

Uma prova de amor
Uma prova de amor
Batuta Ribeiro
Até onde você iria por quem você ama?Um casal de noivos vai ao cinema no shopping. Na saída, o casal é seqüestrado por um estranho homem que n?o pede dinheiro e nem outro tipo de resgate. Ele apenas deseja fazer um jogo!E para salvar o seu noivo, Melissa terá que dar a maior prova de amor de sua vida.
Bebidas naturales para su salud
Bebidas naturales para su salud
Cristina Rebiere
Un jugo fresco curativo o un té de hierbaspara su salud Pequea guía digital con recetas de jugos frescos de frutas y verduras y con tés de hierbas La vida está llena de simples placeres que pueden convertirse fácilmente en pura felicidad Por qué no pasar a lo natural … o más bien volver N°0 - Bebidas naturales para su salud En este número "cero" de la colección "eGuide Nature" vamos a ver cómo preparar bebidas naturales, jugos frescos o tés de hierbas para cuidar de su salud. Qué vas a encontrar en este eGuide Nature Nuestros consejos para preparar jugos frescos curativos Nuestros consejos parapreparar tés de hierbas 20recetas par su salud Atentamente, Cristina Olivier Rebiere
Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde:34 sucos frescos & smoothies
Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde:34 sucos frescos & smoothies
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Um suco fresco natural o um smoothie para a sua saúde? Gostaria de saber como usar frutas e legumes para fazer sucos frescos e melhorar sua saúde? A vida também é feita de prazeres simples que podem se transformar com facilidade em pura felicidade Nossa cole??o de guias práticos ? eGuide Nature ? vai provar isso para você! Desejamos compartilhar o nosso conhecimento e as nossas dicas úteis para simplesmente ? domesticar ? a natureza da qual a vida moderna às vezes nos afasta… N°0 - Bebidas naturais para a sua saúde O que você vai encontrar neste ? eGuide Nature ?? Nossas dicas para preparar seus sucos frescos & smoothies curativos Propriedades curativas de frutas e legumes 84?receitas de sucos e smoothies Ent?o, você está pronto(a) para trazer a natureza em sua vida? Vamos! Sinceramente, Cristina & Olivier Rebiere
Rae’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 4)
Rae’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 4)
Duncan Barrett,Nuala Calvi
This is Rae’s story, one of four true stories from the book GI Brides. ‘Hey, baby, how about you and me get out of here?’ the GI asked Rae. But even if he had been Clark Gable, she wouldn’t have given him a second look. He was a Yank, and therefore not to be trusted. After being bombed out of her home in North London, tomboy Rae joins the ATS and is sent to work welding tanks near Nottingham. Despite her dislike of ‘Yanks’, a GI called Raymond wears down her resistance and she agrees to marry him. After the war, she reluctantly follows him to rural Pennsylvania, where she soon discovers his dark secret. Rae’s story is extracted from GI Brides, written by the bestselling authors of The Sugar Girls. It tells the true stories of four of the 70,000 British women who crossed the Atlantic for love after the Second World War.
The Slow Fix: Why Quick Fixes Don’t Work (extract)
The Slow Fix: Why Quick Fixes Don’t Work (extract)
Carl Honore
This is a free extract taken from the full version of THE SLOW FIX by Carl Honoré. What do we do when things go wrong in a fast world? Many of us go for the quick fix that delays the problem rather than solving it. To make real progress we need real solutions – we need to take time for THE SLOW FIX. People have long been in search of a quick fix. Truth is, it doesn’t work. The problems facing us today are bigger and more urgent than ever before and we need to learn to start fixing things properly, rather than settling for short-term solutions. The Slow Fix offers real, life-changing solutions to tackling these problems and extends the movement defined by Carl Honore in his global bestseller, In Praise of Slow, to offer a recipe for problem-solving that can be applied to every walk of life, from business and politics to relationships, education and health reform.
The Suicide Raid
The Suicide Raid
Sean Rayment
This is Corran Purdon’s story, one of five true-life recollections from the Second World War in Tales From The Special Forces Club. The Special Forces Club is a fabled gentlemen’s club, based in the heart of London. It has a closely guarded secret: you have to be a genuine hero to be a member. Corran Purdon was a gung-ho officer in the Ulster Rifles who thirsted for action. He would volunteer for a new unit, requested by Churchill: the British Commandos. Corran was to fight in ‘The Greatest Raid of All’: the destruction of the port of St Nazaire in France. The volunteers knew it was fraught with risks. This is his story.
