

Le Bon Dieu de Chemillé qui n'est ni pour ni contre
Le Bon Dieu de Chemillé qui n'est ni pour ni contre
Alphonse Daudet
"Le curé de Chemillé s'en allait porter le Bon Dieu à un malade. Vraiment, c'était pitié de songer que quelqu'un pouvait mourir par un si beau jour d'été, en plein Angélus de midi, le moment de la vie et de la lumière. C'était pitié aussi de songer que ce pauvre curé avait été obligé de se mettre en route tout de suite en sortant de table, à l'heure où d'habitude il allait – le bréviaire aux mains – faire un bout de sieste sous sa petite tonnelle de vigne, au frais et au repos d'un joli jardin plein de pêches m?res et de roses trémières."
Souvenirs d'un homme de lettres
Souvenirs d'un homme de lettres
Alphonse Daudet
Alphonse Daudet évoque, sur un ton parfois passionné, la genèse de deux de ses oeuvres (Numa Roumestan, Les Rois en exil), ses rencontres avec les écrivains (Edmond de Goncourt), les hommes politiques (Gambetta) et les acteurs et actrices (Déjazet) marquants de son époque, le siège de Paris pendant la guerre de 1870 et la Commune.
Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore
Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore
Luigi Pirandello
Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore è il dramma più famoso di Luigi Pirandello. Esso fu rappresentato per la prima volta il 9 maggio 1921 al Teatro Valle di Roma, ma in quell'occasione ebbe un esito tempestoso, perché molti spettatori contestarono la rappresentazione al grido di "Manicomio! Manicomio!". Fu importante, per il successivo successo di questo dramma, la terza edizione, del 1925, in cui l'autore aggiunse una prefazione nella quale chiariva la genesi, gli intenti e le tematiche fondamentali del dramma. ? considerata la prima opera della trilogia del teatro nel teatro, comprendente Questa sera si recita a soggetto e Ciascuno a suo modo.
The Light of Western Stars
The Light of Western Stars
Zane Grey
A New York society girl buys a ranch which becomes the center of frontier warfare. Her loyal superintendent rescues her when she is captured by bandits. A surprising climax brings the story to a delightful close.
The Mysterious Rider
The Mysterious Rider
Zane Grey
He came to the Belilounds ranch, no one knew from where; a man of middle age, gentle, kindly, but so terrible a gunfighter that they called him "Hell Bent" Wade. He played the part of fate in all their lives, and only when the inevitable tragedy came and the Mysterious Rider made the great sacrifice did they know - and out of that tragedy came the light of love.
Il fu Mattia Pascal
Il fu Mattia Pascal
Luigi Pirandello
Il romanzo più celebre di Pirandello, incentrato sul tema a lui caro dell'identità.
The Ebony Frame
The Ebony Frame
Edith Nesbit
"""Oh! my dear, my dear, how shall I pass the hours till I hold you again?"" No thought, then, of my whole life's completion and consummation being a dream. I staggered up to my room, fell across my bed, and slept heavily and dreamlessly. When I awoke it was high noon. Mildred and her mother were coming to lunch. I remembered, at one o'clock, Mildred coming and her existence. Now indeed the dream began. With a penetrating sense of the futility of any action apart from her, I gave the necessary orders for the reception of my guests. When Mildred and her mother came I received them with cordiality; but my genial phrases all seemed to be someone else's. My voice sounded like an echo; my heart was not there. Still, the situation was not intolerable, until the hour when afternoon tea was served in the drawing-room. Mildred and mother kept the conversational pot boiling with"
To The Last Man
To The Last Man
Zane Grey
An ancient feud between two frontier families is inflamed when one of the families takes up cattle rustling. In the grip of their relentless code of loyalty, they fight a war in Tonto Basin, desperately, doggedly, neither side seeing the futility of the conflict. Surrounded by this volatile environment, young Jean finds himself hopelessly in love with a girl from whom he is separated by an impassable barrier.
The Time Machine
The Time Machine
H.G. Wells
The book's protagonist is an amateur inventor or scientist living in London who is never named; he is identified simply as The Time Traveller. Having demonstrated to friends using a miniature model that time is a fourth dimension, and that a suitable apparatus can move back and forth in this fourth dimension, he builds a full-scale model capable of carrying himself. He sets off on a journey into the future.
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
Oscar Wilde
The Happy Prince and Other Tales (sometimes called The Happy Prince and Other Stories) is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde first published in May 1888. It contains five stories, "The Happy Prince", "The Nightingale and the Rose", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend", and "The Remarkable Rocket". It is most famous for its title story, "The Happy Prince".
A House of Pomegranates
A House of Pomegranates
Oscar Wilde
A House of Pomegranates is a collection of whimisical short stories by Oscar Wilde. This collections includes the following tales: The Young King, The Birthday of the Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul, and The Star-child. Readers of all ages will be delighted by these fanciful tales.
Don Quijote de la Mancha 2
Don Quijote de la Mancha 2
Miguel Cervantes
Don Quijote de la Mancha, escrito por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, editado en 1605, es una de las obras más destacadas de la literatura espa?ola y la literatura universal, y una de las más traducidas La novela consta de dos partes: la primera, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, fue publicada en 1605; la segunda, El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, en 1615.
The Nightingale and the Rose: (Original 1888 Edition): Annotated
The Nightingale and the Rose: (Original 1888 Edition): Annotated
Oscar Wilde
A nightingale overhears a student complaining that his professor's daughter will not dance with him, as he is unable to give her a red rose. The nightingale visits all the rose-trees in the garden, and one of the white roses tell her that there's a way to produce a red rose, but only if the nightingale is prepared to sing the sweetest song for the rose all night, and sacrifice her life to do so. Seeing the student in tears, the nightingale carries out the ritual, and impales herself on the rose-tree's thorn so that her heart's blood can stain the rose. The student takes the rose to the professor's daughter, but she again rejects him because another man has sent her some real jewels, and "everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers." The student angrily throws the rose into the gutter, returns to his study of metaphysics, and decides not to believe in true love anymore.
