《论证是一门学问》是一本清晰、简洁、实用、有趣的论证规则手册。本手册能够使你的文章、谈话、辩论及论文写作更有理有据,更有说服力,更容易被读者、听众和对手欣然接受。 作者运用大量易于理解、趣味性十足、生活化的例证,归纳了 50 条论证规则,涵盖各学科、各种类型的论证。 本书首先告诉你构建简论的通则:如何从可靠的前提出发,如何理顺思路,如何使自己的论证简明、具体;其次,介绍了举例论证、因果论证和演绎论证,讨论了详论、口头陈述以及议论文写作和公共辩论所应遵循的规则;后,作者又揭开了论证过程中常见的谬误及陷阱。 《思维的模式》是20世纪伟大的思想家怀特海的代表著作之一,书中收录了他的九篇演讲,在这些演讲中,他阐述了自己综合性的思维模式。 现代科学给我们建立了一种思维模式,即在有限前提下作出假定。怀特海反对这种固有的思考模式。 他认为,我们不应该将自己的视野局限于此,而不思索世界和生活的整体。他认为哲学产生于好奇,如果缺乏兴趣,我们对任何问题的探讨都会是机械的。 怀特海所说的兴趣不是建立在对一般环境条件反射的基础之上,不是对琐碎细节的兴趣,他认为高级思维应该在世间万物中间建立联系,每一个事实都包含无限的细节,无限的细节会生发无数的结果。 这种综合的思维模式能够带给我们新颖的思考角度,开拓我们的视野,激发我们的创造力和创新性思维。它能够使我们打破固有的思考方式,建立灵活、多变的思维模式,实现学习、职场和生活的进阶。 《我们如何思维》是著名哲学家、教育学家约翰?杜威的代表作之一,详述了思维的过程和本质,并通过大量实例帮助我们提高思维能力。指出思维的本质并非记忆、听来的故事或偏见,而是经过批判、推理、论证结论之后的信念;提出了反省思维的必要性,表明只有正确思维才能提高规划与谋略能力,获取避免不良后果的措施;提供了进行思维训练的一系列步骤,包括加入逻辑推理要素,进行系统性的推论和试证,引入实例验证思维结果的正确性,等等。有助于我们对思维有一个全新而正确的认识,突破本能的禁锢,跳出思维舒适区,掌握科学有效的思维方法,并终提升实践活动中的效能。
弗里德里希·尼采不仅仅是19世纪末重要的哲学家、思想家,其诗歌一向在西方世界和汉语世界也受到广泛的关注和力捧,不仅仅是其哲学思想的延伸,其诗作所展现的文采和精神气质也非常独特,兼具哲人与诗人的双重特征。 本次孙周兴教授编译的《尼采诗歌新编》,根据梅特版《尼采早期著作》(Mette)和科利/蒙提那里考订研究版《尼采著作全集》(KSA)选编和翻译,共收尼采诗作188首,分为两编,其中*编为“尼采生前发表的诗歌”,包括:(1)零散发表的诗作,共10首;(2)墨西拿牧歌(1882年),共8首;(3)戏谑、狡计与复仇——德语韵律短诗序曲(1882年),共63首;(4)自由鸟王子之歌(1887年),共14首;(5)狄奥尼索斯颂歌(1889年),共9首。第二编为“尼采遗著中的诗歌选辑”,包括:(1)早期诗歌(1858-1869年),共收22首;(2)1871-1882年抒情诗,共28首;(3)查拉图斯特拉时期(1883-1885年),共33首;(4)权力意志时期(1886-1888年)即《狄奥尼索斯颂歌》残篇,共161节短诗,计为一首,本书收录尼采诗歌全且精,翻译考究,可以说是尼采诗歌汉译著作中的上品。
Analiza conflictelor internationale
Istoriile excentricit??ii din Logica elefan?ilor adopt? tonul comentariului pe dou? voci, simul?nd (?i stimul?nd) un canon care dubleaz?, prin reluare, recuperarea detaliului ca fiind princip(i)al. Fiziologiile devin ilustre, consecven?a ??i expune abera?ia, apetitul pentru trecut este inevitabil patologic, iar neao?ismele curente rezoneaz?, fire?te, cu globalizarea. ?ntr-o logic? elefantin?, inteligen?a are a se v?di, chiar gigantesc, ?n nimicnicia ?faptului divers“. Supraabunden?a concentr?rii miniaturale exacerbeaz? efectele ?ngurgit?rii unei mu?te ori ale studierii timpului liber al felinelor de cas?. Lenjeria intim? necesit? un tratament aristocratic, iar ?njur?tura ?i b?taia se sacralizeaz? ?ntr-un univers ?n care guvernarea p?r?se?te modelul pastoral pentru recursul la structuri galinacee. Textele lui Ciprian V?lcan ?i ale Danei Percec (sur)prind acest nesa? cu care lumea ?ns??i pare a-?i exprimenta limitele, n?ucit? parc? de proliferarea propriilor excese.