Margaret’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 2)
Margaret’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 2)
Duncan Barrett,Nuala Calvi
This is Margaret’s story, one of four true stories from the book GI Brides. “Margaret’s eyes were on the handsome officers who milled around the US Army headquarters. But it was one young second lieutenant that she particularly looked out for… And she secretly deteThe room was filled with GIs – some playing pool, some jostling for control of rmined to make him hers.” An attractive young English girl, Margaret finds herself working at the US Army headquarters in London, where she meets a dashing American officer who breaks her heart. Soon she falls pregnant by another GI, marries, and follows him to America’s deep south. What she finds out in Georgia about her husband's true character will shock her. Margaret’s story is extracted from GI Brides, written by the bestselling authors of The Sugar Girls. It tells the true stories of four of the 70,000 British women who crossed the Atlantic for love after the Second World War.
The Moonlight Squadron
The Moonlight Squadron
Sean Rayment
This is Leonard Ratcliff’s story, one of five true-life recollections from the Second World War in Tales From The Special Forces Club. The Special Forces Club is a fabled gentlemen’s club, based in the heart of London. It has a closely guarded secret: you have to be a genuine hero to be a member. Leonard commanded a squadron tasked with flying Special Forces agents into Nazi-occupied Europe. His missions came with enormous risk and casualties were exceptionally high. By the end of the war the entire squadron had been lost three times over. Yet despite the dangers there was always a steady stream of volunteers ready to risk all. This is Leonard’s story.
The Hell of Burma
The Hell of Burma
Sean Rayment
This is Harry Verlander’s story, one of five true-life recollections from the Second World War in Tales From The Special Forces Club. The Special Forces Club is a fabled gentlemen’s club, based in the heart of London. It has a closely guarded secret: you have to be a genuine hero to be a member. Harry had volunteered aged 16 in 1942. By 1944, he was parachuting into France on D-Day as part of the Jedburgh espionage teams. His main adventure, though, was in the jungles of Burma fighting the Japanese. This is his story.
Sylvia’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 3)
Sylvia’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 3)
Duncan Barrett,Nuala Calvi
This is Sylvia’s story, one of four true stories from the book GI Brides. The room was filled with GIs – some playing pool, some jostling for control of the jukebox, and others taking doughnuts from a silver machine in the corner – while half a dozen young women rushed around serving them. ‘So, what can I do?’ Sylvia asked, keen to get stuck in. Sylvia is volunteering at a Red Cross Club in the West End when she meets a charismatic Irish-American called Bob. He sweeps her off her feet and convinces her to fly to America to marry him after the war. But living with Bob’s gambling relatives proves a nightmare, and in desperation Sylvia runs away to England, giving Bob an ultimatum… Sylvia’s story is extracted from GI Brides, written by the bestselling authors of The Sugar Girls. It captures the memories of the thousands of women who crossed the Atlantic for love after the Second World War.
Fighting Rommel
Fighting Rommel
Sean Rayment
This is Mike Sadler’s story, one of five true-life recollections from the Second World War in Tales From The Special Forces Club. The Special Forces Club is a fabled gentlemen’s club, based in the heart of London. It has a closely guarded secret: you have to be a genuine hero to be a member. Mike Sadler was in Rhodesia working on a farm when he decided to join up and fight Hitler. He would become one of the legendary men in the Long Range Desert Group, roaming behind Erwin Rommel’s front line and causing havoc and confusion to the German Africa Korp. He would also go on to serve with distinction in the SAS. This is his story.
Gwendolyn’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 1)
Gwendolyn’s Story (GI Brides Shorts, Book 1)
Duncan Barrett,Nuala Calvi
This is Gwendolyn’s story, one of four true stories from the book GI Brides. They sat down together and Ben pulled her close. ‘Lyn,’ he whispered. ‘You know I’m head over heels in love with you. I’ll never love anyone else as long as I live.’ It was the most romantic thing Lyn had ever heard – and coming from Ben she knew that it was true. Gwendolyn’s hometown of Southampton is taken over by the Americans of the ‘friendly invasion’ as they prepare for D-Day. She falls in love with a romantic Italian-American officer, and excitedly travels to California to be with him. But once there, Gwendolyn clashes with a formidable mother-in-law, who tells her husband: ‘It’s her or me!’ Gwendolyn’s story is extracted from GI Brides, written by the bestselling authors of The Sugar Girls. It captures the memories of the thousands of women who crossed the Atlantic for love after the Second World War.
