

《架构世界》2020DevOps刊 DevOps实践指南
《架构世界》2020DevOps刊 DevOps实践指南
(美)斯多姆 著,王博 译
你想知道瑜伽的灵魂与精髓吗? 这本书将带领我们超越瑜伽本身,帮助我们去寻找一种更有意义的生活,而这就是瑜伽的灵魂与精髓。尽管我们无时无刻都渴望自己在有限的生命中,可以过得更美好、更幸福,但这一切看起来都像是奢望,原因是我们没有获得正确的方法。 马克思?斯多姆这位美国瑜伽界赫赫有名的导师在这《生命之光》中,给我们透露了他练习瑜伽的成长历程,正如他自己所说“对我来说,瑜伽就像荒凉贫瘠、遍地沙砾的荒漠中的一片绿洲。就在我没想到的时候,瑜伽走进了我的生活,而且这正是我需要它的时候。” 《生命之光》这本珍贵的大师手记,带给我们的不仅仅是实用的方法、准确的指引,更是一种对生命的无限向往,从此之后,你的生活将会改变,你的生命将到达一个更高的层次。 ?
郝鸿雁 著
  盘口与分时图走势对于普通投资者来说很难解读。以盘口为例,我们通常所说的盘口包含了很多的内容,如分时走势图、委托盘、委托买卖表、每笔成交量、价量成交明细图表、大手笔成交、内盘、外盘、总笔、当日均价线等。当然还包括当日*成交量价格区域、*价、开市和收市价等。这些走势图、买卖盘的挂单情况、内外盘的堆积情况、换手率等内容,看似简单,其实包含着许许多多普通投资者所不知道的信息,主力的操作意图,正是通过盘口语言透露出来的,我们也称之为盘口语言。如果能对盘口语言做出正确的分析,就可以掌握主力的操作动向,制定相应的操作策略。再如分时图走势,对于普通的投资者来说分时线与分时均价线可能就是很简单的黄白线的曲线变化,但却不知道通过黄白线的走势变化可以了解到主力的操作手法。   《从零跟我学看盘》是“郝鸿雁新手操盘系列”丛书的第三本,本书内容主要是以讲解盘口知识与分时图走势为主,通过对盘口语言的解读,分时图走势的变化帮助投资者了解主力的操作意图,从而达到规避风险、顺利获利的目的。
(日)山崎将志 著,千太阳 译
  虽然干劲十足也具备出众工作能力,但为何工作成果往往不理想?一字不差坚决执行执行上司命令,为何却总也得不到顾客和领导的认可?……这些日常中总让我们感到“遗憾”的人有了一个新的称谓——“遗憾人”。什么是“遗憾人”呢,就是指这样的一类人:让人感觉人不笨,但是工作总做不好,总让人感觉很遗憾。他们有一个共同点,就是欠缺思考和变通,已经养成了依赖他人的习惯。   其实,对于我们每个人来说,都能找到自己“遗憾人”的身影,因此,自称也曾是“遗憾人”一员的山崎将志,根据自身和身边成功人士多年的职场经验,提出了76个“遗憾人”常犯的思考盲点,让我们在了解这些不可取的思考方法的同时对自己的工作方式产生自省,脱离掉阻碍我们成功的遗憾之处,逐一破除失败绊脚石,站上迈向“成功人”的路途!   《不做遗憾人不做遗憾事:为什么你离成功总是只差一点点》读者对象:广泛的白领人群,政府工作人员,企业中层管理人员,以及大中专学生
柯劭忞撰 张鸿鸣点校
《谷梁传》与《左传》《公羊传》合称为《春秋》三传。清代经学极盛,注释《春秋谷梁传》,有钟文烝《春秋谷梁经传补注》、廖平《谷梁古义疏》。柯劭忞认为东晋范宁的《春秋谷梁传集解》不免于肤浅,钟文烝《补注》无裨传义,所以自己重新作注。 柯劭忞以宋衷“三科九旨”之“九旨”为全书纲领,勘正文字,纠正前人说解,会通《谷梁传》传文义例,对《春秋谷梁传》作了通注。柯氏重视汉魏经师遗说,广辑刘向、郑玄等人经解,又能利用新出敦煌钞卷进行校勘注释,时寓对晚清时局的讥评,盖志于通经而致用,是一部晚出而益精的力作,牟润孙赞誉其可以与杜预《左传集解》、何休《公羊解诂》并驾齐驱。中华书局上世纪60年代向学界征求“十三经清人注疏”的整理选目时,杨向奎即建议收入《春秋谷梁传注》,较钟文烝《补注》为优。 《春秋谷梁传注》有1927年初印本和1934年定本,定本对初印本作了大量的修改和增订。此次整理以定本为底本,通校初印本,增改之处均写为校勘记;北京大学图书馆藏初印本上,又发现有大量的柯氏批语和过录的柯氏批语,复作释读和通校。本次点校完整呈现了柯氏改定其著作的经过,清晰梳理出柯氏前后学说的变化。由于定本排印于柯氏身后,校雠不精,错讹颇多,整理者作了细致的核订,校改审慎,必明所据,并指出柯氏偶疏者,可谓柯氏之功臣。 本书附录柯劭忞1927年发表在《国立历史博物馆丛刊》上的一篇关于《谷梁》学的演讲录,以及《续修四库全书总目提要》、《春秋谷梁传柯氏释例目录叙》两篇相关文献,以供读者参考。
City Kid: Part 1 of 3
City Kid: Part 1 of 3
Mary MacCracken
City Kid can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. You can read Part 1 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. From the author of international bestsellers A Circle of Children and Lovey comes an inspiring true story of a gifted teacher’s determination to understand the ‘rotten’ city kid everyone has given up on. Sitting quiet and withdrawn at a battered school desk, Luke had the looks of a shy angel – and a past that special needs teacher Mary MacCracken could barely believe. Already Luke had been picked up 24 times by the police. He’d set over a dozen major fires, and had a staggering record of thefts. No adult could reach him, no teacher could control him, and no policeman could cow him. All this – and Luke was only seven and a half years old. Trying to help Luke was Mary MacCracken’s job – and a seemingly impossible challenge. This is the remarkable story of how the impossible came true.
