

The Big Book of Ice Cream and Fancy Goodies
The Big Book of Ice Cream and Fancy Goodies
Big Kitchen Series is proud to bring you The Big Book of Ice Cream and Other Frozen Goodies. This full edition is all you will ever need for your Ice Cream recipes. Including the most loved recipes as well as some more unusual ideas, you can be sure that you will never be stuck for a n ice cream or frozen goody to make ever again! It is packed with great ideas and variety. Be sure to check out other new titles from the Big Kitchen Series releasing throughout 2014.
Basic Vegan Recipes:For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks
Basic Vegan Recipes:For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks
Lewis Haas
Cheap Yet Delicious Vegan Recipes in Under 30 Minutes! Basic Vegan Recipes is a plant-based cookbook that will bring you tasty dishes to satisfy any appetite. With over 30 vegan recipes, you will have plenty of vibrant, flavorful meals that will fill you up, keep you healthy and excited for your next meal. Basic Vegan Recipes?includes: ·Cheap ingredients with tantalizing flavors·Quick hacks the best chefs use but won't share·Ways to cut corners on meals without sacrificing the taste·Vegan adaptations of meat-based dishes (HINT: no meat necessary)·Use of raw ingredients that actually improve your health·Scientific data to support the benefits of veganism·So much more! Start Cooking on the Cheap TODAY! Scroll Up & Click the Buy Button RIGHT NOW!
Breakfast Recipes:Delicious Breakfast Cookbook
Breakfast Recipes:Delicious Breakfast Cookbook
Jacob Mills
In this breakfast cookbook, you’ll find only the very best and most delicious breakfast recipes the world over. Get ready to discover some stunning breakfast dishes. These breakfast recipes are mouth wateringly delicious. You will revisit these wonderful recipes time and again. All these recipes are tried, tested and perfectly adapted for home cooking. Eating a nutritious and tasty breakfast every day will surely put a spring in your step! This book was written especially for those who would like to enjoy their mornings with a different breakfast meal every day. It was also written for those who would like to start living a healthy lifestyle and not skip the most important meal of the day anymore. In this book you will learn the importance of eating a healthy breakfast and how to make healthy breakfast choices. You will also get plenty of breakfast ideas to last you for weeks! There are breakfast ideas for those who are following the gluten-free diet, energizing recipes for those who live an active lifestyle, tasty options for vegetarians, unusual yet popular breakfast ideas, and recipes for breakfast smoothies and shakes for people who are on the go. All of these recipes are easy to follow and can be done in any amateur kitchen. You do not have to worry about what to put in your meal plan anymore because everything that you need is here! The best part about all of these recipes is that even kids will love them. All of the ingredients are natural and can easily be found in any grocery store, plus you will not have a problem finding substitutes depending on your diet or taste.
An Introduction to Yoga
An Introduction to Yoga
Annie Besant
THE NATURE OF YOGA?In this first discourse we shall concern ourselves with the gaining of a general idea of the subject of Yoga, seeking its place in nature, its own character, its object in human evolution.??THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE:?Let us, first of all, ask ourselves, looking at the world around us, what it is that the history of the world signifies. When we read history, what does the history tell us? It seems to be a moving panorama of people and events, but it is really only a dance of shadows; the people are shadows, not realities, the kings and statesmen, the ministers and armies; and the events the battles and revolutions, the rises and falls of states ??are the most shad-owlike dance of all. Even if the historian tries to go deeper, if he deals with economic conditions, with social organisations, with the study of the tendencies of the currents of thought, even then he is in the midst of shadows, the illusory shadows cast by unseen realities. This world is full of forms that are illusory, and the values are all wrong, the proportions are out of focus. The things which a man of the world thinks valuable, a spiritual man must cast aside as worthless. ??The diamonds of the world, with their glare and glitter in the rays of the outside sun, are mere fragments of broken glass to the man of knowledge. The crown of the king, the sceptre of the emperor, the triumph of earthly power, are less than nothing to the man who has had one glimpse of the majesty of the Self. ??What is, then, real? What is truly valuable? Our answer will be very different from the answer given by the man of the world.??"The universe exists for the sake of the Self." Not for what the outer world can give, not for control over the objects of desire, not for the sake even of beauty or pleasure, does the Great Architect plan and build His worlds. He has filled them with objects, beautiful and pleasure-giving. The great arch of the sky above, the mountains with snow-clad peaks, the valleys soft with verdure and fragrant with blossoms, the oceans with their vast depths, their surface now calm as a lake, now tossing in fury, they all exist, not for the objects themselves, but for their value to the Self. Not for themselves because they are anything in themselves but that the purpose of the Self may be served, and His manifestations made possible.
