

Пока не взошла луна (Poka ne vzoshla luna)
Пока не взошла луна (Poka ne vzoshla luna)
Nadja Hashimi
Щороку ми д?зна?мося дедал? б?льше нових сл?в у галуз? економ?ки, комп’ютерних технолог?й ? маркетингу, натом?сть невпинно убож?? наш лексикон у сфер? етики й морал?. Дев?д Брукс б’? на сполох: очевидно, що сучасне сусп?льство у гонитв? за новац?ями нехту? усталеними етичними принципами, втрача? моральн? стимули й ?деали, руйну? св?й духовний стрижень. ?ДНК особистост?? про те, як переглянути власн? пр?оритети ? зосередитися на внутр?шн?х чеснотах. Вона покаже, як деяким людям вдалося проторувати шлях до сильного характеру ? стати г?дною особист?стю. ?хн? ?стор?? стануть для читача певними ор??нтирами у пошуках власно? стратег?? гартування характеру, допоможуть п?знати себе, в?днайти душевну гармон?ю ? щастя.
Торты с сюрпризом. Шоколадные, сливочные, кофейные,
Торты с сюрпризом. Шоколадные, сливочные, кофейные,
Zhiljaeva Irina
Перешкод не уникнути. Вони розчаровують ? парал?зують сучасне сусп?льство. Та год? ?х сприймати негативно, вважа? мед?астратег Раян Гол?дей. Адже кожна перешкода — це можлив?сть перев?рити себе, спробувати щось нове ?, врешт?-решт, вийти переможцем.??Використовуючи принципи сто?к?в, автор допоможе побачити ситуац?ю в ц?лому ? зосередитися на тому, що можна зм?нити. Навчить, як стати емоц?йно ст?йк?шим, знаходити у проблемах можливост? ? виробити ?мун?тет до труднощ?в.??
Большой лечебник древних знахарей
Большой лечебник древних знахарей
Larisa Kuzmina
Чи уявляли ви колись ?себе ?деального?? А що зробили для того, щоб таким стати? Можливо, ви хот?ли присвятити час р?дним або прочитати фахову книжку, але вже п?втори години гра?те в ?гри на смартфон?. Давно мр?яли схуднути, але не можете встояти перед запахом т?стечок. Середовище пост?йно в?двол?ка? нас в?д мети так званими тригерами — ароматами, ?аджетами та ?ншими др?бницями. Як ?перемкнутися? з? спокуси на бажану д?ю, а пот?м перетворити це в звичку, розпов?сть автор книжки Маршалл ?олдсм?т.
[美]天宝·葛兰汀(Temple Grandin) 玛格丽特·M·斯卡里诺 著 徐雅珺 孟畅 译
Bu Kalp Buna Dayan?r m??: Sonsuz Ya?am
Bu Kalp Buna Dayan?r m??: Sonsuz Ya?am
Dr. İlhan Korkmaz
Bu kitap ile ?nsanlar?n kafalar?ndaki ya?amsal konulardaki soru i?aretleri ile Genel ?lke ve Dünya sorunlar?na evrensel bir bak?? a??s?yla yakla??mda bulunarak na?izane ??züm ?nerilerinde bulunmaya ?al??t?m. Umar?m okuduklar?n?z ya?am?n?za katk? sa?lar. Unutulmamal?d?r ki hayat bizimle ya da bize ra?men akmaya devam edecektir. ?nsan, kendisini, toplumu ve dünyas?n? güzelle?tirecek ?ekilde ya?ayabilendir. ??? Ya?am?m i?inde ald???m e?itim ve olu?turdu?um tecrübelerimde bana yard?mc? olan tüm insanlara, hayat?mda bana katt?klar? de?er i?in tüm dostlar?ma ve bana g?sterdikleri sevgi, sayg? ve anlay?? i?in e?ime ve ?ocuklar?ma te?ekkür ederim. Bana kitab?m? bas?l? hale getirerek, ?bu ?ns?züme de katk? ?yapan Emek yay?nevi ve yetkilisi ?zkan Günal’a da ayr?ca te?ekkür ediyorum. Bu kitab? okuyan siz de?erli okuyuculara te?ekkür ediyorum. Bir kitab? de?erli ve güzel k?lan okuyucusudur. ? ?yi ki vars?n?z.. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?lhan KORKMAZ ??Yazar hakk?nda? ???Yazar. ?stanbul 1962 do?umlu olup ?stanbul ?ehremini Anadolu Lisesi 1979 y?l? mezunu ?ve 1987 y?l?nda ??stanbul ?niversitesi ?stanbul T?p Fakültesini bitirdi. ?Mecburi hizmetini Van ili ?zalp il?esinde 1990 y?l?nda tamamlad?, ard?ndan askerli?ini Diyarbak?r Ergani’de Jandarma Komando Te?men olarak 1992 y?l?nda bitirdi. S?ras?yla Yalova, Fatih, G. O. Pa?a, Beyo?lu / ?stanbul il?elerinde g?rev yaparak, 2007 y?l?nda Bursa iline yerle?erek Y?ld?r?m ve Nilüfer il?elerinde g?rev ald?. ???En son, Nilüfer il?esi Ataevler Aile Sa?l??? Merkezi Aile Hekimli?inden emekli oldu ve halen i? yerlerinde k?smi zamanl? olarak ?? Yeri Hekimli?i yapmaktad?r. ?Dilek Korkmaz ile evli olup, Serhan ve Nazl?han isimli iki ?ocuk babas?.