The Girl Without a Voice: Part 1 of 3
The Girl Without a Voice: Part 1 of 3
Casey Watson
The Girl Without a Voice can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3. You can read Part 1 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback.
A Burnable Book: Free Sampler
A Burnable Book: Free Sampler
Bruce Holsinger
TRY A FREE SAMPLE OF THIS STUNNING DEBUT HISTORICAL THRILLER. Set in the turbulent 14th Century, this is perfect for fans of CJ Sansom, The Name of the Rose and An Instance of the Fingerpost.
Guided By Angels: Part 1 of 3
Guided By Angels: Part 1 of 3
Paddy McMahon
Guided by Angels can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3 (Chapters 1-4 of 17).
The Forgotten Soldier (Part 1 of 3)
The Forgotten Soldier (Part 1 of 3)
Charlie Connelly
Bestselling author Charlie Connelly returns with a First World War memoir of his great uncle, Edward Connelly, who was an ordinary boy sent to fight in a war the likes of which the world had never seen. But this is not just his story; it is the story of all the young forgotten soldiers who fought and bravely died for their country The Forgotten Soldier tells the story of Private Edward Connelly, aged 19, killed in the First World War a week before the Armistice and immediately forgotten, even, it seems, by his own family. Edward died on exactly the same day, and as part of the same military offensive, as Wilfred Owen. They died only a few miles apart and yet there cannot be a bigger contrast between their legacies. Edward had been born into poverty in west London on the eve of the twentieth century, had a job washing railway carriages, was con*ed into the army at the age of eighteen and sent to the Western Front from where he would never return. He lies buried miles from home in a small military cemetery on the outskirts of an obscure town close to the French border in western Belgium. No-one has ever visited him. Like thousands of other young boys, Edward’s life and death were forgotten. By delving into and uncovering letters, poems and war diaries to reconstruct his great uncle’s brief life and needless death; Charlie fills in the blanks of Edward’s life with the experiences of similar young men giving a voice to the voiceless. Edward Connelly’s tragic story comes to represent all the young men who went off to the Great War and never came home. This is a book about the unsung heroes, the ordinary men who did their duty with utmost courage, and who deserve to be remembered.