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Aristotle: The Complete Works
Part 1: Logic (Organon) Categories, translated by E. M. Edghill On Interpretation, translated by E. M. Edghill Prior Analytics (2 Books), translated by A. J. Jenkinson Posterior Analytics (2 Books), translated by G. R. G. Mure Topics (8 Books), translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Sophistical Refutations, translated by W. A. Pickard-Cambridge Part 2: Universal Physics Physics (8 Books), translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye On the Heavens (4 Books), translated by J. L. Stocks On Gerneration and Corruption (2 Books), translated by H. H. Joachim Meteorology (4 Books), translated by E. W. Webster Part 3: Human Physics On the Soul (3 Books), translated by J. A. Smith On Sense and the Sensible, translated by J. I. Beare On Memory and Reminiscence, translated by J. I. Beare On Sleep and Sleeplessness, translated by J. I. Beare On Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Prophesying by Dreams, translated by J. I. Beare On Longevity and Shortness of Life, translated by G. R. T. Ross On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration, translated by G. R. T. Ross Part 4: Animal Physics The History of Animals (9 Books), translated by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson On the Parts of Animals (4 Books), translated by William Ogle On the Motion of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Gait of Animals, translated by A. S. L. Farquharson On the Generation of Animals (5 Books), translated by Arthur Platt Part 5: Metaphysics (15 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Part 6: Ethics and Politics Nicomachean Ethics (10 Books), translated by W. D. Ross Politics (8 Books), translated by Benjamin Jowett The Athenian Constitution, translated by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon Part 7: Aesthetic Writings Rhetoric (3 Books), translated by W. Rhys Roberts Poetics, translated by S. H. Butcher
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Jules Verne
A scholar, Dr. Samuel Ferguson, accompanied by his manservant Joe and his friend Richard "Dick" Kennedy, sets out to travel across the African continent — still not fully explored — with the help of a hot-air balloon filled with hydrogen.
The Underground City
The Underground City
Jules Verne
Download in EPUB format, also available for Kindle or in PDF A novel about the fortunes of a mining community called Aberfoyle which is near Stirling, Scotland. Miner James Starr, after receiving a letter from an old friend, leaves for the Aberfoyle mine. Although believed to be mined out a decade earlier, James Starr finds a mine overman, Simon Ford, along with his family living deep inside the mine. Simon Ford has found a large vein of coal in the mine but the characters must deal with mysterious and unexplainable happenings in and around the mine.
Dick Sands the Boy Captain
Dick Sands the Boy Captain
Jules Verne
In 1878 appeared Dick Sands, the epic of the slave trade. This picture of the wilds of Africa, its adventures and its dangers, the savage hunting both of beasts and men, has always been a favorite among Verne's readers. It contains no marvels, no inventions, but merely, amid stirring scenes and actions seeks to convey two truthful impressions. One is the traveler's teaching the geographical information, the picture of Africa as explorers, botanists, and zoologists have found it. The other is the moral lesson of the awful curse of slavery, its brutalizing, horrible influence upon all who come in touch with it, and the absolutely devastating effect it has had upon Africa itself.
Mathias Sandorf
Mathias Sandorf
Jules Verne
Mathias Sandorf, trahi alors qu'il luttait pour libérer la Hongrie de la domination autrichienne, s'échappe de prison. Il réapparait sous le nom de docteur Antékirtt, possédant des navires électriques lui permettant de traverser la Méditerranée très rapidement, pour accomplir sa vengeance... La meilleure présentation de ce roman est faite par l'auteur, lui-même : ?Dans cet ouvrage, j'ai essayé de faire de Mathias Sandorf le Monte-Cristo des VOYAGES EXTRAORDINAIRES.?
Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras
Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras
Jules Verne
A Liverpool, un brick le Forward (en fran?ais : "En avant") attire la curiosité de tous : il est visiblement con?u pour les mers polaires, mais de nombreux détails dans sa constructions intriguent. De plus, les marins sont très bien payés, mais ils ignorent la destination du bateau; le bateau emmène une énorme quantité de poudre, mais peu d'armes. Le capitaine est absent et inconnu, le second en titre, Shandon joue le r?le de capitaine.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a semi-autobiographical novel by James Joyce, first serialized in The Egoist from 1914 to 1915 and published in book form in 1916. It depicts the formative years in the life of Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and a pointed allusion to the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology, Daedalus. A Portrait is a key example of the Künstlerroman (an artist's bildungsroman) in English literature. Joyce's novel traces the intellectual and religio-philosophical awakening of young Stephen Dedalus as he begins to question and rebel against the Catholic and Irish conventions he has been brought up in. He finally leaves for Paris to pursue his calling as an artist. The work pioneers some of Joyce's modernist techniques that would later come to fruition in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. The Modern Library ranked Portrait as the third greatest English-language novel of the twentieth century.
Rosario de sonetos líricos
Rosario de sonetos líricos
Miguel De Unamuno
Unamuno se presentó como poeta cuando ya era conocido en otros campos, ya que su dedicación a la poesía brota en él tardíamente, pero pronto se convirtió en una práctica habitual, ya que, entre su primer poemario, Poesías (1907), y el Romancero del destierro (1928), publica siete libros. El rasgo distintivo de su poesía es el carácter confesional: él autor coincide con el sujeto lírico, lo que explica la diversidad de contenidos que trata y convierte su poesía en un testimonio de su evolución espiritual y artística.