

Sim?ul comun
Sim?ul comun
Thomas Paine
Cartea prezint? destinele a trei personaje Alfredo, Andrea ?i Fabio. ?Am f?cut-o pentru binele t?u!“, ?Am f?cut-o pentru binele lui!“, formule care se reg?sesc ?n titlul c?r?ii, sunt folosite des ?n via?a real?, ?ns? ascund de multe ori atitudini si fapte reprobabile – minciun?, arogan??, egoism sau am?gire. Acestea sunt ?micile crime“ s?v?r?ite ?n numele iubirii, pe care le red? Gianna Schelotto. Alfredo, protagonistul primei pove?ti, afl? c? a fost adoptat c?nd avea trei ani, dup? ce el ?i fratele lui fuseser? abandona?i de mama lor. Andrea, personajul central din cea de-a doua poveste, este pus de tat?l s?u ?n fa?a unei realit??i nepl?cute. ?n ultima poveste, Fabio, un avocat influent, de aproape ?aizeci de ani, se confrunt? cu perspectiva inevitabilei sale dec?deri dup? ce afl? c? ar putea suferi de Alzheimer. Unii gre?esc prin faptul c? dezv?luie, al?ii gre?esc prin faptul c? ascund: s?ar zice c? situa?ia e f?r? ie?ire. Dar nu faptele individuale sunt cele care produc daune ; ceea ce risc? s? creeze fracturi profunde este ideea c?, de fapt, copiii sunt un fel de prelungire a noastr?, o proprietate exclusiv? de care putem dispune oricum. Orice fapt?, declarat? sau ascuns?, prin care ?ncerc?m s? determin?m persoanele s???i schimbe idei, aspira?ii ?i sentimente este o manipulare, chiar dac? se na?te din dorin?a sincer? de a aduce beneficii s?n?t??ii celuilalt sau de a?i sus?ine bun?starea. ?n rela?iile ?s?n?toase“, schimb?rile ?i dezvoltarea au loc nu fiindc? cel puternic a reu?it s??l conving? pe cel slab, ci numai pentru c? ne?am transformat lu?nd de la cel?lalt ?i d?nd de la sine, ?n mod spontan, experien?e, emo?ii, vise.
Calea natural? c?tre o s?n?tate de fier
Calea natural? c?tre o s?n?tate de fier
Norman W. Walker
Cum definim ?i cum trat?m tulburarea de reglare emo?ional? Emo?iile sunt o parte important? a vie?ii noastre, afect?ndu-ne major ac?iunile, de?i nu ?ntotdeauna suntem con?tien?i de prezen?a lor. Abilitatea de a ?n?elege ?i balansa emo?iile se nume?te reglare emo?ional? sau control emo?ional. De ce este important? reglarea emo?ional?? Pentru c? reprezint? un element esen?ial pe care se sprijin? civiliza?ia uman?. Interac?iunile dintre oameni depind de modul ?n care sim?im ?i ne exprim?m emo?iile. Conceptul de ?tulburare de reglare emo?ional?“ intervine atunci c?nd apar probleme ?n privin?a controlului emo?iilor. De cele mai multe ori, o persoan? care are astfel de probleme ??i va descrie st?rile aleg?nd etichete precum depresiv, anxios, nervos, sup?rat, agitat. Mult mai rar va apela la nararea autentic? a tr?irilor personale, declar?nd c? este instabil, impulsiv, emo?ional, necontrolat, incapabil de a se calma, u?or de frustrat etc. Cartea lui Radu Vrasti prezint? ?ntr-o form? succint? problema tulbur?rii de reglare emo?ional?, a?a cum se prezint? din perspectiva medicinei ?i a psihologiei clinice. ?n plus, aduce informa?ii de ultim? or? despre cum trebuie ?n?eleas?, definit?, diagnosticat? ?i ?tratat?“ at?t medicamentos c?t ?i psihoterapeutic.
