
Mara Dyer. ?nceputul
V? ?ngrijoreaz? apatia partenerului din ultima vreme? V? irit? zg?rcenia prietenilor? Sau v? ?nfurie nep?sarea colegilor de birou?Fie c? e vorba despre minusurile observate la al?ii sau de propriile defecte, cartea de fa?? v? invit? s? explora?i ?i s? integra?i ?ntr-un mod constructiv ?i s?n?tos toate aceste aspecte de ?umbr?“ ale vie?ii voastre.Folosind concepte psihologice accesibile (proiec?ie, rezonan??, polaritate), Ruediger Dahlke demonstreaz? prin exemple din realitatea curent? ?n ce fel pute?i transforma sl?biciunile ?n puncte forte ?i asperit??ile interpersonale ?n oportunit??i de cre?tere. G?ndirea ?n ?alb ?i negru“ va fi astfel ?nlocuit? de o con?tientizare a nuan?elor ?i multiplelor ?fe?e“ ale vie?ii, oferind cititorului ?ansa de a ac?iona mai ?n?elept, mai pu?in tensionat, cu acel echilibru specific persoanelor care ?i-au reg?sit centrul.

Teama de moarte
Rela?ii interpersonale intense ?i haotice, accese de furie, impulsivitate, amenin??ri cu abandonul sau cu suicidul… dup? ce ai cunoscut ?ndeaproape o astfel de persoan? r?m?i adesea cu un gust amar ?i cu ?ntrebarea: ?Unde am gre?it?" ?n spatele acestui tablou ?nnegurat, se afl? ?ns? drama protagonistului – temeri profunde, o senza?ie de vid interior, ne?ncredere fundamental? ?n sine.Lumea unui ?borderline" este ?n alb ?i negru, acut?, direct?, f?r? nuan?e, cu at?t mai impresionant?, cu c?t ace?ti oameni sunt capabili s? duc? o via?? func?ional?. Pot fi partenerul de cuplu, colega de serviciu, amicul din copil?rie.Cartea de fa??, bazat? pe informa?ii din cele mai noi cercet?ri ?n domeniu, reprezint? un ghid cuprinz?tor prin h??i?urile acestei personalit??i aflate la grani?a dintre nevroz? ?i psihoz?. Scris? ?ntr-un limbaj accesibil, ea se adreseaz? at?t terapeu?ilor, c?t ?i publicului larg, aduc?nd lumin? asupra posibilelor cauze ale acestei tulbur?ri, descriindu-i plastic tr?s?turile prin intermediul a numeroase exemple, ajut?ndu-te s? ?n?elegi persoana cu borderline de l?ng? tine ?i s? creezi pun?i c?tre ea.Cea mai important? parte a oric?rei terapii este rela?ia dintre pacient ?i terapeut. Aceast? interac?iune formeaz? baza ?ncrederii, constan?ei obiectului ?i a intimit??ii emo?ionale. Terapeutul trebuie s? devin? o figur? de ?ncredere, o oglind? care s? reflecte o identitate coerent? ?n dezvoltare. Pornind de la aceast? rela?ie, persoana borderline ?nva?? s? extind? ?i asupra altora a?tept?rile adecvate ?i ?ncrederea. – Jerold Kreisman, Hal StrausAspectul fizic al lui Jennifer la ?edin?ele de terapie fluctua dramatic. C?nd venea direct de la serviciu era ?mbr?cat? ?ntr-o ?inut? business, eman?nd maturitate ?i rafinament. Dar ?n zilele ei libere, ap?rea ?n pantaloni scur?i, cu ?osete p?n? la genunchi ?i cu codi?e ?mpletite; ?n aceste ?edin?e se comporta ca o feti?? cu voce sub?ire ?i vocabular mult mai limitat. Uneori se transforma chiar sub ochii doctorului Gray. Putea fi plin? de intui?ie ?i inteligent?, colabor?nd pentru ob?inerea unei mai bune ?n?elegeri de sine, iar apoi devenea o copil? cochet? ?i seduc?toare, declar?ndu-se incapabil? s? func?ioneze ?n lumea adult?. – Jerold Kreisman, Hal Straus

