

Sketches Sartorial, Tonsorial and the Like
Sketches Sartorial, Tonsorial and the Like
St Claire Bullock
St Claire Bullock - a Professor of Philosophy, no less - in the intervals between pondering the great questions of life, turned his hand to penning light verse in the manner of Hilaire Belloc, Ogden Nash and Edward Lear. In rhyming couplets these wry and witty poems ponder the foibles and vanities of mortals. Some of these are captured in pen and ink drawings which caricature the subject of the poems. Each character is given an amusing name, beginning with Master Cecil Abercorn, through Clarence Castle, Serena Huff, The Marchioness of Mal de Mer, Major Houghton Reid and Thomas Tinkham Tattersall to Roland Washburn White. There are 70 poems in all of which 10 are illustrated. The illustration on the front cover relates to Rupert Ashe: 'The greatest pride of Rupert Ashe was his luxuriant moustache. He took great care to keep it groomed, And even, with restraint, perfumed. He brushed it upward every day, and it made such a grand display, that people who were not the wiser, imagined that he was the Kaiser.'
B?iatul care a furat calul lui Attila
B?iatul care a furat calul lui Attila
Ivan Repila
Volumul de fa?? din seria Eminescu, poem cu poem ne dezva?? de toate vechile obiceiuri de interpretare care au prezentat ?n limbaj de lemn poeziile eminesciene. Alex. ?tef?nescu ne face din nou cuno?tin??, de data aceasta ?n cuvinte simple ?i idei proaspete, cu unele dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii din literatura rom?n?. Analiza sa cuprinde observa?ii fresh ?i referin?e culturale pe gustul elevilor, tinerilor ?i iubitorilor de literatur? care (re)descoper? ast?zi crea?ia eminescian?.
They Don't Teach You How to Get Rich at School
They Don't Teach You How to Get Rich at School
Maya Laura, Laura Maya
They Don't Teach You How to Get Rich at School
Apnea No More: Easy Ways Out Of Sleep Apnea
Apnea No More: Easy Ways Out Of Sleep Apnea
Trevor Hawkins
Apnea No More: Easy Ways Out Of Sleep Apnea
Fundamentals Of Kids Soccer Training
Fundamentals Of Kids Soccer Training
Gerard Janeway
Fundamentals Of Kids Soccer Training
Engineering & Raising Children Who Succeed!
Engineering & Raising Children Who Succeed!
Suzzie Santos
Engineering & Raising Children Who Succeed!
Complete Works of William Hope Hodgson
Complete Works of William Hope Hodgson
William Hope Hodgson
Complete Works of William Hope Hodgson
Delphi Collected Works of Johan Ludvig Runeberg (Illustrated)
Delphi Collected Works of Johan Ludvig Runeberg (Illustrated)
Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Delphi Collected Works of Johan Ludvig Runeberg (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of John Singer Sargent (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of John Singer Sargent (Illustrated)
John Singer Sargent
Delphi Complete Works of John Singer Sargent (Illustrated)
Complete Works of Demosthenes (Delphi Classics)
Complete Works of Demosthenes (Delphi Classics)
Demosthenes Demosthenes
Complete Works of Demosthenes (Delphi Classics)
Instant Profits Guide to Instagram Success
Instant Profits Guide to Instagram Success
Hillary Scholl
Instant Profits Guide to Instagram Success
E-commerce for Beginners: How to Start Successful E-commerce Business
E-commerce for Beginners: How to Start Successful E-commerce Business
Juha Öörni
E-commerce for Beginners: How to Start Successful E-commerce Business
Chenguang Li
How to touch the sky for the first time.This is an erotic short story about first time love that clocks in at 1589 words. This story, Jazmin, is very naughty and potentially shocking. We can't say too much. But, here is a sentence or two to sample: I arrived to the capital on a business trip and decided to visit my friend Javier with whom I studied at the university and whom I had not seen for 5 years. When he arrived home that night, he met his 30-year-old wife Jazmin.....
Will The Real Albert Speer Please Stand Up?:The Many Faces of Hitler’s Architect
Will The Real Albert Speer Please Stand Up?:The Many Faces of Hitler’s Architect
Geetanjali Mukherjee
He presented many faces to the world, but which one was genuine? Over the years Albert Speer has been given several titles – ‘the good Nazi’, ‘Hitler’s architect’, ‘future Reichchancellor’, and even ‘the only penitent defendant at Nuremberg’. There is no doubt that there are many faces to Albert Speer: he was a man who had far greater power during the war than any other aside from Hitler, and was widely believed to succeed Hitler; his tremendous powers of organization raised German production to its peak at a time when resources were at an all-time low; and it was expected by all, including himself, that he would receive the death sentence like the other Nazi leaders, instead escaping the noose with only twenty years. In light of his extended involvement in the Nazi party, both as Hitler’s architect and the Minister for Armaments, and his contributions to the illegal war waged by the regime, the question naturally arises: did Speer receive adequate punishment? Did the verdict reflect the perception that Speer was somehow ‘less culpable’ than the other defendants, or did he mastermind his defence in a way that reduced his sentence? The events leading up to the Nuremberg trial, and the trial itself, provides clues to answering these questions: what can we learn about the personality of Speer from the evidence available, and why does it matter?
