

It's All in Your Head
It's All in Your Head
Pollan, Stephen M.
Here are the simple truths that motivate people of any age to find and accept lasting happiness, illustrated with the stories of real people, and illuminated with the observations of spiritual leaders and great philosophers. For more than three decades, attorney, financial consultant, and life coach Stephen M. Pollan has been advising clients and readers on the business of living everything from home buying and employment contracts to marriage and parenting. He has taught his clients and readers to Die Broke (use assets rather than build up an estate), to stage Second Acts (reinvent their lives), and, most recently, to Fire Your Boss (take charge of their own work lives).Throughout these books, Pollan stresses that attitudes as well as actions are essential to success. Indeed, over the years he realized that the happiest and most successful people he'd met were also those who were the most energetic and exuberant, regardless of their age. By noting these attributes and incorporating them in his own life, Pollan came to understand that our attitudes are not just one element of succeeding at the business of living, they are in fact the foundation of leading a happy life. Attitude is everything.Those attitudes most essential to our deepest satisfaction and happiness reflect what our spiritual leaders and philosophers from every major tradition have taught us. We don't have to look to external forces to validate us and give us self-worth. We already have within us all we need to find fulfillment and lead happy, satisfying lives lives without regrets. To finally be happy we need to accept responsibility for our own happiness. When we know the secrets are already inside us, all we have to do is start living them. With this book, we can begin now.
Mothers' Miracles
Mothers' Miracles
Miller, Jamie
The authors of Christmas Miracles deliver true stories that show just how enduring a mother's remarkable love can be.
The Magic Of Christmas Miracles
The Magic Of Christmas Miracles
Miller, Jamie
Last holiday season, Christmas Miracles touched the hearts of thousands with its inspiring true stories of real people and their miraculous encounters. With The Magic of Christmas Miracles we have a second collection of amazing true stories of people whose lives were forever changed by small, yet wondrous, Yuletide events. Among them are:The Red Cap: Santa leaves behind a calling card to convince a doubting child.Epiphany: A walk in the woods with an angel gives a lonely woman new hope.Lost at Sea: Two racing yachtsmen put aside rivalry in a dramatic Christmas Day rescue in the Indian Ocean.Fly Away Home: A private plane carrying an unconscious pilot lands safely in an empty field.. . . and many more to brighten the spirit. The Magic of Christmas Miracles will uplift readers' hearts for this and many future holiday seasons.
Men of Honour: Trafalgar and the Making of the English Hero
Men of Honour: Trafalgar and the Making of the English Hero
Adam Nicolson
The Battle of Trafalgar can claim to be one of the most known of the great human events. In Men of Honour, Adam Nicolson takes one of the greatest identifiable heroes in British history, Horatio Nelson, and examines the broader themes of heroism, violence and virtue. Trafalgar gripped the nineteenth century imagination like no other battle: it was a moment of both transcendent fulfilment and unmatched despair. It was a drama of such violence and sacrifice that the concept of total war may be argued to start from there. It finished the global ambitions of a European tyrant but culminated in the death of Admiral Horatio Nelson, the greatest hero of the era. This book fuses the immediate intensity of the battle with the deeper currents that were running at the time. It has a three-part framework: the long, slow six hour morning before the battle; the afternoon itself of terror, death and destruction; and the shocked, exultant and sobered aftermath, which finds its climax at Nelson's funeral in a snowy London the following January. Adam Nicolson examines the concept of heroes and heroism, both then and now, using Nelson as one of the greatest examples. A man of complexity and contradiction, he was a supreme administrator of ships and men; overflowing with humanity, charm and love but also capable of astonishing ruthlessness and ferocity. Nelson's own courage, vanity, ruthlessness and sweetness made him one of the great identifiable heroes of English history. In Men of Honour, Adam Nicolson also traces the stories of many unknown people of the day. He tackles the grand theme of heroism; the move from the age of reason to the age of romanticism; and examines a battle that was not only a uniquely well-documented crisis in human affairs but also a lens on its own time. Adam Nicolson does not approach Trafalgar as a military historian. His book gives a wonderfully immediate recreation of both the battle itself and its aftermath in a rich, concrete and intellectually engaging style.