Frica de boal?. Cum s? o ?n?elegem ?i s? o dep??im
Imagineaz?-?i c? e?ti ?oferul unui autobuz din care to?i pasagerii, odat? urca?i, refuz? s? mai coboare. Mai mult, ei te încurc?, spunându-?i pe unde s? o iei, iar indica?iile lor sunt contradictorii. Când acel autobuz este chiar via?a ta, confuzia ?i nefericirea bat la u??. Iar pasagerii insisten?i, uneori agresivi, sunt vocile tale critice interioare, cele care te fac s? iei decizii de multe ori contrare propriilor interese. Vocea critic? interioar? î?i poate spune, de pild?, c? e?ti o persoan? neinteresant?, c? nu meri?i pozi?ia pe care te afli sau c? trebuie s? le faci tuturor pe plac. Exist? îns? ?i un revers al medaliei, ?i anume valorile sus?inute de vocea interioar?, precum altruismul sau nevoia de a reu?i. Aceast? carte te ajut? s?-?i recuno?ti vocea interioar?, sub ambele sale aspecte, ?i, prin „trucurile“ pe care ?i le împ?rt??e?te, s? o po?i gestiona cu succes, astfel încât s? nu-?i mai influen?eze într-un sens negativ atitudinea fa?? de propria persoan?, deciziile ?i comportamentul. Este o lectur? pl?cut? ?i incitant?, pres?rat? cu exemple din via?a de zi cu zi ?i cu tehnici u?or de pus în aplicare.

Reproducerea asistat?. Aspecte incon?tiente
De ce se agit? copilul acesta ?ncontinuu? Cum poate s? vorbeasc? a?a de ur?t? Cum s? fac s?-l dezbar de obiceiurile astea necuviincioase? Iat? numai c?teva din ?ntreb?rile pe care ?i le pot pune p?rin?ii ?i educatorii copiilor ce sufer? de ticuri sau de sindromul Tourette, ?nainte de a afla c? ?obiceiurile“ lor poart? un nume.Clipitul, grimasele, lovitul cu picioarele, mu?catul buzelor, b?lb?iala, rostirea unor cuvinte neacceptate social ?i multe altele sunt provoc?rile cu care se confrunt? zilnic ace?ti copii ?i p?rin?ii lor. Pentru a ?nc?rca tabloul, acestora li se pot ad?uga rumina?ii, neaten?ie, hiperactivitate sau sc?derea stimei de sine.Ghidul pe care vi-l propunem descrie simptomele caracteristice ?i posibilele lor cauze, oferind apoi solu?ii practice, u?or de pus ?n aplicare, pentru ca via?a copiilor afecta?i ?i a familiilor lor s? poat? urma un f?ga? c?t mai lin. El se adreseaz?, de asemenea, ?i speciali?tilor, c?rora le furnizeaz? repere clare ?i tehnici de lucru eficiente ?n tratarea acestor copii.

Manipulatorul de azi si de maine
nvturile lui Osho, unul dintre cei mai cunoscui lideri spirituali ai secolului XX, rstoarn tiparele clasice de gndire, provocndune la o permanent punere sub semnul ntrebrii a certitudinilor i la un proces de contientizare de sine.Crile din seria Incursiune ntrun nou mod de via prezint viziunea lui Osho privind cele mai importante probleme pe care i le pun oamenii interesai de tiina transformrii de sine i de o spiritualitate adaptat la provocrile cotidiene ale vieii contemporane.

Esküv? Tour: ?gy éld meg jól az esküv?det!
Kicsoda a férfi? Bátor harcos, aki minden veszélyt?l megóvja családját? Csábító macsó, a n?i szívek elrablója? Példás és odaadó apa, aki munka után a gyerekeinek él? Nagy formátumú gondolkodó, zseniális tudós? Vagy épp az ellenkez?je: er?szakos, bárdolatlan, züll?tt, ?nz? és hatalmaskodó? Esetleg, ami még rosszabb: egyszer?en csak papucs? A férfi a teremtés koronája és bukott angyal: amit felépít az egyik kezével, azt romba d?nti a másikkal. Szájkosarat visel? fenevad, aki jól-rosszul igyekszik alakítani a kultúrlény szerepét. ?nt?rvény? lázadó, aki fejjel rohan a falnak, mik?zben t?bbet kell pátyolgatni, mint egy óvodást. Igazi vezéregyéniség, aki megfutamodásra késztet a saját szennyese. Szendi Gábor a t?le megszokott szellemes stílusban, kíméletlen alapossággal mutatja be az er?sebbiknek vélt nemet. A férfi maga a rendszerhiba, az evolúció átgondolatlan, sebtiben ?sszetákolt találmánya. Gyártási folyamatának kulisszái m?gé pillantva láthatjuk, hányféle buktatón át vezet az út, mire egyáltalán megszületik – az igazi bonyodalmak pedig csak ezután k?vetkeznek. A férfit fenyeget? legnagyobb veszély ugyanis éppen saját maga. A férfi hanyatlása és bukása súlyos állításokat fogalmaz meg, és nem ígér kész recepteket, együtt gondolkodásra hív. Meglep? ?sszefüggéseivel és vadonatúj néz?pontjaival A n? felemelkedése és tünd?klése méltó párja. Szendi Gábor író és pszichológus, a paleolit táplálkozás magyarországi meghonosítója és elterjeszt?je, szabadgondolkodó. Azt vallja, hogy modern világunk fényévekre távolodott attól a létformától, amihez évmilliók során alkalmazkodtunk. Bár nagyvárosokban élünk, és szuperintelligens kütyükkel vesszük k?rül magunkat, az agyunk még mindig egy vadászó-gy?jt?get? t?rzs tagjáé. Ha teljesebb és boldogabb életre vágyunk, el?sz?r meg kell értenünk, mire is lettünk kitalálva.

