

You've GOT to Read This Book!
You've GOT to Read This Book!
Canfield, Jack
There's nothing better than a book you can't put down or better yet, a book you'll never forget. This book puts the power of transformational reading into your hands. Jack Canfield, cocreator of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and self-actualization pioneer Gay Hendricks have invited notable people to share personal stories of books that changed their lives. What book shaped their outlook and habitsHelped them navigate rough seasSpurred them to satisfaction and successThe contributors include Dave Barry, Stephen Covey, Malachy McCourt, Jacquelyn Mitchard, Mark Victor Hansen, John Gray, Christiane Northrup, Bernie Siegel, Craig Newmark, Michael E. Gerber, Lou Holtz, and Pat Williams, to name just a few. Their richly varied stories are poignant, energizing, and entertaining.Author and actor Malachy McCourt tells how a tattered biography of Gandhi, stumbled on in his youth, offered a shining example of true humility and planted the seeds that would help support his sobriety decades later. Bestselling author and physician Bernie Siegel, M.D., tells how William Saroyan's The Human Comedy helped him realize that, in order to successfully treat his patients with life-threatening illnesses, "I had to help them live not just prevent them from dying."Actress Catherine Oxenberg reveals how, at a life crossroads and struggling with bulimia, a book taught her the transforming difference one person could make in the life of another and why that person for her was Richard Burton.Rafe Esquith, the award-winning teacher whose inner-city students have performed Shakespeare all over the world, recounts his deep self-doubt in the midst of his success and how reading To Kill a Mockingbird strengthened him to continue teaching.Beloved librarian and bestselling author Nancy Pearl writes how, at age ten, Robert Heinlein's science fiction book Space Cadet impressed on her the meaning of personal integrity and gave her a vision of world peace she'd never imagined possible. Two years later, she marched in her first civil rights demonstration and learned that there's always a way to make "a small contribution to intergalactic harmony."If you're looking for insight and illumination or simply for that next great book to read You've Got to Read This Book! has treasures in store for you.
Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World
Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World
Spong, John Shelby
For two hundred years, scholars have been analyzing one of the most important books ever written the Bible and overturning much of what we once thought we knew. Everyday Christians, however, are not privy to this deeper conversation. It is for these people that renowned bishop and author John Shelby Spong presents Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World, a book designed to take readers into the contemporary academic debate about the Bible.A definitive voice for progressive Christianity, Spong frees readers from a literal view of the Bible. He opens the possibility that some of the characters in the New Testament are imaginary composites or even literary creations such as Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus; Judas Iscariot; Nicodemus; the Samaritan woman by the well; and Lazarus who was raised from the dead. He presents the Bible as an ever-changing and always growing story. He demonstrates that it is possible to be both a deeply committed Christian and an informed twenty-first-century citizen.In this thorough, substantive guide, Spong explores the origin and essential meaning of each of the individual books in the Bible, examining the background, the context, the level of authenticity and even the trustworthiness of the messages found there. He explains why these particular books, written between two and three thousand years ago, came to be regarded as authoritative and preserved as sacred; he traces the pathway that biblical religion has traveled as it evolved through the centuries, and he shows how people have misused many of these texts in the service of their prejudices.Reaching far beyond the familiar Sunday-school stories that have provided the content of most people’s biblical knowledge, Spong’s journey into the heart of the Bible is his attempt to call his readers into their own journeys into the mystery of God. One does not,” he asserts, have to twist one’s brain into a first-century pretzel in order to take the Bible seriously in this increasingly non-religious world.”
The New Basics
The New Basics
Cohen, Michel, M.D.