Cine a fost Pablo Picasso?
Cine a fost Pablo Picasso?
True Kelley
This book contains instructions for camping and walking in the wilderness.As an infantryman with the Union Army, John M. Gould marched and camped in an organized group for several years. He wrote down what he knew, and the result is a book that shows you how to camp and how to organize yourself when you go camping.
Iustopia: Welcome to the machine
Iustopia: Welcome to the machine
Robi Ciobanu
A selection of chocolate recipes which were produced for Walter Baker & Co, the oldest producer of chocolate in the United States.?Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes gives detailed instructions for creating 139 Victorian Era chocolate delicacies ranging from the simplest hot breakfast cocoa to the most extravagant desserts and elegant party dishes and delights. A must-own collectible volume for lovers of chocolate, vintage cook books and American Victoriana alike!
?ns?n?to?ire complet?. Cum ne ?mboln?vim? De ce nu ne facem bine? Cum ne putem v
?ns?n?to?ire complet?. Cum ne ?mboln?vim? De ce nu ne facem bine? Cum ne putem v
Gary Kaplan, Donna Beech
12 principii pentru a supravie?ui ?i a fi eficient la serviciu, acas? ?i la ?coal?Cei mai mul?i dintre noi nu au habar de ceea ce se ?nt?mpl? cu adev?rat ?n capul lor. Totu?i, oamenii de ?tiin?? care studiaz? creierul au descoperit detalii pe care orice lider din domeniul afacerilor, p?rinte ?i ?nv???tor ar trebui s? le ?tie – cum ar fi faptul c? trebuie s? facem mi?care dac? vrem s? avem un creier care s? func?ioneze la parametri maximi.Cum ?nv???m? Ce efecte au somnul ?i stresul asupra creierului? De ce nu se recomand? s? facem mai multe lucruri deodat?? De ce e at?t de u?or s? uit?m ?i de ce e at?t de important s? repet?m cuno?tin?ele noi? Este adev?rat c? b?rba?ii ?i femeile au creiere diferite??n fiecare capitol al c?r?ii, autorul prezint? c?te o regul? a creierului – ce ?tiu sigur oamenii de ?tiin?? despre felul cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman – ?i ofer? apoi idei care ne pot transforma via?a de zi cu zi. Astfel, cititorii vor descoperi c?:* fiecare creier este condi?ionat diferit* activitatea fizic? ?mbun?t??e?te cogni?ia* nu ?ncet?m niciodat? s? ?nv???m ?i s? explor?m* unele amintiri sunt efemere* ?ntre somn ?i capacitatea de a ?nv??a exist? o leg?tur? puternic?* stresul schimb? modul ?n care ?nv???m?n final, vei ?n?elege cum func?ioneaz? creierul uman ?i cum poate fi exploatat la maximum.??Autorul reu?e?te s? prezinte func?ionarea creierului pe ?n?elesul tuturor, explic?nd care este rolul acestuia la locul de munc? sau ?n s?lile de clas?… ?ntr-un stil care d? via?? cuvintelor.“ - USA Today?Regulile creierului este una dintre cele mai informative, antrenante ?i utile c?r?i ale vremurilor noastre.“ - Garr Reynolds, autor al c?r?ii Presentation Zen?
?ngerul ?ntunecat: Ora?ul ?ngerilor - vol. 1
?ngerul ?ntunecat: Ora?ul ?ngerilor - vol. 1
Mihaela Strenc
Pentru a avea o s?n?tate optim? trebuie ?n primul r?nd s? ne aliment?m s?n?tos. Alimenta?ia pe baz? de crudit??i ?nseamn? a tr?i altfel, ?ntr-un mod cu totul nou, inedit, ?nseamn? a te bucura pe deplin de via??, de alimente, de roadele gr?dinii, de natur?, de rela?ii frumoase, da, pentru c? faci economie mare de timp, e?ti mai s?n?tos, iar timpul respectiv ?l po?i petrece ?mpreun? cu cei dragi. S?n?tatea ta va avea numai de c??tigat. Ce perspectiv? promi??toare pentru via??!Lucrarea cuprinde 400 de re?ete din crudit??i, de la salate, supe, paste, sosuri p?n? la b?uturi ?i deserturi, toate preparate din legume ?i fructe proaspete ?i nuci ?i semin?e.La sf?r?itul c?r?ii exist? ?i un supliment – o sec?iune de re?ete preparate termic care pot completa un meniu alc?tuit ?n cea mai mare parte din crudit??i.
