

Via?a e u?oar?, nu-?i face griji
Via?a e u?oar?, nu-?i face griji
Agnès Martin-Lugand
ntoars din Irlanda, Diane este hotrt s nceap o via nou la Paris. Cu ajutorul prietenului su, Félix, redeschide cafeneaua literar Oamenii fericii citesc i beau cafea“, oaza ei de linite. Acolo l ntlnete pe Olivier. Un brbat blnd i atent, care nelege refuzul ei de a deveni din nou mam, dup pierderea cumplit pe care a suferito.Dar o ntmplare neateptat o bulverseaz pe Diane i i spulber toate certitudinile.Va avea ea oare curajul de ai construi un nou cmin"Talentul de povestitoare al lui Agnès MartinLugand este incontestabil cunoate n profunzime alfabetul complicat al iubirii." - Le Figaro"Agnès MartinLugand are un sim nnscut al povestirii." - L'Express
ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English
ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English
Dejan Kosutic
In this book, Dejan Kosutic, author and experienced information security consultant, is giving away his practical know-how on ISO 27001 security controls. No matter if you are new or experienced in the field, this book teaches you everything you need to know about security controls. ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is written primarily for beginners to ISO 27001, and for people with moderate knowledge about Annex A of the standard and the 114 security controls that are found in the Annex. It is structured in such a way that someone with no prior experience or knowledge about information security can quickly understand what they are all about; however, if you do have experience with ISO 27001, but feel that you still have gaps in your knowledge, you’ll also find this book very helpful. Kosutic uses plain English to explain everything you need to know about security controls in ISO 27001, as well as the differences between the controls in Annex A of ISO 27001 and in ISO 27002. Also, you will learn everything about the crucial link between risk management and security controls, and get a complete overview of Annex A controls starting from the introduction, structuring of the documentation, and instructions on how to write detailed information security policies, all the way to the requirements for compliance. Written in simple language and avoiding the technical jargon, ISO 27001 Annex A Controls in Plain English is the right book to start learning about the subject.
50 Melhores piadas de Jo?ozinho
50 Melhores piadas de Jo?ozinho
Anderson Botelho
Divirta-se com as 50 melhores piadas do menino Jo?ozinho, o aluno mais levado na escola, que gosta de brincar com os professores e tirar sarro de todo mundo, até dos próprios pais.Contém linguagem inadequada para menores de 18 anos.
Fericirea mea e?ti tu
Fericirea mea e?ti tu
McGuire Jamie
Continuarea mult a?teptat? a bestsellerului Fericirea ?ncepe aziAfl? ce este ?n mintea b?rba?ilor!Travis Maddox a ?nv??at dou? lucruri de la mama sa ?nainte ca aceasta s? moar?: Iube?te mult. Lupt? ?i mai mult pentru iubirea ta.?n Fericirea mea e?ti tu, via?a lui Travis e plin? de femei care vin ?i pleac?, de jocuri de noroc ilicite ?i de violen??. ?ns? tocmai c?nd Travis se consider? invincibil, Abby Abernathy ?l pune la p?m?nt.Fiecare poveste are dou? versiuni. ?n Fericirea ?ncepe azi, Abby vorbe?te ?n numele ei. Acum e timpul s? citim povestea prin ochii lui Travis.?Travis e un tip impulsiv. ?ncerc?nd s? scriu din punctul lui de vedere, am ?tiut c? nu puteam s? spun povestea din nou, pur ?i simplu. Mi-am ?ndreptat aten?ia asupra perioadei c?nd Abby ?i Travis nu erau ?mpreun?, pentru ca romanul s? aduc? lucruri noi ?i am sentimentul c? am reu?it s? fac ce mi-am propus.“ – Jamie Mcguire?Fericirea mea e?ti tu are avantajul c? vine dup? o poveste emo?ionant?, pe care o completeaz?, ?i c? are un epilog ingenios, ce surprinde un instantaneu din via?a lui Travis ?i a lui Abby ?n viitor.“ – Reading, Eating Dreaming?Travis Maddox continu? s? lupte pentru ceea ce iube?te. Ce ?i-ai putea dori mai mult de la un b?rbat?“ – Bookwhisperer Reviews?Am f?cut o adev?rat? pasiune pentru personajele acestui roman.“ – The Daily Quirk
