

The Heart of the Community: Creating an Ideal Society
The Heart of the Community: Creating an Ideal Society
Zinovia Dushkova
Today, when humanity is being exposed to a variety of global crises, the need to create a new type of relationship between people is more urgent than ever before. Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony — a just society about which people have always dreamed.How can we create a society in which everyone will be happy? What should be done so that an attempt to establish this does not fail?In Book 3 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord of Love and Compassion offers you the principles of a true community as a model for an ideal society that has already been tested by more developed civilizations within the Universe. Such foundations will allow people to reach incredible heights in their spiritual evolution and to open up completely new opportunities, such as co-operation with other worlds.Through applying the wise advice of the Lord in your daily life, you will be able to build proper relationships within your family and to establish a harmonious communication with others, bringing your experience further onto a more global level. Thus, step by step, you will approach the creation of a New World on a New Earth.Will you join the reconstruction of the world?
Branding de ora? - Studiu de caz: Bucure?ti
Branding de ora? - Studiu de caz: Bucure?ti
Florin Alexandru ALEXE
nvturile lui Osho, unul dintre cei mai cunoscui lideri spirituali ai secolului XX, rstoarn tiparele clasice de gndire, provocndune la o permanent punere sub semnul ntrebrii a certitudinilor i la un proces de contientizare de sine.Crile din seria Incursiune ntrun nou mod de via prezint viziunea lui Osho privind cele mai importante probleme pe care i le pun oamenii interesai de tiina transformrii de sine i de o spiritualitate adaptat la provocrile cotidiene ale vieii contemporane.
Eminescu, poem cu poem. C?lin (File din poveste)
Eminescu, poem cu poem. C?lin (File din poveste)
Alex. Ștefănescu
Scris de un fost campion al concursurilor de memorie, Cum s-i cultivi memoria ne arat cum poate o memorie radical mbuntit s devin un instrument util n consolidarea carierei profesionale i a vieii personale.Pe lng faptul c ofer tehnici practice care te ajut s-i aminteti numere, date i fapte, cartea conine sugestii inovatoare privind noi metode de nvare i procesare a informaiilor, care i pot schimba complet viaa. Sunt incluse ultimele perspective tiinifice referitoare la agilitatea mental i promoveaz o abordare motivaional cu ajutorul creia i vei putea dezvolta obiective inteligente i te vei putea concentra mai bine pe realizarea acestora.Aveam o memorie att de proast, nct uitam s o sun pe mama mea de ziua ei de natere! i iat acum, dup numai un an, am ajuns s memorez orice, de la lucruri amuzant, cum ar fi primele 200 de zecimale ale numrului Pi, pn la discursul Am un vis al lui Martin Luther King. Att de bun este Mark!" -Emi Gal, antreprenor i inginer de software de origine romn
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Venere ?i Madona, Rug?ciunea unui dac
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Venere ?i Madona, Rug?ciunea unui dac
Alex. Ștefănescu
Cartea?B?rbatul con?tient??i ajut? pe b?rba?i s? priveasc? ?nl?untrul lor pentru a-?i descoperi scopul ?i misiunea; pentru a fi conecta?i, dar nu domina?i de emo?iile lor, pentru a-?i tr?i via?a c?ut?ndu-?i propriul drum, dar ?i asum?ndu-?i responsabilit??ile care ?nso?esc acest demers. B?rbatul con?tient exploreaz? 12 calit??i ale noii masculinit??i, cu informa?ii privind modul ?n care biochimia influen?eaz? aceste calit??i.?De asemenea, femeile vor afla ?n fiecare capitol indica?ii despre cum s? g?seasc? un b?rbat bun ?i de ?ncredere, dar ?i cum s?-l sprijine s?-?i valorifice la maximum calit??ile.?
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Charles Dickens
The final unfinished novel by Charles Dickens leaving the identity of the murderer unresolved. The story is set in Cloisterham, a disguised Rochester. Drood's uncle, John Jasper is in love with Rosa Bud. Miss Bud, Drood's fiancée, has also caught the eye of the high-spirited and hot-tempered Neville Landless, who comes from Ceylon with his twin sister, Helena. Landless and Drood take an instant dislike to one another. Drood later disappears under mysterious circumstances.
The Moonstone: A Romance
The Moonstone: A Romance
Wilkie Collins
Rachel Verinder, a young English woman, inherits a large Indian diamond on her eighteenth birthday. It is a legacy from her uncle, a corrupt British army officer who served in India. The diamond is of great religious significance as well as being extremely valuable, and three Hindu priests have dedicated their lives to recovering it.
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Mosses from an Old Manse and Other Stories
Nathaniel Hawthorne
A collection of stories typical of Hawthorne, many are allegories and focus on the dark side of human nature. The book was named in honor of The Old Manse where Hawthorne and his wife lived for the first three years of their marriage.
