inspiration from the land around her.
Keeping the Faith
Keeping the Faith
Fortune, Marie M.
Practical guide addresses issues of faith for battered women an invaluable resource for victims of domestic violence and the crisis centers that counsel them.
A Right Ambition (Text Only)
A Right Ambition (Text Only)
David Gower,Derek Hodgson
The origins of this book lie in its predecessor, Heroes and Contemporaries, published by my good friends at Collins in 1983. It was then felt that these present memoirs and observations would represent an interim collection of writings before I embark upon the story of my complete cricketing career.There is such intense interest in the lives and performances of public figures that one would need to be a recluse of hermit-like proclivity to avoid revealing personal details, opinions and beliefs. The trick is to try to satisfy that interest without leaving oneself entirely naked and I have not, as far as I know, committed myself in this book on race, religion, sex, politics or on the cricket correspondents of popular newspapers. A Right Ambition starts where every book on cricket should begin, with a small boy’s wish to wield a bat. It ends, like all good fairy stories, with that small boy having grown up to join an England team which won back the Ashes from Australia and with his joy and delight at having been able to play the game in so many wonderful places and to have made so many lasting friends.
John Williams
William Stoner tizenkilenc évesen beiratkozik a Missouri Egyetem agrártudományi karára. Kés?bb tanár lesz ugyanott. Rosszul n?sül. Csendes, észrevétlen életet él, és halála után ritkán jut eszébe kollégáinak. A Stoner univerzális érték? t?rténetet tár elénk: ?szintén, részvéttel, átható er?vel. Az ember konfliktusairól, kudarcairól és diadalairól mesél, a szürke hétk?znapokról, amelyeket nem szokott meg?r?kíteni a t?rténetírás. Az egyedi élet jelent?ségének állít emléket. Páratlan olvasmány, dicshimnusza az irodalom erejének, olyan regény, amelynek minden mondatát élvezni kell. John Williams (1922–1994) amerikai író, k?lt?. Denverben tanult, majd tanított irodalmat. F?bb m?vei: Nothing but the Night (1948), Butcher’s Crossing (1960), Stoner (1965) és az Augustus, amely 1973-ban megkapta a Nemzeti K?nyvdíjat. Magyarul ez az els? k?nyve.
100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families
100 Simple Secrets of Happy Families
Niven, David, PhD
The Simple Science of a Happy FamilyFrom raising children to getting along with in-laws, what do people with close and loving families do differently than those with strained or unfulfilling relationshipsSociologists, therapists, and psychiatrists have spent entire careers investigating the ins and outs of family dynamics, yet their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals to be shared with other experts. Now, David Niven, the international bestselling author of The 100 Simple Secret series has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on families and then spelled out the findings in plain English.The advice is based not on one person's unique experiences or opinions, but offers for the first time the research of noted scientists studying average American families. These findings have been boiled down to one hundred essential ways to find and maintain love, joy, and satisfaction in all family relationships. Each statistic is accompanied by a true story about a real family showing the results in action.Don't Forget the Past: Parents who share stories of family history with their children create higher levels of concern for family members and increase the likelihood of their children's happiness.No Price Tag: Once basic necessities are met, the increasing economic status of one's family has zero effect on the likelihood of feeling satisfied with life.Let Every Opinion Be Heard: Senior citizens having trouble living in their own homes are 84 percent more likely to be satisfied with their housing situation if they feel as if their concerns are an important part of selecting a new home or facility.The Greatest Gift: Life satisfaction is 72 percent more likely among those who feel content with their family life.
The Gospel According to Dogs
The Gospel According to Dogs
Short, Robert L.
Bestselling author of The Gospel According to Peanuts Robert Short reveals what man's best friend can teach us about life. Dogs do much more than just keep us company and give us love and attention they are models for how we can live better lives as humans. From humility and obedience to singleness of purpose and unconditional love, Short shows us how we can learn from the remarkable qualities of dogs. Using examples from more than forty classic comic strips, including Peanuts, Blondie, Family Circus, Luann, Mother Goose Grimm, Fred Basset, and more, as well as charming photographs of real dogs, The Gospel According to Dogs is a delight-fully entertaining book for dog lovers, comic enthusiasts, and anyone looking for reassuring wisdom for the good life.
