

What Are You Seeking?
What Are You Seeking?
J. Krishnamurti
The answer to the question, What are you Seeking?, is simple: We want to find truth, God, everlasting peace. The real question, says Krishnamurti, is: 'Why do you seek at all?' (p. 328) Knowing conflict, repression, self-doubt, and fear as consistent companions, we naturally wish for them to come to an end. So begins the search for relief, the search for everlasting peace--through ideas, religions, self-help, self-analysis, etc., and we think of this search as a right action towards finding what we are looking for. But do we know what we are looking for, or are we merely seeking relief from what is happening presently? Are we seeking at that point only an idea, the supposed opposite of the emotion that we are experiencing now? It is the search that maintains the present emotion and its projected opposite in a state of mutually co-existent conflict, inherently.
The Beauty of Death
The Beauty of Death
J. Krishnamurti
"Only in peace can a human being flower in goodness - not in war, not in violence, not in disorder, but only when there is a deep abiding peace. And to understand this whole phenomenon of hate, destruction and disorder, one has to enquire not merely intellectually - because such an enquiry is futile, worthless and has no meaning whatsoever - but actually what order means, what violence means, and the significance of peace; one has to enquire non-verbally, non-intellectually - [intellectual inquiry] really has very little meaning, because most of us have read or indulged in theory what peace should be, how to get rid of violence, and how to establish order.." Krishnamurti gave these talks in India and Europe. The talks span the whole of human existence, exploring what it means to live rightly in a world full of confusion and misery.
The Mirror of Relationship
The Mirror of Relationship
J. Krishnamurti
Within the process of daily relations with people, with nature, and with society, our own causes of sorrow are revealed. 'In relationship the important thing to bear in mind is not the other but oneself,' states Krishnamurti, 'It is within oneself that harmony in relationship can be found, not in another, nor in environment.' (p. 160) This is not cause for isolation but the beginning of a process of self-revelation which creates the foundation for true relationship.
The World Within
The World Within
J. Krishnamurti
"Truth is not something that is mysterious; truth is where you are. From there you can begin. The truth is that I am angry, I am jealous, I am aggressive, I quarrel. That is a fact. So one must begin, if one may most respectfully point out, from where one is. That is why it is important to know yourself, to have complete knowledge of yourself, not from others, not from psychologists, brain specialists and so on, but to know what you are. Because, you are the story of mankind. If you know how to read that book which is yourself, then you know all the activities and brutalities and stupidities of mankind because you are the rest of the world." – J. Krishnamurti Reading the teachings of J. Krishnamurti, one is immediately struck by how personal the words are to one’s own thinking and what a close mirror they are of our human psychological activity. His language is not bound by time, place, or circumstance, and so readers in any era or on any continent can find themselves clearly and compassionately made plain. Krishnamurti’s heuristic approach was typical not only of his dialogues or interviews, but also of his public talks where an attendee in an audience of thousands felt in direct contact with the speaker. His language was simple, without jargon or without any assumptions about the audience by the speaker. Krishnamurti helped the interviewees, without intending to, to see for themselves the intricacies of their thinking and of their problems. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Krishnamurti did not speak publicly in the United States, but lived quietly in Ojai, California. People sought him out and came to dialogue with him on many issues of the times or their own personal dilemmas. Their problems were universal human problems, and each made true his statement that ‘You are the world.’ As Krishnamurti unwound the tight threads of their thinking and feeling, the core or source of a concern was revealed, unadorned and without blame or guilt. After the Second World War years, there was a set of three volumes of interviews with Krishnamurti that appeared worldwide, titled Commentaries on Living. This new book, The World Within, out of the Krishnamurti Archives, is a compendium of additional perennial questions with their timeless answers. The inquiry is still fresh, after seventy years, and readers will find themselves in both the questions and the responses.