Cenzúra alatti
Tényleg minden n? egy potenciális házisárkány? Mit lehet tenni egy kapcsolat ellaposodása ellen? Vajon a sors vagy a szabad akarat irányítja az ember életét? Valóban szükségünk van az illúziókra ahhoz, hogy tovább tudjunk lépni? Ehhez hasonló izgalmas és húsbavágó kérdésekre keresi a választ SOMA MAMAG?SA legújabb k?tete, amely az elmúlt évek legjobb és legérdekesebb el?adásaiból válogat. Soma néha humorral, máskor szenvedéllyel, olykor elgondolkodva, de mindig nagy alapossággal járja k?rül témáit – hallgatóit és olvasóit egyaránt elragadtatva. ?Valójában mindig ugyanoda lyukadunk ki: a szeretethez. A szer-etet, a gy?l-?let. A szeretet eteti, táplálja az életer?t, a gy?l?let ki?li. Irányuljon az magunk, vagy mások felé. Amiért mi felel?sséget vállalhatunk: az saját magunk. A saját elsárkányosodásunkért. ?gyhogy kívánok mindenkinek bátor tük?rbe nézést, és sok-sok er?t!”

T?bbek szerint
A Mesetréning emlékeztet minket arra, hogy valahol mind Aladdinok és Szamárbr királyfik vagyunk: ha kimerészkedünk a komfortzónánkból, bármilyen célt elérhetünk.” Pór Attila, a Nk Lapja újságírójaMesés változások 1 hónap alatt – ezt ígéri ez a mesés-nismereti program annak, aki végigmegy a knyvben szerepl népmesék és mmesék útján. Minden napra egy mese – egy hónapon át. A mesékhez gyakorlatok kapcsolódnak, amelyek segítik az nvizsgálatot, az nismeretben való nvekedést.A mese maga az élet, az élet pedig mese. Ez ennek a Mesekalauznak az alapállása, és ezt mutatja meg Olvasóinak is.Milyen a mesés élet Olyan, amelyben célokat és vágyakat lehet megfogalmazni, és ezeknek a megvalósulásához el is lehet jutni. Hogyan Ha végigjárjuk a mesehsk útját. A régi emberek tudták ezt, a ma embere pedig kezdi újra felfedezni. A mesék úgy mkdnek az életünkben mint egy jó coach: segítenek elhozni legjobb nmagunkat, segítenek felismerni a bennünk rejl lehetségeket. Utat mutatnak, kalauzolnak, ha elakadunk az élet srjében.Ez a knyv bebizonyítja, hogy a felntt embernek is érdemes a mesék felé fordulnia. A mesés élet pedig jn, ha jnni engeded.

Az Idegen
Dr. Peterson a torontói egyetem megbecsült tanára, klinikai pszichológus és hivatásos provokátor. K?nyvével az egész világot zavarba hozta. A 12 szabály az élethez hónapok óta listavezet? az Amazonon, tarol a világ sikerlistáin, t?bbek k?zt a USA Today, a Wall Street Journal, a The Washington Post és a The New York Times toplistájának els? helyezettje. K?zel 40 ország megvásárolta a kiadás jogait. A professzor szerint az ember és a társadalom legfontosabb tennivalója, hogy elkerülje a káoszt és ugyanakkor a diktatúrát, hogy rend legyen az életben és a fejekben. Ehhez az ?si hagyomány igazságait ?tv?zi az élvonalbeli tudományos kutatások legújabb felfedezéseivel. Megtudhatjuk, miért érdemes békén hagynunk a g?rdeszkázó fiúkat, milyen borzalmas sors vár azokra, akik mindenkiben a hibát keresik, és miért kellene minden macskát megsimogatnunk az utcán. Mit taníthat nekünk az egyszer? homár idegrendszere a sikeres életr?l? Miért emelték az ?si egyiptomiak a gondos figyelmet isteni magasságokba? Miféle sz?rny? útra térnek azok, akik megkeserednek, arrogánsak és bosszúra szomjaznak? Dr. Peterson kitér a fegyelem, a szabadság, a kaland és a felel?sség értékeire, hogy aztán tizenkét praktikus és átüt? szabályban foglalja ?ssze világunk életb?lcsességeit. A 12 szabály az élethez szétzúzza a tudomány, a hit és az emberi természet modern k?zhelyeit, mik?zben átformálja sok olvasó lelkét és elméjét. Dr. Peterson viccesen és nagyon komolyan, meglep?en és tanulságosan, egyenesen, olykor kifejezetten bántóan fogalmaz. Az olvasó valószín?leg nem fog vele mindenben egyetérteni – a gyerekneveléssel kapcsolatos elveivel például kifejezetten nehéz azonosulni –, de k?nyvével olyan vitathatatlan értékeket képvisel, mint a szólásszabadság és a véleménynyilvánítás joga.?? ?Dr. Peterson a torontói egyetem megbecsült tanára, klinikai pszichológus és hivatásos provokátor. K?nyvével az egész világot zavarba hozta. A 12 szabály az élethez hónapok óta listavezet? az Amazonon, tarol a világ sikerlistáin, t?bbek k?zt a USA Today, a Wall Street Journal, a The Washington Post és a The New York Times toplistájának els? helyezettje. K?zel 40 ország megvásárolta a kiadás jogait. A professzor szerint az ember és a társadalom legfontosabb tennivalója, hogy elkerülje a káoszt és ugyanakkor a diktatúrát, hogy rend legyen az életben és a fejekben. Ehhez az ?si hagyomány igazságait ?tv?zi az élvonalbeli tudományos kutatások legújabb felfedezéseivel. Megtudhatjuk, miért érdemes békén hagynunk a g?rdeszkázó fiúkat, milyen borzalmas sors vár azokra, akik mindenkiben a hibát keresik, és miért kellene minden macskát megsimogatnunk az utcán. Mit taníthat nekünk az egyszer? homár idegrendszere a sikeres életr?l? Miért emelték az ?si egyiptomiak a gondos figyelmet isteni magasságokba? Miféle sz?rny? útra térnek azok, akik megkeserednek, arrogánsak és bosszúra szomjaznak? Dr. Peterson kitér a fegyelem, a szabadság, a kaland és a felel?sség értékeire, hogy aztán tizenkét praktikus és átüt? szabályban foglalja ?ssze világunk életb?lcsességeit. A 12 szabály az élethez szétzúzza a tudomány, a hit és az emberi természet modern k?zhelyeit, mik?zben átformálja sok olvasó lelkét és elméjét. Dr. Peterson viccesen és nagyon komolyan, meglep?en és tanulságosan, egyenesen, olykor kifejezetten bántóan fogalmaz. Az olvasó valószín?leg nem fog vele mindenben egyetérteni – a gyerekneveléssel kapcsolatos elveivel például kifejezetten nehéz azonosulni –, de k?nyvével olyan vitathatatlan értékeket képvisel, mint a szólásszabadság és a véleménynyilvánítás joga.?? Dr. Peterson a torontói egyetem megbecsült tanára, klinikai pszichológus és hivatásos provokátor. K?nyvével az egész világot zavarba hozta. A 12 szabály az élethez hónapok óta listavezet? az Amazonon, tarol a világ sikerlistáin, t?bbek k?zt a USA Today, a Wall Street Journal, a The Washington Post és a The New York Times toplistájának els? helyezettje. K?zel 40 ország megvásárolta a kiadás jogait. A professzor szerint az ember és a társadalom legfontosabb tennivalója, hogy elkerülje a káoszt és ugyanakkor a diktatúrát, hogy rend legyen az életben és a fejekben. Ehhez az ?si hagyomány igazságait ?tv?zi az élvonalbeli tudományos kutatások legújabb felfedezéseivel. Megtudhatjuk, miért érdemes békén hagynunk a g?rdeszkázó fiúkat, milyen borzalmas sors vár azokra, akik mindenkiben a hibát keresik, és miért kellene minden macskát megsimogatnunk az utcán. Mit taníthat nekünk az egyszer? homár idegrendszere a sikeres életr?l? Miért emelték az ?si egyiptomiak a gondos figyelmet isteni magasságokba? Miféle sz?rny? útra térnek azok, akik megkeserednek, arrogánsak és bosszúra szomjaznak? Dr. Peterson kitér a fegyelem, a szabadság, a kaland és a felel?sség értékeire, hogy aztán tizenkét praktikus és átüt? szabályban foglalja ?ssze világunk életb?lcsességeit. A 12 szabály az élethez szétzúzza a tudomány, a hit és az emberi természet modern k?zhelyeit, mik?zben átformálja sok olvasó lelkét és elméjét. Dr. Peterson viccesen és nagyon