Dr. Michel Cohen, named by the New York Post as the hip, "must-have" pediatrician, has an important message for parents: Don't worry so much. In an easy-reference alphabetical format, The New Basics clearly lays out the concerns you may face as aparent and explains how to solve them -- without fuss, without stress, and without harming your child by using unnecessary medicines or interventions.With sensitivity and love, Dr. Michel describes proven techniques for keeping your children healthy and happy without driving yourself crazy. He will show you how to set positive habits for sleeping and eating and how to treat ailments early and effectively. You'll learn when antibiotics are helpful and when they can be harmful. If you're having trouble breast feeding, pumping, or bottle weaning, Dr. Michel has the advice to set you back on track. If after several months your baby is still not sleeping through the night, The New Basics will provide you with tried-and-true methods to help ease this difficult transition for babies and parents.Dr. Michel recognizes that you're probably asking the same questions his own patients' parents frequently ask, so he includes a section called "Real Questions from Real Parents" throughout the book. You'll find important answers about treating asthma, head injuries, fevers, stomach bugs, colic, earaches, and other ailments. More than just a book on how to care for your child's physical well-being, The New Basics also covers such parenting challenges as biting, hitting, ADD, separation anxiety, how to prevent the terrible twos (and threes and fours ...), and preparing your child for a new sibling.
Harper Perennial
Harper Perennial
Zinsser, William
On Writing Well has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity and the warmth of its style. It is a book for everybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get through the day, as almost everybody does in the age of e-mail and the Internet. Whether you want to write about people or places, science and technology, business, sports, the arts or about yourself in the increasingly popular memoir genre, On Writing Well offers you fundamental priciples as well as the insights of a distinguished writer and teacher. With more than a million copies sole, this volume has stood the test of time and remains a valuable resource for writers and would-be writers.
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
Fountain, Ben
A finalist for the National Book Award! A ferocious firefight with Iraqi insurgents at the battle of Al-Ansakar Canal three minutes and forty-three seconds of intense warfare caught on tape by an embedded Fox News crew has transformed the eight surviving men of Bravo Squad into America most sought-after heroes. For the past two weeks, the Bush administration has sent them on a media-intensive nationwide Victory Tour to reinvigorate public support for the war. Now, on this chilly and rainy Thanksgiving, the Bravos are guests of America Team, the Dallas Cowboys, slated to be part of the halftime show alongside the superstar pop group Destiny's Child. Among the Bravos is the Silver Star winning hero of Al-Ansakar Canal, Specialist William Lynn, a nineteen-year-old Texas native. Amid clamoring patriots sporting flag pins on their lapels and Support Our Troops bumper stickers on their cars, the Bravos are thrust into the company of the Cowboys' hard-nosed businessman/owner and his coterie of wealthy colleagues; a luscious born-again Cowboys cheerleader; a veteran Hollywood producer; and supersized pro players eager for a vicarious taste of war. Among these faces Billy sees those of his family his worried sisters and broken father and Shroom, the philosophical sergeant who opened Billy mind and died in his arms at Al-Ansakar. Over the course of this day, Billy will begin to understand difficult truths about himself, his country, his struggling family, and his brothers-in-arms soldiers both dead and alive. In the final few hours before returning to Iraq, Billy will drink and brawl, yearn for home and mourn those missing, face a heart-wrenching decision, and discover pure love and a bitter wisdom far beyond his years. Poignant, riotously funny, and exquisitely heartbreaking, Billy Lynn Long Halftime Walk is a devastating portrait of our time, a searing and powerful novel that cements Ben Fountain reputation as one of the finest writers of his generation.
That's Not What I Meant!
That's Not What I Meant!
Tannen, Deborah
At home, on the job, in a personal relationship, it's often not what you say but how you say it that counts.Deborah Tannen revolutionized our thinking about relationships between women and men in her #1 bestseller You Just Don't Understand. In That's Not What I Meant!, the internationally renowned sociolinguist and expert on communication demonstrates how our conversational signals voice level, pitch and intonation, rhythm and timing, even the simple turns of phrase we choose are powerful factors in the success or failure of any relationship. Regional speech characteristics, ethnic and class backgrounds, age, and individual personality all contribute to diverse conversational styles that can lead to frustration and misplaced blame if ignored but provide tools to improve relationships if they are understood.At once eye-opening, astute, and vastly entertaining, Tannen's classic work on interpersonal communication will help you to hear what isn't said and to recognize how your personal conversational style meshes or clashes with others. It will give you a new understanding of communication that will enable you to make the adjustments that can save a conversation . . . or a relationship.
