

The Young Lion Hunter
The Young Lion Hunter
Zane Grey
Ken Ward encounters mustangs he must ride, a pack of hounds the likes of which he had never seen before, Native Americans who he comes to appreciate with a new awareness, and landscape so wild and primitive it takes the breath away in the Grand Canyon.
The U.P. Trail: a Novel
The U.P. Trail: a Novel
Zane Grey
A tale of romance and adventure involving the building of the Union Pacific railroad (otherwise called the U.P. Trail) through the eyes of the men erecting the line.
The Rainbow Trail
The Rainbow Trail
Zane Grey
The story of a young clergyman who becomes a wanderer in the great western uplands--until at last love and faith awake. Sequel to Riders of the Purple Sage.
The Man of the Forest
The Man of the Forest
Zane Grey
Accidentally overhearing a plot to kidnap the niece of a prominent rancher as she arrives from the East, Milt Dale springs into action. He comes out of his splendid isolation to protect Helen and her kid sister, Bo. Leading them away from manmade danger, exposing them to unaccustomed rigor on mountain trails, Dale imparts his rugged philosophy. Beyond the forest, Beasley and Snake Anson are still waiting to carry out their evil plot.
The Day of the Beast
The Day of the Beast
Zane Grey
Herein is embodied my tribute to the American men who gave themselves to the service in the great war, and my sleepless and eternal gratitude for what they did for me.
?stanbul Efsaneleri
?stanbul Efsaneleri
Murat Ukray
EFSANELERE G?RE ?STANBUL’UN KURULU?U "Bu ?ehr-i Sitambul ki, bi mi?l-u behad?r, Bir sengine, yekpare Acem mülkü fedad?r" ?air Nedim Yeryüzünde, bu kadar ?ok ada ve sana sahip kent ?ok ender bulunur. Her ulus, ?stanbul'u ba?ka bir adla and?. Ayr?ca, fetihten ?nceki adlar? ba?kayd?, fetihten sonrakiler ba?ka... Tarih sahnesine, Byzas, Buzis, Byse, Bysante gibi adlarla ??kt?. Roma d?nemine kadar da en ?ok Byzant?on olarak an?ld?. Romal?lar Antoneia, Anthu?a, Deutera Rome dediler. Sonra, uzun bir d?nem boyunca Konstantinopolis olarak kald?. Kuzeylilerin verdikleri adlar?n bir k?sm? kentin gücünü vurguluyordu: Tsar??rad (Slav kaynaklar?nda imparator kenti) ve M?klegard (Vikinglerde ?mparator Mikhael’?n kenti) gibi. Ruslar Tekfuriye ve Zavegorod, Macarlar Vizenduvar, Polonyal?lar Kanatorya, ?ekler Aylana, ?sve?liler Herakl?yan, Hollandal?lar ?stefanya, Franklar Agrandone, Portekizliler Ko?tiye, Araplar Konstantiniyye-i Kübra, Acemler Kayser-i Zemin, Hintliler Taht-i Rum, Mo?ollar ?akdüryan demi?lerdi bir zamanlar Osmanl?'n?n "Asitane"sine. ?te yandan, ?stanbul'a yak??t?r?lan sanlar da en az kendisi kadar g?rkemliydi: Asitane-i Saadet (Sültan Saray?), Dar-ül Hilafe (Halife'nin evi), Darü's Saltana (Saltanat?n evi), Dergah-? Selat?n (Sultanlar kap?s?)... Ve sonunda bizim kentimiz, ?stanbul. Bilinen tarihi 2600 y?ldan daha eskilere uzanan bu ya?l?, ama muhte?em kent, zaman?n ak??? i?inde büyük uygarl?klar?n y?k?l??lar?m da g?rdü, yenilerinin nas?l kurulduklar?na da... ?mparatorluklar?n bu herkesi k?skand?ran g?rkemli ba?kentinin k??e buca??, birbiriyle ilgisi olmayan kültürlerin miras?yla süslendi. Ve sonu?ta, tüm üslup ve kültürler i? i?e ge?erek, birbirini ?zümseyerek, ?stanbul'un an?tsal tarihini olu?turdu. Kentin kurulu?u üzerine rivayet muhtelif. En ünlüsü ve bilineni Megaral? g??menlerinin yolculu?u. Bir de Evliya ?elebi'nin anlatt??? var ki, tad?na doyum olmuyor... Efsaneye g?re, Koressa'n?n o?lu, Yunanistan'?n Megara kentinden gen? Byzas, yanda?lar?yla birlikte, b?lgedeki bask?lardan kurtulmak, yeni bir kent kurmak ve ?zgürlü?