The White Duck and Other Fairy Tales
The White Duck and Other Fairy Tales
Andrew Lang
Once upon a time a great and powerful King married a lovely Princess. No couple were ever so happy; but before their honeymoon was over they were forced to part, for the King had to go on a warlike expedition to a far country, and leave his young wife alone at home. Bitter were the tears she shed, while her husband sought in vain to soothe her with words of comfort and counsel, warning her, above all things, never to leave the castle...
A Tramp Abroad
A Tramp Abroad
Mark Twain
The book details Twain's journey with his friend Harris through central and southern Europe. While the stated goal of the journey is to walk most of the way, the men find themselves using other forms of transport as they traverse the continent.
The Black Tulip
The Black Tulip
Alexandre Dumas
The city of Haarlem, Netherlands, has set a huge prize to the person who can grow a black tulip, sparking competition between the country's best gardeners to win the money, honour and fame. Only the city's oldest citizens remember the Tulip Mania thirty years prior, and the citizens throw themselves into the competition. The young and bourgeois Cornelius van Baerle has almost succeeded but is suddenly thrown into the Loevestein prison. There he meets the prison guard's beautiful daughter Rosa, who will be his comfort and help, and eventually become his rescuer.
What Is Art?
What Is Art?
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy shares his views about the imprecision of general opinions on art, the time, effort, public funds, and public respect spent on art and artists. The difficulty of meaning in art, and especially what is good, useful art, art for the sake of which we might condone such sacrifices as are being offered at its shrine. So, what is art?
The Forged Coupon, and Other Stories
The Forged Coupon, and Other Stories
Leo Tolstoy
Schoolboy Mitya is in desperate need of money to repay a debt, but his father angrily denies him assistance. Dejected, under the instigation of a friend Makhin, Mitya simply changes a 2.50 note to read 12.50, but this one evil deed sets off a chain of events that affects the lives of dozens of others, when his one falsehood indirectly causes a man to murder a woman.
The Illumination of the Heart: Experiencing a Divine Miracle
The Illumination of the Heart: Experiencing a Divine Miracle
Zinovia Dushkova
"The entrance of the Messiah in this period — 1998," predicted Edgar Cayce in 1932. His prediction accurately came true, but very few people knew about this... until now.Where and how did the Messiah descend into the earthly world, predicted long ago, but wholly unnoticed?In Book 2 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord, for the first time in history, unveils this Secret. He entrusts all human hearts to witness the greatest and most unprecedented Miracle of the Divine Incarnation of His Son, which took place in 1998 within several worlds as the first stage of the Advent.However, not only will you behold this Miracle as if through your own eyes, but you will also experience it within your own heart. As you read the powerfully poetic pages of this book, an imperceptible mystery will occur inside you: the Divine Love of the Lord will transfigure the essence of your entire being, preparing you to become a particle of His human entity at the time of the Great Advent.Offering spiritual food for further deep reflections, The Teaching of the Heart continues to provide you with inspirational and illuminating instructions from the Lord of Love and Compassion to transform the whole world through self-perfection.Will you let the Saviour be born inside your heart?
Literary Taste: How to Form It
Literary Taste: How to Form It
Arnold Bennett
At the beginning a misconception must be removed from the path. Many people, if not most, look on literary taste as an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which they will complete themselves, and make themselves finally fit as members of a correct society. They are secretly ashamed of their ignorance of literature, in the same way as they would be ashamed of their ignorance of etiquette at a high entertainment, or of their inability to ride a horse if suddenly called upon to do so. There are certain things that a man ought to know, or to know about, and literature is one of them.
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Arnold Bennett
The secret significance of journalism: life (says the public) is dull. But good newspapers are a report of life, and good newspapers are not dull. A practical guide for those who are outside and would fain be inside, a newspaper office.
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints
Mental Efficiency And Other Hints
Arnold Bennett
No one is a worse guide to success than your typical successful man. He seldom understands the reasons of his own success; and when he is asked by a popular magazine to give his experiences for the benefit of the youth of a whole nation, it is impossible for him to be natural and sincere. He knows the kind of thing that is expected from him, and if he didn’t come to London with half a crown in his pocket he probably did something equally silly, and he puts that down, and the note of the article or interview is struck, and good-bye to genuine truth!
The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer - Mobile Edition
The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer - Mobile Edition
Maya Cointreau
This Mobile Edition of The Practical Reiki Symbol Primer from Earth Lodge delivers over 40 reiki symbols to your mobile device so you can always have them at your fingertips, whether you are just starting out or moving on to Master level experiences. The Primer illustrates elegantly hand-drawn symbols from both traditional Usui and newer Reiki traditions, followed by descriptions of their uses and origins. Hands-on healing is a natural ability that can be activated and accessed by all humans. The more you use it, the more you spirit unfolds.
Tarot - A Complete Course in Basic Tarot Meanings & Techniques
Tarot - A Complete Course in Basic Tarot Meanings & Techniques
Maya Cointreau
A #1 Divination Bestseller! Learn the traditional meanings of all 78 cards in the modern tarot, and how tarot cards evolved. Experience the cards through daily meditations that work with magical elements. Find out how to prepare for every reading and allow you intuition to unfold. Discover six different ways to lay out your cards for readings. The e-reader version of this book features gorgeous full color watercolor illustrations from the Aquatic Tarot deck, while the print version is black-and-white.
