

The Book of Dad
The Book of Dad
Paul Barker
The Book that will forever define the essentially comic state of being, acting, looking, and sounding like a Dad. You think you know your Dad? You think he gets up to go to work every morning, does his job, eats his lunch, has an afternoon snack or three, then comes home and eats dinner in front of the TV? On the weekend, maybe he mows the lawn or fixes that broken shelf, or has a few jars down the pub with the lads? You think that’s what Dads do, don’t you? You think that’s all there is? Oh, how little you know. A hymn to all things paternal, ‘The Book of Dad’ will change the way you think about your Dad, my Dad, his Dad, their Dad, Everybody’s Dad. Including such marvellous chapters as Know Your Dad, The World According to Dad, Dads Through The Ages (from Caveman Dad up to Victorian Dad), How To Be A Dad, and The Dad-to-Be, ‘The Book of Dad’ is a highly illustrated, high-quality, highly anticipated romp through the pantheon of Dadness…and beyond…but not too far.
Literatura german?. De la Sturm-und-Drang la zilele noastre
Literatura german?. De la Sturm-und-Drang la zilele noastre
Nicolae Balota
Cartea abordeaz? o tem? important?, care nu a f?cut obiectul unei cercet?ri distincte ?n istoriografia rom?neasc?, mai ales perioada 1948-1955. Autorul a analizat evolu?ia elitei politice na?ional-??r?niste ?i na?ional-liberale ?n ?ntreg intervalul 1945-1955 … Ponderea cea mai mare o ocup? activitatea represiv? a guvernan?ilor care, ?n anii 1947-1950, au desf??urat o ampl? ac?iune de arestare a tuturor adversarilor regimului … Urm?rind simultan, potrivit criteriului cronologic, ?ntregul tablou al situa?iei interna?ionale, al activit??ii guvernamentale, al vie?ii interne a partidelor analizate, al ac?iunii liderilor politici etc … lucrarea se dovede?te a fi temeinic documentat? ?i realmente original?.
Keeping Quiet
Keeping Quiet
Dutton, Julian
Keeping Quiet is a love-letter to the modern sight-gag on film and television, tracing the history of physical clowning since the advent of sound. Taking up the story of visual humour where Paul Merton's Silent Comedy leaves off, Julian Dutton charts the lives and work of all the great comedians who chose to remain silent, from Charlie Chaplin - who was determined to resist the 'talkies' - right through to the slapstick of modern-day performers such as Rowan Atkinson, Matt Lucas and Harry Hill. This fascinating chronicle - spanning nine decades - shows how physical comedy, at first overshadowed by dialogue-films in the 1930s, reinvented itself and how this revival was spearheaded by a Frenchman: Jacques Tati.Julian Dutton draws on his own experience as a comedy writer and performer to give an expert analysis of the screen persona and the comedy style of dozens of the screen's best-loved performers including Laurel & Hardy, Buster Keaton, Harpo Marx, Norman Wisdom, Jerry Lewis, Benny Hill, Peter Sellers, Eric Sykes, Ronnie Barker, Marty Feldman - and many more.This book will appeal both to the serious student of film, television and theatre - including those aspiring to write or perform comedy - and to the general reader and comedy fan.
Danny Boyle - Lust for Life
Danny Boyle - Lust for Life
Browning, Mark
Danny Boyle is one of contemporary filmmaking's most exciting talents. Since the early 1990s he has steadily created a body of work that crosses genres and defies easy categorisation, from black humour (Shallow Grave), gritty realism (Trainspotting), screwball comedy (A Life Less Ordinary), cult adaptations (The Beach), and horror (28 Days Later), to science fiction (Sunshine), children's drama (Millions), love stories (Slumdog Millionaire) and tales of personal redemption (127 Hours). Unlike many of his peers, Boyle seems most comfortable when working with modest budgets, relying on acting ability rather than special effects, and surrounding himself with a trusted team of writers, cinematographers and production designers. His restless energy, vitality and drive find their expression in the celebratory tone of his films - their lust for life.In this book, Mark Browning provides a rigorous but highly accessible analysis of Boyle's work, discussing the processes by which he absorbs generic and literary influences, the way he gains powerful performances both from inexperienced casts and A-list stars, his portrayal of regional identity, his use of moral dilemmas as a narrative trigger, and the religious undercurrents that permeate his films.
