

44 Months in Jasenovac
44 Months in Jasenovac
Egon Berger
44 Months in Jasenovac
Plotting the Short Story
Plotting the Short Story
Seymour Cunningham Chunn
Plotting the Short Story
Reason Why Advertising: With Intensive Advertising
Reason Why Advertising: With Intensive Advertising
John E. Kennedy
Reason Why Advertising: With Intensive Advertising
Resurrection Bay
Resurrection Bay
Shusterman, Neal
From New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman comes a thrilling, spine-tingling 32-page original short story that's perfect for fans of Unwind and UnWholly.Bones. They know the call of the ice.Anika knows the call of the ice, too. Living in an isolated port town in Alaska with her father and younger brother, Anika is practically steps away from the Harding Icefield, and Exit Glacier has always been her favorite place.But after a couple tragically dies there, Exit Glacier seems to come alive and begins moving toward the town with unnatural speed. Anika feels deep in her bones that the ice wants something. . . .After the glacier finally stops in the town's cemetery, Anika and her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Rav, face a sinister truth: The soul of the glacier is looking for bodies to inhabit . . . and where better to find them than the graveyard?This fast-paced, eerie short story is a deft blend of suspense and horror that will leave readers breathless . . . and chilled to the bone.Epic Reads Impulse is a digital imprint with new releases each month.
The Guard
The Guard
Cass, Kiera
Before America Singer met Prince Maxon . . .Before she entered the Selection . . .She was in love with a boy named Aspen Leger.Don't miss this digital original novella set in the captivating world of Kiera Cass's #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series. This brand new 64-page story begins just after the group of Selected girls is narrowed down to the Elite and is told from Aspen's point of view. The Guard also features a teaser to The One, the thrilling third novel in the Selection series.Epic Reads Impulse is a digital imprint with new releases each month.
Comentarios reales de los Incas
Comentarios reales de los Incas
Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Comentarios reales de los Incas
99 Perseverance Success Stories: Encouragement for Success in Every Walk of Life
99 Perseverance Success Stories: Encouragement for Success in Every Walk of Life
Michal Stawicki, Jeannie Ingraham
99 Perseverance Success Stories: Encouragement for Success in Every Walk of Life
Frumuse?i monstruoase
Frumuse?i monstruoase
Marina Neagu
Dup? treisprezece ani de la prima apari?ie, m?-ntreb unde-a ajuns oare Drumul furnicilor? Strada pe care plou?-ntotdeauna ?i-o fi luat un new look? Josefina, musca dintre ferestre, cum se adapteaz? la termopane? La baie apa continu? s? curg? zi ?i noapte ca un fluviu particular? Colacul de s?rm? ploioas? s-o fi dezr?sucit de tot, l?s?nd moartea pe dinafar?? Vreun paparazzi o fi ob?inut vreo poz? a p?s?rii din pod pe care nimeni n-a z?rit-o? Nu m?-ntreba?i pe mine, eu n-am f?cut altceva dec?t s? bat la ma?in? litere unele dup? altele. Tot ce ?tiu este c? ?i dup? treisprezece ani norii ?i be?ele de chibrit r?m?n cele mai frumoase lucruri de pe lume. (Constantin Ab?lu??, decembrie 2010)
Tragedy Of Pompey The Great - Life, a beauty chased by tragic laughter.
Tragedy Of Pompey The Great - Life, a beauty chased by tragic laughter.
John Masefield
John Edward Masefield was born in 1878 in the sleepy market town of Ledbury in rural Hertfordshire. An idyllic childhood was ruined when he was left an orphan and sent to live with an Aunt who decided his education and life would be better spent at sea. At age 13 he boarded a school ship and there his love of writing and reading blossomed. By 1899 he began to publish and apart from brief service during World War I he now had a life of writing and lecture tours. He published much; novels, poetry and even an account of the disastrous war effort in the Dardanelles at Gallipoli. Upon the death of Robert Bridges in 1930, Masefield was given the prestigious position of Poet Laureate, a role he would fulfill until his death; the only poet to hold the position for a longer period was Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Despite later ill health and the death of his wife in 1960, Masefield continued to write. In 1966, he published his last book of poems, In Glad Thanksgiving, at the age of 88. In the latter part of 1966 gangrene was diagnosed in his ankle. This gradually spread through his leg and claimed his life on May 12, 1967. He was cremated and his ashes placed in the Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey. Here we present The Tragedy Of Pompey The Great.
