A boltkóros és a nagy szemfényvesztés
A boltkóros és a nagy szemfényvesztés

Egyszercsak: Gábriel-duológia - Második k?nyv
Egyszercsak: Gábriel-duológia - Második k?nyv

Budapest novemberben
Budapest novemberben

Budapest romokban
Budapest romokban

Kalamajka a Piciny Csodák Pékségében
Kalamajka a Piciny Csodák Pékségében

Csendfolyó: Az vagy nekem 3.
Csendfolyó: Az vagy nekem 3.

Az utolsó boszorkány t?rténetei - Második k?nyv
Az utolsó boszorkány t?rténetei - Második k?nyv

Az egyezség
Az egyezség

A fattyú
A New York Times bestseller életrajzírójának, J. Randy Taraborrellinek minden részletet felvillantó, briliánsan megírt k?tete nem egyszer?en a legsikeresebb popsztárok egyikének, Beyoncénak az életrajza. Bepillantás egy olyan világba, ahová szinte mindenki vágyik, de csak nagyon kevesen juthatnak el; az amerikai show-business világába. A végtelenül tehetséges Beyoncé Knowles már nyolcéves korában ebben a világban él, gyerek szépségversenyek és tehetségkutató vetélked?k résztvev?je. Egy pillanatra sem szakad el a színpadtól, és tizenhat évesen a Destiny's Child énekeseként már világsztár. Ontja a slágereket, 2014-ben a Forbes magazin szerint a világ leggazdagabb és legkeresettebb sztárja, az ? fényképével jelenik meg a híres Time magazin. Ez a k?nyv megmutatja a sikereket, de az emberfeletti er?feszítést is, az ?r?k?s harcot az érvényesülésért, az áskálódásokat, pletykákat; beszámol viharos és vad szerelmér?l a híres rapperrel, Jay-Z-vel, a csalódásokról és a meghatározó pillanatokról. ?s mik?zben olvassuk ezt a nyílt, olykor szívszorító, olykor felemel? beszámolót, ?r?kre megváltozik a véleményünk Beyoncéról és a távoli és csillogó show-businessr?l. A szerz?r?l J. Randy Taraborrelli a New York Times bestseller szerz?je, írt már k?nyvet Michael Jacksonról, Marilyn Monroe-ról, Madonnáról, és a Kennedy famíliáról is. K?ztiszteletben álló író, újságíró, a szórakoztatóipar jó nev? és állandó szerepl?je, és jó néhány televízióm?sor, k?ztük a Today, a Good Morning America, a CBS This Morning, az Entertainment Tonight és a CNN Headline News s?r?n felt?n? vendégszerepl?je.

Cómo publicar su libro impreso con CreateSpace
Cómo publicar su libro impreso con CreateSpace

The Times Great Irish Lives
For the first time, The Times brings together a unique collection of obituaries of Ireland's most distinguished individuals from the last two centuries.

Cum s? cre?ti un adult. Preg?te?te-?i copilul pentru succes
n noaptea dinaintea zilei n care mplinea 40 de ani, Rich Roll a avut revelaia nspimnttoare a viitorului su. Cntrind cu aproape 25 de kilograme mai mult dect normalul i incapabil s urce cteva scri fr s gfie, a putut s vad care era rezultatul stilului su de via complet sedentar – i ce fel de schimbare trebuie s adopte pentru a obine rezultate reale. Adoptnd o nou rutin care punea pe primul loc nutriia din plante si antrenamentele zilnice, Rich s-a transformat – n doar cteva luni – dintr-un brbat total ieit din form, ntr-o adevrat mainrie“ destinat sportului de anduran. Omul ultra relateaz cltoria remarcabil a lui Rich spre linia de start a competiiei de elit Ultraman, care i supune pe cei mai n form oameni din lume la un calvar de peste 500 de kilometri strbtui not, pe biciclet i n alergare. i, dup acest test, Rich a trecut cu succes de unul chiar mai dificil: EPIC5 – cinci triatloane pe distana folosit la competiia Ironman, fiecare dintre ele pe o insul diferit din arhipelagul Hawaii, toate finalizate n mai puin de o sptmn. Omul ultra este un portret minunat despre ceea ce poate realiza puterea voinei. Ne provoac pe toi s ne gndim din nou la ce suntem capabili s realizm i ne ndeamn, implicit i explicit, s trecem la treab“.

Fogadd el magad: Pozitív testkép, egészséges ?nbizalom
Fogadd el magad: Pozitív testkép, egészséges ?nbizalom

The Savage Years: Tales From the 20th Century
20th Century War and Misery.The suicide of Hitler’s niece, the assassinations of Malcolm X and Franz Ferdinand, the Battle of the Somme and Stalingrad, and the betrayal of Anne Frank – these are some of the stories you’ll find in Rupert Colley’s new collection of articles, The Savage Years: Tales From the 20th Century.?Covering World War One, World War Two, the Cold War, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and much more besides, immerse yourself in sixty stories from some of the key moments of modern (and a few not so modern) history.?Fully illustrated with 140 photos, this makes perfect reading for commuters, students or the curious.?A paperback version of this title is also available – an ideal birthday present for those who love a bit of war and misery.?Within?The Savage Years: Tales From the 20th Century, you’ll also meet Vladimir Lenin, Douglas Haig, Horst Wessel, Nikolai Bukharin, Fritz Haber, Joseph Goebbels, Joseph McCarthy, Rudolph Hess, Stalin’s mother and daughter, Leon Trotsky, Edith Cavell, Charles de Gaulle, Wilhelm II, Abraham Lincoln, Grigori Rasputin, and many, many more.?