Iron and Rust: free sampler (Throne of the Caesars, Book 1)
Iron and Rust: free sampler (Throne of the Caesars, Book 1)
Harry Sidebottom
From the bestselling author of WARRIOR OF ROME comes the first book in a new series set in third century Rome, a dramatic era of murder, coup, counter-rebellions and civil war. In a single year six Emperors will lay claim to the Throne of the Caesars… SPRING AD235 Dawn on the Rhine. A surprise attack and the brutal murder of the Emperor Alexander and his mother ends the Severan dynasty and shatters four decades of Roman certainty. Military hero Maximinus Thrax is the first Caesar risen from the barracks. A simple man of steel and violence, he will fight for Rome. The Senators praise the new Emperor with elaborate oratory, but will any of them accept a Caesar who was once a shepherd boy? And in the streets of the eternal city, others merely pray to escape imperial notice. In the north, as the merciless war against the barbarians consumes men and treasure, rebellion and personal tragedy drive Maximinus to desperate extremes, bloody revenge and the borders of sanity. Iron & Rust, the first book in a major new series, creates a world both sophisticated and brutal, yet firmly rooted in history; a world of intrigue, murder, passion and war, a world where men will kill to sit on the Throne of the Caesars.
The Inheritance: Part One, Chapters 1–7 of 34
The Inheritance: Part One, Chapters 1–7 of 34
Tilly Bagshawe
Welcome to Tilly Bagshawe’s Swell Valley, where the scandal is in a class of its own. Tilly Bagshawe’s first Swell Valley novel, The Inheritance, has been serialized into 4 parts – this is PART 1 OF 4 (Chapters 1 to 7 of 34). *The first three parts of The Inheritance are being released weekly from 29th May 2014, before the full novel is published. The final part will be released on 19th June 2014, when the full novel will also be available to buy in ebook and paperback* Tatiana Flint-Hamilton’s gilded cage is torn away when her estranged father dies. As the beloved family estate slips through Tati’s fingers, the portraits of her ancestors look down disapprovingly. The new Lord of the Manor is just as ruthless as Tati. The old-world status of Furlings is everything the wealthy, self-made Brett Cranley has ever wanted. Luckily his wife Angela is the perfect homemaker, happy to fall into line with whatever Brett desires. Along with her two children, Furlings soon becomes Angela’s lifeline, a place she can finally belong. And one she’s not going to give up easily. Losing everything has made Tati realise that her rightful inheritance is all that she now lives for… and she will do anything to get it back. But the fate of Furlings lies in the hands of the villagers. Let the Fittlescombe fireworks begin!
The Show (sampler) (Swell Valley Series, Book 2)
The Show (sampler) (Swell Valley Series, Book 2)
Tilly Bagshawe
Welcome to Swell Valley – where the scandal is in a class of its own… The second book in the Swell Valley series by bestselling author Tilly Bagshawe Nestled in a glorious patchwork of fields, surrounded by chocolate box villages, Wraggbottom farm means everything to Gabe and Laura Baxter. But love and tradition doesn’t pay the bills. Luckily, Laura has an idea that will share the secret of her happy (if sometimes muddy) country life: producing a reality show that will save the farm! Until the interfering new vicar, ‘Call-me-Bill’ takes it upon himself to lead a protest against the show. Suddenly the village is divided; even Gabe is torn between his new found fame and his old, happy life. With so much at stake for her village and her marriage, will Laura be able to weather the storm or will her big idea turn out to be her biggest mistake?
Hidden:Free Sampler
Hidden:Free Sampler
Cathy Glass
Discover the incredible memoirs of internationally bestselling author Cathy Glass with this free extended eBook sample of Cathy’s second book, and Sunday Times bestseller, Hidden. Tayo is a young boy whose good behaviour and polite manners hide a shocking and terrible past. Tayo arrives at Cathy’s with only the clothes he stands up in. He has been brought to her by the police, but he is calm, polite, and very well spoken, and not at all like the children she normally fosters. The social worker gives Cathy the forms which should contain Tayo’s history, but apart from his name and age, it is blank. Tayo has no past. Tayo is an 'invisible' child, kidnapped from his loving father in Nigeria and brought illegally to the UK by his drink and drugs dependent prostitute mother, where he is put to work in a sweat shop in Central London. When he sustains an injury and is no longer earning, he is cast out. When Cathy takes Tayo to school and he points out a dozen different addresses where he has stayed in the last six months, often being left alone. Tayo lies, and manipulates situations to his own advantage and Cathy has to be continually on guard. Tayo’s social worker searches all computer databases but there is no record of Tayo – he has only attended school for 3 terms and has never seen a doctor. He and his mother have been evading the authorities by living ‘underground’. With his mother recently released from prison, Tayo is desperate to live with his father in Nigeria, but no one can track him down or even prove that he exists.