The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse
The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse
Ford, Debbie
Now, in her most practical and pre*ive book to date, bestselling author Debbie Ford delivers a three-part process that empowers us to let go of toxic thoughts and destructive behaviors and discover the deep peace that resides within. The first 7 days are a life-changing release of everything from the past that depletes our vitality and holds us back. When we purge these old emotions like hardened grief, bitter resentments, deadening regrets, and outdated beliefs we begin to feel a new passion for life. During the next 7 days, standing in the present, Ford has us take an honest look at where and who we are today. We'll observe everything and notice what is and what is not working. Standing firmly inside the present moment, we realize our own strength and the ability to respond to the calling of our soul. The final week brings the most exhilarating transformation as we look into the future and discover who we want to be from this day forward.The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse carries us on an incredible personal journey that will open our eyes to all that we are and all that we desire to be. We transform our consciousness and unlock purpose, meaning, and passion in our life.
Live Like a Hot Chick
Live Like a Hot Chick
Lipper, Jodi
You are a hot chick; Now start living like one!Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent are back to give you the savvy self-assurance you need to find the perfect balance between work and play. You are a Hot Chick (an empowered, confident woman) who deserves every juicy bit of goodness that life has to offer. Lipper and Vincent help you conquer insecurities and replace them with a positive body image, balanced diet, and smart exercise plan; teach you how to be powerful and feminine (at work) no matter what you do for a living; inspire you to let your hair down and kick up your four-inch heels by creating a heyday that is daring, bold, and unforgettable; and, finally, how to balance it all. Live Like a Hot Chick will motivate you to go out there and get the absolute best that life has to offer, which is exactly what a Hot Chick like you deserves.
Toward a Meaningful Life, New Edition
Toward a Meaningful Life, New Edition
Jacobson, Simon
With a new foreword and chapter that address the upheaval that followed the events of September 11, Toward a Meaningful Life is a spiritual road map for living based on the teachings of one of the foremost religious leaders of our time: Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Head of the Lubavitcher movement for forty-four years and recognized throughout the world simply as "the Rebbe," Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who passed away in June 1994, was a sage and visionary of the highest order.Toward a Meaningful Life gives Jews and non-Jews alike fresh perspectives on every aspect of their lives -- from birth to death, youth to old age; marriage, love, intimacy, and family; the persistent issues of career, health, pain, and suffering; and education, faith, science, and government. We learn to bridge the divisions between accelerated technology and decelerated morality, between unprecedented worldwide unity and unparalleled personal disunity.At the threshold of a new world where matter and spirit converge, the Rebbe proposes spiritual principles that unite people as opposed to the materialism that divides them. In doing so, he continues to lead us toward personal and universal redemption, a meaningful life, and God.
The Law of Divine Compensation
The Law of Divine Compensation
Williamson, Marianne
Unleash the Divine Power of Abundance Author, activist, and spiritual leader Marianne Williamson is often considered one of the defining voices for a new generation of spiritual seekers.Spirituality and Health Williamson focuses on what defines meaningful work and how our jobs can be an extension of our spirituality. As she teaches . . . the sense of endless possibility to reshape our lives unfolds.Huffington Post The Law of Divine Compensation assures us that everything will be all right since the universe is set up to work for us. . . . We are challenged to believe that miracles do happen and what is lacking can become abundant.Spirituality and Practice
Bad Childhood---Good Life
Bad Childhood---Good Life
Schlessinger, Dr. Laura
In her most important book yet, Dr. Laura Schlessinger shows men and women that they can have a Good Life no matter how Bad their Childhood was.For each of us, there is a connection between our early family dynamics and experiences and our current attitudes and decisions. Many of the people Dr. Laura has helped did not realize how their histories impacted their adult lives, or how their choices in people, repetitive situations, and decisions -- even their emotional reactions -- were connected to those early negative experiences, playing a major role in their current unhappiness. Dr. Laura will help you realize that no matter what circumstances you came from or currently live in, you are ultimately responsible for how you react to them. The acceptance of this basic truth is the source of your power to secure the Good Life you long for. In her signature straightforward style, with real-life examples, Dr. Laura shows you what you will gain by not being satisfied with an identity as a victim, or even as a survivor -- you should strive to be a victor! In Bad Childhood -- Good Life, Dr. Laura will guide you to accept the truth of the assaults on your psyche and soul, understand your unique coping style and how it impacts your daily thoughts and actions, and help you embrace a life of more peace and happiness.
