Tiffany 251–252. (Borsószem hercegn?, Nászutas lakosztály)
Tiffany 251–252. (Borsószem hercegn?, Nászutas lakosztály)
Arany Júlia 22. k?tet
Arany Júlia 22. k?tet
Tiffany 261–262. (Folt hátán folt, Amazon gereblyével)
Tiffany 261–262. (Folt hátán folt, Amazon gereblyével)
Arany Júlia 37. k?tet
Arany Júlia 37. k?tet
Arany Júlia 23. k?tet
Arany Júlia 23. k?tet
Tiffany 255–256. (Programhiba, Kockázatos üzlet)
Tiffany 255–256. (Programhiba, Kockázatos üzlet)
10 Science Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
These 10 Science Lessons cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 Science as set out in the National Curriculum and are also based around the QCA topic 'Sorting and Using Materials' .Within the lessons are opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and understanding from first-hand experience as well as developing investigative skills. Each lesson includes a list of resources, practical activities, lesson objectives, outcomes and extension activities for cross curricular work that include ICT opportunities as well as assessment.
Confessions of a Doorman
Following on from the success of his best selling book Doing the Doors, doorman, bodyguard, ex-mercenary and martial arts expert Robin Barratt recalls more hard-hitting stories from his frequently violent life on nightclub doors around the UK. Barratt also records a few incredible and often hilarious takes from his time as a bodyguard in France, Russia and the Ukraine. After being sent to clean up one of the most famous nightclubs in Paris, Barratt found himself 'hanging out' with a top Hollywood actor. In the Ukraine he came up against corrupt officials, and in Russia he worked alongside ex-Russian Special Forces. Confessions of a Doorman starts by chronicling his steroid related heart attack at the age of just 43.Describing a lifetime of violence, turmoil and confusion, as well as his controversial opinions on the Security Industry Authority and his thoughts on what makes a first-rate doorman, Confessions is frequently comical, often shocking, occasionally heart-warming and written with Robin's usual style of pace, humour and honest.
10 Geography Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
These 10 Geography Lesson plans cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 Geography as set out in the National Curriculum and are based around the QCA topics 'Our school and the local area' and 'An Island Home' which studies a contrasting locality. Within each lesson are opportunities to develop geographical enquiry and skills through knowledge and understanding of places, patterns and processes, as well as development and change. Each lesson includes practical activities and as well as setting out lesson objectives and outcomes. The lesson plans also offer extension activities for cross-curricular work and ICT opportunities as well as assessment.
10 Geography Lesson Plans for KS1 - Volume 1
These 10 Geography Lesson plans cover the programs of study for Key Stage 1 Geography as set out in the National Curriculum and are based around the QCA topics 'Our school and the local area' and 'An Island Home' which studies a contrasting locality. Within each lesson are opportunities to develop geographical enquiry and skills through knowledge and understanding of places, patterns and processes, as well as development and change. Each lesson includes practical activities and as well as setting out lesson objectives and outcomes. The lesson plans also offer extension activities for cross-curricular work and ICT opportunities as well as assessment.
Our Thoughts Entirely
Throughout the course of my life, I have written a number of poems and was fortunate to have been left my late father's unpublished work, plus those of my past best friend. It seemed to me, therefore, that it would be appropriate to amalgamate them in one book, in part as tribute to their memory and on a personal level, to leave a permanent record for future generations to read and enjoy. I have always felt that poetry should reflect one's innermost feelings and expressed in a simple, honest and uncomplicated manner, to enable the reader to share that feeling and thus provoke a lasting emotion. To that end, I believe these poems will appeal to all age groups as they contain a rich mixture of emotions - love, humour, melancholy - and thought-provoking themes, and trust that in time, this book will become a favourite companion.
Time Management Secrets for Beginners
Time Management Secrets for Beginners
Pimp my brain! - Besserwissen leicht gemacht: XXL Edition
Pimp my brain! - Besserwissen leicht gemacht: XXL Edition
Zece prozatori exemplari. Perioada interbelic?
