

Complete Beowulf - Old English Text, Translations and Dual Text (Illustrated)
Complete Beowulf - Old English Text, Translations and Dual Text (Illustrated)
A masterpiece of Old English literature, the alliterative epic poem ‘Beowulf’ was written between the 8th and 11th century and narrates the eponymous hero’s battles against the monster Grendel, Grendel’s avenging mother and finally a terrifying dragon that threatens Beowulf’s homeland. Blending myth with history, ‘Beowulf’ celebrates the endurance of the human spirit in the perilous world of the Dark Ages. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents multiple translations, the original Old English text, special Dual Text feature and beautiful illustrations. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to ‘Beowulf’ and the Beowulf Poet’s times * Concise introduction to the epic poem * Images of how the poem was first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original text * Features Francis Barton Gummere's celebrated translation in imitative metre, widely acknowledged as capturing the alliterative pattern of the original Old English text * Includes Gummere's original footnotes to aid comprehension of difficult phrases and sections * Also features William Morris’ well-regarded translation * A translation and the original text of the contemporary fragment THE ATTACK ON FINNSBURG * Excellent formatting of the poetry texts * Easily locate the sections you want to read * Includes the original Old English text * Provides a special dual modern English and Old English text, allowing readers to compare small sections of five lines each – ideal for students * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Translations BEOWULF: BRIEF INTRODUCTION FRANCIS BARTON GUMMERE’S TRANSLATION WILLIAM MORRIS’ TRANSLATION The Old English Text THE OLD ENGLISH TEXT The Dual Text CONTENTS OF THE DUAL TEXT Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Kahlil Gibran (Illustrated)
Delphi Collected Poetical Works of Kahlil Gibran (Illustrated)
Kahlil Gibran
One of the bestselling writers of the twentieth century, Khalil Gibran was a Lebanese American poet, artist and essayist. His literary works are romantic in outlook and are largely inspired by the works of Francis Marrash, Friedrich Nietzsche and William Blake. His writings are renowned for their lyrical outpourings and deeply religious and mystic nature. The Delphi Poets Series offers readers the works of literature's finest poets, with superior formatting. This volume presents Gibran’s collected poetical works, with beautiful illustrations and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Gibran's life and works* Concise introduction to Gibran’s life and poetical works* Excellent formatting of the texts* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the books* Easily locate the texts you want to read* Includes Gibran's play LAZARUS AND HIS BELOVED* Features a selection of Gibran's paintings* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and genres Please note: translations of Gibran's early Arabic works are currently unavailable in the public domain and so cannot appear in this collection. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to see our wide range of poet titles CONTENTS: The Life and Poetry of Kahlil GibranBRIEF INTRODUCTION: KAHLIL GIBRANTHE MADMAN (1918)THE FORERUNNER (1920)THE PROPHET, (1923)SAND AND FOAM (1926)JESUS, THE SON OF MAN (1928)THE EARTH GODS (1931)THE WANDERER (1932)THE GARDEN OF THE PROPHET (1933) The Poems and StoriesLIST OF WORKS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF WORKS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The PlayLAZARUS AND HIS BELOVED The PaintingsLIST OF PAINTINGS Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of poetry titles or buy the entire Delphi Poets Series as a Super Set
Inima dat? la maximum
Inima dat? la maximum
Ania Vilal
gata! Mito? Micleu?anu (n. 1972), pictor, scriitor, muzician. Cofondator al proiectului ?Planeta Moldova“.
The Night Land
The Night Land
William Hope Hodgson
Un b?iat care a tr?it ?n Italia, la Vene?ia, acum ?apte sute de ani. Un adolescent care a c?l?torit ?n China - ?i s-a ?ntors dup? dou?zeci ?i patru de ani. Autorul unei c?r?i de c?l?torii care l-a inspirat pe Cristofor Columb. Iat? o biografie ilustrat? despre Marco Polo ?i lumea ?n care a tr?it!