Faithful - Life, a beauty chased by tragic laughter.
Faithful - Life, a beauty chased by tragic laughter.
John Masefield
John Edward Masefield was born in 1878 in the sleepy market town of Ledbury in rural Hertfordshire. An idyllic childhood was ruined when he was left an orphan and sent to live with an Aunt who decided his education and life would be better spent at sea. At age 13 he boarded a school ship and there his love of writing and reading blossomed. By 1899 he began to publish and apart from brief service during World War I he now had a life of writing and lecture tours. He published much; novels, poetry and even an account of the disastrous war effort in the Dardanelles at Gallipoli. Upon the death of Robert Bridges in 1930, Masefield was given the prestigious position of Poet Laureate, a role he would fulfill until his death; the only poet to hold the position for a longer period was Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Despite later ill health and the death of his wife in 1960, Masefield continued to write. In 1966, he published his last book of poems, In Glad Thanksgiving, at the age of 88. In the latter part of 1966 gangrene was diagnosed in his ankle. This gradually spread through his leg and claimed his life on May 12, 1967. He was cremated and his ashes placed in the Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey. Here we present The Faithful.
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie
„În 1964, ca parte dintr-un proiect de istorie oral? despre via?a ?i cariera lui John F. Kennedy, mama mea a intrat într-un dialog cu Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. pentru a-?i împ?rt??i amintirile ?i percep?ia asupra lucrurilor. Înregistrate la mai pu?in de patru luni dup? moartea so?ului ei, aceste conversa?ii reprezint? un dar f?cut istoriei... Sper c? tinerele genera?ii care încep s? afle mai multe despre anii 1960 vor considera aceste rememor?ri o introducere util? în modul în care se face istoria ?i vor g?si în ele inspira?ia de a oferi ceva acestei ??ri care ne-a oferit tuturor atât de multe.“
Mite. B?l?uca
Mite. B?l?uca
Lovinescu E.
Alexandru Sf?rlea arat? ?ntr-o recent? recenzie a versiunii tip?rite a c?r?ii 101 poeme: ?[...] S? mai spun c? unii ?i al?ii s-au ?inspirat? din texte ale lui Vasile Poenaru pentru a-?i etala ?prospe?imile? propriilor crea?ii, ?n vreme ce acest excelent poet st?tea ?pitit? sub obrocul impasibilit??ii ?i ignor?rii tenace a criticilor?Pentru c?, ?n via?a noastr? literar?, am ajuns s? cred c? asemenea practici sunt uzitate cu... sistem?, ca s? zic a?a, pentru ca lipsi?ii de har ?i inspira?ie, proteja?ii ?i coteri?tii s?-?i ?edifice? constructele de chirpici lingvistic, cu o jalnic? ?i penibil? non?alan??, cu un tupeu de-a dreptul incalificabil!Se vorbe?te cu asiduitate ?n presa literar? despre c?r?i ale unor a?a-zi?i nou?zeci?ti sau dou?mii?ti lipsite de semnifica?ii, sens ?i substan?ialitate poetic? ?i care pur ?i simplu bat apa-n piu? ?i nu spun nimic dec?t, poate, celor ce nu vor s? aud? nimic, adul?nd – ?ntr-un nefericit paradox – nevolniciile , nonsensurile ?i vacuitatea, ?n timp ce sunt ignorate cu cerbicie c?r?i valoroase ale unor autentici poe?i, precum Vasile Poenaru. Iat? , ?nc? un elocvent fragment poenaristic: ?Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ Cu p?inea mea de poezie sub bra?,/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ ?i m? ardeau de foame ochii min?ii/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ Tot forfoteau p?rerile sub pietre/ Din loc ?n loc o balt? de adverbe/ Ca p?s?rile clocotitor ardeau/ Spre vie?i izvor?toare-n alte trupuri/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea??/ ?i nu se mai cr?pa odat’ de ziu? / ?i m? ardeau de foame ochii min?ii/ ?i-am ?nceput s?-mi rod ?nt?i din unghii/ Apoi din os din inim? din creier/ Mergeam pe str?zi de lung? diminea?? (...)? (R?sfirare). Sau, ?nc?, ni?te versuri de-a dreptul subversive – s? nu uit?m c? volumul din care citez a ap?rut ?n 1984 – care, poate c? fie ?i numai acestea, ar fi trebuit s?-i r?m?n? precum o aur? de zv?cnire iconoclast?, de nu protestatar?, poetului Vasile Poenaru: ?(...) Ora?ul ?n care m-ai ademenit/ E o sonat? a mor?ii/ ?n care doar miezul vie?ii trozne?te,/ Toat? noaptea am s? ard de frig ?n avanscen?/ C-un dirijor mai lent ca o statuie (...)??n fine, ce pot s? mai spun dec?t c? – ?n acest areal literar rom?nesc care seam?n? izbitor cu cel politicesc – poetul Vasile Poenaru este un mare nedrept??it, pe care cititorii one?ti, dac? ar ajunge, sau ar vrea s? ?i citeasc? volumele de poezie, l-ar pre?ui la adev?rata sa valoare...“
Prin? ?i cer?etor
Prin? ?i cer?etor
Twain Mark
Unul dintre volumele de v?rf ale scriitorului german, ?n traducerea romancierului Nicolae Breban.
Amintiri din copil?rie
Amintiri din copil?rie
Creangă Ion
n ce msur literele romne, viaa cultural din ar, au fost nfluenate de ara lui Goethe i Hegel n atenia cercettorului se afl, n special, cultura romneasc a secolului al XIX-lea. Nu sunt, nici pe departe, trecute cu vederea timpurile noastre. Cartea – scris ntr-un stil alert, viu, cu o fraz exact i melodioas, avnd luciul sabiei de Damasc – e destinat studenilor, elevilor, profesorilor, precum i publicului larg de cititori.
Cartea junglei
Cartea junglei
Kipling Rudyard
Celebrul, iubitul ?i controversatul profesor de filozofie Ion Petrovici a avut o via?? fracturat?. ?ntr-o vreme, a urcat p?n? pe Everestul performan?ei ?i al recunoa?terii publice, de unde, atunci c?nd istoria s-a virusat de o ideologie apocaliptic?, s-a pr?bu?it direct ?n groapa Marianelor – b?ntuit? de tot felul de silnicii ?i nes?buin?e. Mult? vreme s-a am?git cu ?n?elesul m?ng?ietor al filosofiei (De consolation philosophie), a?a cum i-l h?r?zise cei vechi, dar s-a ?i ?nfiorat de mizeriile ei, atunci c?nd a v?zut-o dec?zut? ?n condi?ia de surogat ideologic. Oare trebuia, dup? ce-a privit lumea prin sp?rtura pe?terii lui Platon, s-o p?ndeasc? ?i din spatele gratiilor ?i-a z?voarelor trase? Vremurile noi, r?scolnice, l-au g?sit total nepreg?tit. Glasul s?u, obi?nuit s? peroreze ?n aule universitare, ?n Camer?, ?n Academie, ?n cadrul unor fastuase reuniuni interna?ionale a fost, pentru multe decenii, obligat la t?cere. […] Paginile memorialistice reproduse de noi ?n aceast? carte reprezint? doar o diviziune (cap. VIII) dintr-o lucrare mai elaborat? ?i necunoscut?. Nu ?tim unde se g?sesc restul paginilor, dar n?d?jduim c? de?in?torul lor s? g?seasc? o formula de punere ?n circula?ie public? a ?ntregului material pentru a putea reconstitui o perioad? important? din via?a sa ?i, implicit, din istoria acestei ??ri. Dup? c?te putem estima, perioada circumscris? de aceste amintiri sub?ntinde anii cei mai grei din istoria mai recent? a ??rii noastre.