The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows
Kenneth Grahame
Bir psikanalist olmas? sebebiyle Fromm, dü?ünce te-mellerini ?nemli derecede Freud dü?üncesi üzerine oturtmu?tur. Ancak Freud’un ortaya koydu?u klasik psikanalizi kendine g?re yorumlam??, analizlerinde kültürel ve sosyal fakt?rleri, etkin bi?imde kullanm??t?r. Freud’un temel kavramlar?, Fromm dü?üncesinde de ?nemli bir yer i?gal etmi?tir. O, bu kavramlar? aynen kullanmakla birlikte, Freud’un eksik b?rakt??? y?nlerini, analitik bir ?ekilde ortaya koymaya ?al??m??t?r.     ???NDEK?LER  Eric Fromm'un Ki?ilik Kuram? FROMM’a G?RE E??TL?K. ??güdüler ve ?nsan Tutkular? PS?KANAL?Z?N BUNALIMI.SEVG? KURAMISEVG? NESNELER? SEVG? VE ?A?DA? BATI TOPLUMUNDA SEVG?N?N ??K???.SEVG?N?N UYGULANMASI   ?nsan sevmeyi ??renerek yeniden di?er insanlarla birle?ir ya da toplumun otoritesine uyarak güven kazanabilir. ?nsan?n ?eli?kisi; hem do?an?n bir par?as? olmas? hem de ondan kopuk olmas?; hem insan hem de hayvan olmas?ndan kaynaklan?r. Hayvan olarak doyurulmas? gereken fizyolojik ?zellikleri vard?r. ?nsan olaraksa ak?l yürütebilir, benli?inin bilincindedir. ?nsan?n psi?esini anlaman?n yolu onun var olu?undan kaynaklanan gereksinimlerini ??zümleyebilmeye dayal?d?r  ?nsan?n var olu?undan kaynaklanan gereksinimler: 1. ?li?ki Gereksinimi; ?nsan, insan olma u?runa do?adan kopmu?tur. ?yleyse do?a ile olan birincil beraberli?inden kopmu?tur. Hayvan do?a ile ba? edebilecek güce sahiptir. Oysa insan imgeleme ve dü?ünce gücüne sahip olup do?a ile yak?n ve ba??ml?l??a dayanan ili?kisini yitirmi?tir. ?nsan?n kendi ili?kilerini kurabilmesi i?in büyük bir ?aba harcamas? gerekir. Doyum sa?layabilmesi i?in de üremeye y?nelik bir sevgiye ihtiyac? vard?r. Bu tür bir sevgi ise kar??l?kl? sorumluluk, sayg?, ?zen ve anlay?? gerektirir.  2. A?k?n Olma Gereksinimi; ?nsan a?k?n olmaya zorlan?r ?ünkü hayvans? do?as?n?n üstüne ??kmak, herhangi bir varl?k olmak yerine yarat?c? bir varl?k olmak gereksinimindedir. ?nsan?n yarat?c? dürtüleri engellendi?i zaman y?k?c? olur. Sevgi ve nefret kar??t dürtüler de?ildir. ?kisi de insan?n hayvan do?as?n? a?abilme ?abas?ndan kaynaklan?r. Hayvan ne sevebilir ne de nefret edebilir. Oysa insan hem sevebilir em de nefret edebilir.  3. ?nsan do?al k?kenini arar; ?nsan dünyan?n tamamlay?c? bir par?as? oldu?unu ve bir yere ait oldu?unu hissetmek ister. ?ocukken anne-babas?na ait hisseder. Ancak geli?tik?e bu duygunun ortadan kalkmas? gerekir. (Yoksa tehlikeli sonu?lar do?urabilir. ) ?nsan kendisine en fazla doyum sa?layan ve en sa?l?kl? ait olma duygular?n? di?er insanlarla dost?a duygular ya?ayarak sa?lar.  4. Ki?isel bir kimli?e sahip