

The People of the Mist
The People of the Mist
H. Rider Haggard
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from H. Rider Haggard, ‘The People of the Mist.’ ? The People of the Mist is the tale of a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost race and its monstrous god. ? Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and the creator of the Lost World literary genre. His stories, situated at the lighter end of the scale of Victorian literature, continue to be popular and influential. He was also involved in agricultural reform and improvement in the British Empire. ? His breakout novel was King Solomon's Mines (1885), which was to be the first in a series telling of the multitudinous adventures of its protagonist, Allan Quatermain. ? Haggard was made a Knight Bachelor in 1912 and a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1919. He stood unsuccessfully for Parliament as a Conservative candidate for the Eastern division of Norfolk in 1895. The locality of Rider, British Columbia, was named in his memory.
Sally Dows
Sally Dows
Bret Harte
Collection of western stories, including: Sally Dows, The Conspiracy of Mrs. Bunker, The Transformation of Buckeye Camp, and Their Uncle from California. According to Wikipedia: "Bret Harte (August 25, 1836[2] – May 6, 1902) was an American author and poet, best remembered for his accounts of pioneering life in California. He was born in Albany, New York. ... He moved to California in 1853, later working there in a number of capacities, including miner, teacher, messenger, and journalist. He spent part of his life in the northern California coast town now known as Arcata, then just a mining camp on Humboldt Bay. His first literary efforts, including poetry and prose, appeared in The Californian, an early literary journal edited by Charles Henry Webb. In 1868 he became editor of The Overland Monthly, another new literary magazine, but this one more in tune with the pioneering spirit of excitement in California. His story, "The Luck of Roaring Camp," appeared in the magazine's second edition, propelling Harte to nationwide fame... Determined to pursue his literary career, in 1871 he and his family traveled back East, to New York and eventually to Boston, where he contracted with the publisher of The Atlantic Monthly for an annual salary of $10,000, "an unprecedented sum at the time." His popularity waned, however, and by the end of 1872 he was without a publishing contract and increasingly desperate. He spent the next few years struggling to publish new work (or republish old), delivering lectures about the gold rush, and even selling an advertising jingle to a soap company. In 1878 Harte was appointed to the position of United States Consul in the town of Krefeld, Germany and then to Glasgow in 1880. In 1885 he settled in London. During the thirty years he spent in Europe, he never abandoned writing, and maintained a prodigious output of stories that retained the freshness of his earlier work. He died in England in 1902 of throat cancer and is buried at Frimley."
Marching Men
Marching Men
Sherwood Anderson
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Sherwood Anderson, ‘"Marching Men".’ ? Marching Men is the story of Norman "Beaut" McGregor, a young man discontented with the powerlessness and lack of personal ambition among the miners of his hometown. After moving to Chicago he discovers his purpose is to empower workers by having them march in unison. Major themes of the novel include the organization of laborers, eradication of disorder, and the role of the exceptional man in society. The latter theme led post-World War II critics to compare Anderson's militaristic approach to homosocial order and the fascists of the War's Axis powers. ? Anderson was born on Sept. 13, 1876, in Camden, Ohio. He never finished high school because he had to work to support his family. By 1912, he was the successful manager of a paint factory in Elyria, Ohio, and the father of three children by the first of his four wives. In 1912, Anderson deserted his family and job. In early 1913, he moved to Chicago, where he devoted more time to his imaginative writing. He became a heroic model for younger writers because he broke with what they considered to be American materialism and convention to commit himself to art.
The Grand Babylon Hotel
The Grand Babylon Hotel
Arnold Bennett
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Arnold Bennett, ‘The Grand Babylon H?tel’. The Grand Babylon Hotel is a novel by Arnold Bennett, published in 1902, about the mysterious disappearance of a German prince. It originally appeared as a serial in the Daily Mail. Bennett (1867-1931) was a British novelist. He was born in a modest house in Hanley in the Potteries district of Staffordshire. At age 21 he went to London as a solicitor's clerk. He won a literary competition in Tit Bits magazine in 1889 and was encouraged to take up journalism full time. From 1900 he devoted himself full time to writing, giving up the editorship and writing much serious criticism, and also theatre journalism, one of his special interests. In 1902 Anna of the Five Towns, the first of a succession of stories which detailed life in the Potteries appeared. In 1908 The Old Wives' Tale was published, and was an immediate success throughout the English-speaking world. His most famous works are the Clayhanger (1910) trilogy and The Old Wives' Tale. These books draw on his experience of life in the Potteries, as did most of his best work. Among his other books are: The Grand Babylon Hotel (1902), The Grim Smile of the Five Towns (1907), Hilda Lessways (1911), The Author's Craft (1914), The Lion's Share (1916), and The Roll-Call (1919).