ünü ilan etmek i?in yola ??kt?. Her ?ey iyiydi de, kent nerede kurulacakt?? O ?a?da, bilinmeyenleri bilinir k?lan birisine, Delfoi kentindeki kahine dan??t? gen? adam. Delfoi kahini gidece?i yeri tarif etti; "Kentini kuraca??n yer, k?rler ülkesinin tam kar??s?nda olacak." Byzas yola ??kt?, arad? tarad?, k?rler ülkesi diye bir yer yoktu. Sonunda, mola verdikleri bir deniz k?y?s?nda, kar?? sahile bakt? ve ba??rd?: "Bu insanlar k?r mü, buras? varken orada oturulur mu?". Delfoi kahinini hat?rlad? gen? adam; "K?rler ülkesinin kar??s?nda kuracaks?n kentini." K?rler ülkesi, günümüzün Kad?k?y'üdür! ?stanbul'dan ?ok y?llar ?nce kurulmu?tur "Khalkedonia", yani Kad?k?y. Byzas; ordusuyla gelip soluklanmak i?in durdu?u ?imdiki Sarayburnu'nda, manzaran?n muhte?em g?rüntüsünden adeta büyülenmi?ti. Khalkedonia'n?n neden "K?rler ?lkesi" tan?mlamas?n? hak etti?ini anlam??t? art?k. ?ünkü, b?yle cennet benzeri bir yer dururken, tam kar??da ve korumas?z bir yerde kent kuranlar, ancak k?r olabilirlerdi! Ol hikaye b?yle. Temelleri Sarayburnu s?rtlar?nda at?lan kente, kurucusunun ad? olan Byzas'tan dolay?, "Byzas'?n kenti" anlam?nda "Byzant?on" dendi...
Une Ville flottante
Une Ville flottante
Jules Verne
La ville flottante, c'est le Great Eastern, un énorme navire faisant la traversée Liverpool-New York, à bord duquel se trouvent plusieurs milliers de personnes, avec leurs caractères différents. Une vraie société. Le personnage principal du récit en est le narrateur.
Les Enfants du capitaine Grant
Les Enfants du capitaine Grant
Jules Verne
L'action commence en 1864. Alors que Lord et Lady Glenarvan font une excursion au large de Glasgow à bord de leur yacht, le Duncan, l'équipage pêche un requin dans le ventre duquel on découvre une bouteille de Veuve Clicquot qui contient un message de détresse en mauvais état; ce dernier indique bien le degré de latitude (37° 11') du naufrage du Britannia, mais toute indication de longitude est devenue illisible. Le jeune couple (Lord Glenarvan a 34 ans) monte une expédition pour tenter de retrouver les survivants avec l'aide du commandant John Mangles et de son second Tom Austin, un vieux loup de mer. Ils sont accompagnés par les enfants du Capitaine Grant disparu avec le Britannia, le major Mac Nabbs ainsi qu'un savant dans la lune, Jacques-Eliacin-Fran?ois-Marie Paganel, secrétaire de la société de géographie de Paris, membre correspondant des sociétés de Berlin, de Bombay, de Darmstadt, de Leipzig, de Londres, de Pétersbourg, de Vienne, de New York, membre honoraire de l’institut royal géographique et ethnographique des Indes orientales, qui s'est trompé de navire au moment d'embarquer.
Robur the Conqueror
Robur the Conqueror
Jules Verne
The story begins with strange lights and sounds, including blaring trumpet music, reported in the skies all over the world. The events are capped by the mysterious appearance of black flags with gold suns atop tall historic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty in New York, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. These events are all the work of the mysterious Robur (Latin for "oak" and figuratively taken to mean "strength"), a brilliant inventor who intrudes on a meeting of a flight-enthusiast's club called the Weldon Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Master of the World
The Master of the World
Jules Verne
Evil master criminal sets out for world domination from the French pioneer of Science Fiction.
A Journey into the Center of the Earth
A Journey into the Center of the Earth
Jules Verne
Journey to the Center of the Earth is a classic 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne (published in the original French as Voyage au centre de la Terre). The story involves a professor who leads his nephew and hired guide down a volcano in Iceland to the "center of the Earth". They encounter many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy.