Blood of Kings
A reflection on life, The Blood of Kings describes in raw emotion and evocative language all aspects of what it is to be a man, a poet, a soldier, a friend. This poetry, with a dark edge, covers the loss of love, death, religion, friendship, war and a philosophical outlook on what they all really mean. Not always easy reading, but with depth and passion, JB Brown describes a passage of rights where the juxtaposition of life, its highs and its accompanying pain are only too real.

Billy Connolly
The inside story of the one of the most successful British stand-up comedians, as told by the person best qualified to reveal all about the man behind the comic, his wife of over 20 years – Pamela Stephenson. Once in a lifetime, there strides upon the stage someone who can truly be called a legend. Such a person is the inimitable, timeless genius who is Billy Connolly. His effortlessly wicked whimsy has entranced, enthralled – and split the sides of – thousands upon thousands of adoring audiences. And when he isn't doing that…he's turning in award-winning performances on film and television. He's the man who needs no introduction, and yet he is the ultimate enigma. From a troubled and desperately poor childhood in the docklands of Glasgow he is now the intimate of household names the world over. How did this happen, who is the real Billy Connolly? Only one person can answer that question: his wife, Pamela Stephenson. Pamela’s writing combines the very personal with a frank objectivity that makes for a compelling, moving and hugely entertaining biography. This is the real Billy Connolly. This genre-defining book is now released as an ebook for a new generation of comedy fans, with a new Foreword from the author. Pamela’s vision of Billy is as true now as it ever was – as groundbreaking, as moving and as laugh-out-loud funny – and here she brings the book fully into its context, as one of the most influential biographies ever written.

The Goldberg Variations
From football hooligan to opera singer, from the Cockney Reds to Catullus, from a hectic household to tranquility of spirit, Mark Glanville has travelled many paths, been many people – this is his remarkable story.

Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey has held a hugely important role in Britain's History over the last 800 years. This fascinating book describes the inside of the Abbey, giving the reader an amazing insight into the architecture, history and feel of the building. Many full colour illustrations are included to give the reader a complete picture of this historic abbey where Kings and Queens are crowned. This version has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.

Then Again: Travels in search of my younger self
For fans of Lorna Sage and Paula Fox, a unique memoir from Irma Kurtz, the acclaimed author of 'The Great American Bus Ride' and internationally renowned agony aunt. "A girl of indisputable gifts, she should of course use them someday to make a beautiful home and raise a family in elegant surroundings!" School psychologist's report on Irma Kurtz, 1950. In 1954 eighteen-year-old Irma Kurtz left New Jersey to travel across Europe, intent on transforming herself and changing the world. She looked to the Old World for an alternative destiny to that mapped out by the traditional expectations at home. On her post-war Grand Tour she found what she believed in: Art and Culture and Beauty and Love, and some horror as a Jewish girl encountering the seat of much of her family's destruction. Years later, sifting through a cardboard box filled with memories at her mother's house, she rediscovered the journal of her first journey, the one that marked the beginning of a life of writing and living abroad. Gripped by intense recollections of sailing across the Atlantic, and intrigued by the exuberant remarks of her adventurous younger self, she decided to leave her London home and retrace her footsteps, this time with herself as a guide. Testing her theory that older women are invisible, Kurtz's journey is peppered with acute observations of human behaviour, not to mention some sharp advice for her ghostly travel companion, a teenager who thinks she knows it all, yet is blind to what lies ahead of her. Part-memoir, part-travelogue, this unique book contrasts the experience of two very different travellers, offering an insight into what has endured, and what has been lost, in the life of one woman and the altered environment of Europe at the dawn of a new millennium. Beautifully written, moving and funny, Then Again is time-travel at its best, revealing the pains and pleasures of growing older and wiser.

Are you talking to me?: A Life Through the Movies
A combination of wit and heartbreak in a memoir of a life intertwined with an obsession with film. A Fever Pitch for cinema lovers. 'This book will consider the influence of movies on one life, the interaction of celluloid fantasy and the growth of a personality. It's not just a film buff's record of his enthusiasm's. It's about how some films do, weirdly, change your life.' Beginning with his first cinema outing, The Mutiny on the Bounty, and tracing his passion through his growing up years to adulthood, Walsh will weave together his own life experiences with his rapturous dependence on key moments in film. He will write a funny, personal, loving account of the magic and drama of the silver screen and its ultimate, all-encompassing power to become larger than (real) life.

Hell Bent for Leather: Confessions of a Heavy Metal Addict
A witty and self-deprecating memoir about headbanging your way through growing up. Seb Hunter was a Heavy Metal fan and he's not proud. This is the story of his misguided 15-year Heavy Metal mission: from the first guitar (his dad's), to the first gig (conquering Winchester with his riffs), on through groupies and girlfriends and too many drugs to a faltering career in London, where outrageous egos, artistic differences and the dreaded arrival of Grunge (and a much needed haircut) kill the Heavy Metal dream. Along the way Seb imparts the important distinctions between Thrash Metal and Glam and casts his connoisseur’s eye over the Metal guitar. You’ll learn when to play a drum solo, the correct way to wear Spandex and exactly what to do when you're in the middle of a field at the Donington Festival and you desperately need a piss. Affectionate, irreverent, and very funny, Hell Bent For Leather is a moving story about growing up, of playing air guitar in your bedroom, of living with parental disapproval and of struggling with the laughter of your friends. It is a memoir about the glorious adolescent obsessions everybody has but no-one will admit to. Featuring music from: AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Slayer, Kiss, W.A.S.P., Aerosmith The Scorpians and Guns ‘n’ Roses.