Books and Persons: Being Comments on a Past Epoch (1908-1911)
Books and Persons: Being Comments on a Past Epoch (1908-1911)
Arnold Bennett
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Arnold Bennett, ‘"Books and Persons; Being Comments on a Past Epoch, 1908-1911".’ ? The contents of this book have been chosen from a series of weekly articles which enlivened the?New Ageduring the years 1908, 1909, 1910, and 1911, under the pseudonym "Jacob Tonson." The man responsible for the republication is the dedicatee, who, having mysteriously demanded from me back numbers of theNew Age, sat in my house one Sunday afternoon and in four hours read through the entire series. He then announced that he had made a judicious selection, and that the selection must positively be issued in volume form. Mr. Frank Swinnerton approved the selection and added to it slightly. In my turn I suggested a few more additions. The total amounts to one-third of the original matter. Beyond correcting misprints, softening the crudity of several epithets, and censoring lines here and there which might give offence without helping the sacred cause, I have not altered the articles. They appear as they were journalistically written in Paris, London, Switzerland, and the Forest of Fontainebleau. In particular I have left the critical judgments alone, for the good reason that I stand by nearly all of them, though perhaps with a less challenging vivacity, to this day. ARNOLD BENNETT February 1917 Enoch Arnold Bennett (always known as Arnold Bennett) was one of the most remarkable literary figures of his time, a product of the English Potteries that he made famous as the Five Towns. Yet he could hardly wait to escape his hometown, and he did so by the sheer force of his ambition to succeed as an author. In his time he turned his hand to every kind of writing, but he will be remembered for such novels as The Old Wives' Tale, the Clayhanger trilogy (Clayhanger, Hilda Lessways, and These Twain), and The Card. He also wrote such intriguing self-improvement books as Literary Taste, How To Live on 24 Hours a Day, The Human Machine, etc.
Peines d'Amour Perdues (Love's Labour's Lost in French)
Peines d'Amour Perdues (Love's Labour's Lost in French)
William Shakespeare
Comédie de Shakespeare, traduite en fran?ais par Fran?ois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787 - 1874), historien fran?ais et homme d'?tat. Publié en 1862. Selon Wikipedia: "Love's Labor's Lost est l'une des premières comédies de William Shakespeare, qui aurait été écrite au milieu des années 1590 et publiée pour la première fois en 1598".
The Grim Smile of the Five Towns
The Grim Smile of the Five Towns
Arnold Bennett
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Arnold Bennett, ‘"The Grim Smile of the Five Towns."’ ? These were nearly the last words that Ella spoke to Horace that afternoon. The introduction was made, and Sidney slipped into the party as comfortably as he slipped into everything, like a candle slipping into a socket. But nevertheless Ella talked no more. She just stared at Sidney, and listened to him. Horace was proud that Sidney had made such an impression on her; he was glad that she showed no aversion to Sidney, because, in the event of Horace's marriage, where would Sidney live, if not with Horace and Horace's wife? Still, he could have wished that Ella would continue to display her conversational powers. ? Enoch Arnold Bennett (always known as Arnold Bennett) was one of the most remarkable literary figures of his time, a product of the English Potteries that he made famous as the Five Towns. Yet he could hardly wait to escape his home town, and he did so by the sheer force of his ambition to succeed as an author. In his time he turned his hand to every kind of writing, but he will be remembered for such novels as The Old Wives' Tale, the Clayhanger trilogy (Clayhanger, Hilda Lessways, and These Twain), and The Card. He also wrote such intriguing self-improvement books as Literary Taste, How To Live on 24 Hours a Day, The Human Machine, etc. ? After a local education Bennett finished his education at the University of London and for a time was editor of Woman magazine. After 1900 he devoted himself entirely to writing; dramatic criticism was one of his foremost interests. Bennett is best known, however, for his novels, several of which were written during his residence in France. ? Bennett's infancy was spent in genteel poverty, which gave way to prosperity as his father succeeded as a solicitor. From this provincial background he became a novelist. His enduring fame is as a Chronicler of the Potteries towns, the setting and inspiration of some of his most famous and enduring literary work and the place where he grew up.
