

Organizing Locally
Organizing Locally
Fuller, Bruce
We love the local. From the cherries we buy, to the grocer who sells them, to the school where our child unpacks them for lunch, we express resurgent faith in decentralizing the institutions and businesses that arrange our daily lives. But the fact is that huge, bureaucratic organizations often still shape the character of our jobs, schools, the groceries where we shop, and even the hospitals we entrust with our lives. So how, exactly, can we work small, when everything around us is so big, so global and standardizedIn Organizing Locally, Bruce Fuller shows us, taking stock of America's rekindled commitment to localism across an illuminating range of sectors, unearthing the crucial values and practices of decentralized firms that work.?Fuller first untangles the economic and cultural currents that have eroded the efficacy of-and our trust in-large institutions over the past half century. From there we meet intrepid leaders who have been doing things differently. Traveling from a charter school in San Francisco to a veterans service network in Iowa, from a Pennsylvania health-care firm to the Manhattan branch of a Swedish bank, he explores how creative managers have turned local staff loose to craft inventive practices, untethered from central rules and plain-vanilla routines. By holding their successes and failures up to the same analytical light, he vividly reveals the key cornerstones of social organization on which motivating and effective decentralization depends. Ultimately, he brings order and evidence to the often strident debates about who has the power-and on what scale-to structure how we work and live locally.Written for managers, policy makers, and reform activists, Organizing Locally details the profound decentering of work and life inside firms, unfolding across postindustrial societies. Its fresh theoretical framework explains resurging faith in decentralized organizations and the ingredients that deliver vibrant meaning and efficacy for residents inside. Ultimately, it is a synthesizing study, a courageous and radical new way of conceiving of American vitality, creativity, and ambition.?
Sounds of Capitalism
Sounds of Capitalism
Taylor, Timothy D.
From the early days of radio through the rise of television after World War II to the present, music has been used more and more to sell goods and establish brand identities. And since the 1920s, songs originally written for commercials have become popular songs, and songs written for a popular audience have become irrevocably associated with specific brands and products. Today, musicians move flexibly between the music and advertising worlds, while the line between commercial messages and popular music has become increasingly blurred.Timothy D. Taylor tracks the use of music in American advertising for nearly a century, from variety shows like The Clicquot Club Eskimos to the rise of the jingle, the postwar upsurge in consumerism, and the more complete fusion of popular music and consumption in the 1980s and after. The Sounds of Capitalism is the first book to tell truly the history of music used in advertising in the United States and is an original contribution to this little-studied part of our cultural history. ?
How Poems Think
How Poems Think
Gibbons, Reginald
To write or read a poem is often to think in distinctively poetic ways-guided by metaphors, sound, rhythms, associative movement, and more. Poetry's stance toward language creates a particular intelligence of thought and feeling, a compressed articulation that expands inner experience, imagining with words what cannot always be imagined without them. Through translation, poetry has diversified poetic traditions, and some of poetry's ways of thinking begin in the ancient world and remain potent even now. In How Poems Think, Reginald Gibbons presents a rich gallery of poetic inventiveness and continuity drawn from a wide range of poets-Sappho, Pindar, Shakespeare, Keats, William Carlos Williams, Marina Tsvetaeva, Gwendolyn Brooks, and many others. Gibbons explores poetic temperament, rhyme, metonymy, etymology, and other elements of poetry as modes of thinking and feeling. In celebration and homage, Gibbons attunes us to the possibilities of poetic thinking.
Poetry and Its Others
Poetry and Its Others
Ramazani, Jahan
What is poetryOften it is understood as a largely self-enclosed verbal system-"e;suspended from any mutual interaction with alien discourse,"e; in the words of Mikhail Bakhtin. But in Poetry and Its Others, Jahan Ramazani reveals modern and contemporary poetry's animated dialogue with other genres and discourses. Poetry generates rich new possibilities, he argues, by absorbing and contending with its near verbal relatives. ?Exploring poetry's vibrant exchanges with other forms of writing, Ramazani shows how poetry assimilates features of prose fiction but differentiates itself from novelistic realism; metabolizes aspects of theory and philosophy but refuses their abstract procedures; and recognizes itself in the verbal precision of the law even as it separates itself from the law's rationalism. But poetry's most frequent interlocutors, he demonstrates, are news, prayer, and song. Poets such as William Carlos Williams and W. H. Auden refashioned poetry to absorb the news while expanding its contexts; T. S. Eliot and Charles Wright drew on the intimacy of prayer though resisting its limits; and Paul Muldoon, Rae Armantrout, and Patience Agbabi have played with and against song lyrics and techniques. Encompassing a cultural and stylistic range of writing unsurpassed by other studies of poetry, Poetry and Its Others shows that we understand what poetry is by examining its interplay with what it is not.