Singura cale
Singura cale
Breban Nicolae
Lucrarea aduce in dezbaterile istoricilor si economistilor evolutia economica si politica a Romaniei in perioada 1859-1900, marcand o contributie insemnata in acest domeniu destul de putin studiat, analizat si dezbatut.Tema centrala a lucrarii o constituie necesitatea crearii unei industrii romanesti inca de la inceputul secolului al XIX-lea, pledand in favoarea protectionismului, a independentei capitalurilor si a mainii de lucru calificata.De asemenea, autorul analizeaza dezbaterile care au avut loc in epoca pe tema industrializarii si protectionismului intre cele doua partide mari existente in a doua jumatate a secolului XIX: Conservator si Liberal, precum si cele dintre economistii de conceptie din acea vreme: D.P. Martian, I. Ghica, Ionica Tautu, P.S. Aurelian.
Dincolo de bine ?i de r?u. Genealogia moralei
Dincolo de bine ?i de r?u. Genealogia moralei
Nietzsche Friedrich
Doamna Marusia CIRSTEA, doctor in stiinte istorice, a investigat, in baza cercetarii unei extrem de bogate bibliografii si a unor studii intense in arhivele diplomatice si militare interne (Arhiva Ministerului de Externe al Romaniei - Bucuresti, Arhivele Militare Nationale – Bucuresti si Pitesti, Arhivele Nationale ale Romaniei - Bucuresti, Biblioteca Nationala si Biblioteca Academiei Romane, ambele din Bucuresti), o problema de mare interes, abordata pana acum de numerosi istorici romani si straini (Paul D. Quinlan, Elisabeth Barker, V. F. Dobrinescu, Gh. Pascalau, Ion Patroiu s.a.). Tocmai de aceea, meritul autoarei este cu totul deosebit, intrucat, bazandu-se pe rezultatele cercetarilor anterioare, dar, aprofundandu-le si completandu-le substantial cu documente inedite, este in masura sa realizeze o contributie stiintifica de reala valoare pe marginea evolutiei raporturilor politico-diplomatice intre Romania si Marea Britanie intr-una din perioadele cele mai captivante si mai dificile ale epocii contemporane – ajunul conflagratiei mondiale din 1939-1945. Asa dupa cum se subliniaza in ampla Introducere, problema cercetata ?constituie o tema de studiu si de reflectie importanta, interesanta si plina de invataminte, nu numai pentru istoricul de astazi, dar si pentru omul simplu, pasionat de istorie si, indeosebi, pentru politicianul si diplomatul care trebuie sa gaseasca solutii practice unor aspecte interesand raporturile internationale“ (p. 3). Astfel, dupa o pertinenta si documentata Introducere, care elucideaza si aspectele istoriografice ale cercetarii, autoarea realizeaza o consistenta monografie privind relatiile dintre Bucuresti si Londra intre 1936 si 1939, in cuprinsul a patru capitole judicios repartizate pentru a se asigura tratarea globala si unitara a materiei. De un mare interes si cu o importanta pondere in economia lucrarii se dovedesc, nu mai putin, Concluziile (pp. 200-213), Bibliografia (pp. 214-232) si cele 25 de Anexe (pp. 233-350).Ultimele luni de pace si inceputul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, evolutia raporturilor anglo-romane in context fac obiectul celui de-al IV-lea capitol. Principalele evenimente tratate sunt, in ordine cronologica, faimosul caz Tilea; garantiile franceze si britanice acordate Poloniei, Greciei si Romaniei; rostul pactului sovieto-german din 23 august 1939 in politica europeana; declansarea razboiului si atitudinea Romaniei si, in sfarsit, proclamarea neutralitatii Romaniei in razboi vizavi de implicarea Marii Britanii in ostilitati. Temeinicia cercetarii este atestata de o bogata si sistematica Bibliografíe, care, fara indoiala, intregeste, in chip fericit, textul lucrarii. In acelasi timp, Anexele ingaduie specialistului si cititorului interesat sa aprecieze amploarea si seriozitatea investigatiilor arhivistice.
