

Rosszfiúk ?zsiában
Rosszfiúk ?zsiában
Ambrus Attila, Berki Krisztián
Rosszfiúk ?zsiában
Megtalált álmok
Megtalált álmok
Susan Wiggs
Megtalált álmok
Minden órában négyszer
Minden órában négyszer
Lisa Scottoline
Kevin Poulsen exhacker az elmúlt tíz évben az egyik legjobb oknyomozó újságíróvá vált a cyberb?n?zés területén. A Kingpin az els? alkalom, hogy egyedülálló szakértelmét és kapcsolatait k?nyv formájában is élvezhetjük. A macska–egér harc t?rténetének lebilincsel? leírása eddig példátlan bepillantást enged a 21. századi szervezett b?n?zés legjellemz?bb formájába. A cyber-alvilágban futót?zként terjedt a hír: valaki – egy briliáns és vakmer? szélhámos – átvette az uralmat egy online b?n?z?i hálózat felett, amely dollármilliókat szivattyúzott ki az amerikai gazdaságból. Az FBI azonnal titkos akciót indított, hogy az új nagyf?n?k nyomára bukkanjon. ?gyn?kségek a világ minden tájáról beépített emberek és kett?s ügyn?k?k tucatjait állították csatasorba. A cyber-zsaruk együttes er?vel számos gyanútlan hackert csaltak t?rbe, legfontosabb célpontjuknak azonban megvan az a nyugtalanító tulajdonsága, hogy lépten-nyomon kiszagolja besúgóikat, és átlát a terveiken. A létez? legvalószín?tlenebb b?n?z?t keresték: egy hippi értékrendjével és egy f?gonosz kett?s személyiségével felruházott zseniális programozót. ?lvonalbeli fehérkalapos hackerként Max ?Vision” Butler egyfajta celeb volt a programozói berkekben, aki még az FBI-nak is dolgozott tanácsadóként. ?m feketekalapos ?Icemanként” az adathalászok világában kihagyhatatlan lehet?séget látott, amivel próbára tehette rendkívüli képességeit. Országszerte ezer meg ezer számítógépbe hatolt be, és t?bb millió hitelkártyaadatot lopott el. K?nny?szerrel felt?rte hackertársai gépét is, és az orruk el?l csaklizta el csalással szerzett javaikat. Egy sima beszéd? szélhámossal kar?ltve hatalmas b?nszervezetet hozott létre. ?s ezt éveken át képes volt látszólag büntetlenül fenntartani, mik?zben riválisainak folyamatosan ott volt a nyakán a rend?rség. Ahogy figyelte a folytonos civakodást a csalók besúgók fert?zte k?z?sségben, és látta módszereik hatástalanságát is, épp e b?n?z?i k?r?k m?k?désképtelenségében kezdte meglátni a végs? kihívást: magához ragadja az irányítást, kijavítja a hibákat, és úgy fogja irányítani a dolgokat, ahogy kell – még akkor is, ha ezzel a saját homlokára fest célkeresztet. Bár a t?rténet voltaképpen egy b?n?z? figyelemre méltó felemelkedésér?l és a rendfenntartó er?k hajtóvadászatáról szól, a Kingpin feltárja egy titokban zajló b?n?zési hullám bels? m?k?dését, amely t?bb millió amerikai életére van hatással. A k?nyv lapjai bepillantást engednek az online csalás hatalmas szupermarketjeibe, ahol halmokban állnak a hitelkártyaszámok, a hamis csekkek, a felt?rt bankszámlák, a titkos ?postaládák” és a hamis útlevelek. Képet kapunk a hackelés módszereir?l – a b?ngész? biztonsági réseinek kihasználásától, az adathalászaton át a trójai vírusokig, s?t még azon is túl –, amelyeket ezek a csalók mindennapi munkájuk során alkalmaznak, valamint nyomon k?vethetjük a bonyolult utat, amelyet bejárva a lopott adatokból dollármilliók lesznek. Poulsen mind rend?r?kkel, mind pedig b?n?z?kkel ápolt figyelemre méltó kapcsolatrendszerének k?sz?nhet?en beléphetünk a csendes, elszánt fegyverkezési versenybe, amelyet a rendfenntartó er?k a mai napig folytatnak a csalók ellen. A Kingpin végs? soron egy megd?bbent? erej? és széles látók?r? utazás az alvilágba, ahol hétk?znapi amerikai tinédzserek gyilkos orosz maffiózókkal dolgoznak együtt, és ahol egy egyszer? wifi-kapcsolat t?bb millió dollár érték? aranyat eredményezhet.
