A Mother’s Day Murder:A Mt. Abrams Mystery
Mt. Abrams was the kind of small, quiet town where, as any of its residents would tell you, nothing ever happened. That was why Ellie Rocca loved living there, even if her ex-husband did not.But even small towns had secrets, as Ellie discovered when Lacey Mitchell suddenly disappeared. Ellie caught Lacey’s husband in a lie, and one small discovery led to another until it became apparent that nothing about the Mitchell’s was quite what it seemed.Mother’s Day was just around the corner. With a sexy detective on the case, and Ellie and her friends getting closer to the truth, can Lacey Mitchell be found in time to enjoy the day with her sons? Or was something more deadly going on?This novella is 35K words, the first in the Mt. Abrams Mystery Series
joke bank - Popular Jokes
For adults we have the adult jokes section, the dirty jokes, and the Yo Mama jokes categories. Of course the classic celebrity characters, like Chuck Norris, Bill Clinton, Al Bundy and Barney Stinson, are all in there too. To tease your friends or your foes, we recommend the professional categories. Whether they're a civil servant, a farmer, a graduate, a student, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a broker, a footballer or a schoolboy, we have just the thing. The classical knock knock jokes and light bulb jokes are also included. A separated clean jokes section is available.
Made for Each other: A Contemporary Christian Romance
When?her job brings her to the city where her grandmother lives,?Lissa?first meets Jason.?Though their attraction to one another is immediate, Lissa refuses to be tempted into romance with a man in Jason’s occupation. She has been influenced by her mother to believe anyone in a creative job has the potential for ruin and starvation. These childhood teachings drove Lissa to actions that she now regrets. Although Jason is handsome and considerate, Lissa is wary and feels it is better to have a husband with a secure job than one who is at the mercy of public trends. Jason is determined not to fall for another committed career woman, and risk the pain of breaking up, as he did with his former fiancé. Taking second place to his wife’s work is not what he wants in a marriage. In addition, he takes his faith seriously and worries about Lissa’s ambivalent relationship with God. Will past experiences stand in the way of their relationship or will they grow together to find true love? ?
Tom stood on the ridge.? He looked down at his changing hands.? He thought about his new assistant.? He took her picture out of his pocket and looked at it.? He raised his head and howled at the moon.? His head jerked to the side.? “Go away vampire!”? the beast’s eyes burned red.? Tom watched as the vampire ran off.? He smiled.? This town was full of them, and he hated them, and the witches.? He looked down at the picture again.? He couldn’t wait to sink his teeth into her. Will a dream come true, be Jenna’s end? Can she trust the man that hired her? What about the little old woman she sees every day? Find out in this fast-paced Halloween tale.? Jenna will have to fight to survive.? She will have to be careful of who she trusts.
Herois do Antigo (Edi??o Portuguesa): Episódio 1x01 da saga Espada dos Deuses