What is Right Action
What is Right Action
J. Krishnamurti
This volume covers talks given in New Zealand, Ojai, New York, South America and Mexico. Krishnamurti begins by stating "What we call problems are merely symptoms, which increase and multiply because we do not tackle the whole life as one but divide it as economic, social or religious problems. ..Now it is my intention to show that so long as we deal with these problems apart, separately, we but increase the misunderstanding, and therefore the conflict, and thereby the suffering and the pain..." An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.
The Origin of Conflict
The Origin of Conflict
J. Krishnamurti
During this time span, Krishnamurti gave talks in England and India. In this volume, Krishnamurti introduces the material as a form of a discussion. He asks those listening to engage in the material along with him. "What I propose to do during these discussions is to think out with each one of you this extraordinarily complex problem of living. You know this problem is not confined to a narrow area. All over the world it is the same. We are confused; we do not know what to do; and we do not know how to set about it or to discover why each group is fighting the other."
There is No Thinker Only Thought
There is No Thinker Only Thought
J. Krishnamurti
In these talks given in New Delhi, Bombay, London, Saanen, Paris and Madras, Krishnamurti begins by defining what he means by the word discussion and what it means to go beyond thought. "I think, before we begin, it should be made clear what we mean by discussion. To me it is a process of discovery through exposing oneself to the fact. That is, in discussing I discover myself, the habit of my thought, the way I proceed to think, my reactions, the way I reason, not only intellectually but inwardly. It is really exposing oneself not merely verbally but actually so that the discussion becomes a thing worth while - to discover for ourselves how we think. Because, I feel if we could be serious enough for an hour or a little more and really fathom and delve into ourselves as much as we can, we shall be able to release, not through any action of will, a certain sense of energy which is all the time awake, which is beyond thought."
Choiceless Awareness
Choiceless Awareness
J. Krishnamurti
In these talks in India , Krishnamurti begins by stating his intention to begin answering questions put forth to him by others. He points out that if an answer is to be right, the question itself must also be. "...a serious question put by a serious person, by an earnest person who is seeking out the solution of a very difficult problem, then, obviously, there will be an answer befitting that question."? An extensive compendium of Krishnamurti's talks and discussions in the USA, Europe, India, New Zealand, and South Africa from 1933 to 1967—the Collected Works have been carefully authenticated against existing transcripts and tapes. Each volume includes a frontispiece photograph of Krishnamurti , with question and subject indexes at the end. The content of each volume is not limited to the subject of the title, but rather offers a unique view of Krishnamurti's extraordinary teachings in selected years. The Collected Works offers the reader the opportunity to explore the early writings and dialogues in their most complete and authentic form.
Vandermeer Jeff
„Greu este s? fii bun“. A?a suna verdictul unui filozof presocratic la care m? încruntam abitir pe la 20 de ani. Acum, la 60, dup? ce am înv??at de la aceia?i în?elep?i c? „to?i oamenii sunt r?i“, dar c? „nu trebuie s?-i judeci“, nu m? mai gr?besc cu încruntarea. Doar zâmbesc pu?in ofilit, în dulce resemnare. Cu un astfel de zâmbet – trist, admirativ, îng?duitor ?i comp?timitor totodat? – trebuie întâmpinat (?i f?r? îndoial? iertat) Tomas H., personajul axial din romanul Cameliei Cavadia. Destinat fericirii, dar e?uat lamentabil. Vinovat inocent ?i egofil culpabil. ?i totu?i înseninat, dureros de triumf?tor în final, dup? ce altruismul învinge mizantropia, iar d?ruirea de sine absolv? vinov??ia. În fond, ce ar fi vina f?r? isp??ire? Un roman despre povara fericirii (chiar a?a!) ?i chinul permanent al demonicului de a surpa – prin patologia patimii oarbe – iubirea curat?, armonia conjugal?, farmecul divin al copil?riei ?i nobila condi?ie de p?rinte. Un debut surprinz?tor prin precizia arhitecturii narative ?i siguran?a rotirii caruselului cu multe ?i subtile rela?ii psihologice. În plus, îmbucur?tor prin op?iunea preponderent moral?, într-o vreme dominat? de anarhie, relativism ?i etic? în r?sp?r. – Dan C. Mih?ilescu ?„De când m? ?tiu am vrut s? devin scriitoare. PR de meserie, am scris pove?tile altora, dar mi-am dat seama c? am în?untrul meu propriile pove?ti care a?teapt? s? le dau via??. Tot ceea ce am f?cut pîn? acum a roit în jurul cuvintelor. Prin prisma meseriei mele, am scris sute de comunicate, am luat zeci de interviuri, m-am trezit cu zeci de fraze construite-n cap ?i am adormit cu altele bâzâindu-mi în ureche. Am hot?rât ca e timpul s?-mi urmez visul ?i s? devin ceea ce m-am sim?it mereu.“ – Camelia Cavadia
400 de re?ete culinare pentru copilul t?u. 0-3 ani. Cre?te?i mari ?i s?n?to?i!