olmak ister; Bazen birey yarat?c? gücünü kullanarak amac?na ula?amaz. O zaman bir grup ya da bir ba?kas? ile ?zde?le?erek farkl?l?k kazanabilir. B?yle durumlarda kimlik duygusu birisi olmaktan de?il, birine it olmaktan kaynaklan?r.  5. Her birey bir ba?vuru ?er?evesine ihtiya? duyar; Asl?nda bireyin i?inde ya?ad??? dünyay? tutarl? bir bi?imde alg?layabilmesini sa?lar. ?er?eve mant?kl? ya da mant?ks?z olabilir. ?lk ba?vuru ?er?evesi, ailesidir.   Fromm’a g?re bu gereksinimler insana ?zgüdür, hayvanlarda bulunmaz. Ayr?ca bu gereksinimler insanlar?n belirtmeleri g?zlenerek anla??lmaz. Asl?nda bu gereksinimler insan?n evrimi boyunca insan?n do?as?nda olu?mu?tur. Bu gereksinimlerin belirtilmesi, insan?n i?sel yetilerini tan?ma yollar? bireyin i?inde ya?ad??? toplumun düzenlemeleri taraf?ndan belirlenir.   
Through the Looking-Glass
Through the Looking-Glass
Lewis Carroll
Adler i?in Freud’dan ayr?ld?ktan sonraki y?llar olduk?a üretken ge?mi?tir. Bireysel psikoloji derne?i h?zla büyümü? ve Adler ?nemli yay?mlar yay?mlam??t?r. Bu süre i?inde olduk?a geli?tirdi?i kuram?na “Bireysel Psikoloji” ad?n? vermi?tir. Adler de Freud gibi 1. Dünya sava??ndan ?nemli ?l?üde etkilenir. Bu s?rada ciddi ekonomik s?k?nt?lar ya?aman?n yan?nda Adler kuram?nda da kimi ?nemli de?i?ikliklere gitmi?tir. Sosyal ilgi ve merhametin insandaki motivasyonunun k??e ta?lar? olabilece?ini belirtmi?tir.? Bu kitapta , moden psikolojinin kurucular?ndan birisi olan Alfred Adler'in tüm moden psikoloji ?al??malar?n?n bir ?zetini ve hayat hikayesini bulacaks?n?z.. ?Adler kendi g?rü?lerini ?ok daha iyi yans?taca??n? dü?ündü?ü “Bireysel Psikoloji” ismini se?ti. Freud ve Adler’in birbirleriyle anla?amaman?n tek nedeni fikir ayr?l?klar? de?ildi. Bu antla?mazl???n ve ayr?l???n tek nedeni de birbirlerini sevmemeleriydi. Ki?ilikleri bak?m?ndan pek birbirlerine benzemiyorlard?. Bu antla?mazl?klar ve ayr?l?ktan sonra Freud ve Adler aras?ndaki ili?ki birbirlerine kar?? olduk?a sert bir tutum i?inde kald?lar. Freud’un Adler’e olan ?fkesi hi? dinmemi? ve Adler’in ?lümü haberini ald???nda bu habere üzülen bir arkada??na “Senin Adler’e duydu?un sempatiyi anl?yorum. Viyana’n?n k?yünde do?mu? Yahudi ?ocuk i?in Aberdeen’de ?lmek duyulmam?? bir ba?ar? ve onun ne kadar ileri gitti?inin kan?t?d?r. Dünya, psikanalize kar?? ??kma hizmetinden ?türü onu ger?ekten zengin bir bi?imde ?düllendirdi” diyerek kar??l?k vermi?tir. Adler i?in Freud’dan ayr?ld?ktan sonraki y?llar olduk?a üretken ge?mi?tir. Bireysel psikoloji derne?i h?zla büyümü? ve Adler ?nemli yay?mlar yay?mlam??t?r. Bu süre i?inde olduk?a geli?tirdi?i kuram?na “Bireysel Psikoloji” ad?n? vermi?tir.
