

The Underground City
The Underground City
Jules Verne
Download in EPUB format, also available for Kindle or in PDF A novel about the fortunes of a mining community called Aberfoyle which is near Stirling, Scotland. Miner James Starr, after receiving a letter from an old friend, leaves for the Aberfoyle mine. Although believed to be mined out a decade earlier, James Starr finds a mine overman, Simon Ford, along with his family living deep inside the mine. Simon Ford has found a large vein of coal in the mine but the characters must deal with mysterious and unexplainable happenings in and around the mine.
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Five Weeks in a Balloon
Jules Verne
A scholar, Dr. Samuel Ferguson, accompanied by his manservant Joe and his friend Richard "Dick" Kennedy, sets out to travel across the African continent — still not fully explored — with the help of a hot-air balloon filled with hydrogen.
Dick Sands the Boy Captain
Dick Sands the Boy Captain
Jules Verne
In 1878 appeared Dick Sands, the epic of the slave trade. This picture of the wilds of Africa, its adventures and its dangers, the savage hunting both of beasts and men, has always been a favorite among Verne's readers. It contains no marvels, no inventions, but merely, amid stirring scenes and actions seeks to convey two truthful impressions. One is the traveler's teaching the geographical information, the picture of Africa as explorers, botanists, and zoologists have found it. The other is the moral lesson of the awful curse of slavery, its brutalizing, horrible influence upon all who come in touch with it, and the absolutely devastating effect it has had upon Africa itself.
Mathias Sandorf
Mathias Sandorf
Jules Verne
Mathias Sandorf, trahi alors qu'il luttait pour libérer la Hongrie de la domination autrichienne, s'échappe de prison. Il réapparait sous le nom de docteur Antékirtt, possédant des navires électriques lui permettant de traverser la Méditerranée très rapidement, pour accomplir sa vengeance... La meilleure présentation de ce roman est faite par l'auteur, lui-même : ?Dans cet ouvrage, j'ai essayé de faire de Mathias Sandorf le Monte-Cristo des VOYAGES EXTRAORDINAIRES.?
Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras
Voyages et Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras
Jules Verne
A Liverpool, un brick le Forward (en fran?ais : "En avant") attire la curiosité de tous : il est visiblement con?u pour les mers polaires, mais de nombreux détails dans sa constructions intriguent. De plus, les marins sont très bien payés, mais ils ignorent la destination du bateau; le bateau emmène une énorme quantité de poudre, mais peu d'armes. Le capitaine est absent et inconnu, le second en titre, Shandon joue le r?le de capitaine.
Autour de la Lune
Autour de la Lune
Jules Verne
Suite du roman De la Terre à la Lune. Michel Ardan, Nicholl et Barbicane ont survécu à la terrible déflagration qui les a envoyés dans l'espace. Malgré la frayeur causée par un astéro?de qui manque de les pulvériser, ils fêtent dignement la réussite de leur départ. Cependant, les fantaisies de l'aventurier fran?ais n'empêchent pas l'esprit pratique et scientifique de ses compagnons américains de reprendre le dessus. Nicholl et Barbicane multiplient les observations les plus intéressantes sur la température de l'espace, la gravitation ou les effets de l'apesanteur. Mais ils constatent aussi que leur course a été déviée par leur rencontre avec le corps errant et qu'ils manqueront la Lune...
Wet Magic
Wet Magic
Edith Nesbit
When four siblings journey to the seashore for a holiday, one of them unwittingly summons the sister of a mermaid who is captured by a circus, and the children set out to save the imprisoned being. After a daring midnight rescue, the children's reward is an incredible journey beneath the waves and into the hidden kingdom of the mermaids. But they soon find themselves in a race against time as they struggle to prevent a war and save their new underwater companions...