400 de re?ete culinare pentru copilul t?u. 0-3 ani. Cre?te?i mari ?i s?n?to?i!
Cernăianu Laurențiu
Dac? Riscul g?ndirii nu s-a bucurat de aten?ia meritat?, probabil din cauza exploziei nea?teptate de produc?ii culturale – ?i mai ales pseudoculturale – care s-a petrecut dup? decembrie 1989, noua lucrare a celor doi g?nditori, scris? dup? aproape dou? decenii, ar trebui s? aib? toate premisele pentru a fi receptat? cum se cuvine.Sub forma ?n?el?toare a dialogului ?ntre cinci personaje caracterizate – fiecare – de un stil de g?ndire bine determinat cei doi ascund nenum?rate giuvaere ale g?ndirii originale, penetrante ?i vizionare. Cititorul obi?nuit s? caute pe copert? elementele care s?-i permit? m?car printr-un exerci?iu deductiv descifrarea ingredientelor discursului celor doi autori va fi surprins la fiecare pagin?.Dac? ?cele 5 lucruri esen?iale pe care trebuie s? le ?tii despre via??“ reprezint? de cele mai multe ori o simpl? etichet?, sub care compozi?ia eterogen? a con?inutului, superficialitatea ?i caracterul facil al expunerii mul?umesc ?i conving doar pe termen scurt, ?n cazul lucr?rii celor doi filosofi rom?ni lucrurile stau exact pe dos. ?n cele cinci capitole care analizeaz? avatarurile g?ndirii sunt ascunse nenum?rate modele de ?n?elepciune ?i de disciplin? a logosului, f?r? a fi anun?ate, explicate cu toate determina?iile conexe sau accentuate ?n vreun fel. Acesta este probabil cel mai elegant mod de a r?spl?ti cititorii: spun?ndu-le cum f?r? a-i avertiza c?.Pentru cine ??i dore?te totu?i o etichet? care s? u?ureze clasificarea acestui volum, cea mai concis? ?i mai potrivit? este oferit? de un binecunoscut dicton latin: Sapienti sat. ?ntr-un ocean de solu?ii, Sorin Vieru ?i Terente Robert construiesc o insul? de probleme a c?rei tr?inicie este alarmant? ?i, ?n acela?i timp, reconfortant?.