Te las s? pleci
Te las s? pleci
Clare Mackintosh
Totul s-a petrecut at?t de repede. Oare n-ar fi putut face nimic ca s? ?mpiedice dezastrul? ?ntr-o frac?iune de secund?, existen?a Jennei Gray se transform? ?n co?mar. Singura ei speran?? de a dep??i momentul este s? se ?ndep?rteze de tot ce-i este familiar ?i s-o ia de la cap?t. Cu o nevoie disperat? de a se elibera, Jenna se refugiaz? ?ntr-o c?su?? uitat? de lume pe coastele ??rii Galilor, dar continu? s? fie b?ntuit? de temerile ei, de durere ?i de aminti?rile unei nop?i cumplite de noiembrie care i-a schimbat via?a pentru totdeauna. Pas cu pas, Jenna ?ntrez?re?te o ?ans? la fericire ?n viitorul ei. Dar trecutul o ajunge din urm? ?i consecin?ele pot fi devastatoare… “Terifiant, captivant ?i sensibil, Te las s? pleci este un roman scris cu m?iestrie, iar intriga e demen?ial?.“ - Paula Hawkins, autoarea bestsellerului Fata din tren “Un debut senza?ional… o inten?sitate uimitoare care te prinde ?i nu-?i mai d? drumul. R?sturn?ri de situa?ie care-?i taie r?suflarea.“ - Daily Mail “Extraordinar!“ - The Independent “O carte cum n-a?i mai citit.“ - S.J. Watson, autorul bestsellerurilor ?nainte s? adorm ?i Second Life “Povestea e foarte conving?toare, mai ales c? autoarea a fost ofi?er de poli?ie. Cu un debut at?t de bun ca acesta, ce au pierdut for?ele de ordine a c??tigat literatura poli?ist?.“ - Sunday Mirror Te las s? pleci a ?nregistrat ?n 2015 cele mai rapide v?nz?ri pentru un autor debutant. A fost selectat pentru Richard ?i Judy Book Club ?i a ob?inut votul publicului pentru cel mai bun roman ?n selec?ia 2015.
Am uitat s? fim ferici?i
Am uitat s? fim ferici?i
Liane Moriarty
Imagineaz???i c? ai uitat cei mai importan?i zece ani din via?a ta. De la autoarea bestsellerurilor Secretul so?ului ?i Marile minciuni nevinovate C?nd se treze?te ?ntins? pe podeaua s?lii de gimnastic?, dup? o puternic? lovitur? la cap, Alice Love crede c? este ?nc? o t?n?r? de dou??zeci ?i nou? de ani, dornic? de distrac?ii, aflat? la ?nceput de drum al?turi de un so? minunat ?i ?ns?rcinat? cu primul lor copil. ?ns? descoper? cu uimire c? lovitura la cap i?a ?ters ultimii zece ani din memorie ?i c? acum este o femeie de treizeci ?i nou? de ani, cu trei copii ?i un b?rbat care o ur??te. Cum e posibil ca via?a ei s? se fi schimbat at?t de dramatic? ?i de ce nu??i aminte?te nimic? Alice nu se mai recunoa?te ?i nici nu?i place persoana ?n care s?a transformat. Trebuie s? decid? dac? pierderea memoriei este un blestem sau o bine?cuv?ntare ?i cum s? o ia de la cap?t. "O comedie romantic?, amuzant? ?i provocatoare, scris? cu un fin sim? al observa?iei." - Marie Claire "O poveste dulce?am?ruie scris? de o autoare talentat?." - Women's Weekly "Stilul lui Moriarty este minunat: uneori nostim, alteori trist, dar mereu irezistibil." - Good Housekeeping
Mara Dyer. Transformarea
Mara Dyer. Transformarea
Michelle Hodkin
Volumul al doilea din seria MARA DYER Adev?rul despre abilit??ile periculoase ?i misterioase ale Marei Dyer continu? s? ias? la iveal?!Mara Dyer a crezut c? poate fugi de trecut.Dar nu poate.A crezut c? problemele sunt doar ?n mintea ei.Dar nu sunt.Nu-?i imagina c?, dup? tot ce s-a ?nt?mplat, b?iatul pe care-l iube?te ?nc? ascunde ni?te secrete.S-a ?n?elat.Povestea ei merge mai departe, iar alegerile pe care va trebui s? le fac? sunt teribil de grele. Spre ce se ?ndreapt? Mara Dyer de data aceasta?"Ca ?i ?n prima carte a seriei,Mara Dyer. ?nceputul, cititorii se vor ?ndoi de s?n?tatea mintal? a Marei, vor tinde s? aib? ?ncredere ?n psihologi ?i s? pun? sub semnul ?ntreb?rii bunele inten?ii ale lui Noah. Iar deznod?m?ntul va fi cu at?t mai nea?teptat." – Booklist"Plin? de suspans, romantic? ?i cu o atmosfer? ce alterneaz? ?ntre vis ?i realitate, Mara Dyer. Transformarea e o poveste zguduitoare." - School Library Journal"Scena din finalul romanului e sur?prinz?toare – solu?ioneaz? unele enigme ?i anun?? un al treilea volum la fel de captivant." - Kirkus Reviews"Seria Mara Dyer ?i va ?nc?nta deopotriv? pe iubitorii de intrigi poli?iste, pe fanii genului fantasy dark, pe cei c?rora le plac romanele de groaz? ?i pe cititorii care au o sl?biciune pentru romance." - VOYA
Liberty’s Exiles: The Loss of America and the Remaking of the British Empire.