Secure & Simple – A Small-Business Guide to Implementing ISO 27001 On Your Own
Secure & Simple – A Small-Business Guide to Implementing ISO 27001 On Your Own
Dejan Kosutic
Secure Simple Dejan Kosutic, an author and experienced information security consultant, is giving away all his practical know-how on successful ISO 27001 implementation. Whether you’re new or experienced in the field, this book gives you everything you will ever need to implement ISO 27001 on your own. Dejan provides examples of implementing the standard in small and medium-sized organizations (i.e. companies with up to 500 employees). It is written primarily for beginners in the field and for people with moderate knowledge of ISO 27001. Even if you do have experience with the standard, but feel that there are gaps in your knowledge, you’ll find this book very helpful. Secure Simple is the definitive guide for implementing and maintaining the most popular information security standard in the world. The author leads you, step-by-step, from an introduction to ISO 27001 to the moment your company passes the certification audit. During that journey you will learn: The most common ISO 27001 myths, like “The standard requires xyz;” “We’ll let the IT department handle it;” “We’ll implement it in a couple of months;” and others.How to convince your top management to implement ISO 27001. “If you think that your management loves to listen to your great idea about a new firewall, or the perfect tool you've discovered for handling incidents, you're wrong – they just don't care.” This book will help you speak the language they want to hear.How to write the Risk Assessment Methodology plus other policies and procedures.How to identify potential risks.“Employees (and the organization as a whole) are usually aware of only 25 to 40% of risks – therefore, a thorough and systematic process needs to be carried out…” Learn how to identify all potential risks that could endanger the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organization’s information.What are the most important steps in order to prepare a company for the certification, and much more. Written in plain English with a lot of practical examples, charts and diagrams, it is the only book you’ll need on the subject of ISO 27001 implementation.
?nainte de noi
?nainte de noi
Anna Todd
“Todd e cel mai important fenomen literar al genera?iei sale.” – Cosmopolitan Al cincilea volum din seria AFTER 1,3 miliarde de lecturi pe Wattpad ?nainte s? o cunoasc? pe Tessa, Hardin era impulsiv ?i s?lbatic. ?n timpul acelor prime momente ?n care s au ?nt?lnit, ?i a dat seama c? trebuie s? o ?in? l?ng? el – via?a lui depindea de ea. Dup? ce au r?mas ?mpreun?, lumea n-a mai fost niciodat? la fel. Dramatica poveste de dragoste dintre Hardin ?i Tessa s-a transformat ?ntr un v?rtej ?n care au fost atra?i to?i cei din jur. Acum ace?tia cap?t? o voce proprie ?i povestesc ce s-a ?nt?mplat ?nainte, pe parcursul ?i dup? evenimentele din primele patru volume ale seriei AFTER. Afl?m ?i cum vede Hardin prima ?nt?lnire cu Tessa – iar confesiunea lui va schimba complet ceea ce credeai c? ?tii despre b?iatul deprimat ?i ?ngerul care ?l iubea.? Domnul Darcy ?i Lizzy Bennett din vremurile noastre…? AFTER a adunat peste 1 miliard de fani online ?i a fascinat cititorii din ?ntreaga lume. Cite?te ?i tu cea mai viral? poveste de pe internet!“O lectur? foarte relaxant?, dar care are ?i mult dramatism… Te va captiva de la prima pagin?.” – A Bookish Escape“Am luat o peste tot cu mine ca s? pot citi despre Hessa ?n fiecare clip? liber? pe care am avut o. M-a vr?jit de la prima pagin?!” – Grown Up Fan girl“Anna Todd reu?e?te s? te fac? s? ?ipi, s? pl?ngi, s? r?zi, s? te ?ndr?goste?ti ?i s? te cuib?re?ti ?n pat… preg?te?te-te s? sim?i emo?ii pe care nu credeai c? ?i le poate aduce vreo carte.” - Fangirlish?
Conselhos que os livros de auto-ajuda n?o ensinam
Conselhos que os livros de auto-ajuda n?o ensinam
Fernando Braga
Prepare-se para aprender valiosas li??es de auto-ajuda que nem Augusto Cury vai lhe ensinar. S?o ensinamentos que, se n?o lhe ajudarem a viver melhor, também n?o o deixará viver pior.