Büszkeség és Balítélet
Büszkeség és Balítélet
Jane Austen
Un b?iat de ?ase ani care a impresionat-o pe ?mp?r?teasa Austriei cu geniul s?u muzical Un compozitor care a scris peste 600 de concerte, sonate, simfonii ?i opere ?n cei treizeci ?i cinci de ani c?t a tr?it Un muzician serios c?ruia ?i pl?cea s? spun? glume stupide Toate cele de mai sus! ? Afl? mai multe despre adev?ratul Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ?n aceast? biografie amuzant? ?i minunat ilustrat?!
A Láthatatlan Légió
A Láthatatlan Légió
Rejtő Jenő
Un copil care a ?nv??at s? deseneze ?nainte s? ?nve?e s? vorbeasc?. Un iubitor de animale care avea un ?oricel, o broasc?-?estoas?, o maimu?? ?i o mul?ime de pisici ?i c?ini. Cel mai celebru artist al secolului al XX-lea. Toate cele de mai sus! Afl? mai multe despre adev?ratul Pablo Picasso ?n aceast? biografie amuzant? ?i minunat ilustrat?!
Delphi Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft (Illustrated)
H. P. Lovecraft
This eBook presents the complete fictional works of H. P. Lovecraft, with beautiful illustrations, rare texts and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 2) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Lovecraft's life and works * Brief introduction to master short story writer * Over 100 short stories, including rare collaborations * Excellent formatting of the texts * Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the short stories * Easily locate the tales you want to read * A selection of some of Lovecrafts greatest poetry * Includes Lovecraft's memoirs a range of autobiographical writings collected form the authors letters and journals * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: due to copyright restrictions, the short stories that Lovecraft wrote with C. M. Eddy, Jr. cannot appear in this collection. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: H. P. Lovecraft: Brief Introduction The Short Stories The Little Glass Bottle The Secret Cave The Mystery of the Grave-Yard The Mysterious Ship The Beast in the Cave The Alchemist The Tomb Dagon A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson Sweet Ermengarde Polaris The Green Meadow Beyond the Wall of Sleep Memory Old Bugs The Transition of Juan Romero The White Ship The Doom That Came to Sarnath The Statement of Randolph Carter The Terrible Old Man The Tree The Cats of Ulthar The Temple Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family The Street Poetry and the Gods Celepha?s From Beyond Nyarlathotep The Picture in the House The Crawling Chaos Ex Oblivione The Nameless City The Quest of Iranon The Moon-Bog The Outsider The Other Gods The Music of Erich Zann Herbert West Reanimator Hypnos What the Moon Brings Azathoth The Horror at Martins Beach The Hound The Lurking Fear The Rats in the Walls The Unnamable The Festival Under the Pyramids The Shunned House The Horror at Red Hook He In the Vault The Descendant Cool Air The Call of Cthulhu Two Black Bottles Pickmans Model The Silver Key The Strange High House in the Mist The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath The Case of Charles Dexter Ward The Colour Out of Space The Very Old Folk The Thing in the Moonlight The Last Test The History of the Necronomicon The Curse of Yig Ibid The Dunwich Horror The Electric Executioner The Mound Medusas Coil The Whisperer in Darkness At the Mountains of Madness The Shadow Over Innsmouth (Draft) The Shadow Over Innsmouth The Trap The Dreams in the Witch House The Man of Stone The Horror in the Museum Through the Gates of the Silver Key Winged Death Out of the Aeons The Thing on the Doorstep The Evil Clergyman The Horror in the Burying-Ground The Hoard of the Wizard-Beast The Slaying of the Monster The Book The Tree on the Hill The Battle that Ended the Century The Shadow out of Time Till A the Seas Collapsing Cosmoses The Challenge from Beyond The Disinterment The Diary of Alonzo Typer The Haunter of the Dark In the Walls of Eryx The Night Ocean LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Poetry LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Memoirs LIST OF AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WORKS Please click here to browse our other titles
Istorie ?i sacralitate
Istorie ?i sacralitate
Miu Const.
