Cea mai indrazneata lucrare a lui Von D?niken din ultimii ani! Pe inaltimile Anzilor bolivieni la 4.000 de metri deasupra nivelului marii se afla ruinele stravechiului oras Puma Punku un oras care pur si simplu nu putea fi construit de catre locuitorii lui din Epoca Pietrei. Conform calendarului mayas in decembrie 2012 zeii se vor intoarce din indelungata lor calatorie si isi vor face din nou aparitia aici pe Pamant. Da asa-numitii zei – de fapt extraterestrii – se vor intoarce intr-adevar! Vom trai intalnirea cu zeii. Numai ca orice om inzestrat macar cu un dram de minte stie ca o calatorie interstelara este imposibila din cauza distantelor colosale pe care le-ar implica! ?i ca extraterestrii n-au cum sa semene cu noi! Ei bine dragi cititori eu distrug aceste idei preconcepute. Sistematic. Una cate una! In stilul sau imposibil de imitat Erich von D?niken desfiinteaza prejudecatile celor care inca mai pun sub semnul intrebarii existenta civilizatiilor extraterestre cu o claritate de care nici un alt autor nu este capabil. C?r?ile sale ridica inteligenta umana la standardele unui dialog cu civilizatiile interstelare. Erich von D?niken este fara doar si poate cel mai citit si mai imitat autor non-fiction din lume. A publicat prima (si cea mai cunoscuta) carte Amintiri despre viitor in 1968. A fost un succes mondial de vanzari urmat de alte 31 de titluri inclusiv recentul ?hit Istoria se insala. C?r?ile lui D?niken au fost traduse in 28 de limbi si s-au vandut in total in 63 de milioane de exemplare. Cateva dintre ele au fost adaptate cinematografic iar ideile lui von D?niken au reprezentat sursa de inspiratie pentru multe seriale de televiziune dintre care si faimosul documentar difuzat de History Channel ?Extraterestrii din antichitate . Erich von D?niken este omniprezent in peisajul international al circuitelor de prelegeri publice. In prezent locuieste in Elvetia.
?i nu uita s? fii fericit. Abecedar de psihologie pozitiv?
Cum s? m? port cu ceilal?i la locul de munc? (fie c? sunt director sau subordonat), sau, în via?a privat?, cu rudele mele sau cu prietenii?Cum s? le în?eleg reac?iile ?i s? îi fac s?-mi în?eleag? corect mesajele? Cum s? m? adresez lor ?i cum s? m? comport, astfel încât comunicarea dintre noi s? fie optim?? Cu to?ii ne punem zi de zi astfel de întreb?ri.Autorul c?r?ii ne înva?? cum s? ne pozi?ion?m pe aceea?i lungime de und? cu interlocutorul nostru, în func?ie de tipul lui de personalitate: Perseverent, Gânditor, Imaginator, Promotor, Rebel sau Empatic. În acest mod, vom c?p?ta trei informa?ii esen?iale: despre sursele motiv?rii lui, despre modul de comunicare preferat ?i modalit??ile sale de a gestiona stresul. Modelul Process Communication a fost realizat de c?tre psihologul american Taibi Kahler, pentru NASA. Gérard Collignon, colaboratorul s?u apropiat, îl preia ?i îl explic? în aceast? carte pentru publicul larg, oferind un ajutor esen?ial oricui î?i dore?te îmbun?t??irea abilit??ilor de comunicare.
Haskell Design Patterns
Take your Haskell and functional programming skills to the next level by exploring new idioms and design patternsAbout This BookExplore Haskell on a higher level through idioms and patternsGet an in-depth look into the three strongholds of Haskell: higher-order functions, the Type system, and Lazy evaluationExpand your understanding of Haskell and functional programming, one line of executable code at a timeWho This Book Is ForIf you’re a Haskell programmer with a firm grasp of the basics and ready to move more deeply into modern idiomatic Haskell programming, then this book is for you.What You Will LearnUnderstand the relationship between the “Gang of Four” OOP Design Patterns and HaskellTry out three ways of Streaming I/O: imperative, Lazy, and Iteratee basedExplore the pervasive pattern of Composition: from function composition through to high-level composition with LensesSynthesize Functor, Applicative, Arrow and Monad in a single conceptual frameworkFollow the grand arc of Fold and Map on lists all the way to their culmination in Lenses and Generic ProgrammingGet a taste of Type-level programming in Haskell and how this relates to dependently-typed programmingRetrace the evolution, one key language extension at a time, of the Haskell Type and Kind systemsPlace the elements of modern Haskell in a historical frameworkIn DetailDesign patterns and idioms can widen our perspective by showing us where to look, what to look at, and ultimately how to see what we are looking at. At their best, patterns are a shorthand method of communicating better ways to code (writing less, more maintainable, and more efficient code).This book starts with Haskell 98 and through the lens of patterns and idioms investigates the key advances and programming styles that together make "modern Haskell". Your journey begins with the three pillars of Haskell. Then you'll experience the problem with Lazy I/O, together with a solution. You'll also trace the hierarchy formed by Functor, Applicative, Arrow, and Monad. Next you'll explore how Fold and Map are generalized by Foldable and Traversable, which in turn is unified in a broader context by functional Lenses. You'll delve more deeply into the Type system, which will prepare you for an overview of Generic programming. In conclusion you go to the edge of Haskell by investigating the Kind system and how this relates to Dependently-typed programming.Style and approachUsing short pieces of executable code, this guide gradually explores the broad pattern landscape of modern Haskell. Ideas are presented in their historical context and arrived at through intuitive derivations, always with a focus on the problems they solve.
Kibana Essentials
Use the functionalities of Kibana to discover data and build attractive visualizations and dashboards for real-world scenariosAbout This BookPerform real-time data analytics and visualizations, on streaming data, using KibanaBuild beautiful visualizations and dashboards with simplicity and ease without any type of coding involvedLearn all the core concepts as well as detailed information about each component used in KibanaWho This Book Is ForWhether you are new to the world of data analytics and data visualization or an expert, this book will provide you with the skills required to use Kibana with ease and simplicity for real-time data visualization of streaming data.This book is intended for those professionals who are interested in learning about Kibana,its installations, and how to use it . As Kibana provides a user-friendly web page, no prior experience is required.What You Will LearnUnderstand the basic concepts of elasticsearch used in Kibana along with step by step guide to install Kibana in Windows and UbuntuExplore the functionality of all the components used in Kibana in detail, such as the Discover, Visualize, Dashboard,and Settings pagesAnalyze data using the powerful search capabilities of elasticsearchUnderstand the different types of aggregations used in Kibana for visualizationCreate and build different types of amazing visualizations and dashboards easilyCreate, save, share, embed, and customize the visualizations added to the dashboardCustomize and tweak the advanced settings of Kibana to ensure ease of useIn DetailWith the increasing interest in data analytics and visualization of large data around the globe, Kibana offers the best features to analyze data and create attractive visualizations and dashboards through simple-to-use web pages. The variety of visualizations provided, combined with the powerful underlying elasticsearch capabilities will help professionals improve their skills with this technology.This book will help you quickly familiarize yourself to Kibana and will also help you to understand the core concepts of this technology to build visualizations easily.Starting with setting up of Kibana and elasticsearch in Windows and Ubuntu, you will then use the Discover page to analyse your data intelligently. Next, you will learn to use the Visualization page to create beautiful visualizations without the need for any coding. Then, you will learn how to use the Dashboard page to create a dashboard and instantly share and embed the dashboards. You will see how to tweak the basic and advanced settings provided in Kibana to manage searches, visualizations, and dashboards. Finally, you will use Kibana to build visualizations and dashboards for real-world scenarios.You will quickly master the functionalities and components used in Kibana to create amazing visualizations based on real-world scenarios. With ample screenshots to guide you through every step, this book will assist you in creating beautiful visualizations with ease.Style and approachThis book is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you understand Kibana. It’s explained in an easy-to-follow style along with supporting images. Every chapter is explained sequentially , covering the basics of each component of Kibana and providing detailed explanations of all the functionalities of Kibana that appeal.
What Should I Wear
Learn how to dress for each occasion in this helpful book created especially for young learners. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Trucks, Planes, and Trains
Explore trucks, planes, trains and other exciting modes of transportation! Young readers will learn reasons to travel in each type of machine in this efficiently-illustrated book. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Jonah and the Whale
Join Jonah on his journey with God as he learns a valuable lesson in obedience and forgiveness. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
In The Beginning
Young readers will learn all about the beginning of life in this inspirational book. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
It's Night-Night Time
Story about tucking babies into bed. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Six Little Ducks
Young readers will laugh at the amusing illustrations of some silly little ducks getting into trouble. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Hooray! It's Saturday!