Inim? de piatr?
Inim? de piatr?
Mary Balogh
Via?a grea l-a ?nv??at pe Lucas Kendrick, Duce de Harndon, s?-?i p?streze o inim? de piatr? ?i s? nu-?i dezv?luie sentimentele. Respins de logodnic?, tr?dat de fratele lui, alege s? se dueleze cu acesta ?i aproape ?l ucide. De aceea, este nevoit s? fug? la Paris unde locuie?te timp de 10 ani. Aici ajunge cel mai c?utat burlac, un adev?rat dandy al vremii respective ?n societatea monden?. Dup? moartea fratelui, unchiul lui insist? s? se ?ntoarc? acas? pentru a prelua titlul de duce ?i s? se ocupe de proprit??ile familiei. Lucas este amuzat de sfatul de a se ?nsura c?t mai repede pentru a-i fi mai u?or s? ?in? ?n fr?u certurile din familie ?i s? aib? grij? de uria?a mo?tenire. Totu?i, atunci c?nd o cunoa?te pe Lady Anna Marlowe la un bal, se hot?r??te ?ndat? s? o ia de so?ie ?i se c?s?toresc ?n doar o s?pt?m?n?. Frumoasa ?i vesela fat? ascunde ?ns? un secret ?nfior?tor din trecutul ei. Un necunoscut o amenin?? ?i va fi ?n pericol s? fie r?pit?, pericol care ?l va amenin?a ?i pe copilul lor nen?scut. Nici familia nu-i ofer? lui Lucas prea mult? lini?te. Intrigile sunt la ele acas? ?n castelul ducelui: mama, sora, fratele mai mic ?i so?ia fratelui decedat nu se las? ?i ?ncearc? s? pun? m?na pe putere. Iar ceva – mai degrab? cineva – ?i va ?nmuia inima lui Lucas ?i ?l va schimba ?n mod nea?teptat.
Jocul seduc?iei
Jocul seduc?iei
Lindsey Johanna
Pirat, crai ?i burlac ?nr?it – dar dragostea are propriile c?i de a-?i g?si ?mplinirea Dup? ce descoper? c? logodnicul pe care l-a a?teptat ani ?ntregi a tr?dat-o ?n cel mai m?r?av mod, disperat?, Georgina Anderson se hot?r??te s? se ?ntoarc? c?t mai cur?nd acas? ?n America, pentru a-l da uit?rii ?i a-?i lecui inima fr?nt?. A?a c? adopt? solu?ia nebuneasc? de a se ?mbarca la bordul navei Fecioara Anne deghizat? ?n mus, f?r? s? aib? nici cea mai vag? b?nuial? c? va fi cu totul la dispozi?ia tiranicului c?pitan al vasului, James Mallory.Oaia neagr? a unei familii m?ndre ?i pline de firi furtunoase, chipe?ul c?pitan, fost pirat, a jurat c?ndva c? nu exist? femeie care s?-l poat? prinde ?n mrejele c?sniciei. Iar asta pentru c? ?ntreaga lui via?? a fost un adev?rat crai, poate cel mai renumit din Londra, fiind martor la superficialitatea femeilor m?ritate care abia a?teptau s?-?i ?n?ele so?ii ne?tiutori chiar cu… el ?nsu?i. Dar ?n largul m?rii, hot?r?rea aparent nestr?mutat? va fi sl?bit? de o pasiune mai fierbinte ca iadul ?i de frumuse?ea temperamentalei Georgina, a c?rei dragoste pentru libertate ?i aventur? se potrive?te at?t de bine cu ceea ce simte el ?nsu?i. Iar c?nd dou? suflete-pereche se ?nt?lnesc, nici un obstacol nu poate rezista ?n calea iubirii.