Cartea v? propune spre lectur? o sum? de eseuri inedite, inspirate de la chestiuni cvasi-cotidiene sau rezultate din c?ut?ri la care ne ducem mai rar cu gândul. În plus, atât pentru condimentarea experien?ei de lectur?, cât mai ales pentru democratizarea conceptului de antropologie (în jurul c?ruia graviteaz? prozele din cuprins), seria de eseuri – fuzionând idei de psihologie, sociologie ori de filosofie – este punctat? (ini?ial, median ?i final) cu câte o proz? fic?ional? din seria interpret?rilor speculativ-antropologice de mituri ?i legende populare (aici fiind vizate baladele "Monastirea Arge?ului" ?i "Miori?a"), serie de autor început? odat? cu cartea "Întoarcerea fratelui risipitor" (Editura Europress, Bucure?ti, 2014). Volumul de fa?? aduce cititorului un amalgam de provoc?ri pentru minte ?i pentru inim?, într-un melanj pastelat, sus?inut pe tot parcursul de împletitura a trei filoane esen?iale: auto-ironie, umilin?? ?i duio?ie. De altfel, ideea de smerenie – atât cea subiectiv? cât ?i cea extins? la întreaga specie – constituie aici o reiterare definitorie. Parcurgerea c?r?ii se poate dovedi o experien?? deosebit? atât pentru cititorul pasionat de beletristic? cât ?i pentru cel atras de eseistica de idei. Profunzimile ?i perspectivele vor surprinde adesea.
Genul programului: dram?
Genul programului: dram?
Rădoi Marieta Mihaiță
n condiiile unei crize a lucrrilor de sintez, monografia marelui crturar Nicolae Balota despre literatura german, constituie un model de analiz a uneia dintre cele mai majore culturi ale lumii. Cartea apare pentru prima dat n colecia Ediii definitive.
Delphi Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Illustrated)
Delphi Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Illustrated)
William Hazlitt
Delphi Collected Works of William Hazlitt (Illustrated)
Complete Works of Frances Burney (Delphi Classics)
Complete Works of Frances Burney (Delphi Classics)
Frances Burney
Complete Works of Frances Burney (Delphi Classics)
Elementary Geography
Elementary Geography
Charlotte Mason
Elementary Geography
The Book of Five Rings
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Musashi Miyamoto
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Hilda Skae
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The Annotated Secessionist Papers: Second Edition
The Annotated Secessionist Papers: Second Edition
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The Annotated Secessionist Papers: Second Edition
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Nicoleta Popa
n total, 26 de tablete, carevaszic, de dou ori 13. De ce de dou ori Fiindc, pe de-o parte, orice, i mai ales norocul i ghinionul, are nevoie s se repete ca s nu fie ntmpltor. Pe de alta, fiindc feele lui Caragiale sunt cel puin dou, Caragiale tatl i fiul sunt dou efigii adesea puse mpreun..
Cartea lui Andrei
Cartea lui Andrei
Lazu Ion
Sunt un om modelat mai mult de literatur dect de prini i de coal, aa c practic nu-mi pot imagina cum a fi artat, n alt context social-familial, ce a fi devenit, cum a fi evoluat. Atras de lumea din cri. Poate i pentru c personajele din literatur sunt mai pregnante, mai coerente, mai plauzibile, cu noim i de neles, n ultim instan, iar nu indecise, confuze, lipsite de sens, ca n viaa obinuit. Cnd spun uneori c eu i fr studii superioare, rmas funcionar ori meteugar, a fi fost acelai om, cam la asta m refer. La faptul c pentru formarea mea decisive au fost crile, lecturile, lumea stilizat, nsmnat cu mesaj. Poate c abia prin asta m apropii de ali scribi...Exist suflet, m ntrebam azi, n parc, pe o slab ninsoare, dnd un semiocol lacului. Poate c nu exist, n sensul dat acestui cuvnt de cei care neag transcendentul. ns pentru unul ca mine sufletul exist, el este ceea ce a rmas din prinii mei i mi umple mie viaa, gndurile; ceea ce m face s fiu n comuniune cu ei.“ – Ion Lazu
Delphi Complete Works of Quintilian (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Quintilian (Illustrated)
Quintilian Quintilian
Delphi Complete Works of Quintilian (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Gustave Flaubert (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of Gustave Flaubert (Illustrated)
Gustave Flaubert