Ils ont tant de belles choses à nous dire
Ils ont tant de belles choses à nous dire
Ce livre retrace mes expériences spirites, vécues depuis 2011 et offre de magnifiques messages de nos guides spirituels. Sans être une méthode, ni un enseignement, il invite à l'écoute de leur guidance et tente de démystifier le spiritisme, loin des clichés et dogmes traditionnels. "Un espoir pour les personnes en recherche spirituelle et dans la souffrance du deuil." Les messages ont été obtenus lors de séances de spiritisme (ouija et channeling) à 4, en compagnie d'une médium ou seul par écriture automatique ou inspirée. Je suis convaincu que le spiritisme est accessible à tous, à condition de se laisser guider par l'amour et le respect et d'observer certaines règles. Attention, ce n’est pas un jeu, mais il et bien moins dangereux que la majorité des activités humaines, contrairement aux idées re?ues, véhiculées par la peur, l'ignorance ou le désir de pouvoir. Nos guides spirituels sont toujours avec nous, près de nous. Ils sont toujours heureux de communiquer avec nous. Ils nous aiment sans jamais nous juger. Ils nous accompagnent, ils nous aident et ils nous le font savoir, pour peu que nous apprenions leur langage, celui du c?ur.
Heather Cai Tailian
"At any rate, she only wanted to be good and seen as good as “Good!” sounds. She yearned to be a good daughter, a good sister, a good wife, a good mother, a good daughter-in-law, a good member of the family and a good member in this society. But there was no good friend in her dictionary, because she didn’t have one. Accordingly, she was not in any social circle. She occupied very little space, and her world was a poor function in an ancient machine. "
Я — Малала
Я — Малала
Malala Yousafzai, Christina Lamb
Questo libro è dedicato a coloro che desiderano vivere ogni momento della propria vita con serenità e consapevolezza. La morte fa parte della vita, come l’amore, come la lotta per le cose in cui crediamo, come i sogni che abbiamo da giovani e i dubbi che abbiamo da adulti. “Imparare a morire” ci spiega come prepararci al momento della morte: per essere pronti, un giorno, a incontrarla con leggerezza e sapere, oggi, come aiutare amici e persone amate mentre la stanno affrontando.
Delphi Complete Works of John Webster (Illustrated)
Delphi Complete Works of John Webster (Illustrated)
John Webster
The macabre plays of the Jacobean dramatist John Webster still retain the same raw power to shock audiences today, with his ‘The White Devil’ and ‘The Duchess of Malfi’ being widely recognised as masterpieces of seventeenth century theatre. For the first time in digital publishing, this comprehensive eBook presents Webster’s complete works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Webster’s life and works * Concise introductions to the plays and other texts * ALL 11 plays, with many rare texts * Also includes the rare spurious plays, first time in digital print * Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original Jacobean texts * Excellent formatting of the plays * Easily locate the scenes or acts you want to read with special contents tables * Includes Webster’s complete poetry and other works - spend hours exploring the author’s works * Special criticism section, with three essays evaluating Webster’s contribution to Jacobean literature * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Plays SIR THOMAS WYATT WESTWARD HO NORTHWARD HO THE WHITE DEVIL THE DUCHESS OF MALFI THE DEVIL’S LAW-CASE ANYTHING FOR A QUIET LIFE A CURE FOR A CUCKOLD MONUMENTS OF HONOUR THE FAIR MAID OF THE INN APPIUS AND VIRGINIA The Disputed Plays THE THRACIAN WONDER THE WEAKEST GOETH TO THE WALL The Other Works TO MY KIND FRIEND, MA. AN. MUNDY ODE PREFIXED TO STEPEHN HARRISON’S ‘ARCHES OF TRIUMPH’, 1604 INDUCTION AND ADDITIONS TO THE 3RD EDITION OF MARSTONS ‘THE MALCONTENT’, 1604 TO HIS BELOVED FRIEND, MASTER THOMAS HEYWOOD A MONUMENTAL COLUMN NEW CHARACTERS TO HIS INDUSTRIOUS FRIEND, MASTER HENRY COCKERAM VERSES ACCOMPANYING THE PORTRAIT ENGRAVING OF ‘THE PROGENY OF THE MOST RENOWNED PRINCE JAMES’ c.1633 The Criticism INTRODUCTION TO JOHN WEBSTER by William Hazlitt JOHN WEBSTER by Algernon Charles Swinburne THE THIRD DRAMATIC PERIOD by George Saintsbury Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse through our range of exciting titles
Feng Shui Made Simple - The Beginner’s Guide to Feng Shui for Wealth, Health and
Feng Shui Made Simple - The Beginner’s Guide to Feng Shui for Wealth, Health and
Sabrina Godwin
Feng Shui Made Simple' is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in this ancient practice. The practice of Feng Shui brings a positive balance of energy to your home and your life.Sabrina Godwin takes you through all of the basics like: An introduction to Feng Shui,Yin and Yang,The Five Elements and what they mean,The Bagua,Feng Shui'ing your bedroom, kitchen, and every other room in your houseIt's all here!Grab your copy today and learn how to?naturally attract wealth,?improve your relationships and your health,?increase creativity and knowledge, and?even advance your career!?? Scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to start learning how to bring a positive balance of energy to all aspects of your life!