The Merchant of Venice; Der Kaufmann von Venedig: Bilingual edition
The Merchant of Venice; Der Kaufmann von Venedig: Bilingual edition
William Shakespeare
Bilingual, English and German. Shakespeare comedy in English with line numbers and translated to German. According to Wikipedia: "The Merchant of Venice is a tragic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598. Though classified as a comedy in the First Folio and sharing certain aspects with Shakespeare's other romantic comedies, the play is perhaps most remembered for its dramatic scenes, and is best known for Shylock and the famous 'Hath not a Jew eyes' speech. Also notable is Portia's speech about the 'quality of mercy'" Zweisprachig, Englisch und Deutsch. Shakespeare-Kom?die in Englisch mit Zeilennummern und ins Deutsche übersetzt. Laut Wikipedia: "The Merchant of Venice" ist eine tragische Kom?die von William Shakespeare, die vermutlich zwischen 1596 und 1598 entstanden ist. Obwohl sie im First Folio als Kom?die klassifiziert wurde und gewisse Aspekte mit Shakespeares anderen romantischen Kom?dien teilt, ist das Stück vielleicht Die meisten werden für ihre dramatischen Szenen in Erinnerung bleiben und sind am besten für Shylock und die berühmte 'Hath not a Jewy eyes' Rede bekannt. Bemerkenswert ist auch Portias Rede über die 'Qualit?t der Barmherzigkeit'. "
Henri IV, Deuxieme Partie,  (Henry IV Part II in French)
Henri IV, Deuxieme Partie, (Henry IV Part II in French)
William Shakespeare
Pièce d'histoire de Shakespeare, Henry IV, Deuxième partie, en traduction fran?aise. Selon Wikipédia: "Henry IV, Part 2 est une pièce d'histoire de William Shakespeare, crue écrite entre 1596 et 1599. C'est la troisième partie d'une tétralogie, précédée par Richard II et Henri IV, partie 1 et succédée par Henry V. "
Shakespeare's Cymbeline in French
Shakespeare's Cymbeline in French
William Shakespeare
Cymbeline de Shakespeare, en traduction fran?aise. Selon Wikipédia: "Cymbeline est une pièce de William Shakespeare, basée sur des légendes concernant le premier roi celtique britannique Cunobelinus, bien que répertorié comme une tragédie dans le First Folio, les critiques modernes qualifient souvent Cymbeline de romance. et The Winter's Tale, qui traite des thèmes de l'innocence et de la jalousie, alors que la date précise de la composition reste inconnue, la pièce fut certainement produite dès 1611. "
The Day's Work: Volume 1
The Day's Work: Volume 1
M. M. Mangasarian
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Day's Work - Volume 1’. The Day's Work is a collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. It was first published in 1898. There are no poems included between the different stories in The Day's Work, as there are in many other of Kipling's collections. The stories in it are: "The Bridge-Builders", "A Walking Delegate", "The Ship that Found Herself", "The Tomb of His Ancestors", "The Devil and the Deep Sea, "William the Conqueror - part I", "William the Conqueror - part II", ".007", "The Maltese Cat", "'Bread upon the Waters'", "An Error in the Fourth Dimension", "My Sunday at Home", "The Brushwood Boy". Joseph Rudyard Kipling an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He wrote tales and poems of British soldiers in India and stories for children. He was born in Bombay, in the Bombay Presidency of British India, and was taken by his family to England when he was five years old. Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888). His poems include "Mandalay" (1890), "Gunga Din" (1890), "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" (1919), "The White Man's Burden" (1899), and "If—" (1910). He is regarded as a major innovator in the art of the short story; his children's books are classics of children's literature; and one critic described his work as exhibiting "a versatile and luminous narrative gift".