Gustave Flaubert, the great realist writer, is now available in Delphi’s bestselling range of titles. This erudite eBook offers readers the most complete collection ever compiled of Flaubert’s FICTIONAL works in English translation, with all the usual Delphi bonus texts. (Current version: 1) * concise introductions to the novels and other works * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * each novel has an individual contents table * MADAME BOVARY and the other novels are illustrated with contemporary artwork * all novels are presented with their French versions – sample the true brilliance of Flaubert’s original text, in between reading the English translations * BONUS selection of non-fiction texts, including an informative account of the Madame Bovary trial * boasts a special literary criticism section, with works by famous writers such as Henry James, Virginia Woolf and D. H. Lawrence, examining Flaubert’s contribution to literature * includes Guy de Maupassant’s scholarly study of Flaubert, available in no other collection * ALSO includes G. A. Mounsey’s biography – immerse yourself in Flaubert’s literary life! * many images relating to Flaubert’s life, works, places and film adaptations * scholarly ordering of texts in chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Flaubert’s immense oeuvre Please note: a complete works of Gustave Flaubert in English is not possible due to copyright restrictions and some works having never been translated. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels MEMOIRS OF A MADMAN (not in English) MADAME BOVARY SALAMMB? SENITMENTAL EDUCATION BOUVARD AND P?CUCHET The Short Stories ?UVRES DE JEUNESSE (not in English) THREE TALES THE DANCE OF DEATH NOVEMBRE The Poetry THE TEMPTATION OF SAINT ANTOINE The Plays THE CANDIDATE THE CASTLE OF HEARTS LE SEXE FAIBLE (not in English) Selected Non-Fiction ABOARD THE CANGE OVER STRAND AND FIELD THE GEORGE SAND-GUSTAVE FLAUBERT LETTERS The Trial THE PUBLIC VS. M. GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The Criticism GUSTAVE FLAUBERT: A STUDY BY GUY DE MAUPASSANT EXTRACT FROM ‘FIGURES OF SEVERAL CENTURIES’ BY ARTHUR SYMONS EXTRACT FROM ‘ESSAYS IN LONDON AND ELSEWHERE’ BY HENRY JAMES EXTRACTS FROM D.H. LAWRENCE’S PHOENIX: THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS’ EXTRACTS FROM VIRGINIA WOOLF’S DIARY The Biography THE LIFE-WORK OF FLAUBERT BY G. A. MOUNSEY The French Texts Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Complete Works of Catullus (Illustrated)
Complete Works of Catullus (Illustrated)
The Late Republic poet Gaius Valerius Catullus had a lasting influence on the Augustan poets Ovid, Horace and Virgil. Today, Catullus’ love poetry retains its raw power in vividly expressing the frenzy of love. Delphi’s Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Catullus’ complete extant works, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions, Dual Latin and English text and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Catullus’ life and works * Features the complete extant works of Catullus, in both English translation and the original Latin * Concise introductions to the poetry and other works * Provides both verse and prose translations of the poems * Includes Francis Warre Cornish’s celebrated translation, previously appearing in the Loeb Classical Library edition – available in no other collection * Images of famous paintings that have been inspired by Catullus’ works * Excellent formatting of the texts * Easily locate the poems or sections you want to read with individual contents tables * Includes Catullus’ rare fragments, first time in digital print * Provides a special dual English and Latin text, allowing readers to compare the sections paragraph by paragraph – ideal for students * Features two bonus biographies – discover Catullus’ ancient world * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please note: this eBook is not an update of our previous Catullus eBook, but instead an entirely new eBook, redesigned and remade with images, an introduction and different translations. We regret we are unable to offer updates for the previous Catullus eBook published in 2010. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Translations INTRODUCTION TO THE POETRY OF CATULLUS PROSE TRANSLATION VERSE TRANSLATION The Latin Text CONTENTS OF THE LATIN TEXT The Dual Text DUAL LATIN AND ENGLISH TEXT The Biographies INTRODUCTION TO CATULLUS by Francis Warre Cornish CATULLUS by J. W. Mackail Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles