本书是意大利作家亚米契斯以儿子的日记改编的,被认为是意大利人的十本小说之一,被各国公认为富爱心和教育性的读物。 全书采用日记体形式,讲述了一个叫安利柯的四年级小男孩的成长故事。内容主要包括发生在安利柯身边各式各样感人的小故事、父母在他日记本上写的劝诫启发性的文章,以及老师在课堂上宣读的感人肺腑的“每月故事”。每章每节,都把“爱”表现得精细深入、淋漓尽致,既有国家、民族、社会的大我之爱,也有父母、师长、朋友的小我之爱,可以说,作者用爱的眼光和笔触向我们传达了如何养成美好的行为和心灵。
飘:GONE WITH THE WIND(套装共2册·英文原版)
《飘》是一部以美国南北战争为历史背景、以南方的社会生活为生活环境的全景社会小说。《飘》全面展现美国南方社会风貌以及各色人物在巨大的社会变革中的命运变迁,《飘》通过展现不同人物在混乱复杂的社会环境中的命运变化,揭示了不同的性格所必然走向不同的命运安排。作者运用女性所特有的观察视角,细微而又深刻地描写了以斯佳丽为中心人物,以瑞德、梅勒妮和艾希礼为主要性格人物的社会活动,通过他们的社会活动,展现了纷繁复杂的社会画面,以及他们各自不同的命运走向。《飘》自1936年首次出版后,在世界上被翻译成29种文字,总共销售了近3000万册。1937年,《飘》获得普利策奖。根据《飘》拍成的电影《乱世佳人》于1939年在亚特兰大举行首映,引起轰动,并迅速风靡全球。 《飘》本书为英文原版,同时提供配套朗读免费下载,扫描图书封底二维码即可直接进入收听页面。让读者在阅读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英文阅读水平。 Gone with the Wind is a novel published in 1936 by American author Margaret Mitchell. This is a coming-of-age novel features one of the most well-known characters of American literature, Scarlett O’Hara. The book explores the effect of the American Civil War (1861-1865) on the characters and is set in the state of Georgia. It follows the life of the spoiled protagonist, Ms. O’Hara as she makes her way in the world, experiencing tragedy and romance while dealing with the social changes brought by the Civil War. Gone with the Wind was immensely popular immediately, becoming the bestselling novel in America in 1936 and 1937. Margaret Mitchell, who was reluctant to publish her work, won a Pulitzer Prize for the novel in 1937. The novel has been adapted into an Academy Award-winning film starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, a play and a ballet. It has also been made into a musical in Japan, Britain and France. Over 30 million copies of Gone with the Wind have been printed worldwide. The novel remains popular in the United States and is still studied in universities and colleges in the English-speaking world.
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.
I was sold to a corn dealer and baker whom Jerry knew, and with him he thought I should have good food and fair work. In the first he was quite right; and if my master had always been on the premises I do not think I should have been overloaded; but there was a foreman who was always hurrying and driving everyone, and frequently when I had quite a full load, he would order something else to be taken on. My carter, whose name was Jakes, often said it was more than I ought to take, but the other always overruled him:" 'Twas no use going twice when once would do, and he chose to get business forward."
Once upon a time there lived a woman who had two daughters. The elder daughter was very like her mother. She was proud and unkind, and no one liked to be near her.
《为奴十二年》这本回忆录的作者所罗门 诺萨普,一个拥有自由的黑人小提琴手,在某个黑夜被拐卖到南方为奴,从此失去与家人的联系,为了生存他不得不掩饰自己的音乐技能,甚至要掩藏自己识字的能力。在这十二载的绝境中,历经磨难,九死一生的他不曾放弃的就是回家的愿望。终在一位白人木匠的帮助下得以返乡,但直到后拐卖他的真凶也并没有得到应有的惩罚,回忆录的尾声也未暗示黑奴的生存状态是否得以改善。 《为奴十二年》的故事背景被放在了南北战争前夕这样一个宏观的大背景之下,而这部作品也十分出色地完成了为时代吹响号角的光荣使命。虽然那个时代离我们已经远去,“为自由而竭力奔跑”的内涵和价值却一直被人们所歌颂;回忆那段历史对于当下的意义不仅仅是以史为鉴,告诫世人“人人生而平等”,更是在为我们这些早已被各种物欲束缚的人提供一场精神救赎之旅。让我们跟随所罗门 诺萨普的视角,重新回到美国的黑奴时期,揭露那个时代的奴隶生活。 本书情节“充满了愤怒、无奈、委屈和感动……这是一曲长达12年的悲伤挽歌,一曲长达12年的爱恋之曲……它很真实,它就是历史”。
Chicken Little was in a gentleman's garden, where she had no right to be, when a rose leaf fell on her tail. Away she ran in great fright until she met Hen Pen. "O Hen Pen!" she cried, "the sky is falling."
