

Helde van Ouds: 'n Novella (Afrikaanse Uitgawe): (Afrikaans Edition)
Helde van Ouds: 'n Novella (Afrikaanse Uitgawe): (Afrikaans Edition)
Anna Erishkigal
Engelagtige Spesiale Magte Kolonel Mikhail Mannuki'ili word wakker, noodlottig gewond, in sy skip wat neergestort het. Die vrou wat sy lewe red het 'n ongelooflike vermo? om te genees. Maar wie het Mikhail afgeskiet? En hoekom? . Ninsianna het nog altyd 'n spesiale verhouding met die godin gehad. Sy kom uit 'n lang lyn van toordokters en genesers. Toe sy die woestyn in vlug om die gedwonge huwelik aan die hoof se baasspelerige seun te ontsnap, was die laaste ding wat sy verwag het ? gevlerkte man wat uit die lug val! . Intussen, in die hemel, het Eerste Minister Lucifer, die Ewige Keiser se aangenome seun, 'n plan gemaak om sy onsterflik pa se wense te ignoreer. . Dit is lewe en dood in die eerste paaiement van die Swaard van die Gode wetenskapfiksie reeks, ‘n fantastiese oorvertelling van die mite oor gevalle engele. . Episode 1x01 van die "Swaard van die Gode" saga . Hierdie boek is NIE godsdienstige fiksie nie! . Afrikaanse taal, Afrikaanse boeke, Afrikaans Edition, Afrikaans language
Les Trois Mousquetaires
Les Trois Mousquetaires
Alexandre Dumas
Vreau s? cred c? drumul lui Eugenio Barba este cel ?n care ?nt?lne?te copacul de care at?rn? pe creanga cea mai de sus un m?r de aur ?i f?r? s? ?i pese de cei din jurul lui, de privirile lor arogante sau sc?nteind a dispre?, se ca??r? ?n copac, ?n plin? lumin? de zi, ?i culege m?rul. M?rul norocos al destinului. Curaj, perseveren??, credin?? de nezdruncinat ?n vocea l?untrului care mereu ?i ?opte?te drumul pe care s?-l urmeze, c?ci este drumul lui.Eugenio Barba, vizionar, reformator, artist, dramaturg-regizor, maestru, scriitor, ?n dramaturgia sa, ?n cuvintele sale imortalizate ?n reflec?ii asupra sensului ?i condi?iei artei teatrului ?i a artistului, ?n cercet?rile de natur? artistic? ?i ?tiin?ific?, ?n laboratorul de teatru, sesiunile ?colii Interna?ionale de Antropologie Teatral? forjeaz? un act artistic unificator prin coprezen?e ale contrariilor, ?ntrup?ri ale simultaneit??ilor, combin?ri temporale ?i spa?iale, dintre trecut ?i viitor, dintre Est ?i Vest, declan??nd ?o revolu?ie copernician? f?r? de care ?tiin?a teatrului de la sf?r?itul secolului XX ar fi incomprehensibil?“. (Diana Cozma)
Oscar Wilde Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 140+ Works All Plays
Oscar Wilde Complete Works – World’s Best Collection: 140+ Works All Plays
Oscar Wilde, Alfred Douglas, Frank Harris
Oscar Wilde Complete Works World's Best Collection This is the world’s best Oscar Wilde collection, including the most complete set of Wilde’s works available plus many free bonus materials. Oscar Wilde Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish poet and playwright. Wilde became one of the best-known personalities of his day, known for his biting wit, flamboyant dress and glittering conversational skill. Themes in his writings include decadence, duplicity, beauty and biting satire. Wilde is also known for his famous arrest and imprisonment, for the crime (at that time) of homosexuality.During his last year in prison, he wrote De Profundis (published posthumously in 1905), a long letter which discusses his spiritual journey through his trials, forming a dark counterpoint to his earlier philosophy of pleasure. Wilde’s life and work remain some of the most popular subjects in English literature and the themes of his work echo as strongly today as they did in his own time The ‘Must-Have’ Complete Collection In this irresistible collection you get a full set of Wilde’s work, with more than 140 works - All plays, All poetry, All books, All fiction, All short work, and his own autobiography. With two full length biographies, one written by Wilde’s lover. Plus extra Free Bonus material. Works Included: Plays, Including: Vera (The Nihilists) Ideal Husband Importance Of Being Earnest Salome? Books Picture Of Dorian Gray De Profundis Children’s Fiction Wilde’s fairy tales and children’s fiction are surprising, heart wrenching, full of humor, for the young, old and all literature lovers. Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime And Other Stories Happy Prince And Other Tales House Of Pomegranates Poetry More than 100 beautiful poems that demand reading and rereading. Included is ‘the Ballad of Reading Gaol’ about Wilde’s time in prison and the award winning ‘Ravenna’ Shorter Works Wilde was a keen observer, and his short work includes his views on life and society that are still relevant to today’s world. The shorter works include: Some Remarks Upon The Importance Of Doing Nothing Truth Of Masks Soul Of Man Books About Wilde Both biographies cover Wilde’s entire life, imprisonment and career. Oscar Wilde, His Life And Confessions - Written by close friend and editor, Frank Harris. Oscar Wilde And Myself - The famous book by Wilde’s lover, Alfred Douglas, giving a more personal view. Your Free Special Bonuses Art And Morality - A Defence Of Dorian Gray?- Controversial, Dorian Gray was much discussed in the press. Here is the ‘story’ of the controversy told through press articles and Wilde’s letters in response. Critic In Pall Mall and Reviews?- Wilde’s sharp reviews Historical Context and Literary Context Notes?- Detailed explanations of the Victorian Era and Victorian Literature, written specially for this collection. Get This Collection Right Now This is the best Oscar Wilde collection you can get, so get it now and start enjoying and being inspired by the words inside like never before!