A Plea for Old Cap Collier
A Plea for Old Cap Collier
Irvin S Cobb
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Irvin S. Cobb, ‘A Plea for Old Cap Collier.’ ? This is a short novel in which the author makes the case for the value of dime novels as a more fun, immediate read than the "classic" books more in favor with parents and educators. He looks back onto his own childhood to provide examples. ? Cobb joined the staff of the magazine Saturday Evening Post during 1911, and covered the Great War for the magazine. At the same time, he wrote a book about his experiences, published during 1915, titled Paths Of Glory. After a second visit to France to cover the Great War, Cobb publicized the achievements of the unit known as theHarlem Hellfighters, most notably, Croix de Guerre recipients Henry Lincoln Johnson and Needham Roberts. His article "Young Black Joe," published on August 24, 1918 in theSaturday Evening Post and later republished in Cobb's book, The Glory of the Coming, highlighted the discipline and courage displayed by black American soldiers fighting in Europe during World War I. The three-page article and half-page photograph reached a national audience of more than two million readers, and was widely reprinted in the black press.
A London Life and Other Tales
A London Life and Other Tales
Henry James
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from James Henry, ‘A London Life, and Other Tales.’ Henry James surprises one with every work, even after years of reading him. Here in A London Life is the familiar calm omniscient anonymous narrative voice telling the story, but the story itself is full of hard things, emotional violence, and financial violence, and not just scaled to the era in which it takes place. Henry James, OM, son of theologian Henry James Sr., brother of the philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James, was an American-born author, one of the founders and leaders of a school of realism in fiction. He spent much of his life in England and became a British subject shortly before his death. He is primarily known for a series of major novels in which he portrayed the encounter of America with Europe. His plots centered on personal relationships, the proper exercise of power in such relationships, and other moral questions. His method of writing from the point of view of a character within a tale allowed him to explore the phenomena of consciousness and perception, and his style in later works has been compared to impressionist painting.
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
The classic tale of Edmond Dantes -- his imprisonment, escape, enrichment, and revenge. According to Wikipedia: "Alexandre Dumas, père (French for "father", akin to 'Senior' in English), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie (1802 — 1870) was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French authors in the world. Many of his novels, including The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and The Vicomte de Bragelonne were serialized. He also wrote plays and magazine articles and was a prolific correspondent."
The Light of Asia
The Light of Asia
Edwin Arnold
According to Wikipedia: "Sir Edwin Arnold (10 June 1832 – 24 March 1904) was an English poet and journalist, who is most known for his work, The Light of Asia… . The literary task which he set before him was the interpretation in English verse of the life and philosophy of the East. His chief work with this object is The Light of Asia which was translated into various languages such as Hindi (tr. by Acharya Ram Chandra Shukla). It appeared in 1879 and was an immediate success, going through numerous editions in England and America, though its permanent place in literature is quite uncertain. It is an Indian epic, dealing with the life and teaching of the Buddha."
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime: And Other Stories
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime: And Other Stories
Oscar Wilde
Story collection including: Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, The Canterville Ghost, The Sphinx, Without a Secret, The Model Millionaire, and The Portrait of Mr. W. H. According to Wikipedia: "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854 - 1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and author of short stories. Known for his barbed wit, he was one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. As the result of a famous trial, he suffered a dramatic downfall and was imprisoned for two years of hard labour after being convicted of the offence of 'gross indecency.'"
American Cookery (1796)
American Cookery (1796)
Amelia Simmons
THE ART OF DRESSING VIANDS, FISH, POULTRY and VEGETABLES, AND THE BEST MODES OF MAKING PASTES, PUFFS, PIES, TARTS, PUDDINGS, CUSTARDS AND PRESERVES, AND ALL KINDS OF CAKES, FROM THE IMPERIAL PLUMB TO PLAIN CAKE. ADAPTED TO THIS COUNTRY, AND ALL GRADES OF LIFE. "As this treatise is calculated for the improvement of the rising generation of _Females_ in America, the Lady of fashion and fortune will not be displeased, if many hints are suggested for the more general and universal knowledge of those females in this country, who by the loss of their parents, or other unfortunate circumstances, are reduced to the necessity of going into families in the line of domestics, or taking refuge with their friends or relations, and doing those things which are really essential to the perfecting them as good wives..."
