

Locuri. Oameni. Pove?ti
Locuri. Oameni. Pove?ti
Liliana Nicolae
Un aspect atractiv al prezentei ediii st n capacitatea sa de a fi o lectur plcut i practic, rmnnd n acelai timp un document tiinific util deopotriv cercettorilor i publicului general. Pentru specialiti, cartea de fa poate reprezenta o schimbare agreabil de ritm (de la materialele de studiu obinuite), care, totui, nu face rabat seriozitii tiinifice. De asemenea, att pentru cercettori ct i pentru publicul larg, cartea aceasta poate fi considerat o modalitate de a demonstra c, printr-o prezentare adecvat, ceea ce pare a fi doar un text tiinific fad se poate dovedi a fi, n realitate, un text plin de via, folositor i relevant pentru toata lumea.“ – Robert B. Cialdini
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Luceaf?rul
Eminescu, poem cu poem. Luceaf?rul
Alex. Ștefănescu
Cartea fundamentala despre ?ngeri ?i rolul surprinzator pe care il au ?n via?a noastr??n martie 2015, lumea ?ntreag? a fost impresionat? de salvarea miraculoas? a feti?ei de 18 luni, Lily Groesbeck, care a supravie?uit paisprezece ore ?n ma?ina r?sturnat? ?ntr-un r?u ?nghe?at din Utah.??n timp ce se chinuiau s? scoat? ma?ina din ap?, poli?i?tii au auzit o voce de femeie care striga ?Ajutor". Ceea ce au v?zut dup? ce au adus ma?ina ?n pozi?ie normal? i-a ?ocat: singura femeie din ma?in?, mama lui Lily, murise ?n urma accidentului petrecut cu paisprezece ore ?n urm?.Tyler Beddoes, unul dintre poli?i?ti, este convins c? ?n ziua aceea a auzit un ?nger, iar asta a schimbat tot ceea ce credea c? ?tie despre lumea spiritual?.??mpletind povestea lui Tyler cu istorisiri adev?rate ale unor ?nt?lniri cu ?ngerii, autorul creeaz? un tablou viu al modului ?n care ?ngerii intervin ?n vie?ile noastre. El arat? c? bariera dintre domeniul spiritual ?i cel ?tiin?ific este mai pu?in strict delimitat? dec?t credem ?i ne transmite un mesaj lini?titor: nu suntem singuri.
C?ntecul, jocul ?i hora ideilor
C?ntecul, jocul ?i hora ideilor
Apahidean Beniamin
Avei probleme cu drogurile Citii aceast carte i vei avea motivaia de a scpa de ele. Cunoatei pe cineva care are probleme cu drogurile Facei-i cadou aceast carte i mai mult ca sigur c i vei salva viaa. Dorii s-i ferii pe copiii, fraii, veriorii, nepoii, vecinii, prietenii dumneavoastr de droguri Cumprai pentru ei aceast carte. Aceasta e o carte unic n Romnia! Autoarea crii a fost dependent de droguri timp de 5 ani. Cnd a publicat cartea Goana dup iluzii, trecuser 5 ani de cnd se salvase din agonia dependenei. Ct de jos poi s ajungi odat intrat n lumea drogurilor Ct suferin nduri Exist scpare O poveste adevrat, impresionant, emoionant, povestea Georgianei Drgan.“ – Vasile Poenaru Cartea Georgianei A. Drgan este o autobiografie scris n termenii suferinei, dezndejdii, regretelor i viciilor, dar care n final prinde conturul unei lecii de via al crei lait-motiv este ideea c orice problem are o rezolvare atunci cnd exist voin i speran.“ – Horia Laureniu Tiseanu, primar, Municipiului Cmpina De multe ori am auzit zicala viaa bate filmul, dar prin prisma experienei mele de via, mi-a fost greu s cred. Cartea Georgianei ns m-a convins. Felul n care descrie ea suferinele diverse prin care a trecut de-a lungul vieii este att de real, nct te face s simi c eti acolo i c ar trebui s intervii cumva. Iar uneori chiar s uii c e viaa real i s preferi s crezi c e doar un film urt. Pe de alt parte, este o poveste a speranei, a credinei c nu exist o groap prea mare din care Dumnezeu s nu te poat scoate. Dup tot ce vei citi n paginile ce urmeaz, faptul c Georgiana a ajuns n punctul n care a scris aceast carte, este n sine un miracol.“ – Violeta Frgu,psiholog n adicii, Asociaia Preventis, Cluj
On Liberty
On Liberty
John Stuart Mill
On Liberty is a philosophical work outlining Mill's ethical system of utilitarianism to society and the state. Mill attempts to establish standards for the relationship between authority and liberty. He emphasizes the importance of individuality which he conceived as a prerequisite to the higher pleasures.
House of the Seven Gables
House of the Seven Gables
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The house of the title is a gloomy New England mansion, haunted since its construction by fraudulent dealings, accusations of witchcraft, and sudden death. The current resident, the dignified but desperately poor Hepzibah Pyncheon, opens a shop in a side room to support her brother Clifford, who is about to leave prison after serving thirty years for murder.