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Lyman Frank Baum
De milenii, Veghetorii ii apara pe oameni de strigoi si de creaturile lumii de dincolo. Ana ignora regulile ce le obliga pe Veghetoare sa-si aleaga tineri la fel ca ele si intra intr-o relatie cu un barbat fermecator, dar cu un trecut intunecat. Iubitul ei ascunde insa un secret care o va pune fata in fata cu cele mai negre cosmaruri ale ei. Acesta este in realitate fiul conducatorului, un Veghetor care a fost izgonit din familie dupa ce s-a aflat ca s-a dedat unor practici interzise. Dar asta nu e cea mai mare problema a Anei...
James Joyce
We sailed from Peru, (where we had continued for the space of one whole year) for China and Japan, by the South Sea; taking with us victuals for twelve months; and had good winds from the east, though soft and weak, for five months space, and more. But the wind came about, and settled in the west for many days, so as we could make little or no way, and were sometime in purpose to turn back. But then again there arose strong and great winds from the south, with a point east, which carried us up (for all that we could do) towards the north; by which time our victuals failed us, though we had made good spare of them. So that finding ourselves, in the midst of the greatest wilderness of waters in the world, without victuals, we gave ourselves for lost men and prepared for death. Yet we did lift up our hearts and voices to God above, who showeth his wonders in the deep, beseeching him of his mercy, that as in the beginning he discovered the face of the deep, and brought forth dry land, so he would now discover land to us, that we might not perish. And it came to pass that the next day about evening we saw within a kenning before us, towards the north, as it were thick clouds, which did put us in some hope of land; knowing how that part of the South Sea was utterly unknown; and might have islands, or continents, that hitherto were not come to light. Wherefore we bent our course thither, where we saw the appearance of land, all that night; and in the dawning of the next day, we might plainly discern that it was a land; flat to our sight, and full of boscage; which made it show the more dark. And after an hour and a half's sailing, we entered into a good haven, being the port of a fair city; not great indeed, but well built, and that gave a pleasant view from the sea: and we thinking every minute long, till we were on land, came close to the shore, and offered to land. But straightways we saw divers of the people, with bastons in their hands (as it were) forbidding us to land; yet without any cries of fierceness, but only as warning us off, by signs that they made. Whereupon being not a little discomforted, we were advising with ourselves, what we should do. During which time, there made forth to us a small boat, with about eight persons in it; whereof one of them had in his hand a tipstaff of a yellow cane, tipped at both ends with blue, who came aboard our ship, without any show of distrust at all. And when he saw one of our number, present himself somewhat before the rest, he drew forth a little scroll of parchment (somewhat yellower than our parchment, and shining like the leaves of writing tables, but otherwise soft and flexible,) and delivered it to our foremost man. In which scroll were written in ancient Hebrew, and in ancient Greek, and in good Latin of the school, and in Spanish, these words: Land ye not, none of you; and provide to be gone from this coast, within sixteen days, except you have further time given