

The Story of My Life
The Story of My Life
Helen Keller
The Story of My Life
The Suffrage Cook Book
The Suffrage Cook Book
Mrs. L. O. Kleber
The Suffrage Cook Book
A Study of Shakespeare
A Study of Shakespeare
Algernon Charles Swinburne
A Study of Shakespeare
The Opera
The Opera
R. A. Streatfeild
The Opera
The Italian Cook Book
The Italian Cook Book
Mrs. Maria Gentile
The Italian Cook Book
A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl
A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl
Caroline French Benton
A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl
Picture and Text
Picture and Text
Henry James
Picture and Text
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln: All 7 Volumes in a Single File
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln: All 7 Volumes in a Single File
Abraham Lincoln
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln: All 7 Volumes in a Single File
The Black Tulip
The Black Tulip
Alexandre Dumas
The Black Tulip
Just David
Just David
Eleanor Porter
Just David
The Awakening and Selected Short Stories
The Awakening and Selected Short Stories
Kate Chopin
The Awakening and Selected Short Stories
Education of Henry Adams
Education of Henry Adams
Henry Adams
Education of Henry Adams
The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories
The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories
Anton Chekhov
The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories
The Tale of Prophet Companion Vol 1 Salmaan Al-Faarisiy The Seeker After Truth
The Tale of Prophet Companion Vol 1 Salmaan Al-Faarisiy The Seeker After Truth
Muhammad Xenohikari
The Tale of Prophet Companion Vol 1 Salmaan Al-Faarisiy The Seeker After Truth
The Business of Being a Woman
The Business of Being a Woman
Ida M. Tarbell
The Business of Being a Woman
Mark Twain's Letters
Mark Twain's Letters
Mark Twain
Mark Twain's Letters
Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Gaius Suetonius
Lives of the Twelve Caesars
Espada dos Deuses (Edi??o Portuguesa): Livro 1 da saga Espada dos Deuses
Espada dos Deuses (Edi??o Portuguesa): Livro 1 da saga Espada dos Deuses
Anna Erishkigal
Portugues do Brasil! No limiar dos tempos, dois antigos adversários batalharam pelo controle da Terra. Um homem insurge-se para ficar ao lado dos humanos. Um soldado cujo nome nós ainda lembramos hoje. Mortalmente ferido, as angelicais for?as especiais do coronel Mikhail Mannuki despertam em sua nave destruída. A mulher que salvou sua vida tem habilidades que lhe parecem familiares, mas, por estar sem memória de seu passado, ele nada p?de lembrar. O povo de Ninsianna tem profecias de um campe?o alado, de uma espada dos deuses, que irá defendê-los de for?as malignas. Mikhail insiste que n?o é um semideus, porém, sua misteriosa habilidade para matar diz o contrário. O mal sussurra a um príncipe sombrio. Espécies enfermas procuram frear sua extin??o. Dois imperadores, enraizados em suas antigas ideologias, n?o conseguem enxergar a amea?a neste relato da história épica, cujo cenário é a batalha entre o bem e o mal, o choque de impérios e ideologias, e o maior super-herói a andar pela Terra, o Arcanjo Mikhail. B?NUS ESPECIAL: contém o Livro 1: Heróis do Antigo. Este livro n?o é uma fic??o de religi?o. * Ordem de leitura - série Sword of the Gods: —Espada dos Deuses (conter 'Heróis do Antigo' novela) —N?o há Lugar para Anjos Caídos —Fruta Proibida (em breve)
Surviving a Stroke—or Two: The Secret to Recovery
Surviving a Stroke—or Two: The Secret to Recovery
Giacomo Giammatteo 
Having a stroke isn't bad. I didn't even know it was happening. It's afterward that all the fun starts. When you can't move or talk—even blink your eyes. That's a scary feeling. This book is a record of my journey—how the strokes happened—and more importantly, the long road to recovery ?
More Animal Stories: Sanctuary Tales, Volume III
More Animal Stories: Sanctuary Tales, Volume III
Giacomo Giammatteo 
An animal sanctuary is a great place to be raised—far better than the alternative. This is another collection of animal stories, but they're all new, and like before, some are funny, some are sad. The one thing they have in common is that they're all true. And this time, the range of animals has been extended to include other species. As always, all proceeds go to the animal sanctuary to help feed and care for them. So open up your heart and enjoy the read.?
The Interest of America in Sea Power
The Interest of America in Sea Power
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Classic work of military history and theory. According to Wikipedia: "Alfred Thayer Mahan (September 27, 1840 - December 1, 1914) was a United States Navy officer, geostrategist, and educator. His ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world, and helped prompt naval buildups before World War I. Several ships were named USS Mahan, including the lead vessel of a class of destroyers. His research into naval History led to his most important work, The Influence of Seapower Upon History,1660-1783, published in 1890."