本书是泰戈尔脍炙人口的两部诗集《飞鸟集》和《新月集》的合集。全书采取英汉双语对照形式出版,并配有大量精美的插图。 《飞鸟集》是一部富于哲理的抒情诗集,智慧的深刻和篇幅的简短是其鲜明特色。在这部诗集中,白昼与黑夜,落叶与流萤,自由与背叛,无不在泰戈尔笔下化为一首首清丽的小诗,它们充满着扑面而来的清新气息,如同被大雨冲刷后的世界,清亮而又耐人寻味。 《新月集》是一部儿童诗集,语言空灵秀丽,形散神聚,给人无限的美感。诗人用一支彩色神笔描绘了儿童纯净奇特的内心世界和绚丽多彩的生活画面,感人至深地表现了孩子与父母的骨肉亲情。
THIS IS CANADA:加拿大(英语国家文化与生活1)(出国留学英文版)
《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》系列图书由以英语为母语的作者,为中国学生和英语学习者专门编写,尤其是将来准备出国留学的学生。 《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》以加拿大这一英语国家的历史和文化为背景,对该国的人文地理、旅游、经济、文化、教育及日常生活做了详细介绍,通过这本《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》你将对加拿大有全新的认识。针对ESL学习者的特点和英语水平, 《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》以全英文方式出版, 是国内英语学习者很好的阅读素材,每一章节后都有对本章节重难点单词的注释与习题,同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,在品读的精彩故事的同时提升阅读水平。下载方式详见图书封底博客链接。对准备出国留学的学生备考英语水平考试也大有帮助。 This series of books allows readers to strengthen their vocabulary while learning important information about the history and culture of different English speaking countries. In This Is Canada, you will learn about the geography and people of the second largest country in the world. You will learn about the first peoples of Canada, the provinces and territories of Canada, the history of the Chinese in Canada. This book will also give you insider knowledge about studying in the country and touring the country, as well. What kind of sports is popular in CanadaWhat are the holiday celebrations in CanadaWho are some famous CanadiansAll these questions are answered within this helpful book. This is the perfect book for students who are interested in completing a work or study term in Canada. It is also ideal for travellers who are considering Canada as a destination. The book comes complete with a study guide and answer key, so you can sharpen your English language skills while reading. Enjoy this book and the others in this essential series!
这首《春之静谧》(Spring Quiet)就是罗塞蒂的典型清纯之作。全诗描绘了一幅冬去春来、大地回暖、万象更新的清丽画面。绿树红花间,鸟鸣山更幽。风送花香,百转低回。结庐在河畔,看清泉石上流,听涛声耳旁荡,享一日好春光。诗中有画,画中有诗。读完令人不禁想起王维的《鸟鸣涧》,一样的寄情山水,一样的明净雅致,一样的云淡风轻。
Pleased with the compliment of "fine little fellow," "Oh, yes, sir," I answered. "It is down in the shop."
WHO is thisA careless little midshipman, idling about in a great city, with his pockets full of money. He is waiting for the coach; it comes up presently, and he gets on the top of it and begins to look about him.
《月亮和六便士》是英国小说家威廉· 萨默赛特·毛姆的创作的长篇小说,作品以法国印象派画家保罗·高更的生平为素材,描述了一个原本平凡的伦敦证券经纪人思特里克兰德,不惑之年,本来事业有成,家庭和睦,子女双全,但是为了追求自己内心的绘画梦想,抛妻弃子,离家跑到巴黎始画画。*后去到了一座孤岛—塔希提岛,找到了自己的“归宿”,并创作了许许多多的惊世杰作,完成了自己对“月亮”的追逐。 The Moon and Sixpence is a novel by W. Somerset Maugham first published in 1919. It is told in episodic form by a first-person narrator, in a series of glimpses into the mind and soul of the central character Charles Strickland, a middle-aged English stockbroker, who abandons his wife and children abruptly to pursue his desire to become an artist. The story is in part based on the life of the painter Paul Gauguin, who was a French post-Impressionist artist and now is recognized for his experimental use of color and Synthetist style that were distinctly different from Impressionism. “Life isn't long enough for love and art.” “She loved three things — a joke, a glass of wine, and a handsome man.” “As lovers, the difference between men and women is that women can love all day long, but men only at times.” “There is no cruelty greater than a woman's to a man who loves her and whom she does not love; she has no kindness then, no tolerance even, she has only an insane irritation.”
子程子曰:“不偏之谓中;不易之谓庸。中者,天下之正道。庸者,天下之定理。”此篇乃孔门传授心法,子思恐其久而差也,故笔之于书,以授孟子。其书始言一理;中散为万事;末复合为一理。放之则弥六合;卷之则退藏于密,其味无穷。皆实学也。善读者玩索而有得焉,则终身用之,有不能尽者矣。My master, the philosopher Cheng, says, “Being without inclination to either side is called ZHONG; admitting of no change is called YONG. By ZHONG is denoted the correct course to be pursued by all under heaven; by YONG is denoted the fixed principle regulating all under heaven.” This work contains the law of the mind, which was handed down from one to another, in the Confucian school,till Zisi, fearing lest in the course of time errors should arise about it, committed it to writing, and delivered it to Mencius. The Book first speaks of one principle; it next spreads this out and embraces all things; finally, it returns and gathers them all up under the one principle. Unroll it, and it fills the universe; roll it up, and it retires and lies hid in mysteriousness. The relish of it is inexhaustible. The whole of it is solid learning. When the skillful rea
《重温经典 速学英语》 盲目地背诵单词和语法是对英语学习不利的,这样只 会让你越来越厌烦这门语言,从而彻底丧失学习的兴趣和动力。 因此,英语学习应该以兴趣为*老师。“书山有路勤为径,学 海无涯乐作舟”,通过文学名著和电影来培养学习美语的兴趣, 就是一条非常行之有效的路径。因此,我们编写了《重温经典 速学英语》一书。本书精心挑选了9部经典名著和27部*不容错过的影片,并配有录音,让你在学习英语的同时,也经历心灵感动和文化震撼。