Michel Strogoff
Michel Strogoff
Jules Verne
Michel Strogoff est un roman de Jules Verne paru en 1875 écrit spécialement pour la visite du Tsar à Paris. Ce livre fut d'ailleurs approuvé par les autorités russes avant sa parution. Ce roman décrit le périple de Michel Strogoff, courrier du tsar de Russie, de Moscou à Irkoutsk, capitale de la Sibérie orientale. Sa mission est d'avertir le frère du tsar, sans nouvelles de Moscou, de l'arrivée imminente des hordes tartares menées par le traitre Ivan Ogareff pour envahir la Sibérie. Sur cette route pleine d'obstacles, il trouvera la belle Nadia, ainsi que les journalistes européens Harry Blount et Alcide Jolivet.
Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours
Jules Verne
Le roman raconte la course autour du monde d'un gentleman anglais, Phileas Fogg, qui a fait le pari d'y parvenir en 80 jours. Il est accompagné par Jean Passepartout, son serviteur fran?ais. L'ensemble du roman est un habile mélange entre récit de voyage (traditionnel pour Jules Verne) et données scientifiques comme celle utilisée pour le rebondissement de la chute du roman. Ce voyage extraordinaire est rendu possible gr?ce à la révolution des transports qui marque le xixe siècle et les débuts de la révolution industrielle. L'apparition de nouveaux modes de transport (chemin de fer, marine à vapeur) et l'ouverture du canal de Suez en 1869 raccourcissent les distances, ou du moins le temps nécessaire pour les parcourir.
The Heritage of the Desert
The Heritage of the Desert
Zane Grey
Published in 1910, this was Zane Grey's first western novel. It received wide and unanimous praise for its powerful portrait of the land and the men and women of the Southwest. A lovely girl, who has been reared among Mormons, learns to love a young New Englander. The Mormon religion, however, demands that the girl shall become the second wife of one of the Mormons--Well, that's the problem of this great story.
The Desert of Wheat
The Desert of Wheat
Zane Grey
Kurt marries the daughter of a rancher and she nurses him back to health after his tour of Germany during World War I. The film "Riders of the Dawn" was based on his book.
Enrico IV
Enrico IV
Luigi Pirandello
Enrico IV è un dramma in 3 atti di Luigi Pirandello. Fu scritta nel 1921 e rappresentata il 24 febbraio 1922 al Teatro Manzoni di Milano. Considerato il capolavoro teatrale di Pirandello insieme a Sei personaggi in cerca di autore, Enrico IV è uno studio sul significato della pazzia e sul tema caro all'autore del rapporto, complesso e alla fine inestricabile, tra personaggio e uomo, finzione e verità.
A Modern Utopia
A Modern Utopia
H.G. Wells
In A Modern Utopia, two travelers fall into a space-warp and suddenly find themselves upon a Utopian Earth controlled by a single World Government
El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha
El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha
Miguel Cervantes
Don Quijote de la Mancha, escrito por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, editado en 1605, es una de las obras más destacadas de la literatura espa?ola y la literatura universal, y una de las más traducidas La novela consta de dos partes: la primera, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, fue publicada en 1605; la segunda, El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, en 1615.
Don Quixote
Don Quixote
Miguel Cervantes
Don Quixote, errant knight and sane madman, with the company of his faithful squire and wise fool, Sancho Panza, together roam the world and haunt readers' imaginations as they have for nearly four hundred years.
De Profundis
De Profundis
Oscar Wilde
De Profundis (Latin: "from the depths") is an epistle written by Oscar Wilde during his imprisonment in Reading Gaol, to Lord Alfred Douglas.
James Allen Complete Collection
James Allen Complete Collection
James Allen
CONTENTS: 1901 - From Poverty to Power 1902 - As A Man Thinketh 1903 - All These Things Added 1903 - Through the Gates of Good or Christ and Conduct 1904 - Byways to Blessedness 1904 - Out From The Heart 1907 - Poems of peace; including the lyrical dramatic poem Eolaus 1908 - The Life Triumphant - Mastering the Heart And Mind 1909 - Morning And Evening Thoughts 1909 - The Mastery of Destiny 1910 - Above Life's Turmoil 1910 - From Passion to Peace 1911 - Eight Pillars of Prosperity 1911 - Man-King of Mind, Body and Circumstance 1912 - Light on Life's Difficulties 1913 - Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success 1913 - James Allen's book of meditations for Every Day in the Year 1914 - Men And Systems 1915 - The Shining Gateway 1919 - The Divine Companion