Waking the Lion:Inside Writing (1984 to 2017)
Waking the Lion:Inside Writing (1984 to 2017)
Mark Antony Rossi
American futurist poet and playwright Mark Antony Rossi has selected essays, notes and interviews from the past thirty three years of writing covering poetry, short fiction and drama. A short book of instruction and discovery meant to help fellow writers.
Elon Musk: Moving the World One Technology at a Time
Elon Musk: Moving the World One Technology at a Time
JR MacGregor
Put aside what you read on the web about Elon Musk. There is a significant amount more to him than just his genius and his accomplishments. This book lays out the life that he had before arriving in the United States and looks at the boy inside who set a path for himself, and literally went through the fires of hell before getting the opportunities that he wished for.He did not fall into wealth and he did not work his way up the corporate ladder, Elon made every bit of his life that you see today. Some of the stories that you find in this book will shock and awe you and change the way you look at your own challenges. From arriving in a new country with just a few bucks and not knowing anyone, to working in farms and cleaning up after barn animals, to working in the fires of a toxic furnace. Read about the man that is about to make this planet a safer place to live. Elon Musk is an inspiration for a generation because he represents many of the values that define today's Millennials and Generation X. From PayPal to Tesla, the driving force that built these icons of the imagination was the desire to make the world a better place for everyone – it was never about the money. This book gives you a deeper look and analysis of a man that defies the traditional mold of industrialist, entrepreneur, and achiever.? Don't wait any longer! Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to learn more about this technology mogul!
Tales from the Riverside
Tales from the Riverside
Larry Landgraf
Tales from the Riverside tells true and unique stories about one man’s struggle with alligators, snakes, killer bees, and hordes of nasty critters on a daily basis in his swamp. Experience the danger without the need for professional medical services. Life in a swamp is not for everyone.
101 poeme
101 poeme
Lazu Lidia
Prin u?ile l?sate vrai?teDe cei ce nu se mai ?ntorcPrin pere?ii pe care i?i zg?riar?ViseleD? buzna glasul mul?imiiCare se zbateDeja prins? ?ntre fireleIscusitei urzeli a paianjenilorPoliticiThrough the wide-open doorsBy those who never returnThrough the walls on which they’d scratchedTheir dreamsThe voice barges through from a crowdWhich is strugglingAlreadz trappedIn the skillfullz/woven webOf the spiders of politics
O precizie cu adev?rat ?nsp?im?nt?toare
O precizie cu adev?rat ?nsp?im?nt?toare
Virgil Mazilescu
Nu cred c trebuie s interpretm altfel referirile lui Clinescu la vechimea poporului romn dect ca o proiecie mitic a unor date istorice i, mai ales, a unor intuiii i ambiii personale. Dar chiar i aa, aceste idei meritau s fie formulate i ncarnate n imagini, aceste pagini meritau s fie scrise, fie i numai pentru clipele de reverie istoric i de mobilizare afectiv pe care ni le produc, pentru ficiunile verosimile pe care ni le propun cu atta trie i n care suntem liberi s credem cu propria noastr trie ca ntr-un alt posibil destin.“ – Mircea Martin
Poemul de diminea??
Poemul de diminea??
Lazu Ion
Sonete n-ai s? sco?i b?t?nd pe taste?i complet?nd trei strofe ?i jumateCu vorbe-plevi, cu furca adunatePe aria rom?nei limbi prea vaste;Nu-?i ies nici cu ?epu?a pus?-n coaste,Nici cu-nghiontiri ?n prip?, pe la spate,Cum nu aduni senten?e, pe-nserateDin tigva celor ce-au tr?it la Oaste...C? ies din taste doar voroave proasteS?-mproa?te broa?te din b?ltoace-opace,Cum in?i peltici ?i babe prost?nace?ngaim? t?lcuri, cum c? via?a iaste...Nu ies sonetele lovind ?n clape.Sub ele Inefabilul nu-ncape.
Radio ?n z?pad?
Radio ?n z?pad?
Adrian G. Romila
uneori moartea vinedac? lumea arde multe lum?n?ri,dar muribunda astanu pricepe,nu vrea ca inima s?-i crape ?nc? ?ise tot pune pe partea st?ng?ca s-o lini?teasc?,?i url? c?t poate:?sunt vie! de ce pleca?i?“