Alias Grace
Alias Grace
Margaret Atwood
A regény alapján készült sorozat november 3-tól a Netflix m?során. A Kanadába emigrált Grace Markot gyilkosságért ítélték el 1840-ben. ?llítólagos szeret?jével együtt kegyetlenül végeztek Grace munkaadójával és annak házvezet?n?jével. Véd?je Grace elmeállapotára hivatkozva eléri, hogy ne k?tél általi halálra, csupán életfogytiglanra ítéljék. Sokan vannak meggy?z?dve arról, hogy gonosz és ?rült teremtés, de ugyanennyien az ellenkez?jér?l is: ártatlan teremtés, aki a k?rülmények áldozata lett. Egy fiatal és felt?rekv? orvos elhatározza, hogy kideríti az igazságot, ezért hetente leül beszélgetni a lánnyal, aki egyre inkább megnyílik neki, ám azt állítja, a gyilkosságból semmire sem emlékszik… Margaret Atwood valós t?rténelmi eseményen alapuló regénye felkerült a Man Booker-díj shortlistjére, és 2017-ben tévésorozat készült bel?le.
Bebidas naturales para su salud
Bebidas naturales para su salud
Cristina Rebiere
Un jugo fresco curativo o un té de hierbaspara su salud Pequea guía digital con recetas de jugos frescos de frutas y verduras y con tés de hierbas La vida está llena de simples placeres que pueden convertirse fácilmente en pura felicidad Por qué no pasar a lo natural … o más bien volver N°0 - Bebidas naturales para su salud En este número "cero" de la colección "eGuide Nature" vamos a ver cómo preparar bebidas naturales, jugos frescos o tés de hierbas para cuidar de su salud. Qué vas a encontrar en este eGuide Nature Nuestros consejos para preparar jugos frescos curativos Nuestros consejos parapreparar tés de hierbas 20recetas par su salud Atentamente, Cristina Olivier Rebiere
Dream Casters Light
Dream Casters Light
Adrienne Woods
Mr. Sandman, send me a dream, ta da da da.....Seventeen year old Chastity Blake knows the Sandman is just a silly children's story parents tell their children to get them to sleep. At least she thought it was, until the day a mysterious, light golden sand appeared in her hands during a high school prank that went horribly wrong. A sand that has the power to send anyone it touches into a deep, sound sleep. Fearing she had lost her mind, Chastity soon discovers the shocking truth of her heritage- she is a Dream Caster. Chastity was never supposed to be raised on the Domain, or what humans call Earth and she is forced to return to her true birth place, Revera – the world of Dreams. However, in Revera there is no balance between good, the Light Casters, and darkness, the Shadow Casters, and Chastity is caught square in the middle. She soon learns that there is no place for anyone containing both the light and the darkness within them, and the shocking truth that if anyone in Revera ever discovered her shadow self, Chastity would be thrown into the Oblivion – the world of Nightmares. Dreams are always more than they seem, and this time Chastity is going to discover just how different they can be.
Divorturile amantilor
Divorturile amantilor
Corina Ozon
Volumul 4 din seria ?Aman?ilor” ?Sunt Corina Ozon, cea care a disecat sufletul ?i min?ile aman?ilor ?i ?i i-a pus pe tav?. Cea care a ?ncercat, cu asumarea tuturor riscurilor, s? te ?nve?e s? nu judeci, s? nu fii pref?cut ?i s? accep?i s? fii fericit. Ai fost ?ocat c?nd ai v?zut limbajul din Zilele aman?ilor, realismul din Nop?ile aman?ilor ?i actualitatea din Aman?ii 3.0. Ai r?s c?nd mi-ai citit c?r?ile, poate te-ai ?ntrebat c?t e experien?? de via?? ?i c?t fantezie. C?t este refulare ?i frustrare, ?i c?t adev?r. Stau ?ntr-un glob de cristal, pe care mul?i nu-l ating, de team? s? nu se sparg? ?i s? aib? mult de lucru dup? aceea. ?tii c?t curaj am, chiar nebunesc, iar cu nebunii s? nu te pui! Am spart bariere ?i ?i-am b?gat aman?ii ?n cas?, ?n sertarul de la birou, ?n avion sau metrou. Dac? ai avut ?i tu curajul s? cite?ti, e?ti la fel de nebun. Nebun de curajos, mai ales c? le-ai spus ?i altora s? citeasc?. Lumea e mai vie, am spart borcanul cu fluturi ?i alegem s? vorbim f?r? perdea, a?a cum e via?a. Povestea se scrie odat? cu tine, acum ?i aici, iar aventura continu?. Aman?ii, c`est moi!”
