

Ajándékba adlak: 12 szerelmes ünnepi t?rténet
Ajándékba adlak: 12 szerelmes ünnepi t?rténet
Rainbow Rowell, Gayle Forman, David Levithan
Ajándékba adlak: 12 szerelmes ünnepi t?rténet
Levél a királynak
Levél a királynak
Tonke Dragt
Levél a királynak
V?r?s bet?kkel
V?r?s bet?kkel
Anne Bishop
Aki a s?tétség éveit elfelejti, nem érdemli meg azt a napot, amely ma rásüt. Egy fájón búgó hang valahonnan az ?gb?l. A szívre helyezett parázs perg? hamuja. Akinek lábánál a tenger álmodott. Diz?z és nemzeti intézmény: Karády Katalin. Olyan gyémántragyogású csillag volt, amit itthon és a halált süv?lt? orosz hómez?n ugyanúgy látni lehetett. Mert a legszebb csók volt, amit meg nem adott az élet. ?gve dobták el, mert mindig izzott valami jéghideg forrósággal. Nem volt jó színészn?, csupán elhitet? színészn? volt. Sz?gletes mozgású, tündéri trampli. Mégis talán maga Ady Endre is beleszeretett volna. Dalaival az emberek szívét csókolta meg, hogy tovább tudjanak dobogni... A háta volt zseniális, ahogy elmenni tudott. Elvitte vállán az id?t, a filmjeit, a legendáját... Az ítéletet, a rá mért titokzatos büntetést kutatta, a Labirintus bejáratát. A b?n?s n?, aki elkárhozni nem tud, s ezért a férfiak végzetévé lesz. De ez a végzet mindig k?z?s. Elment, elrohant, mert elégett a szíve. Játszott a t?rténelemmel, játszott és énekelt. Majd odahagyott huszonvalahány filmet, sikert, álmokat, s egy elveszített háborút. ?tkelt az óceánon, hogy kalaposn? legyen. Ne kérdezd, ki voltam, / A csókodat én akartam, / ha majd egyszer megsokalltad, / azt mondom agy?!" Lehullott a parázs a hamvadó cigarettavégr?l. Végigszívták. ? vissza sem nézett, és nem mondhatta senki, hogy AGY?. (Mihalicza Tamás, 1990)
Kegyetlen szépség
Kegyetlen szépség
Rosamund Hodge
Kegyetlen szépség
Emelie Schepp
Piciny Csodák Péksége
Piciny Csodák Péksége
Jenny Colgan
Piciny Csodák Péksége
Megfizethetetlen: ?gy szereztem vissza a világ elrabolt kincseit beépített FBI-ü
Megfizethetetlen: ?gy szereztem vissza a világ elrabolt kincseit beépített FBI-ü
Robert K. Wittman
Nem voltam én szerelmes Adyba, vagy ha voltam, nem tudtam róla. A szerelem féltékeny, ragadozó, osztozni senkivel és semmiben nem tudó érzés, telítve testi vonatkozásokkal, ingerekkel, vágyakkal. ?n ezt a szerelmet nem is ismerhettem. Sohasem fájt, hogy idegen asszonyok szeretik, lányok szédülnek eléje, találkákra megy, vagy áldozó, nagy asszony-szerelmet terítenek lába elé. Deésfalvi Boncza Berta. Bimbi. Csinszka. Múzsa és k?lt?n?, emlékiratíró... Ady Endre, Tabéry Géza, Babits Mihály, Harsányi Zsolt, Márffy ?d?n jegyességek, szerelmek, szakítások, házasságok. Vallomás és kitárulkozás. Kiútkeresés egy nevel?intézet szobájából vagy fiatalon már a végzet asszonya? Románc a Svájcban tartozkodó Tabéryvel, kés?bb találkozás Adyval, de eljegyzés egy erdélyi mérn?k-íróval? Aztán házasság Adyval? Aki Léda szerint csak sovány, mint eserny?nyél, el?l-hátul sexuális duzzanatokkal. Ki is ez a h?lgy, aki végül eléri, hogy 1914. április 23-án találkozhasson Adyval Csucsán? Boncza Berta naplójának néhány részlete el?sz?r 1932-ben jelent meg a Nagyváradi Napló hasábjain, majd négy évtizeddel kés?bb a Magyar Nemzetben látott napvilágot az erdélyi író, újságíró Ruffy Péter tolmácsolásában, aki Csinszka kéziratos füzeteit és Kárpáti Aurél kiegészítéseit dolgozta fel. A memoár nem hiánytalan, hiszen a házasság t?rténetét már nem tudta megírni Csinszka, csupán az Ady halála után írt három Vallomás készült el 1919 és 1922 k?z?tt. A huszonkét fejezetre osztott írás el?sz?r jelenik meg ?nálló k?tetben, Márton István, a Ruffy Péter-hagyaték gondozójának utószavával, valamint néhány kül?nleges gépiratfotó, levél és dokumentum kíséretében, melyek fényt deríthetnek eddig nem vagy kevésbé ismert rejtélyre: mi lett az ?rmindszenten maradt Csinszka-levelekkel? A mendemondák szerint Ady rokonai elégették... Valóban agyvérzésben hunyt el a k?lt?n?, vagy más áll a háttérben? A mendemondák újabb szerelemr?l regéltek... Hova lettek a kiadatlan versek, amelyek nem kerültek be az egyetlen versesk?tetbe 1931-ben? Minden reggel és minden este imádkozott Nagymama velem. Eldolgozott két keze k?zé fogta az én parányi kezemet, és azt a másik imát, amit este a Miatyánk után mondottam el, ? találta ki. R?vid, egyszer? és jó kis ima volt. Kérésb?l és k?sz?netb?l állott. Mindazokért kértem a jó Istent, akik hozzám tartoztak. Apámért els?sorban, de a csucsai virágok, kutyák, madarak is bele lettek sz?ve...