Environmental Degradation and Dryland Agro-Technologies in Northwest China
Environmental Degradation and Dryland Agro-Technologies in Northwest China
Elijah K. Biamah, Michael K. Biamah
Environmental Degradation and Dryland Agro-Technologies in Northwest China” is a documentation of past and present research, training and extension experiences on: environmental degradation; conservation farming systems; water and nutrient management options; soil and water management technologies and training; soil erosion control; dryland agriculture and soil erosion; soil fertility and crop production; drought and soil water use, demonstration of ecologically sustainable agriculture; and dissemination of farming system technologies in the arid and semi-arid lands of Northwest China. These concerns are expounded on both from the national (China) and Regional (Loess Plateau) perspectives. The information provided herein was obtained through a review of all relevant literature and firsthand consultations/discussions undertaken by the author with professors and local research scientists, technicians and farmers in Northwest China. The facts and figures presented are based on their experiences of many years. This publication does provide valuable scientific information on the status of environmental degradation and dryland agro-technologies within Northwest China that are either traditional or newly developed through scientific research at various relevant Institutions such as NWAU, NWISWC and Regional Academies of Agricultural Sciences such as SAAS, GAAS, NAAF and QAAF. There are lessons to be learnt and plausible remedial conservation measures to be adopted elsewhere from these experiences in Northwest China.
The Organic Garden
The Organic Garden
Allan Shepherd
The Organic Garden redefines what it means to be an organic gardener. This practical and thought-provoking handbook is both a manual of organic practice and a starting point for ethical living. The meaning of 'organic' is changing fast, becoming more and more an umbrella term for all things environmental: from ethical consumerism, waste recycling and self-sufficiency to new trends in wildlife-friendly, sustainable and forest gardening. The Organic Garden shows how these popular new areas of green living are relevant to the ordinary gardener and demonstrates simple, achievable ways in which you can use these ideas to transform your garden. Includes: ? Essentials of organic practice ? Gardening for wildlife and ornament ? Gardening for food ? Ethical choices at the garden centre ? Shed’s Dead – how to create an ecological shed and explore alternatives for outdoor living ? Gardening beyond the garden – allotments, conservation volunteering, community gardening ? Climate change and today’s gardener
100+ Fun Ideas for Art Activities
100+ Fun Ideas for Art Activities
Goodridge, Paula
Unleash your students' imaginations with this wonderful collection of tried and tested art activities that are easy to prepare, but children will love. The activities introduce a wide range of art skills and media and are suitable for use in the classroom, at home or in children's clubs. Activities range from designing a bank note and painting glass jars to printing on fabric and creating 3D robots.
Direct Selling Success
Direct Selling Success
Yogeeta Mistry
Practical know-how to get you to the top of your company. This is a book with generic hands-on advice that you can implement immediately into your business. Yogeeta will share with you important factors and principles that are crucial to helping you with strategy and mindset for Direct Selling Success. The information is current, it's fresh, it's generic to whichever company you are involved with, and you will find that some of it will resonate within you to help you understand and run your Direct Selling business to a better degree.
Saviour of the Nation
Saviour of the Nation
Brian Hodgkinson
Saviour of the Nation
On Walking: A guide to going beyond wandering around looking at stuff
On Walking: A guide to going beyond wandering around looking at stuff
Phil Smith
Phil Smith of Wrights & Sites' fame is not the first to walk in the footsteps of W.G. Sebald, whose? The?Rings of Saturn ?is an account a walk round Suffolk 20 years ago.? What? is? remarkable is that Phil's own walk was quite as extraordinary as Sebald's and that he matches Sebald's erudition, originality and humour swathe for swathe.? On one level ?On Walking...? describes an actual, lumbering walk from one incongruous B&B to the next, taking in Dunwich, Lowestoft, Southwold, Covehithe, Orford Ness, Sutton Hoo, Bungay, Halesworth and Rendlesham Forest - with their lost villages, Cold War testing sites, black dogs, white deer and alien trails.? On a second level it sets out a ? kind? of walking that the author has been practising for many years and for which he is quietly famous. It's a kind of walking that burrows beneath the guidebook and the map, looks beyond the shopfront and the Tudor facade and feels beneath the blisters and disgruntlement of the everyday. Those who try it report that their walking [and their whole way of seeing the world] is never quite the same again. And the Suffolk walk described in this book is an? exemplary? walk, a case study - this is exactly how to do it.? Finally, on a third level,? On Walking...? is?an intellectual tour de force, encompassing Situationism, alchemy, jouissance, dancing, geology, psychogeography, 20th century cinema and old TV, performance, architecture, the nature of grief, pilgrimage, World War II, the Cold War, Uzumaki, pub conversations, synchronicity, somatics and the Underchalk.
Niciodat? ?nduplecate. Al doilea volum al trilogiei Min?i primejdioase
Niciodat? ?nduplecate. Al doilea volum al trilogiei Min?i primejdioase
Alexandra Bracken
Fascinant – cea mai bun lucrare de istorie militar din ultimii ani i o analiz edificatoare a disputelor care continu s mocneasc amenintor i azi. O carte extraordinar sub toate aspectele." – The New York Times O relatare palpitant i revelatoare a uneia dintre cele mai zbuciumate i legendare perioade din istoria secolului al XX-lea – Revolta Arab i marele joc" secret de a controla Orientul Mijlociu. CARTE INCLUS PE LISTA CELOR MAI BUNE TITLURI ALE ANULUI DE New York Times Christian Science Monitor NPR Seattle Times St. Louis Dispatch Chicago Tribune American Library Association Bazat pe cercetri extinse i intense, munc asidu n arhive, Lawrence n Arabia aduce o nou perspectiv asupra modului n care s-a configurat lumea Orientului Mijlociu. Cu o aciune de proporii epice, portretizri expresive, accente critice n condamnarea distrugerilor provocate de comploturile coloniale europene, volumul surprinde strlucit felul n care nesbuina trecutului declaneaz suferina prezentului. Printre numeroasele istorii individuale din Primul Rzboi Mondial care vor fi povestite i repovestite n cadrul centenarelor commemorate ntre 2014 i 2018, cea a lui T.E. Lawrence iese n eviden… Cartea lui Anderson nu putea fi mai oportun. Acum, cnd atenia ntregii lumi se concentreaz asupra Siriei i Egiptului, este uluitor s priveti n urm cu o sut de ani i s vezi un tablou asemntor…. Apelnd la o distribuie bogat, Anderson reuete s exploreze haosul din Orientul Mijlociu de la nceputul secolului al XX-lea dintr-o varietate de perspective distincte i revelatoare totodat. O mrturie captivant, de o mare complexitate i profunzime. – The New York Times Book Review Vast, hipnotic i – s ndrznim s o spunem – cinematografic n detaliu, Lawrence n Arabia ilustreaz modul n care biografia i istoria se poteneaz reciproc. – The Wall Street Journal Absorbii de mcelul ce avea loc n traneele Europei n Primul Rzboi Mondial, combatanii occidentali acordau prea puin importan teatrului de lupt din Orientul Mijlociu. Ca urmare, conflictul de aici a fost influenat surprinztor de mult de o mn de aventurieri i ofieri de rang mrunt aflai departe de marile coridoare ale puterii: Curt Prüfer – universitar tern, ataat pe lng Ambasada German din Cairo, Aaron Aaronsohn – renumit agronom provenit din Romnia i sionist nflcrat. William Yale – descendent scptat al unei familii aristocratice americane. n centrul acestui cerc se afla Lawrence – la nceputul lui 1914, doar un arheolog care lucre la spturi prin deerturile Siriei. n 1917 ajunsese deja cea mai romantic figur din Primul Rzboi Mondial, luptndu-se att cu inamicii Marii Britanii, ct i cu propriul guvern pentru a-i transforma n realitate viziunea sa asupra destinului poporului arab. Drumurile ncruciate ale acestor patru personaje – intrigile pe care le-au pus la cale, btliile pe care le-au purtat, trdrile pe care le-au suferit sau le-au uneltit ei nii – oglindesc grandoarea, complexitatea i tragedia rzboiului din deert.