These Kids
These Kids
Nygreen, Kysa
Few would deny that getting ahead is a legitimate goal of learning, but the phrase implies a cruel hierarchy: a student does not simply get ahead, but gets ahead of others. In These Kids, Kysa Nygreen turns a critical eye on this paradox. Offering the voices and viewpoints of students at a "e;last chance"e; high school in California, she tells the story of students who have, in fact, been left behind.?Detailing a youth-led participatory action research project that she coordinated, Nygreen uncovers deep barriers to educational success that are embedded within educational discourse itself. Struggling students internalize de*ions of themselves as "e;at risk,"e; "e;low achieving,"e; or "e;troubled"e;-and by adopting the very language of educators, they also adopt its constraints and presumption of failure. Showing how current educational discourse does not, ultimately, provide an adequate vision of change for students at the bottom of the educational hierarchy, she levies a powerful argument that social justice in education is impossible today precisely because of how we talk about it.
Herring, Scott
The verb "e;declutter"e; has not yet made it into the?Oxford English Dictionary, but its ever-increasing usage suggests that it's only a matter of time. Articles containing tips and tricks on how to get organized cover magazine pages and pop up in TV programs and commercials, while clutter professionals and specialists referred to as "e;clutterologists"e; are just a phone call away. Everywhere the sentiment is the same: clutter is bad.In?The Hoarders, Scott Herring provides an in-depth examination of how modern hoarders came into being, from their onset in the late 1930s to the present day. He finds that both the idea of organization and the role of the clutterologist are deeply ingrained in our culture, and that there is a fine line between clutter and deviance in America. Herring introduces us to Jill, whose countertops are piled high with decaying food and whose cabinets are overrun with purchases, while the fly strips hanging from her ceiling are arguably more fly than strip. When Jill spots a decomposing pumpkin about to be jettisoned, she stops, seeing in the rotting, squalid vegetable a special treasure. "e;I've never seen one quite like this before,"e; she says, and looks to see if any seeds remain. It is from moments like these that Herring builds his questions: What counts as an acceptable material life-and who decidesIs hoarding some sort of inherent deviation of the mind, or a recent historical phenomenon grounded in changing material culturesHerring opts for the latter, explaining that hoarders attract attention not because they are mentally ill but because they challenge normal modes of material relations. Piled high with detailed and, at times, disturbing de*ions of uncleanliness,?The Hoarders?delivers a sweeping and fascinating history of hoarding that will cause us all to reconsider how we view these accumulators of clutter.
Who Governs?
Who Governs?
Druckman, James N.
America's model of representational government rests on the premise that elected officials respond to the opinions of citizens. This is a myth, however, not a reality, according to James N. Druckman and Lawrence R. Jacobs. In Who Governs?, Druckman and Jacobs combine existing research with novel data from US presidential archives to show that presidents make policy by largely ignoring the views of most citizens in favor of affluent and well-connected political insiders. Presidents treat the public as pliable, priming it to focus on personality traits and often ignoring it on policies that fail to become salient.Melding big debates about democratic theory with existing research on American politics and innovative use of the archives of three modern presidents-Johnson, Nixon, and Reagan-Druckman and Jacobs deploy lively and insightful analysis to show that the conventional model of representative democracy bears little resemblance to the actual practice of American politics. The authors conclude by arguing that polyarchy and the promotion of accelerated citizen mobilization and elite competition can improve democratic responsiveness. An incisive study of American politics and the flaws of representative government, this book will be warmly welcomed by readers interested in US politics, public opinion, democratic theory, and the fecklessness of American leadership and decision-making.