Sem memória de seu passado, o Coronel Mikhail Mannuki’ili, das For?as Especiais Angelicais, desperta gravemente ferido em sua nave acidentada. A mulher da Idade da Pedra que salva sua vida, Ninsianna, tem uma extraordinária habilidade de cura. Mas quem matou Mikhail? E por que? . Ninsianna sempre teve um relacionamento especial com a deusa. Ela vem de uma longa linhagem de xam?s e curandeiros. Quando ela foge para o deserto, para escapar do casamento for?ado com o dominador filho do Chefe, a última coisa que ela esperava era que um homem alado caísse do céu! . Enquanto isso, no firmamento, quatro espécies de supersoldados geneticamente modificados lutam contra sua potencial extin??o. O primeiro-ministro Lúcifer, filho adotivo do imperador, arquiteta um plano para superar os desejos de seu pai imortal. . ? a vida ou a morte nesta primeira edi??o do épico sci-fantasy, recontando o mito de anjos caídos: Espada dos Deuses. . Este livro n?o é uma fic??o de religi?o. . . Ordem de leitura - série Sword of the Gods: —Espada dos Deuses (conter 'Heróis do Antigo' novela) —N?o há Lugar para Anjos Caídos —Fruta Proibida (em breve)
Héroes de la Antigüedad (Edición en Espa?ol) (Spanish Edition)
El Coronel de las Fuerzas Especiales Angelicales, Mikhail Mannuki'ili, se despierta; herido mortalmente en su nave estrellada. La mujer encargada de salvar su vida posee una extra?a habilidad para sanar. Pero, ?quién disparó a Mikhail? ?Y por qué? Ninsianna, quien proviene de una extensa línea de chamanes y curanderos, siempre ha tenido una relación especial con la diosa. Al irse al desierto escapando de su matrimonio forzado con el autoritario hijo del Jefe, ?lo último que espera es que un hombre alado caiga del cielo! Mientras tanto, en el cielo, el Primer Ministro Lucifer, el hijo adoptivo del Emperador Eterno, trama un complot para anular los deseos de su padre inmortal. Asuntos de vida o muerte se desenvuelven en esta primera entrega de ciencia ficción fantástica que relata el mito de los ángeles caídos, Espada de los Dioses. ?Este libro NO es ficción religiosa! ?Lengua espa?ola - Spanish language
Bütünsel Bak??la Canl?l?k-I: "Madde ve Enerji, Beden ve Ruh ?li?kisi"
CANLILIK Nedir? Bilin? nedir? Zamanla ba?lant?l? olduklar?n? g?rebilir miyiz? Duygular?n ne oldu?unu s?yleyebilir miyiz? Beden ve Ruh ayr? m? yan?lg? m?d?r? Beden ve ruh, madde ve enerji gibi midir? Einstein'?n ünlü E=M.C2 formülüyle, madde ve enerjinin temelde ayn? ?eyler oldu?unu ve birbirlerine d?nü?ebildiklerini, maddenin yo?unla?m?? uzay-enerji alan? oldu?unu g?stermi?tir. Madde ile enerji aras?ndaki benzerlik ne i?e, beden ile ruh aras?ndaki benzerlikte ?yle midir? Beden madde ise Ruh enerji midir? Bilin?, duyulardan kayna??n? alan daha üst bir duyu mudur? Hücreler dokular?, dokular organlar?, organlar sistemleri olu?turur dü?üncesinde bilincimizi de g?rebilir miyiz? Haf?zam?zdaki bilgilere istedi?imiz her an neden ula?amay?z? Daha da ?nemlisi, tüm bilincimizi zaman?n ?ok k?sa an?na s??d?rabilir miyiz? Neden?
Adem'e Mektuplar
Ah! Adem! 14/02/2000 Dostum, seninle fuarda yollarmzn kesimesiyle balayan süre, ikimizin de yaamn kkünden deitireceini sanyorum. Bu karlaama, salam, müstesna bir arkadaln balangc oldu… Akn ateli savunucusu, slam aleminin ve bar maneviyatnn kapsn ardna kadar ak tutan, Mevlana gibi, bizim arkadalmz da iki ummann kavumasna benzedi! Sen de, savamak yerine nefsini terbiye etmeyi savunanlardansn. Biliyorum, bunu herkes kabullenemez… nsanlarla kavga etmek yerine, dürüste konuup, doruyu anlatama taktiini kullandn biliyorum! Kendini sevenin, güzel olan sevilmemesi mümkün mü Sen kendine güzel muamele etmezsen, hi bakalar sana güzel eyler eder mi Senin o güzel duygu ve düüncelerin yüzüne yansyor. Farkndaym! Bu da eitimle ve retimle oluyor elbette… Biliyor musun Adem Hocam, insanlarn karlatklar sorunlarn ounun temelinde kitap okuma eksikliidir. Okumak, kiinin daha fazla kavramasna ve düünme kapasitesini gelitiriyor... Gzlerimi yakyor bazen bu günein atei! Ama olsun! Ik beni yaksa da, karanlkta dünyam aydnlatyor! Zaten benim iimdeki ate, Allah tarafndan tututurulmu! Belli ediyorum sevincimin heyecann, deil mi YAZAR HAKKINDA (Ksa zgemi) Yazarn