Eminescu Mihai
Mergnd pe linia lui Adrian Punescu, autorul volumului abordeaz aceeai atitudine fa de cititorii obinuii ca i marele su nainta. Ioan Popa, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romnia, privete lirica din perspectiva cititorului de rnd. El i exprim sentimentele i ideile n aa fel, nct s fie neles de toat lumea. Abordeaz subiecte din viaa de zi cu zi a fiecruia dintre noi, vorbete de mersul la cumprturi, de evoluiile vieii politice, de divor, beii, scandaluri, aglomeraie urban i cte i mai cte. Adic aduce n poezie situaiile i strile sufleteti crora trebuie s le facem fa zilnic cu toii.Poetul are o solid formaie clasic i, n scrierile sale, apar i referine la antichitate, fie c acestea in de istorie, fie c in de mit. n acest fel, de multe ori elementele efemerului, ale derizoriului, ajung s ating o rezonan universal. ns exprimarea este lipsit de preiozitate, are simplitatea i transparena pe care cititorul nesofisticat de poezie le simte ca fiindu-i familiare.Scriind pentru toi cititorii de poezie, Ioan Popa continu o tradiie romneasc nobil. S amintim numai de mult iubiii notri poei George Cobuc, Ion Minulescu, George Toprceanu, Adrian Punescu. Oricare dintre noi intr uor n rezonan cu poeziile lor i le ptrunde nelesul fr s dispun de o aparatur complicat de receptare i interpretare.Fiind uor de neles, poeziile lui Ioan Popa se citesc cu bucurie i plcere – i cu un zmbet n colul gurii.“ – Vasile Poenaru
Barry Cole
He was an Iroquois war chief, she was an indentured servant. A careless footprint brought them together. The birth of a child would change their lives forever.
Paddington Abroad
Paddington Abroad
Bond, Michael
When the Browns go on holiday to France, Paddington is put in charge of the "eyetinnery." But even with the whole trip planned down to the last marmalade sandwich, somehow Paddington takes the family off the beaten path on a voyage no one could forget. With Paddington in charge, one should always plan on a little bit of adventure!First published in 1961, Paddington Abroad is the fourth novel by Michael Bond chronicling the adventures of this classic character. Paddington has warmed the hearts of generations of readers with his earnest good intentions and humorous misadventures. This brand-new edition of the classic novel contains the original text by Michael Bond and illustrations by Peggy Fortnum.
Love from Paddington
Love from Paddington
Bond, Michael
A brand-new novel from Michael Bond, celebrating Paddington's many adventures!Told through Paddington's letters to his aunt Lucy back in Peru, this new novel offers Paddington's own special view on some of his most famous tales. Filled with Paddington's signature charm and with black-and-white illustrations throughout, this paper-over-board keepsake is a celebration of this beloved character.
Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #5: Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up
Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #5: Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up
Parish, Herman
In the fifth book in the New York Times?best-selling chapter book series about the childhood of America's favorite housekeeper, Amelia Bedelia takes to the field, the yoga mat, and the track, with hilarious results. Includes a guide to the idioms used in the book and features black-and-white art throughout. The Amelia Bedelia books have sold more than 35 million copies.Amelia Bedelia's friends and classmates all have a particular sport that they love and are good at. Amelia Bedelia loves sports and games of all kinds, for different reasons. She has fun (and she loves to dribble and dunk and run home), but she is not the fastest or strongest or quickest at anything. Amelia Bedelia would love to have a sport to call her own—and so when her class at school studies the sports of ancient Greece, she goes on a mission to find one! With Amelia Bedelia, anything can happen—and it usually does. Short, fast-paced chapters, tons of friends and funny situations, and black-and-white illustrations by Lynne Avril on every page make the Amelia Bedelia chapter books an ideal choice for readers of the Ivy + Bean, Magic Tree House, and Judy Moody books.
Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #6: Amelia Bedelia Cleans Up
Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #6: Amelia Bedelia Cleans Up
Parish, Herman
In the sixth book in the New York Times–bestselling chapter book series about the childhood of America's favorite housekeeper, Amelia Bedelia and her friends clean up a vacant lot in their neighborhood and build a clubhouse for explorers. Short, fast-paced chapters, tons of friends and funny situations, and black-and-white illustrations on every page make the Amelia Bedelia chapter books an ideal choice for readers of the Ivy + Bean, Magic Tree House, and Judy Moody books. Includes a guide to idioms used in the book. The Amelia Bedelia books have sold more than 35 million copies.