Complete Horoscope GEMINI 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope GEMINI 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope: GEMINI 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Gemini, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Gemini and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: GEMINI 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
The Whole Method: Leaders: Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail and Unleash You
The Whole Method: Leaders: Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail and Unleash You
Rhonda Smith
Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail, and Expand Into Your True Potential What you are seeking has been waiting patiently for you to find it. Satisfaction and fulfillment are not destinations on a map, they can only be found by going within. The Whole Method guides you back into the deepest recesses of your self, lighting the way to remembering who you really are and unlocking your infinite potential. Becoming whole means diverging from the pathways others have tread before you, reconnecting with your internal compass, and blazing your own uniquely magnificent trail. Gorging yourself on information and filling your mind with the recommendations of others does not actually give you new insights or answers. Instead, quiet the external noise and listen to the wisdom of your soul. Softly speaking words of truth into your life, the wisdom of your soul will guide you home. The Whole Method shows you, the leader, how to tap the bottomless well of your inner wisdom and unleash a torrent of inspiration, so that you can ripple your mission throughout the world. As the floodgates open and your spirit comes alive, marvel in the magic of realizing your full potential and supporting others in realizing theirs.
The Offline Dating Method: How to Attract a Great Guy in the Real World
The Offline Dating Method: How to Attract a Great Guy in the Real World
Camille Virginia
With the modern dating process overrun (yet under-served) by online dating and apps, the woman who connects in the real world gets the man.? In this book, author Camille Virginia draws upon her transformation from a shy girl with social anxiety into a socially confident woman. Without ever going online or using an app, hundreds of men, in everyday places, have asked Camille to go out with them. Through coaching and workshops, she's helped women in over 100 countries learn how to attract their “better half” and become happier? In The Offline Dating Method, Camille shares her step-by-step secrets to success, giving every reader the power to attract great men in the real world and live a more fulfilling life. In this book you will:? Find hundreds of specific and actionable tips (there’s no vague "just be yourself" advice) Follow a proven step-by-step system (there’s no guesswork about what to do next) Create meaningful connections with everyone (men, friends, family, and more).
Complete Horoscope Cancer 2020: Monthly astrological forecasts for 2020
Complete Horoscope Cancer 2020: Monthly astrological forecasts for 2020
Tatiana Borsch
In the Complete Horoscope: CANCER 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Cancer, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Cancer and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: CANCER 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Complete Horoscope 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for Every Zodiac Sign fo
Complete Horoscope 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for Every Zodiac Sign fo
Tatiana Borsch
In the second English edition of her popular annual horoscope series, leading Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020, Borsch includes a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This complete 2020 Horoscope features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHORTatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
The Little Book of Light Codes
The Little Book of Light Codes
The Little Book of Light Codes contains a series of 52 symbols which are channeled, healing Codes of Light from the Universe, designed to help human beings along on our unique and individual paths. Through the visual assistance of the symbols, your journey to peace and happiness is brought forth in a unique way. These symbols have been developed and given to us at this time to assist in releasing our pain and suffering, while bringing more Love, abundance, and harmony into our Hearts and lives.? With the assistance of Lady Isis and Jeshua, the symbols in The Little Book of Light Codes offer access to gentle and powerful energies which can inspire healings on all levels of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual planes. These channeled symbols are designed to repair DNA, and to offer personal upgrades and activations to the reader as is appropriate for them. The reader is invited to work their way through the book, and open to all the potential healings and wisdoms provided by the Light Codes. Simple exercises and meditations are included, to assist you in utilizing the symbols most effectively, while you step further into your Love and Light. Each symbol will resonate with a difficult issue in your life at any given moment. You may find yourself drawn to a particular symbol one day, and feel resistance toward it the next, depending upon what energies, stressors, or triggers you are working with in your life. As you work with the messages, wisdom, and frequencies expressed by each symbol, your process with The Little Book of Light Codes will be as personalized and as healing as you choose. The energy frequency each symbol emits and the information each offers are infinite. Simply by looking at a symbol, you will gain the information your soul is seeking in order to perfect itself and reflect Divine Love.? As you move through this book, you may experience release, change, and even total transformation in your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual bodies. Just flow with it! Follow your inner guidance and intuition, and trust the unfolding. The time has come to take back your personal power with the strength and Love you hold within your Heart. Humanity is at a crossroads: heal and ascend, or continue walking through darkness. The Little Book of Light Codes is here to help humanity find Light, find Love, and find the joy and freedom that is our birthright. Everyone has the ability to live the life they choose—but it is up to the individual to make the conscious choice to heal that which no longer serves them in creating the abundant life of their dreams. Everything is possible, and The Little Book of Light Codes can provide a method of re-discovering that which is already known, but that has been temporarily forgotten. May these symbols remind you of the innate and infinite Love, Wisdom, and Light that you hold within yourself.
Power Stronger Than Itself
Power Stronger Than Itself
Lewis, George E.
Founded in 1965 and still active today, the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) is an American institution with an international reputation. George E. Lewis, who joined the collective as a teenager in 1971, establishes the full importance and vitality of the AACM with this communal history, written with a symphonic sweep that draws on a cross-generational chorus of voices and a rich collection of rare images.Moving from Chicago to New York to Paris, and from founding member Steve McCall's kitchen table to Carnegie Hall, A Power Stronger Than Itself uncovers a vibrant, multicultural universe and brings to light a major piece of the history of avant-garde music and art.
Theory of Rules
Theory of Rules
Llewellyn, Karl N.
Karl N. Llewellyn was one of the founders and major figures of legal realism, and his many keen insights have a central place in American law and legal understanding. Key to Llewellyn's thinking was his conception of rules, put forward in his numerous writings and most famously in his often mischaracterized declaration that they are "pretty playthings." Previously unpublished, The Theory of Rules is the most cogent presentation of his profound and insightful thinking about the life of rules.This book frames the development of Llewellyn's thinking and describes the difference between what rules literally prescribe and what is actually done, with the gap explained by a complex array of practices, conventions, professional skills, and idiosyncrasies, most of which are devoted to achieving a law's larger purpose rather than merely following the letter of a particular rule. Edited, annotated, and with an extensive analytic introduction by leading contemporary legal scholar Frederick Schauer, this rediscovered work contains material not found elsewhere in Llewellyn's writings and will prove a valuable contribution to the existing literature on legal realism.
Lady Anatomist
Lady Anatomist
Messbarger, Rebecca
Anna Morandi Manzolini (1714-74), a woman artist and scientist, surmounted meager origins and limited formal education to become one of the most acclaimed anatomical sculptors of the Enlightenment. The Lady Anatomist tells the story of her arresting life and times, in light of the intertwined histories of science, gender, and art that complicated her rise to fame in the eighteenth century.Examining the details of Morandi's remarkable life, Rebecca Messbarger traces her intellectual trajectory from provincial artist to internationally renowned anatomical wax modeler for the University of Bologna's famous medical school. Placing Morandi's work within its cultural and historical context, as well as in line with the Italian tradition of anatomical studies and design, Messbarger uncovers the messages contained within Morandi's wax in*ions, part complex theories of the body and part poetry. Widely appealing to those with an interest in the tangled histories of art and the body, and including lavish, full-color reproductions of Morandi's work, The Lady Anatomist is a sophisticated biography of a true visionary.
Chicago Made
Chicago Made
Lewis, Robert
From the lumberyards and meatpacking factories of the Southwest Side to the industrial suburbs that arose near Lake Calumet at the turn of the twentieth century, manufacturing districts shaped Chicago's character and laid the groundwork for its transformation into a sprawling metropolis. Approaching Chicago's story as a reflection of America's industrial history between the Civil War and World War II, Chicago Made explores not only the well-documented workings of centrally located city factories but also the overlooked suburbanization of manufacturing and its profound effect on the metropolitan landscape. Robert Lewis documents how manufacturers, attracted to greenfield sites on the city's outskirts, began to build factory districts there with the help of an intricate network of railroad owners, real estate developers, financiers, and wholesalers. These immense networks of social ties, organizational memberships, and financial relationships were ultimately more consequential, Lewis demonstrates, than any individual achievement. Beyond simply giving Chicago businesses competitive advantages, they transformed the economic geography of the region. Tracing these transformations across seventy-five years, Chicago Made establishes a broad new foundation for our understanding of urban industrial America.
    当我们受挫的时候,是否怀疑过自己能不能成功;当我们成功的时候,是否思考过自己能不能做得更好;当我们迷茫的时候,又有没有想过自己为什么要做这件事?自我实现的渴望激励人们不断去探索高峰、探索人性能到达的境界。     在这本书里,马斯洛深度探讨了自我实现与超越、男性和女性的认知、教育的目标和意义以及社会与个人的协同作用。他颠覆性地提出了超越性动机,带你领悟自我实现的高峰体验。     现代生活中工作和教育的压力,让人们渐渐失去对于自我实现的自主性,厌烦情绪膨胀,工作和学习自然难以取得令人满意的结果。马斯洛所提出的以兴趣、爱好为代表的心理动机,对人类自我实现的意义却远超所有人的想象,是时候把自主权重新掌握在自己手里了,人性能到达的境界,取决于你想到达的境界。
The Bicycle Book
The Bicycle Book
Bella Bathurst
A rip-roaring narrative celebration of the 21st century’s great transport success story: the bicycle. Millions of us now cycle, some obsessively, and this glorious concoction of history, anecdote, adventure and lycra-clad pedalling is the perfect read for two-wheelers of all kinds. ‘At last – a bicycle book for the rest of us…. A book for the sort of cyclist who likes cycling and reading and stories.’ Guardian Two wheels. A frame. Two pedals. What could be simpler than a bicycle? And yet the bike continues to inspire a passionate following. Since the millennium its use in Britain has doubled, and then doubled again. Thousands now cycle to work, with more and more taking it up every day. Acclaimed author Bella Bathurst takes us on a journey through cycling’s best stories and strangest incarnations, from the bicycle as a weapon of warfare to the secret life of couriers and the alchemy of framebuilding. With a cast of characters including the woman who watercycled across the Channel, the man who raced India’s Deccan Queen train and several of today’s top cyclists, she offers us a brilliantly engaging portrait of cycling’s past, present and world-conquering future.
Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Lori Gottlieb
Lori Gottlieb suggests the unthinkable: what if she, and single women everywhere, need to stop chasing the elusive Mr Perfect and instead opt for Mr Good Enough? Embarking on her own journey to find the ideal partner, Lori explores a prevalent issue facing women today - how do you reconcile a strong desire for a husband and family without wanting to settle for anything less than the perfect package…? After interviewing a range of people from behavioural therapists to marriage counsellors, neuropsychologists to divorce lawyers, as well as single and married men and women from their twenties right up to their sixties, Lori is well placed to offer an answer Mr Good Enough is this year's intelligent, eye-opening insight into modern relationships - a fast, funny read which 'might just be a formula for marital bliss' The Times
J’aime fumer… et je vais arrêter!: Devenez non-fumeur en 30 jours
J’aime fumer… et je vais arrêter!: Devenez non-fumeur en 30 jours
Andreas Jopp
Jaime fumer...et je vais arrêter ! Devenez non-fumeur sans prendre de poids. Le Livre est un succès international, déjà traduit en 10 langues! Ce n’est qu’en découvrant et en comprenant pourquoi vous aimez fumer que vous pourrez arrêter la cigarette sans avoir l’impression de renoncer à quelque chose d’important. **PERMIS DE FUMER** Si vous lisez ce livre, vous allez pouvoir continuer à fumer… Au fil des pages, Andreas Jopp explique point par point et avec humour les schémas de pensée qui empêchent d’arrêter. Il démontre comment la nicotine déprogramme le cerveau, rend vulnérable au stress et empêche de trouver le calme. Une fois ces mécanismes compris, vous pourrez arrêter sans difficulté. Et durablement. **NE PAS PRENDRE DE POIDS** Arrêter de fumer est plus facile quand on n’a pas tout le temps faim et qu’on se sent bien. Avec les conseils alimentaires d’Andreas Jopp, vous pourrez manger davantage sans prendre de poids. **LES QUESTIONS SUIVANTES SERONT REPONDUES** EST-CE QUE VOUS AIMEZ FUMER -Comment la nicotine transforme notre cerveau et sentiment desatisfaction -Pourquoi on se sent mieux quand on fume -Et si l’addiction au tabac était plus forte et plus rapide à cause des additifs -Pourquoi les cigarettes légères sont plus dangereuses que lesnormales LA CIGARETTE ET LE MENTAL -Les fumeurs ont-ils des sautes d’humeur plus fréquentes et desproblèmes de concentration -Pourquoi on fume plus quand on est stressé. -Pourquoi on a l’impression que la cigarette nous relaxe. -Fumer rend-il plus éveillé et plus concentré -Les ex-fumeurs sont-ils moins satisfaits que les fumeurs LES STRATGIES LES PLUS EFFiCACES POUR ARRTER DE FUMER -Pourquoi l’hypnose marche pour arrêter de fumer -La meilleure faon de faire face aux symptmes du sevrage. -Comment éviter les reculades et les rechutes. ARRTER DE FUMER, RESTER MINCE -Les fumeurs sont-ils plus minces que les non-fumeurs La réalité -Comment garder tout simplement son poids en arrêtant de fumer. -Pourquoi le sucré entretient la dépendance à la nicotine. -Comment gérer au mieux son poids, sa faim et sa bonne humeur. -Conseils pratiques et listes de course pour rester mince EN MEILLEURE FORME -Améliorer votre soufe et votre condition physique -Réduire rapidement les risques d’infarctus et de cancers Andreas Jopp **Journaliste médical, coach pour non-fumeurs et auteur de best-sellers. **Andreas Jopp travaille aussi depuis 10 ans avec l'hypnose chez les fumeurs. **L'hypnose fait partie des stratégies les plus efficaces contre le tabac ! *Pour les MP3 de hypnose: www.nichtraucherin30Tagen.de/francais**
The Illumination of the Heart: Experiencing a Divine Miracle
The Illumination of the Heart: Experiencing a Divine Miracle
Zinovia Dushkova
"The entrance of the Messiah in this period — 1998," predicted Edgar Cayce in 1932. His prediction accurately came true, but very few people knew about this... until now.Where and how did the Messiah descend into the earthly world, predicted long ago, but wholly unnoticed?In Book 2 of The Teaching of the Heart series, the Lord, for the first time in history, unveils this Secret. He entrusts all human hearts to witness the greatest and most unprecedented Miracle of the Divine Incarnation of His Son, which took place in 1998 within several worlds as the first stage of the Advent.However, not only will you behold this Miracle as if through your own eyes, but you will also experience it within your own heart. As you read the powerfully poetic pages of this book, an imperceptible mystery will occur inside you: the Divine Love of the Lord will transfigure the essence of your entire being, preparing you to become a particle of His human entity at the time of the Great Advent.Offering spiritual food for further deep reflections, The Teaching of the Heart continues to provide you with inspirational and illuminating instructions from the Lord of Love and Compassion to transform the whole world through self-perfection.Will you let the Saviour be born inside your heart?
Naked and Transparent
Naked and Transparent
Vladimire Calixte
Do you feel broken or lost? Are you trapped by fear, loneliness, and heartache, but unable to see a way out? Are you unhappy in your relationships, and without a solution to make things right? If you are searching for answers to all of your struggles, Vladimire Calixte’s Naked and Transparent: Six Vital Tools for Knowing Yourself and Attracting Healthy Relationships can help you reclaim your life and help you attract more love, success, peace, and joy than you’ve ever imagined! Filled with personal experiences about love, loss, and abandonment, Naked goes beyond a traditional self-help book. It is a refreshing, honest, and stimulating experience that will help you open your heart and soul, and discover a brand-new you! Part workbook and part memoir, Naked is an enjoyable yet informative must-read for women, men, and teens who suffer from low self-esteem, unworthiness, anxiety, shame, guilt, feelings of failure, and toxic relationships.
Soar at your will
Soar at your will
Dave Priti
Life has blessed us with the freedom to soar. We must have the courage to risk, the faith to believe and the will to succeed. To discover and release what is eternally present within the consciousness of every human being, certain virtues ?and traits are required to be inculcated in life and understood. Virtues make person beautiful and lovely. The way they do things, the way they move, speak and dress, all these creats their personality. If a person has virtue, they will always look rich, for everything is close to them will be filled with quality. Every ambitious person's heart wants to soar to new heights. When silence and virtue live together in one person, there is perfection. Spread your wings, have a clear vision. Soar to new heights. Swoop down on opportunities. Make golden memories.