almalar; TALAN MEVSMNDE ADAM GB YAAMAK, SOKRATES’N SYANI, HALILAR ANAKKALEDE, YZ ELL YAINDAK ADAM, TEVRATIN OCUKLARI VE KURAN, ARF’N LM, RLE ALAMAK, KK MAHMUT LE KOCA BAYRAM, VENS GEZEGENNDE SYAN, ADEME MEKTUPLAR gibi Kur-an ahlakna dayal, ama daha cüretkr ve farkl konuda yazlm kitaplardr. Halit Fuat Beik kimdir 1952 ylnda Fatsa'da dodu. lk ve orta renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite renimini ise stanbul'da tamamlad. Kapal arda ticaret hayatna atld. Bu arada dünyann pek ok ülkesini gezme frsat buldu. nceleri rezaletten kamayan ve "Hep ben" mantyla maceral bir hayat yaad. Okumay ve not almay ok sevdii iin pek ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz yllk bir emek vermesine ramen, bu konuda daha pek ok ey yapmas gerektiine inanyor. nan, Adalet, nsan sevgisi ve Kuran ahlakna dayal o muhteem denge iinde eserler vermeye alyor.u anda sizler iin deiik konularda pek ok kitaplar daha hazrlamaktadr. Gerek eserlerini bundan sonra sizlere sunacana inanyor…
Kü?ük Mahmut ve Koca Bayram
Ger?ekten de, ben ?uyum demek ?ok zor, benim i?in! Hep yolday?m i?te… Hem ??renciyim, hem ??retmen! Ya? atm?? be?… Yapt???m bu i?i a?kla yap?yorum… Payla?may? seviyorum… Bu yapt???m?, sanat ve ilim olarak g?rüyorum… Her ?eyden ?nce, ruhumu doyuruyor yazmak… ?Gen?lik y?llar?mda dolu dizgin bir ya?am?n ard?ndan, belli bir doygunlu?a ula?man?n ard?ndan insan, ya?amdaki; “Adam olman?n!” fark?ndal???n? iyi g?rüyor… ?Ancak bizler kafam?z? duvarlara vurarak hayat? ??rendik! ?anss?z bir nesildik biz… Bilgi bizden ?ok uzakt?, o zamanlar… Nerde oturaca??m?z? ve kalkaca??m?z? dahi bilemiyorduk… ??kinci Dünya Harbi yeni bitmi?, ?ileli y?llar o y?llar… ?Ama bir ger?ek var ki, “Yokluk” varl???n de?erini ortaya ??kar?yor. Bunlar? yak?ndan g?rdük biz... Bizimkisi kadim bir bilgelik olmasa da, gen?ler gelece?e sa?lam baks?nlar diye bu kitab? yazmak zorunda hissettim kendimi! Hakikat birdir ancak ve bunu do?ru yola koymak gerekir. Gelecek nesil, hayattan ve ya?amdan korkmas?n istedim! Korkmak korkanad?r… ?Gen?lerin derdine derman olup biraz olsun hakikatlerine inmek istedim. Zaten duygu dolu hat?ralar?n canl? kitapl??? ile her zaman gen?lerin hizmetindedir bu fakir... ??stiyorum ki, onlar, dünyan?n derinliklerinde kaybolmas?nlar ve hakikati g?rüp güzel ?eyler ya?as?nlar. Aldat?lmas?nlar ve yan?lt?lmas?nlar yeter ki! Bat? destekli g?rünen dünyadaki b?lünmü?lük i?inde siyasi gelece?i olmayan Ortado?u ülkeleri gibi olmayal?m! Erken gelen yalanc? bahara kan?p, ?i?ek a?an, sonra da donup telef olan o zavall?lara d?nmeyelim! Arap bahar?n? hep birlikte g?rdük i?te… ?Zulüm edenlere, ??kar pe?inde silah tutanlara kar?? koymay? bilirsek, ne ?ok s?rl? güzellikler a???a ??kmakt?r! Ah bir bilseniz? Siz gen?ler, güzel ad?mlar at?n yeter… ?Yüzle?in ger?eklerle... ? ? Yazar Hakk?nda ?Halit Fuat Be?ik : 1952 y?l?nda Fatsa'da do?du. ?lk ve orta ??renimini Fatsa'da, üniversite ??renimini ise ?stanbul'da tamamlad?. Kapal? ?ar??da ticaret hayat?na at?ld?. Bu arada dünyan?n pek ?ok ülkesini gezme f?rsat? buldu. ?nceleri rezaletten ka?mayan ve "Hep ben" mant???yla maceral? bir hayat ya?ad?. Okumay? ve not almay? ?ok sevdi?i i?in pek ?ok kitap ve notlara sahiptir. Yazmak konusuna otuz y?ll?k bir emek vermesine ra?men, bu konuda daha pek ?ok ?ey yapmas? gerekti?ine inan?yor. 2003 y?l?nda "Talan Mevsiminde?Adam gibi ya?amak.” 2010 y?l?nda, ”Sokrates’in ?syan?., Ha?l?lar ?anakkale’de, Yüz Elli Ya??ndaki Adam, Tevrat’?n ?ocuklar? ve Kur-an” adl? kitaplar? yay?nlanm??t?r. ?nan?, Adalet, ?nsan sevgisi ve Kur-an ahlak?na dayal? o muhte?em denge i?inde eserler vermeye ?al???yor.??u anda sizler i?in de?i?ik konularda pek ?ok kitaplar daha haz?rlamaktad?r. Ger?ek eserlerini bundan sonra size sunaca??na inan?yor...