Csak a csillagok
Csak a csillagok
Susan Mallery
Csak a csillagok
Pszichológia mindenkinek 3.
Pszichológia mindenkinek 3.
Philip Zimbardo
Pszichológia mindenkinek 3.
Find Your Hobby Box Set
Find Your Hobby Box Set
My Ebook Publishing House
Find Your Hobby Box Set
Notorious: The Maddest and Baddest Sportsmen on the Planet
Notorious: The Maddest and Baddest Sportsmen on the Planet
Richard Bath
Straddling humour, trivia and sport, ‘Notorious’ brings together for the first time one hundred of the most potty sportsmen in history. From boxing to cycling, soccer to baseball, and most sports in between, here are the hard-men and the criminals, the psychos and the loonies, that make up the sporting madness hall of shame. Among the prime candidates for sporting lunacy in this book: Prinya Charoenpal, one of the most talented kick-boxers in the sport’s history, who wore make-up and pink nail polish, broke down when asked to strip for the weigh-in, pummelled the opponent who made the mistake of mocking her with a camp embrace, and who fought solely to get the money for a sex-change operation. Jack ‘Hacksaw’ Reynolds, the San Francisco 49-ers linebacker during the 80s, who once got plastered after losing a college game, went out to the car park with a hacksaw, and cut someone’s car in half. The Brazilian football star Edmundo, infamous on the pitch for beating up fans, referees and journalists, and making his name off it by crashing his truck and killing three people, and being arrested for force-feeding beer to a chimpanzee at his son’s birthday party. And there’s more. The rugby league hard-man with a predilection for sticking a rigid digit finger up opponents’ rears on the field of play; the baseball Hall of Famer who wielded his bat to beat up unsuspecting victims; the golfer hospitalised three times for alcohol poisoning, who came through two suicide attempts, three divorces, plus countless hotel room trashings and suspensions; the Irish jockey involved in an air rage incident who copped 110 hours of community service… And closer to home, the likes of Roy Keane, Alex Higgins, Vinnie Jones and Paul Gascoigne are also featured in this wildly captivating, and often shocking, collection of crazed sports celebrities.
The Pike: Gabriele d’Annunzio, Poet, Seducer and Preacher of War
The Pike: Gabriele d’Annunzio, Poet, Seducer and Preacher of War
Lucy Hughes-Hallett
WINNER OF THE 2013 SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION WINNER OF THE 2013 DUFF COOPER PRIZE WINNER OF THE POLITICAL BOOK AWARDS POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY OF THE YEAR 2014 WINNER OF THE 2013 COSTA BOOK AWARDS BIOGRAPHY OF THE YEAR The story of Gabriele D’Annunzio, poet, daredevil – and Fascist. In September 1919 Gabriele D’Annunzio, successful poet and occasional politician, declared himself Commandante of the city of Fiume in modern day Croatia. His intention – to establish a utopia based on his fascist and artistic ideals. It was the dramatic pinnacle to an outrageous career. Lucy Hughes-Hallett charts the controversial life of D’Annunzio, the debauched artist who became a national hero. His evolution from idealist Romantic to radical right-wing revolutionary is a political parable. Through his ideological journey, culminating in the failure of the Fiume endeavour, we witness the political turbulence of early 20th century Europe and the emergence of fascism. In ‘The Pike’, Hughes-Hallett addresses the cult of nationalism and the origins of political extremism – and at the centre of the book stands the charismatic D’Annunzio: a figure as deplorable as he is fascinating.