Children Are from Heaven
Children Are from Heaven
Gray, John
This brilliantly original and practical system for parenting children is the brainchild of John Gray, whose Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus books and seminars have helped millions of adults communicate more effectively and lovingly with each other. Based on this idea that children respond better to positive rather than negative reinforcement, the Children Are from Heaven program concentrates on rewarding, not punishing, children and fostering their innate desire to please their parents.Central to this approach are the five positive messages your children need to learn again and again:It's okay to be different.It's okay to make mistakes.It's okay to express negative emotions.It's okay to want more.It's okay to say no, but remember Mom and Dad are the bosses.
The Good Divorce
The Good Divorce
Ahrons, Constance
It's never too late to have a good divorce Based on two decades of groundbreaking research, The Good Divorce presents the surprising finding that in more than fifty percent of divorces couples end their marriages, yet preserve their families. Dr. Ahrons shows couples how they can move beyond the confusing, even terrifying early stages of breakup and learn to deal with the transition from a nuclear to a "binuclear" family--one that spans two households and continues to meet the needs of children. The Good Divorce makes an important contribution to the ongoing "family values" debate by dispelling the myth that divorce inevitability leaves emotionally troubles children in its wake. It is a powerful tonic for the millions of divorcing and long-divorces parents who are tired of hearing only the damage reports. It will make us change the way we think about divorce and the way we divorce, reconfirming our commitment to children and families.
Easy To Love, Difficult To Discipline
Easy To Love, Difficult To Discipline
Bailey, Becky A.
The 7 Basic Skills for Turning Conflict into Cooperation. Have you ever opened your mouth to discipline your child, and your parents' nastiest words tumble outIn an era when most parenting books focus on the child, this book supports parents in dealing more positively with themselves as well as their toddler to school age children, offering specific tools to stop policing and pleading with kids and start being the parents we want to be. Based on Dr. Bailey's more than 25 years of work with children, this book explains that how we discipline ourselves is ultimately how we discipline our children. Her "Seven Powers for Self–Control" dramatically increase our ability to keep our cool with our children. These correspond to "Seven Basic Discipline Skills" we can use with our children in conflict situations. As children internalise these skills, they naturally learn "Seven Values for Living," which include integrity, respect, compassion, and responsibility.
When a Parent Has Cancer
When a Parent Has Cancer
Harpham, Wendy S., M.D.
At some point in our lives, many of us will face the crisis of an unexpected illness. For parents, the fear, anxiety and confusion resulting from a cancer diagnosis can be particularly devastating. When A Parent Has Cancer is a book for families written from the heart of experience. A mother, physician, and cancer survivor, Dr Wendy Harpham offers clear, direct, and sympathetic advice for parents challenged with the task of raising normal, healthy children while they struggle with a potentially life threatening disease. Dr Harpham lays the groundwork of her book with specific plans for helping children through the upheaval of a parent's diagnosis and treatment, remission and recovery, and if necessary, confronting the possibility of death. She emphasises the importance of being honest with children about the gravity of the illness, while assuring them that their basic needs will always be met. Included is Becky and the Worry Cup, an illustrated children's book that tells the story of a seven year old girl's experiences with her mother's cancer.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Luskin, Frederic
Based on scientific research, this groundbreaking study from the frontiers of psychology and medicine offers startling new insight into the healing powers and medical benefits of forgiveness. Through vivid examples (including his work with victims from both sides of Northern Ireland's civil war), Dr. Fred Luskin offers a proven nine-step forgiveness method that makes it possible to move beyond being a victim to a life of improved health and contentment.