Col?i-Lungi. Uniunea triburilor
Col?i-Lungi. Uniunea triburilor
Alex Cuc
Planul de 28 de zile pentru creterea energiei i a imunitii i scderea n greutatePotrivit autorilor acestei cri, stilul nostru de via actual duce la o diminuare i chiar eliminare din alimentaie a micronutrienilor – vitamine i minerale eseniale pentru o sntate optim. Iar acest deficit cauzeaz majoritatea bolilor larg rspndite n prezent. Mira nsi sufer de osteoporoz avansat la vrsta de 30 de ani. Dar, cu ajutorul lui Jayson, a reuit s inverseze evoluia bolii prin terapie cu micronutrieni. Soii Calton au creat Miracolul micronutrienilor", un excepional program de vindecare general.CarteaMiracolul micronutrienilorne dezvluie adevrul despre ceea ce mnnci de fapt i motivul pentru care obiceiurile legate de stilul de via pot duce la epuizarea micronutrienilor. Ofer, de asemenea, un plan de 28 de zile pentru inversarea acestor efecte prin refacerea nivelurilor de micronutrieni. n carte gsim reete delicioase care pot fi adaptate diverselor stiluri de via: fr gluten, hipoglucidic, hipolipidic, vegan i Paleo.Deficitul de micronutrieni eseniali cauzeaz boli grave i cronice, cum ar fi osteoporoz, cancer, diabet, boli de inim, demen, obezitate i altele. Autorii au identificat cu precizie problema i ne ofer o soluie care ne ajut s scdem n greutate, s fim mai plini de energie i s inversm evoluia bolilor mai rapid dect am fi crezut vreodat." -Dr. Mark Hyman, autorul crii The Blood Sugar SolutionDac eti stresat, supraponderal, epuizat sau suferi de orice boal, citete aceast carte." -Dr. Sara Gottfried, autoarea bestsellerului The Hormone Reset DietMicronutrienii sunt adesea veriga care lipsete pentru meninerea unei snti optime. n aceast carte revoluionar, Mira i Jayson Calton ofer un plan eficient i uor de implementat, care te ajut s-i pstrezi supleea, tonusul muscular i s ai o sntate excelent." -JJ Virgin, autoarea bestsellerului The Sugar Impact Diet
?lmok háza
?lmok háza
Borka Pál
Te is biztosan jártál már úgy, hogy szeretted volna pszichológushoz vinni a gyermekedet, de a k?zismert el?ítéletek (“Csak a bolondok járnak pszichológushoz!”) és a k?rnyezeted ellenállása visszatartott. Ez a k?nyv gyermekek és szüleik számára készült. Egy kislány, Lili t?rténetén keresztül mutatja meg, mi is t?rténik a gyermekpszichológusnál. Lili egy szorongó kislány, aki nem akar oviba menni és emiatt betegnek érzi magát. Kata néni, a pszichológus segít neki félelmei leküzdésében. A k?nyv segítségével egy r?vid progresszív izomrelaxációs gyakorlatot is ki lehet próbálni. Emellett pedig sok hasznos információval szolgál gyermeknek, feln?ttnek egyaránt.