As You Like It, with line numbers
As You Like It, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
The classic comedy. According to Wikipedia: "As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in the folio of 1623. The work was based upon the novel Rosalynde by Thomas Lodge. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility. As You Like It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court to find safety and eventually love in the Forest of Arden. Historically, critical response has varied, with some critics finding the work of lesser quality than other Shakespearean works and some finding the play a work of great merit. The play features one of Shakespeare's most famous and oft-quoted soliloquies, "All the world's a stage" and the phrase "too much of a good thing." The play remains a favorite among audiences and has been adapted for radio, film, and musical theatre."
Much Ado About Nothing, with line numbers
Much Ado About Nothing, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
The classic comedy. According to Wikipedia: "Much Ado About Nothing is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare set in Messina, Sicily about a pair of lovers named Claudio and Hero due to be married in a week. To pass the time before their wedding day they conspire with Don Pedro, the prince of Aragon, to trick their friends, Beatrice and Benedick, into confessing their love for one another. The prince's brother Don John, however, jealous of both Don Pedro's power and his affection for Claudio, conspires to sabotage the coming wedding."
Sea Poems
Sea Poems
Cale Young Rice
Dodo Collections brings you another classic from Cale Young Rice, ‘Sea Poems. Cale Young Rice writes in the foreword of the book: “The poems of this volume, gathered here after many requests, are, with a few exceptions, from my previous lyrical publications. They are also in a real sense an intimate record. For the sea has often enough seemed to me almost as a vast external sub consciousness in which the forces of my being—as well as the world's—were at play.” Cale Young Rice (December 7, 1872 – January 24, 1943) was an American poet and dramatist. He was born in Dixon, Kentucky, to Laban Marchbanks Rice, a Confederate veteran and tobacco merchant, and his wife Martha Lacy. He was a younger brother of Laban Lacy Rice, a noted educator. Cale Rice grew up in Evansville, Indiana, and Louisville, Kentucky. He was educated at Cumberland University and at Harvard (A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896). He was married to the popular author Alice Hegan Rice; they worked together on several books. The marriage was childless, and Cale committed suicide by gunshot during the night of January 23–24 at his home in Louisville a year after her death due to his sorrow at losing her. Cale Rice's poems were collected and published in a single volume by his brother, Laban Lacy Rice. His birthplace in Dixon is designated by Kentucky State Historical Marker 1508, which reads: "Birthplace of Rice brothers, Cale Young, 1872-1943, noted poet and author; Laban Lacy, 1870-1973, well-known educator and author. Lacy published The Best Poetic Works of Cale Young Rice after Cale's death. Included in famous collection is poem, "The Mystic." Cale married Alice Hegan, also a distinguished Kentucky writer. Home overlooks Memorial Garden."
The Death of the Lion
The Death of the Lion
Henry James
Dodo Classics brings you another classic from Henry James, ‘The Death of the Lion.’ ? This short novel is a black comedy about fame, manipulation, pretension, and surviving it all. The narrator, a reprehensible and seedy journalist, sets out to interview a minor author, and in his own quest for glory, turns the author into the celebrity of the day. The sudden and untimely death of the author, with his latest work unfinished, presents a troubling dilemma for the narrator, which he resolves with no more conscience than he had when he began his quest. ? Henry James, OM, son of theologian Henry James Sr., brother of the philosopher and psychologist William James and diarist Alice James, was an American-born author, one of the founders and leaders of a school of realism in fiction. He spent much of his life in England and became a British subject shortly before his death. He is primarily known for a series of major novels in which he portrayed the encounter of America with Europe. His plots centered on personal relationships, the proper exercise of power in such relationships, and other moral questions. His method of writing from the point of view of a character within a tale allowed him to explore the phenomena of consciousness and perception, and his style in later works has been compared to impressionist painting. ? James insisted that writers in Great Britain and America should be allowed the greatest freedom possible in presenting their view of the world, as French authors were. His imaginative use of point of view, interior monologue and unreliable narrators in his own novels and tales brought a new depth and interest to realistic fiction, and foreshadowed the modernist work of the twentieth century. An extraordinarily productive writer, in addition to his voluminous works of fiction he published articles and books of travel writing, biography, autobiography, and criticism,and wrote plays, some of which were performed during his lifetime with moderate success. His theatrical work is thought to have profoundly influenced his later novels and tales.