Shakespeare Only
Shakespeare Only
Knapp, Jeffrey
Three decades of controversy in Shakespeare studies can be summed up in a single question: Was Shakespeare one of a kindOn one side of the debate are the Shakespeare lovers, the bardolatrists, who insist on Shakespeare's timeless preeminence as an author. On the other side are the theater historians who view modern claims of Shakespeare's uniqueness as a distortion of his real professional life.In Shakespeare Only, Knapp draws on an extraordinary array of historical evidence to reconstruct Shakespeare's authorial identity as Shakespeare and his contemporaries actually understood it.He argues that Shakespeare tried to adapt his own singular talent and ambition to the collaborative enterprise of drama by imagining himself as uniquely embodying the diverse, fractious energies of the popular theater. Rewriting our current histories of authorship as well as Renaissance drama, Shakespeare Only recaptures a sense of the creative force that mass entertainment exerted on Shakespeare and that Shakespeare exerted on mass entertainment.
Lupton, Julia Reinhard
Turning to the potent idea of political theology to recover the strange mix of political and religious thinking during the Renaissance, this bracing study reveals in the works of Shakespeare and his sources the figure of the citizen-saint, who represents at once divine messenger and civil servant, both norm and exception. Embodied by such diverse personages as Antigone, Paul, Barabbas, Shylock, Othello, Caliban, Isabella, and Samson, the citizen-saint is a sacrificial figure: a model of moral and aesthetic extremity who inspires new regimes of citizenship with his or her death and martyrdom.Among the many questions Julia Reinhard Lupton attempts to answer under the rubric of the citizen-saint are: how did states of emergency, acts of sovereign exception, and Messianic anticipations lead to new forms of religious and political lawWhat styles of universality were implied by the abject state of the pure creature, at sea in a creation abandoned by its creatorAnd how did circumcision operate as both a marker of ethnicity and a means of conversion and civic naturalization?Written with clarity and grace, Citizen-Saints will be of enormous interest to students of English literature, religion, and early modern culture.
More than Lore
More than Lore
Talbot, Marion
The founding articles of the University of Chicago contained what was for the era a shocking declaration: "e;To provide, impart, and furnish opportunities for all departments of higher education to persons of both sexes on equal terms."e; In a time when many still scoffed at educating women, the university was firmly co-ed from the very start. One of its first hires was Marion Talbot. Ready for the adventure of a lifetime, she set her sights on Chicago at a time when the city was still considered all but the Wild West. Talbot eventually became the University of Chicago's first Dean of Women, influencing a generation of female students.Originally published in 1936, More than Lore is a unique firsthand account of the early days of the university, capturing the excitement and travails of life on an academic frontier. Talbot shares gossip from the faculty lounge, relays student antics in the dorms, and tells stories from the living rooms of Hyde Park. It's also a fascinating look at life as an early twentieth-century college woman, with scandals over improper party invitations and underground sororities, petitions calling for more female professors, and campaigns to have students be known as "e;university women"e; instead of "e;college girls."e; With Talbot as our guide, we reenter a lost world where simply to be a woman was to be a pioneer and where the foundations of the modern undergrad experience were being established.
All You Need Is Love: 3-Book Teen Fiction Collection
All You Need Is Love: 3-Book Teen Fiction Collection
Perfect for John Green fans, this three-book collection contains three breathtaking, heartbreaking, can't-miss novels:The Beginning of Everything: Varsity tennis captain Ezra Faulkner was supposed to be homecoming king, but that was before—before his girlfriend cheated on him, before a car accident shattered his leg, and before he fell in love with unpredictable new girl Cassidy Thorpe. Robyn Schneider's witty and heart-wrenching teen novel will appeal to fans of books by John Green and Ned Vizzini, novels such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and classics like The Great Gatsby and The Catcher in the Rye.How to Love: Reena Montero has loved Sawyer LeGrande for as long as she can remember. But he's never noticed that Reena even exists . . . until one day, impossibly, he does. Then three years pass, and there's a new love in Reena's life: her daughter. Reena's gotten used to life without Sawyer, but just as suddenly as he disappeared, he turns up again. After everything that's happened, can Reena really let herself love Sawyer LeGrande againFor fans of Sarah Dessen and John Green, How to Love is a breathtaking debut about a couple who falls in love . . . twice.Maybe One Day: In the tradition of The Fault in Our Stars, critically acclaimed author Melissa Kantor masterfully captures the joy of friendship, the agony of loss, and the unique experience of being a teenager in this poignant new novel about a girl grappling with her best friend's life-threatening illness.