100 Simple Secrets Why Dogs Make Us Happy
100 Simple Secrets Why Dogs Make Us Happy
Niven, David, PhD
Why do people who have dogs live happier, longer, and more fulfulling livesSociologists and veterinarians have spent years investigating the positive effects that dogs have on people's health and happiness yet their findings are inaccessible to ordinary people, hidden in obscure journals to be shared with other experts. Now the international bestselling author of the 100 Simple Secrets series has collected the most current and significant data from more than a thousand of the best scientific studies on the profound relationship between humans and our canine companions. These findings have been boiled down to the one hundred essential ways dogs positively impact our lives. Each fact is accompanied by a inspiring true story. If you love your dog, and science tells us that you do, this book will inspire and entertain. Communicate Better: It sounds odd to say a creature that communicates with barking and body language can have such a profound effect on human communication. But by providing a common point of reference and concern, dogs help us to feel a connection to other humans. That connection makes us feel more comfortable communicating with each other. When meeting a new person, the presence of a dog reduces the time before people feel comfortable while talking with each other by 45 percent. Live Longer: There is perhaps no better gift that dogs offer us humans than this simple fact. People who care for a dog live longer, healthier lives than those who do not. On average, people who cared for dogs during their lives lived 3 years longer than people who never had a dog. No Monkey Business: Primates are genetically more similar to humans than any other creature. But try to tell a chimpanzee something and you will be hard pressed to get your message across. Dogs are uniquely attuned to the messages we send. Dogs study humans and have evolved to build social skills that help them to function around us. Dogs are 52 percent more likely to follow human cues such as pointing toward a source of food than are primates. Around the Block: Good habits are often misunderstood as difficult or unpleasant chores. But there is tremendous value in the simple act of taking a walk. Walking not only burns calories, it also decreases stress. Having a dog means regularly talking walks it's something you do for your dog but in truth your dog is doing for you. Dog owners walk 79 percent farther in an average week than non–dog owners.
The Speed Trap
The Speed Trap
Bailey, Joseph
Between work, play, family, and friends, most of us feel like we're speeding along at 100 miles an hour. Our lives are full, yet we don't feel fulfilled. One solution is to slam on the brakes and adopt a radically simpler lifestyle. But, as psychologist Joe Bailey demonstrates in this essential guide, you don't have to give up everything to slow down your life. In over thirty-five captivating, instructive stories, Bailey shows just how easy it is to transform your way of thinking-and wave good-bye to aggravating bosses, rocky relationships, stress-induced illnesses, and other symptoms of life in the fast lane. You'll discover how to: Enjoy each moment and stop worrying about the past or the future Gain insight by trusting your instincts Increase your productivity and achieve success-without stress Disregard the negative emotions of people around you Attain a deep-rooted sense of fulfillment and inner contentment
A Letter of Consolation
A Letter of Consolation
Nouwen, Henri J. M.
Finding faith in a time of sorrow Beloved author Henri Nouwen reflects on the spiritual significance of death and life in this moving meditation dedicated to "all those who suffer the pain that death can bring and who search for new life."
Zen in the Art of Writing
Zen in the Art of Writing
Ray Bradbury
One of the greatest science fiction and fantasy writers of all time, Ray Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois, in 1920. He moved with his family to Los Angeles in 1934. Since his first story appeared in Weird Tales when he was twenty years old, he published some 500 short stories, novels, plays, scripts and poems. Among his many famous works are Fahrenheit 451, The Illustrated Man and The Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury died in 2012 at the age of 91.
My Dilemma is You. Vol. 1
My Dilemma is You. Vol. 1
Cristina Chiperi
My dilemma... este senzaia internetului i a librriilor, deopotriv. Cititorii i fanii au nnebunit complet: nimic altceva nu mai exist.“ – La RepubblicaCristina Evans triete la Los Angeles i crede c are o via perfect, pn n ziua n care prinii ei hotrsc s se mute la Miami. Totul se nruie pentru adolescenta de aisprezece ani, care se vede obligat s-i prseasc prietenii dintotdeauna i s ia totul de la capt ntr-un alt ora, la o alt coal. Dei Los Angeles-ul i cei mai buni prieteni de acolo rmn permanent n gndurile ei, Cristina reuete foarte repede s se acomodeze n noua cas i s se mprieteneasc cu civa dintre cei mai populari elevi ai liceului. Toi o primesc n cercul lor, mai puin Cameron i Susan, iubita lui, care o privesc amndoi cu ostilitate. i astfel, printre tot felul de ntmplri mai mult sau mai puin plcute, Cris reuete s-i fac o nou prieten, Sam, i se ndrgostete de Matt. Dei lucrurile par s mearg din ce n ce mai bine n viaa ei, iele inimii ajung s se ncurce tot mai mult cnd Cris i Cameron ncep s-i dea seama c antipatia pe care o simt unul fa de cellalt ascunde, n realitate, un sentiment complet diferit. Vor accepta oare cei doi tineri s priveasc n fa aceast descoperire i s lupte pentru a fi mpreun
Suge-o, Andrei! ?nc? o poveste semi-amuzant?
Suge-o, Andrei! ?nc? o poveste semi-amuzant?