Gilchrist on Blake: The Life of William Blake by Alexander Gilchrist
Gilchrist on Blake: The Life of William Blake by Alexander Gilchrist
Richard Holmes,Alexander Gilchrist
LIVES THAT NEVER GROW OLD Part of a radical new series – edited by Richard Holmes – that recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Gilchrist’s ‘The Life of William Blake’ is a biographical masterpiece, still thrilling to read and vividly alive. This was the first biography of William Blake ever written, at a time when the great visionary poet and painter was generally forgotten, ridiculed or dismissed as insane. Wonderfully vivid and outspoken (one chapter is entitled ‘Mad or Not Mad’), it was based on revealing interviews with many of Blake’s surviving friends. Blake conversed with spirits, saw angels in trees, and sunbathed naked with his wife ‘like Adam and Eve’. Gilchrist adds detailed de*ions of Blake’s beliefs and working methods, an account of his trial for high treason and fascinating evocations of the places in London, Kent and Sussex where he lived. The book ultimately transformed and enhanced Blake’s reputation.
A Small Dog Saved My Life
A Small Dog Saved My Life
Bel Mooney
A story of survival, transformation and love. In a beautiful and powerful memoir which mixes honest, personal revelation with literature, history, and inspirational self-help, Bel Mooney tells the story of her rescue dog, Bonnie, who in turn rescued Bel when her world fell apart with the all-too public break-up of her 35-year marriage. SMALL DOGS CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE really is a story of survival, and also one of love. This is an account of six years in Bel's life, from when she first acquired Bonnie from a rescue home, through Bel’s years of personal heartbreak and disappointment, and on to the happiness which she has now found in a new marriage and a new life, with the Maltese at her side all the way. This is a book about transformation and change, about picking yourself up and attacking life in the way that a small dog will go for the postman's trousers - and about celebrating life, much as your canine companion will always celebrate your return, even from the shortest trip. Beautifully engaging, entertaining, full of personal anecdotes and deeply moving, SMALL DOGS CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE will take the reader on an inspirational walk with one very small but very remarkable dog - a dog who became a symbol for all that is best about dogs, and about we humans too. Bel Mooney is a journalist with almost forty years' experience. Well-loved by millions for her advice columns, first for the Times and now in the Daily Mail, as well as countless programmes for radio and television, Bel takes the reader on a journey of discovery, in which she finds herself transformed into a dog-lover by one small and lively bundle of white fur, as well as telling her own gripping story.
Under One Roof
Under One Roof
Barry Martin,Philip Lerman
The heart-warming true story of the bond between a feisty octogenarian and the man in charge of building a shopping mall on top of her home – which inspired the opening scene of the Pixar movie Up! Edith Macefield achieved folk hero status in 2006 when she turned down $1 million to sell her home to make way for a commercial development in a small neighborhood of Seattle. It didn’t matter that her tiny house was surrounded by rubble and graffiti. It was home. Barry Martin respected that, and when he took the job as construction supervisor for the shopping mall that was being erected around Edith’s little house, he determined to make things as easy as he could for Edith. He gave her his phone number and told her to call if she needed anything. And she did. The day Edith asked Barry to drive her to a hair appointment, an unlikely friendship was sparked, one that changed them both forever. As Barry helps Edith through the last days of her life, she helps him deal with the effects of the Alzheimer’s that is diminishing his beloved father. She learns to laugh and let go. He learns about compassion and grace. Full of heart and warmth, ‘Under One Roof’ is an true story that reminds us the most important things in life can’t be bought.
The Lost Babes: Manchester United and the Forgotten Victims of Munich
The Lost Babes: Manchester United and the Forgotten Victims of Munich
Jeff Connor
Manchester United and the Forgotten Victims of Munich A moving story of how a legendary football team was lost to tragedy - and how this disaster irrevocably altered the lives of the survivors and the bereaved families, and ultimately brought shame on the biggest football club in the world. The Manchester United team Matt Busby had built in the fifties from the club's successful youth policy seemed destined to dominate football for many years. Such was the power of the 'Busby Babes' that they seemed invincible. The average age of the side which won the Championship in 1955-56 was just 22, the youngest ever to achieve such a feat. A year later, when they were Champions again, nothing, it seemed, would prevent this gifted young team from reigning for the next decade. But then came 6 February 1958, the day that eight Manchester United players died on a German airfield in the 'Munich Air Disaster' - a date to be forever etched in the annals of sporting tragedy. Duncan Edwards, Eddie Colman, Tommy Taylor, Roger Byrne...the names were already enshrined in legend before the air crash, but Munich in many ways earned them immortality. They have never grown old. Jeff Connor traces the rise of the greatest Manchester United side of all time, alongside a vibrant portrait of England in the 1950s, but he also paints a dark picture of a club that enriched itself on the myth of Munich while neglecting the families of the dead and the surviving players. The repercussions and the toll the disaster took on so many linger to the present day. Drawing on extensive interviews with the Munich victims and players of that era, The Lost Babes is the definitive account of British football's golden age, a poignant story of the protracted effects of loss and a remorseless dissection of the how the richest football club in the world turned its back on its own players and their families.