Young readers will learn all the days of the week in this delightfully illustrated interactive book. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
My Grandma Likes to Cook
Children will be taught how to say the names of various foods and drinks in this interactive book. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Down Through The Chimney
Discover the magic with this precious tale of a child who spies on Santa on Christmas night. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
当我们受挫的时候,是否怀疑过自己能不能成功;当我们成功的时候,是否思考过自己能不能做得更好;当我们迷茫的时候,又有没有想过自己为什么要做这件事?自我实现的渴望激励人们不断去探索高峰、探索人性能到达的境界。 在这本书里,马斯洛深度探讨了自我实现与超越、男性和女性的认知、教育的目标和意义以及社会与个人的协同作用。他颠覆性地提出了超越性动机,带你领悟自我实现的高峰体验。 现代生活中工作和教育的压力,让人们渐渐失去对于自我实现的自主性,厌烦情绪膨胀,工作和学习自然难以取得令人满意的结果。马斯洛所提出的以兴趣、爱好为代表的心理动机,对人类自我实现的意义却远超所有人的想象,是时候把自主权重新掌握在自己手里了,人性能到达的境界,取决于你想到达的境界。
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
If you’ve ever felt road-weary from trying to navigate new and difficult stages of parenting while also steering your career in the right direction, you know the stresses of the modern working mother. Atara Malach’s latest book is the roadmap you’ve been looking for to guide you on your parenting journey. Atara’s time-tested program for regaining control of your home and career are based on the logical approach of leading with authority, trust, and love. Using language you’re already familiar with, Atara’s methods are clearly stated, simple to implement and grounded in practicality and flexibility. The techniques are adaptable for your family’s unique needs and easily transferable to your workplace. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Set your boundaries in an unequivocal way that earns buy-in from your family and your colleagues. Practice and implement techniques for gaining cooperation from your partner, your kids, and your co-workers. Define your success in your own terms, by minimizing frustration, guilt, and resentment. Achieve the work/life balance you’ve been striving for since you first became a working mother.
Healing With Love: The Art and Science of Healing Yourself and Others Through Lo
Healing with Love?presents a highly regarded physician’s practical, step-by-step program that shows how to turn on the power of our whole beings — hands, heart, and higher consciousness — to heal ourselves and others. Here are the extraordinary and learnable techniques that have transformed lives around the world. “Love is truth and beyond sentiment. It is the ultimate healer. Healing with Love offers practical insight into the mechanics of restoration of wholeness. I highly recommended it.” Deepak Chopra, M.D. author of Unconditional Love, Quantum Healing, and Perfect Health. “A new medicine is in the making, a form of healing that emphasizes the power of human consciousness. Because legitimate science stands behind this development, it will not go away but demands our full attention. Dr. Laskow last is a ‘real doctor’ who is one of the architects of this mind-based medicine. In this?book?he describes the healing power of love, unity, and wholeness. An important contribution!" - Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Meaning and Medicine.
Complete Horoscope SCORPIO 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
In the Complete Horoscope: SCORPIO 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Scorpio, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope: SCORPIO 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
Let Go: Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting
Do you feel caught in a negative, looping behavior pattern? Do you ever wonder why the same situation seems to play out in your life with a revolving cast of characters? If you have become a “people pleaser” or fancy yourself a self-styled rebel, perhaps these are the surface level manifestations of something stirring deep within you—a need to let go. Other symptoms of holding on to the past are a constant need for acknowledgment or a fear of showing vulnerability. The common thread that runs through these behaviors and patterns is that the symptoms likely arise from a specific negative experience, which has never been fully processed. Never been let go. You have allowed this experience to take control of your destiny, and it is keeping you from living free and being who you really are. THE TIME HAS COME TO LET GO!
Complete Horoscope LIBRA 2020: Astrological forecasts for 2020
n the Complete Horoscope: LIBRA 2020, leading astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020 for Libra, Borsch includes a general annual forecast for Leo and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This Complete Horoscope LIBRA 2020 features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
The Bicycle Book
A rip-roaring narrative celebration of the 21st century’s great transport success story: the bicycle. Millions of us now cycle, some obsessively, and this glorious concoction of history, anecdote, adventure and lycra-clad pedalling is the perfect read for two-wheelers of all kinds. ‘At last – a bicycle book for the rest of us…. A book for the sort of cyclist who likes cycling and reading and stories.’ Guardian Two wheels. A frame. Two pedals. What could be simpler than a bicycle? And yet the bike continues to inspire a passionate following. Since the millennium its use in Britain has doubled, and then doubled again. Thousands now cycle to work, with more and more taking it up every day. Acclaimed author Bella Bathurst takes us on a journey through cycling’s best stories and strangest incarnations, from the bicycle as a weapon of warfare to the secret life of couriers and the alchemy of framebuilding. With a cast of characters including the woman who watercycled across the Channel, the man who raced India’s Deccan Queen train and several of today’s top cyclists, she offers us a brilliantly engaging portrait of cycling’s past, present and world-conquering future.
Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Lori Gottlieb suggests the unthinkable: what if she, and single women everywhere, need to stop chasing the elusive Mr Perfect and instead opt for Mr Good Enough? Embarking on her own journey to find the ideal partner, Lori explores a prevalent issue facing women today - how do you reconcile a strong desire for a husband and family without wanting to settle for anything less than the perfect package…? After interviewing a range of people from behavioural therapists to marriage counsellors, neuropsychologists to divorce lawyers, as well as single and married men and women from their twenties right up to their sixties, Lori is well placed to offer an answer Mr Good Enough is this year's intelligent, eye-opening insight into modern relationships - a fast, funny read which 'might just be a formula for marital bliss' The Times