My Dilemma is You. Vol. 1
My Dilemma is You. Vol. 1
Cristina Chiperi
My dilemma... este senzaia internetului i a librriilor, deopotriv. Cititorii i fanii au nnebunit complet: nimic altceva nu mai exist.“ – La RepubblicaCristina Evans triete la Los Angeles i crede c are o via perfect, pn n ziua n care prinii ei hotrsc s se mute la Miami. Totul se nruie pentru adolescenta de aisprezece ani, care se vede obligat s-i prseasc prietenii dintotdeauna i s ia totul de la capt ntr-un alt ora, la o alt coal. Dei Los Angeles-ul i cei mai buni prieteni de acolo rmn permanent n gndurile ei, Cristina reuete foarte repede s se acomodeze n noua cas i s se mprieteneasc cu civa dintre cei mai populari elevi ai liceului. Toi o primesc n cercul lor, mai puin Cameron i Susan, iubita lui, care o privesc amndoi cu ostilitate. i astfel, printre tot felul de ntmplri mai mult sau mai puin plcute, Cris reuete s-i fac o nou prieten, Sam, i se ndrgostete de Matt. Dei lucrurile par s mearg din ce n ce mai bine n viaa ei, iele inimii ajung s se ncurce tot mai mult cnd Cris i Cameron ncep s-i dea seama c antipatia pe care o simt unul fa de cellalt ascunde, n realitate, un sentiment complet diferit. Vor accepta oare cei doi tineri s priveasc n fa aceast descoperire i s lupte pentru a fi mpreun
Hermann Hesse
Digitalisiert vom Projekt Gutenberg Eine indische Dichtung ist eine Erz?hlung von Hermann Hesse, die im S. Fischer Verlag in Berlin im Jahr 1922 zum ersten Mal ver?ffentlicht wurde. Siddhartha, der Brahmane Das Buch handelt von einem jungen Brahmanen namens Siddhartha und seinem Freund Govinda. Der von allen verehrte und bewunderte Siddhartha widmet sein Leben der Suche nach dem Atman, dem All-Einen, das in jedem Menschen ist. Siddhartha, der Samana Seine Suche macht aus dem Brahmanen einen Samana, einen Asketen und Bettler. Govinda folgt ihm auf diesem Weg. Siddhartha spürt jedoch nach einiger Zeit, dass ihn das Leben als Samana nicht an sein Ziel bringen wird. Zusammen mit Govinda pilgert er zu Gautama, dem Buddha. Doch dessen Lehre kann er nicht annehmen. Siddhartha erkennt zwar, dass Gotama Erleuchtung erlangt hat und zweifelt die Richtigkeit seiner Lehre nicht an, jedoch glaubt er, diese sei allein für Gotama selbst gültig. Man kann nicht durch Lehre Buddha werden, sondern muss dieses Ziel mittels eigener Erfahrungen erreichen. Aus dieser Erkenntnis heraus begibt er sich erneut auf die Reise und beginnt einen neuen Lebensabschnitt, w?hrend sich sein Freund Govinda Gotama anschlie?t. Siddhartha bei den ?Kindermenschen“ Intensiv erf?hrt er nun seine Umgebung und die Sch?nheit der Natur, welche er zuvor als Samana zu verachten lernte. Er überquert einen Fluss, wobei ihm der F?hrmann prophezeit, er werde einst zu diesem zurückkehren, und erreicht eine gro?e Stadt. Hier begegnet er der Kurtisane Kamala, die er bittet, seine Lehrerin in der Kunst der Liebe zu werden. Um sich ihre Dienste leisten zu k?nnen, wird er Kaufmann. Anfangs sieht er das Streben nach Erfolg und Geld nur als eine wunderliche Eigenart der ?Kindermenschen“, wie er die dem Weltlichen ergebenen Menschen nennt. Bald wandelt sich jedoch sein ?bermut in Hochmut und er wird selbst den Kindermenschen immer ?hnlicher. Erst ein Traum führt ihm dies vor Augen und erinnert ihn wieder an seine
50 Piadas de humor negro
50 Piadas de humor negro
Anderson Botelho
Humor Negro? Subgênero do humor que faz você rir de situa??es mórbidas e politicamente incorretas. Em uma defini??o mais simples e poética: o humor negro nos faz rir de situa??es tristes da vida.E este livro de piadas irá fazer você rir de situa??es deploráveis, lamentáveis e dramáticas.