Потомственная бабка-шептуха Наталья делится действенными шепотками и обрядами, наговорами, секретами изготовления оберегов, передававшимися из поколения в поколение. Они помогут вам в жизни, лечении болезней, привлечении любви, удачи, благополучия, защитят вас и ваше жилище от недобрых людей и неприятностей. Шепотки от различных болезней детей и взрослых. Обереги для защиты дома и привлечения удачи. Наговоры для привлечения денег. Избавление от порчи и сглаза. Обряды на исполнение желаний. Шепотки для молодости и красоты. Заговоры на верность супруга и т. д. Potomstvennaja babka-sheptuha Natal'ja delitsja dejstvennymi shepotkami i obrjadami, nagovorami, sekretami izgotovlenija oberegov, peredavavshimisja iz pokolenija v pokolenie. Oni pomogut vam v zhizni, lechenii boleznej, privlechenii ljubvi, udachi, blagopoluchija, zashhitjat vas i vashe zhilishhe ot nedobryh ljudej i neprijatnostej. Shepotki ot razlichnyh boleznej detej i vzroslyh. Oberegi dlja zashhity doma i privlechenija udachi. Nagovory dlja privlechenija deneg. Izbavlenie ot porchi i sglaza. Obrjady na ispolnenie zhelanij. Shepotki dlja molodosti i krasoty. Zagovory na vernost' supruga i t. d.

A Song for Jenny: A Mother's Story of Love and Loss
On 7 July 2005, Julie Nicholson's life was changed forever. Her daughter, Jenny, was killed on her way to work in the London bombings, shaking Julie's beliefs. With heartbreaking honesty and integrity, Julie tells her story of love, tragedy and heartache for the first time. Jenny Nicholson was travelling to work when a bomb exploded at Edgware Road Tube station. Her mother, Reverend Julie Nicholson, was on holiday in Anglesey at the time and watched the situation unfold on the television before travelling to London to search for her missing daughter. After five terrible days, her daughter's death was confirmed. Struggling to comprehend the tragedy, Julie's sorrow and longing for her beloved daughter turned to rage and anger at the senseless death. In what will doubtless be considered a landmark grief memoir, Julie Nicholson takes us painstakingly through each moment from when Jenny fails to answer her mobile, to anointing her body. Devastatingly honest and courageous, Julie tells of her love and loss as only a mother can. Devastatingly honest and courageous, Julie tells of her love and loss as only a mother can.

Omul ultra. De la supraponderal, la campion de anduran??
Cartea care a schimbat vie?ile a milioane de oameni Jocul A?adar, vedem c?, pentru a juca cu succes jocul vie?ii, trebuie s? ne antren?m facultatea de a ne imagina. Un om cu aceast? abilitate, antrenat s? ??i imagineze doar binele, va atrage ?n via?a sa ?toate dreptele dorin?e ale inimii“ – s?n?tate, bog??ie, iubire, prieteni, expresia perfect? a sinelui, idealurile cele mai ?nalte. Imagina?ia a fost supranumit? ?foarfeca min?ii“, care taie ?i taie, zi dup? zi, imaginile v?zute, iar omul ??i ?nt?lne?te propriile crea?ii, mai devreme sau mai t?rziu, ?n lumea exterioar?. Pentru a ?i antrena cu succes imagina?ia, omul trebuie s? ?n?eleag? cum ?i func?ioneaz? mintea. Grecii au spus ?Cunoa?te te pe tine ?nsu?i!“ Exist? trei planuri ale min?ii: subcon?tientul, con?tientul ?i supracon?tientul. Subcon?tientul este, pur ?i simplu, putere f?r? direc?ie. El este ca aburul sau electricitatea ?i face ceea ce este direc?ionat s? fac?; el nu are putere s? influen?eze. Tot ceea ce omul simte profund sau imagineaz? cu claritate este imprimat ?n subcon?tient ?i este executat ?n cele mai mici detalii. Iubirea Adev?rata iubire este dezinteresat? ?i eliberat? de team?. Ea se revars? asupra obiectului afec?iunii ei f?r? a cere nimic ?n schimb. Bucuria ei se g?se?te ?n bucuria de a d?rui. Iubirea este Dumnezeu manifestat ?i cea mai puternic? for?? magnetic? din univers. Iubirea pur?, lipsit? de egoism, atrage ceea ce ?i apar?ine; nu trebuie s? caute sau s? cear?. Foarte pu?ini au o vag? idee despre adev?rata iubire. Omul este egoist, tiranic ?i tem?tor ?n afec?iunile lui, pierz?nd astfel obiectul iubirii lui. Gelozia este cel mai r?u du?man al iubirii, c?ci imagina?ia se dezl?n?uie?te, v?z?nd fiin?a iubit? atras? de altcineva, ?i, inevitabil, aceste temeri devin realitate dac? nu sunt neutralizate.

