杨志著的《论资本的二重性兼论公有资本的本质》的目的是具体地阐明中国特色社会主义理论与马克思列宁主义、*思想之间的内在联系,从而有理有据地说明中国特色社会主义理论既是对马克思主义真诚的坚持,又是对科学社会主义伟大的创新。 本书力图在《资本论》的基础上,揭示资本的二重性从而为中国特色社会主义市场经济终发挥公有资本的作用、为中国特色社会主义政治经济学终建立以公有资本为逻辑主体的理论体系,提供马克思主义的理论依据。
维特根斯坦(Wittgenstein, 1889—1951)是20世纪伟大的哲学家之一。他的思想就像是一个巨大的谜团:一方面,他提出的认识世界的方式颠覆了过往人们对哲学的理解;另一方面,其前期思想与后期思想之间存在的显著差异,也为我们理解维特根斯坦的哲学带来了困难。作为维氏代表作《哲学研究》的中译者和维氏哲学的研究者,陈嘉映以独有的学术领悟,将一个具有两种不同体系的哲学家的思想进行分门别类的专题解读,为普通读者甚至是研究者呈献出一本有助于理解维特根斯坦哲学观点和思想体系的读本。
“你怎么证明喜欢我?” “你爱我的条件还是我本人?” “我们是注定在一起吗?” …… 恋人总爱问这些奇怪的问题。如果你给不出答案,对方一定会非常生气。可是,这些问题其实非常艰深——一个人本人真的和条件不同吗?什么又是“注定在一起”?这些其实都是延续了千百年的哲学问题。 本书以恋爱为视角,通过恋人的十个经典提问,讲解十个基础哲学问题,涵盖认识论、形而上学、伦理学等哲学基本领域。原来,恋人们在认真追问的时候,常常和哲学家不谋而合呢。
中国生命的学问,从来就紧扣着体会与实践,务求当下之对应。《论语》之所以迷人,也正因那里头的生命对应,处处鲜活。薛仁明谈孔子,对应书名,讲的是个“喜”字,如实对应,又随缘欢喜。《孔子随喜》,谈的是两千五百年前的孔门话语,对应的则是这个时代。《论语》是既往,更是当下。 《孔子随喜》是薛仁明代表作,此次由中华书局增订出版,力图将古往今来宏大的虚构的孔子转变为私人的情感和具体的民间解读,把早已概念化的孔子描述成如此有趣、清新、通达且生机活泼的寻常人物,通过薛仁明所看到的那个亲切的孔子,读来令人神清气爽、趣味盎然且气象万千。
这是一个关于两次哲学之旅的故事:一次发生在约翰·卡格的青年时期,19岁的他只身前往阿尔卑斯山,在群山间寻找尼采写下名作《查拉图斯特拉如是说》的灵感之源;另一次则发生在17年后,人到中年的卡格已经为人夫、为人父,在截然不同的心境之下携妻女重上阿尔卑斯山,再度与尼采的困境与救赎相遇。 何为“超人”?如何“成为你自己”?这是尼采哲学中两个极为关键的命题,而本书作者卡格认为,这两个问题在某个层面上可以合而为一。“超人”是对平凡自我的超越,但实际上也正在“自我”之中;“自我”并非一个被动存在于某处等待我们去发现的事物,而是一个在不断积极变化的过程中才能显现出来的形象。 攀登尼采,是攀登尼采走过的崎岖山峰,是攀登尼采哲学中的精奥之处,也是在攀登的姿态里叩响与尼采理想的共鸣,在人生无可避免的坠落处,找到那条回归自我的“超人”之路。
“感知”“理知”“自我认知”是著名哲学家陈嘉映先生长期思考和研究的主题。秉持一贯的论述特,在本书中,他从精微的概念辨析手,去分析哲学中此类论理词背后的理路,而拆掉概念的围墙,将其贯穿、通,让我们看到它们之间的联系,以及与我们生活的联系。不管谈感知、理知还是自我认知,他总是连着我们每个人的生活在谈,连着整个时代、人类经历过来的一个个时代在谈。 在今天这个理知落幕的时代,面对技术化、数字化的大形势,如何认知我们在世界中的位置,如何认知我们自身在人之中的位置,本书提供了一个深而又有新意的视角,让我们对这个世界重新产生感觉,更有力量去应对当下的问题。 这不是艰涩的哲学论文,也不是一部研究性著作,而是一位始终关注人在世界之中如何生活的哲学家将他的多年思考以易懂的方式聊给我们听。
在物质生活高度繁荣的今天,人们时常被外物所累,“想”回到相对贫乏的过去,重回人与物的和谐关系。 为什么柴火灶比煤气灶烧菜更香? 为什么自行车比汽车似乎更能承载? 为什么炉子比暖气更暖人心? 这种对过去生活的罗曼蒂克的想法值得玩味。作者王小伟琢磨了一种恰当的、刻画生活的手段,从怀旧的影像中梳理内心,透过自身的经验和长辈的回忆,回顾*十年代以来我们熟悉的技术人工物(俗称“东西”)是如何生灭的,试图解释为什么在之前的岁月物件是如此金贵,仿佛家庭成员,而现在的物件变成了纯粹的商品,不再需要人花心力照顾,只剩下干瘪的使用价值。这或许反映了人们生活底层的逻辑发生了不小的变化。 本书中所谈论的诸多技术物是“70后”“80后”和“90后”共同的回忆,有些是比较单纯的设备,比如电视、手机,有些是直接和生活相关的技术产品,比如住房和穿衣,还有饮食。王小伟以技术哲学为基,打破学术和文学的壁垒,写下这本以日常用品为主角的小书,刻画一段我们共同走过的集体历史。
Discourse on Inequality
Rousseau first exposes in this work his conception of a human state of nature, presented as a philosophical fiction, and of human perfectibility, an early idea of progress. He then explains the way, according to him, people may have established civil society, which leads him to present private property as the original source and basis of all inequality.
The Social Contract
A book in which Rousseau theorized about the best way to establish a political community in the face of the problems of commercial society, which he had already identified in his Discourse on Inequality. The Social Contract helped inspire political reforms or revolutions in Europe, especially in France. The Social Contract argued against the idea that monarchs were divinely empowered to legislate. Rousseau asserts that only the people, who are sovereign, have that all-powerful right.