you. Meanwhile, if you want fresh water or victuals, or help for your sick, or that your ship needeth repairs, write down your wants, and you shall have that, which belongeth to mercy. This scroll was signed with a stamp of cherubim: wings, not spread, but hanging downwards; and by them a cross. This being delivered, the officer returned, and left only a servant with us to receive our answer. F. BACON About Author: Francis Bacon, 1561 – 1626), was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. After his death, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution.Bacon has been called the father of empiricism. His works established and popularised inductive methodologies for scientific inquiry, often called the Baconian method, or simply the scientific method. His demand for a planned procedure of investigating all things natural marked a new turn in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, much of which still surrounds conceptions of proper methodology today.Bacon was knighted in 1603, and created Baron Verulam in 1618 and Viscount St. Alban in 1621; as he died without heirs, both peerages became extinct upon his death. He famously died of pneumonia, contracted while studying the effects of freezing on the preservation of meat. The succession of James I brought Bacon into greater favour. He was knighted in 1603. In another shrewd move, Bacon wrote his Apologies in defence of his proceedings in the case of Essex, as Essex had favoured James to succeed to the throne. The following year, during the course of the uneventful first parliament session, Bacon married Alice Barnham. In June 1607 he was at last rewarded with the office of solicitor general. The following year, he began working as the Clerkship of the Star Chamber. Despite a generous income, old debts still co
      关于人类自己,我们有着太多的好奇。为什么人会有欲望?是什么动机促使我们挑战这样或是那样的困难?动机总是一个一个,好像无休无止,自我实现真的可以被满足吗?甚至,我们还会想知道,我们可以成为什么,我们想要成为什么?      这些对自我行为与心理的探索,对内在人性的疑问和剖析,在这本《动机与人格》里已经行了充分的表述。当代伟大的心理学家、人本心理学的奠基人马斯洛在书中提出了许多精彩的观,详细探讨了自我实现这个概念,创造性地提出了人本心理学科学观的理论、需要层次论、元动机理论、心理治疗理论、高峰体验理论等重要观,以解答我们对人性的疑问,帮助我们从心理动机的角度,了解个人自我实现的需求。      实现内在动机的关键,在于认清内心自我实现的需求,抵御外部力量的裹挟。简单来说,就是只要你想,你就可以活出你自己想要成为的样子。
在产业革命的时代背景下,股份公司这一集资本筹措与生产为一体的经营系统发挥着巨大作用,为人类文明的发展与经济的增长做出了巨大贡献。但1929年的世界经济大危机、2008年的雷曼危机等都告诉人们,支撑我们这个世界的经济系统并非坚如磐石,它既有益于改善人们的生活,同时也会让人们陷无妄之灾。 本书所论述的股份公司是指以所有权与经营权分离,以股东拥有决定权为前提,公售股的公司或其早期形态的法人。全书共分为两大部分共十二个章节,极力再现了股份公司诞生的那个时代,发掘其产生的“动因”,探讨其所内含的“病理”。人们习惯性地在公司工作,极其自然地为公司“效忠”,但大概不知道为什么。作者对此行了分析。作者也着意探寻了,股份公司在未来是否仍能作为经济发展的原动力继续发挥作用,是否会出现某种新的要素促使股份公司发生质的改变。
An Introduction To Healing
An Introduction To Healing
Pat Smith
This book aims to answer the question How do I become a healerIt is a comprehensive explanation of spiritual healing, the aim being to inform, encourage and enlighten the reader. In easily understandable terms, the book describes the background of healing, how to tap into the universal energy and how to protect oneself. Spiritual healing is traditional in its origins and there continues to be an urgent need for it today. The complex and seemingly strange energies which spiritual healing involves are explained and terms such as energy , spirit and protection are demystified. Pat Smith, believes that anybody who wants to help others can become a healer and within this book she shows how.
Selenium Essentials
Selenium Essentials
Prashanth Sams
If you are a developer who wants to migrate from Selenium RC or any other automation tool to Selenium WebDriver, then this book is for you. Knowledge of automation tools is necessary to follow the examples in this book.