GI BRIDES – June’s Story:Exclusive Bonus Ebook
GI BRIDES – June’s Story:Exclusive Bonus Ebook
Duncan Barrett,Nuala Calvi
This short bonus ebook tells June’s story, a true account of a woman who crossed the Atlantic for love after the Second World War. June noticed an American soldier walking towards her … In the drab setting of the churchyard he looked utterly out of place, as if a movie star had just dropped out of the sky. Raised in Birmingham, June marries a handsome GI called Borgy and looks forward to a new life in America. But when war ends, June is horrified to receive a letter from her husband telling her they are moving to Germany instead. June’s life soon takes a shocking turn. June’s story is an additional extra to the four tales in GI Brides, written by the bestselling authors of The Sugar Girls. It tells the true story of one of the 70,000 British women who crossed the Atlantic for love after the Second World War.
Fifty Great Things to Come Out of the Midlands
Fifty Great Things to Come Out of the Midlands
Robert Shore
Celebrate the heart of Britain in this fun and informative mini-ebook. Rugby, Walkers Crisps, Conkers. These are just a handful of the many great things to have come out of the Midlands. In this celebratory list, journalist and loyal Midlander Robert Shore counts down fifty of the best gifts the Midlands has given the world. Knowledge no Midlander – nay, Brit! – should be without. From the author of Bang in the Middle.
Kisah Ulama Saleh Dari Bashrah Hasan Al-Bashri
Kisah Ulama Saleh Dari Bashrah Hasan Al-Bashri
Muham Sakura Dragon
Beliau adalah Abu Sa’id al-Hasan bin Abil Hasan al-Bashri, salah satu imam tabi’in terkemuka yang ucapan hikmahnya menyerupai perkataan seorang nabi, seorang yang kafah dan rupawan yang telah menghabiskan seluruh umurnya untuk ilmu dan amal. Nama ayah beliau adalah al-Yasar maula Zaid bin Tsabit radhiallahu ‘anhu sahabat pilihan dan penulis wahyu Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Sementara itu, ibu beliau adalah Khoiroh maula Ummul Mukminin Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anhu istri Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Beliau lahir di masa Khalifah Umar bin Khaththab radhiallahu ‘anhu, tepatnya dua tahun terakhir beliau menjadi khalifah. Kelahiran Hasan Al-Bashri sangat menggembirakan Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anha bahkan sang ibunda (Khoiroh) menyerahkan kepada Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anha untuk memberikan nama pada anaknya. Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anhu pun memberi nama dengan nama yang beliau senangi, al-Hasan. Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anha begitu sangat mencintai al-Hasan sehingga takala sang ibu keluar untuk memenuhi hajat ummul mukminin, maka beliaulah yang mengasuh, mendiamkan tangisnya bila ia menangis, bahkan ia menyusuinya. Karena besarnya kasih sayang Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anha kepada al-Hasan hingga air susunya keluar membasahi kerongkongannya sehingga Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anha menjadi ibu susuan al-Hasan setelah sebelumnya ia adalah ibu bagi seluruh kaum muslimin. Maka tinggallah ia di bawah kepengasuhannya.? Ummu Salamah radhiallahu ‘anha salah satu istri Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam yang paling banyak ilmunya dan paling banyak meriwayatkan hadis dari Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, kurang lebih sebanyak 387 hadis telah ia hafal dari Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Beliau adalah seorang wanita yang mampu baca tulis sejak masa jahiliah sehingga al-Hasan kelak akan menjadi seorang pemuda yang gagah, rupawan, dan pemberani yang akan mewarisi warisan nubuwwah berupa ilmu dan amal. Demikian pula kegembiraan itu tampak pada keluarga Zaid bin Tsabit radhiallahu ‘anhu karena al-Yasar adalah orang yang sangat ia cintai. Setelah al-Hasan mencapai usia baligh, ia dan keluarganya pindah ke Bashrah sehingga ia dikenal sebagai al-Hasan al-Bashri.
