Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IX) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(I) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(V) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. This collection contains 42 stories, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(VII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
The author was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, and was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
关于“新东方书虫·世界名著英文版精读系列” “新东方书虫·世界名著英文版精读”系列是新东方教研团队倾力造的一套适合中国读者的有声英文名著精读类读物。 整套书精选世界经典名著的英文原版,通过原汁原味的英文原文、妙趣横生的中文精读讲解,以及经过大纲对标的词汇记忆等方式,重新塑造读者的英语语言学习和认知,提供一种趣味性极强、英语水平和人文素养双重提升的学习方式。 本丛书配有两套音频——重单词趣味讲解音频和外教全文朗读音频,通过极具特色的语境、情节、画面、联想、跟读等记忆法,以及作者独创的“原著阅读三步法”,助力读者在阅读中轻松扩充英语词汇量,爱上原著阅读,爱上英语学习。 《海的女儿》内容简介 本书为新东方书虫·世界名著英文版精读系列辑故事之一。《海的女儿》是“现代童话之父”安徒生负盛名的作品之一,丹麦国宝小美人鱼铜像正是源自该童话。其生动的人物、曲折的情节、隽永的情感、丰富的内涵动了一代又一代年轻读者。《海的女儿》曾被翻译成多种语言,本书选择的是“哈佛经典”系列英译本。该译本用词精到,难度控制合理,非常适合英语学习者精读研习。
《旅游英语口语入门》针对出国旅行者的实际需要,精选了出国旅游一路上常用到的实际场景以及各场景下常使用的句子和单词,采用替换词套用模式,搭配彩图、音标、谐音和点读,让你省时省力说英语! ◆从发音和基础词句入手,打牢口语“地基”。 本书针对中国人学习英语口语的特点,从基础的字母和国际音标开始,搭配口型图、发音方法以及中文类似音,夯实发音关!接着循序渐进,引入旅行中常用的数字单位和社交用语,基本交际不用愁! ◆以旅行全场景为框架,搭建“常用句型 替换词”结构。 海量实用口语句型,搭配拓展替换词及同/近义句、问/答句、单词/短语提示、口语知识点等,举一反三,一学就会! ◆常用内容单独列出,打造贴心“防护栏” 从中国旅行者的角度出发,专门设置了紧急用语、特色菜品、名牌产品、知名景点等内容,临时急需,随翻随说! ◆全彩图解,中文谐音,点读笔点读,锦上添花 图解常用单词和句子,旅途中看看图片,比看纯文字的书轻松多了,心情大好,而且还方便查找!不会读的单词有中文注音帮你联想记忆;还有点读笔,轻轻一点,沟通即刻实现!
“青少年的英文枕边书”为中英文对照系列读物。本系列图书精选原汁原味的地道英语美文,经过精心编排,让读者既能欣赏凝练生动的英文,又能通过精准、优美的译文深层次地理解和感受字里行间的意境,领略语言之美,同时还能提高文学素养,开阔视野、陶冶情操,是广大爱好英语和文学的青少年的读物。随书附赠MP3音频光盘和精美书签,并提供二维码扫描,读者可随时随地享受有声阅读的畅快和便捷。 《爱要有你才完美(温情卷)》是“青少年的英文枕边书”系列图书中的本。书中收录了与亲情、友情、师生情等相关的英语美文故事,读者可从中领略人与人之间的珍贵情感。
Selected Short Stories(V) 短篇小说集(英文版)
These short stories, written mostly in the 1890s, vividly portray Bengali life and culture. Tagore's treatment of caste culture, bureaucracy and poverty paint a vivid portrait of nineteenth-century India, and all are interwoven with Tagore's perceptive eye for detail, strong sense of humanity and deep affinity for the natural world.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(XII) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951. 42 stories of his novels are contained in this collection, some from an earlier collection, and others previously unpublished. There are Southern gothic tales, strings of short stories that take place during the Great War, stories that are post and ante-bellum stories of the South and even stories about aviators, and the homeless.
Selected Short Stories(I) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Written during the 1890s, the stories in this selection brilliantly recreate vivid images of Bengali life and landscapes in their depiction of peasantry and gentry, casteism, corrupt officialdom and dehumanizing poverty.
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (III)幽灵人力车(英文版)
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, is a collection of short stories first published in 1888,by Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 - 18 January 1936) who was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. It is also known as The Phantom 'Rickshaw & other Eerie Tales.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(III) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Selected Short Stories(II) 短篇小说集(英文版)
In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he remains one of the most important voices of Bengali culture to this day. Tagore is first and foremost India's supreme Romantic poet, and in these stories he can be seen reaching beyond mere documentary realism towards his own profoundly original vision. These short stories, written mostly in the 1890s, vividly portray Bengali life and culture.
Selected Short Stories(III) 短篇小说集(英文版)
Tagore is often seen as a serious writer, dealing with significant issues concerning religion, politics and culture in his work, he also had a lighter side to his personality, which enabled him to laugh at certain inherent human weaknesses, such as excessive piety, sentimentality, affectedness, arrogance and sexual jealousy, in a comic spirit, rather than being derogatory or sarcastic about them.
The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories (IV)幽灵人力车(英文版)
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Tales, It is also known as The Phantom 'Rickshaw & other Eerie Tales.It is a collection of short stories first published in 1888,by Joseph Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 - 18 January 1936) who was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. the following short stories are included in the book: The phantom 'rickshaw which is the author’s own true ghost story ;The strange ride of Morrowbie Jukes who would be king - The finest story in the world.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IV) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. He was also a published poet and an occasional screenwriter.
Selected Short Stories(IV) 短篇小说集(英文版)
The stories in this selection brilliantly recreate vivid images of Bengali life and landscapes in their depiction of peasantry and gentry, casteism, corrupt officialdom and dehumanizing poverty. Yet Tagore is first and foremost India's supreme Romantic poet, and in these stories he can be seen reaching beyond mere documentary realism towards his own profoundly original vision.