Exploratorii. Cartea a IV-a - Ultimul pas ?n s?lb?ticie
Exploratorii. Cartea a IV-a - Ultimul pas ?n s?lb?ticie
Erin Hunter
Nietzsche este, poate, cea mai ilustr? victim? a aventurii socratice a cunoa?terii de sine. Via?a nu posed? fenomene originale, ci numai unele repetitive, care prin reluarea lor ve?nic identic? ??i tocesc conturul lor original. Cadrul repeti?iei nu este via?a, c?ci via?a ?ns??i este un fenomen de repeti?ie. Omul este condamnat s? tr?iasc? ?ntr-un plictisitor ?ir de repeti?ii ?i relu?ri din care nu poate evada. Nu exist? fenomene absolut unice, care s? nu fie repetitive ?i, probabil, la fel este ?i cu oamenii. To?i au mai fost nu o dat?, ci de nenum?rate ori ?n trecut ?i vor mai fi de nenum?rate ori ?n viitor. Tot ce trebuia ?i putea s? se produc? s-a produs deja. Restul este doar monoton? repeti?ie: ve?nic? revenire a aceluia?i. Eterna ?ntoarcere exprim? nu devenirea heraclitean? f?r? repaos, ci marile linii de stabilitate din cadrul existen?ei. Prin ea, Nietzsche vrea s? eternizeze trec?torul, socotind timpul ca etern, etern? ?ntoarcere, adic? schimbare ?i stabilitate. Ecce homo este ?i exerci?iul acestui impas al g?ndirii lui Nietzsche. Prin aceasta ?ns? Nietzsche ?i-a adus contribu?ia la instaurarea unui nou ?idol“ al lumii moderne dup? ce aceasta a denun?at prezen?a ?idolilor“ de tot felul ?n spa?iul ei de con?tiin??. (Vasile Musc?)??ntruc?t, ?n scurt timp, va trebui s? m? adresez omenirii cu cea mai grea solicitare care i-a fost prezentat? vreodat?, mi se pare imperios necesar s? spun cine sunt. ?n principiu, ar trebui s? se ?tie: c?ci nu m-am l?sat ?neatestat?. Dar discrepan?a dintre m?re?ia misiunii mele ?i micimea contemporanilor mei ?i-a g?sit expresia ?n faptul c? nici nu am fost auzit, nici nu am fost v?zut. Tr?iesc pe propriul meu credit, s? fie poate o simpl? prejudecat? faptul c? tr?iesc?... Este de ajuns s? stau de vorb? cu vreun ?om cultivat?, care vine vara ?n Engadina de Sus, ca s? m? conving c? nu tr?iesc... ?n aceste ?mprejur?ri, este o ?ndatorire ?mpotriva c?reia obi?nuin?a mea ?i, mai mult chiar dec?t aceasta, m?ndria instinctelor mele, se revolt?, anume aceea de a spune: Auzi?i-m?! c?ci eu sunt cutare ?i cutare. ?nainte de toate, nu cumva s? m? confunda?i!“ (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Orizontul r?sturnat
Orizontul r?sturnat
Marc Levy
Coresponden?a lui Descartes dubleaz? opera sa propriu-zis?, fiind uneori mai expresiv? dec?t aceasta ?i cuprinz?nd cutezan?e filozofice pe care c?r?ile sale nu ?i le ?ng?duie. E aici, ?n paginile acestor scrisori, un Descartes mai viu, mai nuan?at ?n exprimare, mai amplu. O mare g?ndire filozofic?, precum aceasta, nu se resemneaz? cu propria realitate, ci se impune printr-o str?danie de a cuceri con?tiin?a public?, despre care dau seama aceste texte. Ele ?nchid ?n cuprinderea lor imaginea eforturilor prin care filozoful ??i creeaz? premisele posterit??ii sale.