Lady Sybil and Mr Tom Branson (Downton Abbey Shorts, Book 4)
Lady Sybil and Mr Tom Branson (Downton Abbey Shorts, Book 4)
Jessica Fellowes,Matthew Sturgis
This richly illustrated short, extracted from the official book The Chronicles of Downton Abbey, focuses on the characters individually, examining their motivations, their actions and the inspirations behind them. Forwarded by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes. On the face of it, the young newlyweds Sybil and Tom hope to live an unobtrusive, quiet existence in Dublin as ‘Mr and Mrs Branson’, happily waiting for the arrival of their baby. But as the gossip back at Downton Abbey shows, nothing of their way of life is normal. An earl’s daughter and a chauffeur-turned-Irish-revolutionary cannot expect an uneventful life together. ‘She doesn’t want Tom to alter,’ says Jessica Brown Findlay, who plays Sybil, ‘she loves him for his fire and passion, and his desire to change things.’ But when they come home she doesn’t want to cause unnecessary fuss – she adores her family and respects their desire to live as they wish. Unlike Tom, she sees no harm in it. Trying to keep harmony is almost more than she can bear. Purchase this ebook short and the others in the series to get closer still to the characters at Downton Abbey and to understand more about their social context – from the changing role of the aristocracy to fashion and beauty, American Anglophiles, the Suffragette movement and life below stairs in a big country house like Downton. Search for The Chronicles of Downton Abbey to purchase all shorts combined.
Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes (Downton Abbey Shorts, Book 7)
Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes (Downton Abbey Shorts, Book 7)
Jessica Fellowes,Matthew Sturgis
This richly illustrated short, extracted from the official book The Chronicles of Downton Abbey, focuses on the characters individually, examining their motivations, their actions and the inspirations behind them. Forwarded by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes. It is a strange life for the likes of Carson and Mrs Hughes, sitting between the family and the servants and never completely belonging to either group. It’s easy to understand why the two of them seek refuge in each other, even in their own rather stilted fashion. ‘Carson comes from a family of soldiers and servants,’ says Julian Fellowes. ‘His grandfather was a head groom and so he’s middle-middle class – they certainly weren’t scrabbling in the gutter for food.’ Mrs Hughes gave up the idea of marriage and a family for her career as Downton’s housekeeper. This does not mean she was without ambition: a career in service was something to be proud of; the job was steady, she had respect from her colleagues and she could look forward to a reasonably comfortable retirement provided by the Downton Abbey estate, if she served the family for many years. Purchase this ebook short and the others in the series to get closer still to the characters at Downton Abbey and to understand more about their social context – from the changing role of the aristocracy to fashion and beauty, American Anglophiles, the Suffragette movement and life below stairs in a big country house like Downton. Search for The Chronicles of Downton Abbey to purchase all shorts combined.
Terri’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 7)
Terri’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 7)
Lynn Russell,Neil Hanson
One of seven touching true stories from Wish You Were Here!, the tale of Butlin’s holiday camps. ‘When I got to the camp I felt as if I’d suddenly walked into Utopia – it was so colourful, so warm, so friendly. There were lights across the roads, there were banners fluttering in the breeze… There seemed to be laughter coming from every building.’ With grey post-WWII skies hanging low over Britain, factories lining the streets and smoke stacks dotting the horizon, there was one way that ordinary families could escape: the ever-cheerful holiday camps of Butlin’s. When Billy Butlin founded his holiday camps in 1936, they were bastions of community spirit and havens of luxury. Here, for one week, wives and mothers were freed from the toil and drudgery of housework, children ran free through the grounds, fathers and husbands hung up their work clothes. Ever-helpful redcoats were on hand all hours of the day, dinner halls ready with plentiful food for old and young alike, bars stocked to quench any level of thirst, ballrooms waiting to be flooded with shiny shoes, rustling dresses and peals of laughter. And, as the sun went down on another exhausting, happy day, a chorus line was ready to sing holidaymakers back to their beds. Rich in period detail and highly evocative, Wish You Were Here! follows the lives of seven of the camps’ key figures through the highs and lows of the holiday season: from redcoats searching for stardom to young families who returned year after year, to pensioners who rediscovered an inner youth. The laughter and tears, the loves and losses, and the fun and friendships that have lasted a lifetime – it's all here. Funny, moving and heartwarming, they are tales of swimming pools and sing-a-longs, Glamorous Grannies and bicycle rides, and of a community spirit that burned brightly in a much-loved British institution.