Cum dispare, cu de la sine putere, realismul socialist, transform?ndu-se – ?n textele publicate dup? ‘90 – ?ntr-un ?realism atroce“, ce oglinde?te p?r?ile ?ntunecate ?i incendiare ale existen?ei? Minimonografia Nicoletei S?lcudeanu, critic, profesor ?i istoric literar, r?spunde sugestiv ?i pertinent la aceast? ?ntrebare, cartea ei constituind-o un manual indirect de istorie a literaturii postdecembriste. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Un Corazón de Ranita. 4° volumen. El bautismo de la madurez
Aproape c? nu a existat epoc?, de la primele texte scrise p?n? azi, ?n care s? nu se vorbeasc? despre o criz? a literaturii. Periodic, fie regimul politic, fie situa?ia economic? ori exuberan?ele filozofarde au f?cut s? fie puse semne de ?ntrebare dup? cuv?ntul ?literatur?“. Timp de cinci ani, o serie de ?nt?lniri organizate ?n spa?ii neconven?ionale la Bucure?ti (?i, de c?teva ori, ?n afara Rom?niei) a ?ncercat s? adune scriitori de toate v?rstele pentru a-i pune fa?? ?n fa?? cu publicul lor. Nici acum, dic?ionarul limbii rom?ne nu include termenul ?performare“, dar, dac? ?n cazul artelor spectacolului traducerea ?interpretare“ poate s? func?ioneze, atunci c?nd este vorba despre literatur?, limba rom?n? nu ofer? dec?t termenul ?lectur?“. Acest cuv?nt nu acoper? complexitatea unei prezent?ri ce implic? ?i publicul ?n calitate de participant activ la ?nt?lnirea cu scriitorul, ?i cu textul acestuia. Ini?iat ca un proiect de promovare a literaturii contemporane pentru un public larg, ?Poeticile cotidianului“ s-a transformat, dup? ani de ?nt?lniri s?pt?m?nale, ?ntr-un eveniment literar cu propria sa concep?ie despre literatur?: poetica rela?ional?.
Eros ?i civiliza?ie: O cercetare filosofic? asupra lui Freud
Gabriela Crean scrie poezie cu gnoz dedesubt. Faptul a fost remarcat nc de la prima sa carte, iar modul acesta de a construi a rmas nu constant, ci neschimbat, chiar dac unele accente s-au mai mutat. Gnoza, tradus apocrif, nu e ns dect schela unei viziuni de intensitate paroxistic. Important cu adevrat e suflul imaginativ, dezlnuirea spasmatic a imaginaiei i ritmul frenetic n care sublimele se topesc n grotesc sau imnoidele se revrs n apostrofe. Gabriela Crean vede lumea oximoronic, n coincidene stupefiante i radicale, n care gramatica sacrelor nu se mai poate distinge de cea a infernalelor. Modului ei de a traduce juisarea vizionar n sarcasme i febra celest n repulsii violente i s-ar potrivi conceptul de profanare al lui Giorgio Agamben. Asta dac poezia n-ar face altceva dect filosofia; dar cum face, Gabriela Crean scrie cu o exasperare exuberant i cu o arden vitriolat despre cel mai inconfortabil mod de a fi n lume: sub un imperativ atroce.“ – Al. Cistelecan
Biztonságos hely
Biztonságos hely
Bianca 257–258. (?gb?l pottyant szakács, A baba meg a dada)
Bianca 257–258. (?gb?l pottyant szakács, A baba meg a dada)
Arany Júlia 24. k?tet
Arany Júlia 24. k?tet
Bianca 249–250. (?lomvilág, Farm a világ végén)
Bianca 249–250. (?lomvilág, Farm a világ végén)
Bianca 301–302. - Az id? kereke (Szerencse lányai 1.)
Bianca 301–302. - Az id? kereke (Szerencse lányai 1.)