Science et spiritualité, l'alliance nécessaire!: de A à Z
Science et spiritualité, l'alliance nécessaire!: de A à Z
Christian Cambois, Christian Cambois Bonnemaison
L'auteur, conférencier, étudie depuis quarante ans, les phénomènes inexpliqués. Il s'est initié seul, intuitivement, au magnétisme puis à la communication avec l'au-delà, depuis le printemps 1993. "Ma quête spirituelle m'a ouvert tant de portes nouvelles que j'ai choisi le format d'un abécédaire pour présenter ses multiples facettes. Je vis et je pratique une spiritualité naturelle offerte à tous ceux qui acceptent de s'interroger, de remettre en question leurs vieilles certitudes en les confrontant au filtre de l'intuition. J'ai usé et j'use toujours de ma médiumnité comme d'un outil privilégié de recherches. L'aventure intérieure m'a peu à peu mené vers les mathématiques puis la physique alors que ma formation ne m'y préparait pas. Ma spiritualité n'a pas seulement changé mes perceptions ; elle a bousculé mes certitudes fondées, le plus souvent, sur l'opinion d'un autre. Par elle et avec elle, ma relation aux autres a changé. Le travail sur soi, plus que le don, m'a peu à peu conduit, au fil des ans, à juguler et atténuer de plus en plus ces excès de l'ego que nous connaissons tous. Chaque lecteur pourra parcourir ce livre en suivant ses propres centres d'intérêt. S'il le souhaite, il pourra peut-être découvrir, au fil des mots choisis, un autre chemin offrant un regard neuf sur ce monde si mystérieux qui nous contient et nous entoure."
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology: "Included Glossary of Jungian Terms"
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology: "Included Glossary of Jungian Terms"
Carl Gustav Jung
This book contains a selection of articles and pamphlets on analytical psychology written at intervals during the past fourteen years. These years have seen the development of a new discipline, and as is usual in such a case, have involved many changes of view-point, of concept, and of formulation.??It is not my intention to give a presentation of the fundamental concepts of analytical psychology in this book; it throws some light, however, on a certain line of development which is especially characteristic of the Zürich School of psychoanalysis.??As is well known, the merit of the discovery of the new analytical method of general psychology belongs to Professor Freud of Vienna. His original view-points had to undergo many essential modifications, some of them owing to the work done at Zürich, in spite of the fact that he himself is far from agreeing with the standpoint of this school.??I am unable to explain fully the fundamental differences between the two schools, but would indicate the following points: The Vienna School takes the standpoint of an exclusive sexualistic conception, while that of the Zürich School is symbolistic. The Vienna School interprets the psychological symbol semiotically, as a sign or token of certain primitive psychosexual processes. Its method is analytical and causal.??The Zurich School recognises the scientific feasibility of such a conception, but denies its exclusive validity, for it does not interpret the psychological symbol semiotically only, but also symbolistically, that is, it attributes a positive value to the symbol.??The value does not depend merely on historical causes; its chief importance lies in the fact that it has a meaning for the actual present, and for the future, in their psychological aspects. For to the Zürich School the symbol is not merely a sign of something repressed and concealed, but is at the same time an attempt to comprehend and to point out the way of the further psychological development of the individual. Thus we add a prospective import to the retrospective value of the symbol.??The method of the Zurich School is therefore not only analytical and causal, but also synthetic and prospective, in recognition that the human mind is characterised by "caus?" and also by "fines" (aims). The latter fact needs particular emphasis, because there are two types of psychology, the one following the principle of hedonism, and the other following the principle of power. Scientific materialism is pertinent to the former type, and the philosophy of Nietzsche to the latter. The principle of the Freudian theory is hedonism, while that of Adler (one of Freud's earliest personal pupils) is founded upon the principle of power.??The Zurich School, recognising the existence of these two types (also remarked by the late Professor William James), considers that the views of Freud and Adler are one-sided, and only valid within the limits of their corresponding type.??Freud and Adler interpret in the analytical and causal way, reducing to the infantile and primitive. Thus with Freud the conception of the "aim" is the fulfilment of desire, with Adler it is the usurpation of power. Both authors take the standpoint in their practical analytical work which brings to view only infantile and gross egoistic aims.??The Zurich School is convinced of the fact that within the limits of a diseased mental attitude the psychology is such as Freud and Adler describe. It is, indeed, just on account of such impossible and childish psychology that the individual is in a state of inward dissociation and hence neurotic. The Zürich School, therefore, in agreement with them so far, also reduces the psychological symbol (the phantasy products of the patient) to the fundamental infantile hedonism, or to the infantile desire for power. But Freud and Adler content themselves with the result of mere reduction, according to their scientific biologism and naturalism.