Delphi Works of H. Rider Haggard (Illustrated)
Delphi Works of H. Rider Haggard (Illustrated)
H. Rider Haggard
One of the greatest adventure story writers of all time, H. Rider Haggard’s novels have entertained readers for over a hundred years. This comprehensive eBook offers readers all of the FICTIONAL works that are in the US public domain, as well as the usual Delphi bonus texts. (Current version: 1) Features: * concise introductions to the novels and other works * ALL 50 novels in the US public domain, almost the complete works * each novel has its own contents table * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the Victorian texts * the complete short stories, including rare works often missed out of collections * many images relating to Haggard’s life, works, places and film adaptations * EVEN includes special ALLAN QUATERMAIN and AYESHA series contents tables * features a selected non-fiction section, including Haggard’s very first book * includes both volumes of Haggard’s autobiography– explore the writer’s adventurous life! * includes the rare bonus story PRINCE: ANOTHER LION, first time in digital print * scholarly ordering of texts in chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Haggard’s immense oeuvre Please note: due to US copyright laws, seven later novels cannot appear in this volume. However, once they enter the US public domain, they will be added to the eBook as a free upgrade for all of our customers. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our range of titles CONTENTS: Allan Quatermain Series Ayesha Series The Umslopogaas Series The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation Series The Novels DAWN THE WITCH’S HEAD KING SOLOMON’S MINES SHE JESS ALLAN QUATERMAIN MR MEESON’S WILL MAIWA’S REVENGE COLONEL QUARITCH, V.C. CLEOPATRA ALLAN'S WIFE BEATRICE THE WORLD’S DESIRE ERIC BRIGHTEYES NADA THE LILY MONTEZUMA’S DAUGHTER THE PEOPLE OF THE MIST JOAN HASTE HEART OF THE WORLD THE WIZARD DR THERNE SWALLOW: A TALE OF THE GREAT TREK ELISSA BLACK HEART AND WHITE HEART LYSBETH PEARL-MAIDEN STELLA FREGELIUS THE BRETHREN AYESHA: THE RETURN OF SHE THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT BENITA: AN AFRICAN ROMANCE FAIR MARGARET THE GHOST KINGS THE YELLOW GOD THE LADY OF BLOSSHOLME MORNING STAR QUEEN SHEBA’S RING RED EVE MARIE CHILD OF STORM THE WANDERER’S NECKLACE THE HOLY FLOWER THE IVORY CHILD FINISHED LOVE ETERNAL MOON OF ISRAEL WHEN THE WORLD SHOOK THE ANCIENT ALLAN SHE AND ALLAN THE VIRGIN OF THE SUN The Short Stories ALLAN THE HUNTER A TALE OF THREE LIONS PRINCE: ANOTHER LION HUNTER QUATERMAIN’S STORY LONG ODDS SMITH AND THE PHAROAHS MAGEPA THE BUCK THE BLUE CURTAINS LITTLE FLOWER ONLY A DREAM BARBARA WHO CAME BACK THE MAHATMA AND THE HARE Selected Non-Fiction CETYWAYO AND HIS WHITE NEIGHBORS A WINTER PILGRIMAGE The Biography THE DAYS OF MY LIFE Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our range of complete works titles
Delphi Works of Edith Wharton (Illustrated)
Delphi Works of Edith Wharton (Illustrated)
Edith Wharton
Features: * the most complete collection possible for US readers * illustrated with many images relating to Wharton’s life and works * annotated with concise introductions to the novels, novellas and other works * 10 novels each with contents tables * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your EReader a taste of the original texts * ALL the pre-1923 short story collections, with RARE uncollected tales available nowhere else * separate chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the short stories – find that special story easily! * the war novella THE MARNE, first time in digital print * EVEN includes Wharton’s rare non-fiction texts, including THE DECORATION OF HOUSES, her groundbreaking manual on interior design – fully illustrated * ALSO includes Wharton’s European and African travel books, with numerous original illustrations * includes Wharton’s play THE JOY OF LIVING, translated from German * features the complete poetry, with rare