复杂问题如何化繁就简? 先听好消息,还是坏消息? 已经付出这么多,该不该放弃? 为什么压力越大,对于一件事的把握就越低? 领导说话太含糊,该咋办?...... 不用教科书般的传统讲法,区别于笼统的辩证思维、繁重的哲学史和唯理性的批判思维,以哲学为线索,聚焦日常问题,掌握哲学思考工具,让抽象的哲学实用起来。 哲学是在人类各门学科下行思想沟通的一门事业,是思想界的商人。人类的学科发展越丰富,知识体系越庞大,在不同的知识分支之间,行这种交流的必要性也就越高。诸位现在的这本书,将讨论更为一般的哲学问题。而我们的主旨,就是用哲学理论对标具体的话题,教会你思考问题的方法,以便让哲学有用武之地。
Hegel. Filozofia social-politic?
Hegel este cel mai sistematic filozof, a c?rui oper? este coerent articulat? ?i sus?inut? de o dens? ?es?tur? conceptual? ?i o teleologie cu un pronun?at caracter axiologic. Hegel a vrut ?i ?n parte a reu?it s? construiasc? o concep?ie articulat? ?i cuprinz?toare despre om, societate, natur? ?i divinitate. Fiecare component? a sistemului s?u filozofic, structurile logice, societatea, arta, politica sau istoria nu pot fi ?n?elese f?r? ?ntregul care le cuprinde, le determin? d?ndu-le transparen?? ?i sens. G?ndirea politic? hegelian? nu e o simpl? medita?ie asupra statului ?i a institu?iilor sale determinat? de conjunctur? sau de vreo implica?ie practic? a filozofului ?n politica din timpul s?u. Medita?ia hegelian? asupra politicului este consecin?a necesar? a g?ndirii speculative cuprins? ?n masiva sa oper? filozofic?. Politicul este o component? important? a structurii ontologice a lumii, un moment esen?ial al realiz?rii ?i func?ion?rii Libert??ii. Ra?iunea ?n act, cristalizat? ?ntr-o diversitate de conduite, structuri ?i institu?ii configureaz? universul practic, concretiz?nd spiritul teoretic ?i organiz?nd a nou? regiune ontic?.
Ultimii martori
Lucrarea aceasta se bazeaz? pe teza de doctorat a autorului, sus?inut? ?n iunie 2008, Problema drept??ii ?i restituirea propriet??ilor ?n Rom?nia post-decembrist?, fiind ?ns? o versiune modificat? a tezei. Dup? cum m?rturise?te autorul, unele pasaje tehnice au fost adaptate, pentru a putea fi u?or inteligibile pentru publicul larg. Cartea de fa?? este rezultatul unor ample cercet?ri, ?ncepute ?n 2002. ?Nu mai cred c? principala datorie a filosofului moral este de a produce ?solu?ii? (sentin?e) la problemele etice percepute ca atare ?ntr-un univers social. […] La fel ca ?ntr-un tribunal, pledoariile sunt utile, ?i e bine s? se foloseasc? de argumente c?t mai puternice ?i mai rafinate. Dar, la fel cum cercetarea ?n materie de drept nu-?i poate propune ca obiectiv principal producerea de pledoarii specific avoca?ilor (cu toate c? examinarea fundamentelor legii poate conferi o greutate suplimentar? unei pledoarii particulare sau alteia), tot a?a cercetarea de ordin etic nu-?i poate propune ca obiectiv ceva similar pledoariilor.“ Con?inutul este organizat ?n 7 capitole, concluzii ?i o bibliografie, util? f?r? ?ndoial? pentru oricine ar dori s? aprofundeze chestiunile abordate de autor. Introducerea este urmat? de o discu?ie conceptual? ?i metodologic? despre repara?ie (capitolul 2), rectificare, restitu?ie, drepturile de proprietate ?i evaluarea moral? a restitu?iei. Celelalte capitole se ocup? de urm?toarele teme: nedreptatea na?ionaliz?rii (capitolul 3), restitu?ia post-comunist? (capitolul 4), argumentul coasian (capitolul 5), restitu?ia ?i dreptatea transgenera?ional? (capitolul 6), principiul nozickian al rectific?rii nedrept??ilor (capitolul 7). ?Am ?ncercat apoi s? analizez ce anume presupune c?utarea unui r?spuns la o ?ntrebare de tipul ?Este restitu?ia justificat? ?? (?n 2.3.) Rezultatul important, cred, a fost acela c? nu exist? un r?spuns simplu, ?i c? o astfel de ?ntrebare este prost formulat?. Am propus ?n loc alte cinci ?ntreb?ri, mai precise : dac? actul na?ionaliz?rii a fost unul nedrept, dac? o politic? restitutiv? risc? sau nu s? ?ndrepte o nedreptate trecut? ?nf?ptuind o alta, dac? putem identifica cu precizie obiectele restitu?iei ?i dac? orizontul temporal introduce elemente importante ?n cadrul de evaluare moral? (at?t ca atare, c?t ?i ?n dimensiunea sa intergenera?ional?). ?n primul r?nd, putem afirma c? politica aleas? imediat dup? 1989 (cea a men?inerii status-quo-ului, ?n speran?a c? lucrurile se vor rezolva cumva de la sine sau ca o solu?ie ideal? se va prezenta ?n mod miraculos) a fost at?t lipsit? de vreo justificare moral?, c?t ?i neinspirat? din punct de vedere pragmatic.“