Rainbow Valley
Rainbow Valley
Lucy Montgomery
In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, we find Anne Shirley married with six children. And we learn more about her new neighbor, the new Presbyterian minister John Meredith, as well as the interactions between Anne's and John Meredith's children. This book follows Anne from the age of 41 to 48.
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets
Stephen Crane
The story follows life of a young girl Maggie who is driven to unfortunate circumstances by poverty and solitude. Strong themes and realism of the work made it difficult to attract commercial publishers at the time, so 22 years old Crane financed the book's publication himself. The book is now considered a masterpiece of American naturalism.
Hospital Sketches
Hospital Sketches
Louisa May Alcott
Partly autobiographical, the sketches describe Alcott's experience as a nurse during the Civil War. After substantial hardship in trying to obtain a spot, she travels through New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore en route to Washington D. C. Immediately after her arrival, she attends to the wounded from the Battle of Fredericksburg. Her first assignment is washing them before putting them to bed. She converses with the various wounded soldiers, including an Irishman and a Virginia blacksmith. The blacksmith's death in particular touches her deeply.
Beauty and the Beast and Other Tales
Beauty and the Beast and Other Tales
Charles Perrault
There was once a merchant, who was very, very rich. He had six children, three boys and three girls, and as he was a man of good sense, he spared no expense in order that they might be well educated, and gave them masters of every kind. His daughters were all beautiful, but his youngest one was especially admired, and from the time she was a small child, had been only known and spoken of as Beauty.
The Iliad
The Iliad
Set during the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Greek states, the Iliad tells of the battles and events during the weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles.
What Is Man?
What Is Man?
Mark Twain
A dialogue between a Young Man and an Old Man regarding the nature of man. It involves ideas of destiny and free will, as well as of psychological egoism. The Old Man asserts that the human being is merely a machine, and nothing more. The Young Man objects, and asks him to go into particulars and furnish his reasons for his position.
The Six Swans and Other Fairy Tales
The Six Swans and Other Fairy Tales
Andrew Lang
A king was once hunting in a great wood, and he hunted the game so eagerly that none of his courtiers could follow him. When evening came on he stood still and looked round him, and he saw that he had quite lost himself. He sought a way out, but could find none. Then he saw an old woman with a shaking head coming towards him; but she was a witch.
Charlotte Bronte
Robert Moore is a mill owner noted for apparent ruthlessness toward his employees. He has laid off many of them, apparently indifferent to their resulting poverty. But in fact he has no choice, since the mill is deep in debt. The mill was inefficiently run by his late father and is already mortgaged. His elder brother became a private tutor, leaving Robert to restore the mill to profitability. He is determined to restore his family's honour and fortune.
Castle Gay
Castle Gay
John Buchan
Dougal and Jaikie set off travelling the world, but first they must visit Mr Craw and his Castle Gay fully of mysterious characters.
Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third
Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third
Horace Walpole
Historic justice is due to all characters. Who would not vindicate Henry the Eighth or Charles the Second, if found to be falsely traduced? Why then not Richard the Third? Of what importance is it to any man living whether or not he was as bad as he is represented? No one noble family is sprung from him.
Sevastopol Sketches
Sevastopol Sketches
Leo Tolstoy
In Sevastopol (or Sebastopol) Sketches Tolstoy examines the senselessness and vanity of war, the many aspects of the psychology of war, heroism, and the misleading presence of humanism in truces. The name originates from Sevastopol, a city in Crimea. Many of the episodes in Tolstoy's War and Peace are linked to the events described in these sketches.
Anyone Can Get An A+:How To Beat Procrastination, Reduce Stress and Improve Your
Anyone Can Get An A+:How To Beat Procrastination, Reduce Stress and Improve Your
Geetanjali Mukherjee
Are you spending hours studying in the library, and still getting poor grades? Are you convinced that you are just not a "math person" or "science person"? Do you wish you could improve your grades to qualify for a particular course or scholarship? Do you need to ace your SAT, GRE or GMAT? This book is written for students like you, who are struggling to get through a tough course, need to do well on a standardized test or just want to do well in school without spending all day in the library. Based on research from the fields of neuroscience and psychology, this conversational, down-to-earth guide is packed full of tips that can transform your study habits and help you significantly improve your grades, whether you are in high school or college or an adult returning to get your degree after a gap. I highly recommend Anyone Can Get an A+ to every college student and any secondary student thinking about higher education. ?McNeil's Reviews Practical and sound advice presented in a caring supportive manner.?Sarah Jackson, Author and Reviewer Anyone Can Get An A+ contains 39 tips on various aspects of studying and preparing for exams. In this book, you will learn:? ? The best and worst techniques to revise for an exam ? What is the top mistake most students make when doing exam preparation and how to avoid it? ? How to overcome procrastination and use your study time wisely? ? How to break down larger assignments into smaller chunks? ? How to write a