Commentaries on Living - first series: A Study Book Of The Teachings of J. Krish
Krishnamurti, Jiddu born of middle-class Brahmin parents, was recognized at age fourteen as the coming World Teacher. Krishnamurti claimed allegiance to no caste, nationality or religion and was bound by no tradition. He traveled the world and spoke spontaneously to large audiences until the end of his life at age ninety. He said man has to free himself of all fear, conditioning, authority and dogma through self-knowledge and this will bring about order and psychological mutation.?
The African Wars
Caesar, advancing by moderate journeys, and continuing his march without intermission, arrived at Lilybaeum, on the 14th day before the calends of January. Designing to embark immediately, though he had only one legion of new levies, and not quite six hundred horse, he ordered his tent to be pitched so near the sea-side that the waves lashed the very foot of it. This he did with a view that none should think he had time to delay, and that his men might be kept in readiness at a day or an hour's warning. Though the wind at that time was contrary, he nevertheless detained the soldiers and mariners on board, that he might lose no opportunity of sailing; the rather, because the forces of the enemy were announced by the inhabitants of the province, to consist of innumberable cavalry not to be numbered; four legions headed by Juba, together with a great body of light-armed troops; ten legions under the command of Scipio; a hundred and twenty elephants, and fleets in abundance. Yet he was not alarmed, nor lost his confident hopes and spirits. Meantime the number of galleys and transports increased daily; the new-levied legions flocked in to him from all parts; among the rest the fifth, a veteran legion, and about two thousand horse.
The Spanish Wars: English and Latin Language
On the defeat of Pharnaces and reduction of Africa, those who escaped from those battles fled to young Cn. Pompey, who had taken possession of Further Spain, while Caesar was detained in Italy in exhibiting games. Pompey began to throw himself on the protection of every state, in order the more readily to establish the means of defense against him. Accordingly, with a considerable force which had been collected, partly by entreaty, partly by force, he began to lay waste the province. Under these circumstances some states voluntarily sent him supplies, others shut the gates of their towns against him. If any of these chanced to fall into his hands by assault, although some citizen in it had deserved well of Cn. Pompey (his father), yet some cause was alleged against him on account of the greatness of his wealth, so that, he being dispatched, his fortune might become the reward of the soldiers.