Hunting: Essential hunting and outdoor survival skills from the world's elite fo
With the aid of superb line artworks, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting demonstrates the core skills involved in being a self-reliant hunter. From tracking large game to shooting wild pheasant, this book is the essential guide to finding, killing and surviving off animals in the wild. The book offers useful tips on a vast array of topics, including laying traps, building your own weapons, deciphering tracks, skinning and butchering your kill, cooking meat and building smokehouses. It also describes various shooting techniques, as well as covering topics such as selecting firearms, choosing the right ammunition and gun maintenance. With more than 300 easy-to-follow artworks and handy pull-out lists of key information, the Elite Forces Handbook: Hunting is the definitive pocket guide for huntsmen of all levels. When nature’s all you have, you need to know how to use it to survive.

The Aegean Sea Dispute between Greece and Turkey: The Consequences for NATO and
The Aegean dispute between Greece and Turkey is a persistent problem between the two allied states. Difference of interpretation of the treaties has contributed in the prevalence of the argument. This dispute consists of five key issues. Greece only accepts one, namely the delimitation of the continental shelf. However, Turkey has introduced and has persisted on the other four, which are the delimitation of the territorial seas, the national airspace and FIR controls over the Aegean Sea, the demilitarization of the Eastern Aegean Islands and finally the disputed islands, islets and rocks which have presented the grey zones issue. All of these matters have persisted for so long, especially after the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 where the current status quo in the Aegean was introduced, due to economic, political and strategic reasons. The Aegean dispute does not only have consequences for Greece and Turkey; it also affects, negatively, NATO and the European Union. This is an ongoing problem, which if not solved it will produce future problems, not only for the two states, but also for NATO and the EU. A third party may be needed in order to assist in finding a just and permanent solution concerning this dispute, since Greece and Turkey seem incapable of solving this dispute by themselves.

iOS 9 Game Development Essentials
Design, build, and publish an iOS game from scratch using the stunning features of iOS 9 About This Book Create storyboards in Xcode from concept to code and designChalk out your game’s overall navigation and structureWork with 2D and 3D game development toolsWho This Book Is ForThis book is intended for game developers who wish to develop 2D and 3D games for iPhone and iPad. If you are a developer from another platform, or game engine such as Android or Unity, a current iOS developer wishing to learn more about Swift and the latest features of iOS 9, or even if you are new to game development, then this book is for you. Some prior programming knowledge is recommended, but not required.What You Will LearnFamiliarise yourself with both basic and advanced Swift game development codeUnderstand the structure and flow of a typical iOS appWork with the SpriteKit framework to make 2D games, sprites, and overlaysDiscover 3D game development with SceneKitVisually design levels and game assets with XCode 7’s latest featuresExplore the concept of component-based structuring with iOS 9’s GameplaykitBeta test and publish your game with iTunes ConnectIn DetailGame development has always been a combination of programming and art, and mobile game development is no exception to this rule. The iOS platform has been both a staple in the ever-growing mobile game market, as well as a launching point for many game developers (hobby and career-wise). The features and frameworks available in iOS 9 continue to cater to the synergy of design and computer engineering, using tools that allow developers to take a game idea from concept to application in record time.Whether you are new to iOS and game development as a whole, or are an experienced programmer wanting to learn the latest features of the platform, iOS 9 Game Development Essentials will provide you with crucial insight into this widely used platform.Starting with the Swift programming language, this book gets the ball rolling with code concepts and game-centric code samples right from the get-go, giving you get a solid understanding of Apple’s cutting-edge programming language. The book takes you through iOS game development concepts and introduces the various frameworks that allow you to develop robust, reusable, and intelligent game components in both 2D and 3D game environments.Style and approachThis book is a step-by-step guide into the code and concepts of iOS apps. Each chapter contains diagrams that showcase the features of the platform, along with code samples from Apple and code samples exclusive to this book.