paper?painlessly ? How to use small segments of time effectively? ? How to get help to understand difficult material? ? How to do well in a subject?even if?you hate it? ? How to improve your grades in quantitative subjects like mathematics ? How to?organize your time and study schedule ? How to keep track of all your deadlines and school-related paperwork Who this book is for: ? College students who want to learn how to juggle classes, extra-curricular activities, other activities and also have room for a social life ? High school students struggling with the pressure to get good grades to get into college, pass standardized tests and be eligible for scholarships ? Parents who are worried about how to help their children get better grades without overburdening them ? Teachers who want to understand how to help their students learn more deeply while enjoying their lessons ? Counselors and tutors who work directly with students, to better help motivate and inspire students to do their best Anyone Can Get An A+ includes the following chapters: Chapter 1: Adopting The Right Attitude Chapter 2: Nourishing Your Mind and Body Chapter 3: Organizing Your Study Life Chapter 4: Getting The Most From Your Study Time Chapter 5: Beating Procrastination Chapter 6: Studying Effectively Chapter 7: Tackling Difficult Subjects Chapter 8: Revising For Exams
The Fiery Hierarchy: Revealing the Secret Government of the World
The Fiery Hierarchy: Revealing the Secret Government of the World
Zinovia Dushkova
All the peoples of the world have preserved myths and legends about a secret government which rules everything invisibly, making the most important decisions for humanity according to the just Laws of the Cosmos. This world government is Shambhala the Resplendent, headed by the Great Lord, who was once known all over the world as Prester John, a mysterious king of the East. Although this hidden government has little in common with earthly regimes, it still offered its help to leaders of different countries often. The acceptance of this higher assistance would bring these countries unprecedented flourishing, while its rejection would result in their inevitable decline. So what does the Hierarchy of Light, this biblical Jacob’s Ladder connecting the Earth and Heaven, represent? According to what laws does it rule in the Universe and on our planet? And how can you become a colleague of the Hierarchy? In Book 5 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord of Love and Compassion, the Supreme Head of the Hierarchy on our planet, will tell you about the Teachers who guide life on the Earth and oppose the forces of darkness. He will help you comprehend one of the most fundamental and immutable laws of all creation: the Law of Hierarchy. In addition, in the book’s pages you will learn about an innermost link between the Teachers and their disciples and also how you yourself can come closer to the Hierarchy of Light and become its loyal colleague. The clear realization of the Hierarchy of Light will enable you to accelerate your spiritual ascent and attain the Higher Leadership, which will guide and protect you in all the righteous undertakings that you do for the good of all humanity. Will your heart accept the Supreme Guidance?
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
Arnold Bennett
Philosophers have explained space. They have not explained time. It is the inexplicable raw material of everything. With it, all is possible; without it, nothing. The supply of time is truly a daily miracle, an affair genuinely astonishing when one examines it.
Kuciuk Ardian-Christian
Cea mai indrazneata lucrare a lui Von D?niken din ultimii ani! Pe inaltimile Anzilor bolivieni la 4.000 de metri deasupra nivelului marii se afla ruinele stravechiului oras Puma Punku un oras care pur si simplu nu putea fi construit de catre locuitorii lui din Epoca Pietrei. Conform calendarului mayas in decembrie 2012 zeii se vor intoarce din indelungata lor calatorie si isi vor face din nou aparitia aici pe Pamant. Da asa-numitii zei – de fapt extraterestrii – se vor intoarce intr-adevar! Vom trai intalnirea cu zeii. Numai ca orice om inzestrat macar cu un dram de minte stie ca o calatorie interstelara este imposibila din cauza distantelor colosale pe care le-ar implica! ?i ca extraterestrii n-au cum sa semene cu noi! Ei bine dragi cititori eu distrug aceste idei preconcepute. Sistematic. Una cate una! In stilul sau imposibil de imitat Erich von D?niken desfiinteaza prejudecatile celor care inca mai pun sub semnul intrebarii existenta civilizatiilor extraterestre cu o claritate de care nici un alt autor nu este capabil. C?r?ile sale ridica inteligenta umana la standardele unui dialog cu civilizatiile interstelare. Erich von D?niken este fara doar si poate cel mai citit si mai imitat autor non-fiction din lume. A publicat prima (si cea mai cunoscuta) carte Amintiri despre viitor in 1968. A fost un succes mondial de vanzari urmat de alte 31 de titluri inclusiv recentul ?hit Istoria se insala. C?r?ile lui D?niken au fost traduse in 28 de limbi si s-au vandut in total in 63 de milioane de exemplare. Cateva dintre ele au fost adaptate cinematografic iar ideile lui von D?niken au reprezentat sursa de inspiratie pentru multe seriale de televiziune dintre care si faimosul documentar difuzat de History Channel ?Extraterestrii din antichitate . Erich von D?niken este omniprezent in peisajul international al circuitelor de prelegeri publice. In prezent locuieste in Elvetia.
The Grasshopper and Other Stories
The Grasshopper and Other Stories
Anton Chekhov
In the Grasshopper we find a love triangle. Olga, her rather boring husband preoccupied with his work, and a young artist. Olga craves the excitement of the artistic life and finds a new lease on romance with the colourful landscape designer, who takes her on a cruise. But not all is going to plan in this quintessentially Chekhovian love tale. Other stories in this volume include: A woman's Kingdom, Difficult People, A Dreary Story, The Privy Councillor.