Estudos linguísticos e literários: aplicados ao ensino
Roase de singurtate i strivite de idealuri de normalitate sunt personaje din prima parte – Singur pe drum – a povestirilor Anci Goja. Nu cele cincisprezece minute de celebritate le caut eroii ei anacronici i cronic aparintori unei provincii, ei tnjesc, n schimb, dup cteva zile de normalitate. Dup ele, nu vine neaprat potopul – dei sfritul lumii apare obsesiv printre temele i temerile acestor proze –, dar vine mai mereu surparea, vine resemnarea, vine eecul, somnul ori moartea, vine prea-trziul i, de aceea, ca-n versuri de mult vreme uitate, pentru ei, e totuna. (…) n aceast prim parte a volumului, Anca Goja alege, deci, doar s rein, n treact, mici episoade n care prin fisurile realitii dense se iete fantasticul. n partea a doua ns, exact crruile neprevzutului, ale coincidenelor tlcuitoare, ale semnelor de (alt) rost prevestitoare sunt, cu pruden, ncercate.“ – Crina Bud
A notícia como fábula: realidade e fic??o se confundem na mídia
Un roman puternic, expresiv, ?ntunecat, v?ndut ?n c?teva zeci de mii de exemplare, situ?ndu-se astfel printre cele mai solicitate romane ale anului.
Travessias pela literatura portuguesa: estudos críticos de Saramago a Vieira
Dup? ce a pus s?-i fie ucis? prima so?ie, Ludovic al X-lea Ar??gosul se c?s?tore?te cu frumoasa ?i cucernica prin?es? Clémence a Ungariei. Viitorul coroanei pare ?n sf?r?it asigurat, iar onoarea regelui, reparat?. Un r?zboi dezastruos ?mpotriva flamanzilor, ambi?iile puternicilor nobili ?i incapacitatea regelui de a guverna amenin?? ?ns? stabilitatea regatului. ?n cele din urm?, nimeni nu este imun la otrav?… Pentru prima dat? dup? trei sute de ani, un rege al Fran?ei moare f?r? a l?sa un mo?tenitor de sex masculin.
Сто рок?в боротьби
Esta publica??o é eminentemente didática e útil aos vários profissionais da área da saúde. A obra está organizada em duas partes. A primeira, dedicada à teoria da Psicologia da Saúde, visa dar ao leitor um panorama geral dos aspectos que embasam a compreens?o da Segunda parte do livro voltada aos trabalhos de pesquisa desenvolvidos pelos pesquisadores da Psicologia da Saúde, aqui reunidos.