Daddy’s Little Princess:Free Sampler
Daddy’s Little Princess:Free Sampler
Cathy Glass
The latest title from the internationally bestselling author and foster carer Cathy Glass. Beth is a sweet-natured child who appears to have been well looked after. But it isn’t long before Cathy begins to have concerns that the relationship between Beth and her father is not as it should be. Little Beth, aged 7, has been brought up by her father Derek after her mother left when she was a toddler. When Derek is suddenly admitted to hospital with psychiatric problems Beth is taken into care and arrives at Cathy’s. Beth and her father clearly love each other very much and Derek spoils his daughter, treating her like a princess, but there is something bothering Cathy, something she can’t quite put her finger on. Meanwhile Cathy’s husband is working away a lot and coming home less at weekends. Then, suddenly, everything changes. Events take a dramatic turn for both Beth and Cathy and her family; as Cathy strives to pick up the pieces all their lives are changed forever.
I Miss Mummy:Free Sampler
I Miss Mummy:Free Sampler
Cathy Glass
Discover the incredible memoirs of internationally bestselling author Cathy Glass with this free extended eBook sample of I Miss Mummy, the story of Alice, a young and vulnerable girl who is desperate to return home to her mother. Alice, aged four, is snatched by her mother the day she is due to arrive at Cathy's house. Drug-dependent and mentally ill, but desperate to keep hold of her daughter, Alice's mother snatches her from her parents' house and disappears. Cathy spends three anxious days worrying about her whereabouts before Alice is found safe, but traumatised. Alice is like a little doll, so young and vulnerable, and she immediately finds her place in the heart of Cathy's family. She talks openly about her mummy, who she dearly loves, and how happy she was living with her maternal grandparents before she was put into care. Alice has clearly been very well looked after and Cathy can't understand why she couldn't stay with her grandparents. It emerges that Alice's grandparents are considered too old (they are in their early sixties) and that the plan is that Alice will stay with Cathy for a month before moving to live with her father and his new wife. The grandparents are distraught – Alice has never known her father, and her grandparents claim he is a violent drug dealer. Desperate to help Alice find the happy home she deserves, Cathy's parenting skills are tested in many new ways. Finally questions are asked about Alice's father suitability, and his true colours begin to emerge.
Naughty or Nice?
Naughty or Nice?
Lori Connelly,AJ Nuest,Aimee Duffy
Charlotte sat at the bus stop wondering whether she would make the naughty or nice list this year. Last year she had rescued a stray kitten and therefore considered herself most definitely “nice”. This year she had broken Daniel’s heart into a million tiny pieces, so “naughty” seemed to be the only answer. There’d be no Santa Claus coming down her chimney anytime soon.
Sixty Years a Nurse Part 1 of 3
Sixty Years a Nurse Part 1 of 3
Mary Hazard
When 18-year-old Mary Hazard touched down in post-war Putney to begin her nurse’s training, she could never have known that it was the beginning of a colourful career that would still be going 60 years later – one of the longest ever serving NHS nurses. For Mary, raised in a strict convent in rural south Ireland, working in her first London hospital was a shocking and life-changing experience. Against a backdrop of ongoing rationing and poverty, she saw for the first time the horrors of disease, the heart-breaking outcomes of failed abortions – and faced the genuine shock of seeing a man naked for the first time! 60 Years a Nurse follows the dramas and emotions as Mary found her feet during those early years. From the firm friends she made under the ever-watchful gaze of Matron and the sisters, to the eclectic mix of Londoners she strove to care for; the Teddy Boys she danced with and the freedom of living away from home; and her own burgeoning love story, as extraordinary as it was romantic – these are the funny and heartwarming moments that helped Mary to follow her dream.