wxPython Application Development Cookbook
wxPython Application Development Cookbook
Cody Precord
Over 80 step-by-step recipes to get you up to speed with building your own wxPython applications About This Book This book empowers you to create rich cross-platform graphical user interfaces using Python It helps you develop applications that can be deployed on Windows, OSX, and Linux The recipes in the book involve real-world applications, giving you a first-hand experience of the practical scenarios Who This Book Is For For those who are familiar with programming in Python and want to start building applications with graphical user interfaces, this book will get you up and running quickly. A basic understanding of the Python programming language and object-oriented concepts are all that is needed. What You Will Learn Create full featured user interfaces Design and develop custom controls Deploy and distribute wxPython applications to Windows, Macintosh OS X, Linux, and other UNIX-like environments Handle and respond to application events Manage and display data using grids Interact with web services from your GUI Use Paint events to draw custom displays Support the display of user interfaces in multiple languages In Detail wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language built on top of the cross-platform wxWidgets GUI libraries. wxPython provides a powerful set of tools that allow you to quickly and efficiently building applications that can run on a variety of different platforms. Since wxWidgets provides a wrapper around each platform’s native GUI toolkit, the applications built with wxPython will have a native look and feel wherever they are deployed. This book will provide you with the skills to build highly functional and native looking user interfaces for Python applications on multiple operating system environments. By working through the recipes, you will gain insights into and exposure to creating applications using wxPython. With a wide range of topics covered in the book, there are recipes to get the most basic of beginners started in GUI programming as well as tips to help experienced users get more out of their applications. The recipes will take you from the most basic application constructs all the way through to the deployment of complete applications. Style and approach This book is a collection of step-by-step recipes that introduce the various components and concepts of wxPython in a conversational and easy-to-follow way. Each recipe contains coded examples along with detailed explanations about the key points of each topic. Each topic is designed to introduce and show you how to use a single feature from the wxPython library.
The Thorn Birds
The Thorn Birds
McCullough, Colleen
Now, 25 years after it first took the world by storm, Colleen McCullough's sweeping family saga of dreams, titanic struggles, dark passions, and forbidden love in the Australian Outback returns to enthrall a new generation. As powerful, moving, and unforgettable as when it originally appeared, it remains a monumental literary achievement a landmark novel to be read . . . and read again!
A Year with C. S. Lewis 与C.S.路易斯相伴365日
A Year with C. S. Lewis 与C.S.路易斯相伴365日
Lewis, C. S.
Beloved author C. S. Lewis is our trusted guide in this intimate day-by-day companion offering his distinctive and celebrated wisdom. Amidst the bustle of our daily experience, A Year with C. S. Lewis provides the necessary respite and inspiration to meet the many challenges we face in our lives. Ruminating on such themes as the nature of love, the existence of miracles, overcoming a devastating loss, and discovering a profound faith, Lewis offers unflinchingly honest insight for each day of the year. These daily meditations have been culled from Lewis's celebrated Signature Classics: Mere Christianity , The Screwtape Letters , The Great Divorce , The Problem of Pain , Miracles , and A Grief Observed , as well as from the distinguished works The Weight of Glory and The Abolition of Man. Throughout this elegant daybook the reader will find poignant biographical com-mentary about C. S. Lewis's life that offers a remarkable portrait of Lewis in the context of his work. As each day unfolds, we embark on a path of discovery with a friend by your side. A Year with C. S. Lewis is the perfect com-panion for everyone who cherishes Lewis's timeless words.
The Road from Home
The Road from Home
Kherdian, David
David Kherdian re-creates his mother's voice in telling the true story of a childhood interrupted by one of the most devastating holocausts of our century. Vernon Dumehjian Kherdian was born into a loving and prosperous family. Then, in the year 1915, the Turkish government began the systematic destruction of its Armenian population.
Myers, Walter Dean
This New York Times bestselling novel and National Book Award nominee from acclaimed author Walter Dean Myers tells the story of Steve Harmon, a teenage boy in juvenile detention and on trial. Presented as a screenplay of Steve's own imagination, and peppered with journal entries, the book shows how one single decision can change our whole lives. Fade In: Interior: Early Morning In Cell Block D, Manhattan Detention Center. Steve (Voice-Over) Sometimes I feel like I have walked into the middle of a movie. Maybe I can make my own movie. The film will be the story of my life. No, not my life, but of this experience. I'll call it what the lady prosecutor called me ... Monster. Supports the Common Core State Standards
My Weird School #10: Mr. Docker Is off His Rocker!
My Weird School #10: Mr. Docker Is off His Rocker!
Gutman, Dan
Something weird is going on! Mr. Docker must be a mad scientist. He does nutty experiments and has an evil, demented, cackling laugh. Plus he invented a car that runs on potatoes! Mr. Docker is the weirdest science teacher ever! Is he trying to take over the world?
My Weird School #2: Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!
My Weird School #2: Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!
Gutman, Dan
Never before has school been this mixed up or this much fun! Principal Klutz was hanging upside down from the school flagpole! He kissed a pig on the lips and painted his bald head orange! And now he wants to bungee jump off the roof of the school dressed as Santa Claus!
My Weird School #6: Mr. Hynde Is Out of His Mind!