Un pact cu diavolul
Un pact cu diavolul
Lorraine Heath
A fost poreclit Contele Diavol – un b?rbat cu spirit nesupus, acuzat de crim?, crescut pe str?zile periculoase ale Londrei ?i care nu-?i mai aminte?te nimic despre trecutul lui. Orice domni?oar? bine educat? ?tie c? risc? mai mult dec?t reputa?ia atunci c?nd ??i asociaz? numele cu frumosul Lucian Langdon, ?ns? Lady Catherine Mabry nu are alt? solu?ie. Ar face orice pentru a-i proteja pe oamenii pe care ?i iube?te… chiar ?i s? ajung? la o ?n?elegere cu ?nsu?i diavolul. Lucian vrea s? fie respectat ?i, mai presus de asta, ??i dore?te o so?ie. Problema este c? aleasa lui nu cunoa?te eticheta pe care trebuie s? o respecte ?n mijlocul aristocra?iei ?i nu e acceptat? de ?nalta societate. Catherine ?l poate ajuta pe Lucian s? dob?ndeasc? tot ce-?i dore?te. Dar pre?ul pe care ?l cere ea ?n schimb le poate pune chiar vie?ile ?n pericol. Atunci c?nd primejdia le d? t?rcoale, cei doi se descoper? cu adev?rat: Lucian se dovede?te a fi un b?rbat incredibil de pasional, iar Catherine, o femeie de un curaj nem?surat. Pe m?sur? ce ies la iveal? secrete din trecutul lui ?ntunecat, Lucian ajunge s? pun? sub semnul ?ntreb?rii toate lucrurile pe care le considera adev?rate, inclusiv dorin?ele propriei inimi.
Olive Kitteridge
Olive Kitteridge
Elizabeth Strout
Pl?cerea de a citi Olive Kitteridge vine dintr-o identificare intens? a cititorului cu situa?ii, cu personaje nu icirc;ntotdeauna demne de admirat... Nu e nimic ieftin sau siropos icirc;n aceast? carte. (The New York Times Book Review) Amuzant?, r?ut?cioas? ?i plin? de remu?c?ri, doamna Kitteridge este o for??, un caracter autentic. Cacircnd nu e icircn scen?, icirci a?tept?m cu ner?bdare icircntoarcerea. Paginile c?r?ii se icirc;ntorc datorit? ei... (San Francisco Chronicle) Un portret r?v??itor ?i profund al oamenilor din Maine, tr?indu-?i vie?ile de suferin?? t?cut? icircmpletit? cu izbucniri de apropiere uman?... Aceast? culegere se cite?te u?or ?i e imposibil de uitat. (Publishers Weekly) Intuitiv?, profund empatic? ?i totu?i plin? de defecte, Olive este axa icircn jurul c?reia graviteaz? treisprezece povestiri complexe, profund umane, alc?tuind un veritabil roman. (O Magazine)
El Principito:“Ilustrado”
El Principito:“Ilustrado”
Antoine De Saint Exupery
El Principito habita un pequeísimo asteroide, que comparte con una flor caprichosa y tres volcanes. Pero tiene “problemas” con la flor y empieza a experimentar la soledad. Hasta que decide abandonar el planeta en busca de un amigo. Buscando esa amistad recorre varios planetas, habitados sucesivamente por un rey, un vanidoso, un borracho, un hombre de negocios, un farolero, un geógrafo… El concepto de “seriedad” que tienen estas “personas mayores” le deja perplejo y confuso. Prosiguiendo su búsqueda llega al planeta Tierra, pero, en su enorme extensión y vaciedad, siente más que nunca la soledad. Una serpiente le da su versión pesimista sobre los hombres y lo poco que se puede esperar de ellos. Tampoco el zorro contribuye a mejorar su opinión, pero en cambio le ensea el modo de hacerse amigos: hay que crear lazos, hay que dejarse “domesticar”. Y al final le regala su secreto: “Sólo se ve bien con el corazón. Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos”. De pronto el Principito se da cuenta de que su flor le ha “domesticado” y decide regresar a su planeta valiéndose de los medios expeditivos que le ofrece la serpiente. Y es entonces cuando entra en contacto con el aviador, también el hombre habrá encontrado un amigo… Cuando yo tenía seis aos vi en un libro sobre la selva virgen que se titulaba "Historias vividas", una magnífica lámina. Representaba una serpiente boa que se tragaba a una fiera. Esta es la copia del dibujo.En el libro se afirmaba: "La serpiente boa se traga su presa entera, sin masticarla. Luego ya no puede moverse y duerme durante los seis meses que dura su digestión". Reflexioné mucho en ese momento sobre las aventuras de la jungla y a mi vez logré trazar con un lápiz de colores mi primer dibujo. Mi dibujo número uno era de esta manera: Enseé mi obra de arte a las personas mayores y les pregunté si mi dibujo les daba miedo.-por qué habría de asustar un sombrero - me respondieron.Mi dibujo no representaba un sombrero. Representaba una serpiente boa que digiere un elefante. Dibujé entonces el interior de la serpiente boa a fin de que las personas mayores pudieran comprender. Siempre estas personas tienen necesidad de explicaciones. Mi dibujo número dos era así: Las personas mayores me aconsejaron abandonar el dibujo de serpientes boas, ya fueran abiertas o cerradas, y poner más interés en la geografía, la historia, el cálculo y la gramática. De esta manera a la edad de seis aos abandoné una magnífica carrera de pintor. Había quedado desilusionado por el fracaso de mis dibujos número uno y número dos. Las personas mayores nunca pueden comprender algo por sí solas y es muy aburrido para los nios tener que darles una y otra vez explicaciones.