San-Antonio. De la A la Z
San-Antonio. De la A la Z
Dard Frédéric
Codul vindec?rii este echipamentul vostru pentru via??: folositi-l! ?n 2001, Alexander Loyd a descoperit cum s? activeze func?ia fizic? ?ncorporat? ?n organism, care poate ?nl?tura, ?n propor?ie de p?n? la 95%, sursa tuturor bolilor ?i st?rilor de r?u. ?n acest caz, sistemul neuro-imunitar ??i poate ?ndeplini misiunea de a vindeca orice r?u din organism. Descoperirile dr. Loyd au fost validate prin teste ?i m?rturii ale oamenilor din ?ntreaga lume, care au folosit sistemul Codul vindec?rii pentru a corecta, practic, orice problem? fizic?, emo?ional? sau rela?ional?, dar ?i pentru a avea succes deosebit ?n carier?. Testele doctorului Alexander Loyd au ar?tat c? exist? un ?cod universal al vindec?rii“ care poate ajuta la vindecarea celor mai multe probleme pentru cei mai mul?i oameni. cartea cuprinde ?i: Cele ?apte secrete ale vie?ii, s?n?t??ii ?i prosperit??ii; Tehnica de 10 secunde a Impactului imediat pentru dezamorsarea stresului zilnic; Detectorul de probleme suflete?ti, singurul test care identific? problemele de baz? printr-un raport personalizat ?i succint. ?Am folosit aproape toate tehnologiile moderne, protocoale de tratament, tehnici, sisteme, filozofii ?i modalit??i de vindecare at?t din medicina alopat?, c?t ?i din cea alternativ?, dar, dac? ar fi s? aleg doar una, aceasta ar fi lucrarea dr. Loyd. Nu cunosc niciun alt proces care s? fie at?t de elegant ?n simplitatea lui, at?t de u?or de ?nv??at, de profund eficient ?i, mai ales, etern. Cea mai bun? recomandare pe care o pot face este s? spun c? ?l folosesc eu ?nsumi, ?l folosesc pentru familia ?i pacien?ii mei.“ – Merril Ken Galera, medic, director medical la Galera Center ?Aproape c? trebuie s? treci printr-un proces ca acela din Codul vindec?rii pentru a-?i schimba convingerile gre?ite care te ?mpiedic? s? ai via?a ?i s?n?tatea pe care ?i le dore?ti.“ – Dr. Bruce Lipton, fost cercet?tor ?n domeniul biologiei celulei la Stanford ?i autor al bestsellerului Biology of Belief
San-Antonio. Bérurier ?n serai
San-Antonio. Bérurier ?n serai
Dard Frédéric
Solu?ia Chopra pentru o sc?dere ?n greutate permanent?, stare de bine ?i lini?te sufleteasc? Via?a ?nseamn? ?mplinire! La ce t?nje?ti acum? La m?ncare? Iubire? Stim? de sine? Lini?te sufleteasc?? De ce m?nc?m uneori mai mult dec?t avem nevoie? Deepak Chopra ne r?spunde: fiindc? nu reu?im s? g?sim mul?umirea ?i lini?tea sufleteasc? de care avem nevoie, transform?m m?ncarea ?n substitut al satisfac?iei emo?ionale. C?nd motivele dezechilibrului emo?ional dispar, organismul se autoregleaz? ?i cere c?t ?i trebuie. Deepak Chopra identific? mai ?nt?i cauzele care ne ?mpiedic? s? ne schimb?m atitudinea: obiceiurile proaste, teama de schimbare, descurajarea de a urma ?nc? o diet? sau dimpotriv?, credin?a naiv? c? urm?toarea diet? va func?iona, al?turi de poftele cotidiene, mai ales pentru alimentele s?rate, dulci ?i grase ?i de faptul c? ritmul modern de via?? aproape c? ne impune alegerea alimentelor nes?n?toase.Solu?ia Chopra este o abordare holistic?, bazat? pe leg?tura dintre minte ?i corp. Ca s? ajungem la o stare ideal? de ?mplinire sufleteasc? ?i form? fizic? optim? trebuie s? ne hr?nim zilnic trupul cu alimente s?n?toase, inima cu bucurie, compasiune ?i iubire, mintea cu noi informa?ii, iar spiritul cu calm ?i con?tiin?? de sine.Cartea se ?ncheie cu o sec?iune de re?ete delicioase ?i s?n?toase inspirate din meniurile Centrului Chopra ?i bazate pe principiile alimentare ayurvedice, adaptate la via?a occidental? modern?.Oriunde te afli ?n via??, cartea de fa?? te va ajuta s? alegi direc?ia potrivit?.
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Mrs Mary Eales's Recipes
Eales, Mrs Mary
120 fantastic recipes for all sorts of confectionary, from dried fruits to candies to preserves and jellies to biscuits and cakes, taken from the cookbook of Mrs Mary Eales, confectioner to Queen Anne. It even contains the very first instance of a recipe for ice cream to be included in an English cookbook.
Dezleg?nd misterele na?terii ?i mor?ii... ?
Dezleg?nd misterele na?terii ?i mor?ii... ?