Lesz ez még így se
Lesz ez még így se
Hendrik Groen
Lesz ez még így se
Lebegés: Az vagy nekem
Lebegés: Az vagy nekem
Brittainy C. Cherry
Lebegés: Az vagy nekem
?n, Sándor Erik: Egy pszichopata emlékiratai
?n, Sándor Erik: Egy pszichopata emlékiratai
Mártonffy András
n, Sándor Erik: Egy pszichopata emlékiratai
Egy cirkuszigazgató mindennapjai: Anyaság rocks!
Egy cirkuszigazgató mindennapjai: Anyaság rocks!
Fiala Borcsa
Egy cirkuszigazgató mindennapjai: Anyaság rocks!
American Sniper
American Sniper
Kyle, Chris
NOW A BLOCKBUSTER MOTION PICTURE DIRECTED BY CLINT EASTWOOD NOMINATED FOR SIX ACADEMY AWARDS, INCLUDING BEST PICTURE He is the deadliest American sniper ever, called “the devil” by the enemies he hunted and “the legend” by his Navy SEAL brothers . . . From 1999 to 2009, U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle recorded the most career sniper kills in United States military history. The Pentagon has officially confirmed more than 150 of Kyles kills (the previous American record was 109), but it has declined to verify the astonishing total number for this book. Iraqi insurgents feared Kyle so much they named him al-Shaitan ( the devil ) and placed a bounty on his head. Kyle earned legendary status among his fellow SEALs, Marines, and U.S. Army soldiers, whom he protected with deadly accuracy from rooftops and stealth positions. Gripping and unforgettable, Kyle masterful account of his extraordinary battlefield experiences ranks as one of the great war memoirs of all time. A native Texan who learned to shoot on childhood hunting trips with his father, Kyle was a champion saddle-bronc rider prior to joining the Navy. After 9/11, he was thrust onto the front lines of the War on Terror, and soon found his calling as a world-class sniper who performed best under fire. He recorded a personal-record 2,100-yard kill shot outside Baghdad; in Fallujah, Kyle braved heavy fire to rescue a group of Marines trapped on a street; in Ramadi, he stared down insurgents with his pistol in close combat. Kyle talks honestly about the pain of war of twice being shot and experiencing the tragic deaths of two close friends. American Sniper also honors Kyles fellow warriors, who raised hell on and off the battlefield. And in moving first-person accounts throughout, Kyles wife, Taya, speaks openly about the strains of war on their marriage and children, as well as on Chris. Adrenaline-charged and deeply personal, American Sniper is a thrilling eyewitness account of war that only one man could tell.
Journey of a Lifetime
Journey of a Lifetime
Alan Whicker
The iconic broadcasting legend dusts down his suitcase for a final journey around the globe, revisiting locations of significance to his life and career. Published to coincide with a major Bbc Tv series of the same name, this is a glorious celebration of 50 years in front of the camera. For as long as most can remember, Whicker has roamed far and wide in search of the eccentric, the ludicrous, and the socially-revealing aspects of everyday life as lived by some of the more colorful of the world's inhabitants. Since the late 1950s, when the long-running Whicker's World documentary was first screened, he has probed and dissected the often secretive and unobserved worlds of the rich and famous, rooting out the most implausible and sometimes ridiculous characters after gaining admittance to the places where they conduct their leisure hours. The great man's legacy contains a number of genuine television firsts. As well as landmark interviews with figures as diverse as Papa Doc, Paul Getty, and The Sultan of Brunei, he was a pioneer, covering subjects like plastic surgery, gay weddings, polygamy, swinging, and following gun-toting cops, fly-on-the-wall style, for British screens long before anyone else. This wonderful new book is the end product of a very personal journey. Whicker retraces his steps, catching up with some past interviewees and reflecting on how the world has changedfor good and badover the passing of time. Lyrical and uplifting, this autobiography is peppered with a celebrated globetrotter's brand of subtle satire.