Liberty’s Exiles: The Loss of America and the Remaking of the British Empire.
Maya Jasanoff
From the author of ‘Edge of Empire’ comes a fascinating, thought-provoking and alternative history of the American Revolution – that of those Americans who remained loyal to the British Empire. George Washington's triumphant entrance into New York City in 1783 marked the end of the American Revolution; the British were gone, the patriots were back and a key moment inscribed itself in the annals of the emerging United States. Territorial independence had effectively begun. Although widely perceived as a struggle between nations, the reality of the American Revolution is a strikingly different one. This was a war in which Britons fought Britons and Americans fought Americans. It was also one in which hundreds of thousands of American Loyalists, from Georgia to Maine, took Britain's side. And, when George Washington arrived in New York on that November day, they were forced to face up to a very tough situation; would they be free? Would they be safe? Would they retain their property and their jobs? Would they have to leave? As many as 200,000 American Loyalists left the United States. They lost their homes and their possessions and had little choice but to build new lives elsewhere in the British Empire. In ‘The Imperial Exile’, Maya Jasanoff examines the story of the Loyalist refugees, focusing on the life of one woman - Elizabeth Johnston - and her family, who reconstructed their lives in four different imperial settings: St Augustine, Edinburgh, Jamaica and Nova Scotia. Their movements speak eloquently of a larger history of exile, mobility and the shaping of the British Empire in the wake of the American War. A rich, compelling and untold history.
The Great British Tuck Shop
The Great British Tuck Shop
Steve Berry,Phil Norman
The ultimate book of sweetie nostalgia! AS SEEN ON THIS MORNING A colourful, witty and irreverent encyclopedia of all the sweets and crisps of your youth. From Mojos to Rainbow Drops, Space Raiders to Trios, Corona to Kia Ora and everything in between. Fully illustrated with hundreds of wrappers, ads and specially recreated packshots this book will lead you down memory lane until you reach the corner shop, load up a 10p mix up bag and rot your teeth on the contents. The authors have been given access to the archives, factories and warehouses of some of the leading sweet and snack manufacturers in the country and have delivered a book that is packed full of fascinating historical research… … and lots and lots of sweets. WITH A FOREWORD BY JONATHAN ROSS.
Wildlife of Southern Africa (Traveller’s Guide)
Wildlife of Southern Africa (Traveller’s Guide)
David Hosking,Martin Withers
The perfect companion for the safari enthusiast, this complete traveller’s guide to the wildlife of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Malawi is a must-have for all those considering a trip to the game reserves of this highly popular region. Written and illustrated by wildlife experts who have been leading safaris in the region for over 20 years, and featuring over 400 species of bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian and insect, this informative guide makes the perfect companion for all those considering a trip to the game reserves of southern Africa. Each species is illustrated with a full-colour photograph and features a full species de*ion. Key information on wildlife photography is also included, such as the best type of camera, film and lenses to use, along with information on techniques and codes of conduct.