Daisaku Ikeda
Un ghid complet pentru femeile care doresc s? r?m?n? ?ns?rcinate. Con?ine aspectele medicale, sociale, psihologice ?i sexuale ale unei astfel de ?ncerc?ri ?i este relatat? cu umor ?i compasiune, ?n stilul unei discu?ii cu o bun? prieten? care a trecut prin toate acestea. Analiz?nd cantitatea imens? de informa?ii – uneori contradictorii, frecvent alarmiste ?i adeseori descurajante – culese de pe internet, de la rude ?i prietene, ?i din c?r?i, autoarea ne d? o veste bun?: lucrurile nu sunt at?t de stresante cum par s? fie.Pornind de la ultimele studii din domeniu, cartea abordeaz? problemele esen?iale legate de sarcin?:cum s? te preg?te?ti fizic ?i mental c?nd vrei s? r?m?i ?ns?rcinat?;cum s? discu?i cu rudele, prietenii ?i partenerul t?u;cum s? treci peste marea triste?e a unei pierderi de sarcin? spontane.De asemenea, afli:cum s? ?tii c?nd ai ovula?ie, c?nd s? faci sex;cum s?-?i programezi sarcina;cum s?-?i maximizezi ?ansele de a r?m?ne gravid?;cum s? determini probabilitatea de a avea b?iat sau fat?;care este cea mai bun? diet? prenatal?.Ce e adev?rat ?i ce e fals ?n toate aspectele ?ncerc?rii de a deveni mam?, de la perioada optim? pentru sex, la problemele legate de stres ?i la alegerea unei alimenta?ii care s? duc? la cre?terea fertilit??ii… ?i nu numai at?t!?Aceast? carte este exact?, lini?titoare ?i foarte amuzant?! O recomand c?lduros!“ – Dr. Christiane Northrup, obstetrician ginecolog, autoare a c?r?ilor Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom ?i The Wisdom of Menopause
Kötter Tamás
j vitaminforradalom zajlik – bár egyelre még csak a kutatás zárt világában. Az elmúlt egy-másfél évtizedben a tudomány olyan felismerések birtokába jutott a vitaminok kapcsán, amelyek szó szerint életbevágóan fontosak lehetnek számunkra. m SZENDI GBOR új ktetének aktualitását nem csupán e forradalmi helyzet adja. Az új ismeretek fényében ideje újragondolnunk a vitaminok krül kialakult babonákat és mesterségesen gerjesztett mítoszokat is, amelyek az utóbbi évtizedekben sajnálatos módon kialakították az elvakult vitaminhívk és a konok vitaminellenesek táborát. A vitaminguruk és -próféták által keltett kdben fontos végre tisztán látnunk, mik a vitaminok valódi hatásai, mit tarthatunk igaznak és mit idejétmúlt illúziónak a vitaminokkal kapcsolatban. SZENDI GBOR knyve vállaltan nem enciklopédia: nem sorolja fel, melyik vitamin mire jó”, vagy éppen mit okoz” a hiányuk. Ehelyett a vitaminkutatás legújabb eredményei alapján bemutatja a legfontosabb vitaminok, valamint a kalcium és magnézium hatásmechanizmusát, és igyekszik ráébreszteni az olvasókat arra, hogy ezek a vitaminok és ásványi anyagok csak egymással komplex klcsnhatásban mkdnek megfelelen. Kvetkezésképp ahhoz, hogy a szervezetben kifejthessék kívánatos hatásukat, az egyikbl beszedend mennyiséget célszer a vele klcsnhatásban lév másikkal sszhangba hozni. Ahogy a szerz fogalmaz: Olyan az egész, mint egy szimfónia. Csak akkor áll ssze egységes élménnyé, ha játékával minden zenész a nagy egészet szolgálja.”
Leiner Laura
Лето – прекрасное время для приготовления салатов! Вам понадобятся всего 5 ингредиентов и 5 минут! Для каждого салата приведено 5 вариантов. Заменив один ингредиент, вы получите новые необычные вкусы. Вы удивитесь, сколько новых салатов можно сделать из привычных овощей, сыра, мяса, рыбы! Каждый салат описан пошагово, готовые блюда показаны на фото. Воспользуйтесь рецептами из книги и приготовьте ?Цезарь? или ?Нисуаз?, салат с копченой курицей и черносливом или крабовый, шопский или азиатский салат. Leto – prekrasnoe vremja dlja prigotovlenija salatov! Vam ponadobjatsja vsego 5 ingredientov i 5 minut! Dlja kazhdogo salata privedeno 5 variantov. Zameniv odin ingredient, vy poluchite novye neobychnye vkusy. Vy udivites', skol'ko novyh salatov mozhno sdelat' iz privychnyh ovoshhej, syra, mjasa, ryby! Kazhdyj salat opisan poshagovo, gotovye bljuda pokazany na foto. Vospol'zujtes' receptami iz knigi i prigotov'te ?Cezar'? ili ?Nisuaz?, salat s kopchenoj kuricej i chernoslivom ili krabovyj, shopskij ili aziatskij salat.