How Did All This Happen?
How Did All This Happen?
John Bishop
If you’re a man of a certain age you’ll know there comes a point in life when getting a sports car and over-analysing your contribution to society sounds like a really good idea. With a good job in sales and marketing and a nice house in Manchester that he shared with his wife and kids, John Bishop was no different when he turned the dreaded 4-0. But instead of spanking a load of cash on a car that would have made him look like a senior stylist at Vidal Sassoon, he stumbled onto a pathway that ultimately lead him to become one of the nation’s best loved comedians. It was a gamble, but boy, did it pay off. How Did All This Happen? is the story of how a boy who, growing up on a council estate dreaming of ousting Kenny Dalglish from Liverpool FC’s starting line-up, suddenly found himself on stage in front of thousands of people nationwide, at an age when he should have known better. In his own inimitable style, John guides us through his life from leaving the estate and travelling the globe on a shoe string, to marriage, kids and the split that led him to being on a stage complaining to strangers one night – the night that changed his life and started his journey to stardom. Wonderfully entertaining and packed with colourful reminiscences and comical anecdotes, this is a heart-warming, life-affirming and ultimately very, very funny memoir from one of the nation’s greatest comedians.
Whicker’s War
Whicker’s War
Alan Whicker
Alan Whicker is quite simply a legend. A visionary and master of his craft, his television shows from the fifties to the nineties almost single handed invented the language of travel television and earned him the status of one of the most foremost of British media icons. Yet throughout his forty years in TV he was steadfast in his belief that his programmes should not be about himself but about those people he encountered. Until this year when he was persuaded, as part of the 60th anniversary of the invasion of Italy, to tell his remarkable war experiences in two fabulously reviewed hour-long television pieces. This book uses these programmes as the starting point to tell the story of Alan Whicker's remarkable war. Alan Whicker joined the Army Film and Photo Unit as an 18-year-old army officer, following the Allied advance through Italy, from Sicily to Venice. He filmed the troops on the front line, met Montgomery, and other military luminaries, filmed the battered body of Mussolini after his execution and accepted the surrender of the SS in Milan. This is remarkable account of the Italian campaign of 1943 and 1944 as he retraces of his steps over sixty years later. Beautifully written, poignant with humour and pathos this is a masterful book by one of the 20th centuries greatest TV journalists.
The Inklings: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien and Their Friends
The Inklings: C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien and Their Friends
Humphrey Carpenter
During the 1930s at Oxford, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams--remarkable friends, writers, and scholars--met regularly to discuss philosophy and literature and to read aloud from their own works in progress. Calling themselves the Inklings, their circle grew. It was in this company that such classics as The Lord of the Rings, The Screwtape Letters, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe first found an audience. Author Humphrey Carpenter was born in Oxford and was acquainted with Tolkien, Hugo Dyson, and several other Inklings. In this remarkable reconstruction of their meetings and momentous friendships, Carpenter brings to life those warm and enchanting evenings in Lewis' rooms at Magdalen College, when their imaginations ran wild. His account offers exciting insights into the influence these brilliant individuals had on each other's developing ideas and writing.
The Big Fix
The Big Fix
Brett Forrest
Timed to coincide with the World Cup in Brazil and told in the style of a page-turning thriller, this is the book that will blow the lid off international match fixing in football: a pandemic that has struck at the heart of the ‘beautiful game’ It began as a series of disparate reports coming in from the corners of the football world: referees, players and managers were deliberately fixing results at the behest of illegal bettors. But as the reports kept coming, bit by bit the scale of the problem began to emerge. These weren’t just footballing minnows but major teams and players, playing on the biggest possible stages. The money at stake ran into the billions. And the people pulling the strings were operating for some of the largest, most heinous criminal syndicates in the world. In THE BIG FIX, Brett Forrest uncovers the scarcely believable scale of a threat to the beautiful game that is only just now coming to light. Told in the style of a thriller, Forrest tracks down the criminals who occupy this murky world of billion-dollar transactions, as well as the people tasked with hunting them and saving football’s lifeblood. Published on the eve of the World Cup, this shocking expose reveals a criminal enterprise that threatens to rot football to its core.