Laughing Allegra
Laughing Allegra
Ford, Anne
When Anne Ford, great-granddaughter of Henry Ford, learned that her four-year-old daughter Allegra’s “differences” were the result of severe learning disabilities, she faced a challenge that neither money nor position could ease. Desperate for answers, Anne sought out doctors, teachers, counselors, and others who could help her build a support network for herself and her daughter, while fighting the many common misconceptions and myths about learning disabilities. Now, in this fiercely honest and compelling memoir, Anne tells her story, writing movingly of her feelings as the mother of a learning disabled child. “I grew to accept that life is filled with uncertainty and that answers to the most simple, yet profound, questions such as ‘What is wrong with my daughter?’ can be elusive. I learned to be self-reliant in ways I never had before. I learned that every spark of optimism and hope was something to be nurtured and treasured because sometimes they were the only comfort available. And I learned that worry had entered my life.” In time, Anne Ford saw her daughter grow into a vibrant, loving, and independent adult with a passion for ice skating and a commitment to help other disabled children. Allegra Ford, now 32, lives independently and supported this book’s publication so “it could help other kids.” Anne’s experience led her to become a tireless activist on behalf of children and families faced with LD, including her service as Chairman of the Board of the National Center for Learning Disabilities from 1989 to 2001, and the writing of this book with John-Richard Thompson, an award-winning playwright and novelist. In addition to Anne’s personal story, Laughing Allegra includes four invaluable special sections: ?Answers to the most commonly asked questions about LD ?A resource guide on where to find help ?A discussion from a mother’s perspective on the challenges of homework, money, relationships, the work- place, and planning as the LD child and parents age ?A section on “Siblings and Secrets,” new in this paperback edition, inspired by Anne’s conversations with readers during her hardcover book tour.
On Their Own
On Their Own
Ford, Anne
An indispensable guide to the special challenges faced by parents of learning-disabled children as they enter adulthood, by the author of Laughing Allegra, a leading activist and parent of an adult child with LD.In 2003 Anne Ford (great-granddaughter of Henry Ford) published Laughing Allegra, about the struggles of raising her learning-disabled daughter, and received a flood of letters from parents of children with LD, ADD, and ADHD, many expressing concerns about what to do as their children age.On Their Own is an invaluable road map to ease these parents' fears and answer their questions, especially the one that haunts them daily: Will or can their child be on their own, and howIn a candid, sympathetic style, laced with real-life stories, the book covers such topics as: Social skills and dating Staying healthy Sibling relationships Interaction with employers and co-workers Job hunting Finding the right college or trade school Estate planning Also included are a comprehensive resource guide and exclusive interviews with prominent professionals who have surmounted their learning disabilities: CEO's Sir Richard Branson, John Chambers, David Neeleman, and Charles Schwab, and former governor Gaston Caperton.
You've GOT to Read This Book!
You've GOT to Read This Book!
Canfield, Jack
There's nothing better than a book you can't put down or better yet, a book you'll never forget. This book puts the power of transformational reading into your hands. Jack Canfield, cocreator of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and self-actualization pioneer Gay Hendricks have invited notable people to share personal stories of books that changed their lives. What book shaped their outlook and habitsHelped them navigate rough seasSpurred them to satisfaction and successThe contributors include Dave Barry, Stephen Covey, Malachy McCourt, Jacquelyn Mitchard, Mark Victor Hansen, John Gray, Christiane Northrup, Bernie Siegel, Craig Newmark, Michael E. Gerber, Lou Holtz, and Pat Williams, to name just a few. Their richly varied stories are poignant, energizing, and entertaining.Author and actor Malachy McCourt tells how a tattered biography of Gandhi, stumbled on in his youth, offered a shining example of true humility and planted the seeds that would help support his sobriety decades later. Bestselling author and physician Bernie Siegel, M.D., tells how William Saroyan's The Human Comedy helped him realize that, in order to successfully treat his patients with life-threatening illnesses, "I had to help them live not just prevent them from dying."Actress Catherine Oxenberg reveals how, at a life crossroads and struggling with bulimia, a book taught her the transforming difference one person could make in the life of another and why that person for her was Richard Burton.Rafe Esquith, the award-winning teacher whose inner-city students have performed Shakespeare all over the world, recounts his deep self-doubt in the midst of his success and how reading To Kill a Mockingbird strengthened him to continue teaching.Beloved librarian and bestselling author Nancy Pearl writes how, at age ten, Robert Heinlein's science fiction book Space Cadet impressed on her the meaning of personal integrity and gave her a vision of world peace she'd never imagined possible. Two years later, she marched in her first civil rights demonstration and learned that there's always a way to make "a small contribution to intergalactic harmony."If you're looking for insight and illumination or simply for that next great book to read You've Got to Read This Book! has treasures in store for you.