Andrei Ciobanu
Continuarea bestsellerului 2015 Suge-o, Ramona! Singurul mod ?n care po?i s? afli dac? ai reu?it s? ui?i cu adev?rat o persoan? pe care c?ndva o iubeai cu toat? puterea ta este s? te ?nt?lne?ti cu ea, s-o prive?ti ?n ochi ?i s? nu-?i dore?ti s-o iei ?n bra?e. Abia dac? reu?e?ti lucrul ?sta po?i s? spui c? e?ti preg?tit s? treci mai departe. Mul?i dintre noi, dac? nu to?i, am avut o poveste de iubire care ne-a dat lumea peste cap ?i ne-a f?cut sufletul s? zburde de fericire ori s? urle de durere. O persoan? care ne-a b?ntuit g?ndurile ani ?ntregi ?i pe care cu greu am reu?it s? ne-o scoatem din suflet. O persoan? pe care am c?utat-o ?n fiecare rela?ie nou? ?i care ne-a l?sat cicatrici invizibile, dar ad?nci. ?ncerc?nd s-o uite pe Anemona, Andrei are tot felul de aventuri, unele amuzante, altele neobi?nuite. Dar, ?n realitate, el nu caut? pe altcineva. C?utarea lui este o c?utare de sine. ?i de fiecare dat? se reg?se?te ?n alt? persoan?, ?n mod diferit. O carte care te va face s? z?mbe?ti, s? r?zi ?n hohote, s? te g?nde?ti la propria rela?ie sau, pur ?i simplu, s? te miri ce mare-i gr?dina Domnului! Ca s? te conving c? merit? s? cite?ti aceast? carte, uite ni?te p?reri despre primul volum, Suge-o Ramona!: ?Cu greu pot s? m? adun dup? ?cartea? asta. Scris? ca o list? de cump?r?turi, are exact aceea?i ?n?elegere a sensurilor pe care o poate atinge pisica mea c?nd se holbeaz? proste?te pe geam.“ – Ana ?O carte demn? de toaleta public?, risip? de resurse ?i energie. Spun carte fiindc? are tr?s?turile fizice ale unei c?r?i. Con?inutul ei este ?ns? o simpl? degringolad?.“ – Wickle Tickle ?Vi s-a ?nt?mplat s? v? vin? s? vomita?i dup? ce citi?i un fragment dintr-o ?carte?? Mie nu (p?n? acum). Mi-am pierdut un minut din via?? citind asta... ?i acum ochii mei s?ngereaz?...“ – Ione Butterfly ?B?i, ce pot s? zic, mie mi s-a p?rut ok.“ – Andrei Ciobanu ?Deci asta faci tu la Bucure?ti? Au aflat vecinii c? ai scris o carte ?i m?-ntreab? cum se cheam?. Ce le spun? Apropo, vrei s?-?i trimit ni?te salat? de vinete?“ – Alfred, mama lui Andrei
?nainte s? te cunosc
?nainte s? te cunosc
Jojo Moyes
Lou Clark ?tie o mul?ime de lucruri. ?tie c??i pa?i sunt de la sta?ia de autobuz p?n? acas?. ?tie c? ?i place s? lucreze la ceain?ria The Buttered Bun ?i c? s-ar putea s? nu fie ?ndr?gostit? de iubitul ei, Patrick. Ceea ce Lou nu ?tie este c? e pe cale s?-?i piard? locul de munc? ?i c? via?a ei r?m?ne normal? doar pentru c? e, ?n esen??, previzibil?. Will Traynor ?tie c? accidentul de motociclet? pe care l-a suferit l-a f?cut s?-?i piard? dorin?a de a tr?i. ?tie c? totul i se pare acum insignifiant ?i lipsit de bucurie ?i ?tie totodat? ?i cum s? pun? cap?t acestei st?ri de lucruri. Ceea ce Will nu ?tie este c? Lou e pe cale s?-?i fac? apari?ia ?n lumea lui ?ntr-o explozie de culoare. ?i nici unul dintre ei nu ?tie c? urmeaz? s? schimbe destinul celuilalt pentru totdeauna. ?nainte s? te cunosc e o poveste de dragoste pentru genera?ia de azi, despre o iubire nea?teptat? ?ntre doi oameni care nu au nimic ?n comun. O carte romantic? ?i imprevizibil?, care ?i va provoca pe cititori s? se ?ntrebe ce e de f?cut atunci c?nd, de dragul celui pe care ?l iube?ti, trebuie s?-?i sacrifici propria fericire. ?O nara?iune ingenioas?, cu personaje ?nc?nt?toare. O poveste dulce-am?ruie despre dragoste ?i renun?are. O lectur? extraordinar?.“ – Daily Mail Carte v?ndut? ?n peste 6 milioane de exemplare
Shine On: Visions of Life
Shine On: Visions of Life
Betty Shine
Betty Shine was known worldwide for her powers as a medium and healer. She was the author of 11 bestselling books, including Mind Magic which was a Sunday Times No.1 bestseller. A former opera singer, she was a therapist for over 40 years and a healer and medium for 25 years. Her untimely death has left many fans bereft, and this book is a fitting tribute.