Vrtoglave godine: Europa, 1900.–1914.
Vrtoglave godine: Europa, 1900.–1914.
Philipp Blom
Biografia sugereaz?, ?n chip aproape inevitabil, prin relatarea cronologic? a faptelor vie?ii acelui individ, ?ncep?nd de la na?tere ?i continu?nd cu experien?ele tr?ite pe parcursul anilor, c? evenimentele respective au avut o importan?? mai larg?, mai cuprinz?toare dec?t cele ale unui om oarecare, c? au contribuit, ?ntr-un fel sau altul, la scrierea istoriei acelor vremuri. ?n cazul lui Napoleon Bonaparte, merit? s? ne aplec?m ?i asupra mitologiei, ad?ug?nd-o impresiei generale, create de-a lungul deceniilor de nenum?ra?i istorici ?i biografi, conform c?reia ceea ce a contat ?n principal a fost omul ?nsu?i, viziunile ?i ambi?iile sale, ?i nu vremurile ?n care a tr?it ori circumstan?ele ?nt?lnite ?n cale. Pu?ine personaje istorice s-au bucurat de at?ta notorietate ?i de at?tea scrieri dedicate ?i pu?ine au fost descrise ?ntr-o manier? at?t de subiectiv?, prezent?nd ?ntrega istorie a epocii de parc? ar fi fost o reflectare a voin?ei ?i a dorin?ei de putere ?i de glorie a unui singur om. Din acest motiv poate c? ar fi mai ?n?elept ca, ?nainte de orice, s? ne oprim un pic ?i s? ?ncepem aceast? carte cu un soi de avertisment.
MR. ROBOT: Red Wheelbarrow - (eps1.91_redwheelbarr0w.txt)
MR. ROBOT: Red Wheelbarrow - (eps1.91_redwheelbarr0w.txt)
Sam Esmail
The only tie-in book for USA's award-winning series MR. ROBOT, Elliot's journalRed Wheelbarrowis written by show creator Sam Esmail and show writer Courtney Looney. Before and during the events of season two, Elliot recorded his most private thoughts in this journaland now you can hold this piece of the series in your hands. Experience Elliot's battles to gain control of his life and his struggles to survive increasingly dangerous circumstances, in a brand-new story rendered in his own words. The notebook also holds seven removable artifactsa ripped-out page, a newspaper clipping, a mysterious envelope, and morealong with sketches throughout the book. You'll discover the story behind MR. ROBOT season two and hints of what is to come. This book is the ultimate journey into the world of the showand a key to hacking the mind of its main character. MR. ROBOT is a psychological thriller that follows Elliot (Rami Malek, The Pacific), a young programmer, who works as a cyber-security engineer by day and as a vigilante hacker by night. Elliot finds himself at a crossroads when the mysterious leader (Christian Slater, Adderall Diaries) of an underground hacker group recruits him to destroy the firm he is paid to protect.Praise for MR. ROBOT: ';Relentless, sensational, and unabashedly suspenseful' TheNew York Times ';. . . most narratively and visually daring drama series on television . . .' Entertainment Weekly ';Terrific' The New Yorker ';Sam Esmail is one of the most innovative creators to make his mark on television in a long time.' Rolling Stone ';A modern classic' Forbes ';MR. ROBOT has the potential to be one of the defining shows of our age.' TIME ';Brilliant' The Huffington Post Golden Globe Awards for Best Television Series, Drama, and Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for Television (Christian Slater) Critics' Choice(R) Awards for Best Drama Series, Best Actor in a Drama Series (Rami Malek), and Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series (Christian Slater) Emmy Award(R) for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series (Rami Malek) Five Emmy(R) nominations, including for Outstanding Drama Series
Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads - Art Inspired by the Films of Wes Anderson
Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads - Art Inspired by the Films of Wes Anderson
Spoke Gallery
The third volume in the New York Times bestselling Wes Anderson Collection series showcases the best artwork from ';Bad Dads,' an annual exhibition of art inspired by the films of Wes Anderson. Curated by Spoke Art Gallery in San Francisco, ';Bad Dads' has continued to grow and progress as a dynamic group exhibition since its inaugural show in 2011, and has featured work from more than 400 artists from around the world. Those artworks range from paintings to sculptures to limited-edition screen prints and vary greatly in style, making for a diverse and lively show each year. Though each piece is distinct in its own right, the artworks' unifying element is the shared imagery and beloved characters from: Bottle Rocket Rushmore The Royal Tenenbaums The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou The Darjeeling Limited Fantastic Mr. Fox Moonrise Kingdom The Grand Budapest Hotel The book features an original cover by graphic artist Max Dalton, a foreword by writer and director Wes Anderson himself, and an introduction by TV and movie critic Matt Zoller Seitz, author of the bestselling Wes Anderson Collectionbooks. A visual treasure trove, Bad Dads grants fans of Wes Anderson another creative avenue to explore his inspired worlds and movies. Also available from Matt Zoller Seitz: The Oliver Stone Experience, Mad Men Carousel, The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel, and The Wes Anderson Collection.