How to Market a Book:Third Edition
How to Market a Book:Third Edition
Joanna Penn
Do you want to sell more books and reach more readers? Do you want to discover how to build an author career for the long-term as well as spike your book sales right now? If you don’t know much about marketing, don’t worry. We all start with nothing. I’m Joanna Penn and back in 2008, I had no book sales, no audience, no website, no social media, no podcast, no email list. No nothing. Now I’m a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of thrillers and non-fiction. My books have sold over 500,000 copies in 83 countries, and I’m an award-winning creative entrepreneur and international speaker, making a multi-six-figure income with my writing. Learning how to market my books and my personal brand changed my life. Yes, you need to write an awesome book, but you also need to know how to get it in front of the right readers. How to Market a Book is for authors who want to sell more books, but it's also for those writers who want to think like an entrepreneur and build a long-term income. It's for traditionally published authors who want to take control of their future, and for self-published authors who want to jump-start a career. There are short-term tactics for those who want to boost immediate sales, but the focus of the book is more about instilling values and marketing principles that will help your long-term career as a writer. It's also about going beyond just the book, because these methods can take you from being an author into making money from other products, professional speaking, and creating opportunities that you can't even imagine yet. In this completely updated Third Edition, you’ll discover: Part 1: Marketing Principles Book marketing myths, how discoverability works, and the polarities of marketing that will determine what you choose to implement Part 2: Your Book Fundamentals Prerequisites for success, how to optimise your book for online sales, categories and keywords, exclusivity, pricing and use of free, box-sets and bundling, and writing series Part 3: No Platform Needed. Short-term Marketing How to get customer reviews and find book bloggers, paid advertising with email blasts, paid advertising with Facebook, Amazon Ads and ad stacking, algorithm hacking, big data, and production speed Part 4: Your Author Platform. Long-term Marketing Building an author brand, author website, list-building and email marketing, content marketing, blogging, audio and podcasting, video and book trailers, social networking, professional speaking, marketing audiobooks, PR and publicity, TV, radio and traditional media Part 5: Launching Your Book Why launching is different for indie authors, soft launch, launch spikes, post-launch, how to relaunch backlist books. Includes an example book marketing strategy and launch plan checklist. Other books for authors by Joanna Penn. Available in ebook, print and audiobook. How to Make a Living with your Writing How to Write Non-Fiction: Turn your Knowledge into Words Business for Authors: How to be an Author Entrepreneur The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer's Journey The Healthy Writer Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and Other Introverts Co-writing a Book: Collaboration and Co-Creation for Writers Successful Self-Publishing Career Change: Stop hating your job, discover what you really want to do with your life, and start doing it! Joanna’s website for authors, The Creative Penn, has been voted one of the Top 100 websites for writers by Writers Digest several years running, and The Creative Penn podcast is one of the top podcasts for writers and indie authors.
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Duncan Shelley
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