Valerie’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 3)
Valerie’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 3)
Lynn Russell,Neil Hanson
One of seven touching true stories from Wish You Were Here!, the tale of Butlin’s holiday camps. ‘When I got to the camp I felt as if I’d suddenly walked into Utopia – it was so colourful, so warm, so friendly. There were lights across the roads, there were banners fluttering in the breeze… There seemed to be laughter coming from every building.’ With grey post-WWII skies hanging low over Britain, factories lining the streets and smoke stacks dotting the horizon, there was one way that ordinary families could escape: the ever-cheerful holiday camps of Butlin’s. When Billy Butlin founded his holiday camps in 1936, they were bastions of community spirit and havens of luxury. Here, for one week, wives and mothers were freed from the toil and drudgery of housework, children ran free through the grounds, fathers and husbands hung up their work clothes. Ever-helpful redcoats were on hand all hours of the day, dinner halls ready with plentiful food for old and young alike, bars stocked to quench any level of thirst, ballrooms waiting to be flooded with shiny shoes, rustling dresses and peals of laughter. And, as the sun went down on another exhausting, happy day, a chorus line was ready to sing holidaymakers back to their beds. Rich in period detail and highly evocative, Wish You Were Here! follows the lives of seven of the camps’ key figures through the highs and lows of the holiday season: from redcoats searching for stardom to young families who returned year after year, to pensioners who rediscovered an inner youth. The laughter and tears, the loves and losses, and the fun and friendships that have lasted a lifetime – it's all here. Funny, moving and heartwarming, they are tales of swimming pools and sing-a-longs, Glamorous Grannies and bicycle rides, and of a community spirit that burned brightly in a much-loved British institution.
Valda’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 4)
Valda’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 4)
Lynn Russell,Neil Hanson
One of seven touching true stories from Wish You Were Here!, the tale of Butlin’s holiday camps. ‘When I got to the camp I felt as if I’d suddenly walked into Utopia – it was so colourful, so warm, so friendly. There were lights across the roads, there were banners fluttering in the breeze… There seemed to be laughter coming from every building.’ With grey post-WWII skies hanging low over Britain, factories lining the streets and smoke stacks dotting the horizon, there was one way that ordinary families could escape: the ever-cheerful holiday camps of Butlin’s. When Billy Butlin founded his holiday camps in 1936, they were bastions of community spirit and havens of luxury. Here, for one week, wives and mothers were freed from the toil and drudgery of housework, children ran free through the grounds, fathers and husbands hung up their work clothes. Ever-helpful redcoats were on hand all hours of the day, dinner halls ready with plentiful food for old and young alike, bars stocked to quench any level of thirst, ballrooms waiting to be flooded with shiny shoes, rustling dresses and peals of laughter. And, as the sun went down on another exhausting, happy day, a chorus line was ready to sing holidaymakers back to their beds. Rich in period detail and highly evocative, Wish You Were Here! follows the lives of seven of the camps’ key figures through the highs and lows of the holiday season: from redcoats searching for stardom to young families who returned year after year, to pensioners who rediscovered an inner youth. The laughter and tears, the loves and losses, and the fun and friendships that have lasted a lifetime – it's all here. Funny, moving and heartwarming, they are tales of swimming pools and sing-a-longs, Glamorous Grannies and bicycle rides, and of a community spirit that burned brightly in a much-loved British institution.
Sue’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 5)
Sue’s Story (Individual stories from WISH YOU WERE HERE!, Book 5)
Lynn Russell,Neil Hanson
One of seven touching true stories from Wish You Were Here!, the tale of Butlin’s holiday camps. ‘When I got to the camp I felt as if I’d suddenly walked into Utopia – it was so colourful, so warm, so friendly. There were lights across the roads, there were banners fluttering in the breeze… There seemed to be laughter coming from every building.’ With grey post-WWII skies hanging low over Britain, factories lining the streets and smoke stacks dotting the horizon, there was one way that ordinary families could escape: the ever-cheerful holiday camps of Butlin’s. When Billy Butlin founded his holiday camps in 1936, they were bastions of community spirit and havens of luxury. Here, for one week, wives and mothers were freed from the toil and drudgery of housework, children ran free through the grounds, fathers and husbands hung up their work clothes. Ever-helpful redcoats were on hand all hours of the day, dinner halls ready with plentiful food for old and young alike, bars stocked to quench any level of thirst, ballrooms waiting to be flooded with shiny shoes, rustling dresses and peals of laughter. And, as the sun went down on another exhausting, happy day, a chorus line was ready to sing holidaymakers back to their beds. Rich in period detail and highly evocative, Wish You Were Here! follows the lives of seven of the camps’ key figures through the highs and lows of the holiday season: from redcoats searching for stardom to young families who returned year after year, to pensioners who rediscovered an inner youth. The laughter and tears, the loves and losses, and the fun and friendships that have lasted a lifetime – it's all here. Funny, moving and heartwarming, they are tales of swimming pools and sing-a-longs, Glamorous Grannies and bicycle rides, and of a community spirit that burned brightly in a much-loved British institution.