Puterea miraculoas? a apei. Nu e?ti bolnav, doar ?nsetat! Nu trata setea cu medi
Cartea publicat? ?n 1983 este ?mp?r?it? ?n cinci p?r?i (ce cuprind treisprezece capitole). Fiecare capitol este constituit dintr-un dialog sau dialoguri, povestiri sau ra?ionamente ce abordeaz?, ?n general, paradoxuri, probleme de filosofie, logic? ?i matematic?. Printre temele redate ?n aceast? lucrare se num?r? problema p?catului ?i a virtu?ii (capitolul 4, intitulat ,,O ?ntrebare“), percep?ia ?i reprezentarea realit??ii (capitolul 7 ,,O fantezie minte-corp“), ontologia (capitolul 10 ,,Ce este existen?a?“), solipsismul (capitolul 12 ,,Solipsismul luminat“), problema adev?rului (capitolul 1 ,,De ce spui adev?rul?“ ?i capitolul 2 ,,O problem?“), problema vie?ii ?i a mor?ii (capitolul 9 ,,Zen de via?? ?i de moarte“). Lucrarea se remarc? printr-o formul? dens? ?i, ?n egal? m?sur?, elegant?, care ?i permite autorului s? prezinte chestiuni de altfel complexe ?n c?teva pagini revelatoare, prin povestiri sau dialoguri, f?r? a-?i plictisi cititorii. Ca ?ntr-un num?r de magie, art? de care autorul nu este str?in, publicul este atras ?i captivat de aparenta simplitate ?i ingeniozitate a ra?ionamentelor expuse. Probabil, ceea ce face cartea mai u?or de citit este atitudinea autorului, tonul s?u glume?, ludic ?n cea mai mare parte din cele 200 de pagini. Putem ilustra aceast? idee prin c?teva exemple. ?n cadrul capitolului 3, denumit ,,C?teva fragmente“, Raymond Smullyan poveste?te c? le-ar fi declarat studen?ilor ?n timpul unui examen c? dac? ei ?i-ar da cuv?ntul de onoare c? nu vor copia, atunci el ?i-ar da cuv?ntul c? nu va raporta mai departe dac? ei ar ?ncerca s? copieze. Cineva l-ar fi ?ntrebat la un moment dat dac? crede ?n astrologie. El a r?spuns c? nu crede ?n astrologie deoarece este ?n zodia Gemeni. Lista de propozi?ii care se contrazic singure, a lui Saul Gorn, un specialist ?n informatic?, pe care Smullyan le citeaz?, reprezint? ?i ele o mostr? de umor. Printre acestea se reg?sesc afirma?ii precum: ,,?nainte de a ?ncepe s? vorbesc, a? vrea s? v? spun ceva.“, ,,Jum?tate dintre minciunile pe care ei le spun despre mine sunt adev?rate.“ sau ,,Te ai dep??it pe tine ?nsu?i, ca de obicei.“
The History of Animals
Generally seen as a pioneering work of zoology, Aristotle frames his text by explaining that he is investigating the existing facts about animals. History of Animals is one of the major texts on biology.
The Critique of Pure Reason
One of the most influential works in the history of philosophy. Known as Kant's First Critique, dealing with questions concerning the foundations and extent of human knowledge, Kant builds on the work of empiricist philosophers such as John Locke and David Hume, as well as taking into account the theories of rationalist philosophers such as Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Christian Wolff.
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
In Civil Disobedience Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice.
This Dialogue begins abruptly with a question of Meno, who asks, 'whether virtue can be taught.' Socrates replies that he does not as yet know what virtue is, and has never known anyone who did. 'Then he cannot have met Gorgias when he was at Athens.' Yes, Socrates had met him, but he has a bad memory, and has forgotten what Gorgias said. Will Meno tell him his own notion, which is probably not very different from that of Gorgias? 'O yes—nothing easier: there is the virtue of a man, of a woman, of an old man, and of a child; there is a virtue of every age and state of life, all of which may be easily described.'