The Heart of Infinity: Exploring the Universe
The Heart of Infinity: Exploring the Universe
Zinovia Dushkova
Since ancient times, the boundless stellar sky has attracted our gaze and thoughts. Its magnificent beauty and great mysteries have always been awakening eternal philosophical questions in our hearts — about the Universe and our place in it, about the nature and purpose of our existence.What does the Universe as a whole represent? How is it organized? By what laws does it abide? How does the Cosmos affect the events occurring on the Earth? Are we alone in the Universe? Is there life somewhere else?The Lord of Love and Compassion invites you to open wide the wings of your spirit and embark on a spiritual flight across the vast expanses of the Universe to find answers to all these questions. Book 4 of The Teaching of the Heart series will reveal the depths of the Universe, enabling your heart to experience the delight of limitless possibilities and to touch the currents of unknown Distant Worlds.From this incredibly exciting journey through the Stellar Ocean, you will return to the Earth a completely different person, with a new worldview and understanding of your destiny not only on this planet, but also in the Universe. Are you ready to embark on a flight?
Primul cerc (vol. 1)
Primul cerc (vol. 1)
Soljenițîn Alexandr
Misterul st?rne?te uimire, iar uimirea ?l face pe om s? vrea s? ?n?eleag?. – Neil ArmstrongAu existat cu adev?rat Atlantida ?i Lemuria? Cine a construit piramidele ?i ?n ce scop? C?t de avansat? era tehnologia culturilor antice?La aceste ?ntreb?ri ?i la multe altele cartea de fa?? ??i propune s? ofere r?spunsuri prin intermediul unor adev?rate autorit??i ?n domeniu.Erich von D?niken, celebrul autor al bestsellerului interna?ional Amintiri despre viitor, examineaz? piramidele egiptene, studiindu-le implica?iile astronomice ?i mesajele pe care erau menite s? le transmit?.Temerarul explorator al Americii antice, Frank Joseph, se ocup? de scandalurile arheologice ?i tentativele de suprimare a dovezilor, printre care ?pierderea“ de c?tre Muzeul Smithsonian’s a craniilor maya?e descoperite ?n insulele Aleutine.Philip Coppens, unul dintre comentatorii seriei Ancient Aliens de la History Channel, exploreaz? re?eaua celtic? de drumuri care poate fi pus? ?n leg?tur? cu o reproducere veche de 4 000 de ani a Atlantidei, realizat? pe sol.Savantul ?i exploratorul de mistere Oberon Zell-Ravenheart adun? laolalt? Gr?dina Edenului, Arborele Vie?ii, marele potop biblic, ?ncerc?nd s? descifreze misterul scufund?rii Lemuriei.Marie D. Jones ?i Larry Flaxman exploreaz? teoriile antice despre sunet ?i rezonan?? ?i ipoteza folosirii acestora ?n construirea megali?ilor ?i a piramidelor, precum ?i ?n atingerea st?rilor modificate ale con?tiin?ei.Jurnalistul Nick Redfern dezv?luie interesul st?ruitor al autorit??ilor SUA pentru trecutul nostru str?vechi, misterele religiei ?i artefactele enigmatice.Dovezi privind aceste mistere antice sunt pretutindeni – dac? ?tii ce s? cau?i.
Critica ra?iunii practice
Critica ra?iunii practice
Kant Immanuel
Omenirea este ?n impas! Ce e de f?cut?Sesiz?nd c? gravele probleme cu care se confrunt? planeta nu sunt nici economice, nici politice, ci au o natur? spiritual? ?i c?, din acest motiv, transformarea trebuie s? ?nceap? cu noi ?n?ine, autorul aten?ioneaz? asupra necesit??ii unei Restaur?ri a Umanit??ii.Ca punct de pornire al acestui proces revolu?ionar, el identific? 3 ?ntreb?ri persistente:Cum este posibil ca 6,9 miliarde de oameni s? sus?in? to?i c? vor acelea?i lucruri – pace, securitate, oportunitate, prosperitate, fericire ?i iubire – ?i s? fie ?n mod bizar incapabili s? le ob?in??Este posibil s? existe ceva legat de Dumnezeu ?i de via?? pe care nu-l ?n?elegem pe deplin, dar a c?rui ?n?elegere ar putea s? schimbe totul?Este posibil s? existe ceva ce nu ?n?elegem pe deplin despre noi ?n?ine, despre propria noastr? via?? ?i scopul ei, un ceva care odat? ?n?eles ne-ar schimba realitatea ?i ne-ar ?mbun?t??i experien?a pentru totdeauna??i 4 ?ntreb?ri fundamentale ale vie?ii:Cine sunt?Unde sunt?De ce sunt unde sunt?Ce am de g?nd s? fac ?n privin?a asta?Furtuna de dinaintea lini?tii r?spunde la toate aceste ?ntreb?ri ?i invit? oamenii la un schimb de idei pe site-ul The Global Conversation.