Anam Cara
Anam Cara
O'Donohue, John
Discover the Celtic Circle of Belonging John O'Donohue, poet, philosopher, and scholar, guides you through the spiritual landscape of the Irish imagination. In Anam Cara, Gaelic for "soul friend," the ancient teachings, stories, and blessings of Celtic wisdom provide such profound insights on the universal themes of friendship, solitude, love, and death as: Light is generous The human heart is never completely born Love as ancient recognition The body is the angel of the soul Solitude is luminous Beauty likes neglected places The passionate heart never ages To benatural is to be holy Silence is the sister of the divine Death as an invitation to freedom
When Children Grieve
When Children Grieve
James, John W.
To watch a child grieve and not know what to do is a profoundly difficult experience for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Yet, there are guidelines for helping children develop a lifelong, healthy response to loss.In When Children Grieve, the authors offer a cutting-edge volume to free children from the false idea of "not feeling bad" and to empower them with positive, effective methods of dealing with loss.There are many life experiences that can produce feelings of grief in a child, from the death of a relative or a divorce in the family to more everyday experiences such as moving to a new neighborhood or losing a prized possession. No matter the reason or degree of severity, if a child you love is grieving, the guidelines examined in this thoughtful book can make a difference.
Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World
Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World
Spong, John Shelby
For two hundred years, scholars have been analyzing one of the most important books ever written the Bible and overturning much of what we once thought we knew. Everyday Christians, however, are not privy to this deeper conversation. It is for these people that renowned bishop and author John Shelby Spong presents Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World, a book designed to take readers into the contemporary academic debate about the Bible.A definitive voice for progressive Christianity, Spong frees readers from a literal view of the Bible. He opens the possibility that some of the characters in the New Testament are imaginary composites or even literary creations such as Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus; Judas Iscariot; Nicodemus; the Samaritan woman by the well; and Lazarus who was raised from the dead. He presents the Bible as an ever-changing and always growing story. He demonstrates that it is possible to be both a deeply committed Christian and an informed twenty-first-century citizen.In this thorough, substantive guide, Spong explores the origin and essential meaning of each of the individual books in the Bible, examining the background, the context, the level of authenticity and even the trustworthiness of the messages found there. He explains why these particular books, written between two and three thousand years ago, came to be regarded as authoritative and preserved as sacred; he traces the pathway that biblical religion has traveled as it evolved through the centuries, and he shows how people have misused many of these texts in the service of their prejudices.Reaching far beyond the familiar Sunday-school stories that have provided the content of most people’s biblical knowledge, Spong’s journey into the heart of the Bible is his attempt to call his readers into their own journeys into the mystery of God. One does not,” he asserts, have to twist one’s brain into a first-century pretzel in order to take the Bible seriously in this increasingly non-religious world.”
The Rabbi and the Hit Man
The Rabbi and the Hit Man
Magida, Arthur J.
A fascinating true-crime narrative about the first rabbi ever accused of murder and what the case says about the role of clergy in America.On the evening of November 1, 1994, Rabbi Fred Neulander returned home to find his wife, Carol, facedown on the living room floor, blood everywhere. He called for help, but it was too late. Two trials and eight years later, the founder of the largest reform synagogue in southern New Jersey became the first rabbi ever convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison.In a gripping examination of the misuses of the pulpit and the self-delusions of power, Arthur J. Magida paints a devastating portrait of a manipulative man who used his position of trust in the temple to attract several mistresses -- and to befriend a lonely recovering alcoholic, whom he convinced to kill his wife "for the good of Israel."The Rabbi and the Hit Man straddles the juncture of faith and trust, and confronts issues of sex, narcissism, arrogance, and adultery. It is the definitive account of a charismatic clergyman who paid the ultimate price for ignoring his own words of wisdom: "We live at any moment with our total past ... What we do will stay with us forever."
You'll See It When You Believe It
You'll See It When You Believe It
Dyer, Wayne W.