Maidanul cu dragoste
Organizarea, activitatea ?i orientarea ?n coresponden?? diplomatic? rom?n? ?i note ale SSIVolumul are ca subiect principal organizarea, activitatea ?i orientarea emigra?iei politice din fostul Imperiu Rus ?n Europa, considerat? ca un pericol permanent la adresa regimului comunist, emigra?ie ai c?rei lideri au f?cut obiectul ?ncerc?rilor permanente de terorizare, lichidare sau discreditare.Documentele selectate, ?n cea mai mare parte, din Arhiva Diplomatic?, reprezint? rapoarte ale lega?iilor ?i oficiilor consulare rom?ne din Atena, Belgrad, Berlin, Berna, Bratislava, Budapesta, Istanbul, Lisabona, Madrid, Paris, Praga, Roma, Rusciuk, Skopje, Sofia, Stockholm, Vichy sau Zagreb, precum ?i note ale Serviciului Special de Informa?ii, c?tre Ministerul Afacerilor Str?ine, ?n timpul campaniei germano-rom?ne ?mpotriva Uniunii Sovietice. Sursele reflect? nu doar starea de fapt ?i de spirit a emigran?ilor, for?a?i s? aleag? ?ntre regimul totalitar comunist ?i cel nazist, dar ?i pozi?ia Bucure?tiului fa?? de problemele rus? ?i ucrainean?, cu profunde implica?ii geopolitice.
Mo? Teac?
Publica?ii, documente, scrisori ?i fotografii?n anul 1920, ?ntr-o lupt? inegal? cu trupele bol?evice, ?n fruntea Brig?zii a 2-a de Mitraliere a Armatei Na?ionale Ucrainene, locotenent-colonelul Hnat Porohivski s-a retras pe malul drept al Nistrului. Participant la Primul R?zboi Mondial, lider al emigran?ilor ucraineni care s-au salvat din fostul Imperiu Rus ?n Rom?nia, ?n anul 1931 absolv? ?coala Superioar? de ?tiin?e Administrative din Bucure?ti, iar ?n 1940 devine comisar al guvernului ucrainean ?n exil pentru statele balcanice.Din anul 1930 lucreaz? pentru Serviciul Secret de Informa?ii al Armatei Rom?ne, sub numele conspirativ Ciobanu, loialitatea sa fiind determinat? nu doar de orientarea antisovietic?, dar ?i de ospitalitatea oferit?. Lu?nd parte la lupte din primele zile ale r?zboiului rom?no-sovietic, sub numele conspirativ Dobrescu, ?n calitate de ofi?er superior al Agenturii Frontului de Est, a condus Biroul de Studii, Documentare ?i Centralizare.Volumul reprezint? un prim pas de recuperare a memoriei celui c?ruia i se datoreaz?, ?n mare parte, renumele de care s-a bucurat emigra?ia politic? ucrainean? din Rom?nia, rezisten?a acesteia ?n fa?a asaltului de distrugere ?i divizare, men?inerea pozi?iei de ostilitate fa?? de comunism ?i de imperialism.
Imperfect Love
At 24 years old, Holly Scallanger has the perfect life. Everything a girl could want; a beautiful man, a stunning home, as well as being in the midst of preparing for the wedding of her dreams. This all vanishes the night she catches her fiancé, Brandon Morgan, in bed with her worst nightmare, Donna Sinclair, just a week before Holly is set to walk down the aisle. Attempting to recover from his betrayal, Holly swears off the affections of men in order to pick up the pieces of her crumbling life. Unfortunately, meeting Jake 'Hooligan' Peters is not part of her plan. The tall, dark-haired and handsome as hell med student, sweeps Holly away from the pain of her past and reveals to her the bright future that lies ahead. That is, until she falls pregnant just as Jake begins his internship at P&E; his family's hospital. Will this love at first sight lead her to the fairytale she has always craved? Or, will she fall victim to a betrayal of the heart yet again?
Poetry I: The Writers Call
"Reaches into the corners of your soul and pulls out all that is beautiful." "Masterfully crafted poetry". "A powerhouse of a poetry collection." Poetry: there are times in life when nothing else will do. And at such times, you need a certain kind of poem, the kind contained in this pamphlet. Clear, simple, accessible, inspirational poetry. This is the first in a series of poetry pamphlets by a bestselling and acclaimed novelist, a short collection of ten poems with diverse forms and subjects. "Poetry should be ingested sparingly," says Orna Ross. "like any mind-altering substance. More than ten at a time is too much, I believe." These are poems you read again and again, touching as they do on all the big themes. An artist fails to see what he is creating in his life; a woman surviving genocide making meaning from maternity; an Irish wedding blessing is reworked... You'll find poems about love -- in its many manifestations. Poems about making art. Poems about life and liberty and the conditions for happiness. Poems about loss, and faith, and redemption. All delivered in direct, achingly lovely language. This is poetry in the tradition of Mary Oliver, William Stafford, Maya Angelou. The purest practice of the theory Orna Ross expounds in her "Go Creative!" books.