Scott on Zélide: Portrait of Zélide by Geoffrey Scott
Scott on Zélide: Portrait of Zélide by Geoffrey Scott
Richard Holmes,Geoffrey Scott
‘Lives that Never Grow Old’ is a wonderful series– edited by Richard Holmes – that recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Every book is a biographical masterpiece, still thrilling to read and vividly alive. Zélide lived in her father’s moated castle in Holland, like a fairytale princess in a tower. She was the clever, sexy, mercurial young Dutch blue-stocking with whom Boswell fell disastrously in love in 1764. The rest of Zélide’s story was unknown until the brilliant young Boswell scholar Geoffrey Scott pieced it together from her intimate letters and essays. Subsequent affairs with a cynical cavalry officer, a celebrated but vacillating writer (aptly named Benjamin Constant), and a thoroughly reliable music master, took her eventually to another fairytale mansion in Switzerland. This tender, funny, faintly salacious portrait of a ‘belle-esprit’ is one of the most exquisite biographical miniatures ever written.
Johnson on Savage: The Life of Mr Richard Savage by Samuel Johnson
Johnson on Savage: The Life of Mr Richard Savage by Samuel Johnson
Richard Holmes,Samuel Johnson
Lives that Never Grow Old Part of a radical new series –edited by Richard Holmes – that recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Johnson’s book is a biographical masterpiece, still thrilling to read and vividly alive. When he first came to London, young Samuel Johnson was befriended by the flamboyant poet, playwright and blackmailer, Richard Savage. Walking the backstreets at night, he learned Savage’s extraordinary story – supposedly persecuted by a ‘cruel mother’, sentenced to death for a murder in a brothel, appointed Volunteer Poet Laureate to the Queen, and finally broken and outcast. With this moving and intimate account, Johnson created a brilliant black comedy of 18th-century Grub Street which revolutionised English biography by its psychological realism. Yet Savage’s destructive charm and delusions of grandeur sometimes even threatened to entangle Johnson himself.
Writings from The New Yorker 1925-1976
Writings from The New Yorker 1925-1976
White, E. B.
A delightful, witty, spirited collection of short pieces and essays by the inimitable E. B. White.
The True Believer
The True Believer
Hoffer, Eric
A stevedore on the San Francisco docks in the 1940s, Eric Hoffer wrote philosophical treatises in his spare time while living in the railroad yards. The True Believer -- the first and most famous of his books -- was made into a bestseller when President Eisenhower cited it during one of the earliest television press conferences.Completely relevant and essential for understanding the world today, The True Believer is a visionary, highly provocative look into the mind of the fanatic and a penetrating study of how an individual becomes one.
Writing That Works, 3e
Writing That Works, 3e
Roman, Kenneth
Writing That Works will help you say what you want to say, with less difficulty and more confidence. Now in its third edition, this completely updated classic has been expanded to included all new advice on e-mail and the e-writing world, plus a fresh point of view on political correctness. With dozens of examples, many of them new, and useful tips for writing as well as faster on a computer, Writing That Works will show you how to improve anything you write: Presentations that move ideas and action Memos and letters that get things done Plans and reports that make things happen Fund-raising and sales letters that produce results Resumes and letters that lead to interviews Speeches that make a point
The Way of the Fight
The Way of the Fight
St. Pierre, Georges
There more to winning battles than fists and feet For world-renowned professional fighter Georges St-Pierre, the greatest asset is not physical strength or athleticism it a sense of purpose. From his beginnings as a small, mercilessly bullied child first discovering karate to his years as a struggling garbage collector who spent all his free time in the gym, his hard-fought rise in the sport of mixed martial arts, and his long, painful recovery from a career-threatening injury, Georges never lost sight of his ambition to become the greatest martial artist of all time. In The Way of the Fight , Georges for the first time reveals what propelled him not only to become a champion but to embrace obstacles as opportunities to build character. Georges story is interwoven with fascinating insights from those who know him best: his mother, who tells of his drive to master new skills, even as a child. His mentor Kristof Midoux, who describes a young fighter with an extraordinary sense of discipline. His Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teacher John Danaher, who witnessed the development of an indomitable work ethic. His coach Firas Zahabi, who worked alongside the champion through a potentially career-ending injury. And his longtime friend, training partner and manager, Rodolphe Beaulieu, who may understand this intensely focused athlete more than anyone. The Way of the Fight is an inspirational look into the mindset of a master. To Georges, all life is competition, and there no more perfect metaphor for competition than the life of a fighter. He explains the value of discipline, risk and even fear, with the wisdom of one who knows that nothing is assured his next fight could always be his last. Drawing inspiration from fighting legends, Eastern philosophy and a trusted inner circle, The Way of the Fight is a powerful, life-changing guide to living with purpose and finding the way to accomplish your loftiest goals.