Inside American Gods
Inside American Gods
Haynes, Emily
Starz American Gods a looking behind the scenesNeil Gaiman's American Gods: The bestselling and most beloved novel, American Gods, is now a critically acclaimed Starz television series. In this official companion to the series, Gaiman fans will see behind the scenes of this compelling, surreal show in which Old Gods and New Gods battle for the hearts and minds of modern-day people. Inside American Gods dives deep into the show's character development and world building. Inside American Gods features interviews with actors Gillian Anderson, Crispin Glover, and Ian McShane, revealing how they brought this cult favorite to the screen.Packed with previously unpublished set photos, concept art, and production designs: Inside American Gods covers Season 1aas well as a teaser of exclusive content for Season 2ain a spectacular hardcover package sure to please fans of the book and the series.Fans of books such as Claimed by Gods, All the Pieces Matter: The Inside Story of the Wire, and Notes from the Upside Down: An Unofficial Guide to Stranger Things will appreciate Emily Hayne's Inside American Gods2018 FremantleMedia. All rights reserved. American Gods and related trademarks are the property of FremantleMedia.
Color of Pixar
Color of Pixar
Chronicle Books LLC
Bold and beautiful, this volume presents hundreds of film stills from the Pixar archives in a glorious spectrum of color. Starting with bright white images and seamlessly flowing through the colors of the rainbow, it becomes crystal clear how each frame tells a story. Bound into a gorgeous volume, The Color of Pixar encapsulates everything there is to love about the studio: the attention to detail, the playful characters, and the sheer scope of their work in over 20 years of iconic feature films.Copyright 2017 Disney Enterprises, Inc. and Pixar. All rights reserved.
World of Vikings
World of Vikings
Pollard, Justin
MGM's hit show Vikings on the History Channel has drawn millions of viewers into the fascinating and bloody world of legendary Norse hero Ragnar Lothbrok, who led Viking warriors to the British Isles and France. Covering the first three seasons of the series, this official companion book delves into the real history as well as the behind-the-scenes stories. Viking historian Justin Pollard explains shipbuilding and navigation, Norse culture and religion, and the first encounters between Viking warriors and the kings of England and France. Interviews with cast and crew reveal the process of dramatizing this gripping story, from reviving the Old Norse language to choreographing battle scenes and building ancient temples for human sacrifice. This spectacular ebook is a must for fans of the show and history buffs alike.VIKINGS 2015 TM Prods Ltd/T5 Vikings Prods Inc. VIKINGS TM Prods Ltd.
Urban Blues
Urban Blues
Keil, Charles
Charles Keil examines the expressive role of blues bands and performers and stresses the intense interaction between performer and audience. Profiling bluesmen Bobby Bland and B. B. King, Keil argues that they are symbols for the black community, embodying important attitudes and roles-success, strong egos, and close ties to the community. While writing Urban Blues in the mid-1960s, Keil optimistically saw this cultural expression as contributing to the rising tide of raised political consciousness in Afro-America. His new Afterword examines black music in the context of capitalism and black culture in the context of worldwide trends toward diversification."e;Enlightening. . . . [Keil] has given a provocative indication of the role of the blues singer as a focal point of ghetto community expression."e;-John S. Wilson, New York Times Book Review"e;A terribly valuable book and a powerful one. . . . Keil is an original thinker and . . . has offered us a major breakthrough."e;-Studs Terkel, Chicago Tribune"e;[Urban Blues] expresses authentic concern for people who are coming to realize that their past was . . . the source of meaningful cultural values."e;-Atlantic"e;An achievement of the first magnitude. . . . He opens our eyes and introduces a world of amazingly complex musical happening."e;-Robert Farris Thompson, Ethnomusicology?"e;[Keil's] vigorous, aggressive scholarship, lucid style and sparkling analysis stimulate the challenge. Valuable insights come from treating urban blues as artistic communication."e;-James A. Bonar, Boston Herald?