Gesammelte Werke
Gesammelte Werke
Louise von François
Es war ein Glücksfall. Gustav Freytag, mit Julian Schmidt zusammen der literaturkritische Tribun des Realismus, an dem kein Autor dieser Jahre vorbeikam, fand ?ffentlich Gefallen an Louise von Fran?ois’ erstem Roman "Die letzte Reckenburgerin" (1871), so dass die Autorin immerhin eine gewisse zeitgen?ssische Anerkennung und einen gewissen Nachruhm erlangen konnte. Leider nicht genug, wie ich meine. Zwar mag es sein, dass Storms Diktion edler ist, dass Fontanes hintersinnige Verweisungszusammenh?nge einen raffinierten Ziseleur verraten ... aber was den sog. "Realismus" betrifft und erst recht die Themenvielfalt: da kann die Dame den Herren locker zeigen, wo der Hammer h?ngt. W?hrend die ?gro?en? Realisten allesamt in den verschiedensten Gesamt- und Einzelausgaben immer wieder aufgelegt worden sind und noch werden, sieht es bei Louise von Fran?ois recht mager aus; die beiden Werkausgaben (1918 fünf B?nde im Insel Verlag, 1924 zwei B?nde im Verlag der Literaturwerke "Minerva", herausgegeben von Karl Weitzel - beide haben etwa den gleichen Umfang, w?hlen jedoch bei den Erz?hlungen unterschiedlich aus) geben kaum die H?lfte des Werkes. Deshalb: Zu ihrem 200. Geburtstag hab ich’s leider nicht mehr geschafft, dann eben mit etwas Versp?tung: Die Gesamtausgabe des erz?hlerischen Werkes.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a semi-autobiographical novel by James Joyce, first serialized in The Egoist from 1914 to 1915 and published in book form in 1916. It depicts the formative years in the life of Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and a pointed allusion to the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology, Daedalus. A Portrait is a key example of the Künstlerroman (an artist's bildungsroman) in English literature. Joyce's novel traces the intellectual and religio-philosophical awakening of young Stephen Dedalus as he begins to question and rebel against the Catholic and Irish conventions he has been brought up in. He finally leaves for Paris to pursue his calling as an artist. The work pioneers some of Joyce's modernist techniques that would later come to fruition in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. The Modern Library ranked Portrait as the third greatest English-language novel of the twentieth century.
Anne of Green Gables Collection
Anne of Green Gables Collection
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Don't Miss a Moment with Anne Shirley in this Anne of Green Gables Bundle This bundle includes: ? Anne of Green Gables ? Anne of Avonlea ? Anne of the Island ? Anne's House of Dreams ? Rainbow Valley ? Rilla of Ingleside ? Chronicles of Avonlea ? Further Chronicles of Avonlea This Anne of Green Gables Collection has been professionally formatted for e-readers and contains a bonus book club leadership guide and discussion questions. We hope you'll share this book with your friends, neighbors and colleagues and can't wait to hear what you have to say about it.
The Island of Doctor Moreau
The Island of Doctor Moreau
H.G. Wells
Edward Prendick is shipwrecked in the Pacific. Rescued by Doctor Moreau's assistant he is taken to the doctor's island home where he discovers the doctor has been experimenting on the animal inhabitants of the island, creating bizarre proto-humans...
Sherlock Holmes: Complete Collection
Sherlock Holmes: Complete Collection
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who first appeared in publication in 1887. He is the creation of Scottish born author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A brilliant London-based detective, Holmes is famous for his intellectual prowess, and is renowned for his skillful use of deductive reasoning (somewhat mistakenly - see inductive reasoning) and astute observation to solve difficult cases. He is arguably the most famous fictional detective.
Collected Novels
Collected Novels
Mark Twain
CONTENTS: 1. The Gilded Age: A Tale Of Today 2. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 3. The Prince and the Pauper 4. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 5. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 6. The American Claimant 7. Tom Sawyer Abroad 8. Pudd'nhead Wilson 9. Tom Sawyer, Detective 10. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc 11. A Horse's Tale 12. The Mysterious Stranger 13. A Double Barreled Detective Story (BONUS)
Max Brand
With gusts of wind fanning it roughly, the flame rose fast. Harrigan made other journeys to the rotten stump and wrenched away great chunks of bark and wood. He came back and piled them on the fire. It towered high, the upper tongues twisting among the branches of the tree. They laid Kate Malone between the windbreak and the fire. In a short time her trembling ceased; she turned her face to the blaze and slept.