Paul Hut
Торты с сюрпризом сделают ваш праздник незабываемым! Их ароматная середина подарит в разрезе цветы из творожного теста, радужное сердце с цедрой лайма, милых шоколадных кошек, ежевичное омбре и даже признание в любви! Торты просты в приготовлении. Эффектные приемы работы с различными видами теста, наполнителями из цедры, орехов, кусочков желе и шоколадных капель, начинками и специальными трафаретами превращают обычный рецепт в кулинарный шедевр.Torty s sjurprizom sdelajut vash prazdnik nezabyvaemym! Ih aromatnaja seredina podarit v razreze cvety iz tvorozhnogo testa, raduzhnoe serdce s cedroj lajma, milyh shokoladnyh koshek, ezhevichnoe ombre i dazhe priznanie v ljubvi! Torty prosty v prigotovlenii. Jeffektnye priemy raboty s razlichnymi vidami testa, napolniteljami iz cedry, orehov, kusochkov zhele i shokoladnyh kapel', nachinkami i special'nymi trafaretami prevrashhajut obychnyj recept v kulinarnyj shedevr.
Hamupip?ke, menj a búsba!
Hamupip?ke, menj a búsba!
Cindi Madsen
A világ legnagyobb sportsz?vetségének b?nügyi krónikája. A FIFA neve évek óta egyet jelent a megvesztegetéssel, a hivatali visszaéléssel, a nepotizmussal - r?viden: a maffiára emlékeztet? jegyekkel. Thomas Kistner egyike a világ vezet? oknyomozó újságíróinak. Immár t?bb mint húsz éve tárja a nyilvánosság elé a sportvilág b?nügyi mesterkedéseit, most pedig eddig ismeretlen dokumentumokból és tanúvallomásokból szerzett számtalan kül?nleges információkból drámai képet fest a világ legnagyobb sz?vetsége, a FIFA világában uralkodó hihetetlen állapotokról.??
Mental Endurance: How to develop mental toughness from the world's elite forces
Mental Endurance: How to develop mental toughness from the world's elite forces
Chris McNab
You can train all you like, but when it comes to the crunch, do you have the mental endurance to see yourself through combat situations, being held hostage or finding yourself at the mercy of the elements? SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance examines what it takes to be as mentally fit as a special forces soldier. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on push-ups, sit-ups and other physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book will have helpful and practical advice for you. Exercises such as positive thinking and visualisations and memory games are explored as ways of dealing with solitude, depression, anger management and torture when in crisis situations. Using 300 instructive artworks, SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance shows you how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally.
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: Over 50 Quick and Healthy Recipes
Melanie Weaver
The Instant Pot is a new cooking appliance that is taking the market… and the internet… by storm. This unique little device that is able to handle seven different primary kitchen functions, all wrapped into one. It sounds too good to be true, and definitely overwhelming.
A f?n?k
A f?n?k
Baráth Viktória
"Negyvenkilenc voltam, amikor megszületett az els? és nyilvánvalóan egyetlen gyermekem, Linda.? Bár k?rnyezetem felkészített rá, hogy szinte minden ismer?snek, s?t idegennek is lesz valamilyen reakciója a hírrel kapcsolatban, talán még engem is meglepett, hogy milyen mennyiségben kaptam hideget-meleget. Ez a k?nyv az én verzióm, de nemcsak a saját sztorimat mesélem el benne, hanem hiszek abban, hogy segíteni tudok másoknak is a gondolataimmal.? Ha nem is tudom megoldani, hogy mindenki, aki szeretne, anyává válhasson, de bízom benne, az olvasóim céljainak eléréséhez kell? inspirációt nyújthatok." ?va ?szintén a kései teherbe esésr?l, gyermekvárásról, az els? hónapokról együtt.? Fej?s ?va új k?nyve egy személyes, naplószer? írás élete legutóbbi igen fontos eseményér?l, gyermeke születésér?l. ?szinte és humoros vallomások, t?rténetek gyerekvárásról, nevelésr?l, a mindennapokról. Egyfajta reflexió a sokakat foglalkoztató témára: a negyven f?l?tti gyerekvállalásra.? Tabukra fittyet hányó írás, amely minden gyereket tervez? vagy éppen már nevel? n?nek ajánlott olvasmány, kortól függetlenül, hogy mindenki számára egyértelm? legyen: Nem vagy egyedül, egy cip?ben járunk ;-)
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