One Hundred and Four Horses
One Hundred and Four Horses
Mandy Retzlaff
‘A letter is handed to you. In broken English, it tells you that you must now vacate your farm; that this is no longer your home, for it now belongs to the crowd on your doorstep. Then the drums begin to beat.’ As the land invasions gather pace, the Retzlaffs begin an epic journey across Zimbabwe, facing eviction after eviction, trying to save the group of animals with whom they feel a deep and enduring bond – the horses. When their neighbours flee to New Zealand, the Retzlaffs promise to look after their horses, and making similar promises to other farmers along their journey, not knowing whether they will be able to feed or save them, they amass an astonishing herd of over 300 animals. But the final journey to freedom will be arduous, and they can take only 104 horses. Each with a different personality and story, it is not just the family who rescue the horses, but the horses who rescue the family. Grey, the silver gelding: the leader. Brutus, the untamed colt. Princess, the temperamental mare. One Hundred and Four Horses is the story of an idyllic existence that falls apart at the seams, and a story of incredible bonds – a love of the land, the strength of a family, and of the connection between man and the most majestic of animals, the horse.
Graeme Le Saux: Left Field
Graeme Le Saux: Left Field
Graeme Le Saux
A former Southampton, Blackburn, Chelsea and England full-back, the erudite and engaging Graeme Le Saux is far removed from the archetypal British footballer. His distinctive commentary on all the major issues in football, on the pitch and beyond, promises to challenge everyone's perception of the game in this country. Graeme Le Saux made an outstanding international debut for Terry Venables' new-look England side in a 1-0 win over Denmark at Wembley in March 1994, becoming the first Channel Islander ever to be capped for England. After joining Chelsea direct from Jersey, his career flourished under the guidance of Kenny Dalglish at Blackburn Rovers where they won the Premiership title in 1994-95. Graeme transferred back to Chelsea in 1997 for a record fee of ?5.5 million before joining Southampton in 2003. He retired as a player in 2005. In his book, Le Saux addresses the gay slurs that dogged his career – including the infamous Robbie Fowler exposure – how he was vilified by a minority that labelled him a Guardian reader and too smart for football, and life at Stamford Bridge before Roman Abramovich millions changed the club and the game. His thoughtful manner and views on the modern game (he is now consulted for comment regularly by BBC, ITV, Sky and Channel Five) are expanded upon here, with particular focus on the huge amounts of money in top-flight football, players’ agents and the spiralling debts of countless football clubs. As a player, Le Saux was always seen as different – someone who broke the mould, an individual with his own agenda who sought more to life than playing 90 minutes of football. His insight into the game is informed by those experiences.
Ora?ul alb
Ora?ul alb
Boca Irina
Opera lui N. Steinhardt are ?capacitatea“ de a descuraja tentativele de sistematizare ?i analiz? critic?. Apar?in?nd unui intelectual evreu erudit, spirit febril, avid de limpezire ?i afirmare, aceasta se ramifica at?t ?n planul literaturii, c?t ?i ?n cel al teologiei, al ideologiilor politice sau al dreptului constitu?ional. ?n perioada interbelic?, cea a formarii intelectual-spirituale, N. Steinhardt publica, ?n doar ca?iva ani, o lucrare de drept constitu?ional, dou? studii despre iudaism, un volum de parodii ?i peste o suta de studii literare ?i articole de ideologie liberal-conservatoare. ?n perioada postbelic?, ?ncepand cu finalul anilor '60, el scrie memorialistic? ?i microromane, traduce, re?ncepe o activitate publicistic? sus?inut?, care va dura p?n? ?n 1989, ?i scrie predici ?i eseuri teologice erudite. Volumele de eseuri critice din anii '70 ?i '80 ale lui N. Steinhardt, singurele apari?ii editoriale din perioada comunist?, s-au bucurat de o receptare pozitiv?, ?ns? pozi?ia contestatara a scriitorului fa?? de regim a condus la marginalizarea sa. Abia odat? cu apari?ia postum? a Jurnalului fericirii (1991), a Cuvintelor de credin?? (1992) ?i a Primejdiei m?rturisirii (1993) au fost recunoscute de c?tre publicul larg valoarea intelectual? ?i morala a scriitorului N. Steinhardt ?i particularitatea locului ocupat de acesta ?n deceniile totalitare.Irina Ciobotaru (Suceava, 2 mai 1978), absolvent? a Facult??ii de Litere din cadrul Universit??ii ??tefan cel Mare“ din Suceava, doctor ?n filologie al aceleia?i universit??i, cu o tez? despre opera lui N. Steinhardt, coordonata de Prof. univ. dr. Mircea A. Diaconu. Colaboreaz? la reviste precum ?Contemporanul. Ideea European?“, ?Verso“, ?Tabor“, ?Dacia literar?“, ?Hyperion“, ?Transilvania“, ?Bucovina literar?“. Este profesor de limba ?i literatura rom?n?.
Ha velem maradsz
Ha velem maradsz
Courtney Cole
Ha velem maradsz