&quote;Do You Know...?&quote;
&quote;Do You Know...?&quote;
Faulkner, Robert R.
Every night, somewhere in the world, three or four musicians will climb on stage together. Whether the gig is at a jazz club, a bar, or a bar mitzvah, the performance never begins with a note, but with a question. The trumpet player might turn to the bassist and ask, "e;Do you know 'Body and Soul'?"e;-and from there the subtle craft of playing the jazz repertoire is tested in front of a live audience. These ordinary musicians may never have played together-they may never have met-so how do they smoothly put on a show without getting booed offstage.In "e;Do You Know . . . ?"e; Robert R. Faulkner and Howard S. Becker-both jazz musicians with decades of experience performing-present the view from the bandstand, revealing the array of skills necessary for working musicians to do their jobs. While learning songs from sheet music or by ear helps, the jobbing musician's lexicon is dauntingly massive: hundreds of thousands of tunes from jazz classics and pop standards to more exotic fare. Since it is impossible for anyone to memorize all of these songs, Faulkner and Becker show that musicians collectively negotiate and improvise their way to a successful performance. Players must explore each others' areas of expertise, develop an ability to fake their way through unfamiliar territory, and respond to the unpredictable demands of their audience-whether an unexpected gang of polka fanatics or a tipsy father of the bride with an obscure favorite song."e;Do You Know . . . ?"e; dishes out entertaining stories and sharp insights drawn from the authors' own experiences and observations as well as interviews with a range of musicians. Faulkner and Becker's vivid, detailed portrait of the musician at work holds valuable lessons for anyone who has to think on the spot or under a spotlight.
Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge, 1939
Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge, 1939
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
For several terms at Cambridge in 1939, Ludwig Wittgenstein lectured on the philosophical foundations of mathematics. A lecture class taught by Wittgenstein, however, hardly resembled a lecture.He sat on a chair in the middle of the room, with some of the class sitting in chairs, some on the floor. He never used notes. He paused frequently, sometimes for several minutes, while he puzzled out a problem. He often asked his listeners questions and reacted to their replies. Many meetings were largely conversation.These lectures were attended by, among others, D. A. T. Gasking, J. N. Findlay, Stephen Toulmin, Alan Turing, G. H. von Wright, R. G. Bosanquet, Norman Malcolm, Rush Rhees, and Yorick Smythies. Notes taken by these last four are the basis for the thirty-one lectures in this book.The lectures covered such topics as the nature of mathematics, the distinctions between mathematical and everyday languages, the truth of mathematical propositions, consistency and contradiction in formal systems, the logicism of Frege and Russell, Platonism, identity, negation, and necessary truth. The mathematical examples used are nearly always elementary.
Commentary on The Complete Greek Tragedies. Aeschylus
Commentary on The Complete Greek Tragedies. Aeschylus
Hogan, James C.
This commentary offers a rich introduction and useful guide to the seven surviving plays attributed to Aeschylus. Though it may profitably be used with any translation of Aeschylus, the commentary is based on the acclaimed Chicago translations, The Complete Greek Tragedies, edited by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore.James C. Hogan provides a general introduction to Aeschylean theater and drama, followed by a line-by-line commentary on each of the seven plays. He places Aeschylus in the historical, cultural, and religious context of fifth-century Athens, showing how the action and metaphor of Aeschylean theater can be illuminated by information on Athenian law athletic contests, relations with neighboring states, beliefs about the underworld, and countless other details of Hellenic life. Hogan clarifies terms that might puzzle modern readers, such as place names and mythological references, and gives special attention to textual and linguistic issues: controversial questions of interpretation; difficult or significant Greek words; use of style, rhetoric, and commonplaces in Greek poetry; and Aeschylus's place in the poetic tradition of Homer, Hesiod, and the elegiac poets. Practical information on staging and production is also included, as are maps and illustrations, a bibliography, indexes, and extensive cross-references between the seven plays. Forthcoming volumes will cover the works of Sophocles and Euripides.