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, psychotherapist, lecturer, and world'famous author of the phenomenal bestseller, Your Erroneous Zones, now takes us to new plateaus of selfawareness in his most powerful book yet. You'll See It When You Believe It will show you how, by tapping the truly amazing power that lies within you, you can direct the course of your own destiny. Using examples from his own highly successful experiences, Wayne Dyer will convince you that, with his proven techniques, you can make your most impossible dreams come true. Believe that you have the power to: Make your life anything you wish it to be; Set real goals and achieve them; Turn obstacles into opportunities; Rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil; Develop a strong inner confidence; Dramatically improve relationships; Choose a life of abundance; Spend every day doing the things you love to do.
The New Basics
The New Basics
Cohen, Michel, M.D.
Dr. Michel Cohen, named by the New York Post as the hip, "must-have" pediatrician, has an important message for parents: Don't worry so much. In an easy-reference alphabetical format, The New Basics clearly lays out the concerns you may face as aparent and explains how to solve them -- without fuss, without stress, and without harming your child by using unnecessary medicines or interventions.With sensitivity and love, Dr. Michel describes proven techniques for keeping your children healthy and happy without driving yourself crazy. He will show you how to set positive habits for sleeping and eating and how to treat ailments early and effectively. You'll learn when antibiotics are helpful and when they can be harmful. If you're having trouble breast feeding, pumping, or bottle weaning, Dr. Michel has the advice to set you back on track. If after several months your baby is still not sleeping through the night, The New Basics will provide you with tried-and-true methods to help ease this difficult transition for babies and parents.Dr. Michel recognizes that you're probably asking the same questions his own patients' parents frequently ask, so he includes a section called "Real Questions from Real Parents" throughout the book. You'll find important answers about treating asthma, head injuries, fevers, stomach bugs, colic, earaches, and other ailments. More than just a book on how to care for your child's physical well-being, The New Basics also covers such parenting challenges as biting, hitting, ADD, separation anxiety, how to prevent the terrible twos (and threes and fours ...), and preparing your child for a new sibling.
Teach Your Children Well
Teach Your Children Well
Levine, Madeline, PhD
Psychologist Madeline Levine brings together cutting-edge research and thirty years of clinical experience to explode once and for all the myth that good grades, high test scores, and college acceptances should define the parenting endgame.Parents, educators, and the media wring their hands about the plight of America's children and teens soaring rates of emotional problems, limited coping skills, disengagement from learning and yet there are ways to reverse these disheartening trends. Teach Your Children Well acknowledges that every parent wants successful children. However, until we are clearer about our core values and the parenting choices that are most likely to lead to authentic, and not superficial, success, we will continue to raise exhausted, externally driven, impaired children who believe they are only as good as their last performance. Real success is always an inside job, argues Levine, and is measured not by today's report card but by the people our children become fifteen or twenty years down the line.Refusing to be diverted by manufactured controversies such as "tiger moms versus coddling moms," Levine confronts the real issues behind the way we push some of our kids to the breaking point while dismissing the talents and interests of many others. She shows us how to shift our focus from the excesses of hyperparenting and the unhealthy reliance on our children for status and meaning to a parenting style that concentrates on both enabling academic success as well as developing a sense of purpose, well-being, connection, and meaning in our children's lives.Teach Your Children Well is a call to action. And while it takes courage to make the changes we believe in, the time has come, says Levine, to return our overwrought families to a healthier and saner version of themselves.
Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita
Schweig, Graham M.
The Bhagavad Gita is often regarded as the Bible of India. With a gripping story and deeply compelling message, it is unquestionably one of the most popular sacred texts of Asia and, along with the Bible and the Qur'an, one of the most important holy *ures in the world. Part of an ancient Hindu epic poem, the dialogue of the Bhagavad Gita takes place on a battlefield, where a war for the possession of a North Indian kingdom is about to ensue between two noble families related by blood. The epic's hero, young Prince Arjuna, is torn between his duty as a warrior and his revulsion at the thought of his brothers and cousins killing each other over control of the realm. Frozen by this ethical dilemma, he debates the big questions of life and death with the supreme Hindu deity Krishna, cleverly disguised as his charioteer. By the end of the story, Eastern beliefs about mortality and reincarnation, the vision and practice of yoga, the Indian social order and its responsibilities, family loyalty, spiritual knowledge, and the loftiest pursuits of the human heart are explored in depth. Explaining the very purpose of life and existence, this classic has stood the test of twenty-three centuries. It is presented here in a thoroughly accurate, illuminating, and beautiful translation that is sure to become the standard for our day.