Cercul s?lbatic
Cercul s?lbatic
Christi Aura
O carte pasionant i minuios documentat.“ – Le Figaro Littéraire Dac exist o dinastie care s ntrupeze Europa, aceea este Casa de Habsburg“, scrie Jean des Cars n debutul acestei cavalcade pasionante prin istoria zbuciumat a Europei. Destinul prodigios al Habsburgilor ncepe, n cheie minor, n secolul al XI-lea, ntr-o fortrea situat n cantonul elveian Aargau, prinde aripi n 1273, odat cu alegerea, cu totul neateptat, a contelui Rudolf de Habsburg ca mprat al Sfntului Imperiu German, i i ncheie epopeea monarhic la Schnbrunn, pe 11 noiembrie 1918, cnd Carol al IV-lea semneaz actul de renunare la coroana imperial a Austriei. Vreme de apte secole, Habsburgii au dominat o mare parte a Europei, a Orientului Apropiat i a Americii de Sud. Cuceritorul Carol Quintul, reformatoarea Maria Tereza, Franz Joseph i legendara sa soie Sisi, Zita, suverana datoriei, sunt doar cteva dintre figurile emblematice ale acestei familii excepionale, care a marcat istoria. Nendoielnic, dispariia lor semnaleaz prbuirea unei lumi, dar numele lor rmne venic sinonim cu nflorirea artelor, grandoarea politic i identitatea european. Pentru alctuirea acestui volum incitant, n care faptul istoric documentat se ntlnete fericit cu excursul jurnalistic profesionist i bine calibrat, dar i cu o anecdotic ncnttoare, Jean des Cars, talentat raconteur i recunoscut cronicar al marilor monarhii europene, a consultat arhive, a vizitat toate locurile-reper ale dinastiei, a realizat interviuri i a cules mrturiile inedite ale mprtesei Zita i ale arhiducelui Otto de Habsburg. Istoria este plin de maiesti individuale, ns Habsburgii ntruchipeaz maiestatea dinastic. [...] A ajunge s nu mai constitui doar o familie, s nu mai reprezini doar o ar, ci un agregat de naiuni, a stpni jumtate din Europa i o mare parte din America, a purta o coroan mai grea chiar dect coroana Imperiului Britanic, dar a te plimba, n acelai timp, prin Prater, cu o umbrel sub bra, iat un spectacol pe care omenirea nul va mai vedea vreodat.“ – Paul Morand n 1919, prbuirea imperiilor i, apoi, o redivizare geografic arbitrar elimin de la conducere familii vechi i puternice, cum ar fi Romanovii, Hohenzollernii i Habsburgii. Dup veacuri de prestigiu i influen, vechile case domnitoare sunt terse de pe hart, asasinate sau surghiunite. Dar, n timp ce familiile imperiale din Rusia i din Germania au fost nevoite, ulterior, s se mulumeasc, dup caz, cu nostalgii discrete, compromisuri regretabile sau reabilitri tardive, Habsburgii au luptat mpotriva anihilrii progresive la care erau supui, ripostnd chiar fa de ostracizarea care le era impus. Nu fr eforturi sau adversiti umilitoare, ei au reuit s triasc, s i refac imaginea, s existe din nou, s impun respect fa de numele lor nainte de anii ’40 i s redobndeasc un loc att n memoria vechii Europe, ct i n noua construcie european, ceea ce este un lucru excepional.“ – Jean des Cars
Opera lui Tudor Arghezi
Opera lui Tudor Arghezi
Balotă Nicolae
Cartea lui Dan Dungaciu se individualizeaza prin originalitatea metodei sale: logistica. Sociologia este, prin excelenta, o "stiinta de spate", cum ar spune logisticienii, adica o stiinta care serveste marilor incordari colective (ofensive sau defensive) pe o durata anumita. Dan Dungaciu propune, in acest sens, cel putin trei procedee de cercetare a sociologiei la scara unei epoci si a unei arii de civilizatie, cea europeana in acest caz: a) "centrele logistice ale gandirii sociale" (care sustin retelele sociologiei); b). "Harta logistica a sociologiei" (romanesti in acest caz); c). Seria teoriilor reprezentative pentru cateva dintre temele dominante ale sociologiei interbelice. Modelul lecturii dezvaluie o fata surprinzatoare a uneia dintre cele mai spectaculoase manifestari ale sociologiei in secolul XX: sociologia romaneasca interbelica. Istoria logistica a sociologiei romanesti reconstituie astfel una dintre secventele de mare tensiune creatoare ale dramei neamului romanesc in secolul al XX-lea, ceea ce face din cartea lui Dan Dungaciu una de exceptie.
Arhive secrete, secretele arhivelor. Vol. 2
Arhive secrete, secretele arhivelor. Vol. 2
Gh. Buzatu
Lucrarea vizeaz? o tem? de actualitate – brandul de ora?, oferind un cadru teoretic al acestui nou concept de marketing, completat de o parte aplicativ? divers?, care ?i-a propus s? identifice ?i s? completeze eforturile autorit??ilor locale ?n aceast? direc?ie.
Visual Grammar: No Mistakes Grammar, Volumes I, II, and III
Visual Grammar: No Mistakes Grammar, Volumes I, II, and III
Giacomo Giammatteo
This book is a combination of No Mistakes Grammar volumes I, II, and III. But it’s so much more. It has some new material, but it also has about 200 pictures. That’s right—pictures. This is one of the world’s first, if not the first, visual grammar book. Most people learn better with pictures. With Visual Grammar, you get images that show examples of the words you’re learning. Not every word has a picture but a lot of them do. This book includes misused words, redundancies, absolutes, flat adverbs, eponyms, idiomatic expressions, Latin phrases, and more. ?
i am neurotic
i am neurotic
Kong, Lianna
Did you wash your handsSet the alarm clock?Lock the front doorBetter yet: Do you like even numbersDo you fold all of your trash neatly into squaresDo you count stepsDo you carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all timesEveryone has his or her own neuroses. On a routine trip to the office bathroom, Lianna Kong discovered one of hers: "How could I possibly pee with my coworker sitting right next to me doing her business?" And, in that quiet moment of panic, iamneurotic.com was born.i am neurotic (and so are you) is a smorgasbord of anonymous confessions that reveal people's deepest, strangest, and funniest compulsions quirks that are triggered in the boardroom, the bedroom, and everywhere in between.
Beyond the Subjectivity Trap
Beyond the Subjectivity Trap
O'Dea, Martin
Beyond the Subjectivity Trap challenges the paradigm of the hard problem of consciousness by contesting the relevance and primacy of human thought. By tracing the evolved egocentricity of the 'I' as an entrapping limitation on our thinking the book argues that once the Subjectivity Trap is understood and escaped we can appreciate the non-existence of the mind-body divide, the pure functionality of the brain, and the limitlessness of our potential.
Paradigm Shift
Paradigm Shift
Cohen, Martin
Why do giraffes have long necks? It can't really be for reaching tasty leaves since their main food is ground level bushes, tidy though that explanation would be. And how does relativity theory cope with the fact that the observable universe defies prediction by being far too small and anything but homogeneous? By inventing a vastly larger, but invisible, universe. And what exactly should we make of the scientists who claim to be witnessing thought itself, when the changes of blood flow in the brain that they observe are a thousand times slower than the neuronal activity it is supposed to reveal? A little scepticism is in order.Yet if philosophers of science, from Thomas Kuhn to Paul Feyerabend, have argued that science is a more haphazard process, driven by political fashion and short-term economic self-interest, today almost everyone seems to assume it is a vast jigsaw of interlocking facts pieced slowly but steadily together by expert practitioners.In this witty but profound 21st-century update on the issues, Martin Cohen offers vital clues for understanding not only the way knowledge develops, but also into the dangers of accepting too readily or too uncritically the claims of experts of all kinds - even philosophical ones! The claims are invariably presented as objective fact, yet are rooted in human subjectivity.
In the Name of the People
In the Name of the People
Mosley, Ivo
Are our 'democracies' truly democratic? In the Name of the People examines the myth of modern democracy and finds it wanting. The various oligarchies of the world blame the madness of modern life on the greed and stupidity of ordinary people: this book argues that, on the contrary, elites indulge a limitless greed for power and wealth under cover of 'giving the people what they want'. As a coda to his short book, Ivo Mosley examines what true democracy has meant over the last two and a half millennia, and examines how it could be incorporated into current political structures to give them meaning, life and accountability.