You Can't Lie to Me
You Can't Lie to Me
Driver, Janine
What if you could increase your salary by 15 percent, kick problems and worries to the curb, and get a better night's rest simply by learning how to detect a lie the moment it starts (or even before)What if you had an easy-to-use test that tipped you off the instant someone held something back from youAn innate lie detector so powerful it becomes an unconscious skill, applicable with any person, in any situation, to help you act fast before what began as an innocent white lie suddenly takes hold of you, your paycheck, or your happinessNo machine built to date has proven more effective than a well-trained human lie detector, says world-renowned body language expert Janine Driver, a former federal law enforcement investigator who has trained agents at the ATF, CIA, and FBI. Today, Driver teaches people like you to supercharge your internal BS Barometer quickly and accurately so you can protect yourself from liars and manipulators. You Can't Lie to Me will change the way you look at job applicants, coworkers, dates, salespeople, money managers anyone from whom you want and deserve the truth while simultaneously strengthening and deepening your relationships with your siblings, children, friends, and lovers. Driver distills nearly two decades of behind-the-scenes knowledge, cutting-edge science, and relatable case studies into a simple, powerful five-step program.Whether it's with your teenager, spouse, mechanic, or fellow board member, and whether you are communicating face-to-face or through phone calls, e-mails, texts, Facebook posts, or handwritten notes, you will have all the tools and confidence you need to spot deception. More important, you will recognize the truth as you build the caring, authentic connections that make life worth living.In You Can't Lie to Me learn how to perfect your inner lie detector ( BS Barometer) and ban liars from your life, so you can feel more confident and create stronger, more trusting relationships. Lie detection expert Janine Driver delivers a step-by-step, foolproof program to:outsmart disloyal coworkers and beat them to theplum promotions protect your children from predators and guard agingloved ones and their nest eggs from unscrupulous con artists hire honest employees whose resumes and experienceyou can trust say yes to honest partners and avoid lying cheaters Get your boss's attention with these little tips save thousands of dollars each year using rich people's #1 trick
A Time to Grieve
A Time to Grieve
Staudacher, Carol
A collection of truly comforting, down-to-earth thoughts and meditations -- including the authentic voices of survivors -- for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one.
The Porn Trap
The Porn Trap
Maltz, Wendy
Breaking the silence, removing the shame In this highly acclaimed recovery guide, renowned sex and relationship therapists Wendy and Larry Maltz shed new light on the compelling nature and destructive power of today's instantly available pornography. Weaving together poignant real-life stories with innovative exercises, checklists, and expert advice, this groundbreaking resource provides a comprehensive program for understanding and healing porn addiction and other serious consequences of porn use. The Porn Trap will help you to: Decide whether it's time to quit using porn Learn how to stop using porn and deal with cravings Improve self-esteem and personal integrity Heal an intimate relationship harmed by porn use Develop a healthy sex life'
The Zimzum of Love
The Zimzum of Love
Bell, Rob
There is a mysterious, indescribable, complex exchange that can happen in the space between you and your partner. You find each other. Your centers of gravity expand as your lives become more and more entwined. You create space for this other person to thrive while they're doing the same for you. This creates a flow of energy in the space between you. This energy field is at the heart of marriage. It flows in the space between you, space that exists nowhere else in the universe. You can become more familiar with how this energy field works. You can develop language between you to identify what's happening in the space between you. You can sharpen your abilities to assess it. You can act in certain ways to increase the flow. You can identify what's blocking the flow, and then you can overcome those barriers. Years into your marriage, you can continue to intensify this energetic flow between you.It is risky to give yourself to another. There are no guarantees, and there are lots of ways for it to fall apart and break your heart. But the upside is infinite. from The Zimzum of LoveNew York Times bestselling author Rob Bell and his wife, Kristen Bell, explore a whole new way of understanding our most intimate and powerful relationship: marriage. The concepts behind The Zimzum of Love open ways for us to transform and deepen how we love.
Hanh, Thich Nhat
One of the world's most beloved teachers and Zen masters shares a profound, concise, and practical guide to understanding and developing our most powerful inner resource silence to help us find happiness, purpose, and peace.We spend a lot of our lives searching for happiness, running from one thing to another, worrying about the past and being anxious about the future. All the while the world around us is overflowing with the wonder and contentment we seek. This beauty calls to us every day, yet we rarely are in the position to listen. If we don't have silence in ourselves, if our minds and our bodies are full of noise, we can't hear beauty's call.In Silence, Thich Nhat Hanh guides us on a path to cultivate the calm within ourselves and experience the profound power of quiet amid our noisy everyday lives.The gift of silence doesn't require hours upon hours of solitary meditation or an existing practice of any kind. With mindfulness comes the stillness we need to come home to ourselves and discover who we are and what we truly want.Combining powerful stories, timeless wisdom, and simple mindfulness techniques, Thich Nhat Hanh shows us that silence is at the heart of the happiness we seek.