Kibana Essentials
Use the functionalities of Kibana to discover data and build attractive visualizations and dashboards for real-world scenariosAbout This BookPerform real-time data analytics and visualizations, on streaming data, using KibanaBuild beautiful visualizations and dashboards with simplicity and ease without any type of coding involvedLearn all the core concepts as well as detailed information about each component used in KibanaWho This Book Is ForWhether you are new to the world of data analytics and data visualization or an expert, this book will provide you with the skills required to use Kibana with ease and simplicity for real-time data visualization of streaming data.This book is intended for those professionals who are interested in learning about Kibana,its installations, and how to use it . As Kibana provides a user-friendly web page, no prior experience is required.What You Will LearnUnderstand the basic concepts of elasticsearch used in Kibana along with step by step guide to install Kibana in Windows and UbuntuExplore the functionality of all the components used in Kibana in detail, such as the Discover, Visualize, Dashboard,and Settings pagesAnalyze data using the powerful search capabilities of elasticsearchUnderstand the different types of aggregations used in Kibana for visualizationCreate and build different types of amazing visualizations and dashboards easilyCreate, save, share, embed, and customize the visualizations added to the dashboardCustomize and tweak the advanced settings of Kibana to ensure ease of useIn DetailWith the increasing interest in data analytics and visualization of large data around the globe, Kibana offers the best features to analyze data and create attractive visualizations and dashboards through simple-to-use web pages. The variety of visualizations provided, combined with the powerful underlying elasticsearch capabilities will help professionals improve their skills with this technology.This book will help you quickly familiarize yourself to Kibana and will also help you to understand the core concepts of this technology to build visualizations easily.Starting with setting up of Kibana and elasticsearch in Windows and Ubuntu, you will then use the Discover page to analyse your data intelligently. Next, you will learn to use the Visualization page to create beautiful visualizations without the need for any coding. Then, you will learn how to use the Dashboard page to create a dashboard and instantly share and embed the dashboards. You will see how to tweak the basic and advanced settings provided in Kibana to manage searches, visualizations, and dashboards. Finally, you will use Kibana to build visualizations and dashboards for real-world scenarios.You will quickly master the functionalities and components used in Kibana to create amazing visualizations based on real-world scenarios. With ample screenshots to guide you through every step, this book will assist you in creating beautiful visualizations with ease.Style and approachThis book is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you understand Kibana. It’s explained in an easy-to-follow style along with supporting images. Every chapter is explained sequentially , covering the basics of each component of Kibana and providing detailed explanations of all the functionalities of Kibana that appeal.

Swift High Performance
Leverage Swift and enhance your code to take your applications to the next levelAbout This BookBuild solid, high performance applications in SwiftIncrease your efficiency by getting to grips with concurrency and parallel programmingUse Swift to design performance-oriented solutionsWho This Book Is ForThis book is aimed at experienced Swift developers wanting to optimize their programs on Apple platforms to optimize application performance.What You Will LearnBuild solid, stable, and reliable applications using SwiftUse REPL and Pl to manage and configure relational databasesExplore Swift's features including its static type system, value objects, and functional programming Design reusable code for high performance in SwiftUse to Xcode LLBD and REPL to debug commandsAvoid sharing resources by using concurrency and parallel programmingUnderstand the lazy loading pattern, lazy sequences, and lazy evolution.In DetailSwift is one of the most popular and powerful programming languages for building iOS and Mac OS applications, and continues to evolve with new features and capabilities. Swift is considered a replacement to Objective-C and has performance advantages over Objective-C and Python. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun.Develop Swift and discover best practices that allow you to build solid applications and optimize their performance.First, a few of performance characteristics of Swift will be explained. You will implement new tools available in Swift, including Playgrounds and REPL. These will improve your code efficiency, enable you to analyse Swift code, and enhance performance. Next, the importance of building solid applications using multithreading concurrency and multi-core device architecture is covered, before moving on to best practices and techniques that you should utilize when building high performance applications, such as concurrency and lazy-loading. Finally, you will explore the underlying structure of Swift further, and learn how to disassemble and compile Swift code.Style and approachThis is a comprehensive guide to enhancing Swift programming techniques and methodology to enable faster application development.