The passages in this Study Book have been taken directly from Krishnamurti’s talks and books from 1933 through 1967. The compil- ers began by reading all the passages from this period which contained the word action—the theme of this book. This would not have been possible without the use of a full text computer database, produced by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust of England. Over 750 passages were studied in all, and the aspects of “action” most frequently addressed by Krishnamurti were noted. These aspects then formed the outline for the contents of this book.The material selected has not been altered from the way it was originally printed except for limited correction of spelling, punctua- tion, and missing words. Words or phrases that appear in brackets are not Krishnamurti’s, but have been added by the compilers for the sake of clarity. Ellipses introducing a passage, or ending it, indicate that the passage begins or ends in mid-sentence. Ellipses in the course of a passage indicate words or sentences omitted. A series of asterisks between paragraphs shows that there are paragraphs from that talk which have been omitted. Captions, set off from the body of the text, have been used with many passages. Most captions are statements taken directly from the text, with some being a combination of phrases from the passage.Krishnamurti spoke from such a large perspective that his entire vision was implied in any extended passage. If one wishes to see how a statement flows out of his whole discourse, one can find the full context from the references at the foot of each passage. These refer primarily to talks which have been published in The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti. This seventeen-volume set covers the entire period from which this study book has been drawn. A complete bibliography is included at the end of this book. Students and scholars may also be interested in additional passages on action not used in the book, available for study upon written request, in the archives of the Krishna- murti Foundation of America.This Study Book aims to give the reader as comprehensive a view as possible, in 140 pages, of the question of action as explored by Krishnamurti during the period covered. Most of the material presented has not been previously published, except in the Verbatim Reports which were produced privately, in limited numbers, primarily for those who attended Krishnamurti’s talks.
The Ancestors
The Ancestors is the story of three generations of first daughters who were born after the abolition of slavery and possessed egos that were not compliant with the expected and largely accepted subservient role of women within the humble but chauvinistic environment in which they lived. The spirit of the era is captured as the biopic depicts simple sub-cultural lifestyles with fixed superstitions, parallel belief in God and the occult and unique language. Life experiences are stmpathetically and humorously echoed during separate journeys of survival and eventual triumph.
【内容简介】 本丛书分类结集叶秀山先生全部已经出版的专著,在学术期刊上发表的所有论文,以及部分笔记、札记、书信和讲演录,共12卷,代表了当代中国哲学的高度,是哲学专业学习者和研究者的重要学习和参考用书。第十二卷是对作者散文随笔的补遗。
每个人或许都有自己的“犬儒时刻”。 每当陷绝望,我们内心深处总会有一个声音:“我恨变得愤世嫉俗,但是……” 愤世嫉俗?玩世不恭?缺乏羞耻心?…… 犬儒主义是什么?什么样的人可以称为犬儒主义者?我们都是犬儒主义者? 从木桶中特立独行的哲学家到网络时代涨落不停的不良情绪,作者安斯加尔·艾伦描绘了从公元前4世纪希腊犬儒主义者的“无畏直言”到当代多面、复杂的犬儒主义表现的历史。借助其后莎士比亚、拉伯雷、卢梭等人的著作,本书记录了文艺复兴和启蒙运动对犬儒主义的挪用;通过尼采、福柯、斯劳特戴克等哲学家的思想,作者追踪了犬儒主义从古代到现代的转变,并重新思考了现代犬儒主义在当代社会中的地位和作用,不仅梳理、提炼了哲学史层面上的知识,更能帮助我们在对犬儒主义的认识和反思中,重新定位和思考我们自身。
《老子》又名《道德经》,由前三十七章《道经》和后四十四章《德经》组成,共五千余言,相传是先秦时期老子所著,是道家的主要经典。它率先提出了“道”这一的哲学概念,且含有丰富的辩证法思想,是中国古代思想的重要遗产,对中国的哲学、政治、文化等均产生了深远影响。 两千多年来,古今中外的众多学者或尊重原意,或借题发挥,对《老子》作了七百余种解说。本书续《老子他说》,对《老子》二十七章到八十一章行了南怀瑾式的独特解读和评说,经史相参,以经注经,将《老子》上、下经的篇章相互对照,以“知人论世”的思想为指导,融汇儒、释、道三家之学,旁征博引,深浅出,指出《老子》并非仅是权术谋略之书,而是包含深刻的政治道德、政治哲学、军事哲学和历史哲学,其中所论人情事理皆在阐发因果律;以《老子》为基础的道家文化是影响中国历史和中国文化的首要因素;等等,揭示出老子思想的真正内涵,为读者展示了一个别样的老子——一个真实生动、满怀忧国忧民之念的老人和智者。