2件7折3件6折 20世纪马克思主义发展史·第二卷(马克思主义研究论库·第二辑)
孙来斌 刘军
19世纪末20世纪初,是人类社会发生深刻变化的关键时期,也是马克思主义发展的重要时期。如何认识资本主义新变化的本质?马克思主义在时代新变化面前还有没有生命力?在新的历史条件下无产阶级面临的*紧迫任务及其实现路径是什么?以列宁为代表的马克思主义者,科学地回答了时代提出的重大问题,与各种错误思潮展了坚决斗争,有力地推了马克思主义的重大发展,为马克思主义在20世纪波澜壮阔的历史揭了精彩的序幕。 在《20世纪马克思主义发展史》(九卷本)的体系结构中,本卷具有反映历史承、时代转换和内容综合的特殊性质,总体遵循逻辑与历史相统一的思路,采用史论结合的叙述方法,着力考察19世纪末至十月革命前马克思主义发展史上的重大事件、重要人物、重著作,力图全面、准确地反映这一时期马克思主义发展的历史风貌。
2件7折3件6折 叶秀山全集·第六卷
【内容简介】 本选题分类结集叶秀山先生全部已经出版的专著,在学术期刊上发表的所有论文,以及部分笔记、札记、书信和讲演录,共11卷。本选题代表了当代中国哲学的高度,是哲学专业学习者和研究者的重要学习和参考用书。第六卷包括《西方哲学史卷·总论》《中国社会科学院学术委员文库·叶秀山文集》《哲学要义》这三本作者著作。
2件7折3件6折 尼伯龙人
《尼伯龙人》改编自中世纪德国重要的叙事文学之一《尼伯龙根之歌》,讲述了发生在勃艮第王族中的爱恨纠葛。勃艮第国王恭特,为求娶冰岛女王布伦希尔德,求助于尼德兰王子西格夫里特,答应将自己的妹妹克里姆希尔德公主许配给西格夫里特。然而,四个人两两成婚之后,出于误会和旁人挑拨,恭特国王害死了自己的妹婿西格夫里特,终引来公主的复仇。故事充满浓郁的悲怆色彩,体现作者对变革社会的反思,和对以悲悯、自省为核心的道德观的推崇。 《尼伯龙人》出版于1861年,1861年1月31日在魏玛首演,之后在德国各地剧院都有频繁的演出,是除理查德•瓦格纳的歌剧《尼伯龙族的指环》外有影响力的以尼伯龙人神话作为题材的戏剧作品。
2件7折3件6折 贺麟全集:精神现象学(上、下卷)
2件7折3件6折 马克思主义中国化史·第二卷·1949-1976(马克思主义研究丛书)
总主编 顾海良 本卷主编 王树荫
?tvenezer lándzsa: Anjouk - V. rész
?tvenezer lándzsa: Anjouk - V. rész
Bíró Szabolcs
"A megsemmisülés rejtélyes sz?vege egyszerre filozófiai traktátus, misztikus beavatás és poszthumán próza. A kortárs irodalomban egyre inkább feler?s?dik ez a nem-antropocentrikus hang, mely nem emberi sorsokat akar elbeszélni, hanem a nyelv és az ember k?z?s hiányt?rténetére mutat rá. ?Mennyien kapaszkodtak a létbe, mint egy végtelen fa t?rzsébe” - írja Horváth Márk és Lovász ?dám, hiszen az emberi állapot csak a társadalmi, nyelvi és metafizikai katasztrófa terében értelmezhet?. Apokaliptikus (neo)romantika és abszurd k?ltészet. Az utolsó ember kézik?nyve a túlélés lehetetlenségér?l."Nemes Z. Márió Az Idegenre hárult a sors ajándéka, hogy els?ként az utolsó emberek k?zu?l végignézze minden ku?ls?dleges k?telék pusztulását, és bizalmát lelkébe, s?t a lelkén is túlra helyezze, minden emberit maga m?g?tt hagyva. Minden ház gerendái k?z?tt barátságok és szerelmek jól táplált holttestei indultak oszlásnak, míg csak a csont fehérlett ki a vízb?l. Mint rég elhagyott kik?t?k tornyai, olyan hívogatóak voltak ezek a csontok az új kor embere számára.
2件7折3件6折 回到马克思——经济学语境中的哲学话语(第四版)
2件7折3件6折 叶秀山全集·第四卷
【内容简介】 本选题分类结集叶秀山先生全部已经出版的专著,在学术期刊上发表的所有论文,以及部分笔记、札记、书信和讲演录,共11卷。本选题代表了当代中国哲学的高度,是哲学专业学 习者和研究者的重要学习和参考用书。第四卷包括《叶秀山学术文化随笔》《当代学者自选文库·叶秀山卷》两本作者自选集。