poems available for the first time in digital print * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Wharton’s immense oeuvre This comprehensive eBook offers readers the unique opportunity of exploring Edith Wharton’s novels, novellas, short stories and much, much more. In true Delphi fashion, this is the most scholarly and complete works available of this prominent American writer. Please note: we aim to provide the most comprehensive author collections available to eReader readers. To comply with US copyright restrictions, eight novels, 4 novellas, six short story collections and Wharton’s autobiography are not in this US version. Once these later works enter the US public domain, they will be added to the eBook as a free update. Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to browse our other titles The Novels THE VALLEY OF DECISION SANCTUARY THE HOUSE OF MIRTH THE FRUIT OF THE TREE ETHAN FROME THE REEF THE CUSTOM OF THE COUNTRY SUMMER THE AGE OF INNOCENCE THE GLIMPSES OF THE MOON The Novellas THE TOUCHSTONE MADAME DE TREYMES THE MARNE The Short Story Collections THE GREATER INCLINATION CRUCIAL INSTANCES THE DESCENT OF MAN AND OTHER STORIES THE HERMIT AND THE WILD WOMAN AND OTHER STORIES TALES OF MEN AND GHOSTS UNCOLLECTED EARLY SHORT STORIES XINGU AND OTHER STORIES The Short Stories LIST OF STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Play THE JOY OF LIVING The Poetry ARTEMIS TO ACTAEON AND OTHER VERSES UNCOLLECTED POETRY ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE COMPLETE POEMS The Non-Fiction THE DECORATION OF HOUSES ITALIAN VILLAS AND THEIR GARDENS ITALIAN BACKGROUNDS A MOTOR-FLIGHT THROUGH FRANCE FRANCE, FROM DUNKERQUE TO BELFORT FRENCH WAYS AND THEIR MEANING IN MOROCCO * * * * Visit www.delphiclassics.com for more information and our other Great Writers collections!
Sometimes I Feel
Sometimes I Feel
Kim Mitzo Thompson
Young readers will realize that all the different feelings they experience throughout the day are common. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
When I Grow Up
When I Grow Up
Kim Mitzo Thompson
The little boy in this illustrated book can’t decide what he wants to be when he grows up. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
Kim Mitzo Thompson
Young readers will love this classic tale about the farmer’s favorite dog. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
ABC Nursery Rhymes
ABC Nursery Rhymes
Kim Mitzo Thompson
Master the ABCs while enjoying your favorite nursery rhymes in this beautifully illustrated collection. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
A Is For Alligator
A Is For Alligator
Kim Mitzo ThompsonKaren Mitzo HilderbrandTommy Ortner
From A to Z, young readers will learn different words that begin with each letter. Based in Stow, Ohio, Twin Sisters Productions has been dedicated to producing quality educational and inspirational music resources for over 25 years. Fraternal twins Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand and Kim Mitzo Thompson founded the company when they realized Kim’s success teaching third grade math through her catchy multiplication song could help children beyond her classroom. From there, Twin Sisters expanded its product line to include e-books, digital music, CDs, read-along and sing-along books, floor puzzles and educational workbooks, all with the purpose of learning through music. These internationally sold products have received nearly 170 awards, including nine Record Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified Gold albums and one Platinum albu, over the years for excellence, creativity and amusement. With thousands of songs and 35 million albums sold, Twin Sisters positions itself as the leader in children’s educational music.
En El Zoológico
En El Zoológico
Kim Mitzo Thompson
En El Zoológico
A Rainbow of Birds
A Rainbow of Birds
Janet Halfmann
Papa Cardinal and his chicks huddled in a rose bush. Raindrops splish-sploshed all around them.
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