Numa Roumestan
Numa Roumestan
Alphonse Daudet
Aux arènes d'Aps-en-Provence, la foule applaudit Numa Roumestan. ? quarante-trois ans, devenu un homme politique en vue, il est de retour au pays avec sa femme Rosalie, déconcertée puis charmée par la couleur locale. Numa, vingt ans plus t?t, faisait son droit à Paris, financé par un cabaretier qui spéculait sur ses talents prometteurs...
Alphonse Daudet
Jean Gaussin d'Armandy, jeune Proven?al monté à Paris dans le but d'obtenir un poste dans un consulat, rencontre Fanny Legrand et s'en éprend. Elle devient sa ma?tresse. Mais un jour, au hasard de conversations impromptues avec ces amis gr?ce à qui il a connu Fanny, Jean découvre Sapho: avec ce surnom, c'est toute une face ignorée de Fanny qui se présente à son esprit bouleversé: ?Et avec les cinq lettres de son nom abominable, toute la vie de cette femme lui passait en fuite d'égout sous les yeux.?
Fromont jeune et Risler a?né
Fromont jeune et Risler a?né
Alphonse Daudet
Sidonie Chèbe et Risler l'a?né viennent de se marier. Pourquoi m'a-t-elle épousé, moi qui ne suis ni beau ni très futé (mais riche et bien placé dans la société) se demande le marié. L'air de triomphe de Sidonie quand elle prend possession de sa nouvelle demeure laisse préjuger de l'avenir. En effet, Sidonie, issue d'une famille pauvre, a toujours envié les riches, et en particulier la famille Fromont, qui possède une usine. ? une époque, elle a réussi à se rapprocher de cette famille, en devenant amie avec Claire. Puis elle est tombée amoureuse de l'héritier de la famille, Georges Fromont. Mais celui-ci a fini par épouser Claire, sous la pression de famille. Avec Risler l'a?né, Sidonie essaye de se rapprocher de cette bonne société qui la fascine tant. Mais vivre près de cette bonne société, ne veut pas dire en faire partie, Sidonie l'apprendra vite à ses dépens...
Lettres de mon moulin
Lettres de mon moulin
Alphonse Daudet
Ces nouvelles illustrent le vrai fantastique, celui du quotidien, de la poésie. Indispensables.
The Story of the Treasure Seekers
The Story of the Treasure Seekers
Edith Nesbit
When their mother dies and their father's business partner runs off with most of their money, the six intrepid Bastable children are determined to restore their family's fallen fortunes.
The Dragon Tamers
The Dragon Tamers
Edith Nesbit
There was once an old, old castle, it was so old that its I walls and towers and turrets and gateways and arches had crumbled to ruins, and of all its old splendour there were only two little rooms left; and it was here that John the blacksmith had set up his forge. He was too poor to live in a proper house, and no one asked any rent for the rooms in the ruin, because all the lords of the castle were dead and gone this many a year. So there John blew his bellows, and hammered his iron, and did all the work which came his way. This was not much, because most of the trade went to the mayor of the town, who was also a blacksmith in quite a large way of business, and had his huge forge facing the square of the town, and had twelve apprentices, all hammering like a nest of woodpeckers, and twelve journeymen to order the apprentices about, and a patent forge and a selfacting hammer and electric bellows, and all things handsome about him. So that of course the townspeople, whenever they wanted a horse shod or a shaft mended, went to the mayor.
Uno, nessuno, e centomila
Uno, nessuno, e centomila
Luigi Pirandello
Questo romanzo, l'ultimo di Pirandello, riesce a sintetizzare il pensiero dell'autore nel modo più completo. L'autore stesso lo definisce come il romanzo "più amaro di tutti, profondamente umoristico, di scomposizione della vita". Il protagonista Vitangelo Moscarda, infatti, può essere considerato come uno dei personaggi più complessi del mondo pirandelliano, e sicuramente quello con maggior autoconsapevolezza. Dal punto di vista formale, stilistico, si può notare la forte inclinazione al monologo del soggetto, che molto spesso si rivolge al lettore ponendogli interrogativi e problemi in modo da coinvolgerlo direttamente nella vicenda, il cui significato è senza dubbio di portata universale. A dispetto della sua lunga gestazione, l'opera non è né frammentaria né disorganizzata; al contrario, può essere considerata come l'apice della carriera dell'autore e della sua tensione narrativa.