A Free Spirit
A Free Spirit
Betty Shine
Betty Shine is known worldwide for her powers as a medium and healer. She is the author of a number of bestselling books, including Mind Magic which was a Sunday Times No.1 bestseller. A former opera singer, she has been a therapist for over 40 years and a healer and medium for 25 years. She is a well-known television and radio personality and has been invited to lecture all over the world.
Target Tirpitz
Target Tirpitz
Patrick Bishop
A gripping account of the epic hunt for Hitler’s most terrifying battleship – the legendary Tirpitz – and the brave men who risked their lives to attack and destroy this most potent symbol of the Nazi’s fearsome war machine. Tirpitz was the pride of Hitler’s navy. To Churchill, she was ‘the Beast’, a menace to Britain’s supply lines and a threat to the convoys sustaining Stalin’s armies. Tirpitz was said to be unsinkable, impregnable –no other target attracted so much attention. In total 36 major Allied operations were launched against her, including desperately risky missions by human torpedoes and midget submarines and near-suicidal bombing raids. Yet Tirpitz stayed afloat. It was not until November 1944 that she was finally destroyed by RAF Lancaster Bombers flown by 617 Squadron – the Dambusters – in a gruelling mission that tested the very limits of human endurance. The man who led the raid – Willie Tait – was one of the most remarkable figures of the war, flying missions almost continuously right from the start. Until now his deeds have been virtually unknown. With exclusive co-operation from Tait’s family, Patrick Bishop reveals the extraordinary achievement of a man who shunned the spotlight but whose name will be renowned for generations to come. The book is a magnificent, accessibly written wartime adventure, perfect for fans of Ben Macintyre’s ‘Agent Zigzag’ or ‘Operation Mincemeat’.
The Fix
The Fix
Damian Thompson
Addictions to iphones, painkillers, cupcakes, alcohol and sex are taking over our lives. Our most casual daily habits can quickly become obsessions that move beyond our control. Damian Thompson, who has himself struggled with a range of addictions, argues that human desire is in the process of being reshaped. Shunning the concept of addiction as disease, he shows how manufacturers are producing substances like ipads, muffins and computer games that we learn to like too much and supplement tradition addictions to alcohol, drugs and gambling. He argues that addictive behaviour is becoming a substitute for family and work bonds that are being swept away by globalisation and urbanisation. This battle to control addiction will soon overshadow familiar ideological debates about how to run the economy, and as whole societies set about “fixing” themselves, the architecture of human relations will come under strain as never before. The Fix offers a truly frightening glimpse of the future and is essential reading for fans of Naomi Klein’s ‘No Logo’, Oliver James’s ‘Affluenza’ and Francis Wheen’s ‘How Mumbo-jumbo Conquered the World’.
Monarchy: From the Middle Ages to Modernity
Monarchy: From the Middle Ages to Modernity
David Starkey
To coincide with the Channel 4 series to be aired at the end of this year – David Starkey's ‘Monarchy’ charts the rise of the British monarchy from the War of the Roses, the English Civil War and the Georgians, right up until the present day monarchs of the 20th Century. David Starkey’s magisterial new book Monarchy charts the rise of the British crown from the insurgency of the War of the Roses, through the glory and dangers of the Tudors, to the insolvency of the Stuarts and chaos of the English Civil War, the execution of Charles I, the rule of a commoner who was ‘king in all but name’, the importing of a German dynasty, and the coming-to-terms with modernity under the wise guidance of another German, Victoria’s Prince Consort Albert. An epilogue brings to story up to the present and asks questions about the future. The crown of England is the oldest surviving political institution in Europe. And yet, throughout this book Starkey emphasises the Crown’s endless capacity to reinvent itself to circumstances and reshape national polity whilst he unmasks the personalities and achievements, the defeats and victories, which lie behind the kings and queens of British history. Each of these monarchs has contributed, in their own way, to the religion, geography, laws, language and government that we currently live with today. In this book,Starkey demonstrates exactly how these states were arrived at, how these monarchs subtly influenced each other, which battles were won and why, whose whim or failure caused religious tradition to wither or flourish, and which monarchs, through their acumen and strength or single minded determination came to enforce the laws of England. With his customary authority and verve, David Starkey reignites these personalities to produce an entertaining and masterful account of these figures whose many victories and failures are the building blocks upon which Britain today is built. Far more than a biography of kings and queens, ‘Monarchy’ is a radical reappraisal of British nationhood, culture and politics, shown through the most central institution in British life.