Maps and Legends
A collection of essays on books and why they matter by the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & CLAY and WONDER BOYS. MAPS AND LEGENDS is a love song in sixteen parts – a series of linked essays in praise of reading and writing, with subjects running from ghost stories to comic books, Sherlock Holmes to Cormac McCarthy. Throughout, Chabon energetically argues for a return to the thrilling, chilling origins of storytelling, rejecting the false walls around ‘serious’ literature in favour of a wide-ranging affection. His own fiction, meanwhile, is explored from the perspective of personal history: post-collegiate desperation sparks his debut, THE MYSTERIES OF PITTSBURGH; procrastination and doubt reveal the way towards WONDER BOYS; a love of comics and a basement golem combine to create the Pulitzer Prize-winning THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & CLAY; and an enigmatic Yiddish phrasebook unfurls into THE YIDDISH POLICEMEN’S UNION.

The California Divorce Handbook For Women
Women faced with divorce require an attorney who can understand what they're facing. Author and attorney Paul H. Nathan has spent his career fighting for the rights of women in divorce cases, helping them achieve the results they deserve. From the Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan, top-tier Northern California attorney, comes The Divorce Handbook for California Women. This handy guide covers the basics and the most commonly overlooked nitty-gritty details of divorce proceedings in California, including: The different legal options for ending a marriage Selecting the right attorney Setting boundaries between you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse Initiating and navigating the divorce process Necessary financial documentation The critical factors determining spousal support The formula for calculating child support Pet custody Property rights and classification recognized by the California courts The essential factors a judge must consider in a contested custody case The equation to determine the percentage share of retirement benefits Legal fees and who is responsible for them 40 age-appropriate books for children about divorce Keeping your credit score safe when going through a divorce 38 financial records to be aware of The emotional stages of the divorce process and self-care basics Paul Nathan’s information-packed book is filled with the answers to all the challenging questions that keep women going through divorce awake at night and provides a wealth of local resources for women and their children. The Divorce Handbook for California Women is the template every woman needs to have the knowledge to prevail in a divorce, custody, or spousal support matter.

Surse oficiale precizeaz?: Metroul-2 este un obiectiv guvernamental, care prezint? interes din punctul de vedere al leg?turilor subterane ?i, ?n caz de necesitate, poate fi folosit at?t ca sistem sigur de comunica?ii, c?t ?i ca mijloc de transport. Dac?, p?n? ?n prezent, n-au existat motive s? fie ascunse aceste informa?ii, atunci, de ce nu se spune dac? Metroul-2 este depozit secret pentru rezervele de aur ale Rusiei sau tunel care duce la cele mai mari z?c?minte de bog??ii minerale sau drumul folosit de Stalin ca s? mearg? la ?nt?lnirile cu Buharin? Ce s-a petrecut ?i ce se petrece acolo? Mai ?nt?i, de ce au fost ?mpu?ca?i constructorii Metroului-2? De ce au disp?rut at??ia oameni ?i de unde a ap?rut plutoniul pentru armament sub p?m?nt? Cine folose?te ?n prezent bunc?rul de sub Kremlin? De ce se ascund cu grij? informa?iile despre acesta, despre bunc?rul secret a lui Stalin ?i despre ?nmorm?nt?rile ?n mas? din subteranele metroului? Sau despre legendara bibliotec? a lui Ivan cel Groaznic, precum ?i despre cauzele pr?bu?irii parcului acvatic din Moscova? Despre toate acestea ?i despre multe altele v? va povesti un ziarist care a cutreierat ?mpreun? cu diggerii tunelurile subterane ?i s-a ini?iat ?n tainele sumbre ale metrourilor din Piter ?i Moscova.

Dostoievski, tragedia subteranei
Lumea ?n care tr?im este tot mai schimb?toare. Tehnologia progreseaz? rapid, valorile se transform?, apar ?i dispar profesii cu o vitez? uluitoare. Cum am putea preg?ti ast?zi copilul, pentru lumea ?n care va tr?i m?ine, c?nd, poate, ceea ce pre?uim ast?zi, m?ine va fi dat uit?rii?P?rin?ii oscileaz? adesea ?ntre permisivitate ?i exigen??, ne?tiind care este strategia educa?ional? optim? pentru viitorul copiilor lor. S?-l scutim de orice efort ?i de orice responsabilitate? S?-l ?nscriem la cursuri op?ionale, ?n speran?a de a-i deschide c?t mai multe drumuri? S? insist?m pe disciplin? ?i materiile ?colare??n Calea ?nving?torului, cei doi autori recurg la numeroase exemple din via?a de zi cu zi ?i cercet?ri de ultim? or? ?i, ?ntr-un stil alert ?i atractiv, ofer? solu?ii simple. P?rin?ii nu numai c? se vor bucura mai t?rziu de roadele eforturilor lor, ci vor reu?i, prin intermediul activit??ilor desf??urate ?mpreun? cu copiii, s? creasc? coeziunea dintre ei ?i ace?tia.