The World of Angels (Malaikah) In Islam Faith
Angels or malaikah in arabic are heavenly beings mentioned many times in the Quran and hadith. Unlike humans or jinn, they have no free will and therefore can do only what God orders them to do. An example of a task they carry out is testing individuals by granting them abundant wealth and curing their illness. Believing in angels is one of the six Articles of Faith in Islam. Just as humans are made of clay, and jinn are made of smokeless fire, angels are made of light.Muslims believe in the existence of angels. In Islam there are six pillars of faith; belief in God, the One and Only, the Creator and Sustainer of all that exists, belief in His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day and divine predestination.Angels are part of the unseen world, but Muslims believe in their existence with certainty because God and His messenger, Muhammad, have provided us with information about them. The angels were created by God in order to worship and obey Him..“They, (angels) disobey not, the Commands they receive from God, but do that which they are commanded.” (Quran 66:6)God created angels from light. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said, “The angels are created from light,” We have no knowledge of when the angels were created, however, we do know that it was before the creation of humankind. Quran explains that God told the angels of His intention to create a vicegerent on earth. (2:30)Muslims know that angels are beautiful creations. In Quran 53:6 God describes the angels as dhoo mirrah, this is an Arabic term that renowned Islamic scholars define as, tall and beautiful in appearance.Angels have wings, and can be very large. There is nothing in either the Quran, or the traditions of Prophet Muhammad that indicate that angels are winged babies or have any form of gender. We do know however, that angels are winged and some are extremely large. From the traditions of Prophet Muhammad we know that the angel Gabriel’s great size filled “the space between heaven and earth” and that he had six hundred wings.
A Mother Scorned
I didn’t intend to kill Teddy. Sure, I had motive (hated him), means (trusted to my care), and opportunity (no one else in the house), but really and truly, it was an accident...
Alkaline Diet Cookbook
Healthy Alkaline Food Recipes for You & Your Family! If you're trying to get healthy or lose weight, then following a diet focusing on alkaline foods may be just what you need. Alkaline foods, the vast majority of which are fruits and vegetables, are among the healthiest types and are frequently associated with the prevention and treatment of many diseases. We have collected over delicious and best selling recipes from around the world including soup recipes, salads, main dishes, side dishes, and much more. Enjoy! Eating foods that have an alkaline effect can lead to… Healthy Weight Better Digestion Clearer Skin More Energy Reducing Your Risk of Developing Diseases This diet helps cleanse your body of the harmful effects of an acidic diet. Alkalinity is the worst foe of acidity and this is just basic chemistry. In this book, you will learn how to counter acidity and excessive acidic environment present in the body with simple, yet very tasty recipes. In the course of the book, you will learn: What the alkaline diet is? The benefits of alkaline diet Alkaline foods checklist A wide variety of tasty yet easy to cook alkaline recipes. Don’t wait… Get this book now & enjoy the benefits for yourself!
Amazon Echo Dot:The Ultimate User Guide
This book is a great guide for you to get started if you are a fan of getting the latest technologies at your house. The Echo Dot device looks like a dot, and there are a lot of benefits which it can bring to your life. You will see how it changes the lifestyle and help you out with keeping you updated with the external world and fixing your internal matters such as reminding you of important things. Echo Dot speaks to you when you set it up with different features which are present in this awesome device. If you have bought this device, then it is a must have to get this eBook. It will help you step by step to learn about the little device and the various features which are involved in it. You can make use of all the devices and enjoy your life without any worries or stress. If you are someone who does not know about Amazon Echo Dot then you should surely get this eBook because once you go through it, you won’t be able to resist getting the actual device. The more you learn about it, the more you would want to get it because of the ease it gives in your life. Especially if you are someone working and handling the house chores at the same time, then this can be best help for you to get done with the day without any obstacles or forgetting any important event. With this device, you will be remembering your events and won’t miss out of your loved ones.