As Nature Made Him
As Nature Made Him
Colapinto, John
In 1967, after a twin baby boy suffered a botched circumcision, his family agreed to a radical treatment that would alter his gender. The case would become one of the most famous in modern medicine and a total failure. As Nature Made Him tells the extraordinary story of David Reimer, who, when finally informed of his medical history, made the decision to live as a male. A macabre tale of medical arrogance, it is first and foremost a human drama of one man and one family amazing survival in the face of terrible odds.
Play Poker Like the Pros
Play Poker Like the Pros
Hellmuth, Phil, Jr.
In Play Poker Like the Pros , poker master Phil Hellmuth, Jr., demonstrates exactly how to play and win -- even if you have never picked up a deck of cards -- the modern games of poker, including: Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Seven-Card Stud, and Razz. Phil Hellmuth, Jr., a seven-time World Champion of Poker, presents his tournament-tested strategies to beat any type of player, including: The Jackal (crazy and unpredictable) The Elephant (plays too many hands) The Mouse (plays very conservatively) The Lion (skilled and tough to beat) Play Poker Like the Pros begins by laying out the rules and set-up of each game and then moves on to easy-to-follow basic and advanced strategies. Hellmuth teaches exactly which hands to play, when to bluff, when to raise, and when to fold. In addition Hellmuth provides techniques for reading other players and staying cool under pressure. There are also special chapters on how to beat online poker games and an inside look at tournament play.
Dispatches from the Edge
Dispatches from the Edge
Cooper, Anderson
Few people have witnessed more scenes of chaos and conflict around the world than Anderson Cooper, whose groundbreaking coverage on CNN has changed the way we watch the news. In this gripping, candid, and remarkably powerful memoir, he offers an unstinting, up-close view of the most harrowing crises of our time, and the profound impact they have had on his life. After growing up on Manhattan's Upper East Side, Cooper felt a magnetic pull toward the unknown, an attraction to the far corners of the earth. If he could keep moving, and keep exploring, he felt he could stay one step ahead of his past, including the fame surrounding his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, and the tragic early deaths of his father and older brother. As a reporter, the frenetic pace of filing dispatches from war-torn countries, and the danger that came with it, helped him avoid having to look too closely at the pain and loss that was right in front of him. But recently, during the course of one extraordinary, tumultuous year, it became impossible for him to continue to separate his work from his life, his family's troubled history from the suffering people he met all over the world. From the tsunami in Sri Lanka to the war in Iraq to the starvation in Niger and ultimately to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and Mississippi, Cooper gives us a firsthand glimpse of the devastation that takes place, both physically and emotionally, when the normal order of things is violently ruptured on such a massive scale. Cooper had been in his share of life-threatening situations before -- ducking fire on the streets of war-torn Sarejevo, traveling on his own to famine-stricken Somalia, witnessing firsthand the genocide in Rwanda -- but he had never seen human misery quite like this. Writing with vivid memories of his childhood and early career as a roving correspondent, Cooper reveals for the first time how deeply affected he has been by the wars, disasters, and tragedies he has witnessed, and why he continues to be drawn to some of the most perilous places on earth. Striking, heartfelt, and utterly engrossing, Dispatches from the Edge is an unforgettable memoir that takes us behind the scenes of the cataclysmic events of our age and allows us to see them through the eyes of one of America's most trusted, fearless, and pioneering reporters.