My Weird School #6: Mr. Hynde Is Out of His Mind!
Gutman, Dan
Something weird is going on! Music class is awesome! The teacher, Mr. Hynde, raps, break-dances, and plays bongo drums on the principal's bald head. But he goes too far when he tries to make A.J. kiss Andrea in the school play. Yuck! Will A.J. survive?
On Writing the College Application Essay, 25th Anniversary Edition
On Writing the College Application Essay, 25th Anniversary Edition
Bauld, Harry
What does an admissions officer look for in a college application essayYou. It's that simple. There's no formula, no trick, no strategy, says Harry Bauld, a former Ivy League admissions officer. But with acceptance rates at all-time lows, just being yourself in an essay means understanding your readers and the unique form in which you are writing. In this fully revised and updated edition of the classic guide to writing the best essay of your life, Bauld reveals the big clich s (The Trip, The Jock, Miss America, Pet Death) and helps you discover ways to come alive on the page as a real person instead of applicant number 13,791.
Beginning Data Science with Python and Jupyter
Beginning Data Science with Python and Jupyter
Alex Galea
Getting started with data science doesn't have to be an uphill battle. This step-by-step guide is ideal for beginners who know a little Python and are looking for a quick, fast-paced introduction. About This Book ? Get up and running with the Jupyter ecosystem and some example datasets ? Learn about key machine learning concepts like SVM, KNN classifiers and Random Forests ? Discover how you can use web scraping to gather and parse your own bespoke datasets Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for professionals with a variety of job descriptions across large range of industries, given the rising popularity and accessibility of data science. You'll need some prior experience with Python, with any prior work with libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib and Pandas providing you a useful head start. What You Will Learn ? Identify potential areas of investigation and perform exploratory data analysis ? Plan a machine learning classification strategy and train classification models ? Use validation curves and dimensionality reduction to tune and enhance your models ? Scrape tabular data from web pages and transform it into Pandas DataFrames ? Create interactive, web-friendly visualizations to clearly communicate your findings In Detail Get to grips with the skills you need for entry-level data science in this hands-on Python and Jupyter course. You'll learn about some of the most commonly used libraries that are part of the Anaconda distribution, and then explore machine learning models with real datasets to give you the skills and exposure you need for the real world. We'll finish up by showing you how easy it can be to scrape and gather your own data from the open web, so that you can apply your new skills in an actionable context. Style and approach This book covers every aspect of the standard data-workflow process within a day, along with theory, practical hands-on coding, and relatable illustrations.
Godot Engine Game Development Projects
Godot Engine Game Development Projects
Chris Bradfield
Create interactive cross-platform games with the Godot Engine 3.0 About This Book ? Learn the art of developing cross-platform games ? Leverage Godot’s node and scene system to design robust, reusable game objects ? Integrate Blender easily and efficiently with Godot to create powerful 3D games Who This Book Is For Godot Engine Game Development Projects is for both new users and experienced developers, who want to learn to make games using a modern game engine. Some prior programming experience is recommended. What You Will Learn ? Get started with the Godot game engine and editor ? Organize a game project ? Import graphical and audio assets ? Use Godot’s node and scene system to design robust, reusable game objects ? Write code in GDScript to capture input and build complex behaviors ? Implement user interfaces to display information ? Create visual effects to spice up your game ? Learn techniques that you can apply to your own game projects In Detail Godot Engine Game Development Projects is an introduction to the Godot game engine and its new 3.0 version. Godot 3.0 brings a large number of new features and capabilities that make it a strong alternative to expensive commercial game engines. For beginners, Godot offers a friendly way to learn game development techniques, while for experienced developers it is a powerful, customizable tool that can bring your visions to life. This book consists of five projects that will help developers achieve a sound understanding of the engine when it comes to building games. Game development is complex and involves a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills. This book can help you build on your foundation level skills by showing you how to create a number of small-scale game projects. Along the way, you will learn how Godot works and discover important game development techniques that you can apply to your projects. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach and practical examples, the book will take you from the absolute basics through to sophisticated game physics, animations, and other techniques. Upon completing the final project, you will have a strong foundation for future success with Godot 3.0. Style and approach The book is divided into five parts; each covering a different small-game project using a straightforward, step-by-step approach and practical examples. The book will take readers from the absolute basics through sophisticated game physics, animation, and other techniques.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Rowling, J.K.,Moss, Olly
"There it was, hanging in the sky above the school: the blazing green skull with a serpent tongue, the mark Death Eaters left behind whenever they had entered a building … wherever they had murdered …"When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny ...