

49元5本 War and Peace(战争与和平)(IV)英文版
War and Peace(战争与和平)(IV)英文版
Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace is considered one of the world’s greatest works of fiction. It is regarded, along with Anna Karenina, as Tolstoy’s finest literary achievement. It is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.” Epic in scale, War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events leading up to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.
49元5本 The Three Musketeers  三个火枪手(V )(英文版)
The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手(V )(英文版)
Alexandre Dumas
Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto "one for all, all for one." A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge,The Three Musketeers"" is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux.
49元5本 The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(III)(英文版)
The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(III)(英文版)
W. Somerset Maugham
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含32本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧o亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   TheMoonandSixpence,中文译名为《月亮和六便士》,书中的主人公"我"是伦敦怀才不遇的作家,偶然间认识了一位证券经纪人,对方在人届中年后突然响应内心的呼唤,离经叛道舍弃一切,先是奔赴巴黎,后又到南太平洋的塔希提岛与土著人一起生活,全身心投入绘画,并在死后声名大噪。"我"在他成名后开始追溯与艺术家曾经的来往与对方之后的人生经历。   艺术家的故事以生极落魄、死备哀荣的法国后印象派画家高更的生平为基础。
49元5本 A Tale of Two Cities(双城记)(II)英文版
A Tale of Two Cities(双城记)(II)英文版
Charles Dickens
《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities)是英国作家查尔斯狄更斯所著的一部以法国大革命为背景所写成的长篇历史小说,情节感人肺腑,是世界文学经典名著之一,故事中将巴黎、伦敦两个大城市连结起来,围绕着曼马内特医生一家和以德法日夫妇为首的圣安东尼区展开故事。小说里描写了贵族如何败坏、如何残害百姓,人民心中积压对贵族的刻骨仇恨,导致了不可避免的法国大革命,本书的主要思想是为了爱而自我牺牲。书名中的“双城”指的是巴黎与伦敦。
49元5本 The Wealth of Nations国富论(I)英文版
The Wealth of Nations国富论(I)英文版
Adam Smith
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1778, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
49元5本 War and Peace(战争与和平)(V)英文版
War and Peace(战争与和平)(V)英文版
Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace is considered one of the world’s greatest works of fiction. It is regarded, along with Anna Karenina, as Tolstoy’s finest literary achievement. It is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Epic in scale, War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events leading up to Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families.
49元5本 The Three Musketeers  三个火枪手(III )(英文版)
The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手(III )(英文版)
Alexandre Dumas
Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto "one for all, all for one." A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge, "The Three Musketeers" is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux. "
49元5本 The Wealth of Nations国富论(II)英文版
The Wealth of Nations国富论(II)英文版
Adam Smith
Adam Smith was a Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economy, and a key figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.The Wealth of Nations Published in 1779, was the firstbook on economics to catch the public's attention. It provides arecipe for national prosperity that has not been bettered since,based on small government and the freedom of citizens to act intheir best interests. It provided the foundation for new economists, politicians, mathematicians, biologists, and thinkers of all fields to build upon.
49元5本 The Mysterious Island神秘岛(I)(英文版)
The Mysterious Island神秘岛(I)(英文版)
Jules Verne
With little more than courage and ingenuity, five Union prisoners escaped the siege of Richmond-by hot-air balloon. They have no idea if they’ll ever see civilization again-especially when they’re swept off by a raging storm to the shores of an uncharted island.
49元5本 The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(I)(英文版)
The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(I)(英文版)
W. Somerset Maugham
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含30本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧o亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   TheMoonandSixpence,中文译名为《月亮和六便士》,书中的主人公"我"是伦敦怀才不遇的作家,偶然间认识了一位证券经纪人,对方在人届中年后突然响应内心的呼唤,离经叛道舍弃一切,先是奔赴巴黎,后又到南太平洋的塔希提岛与土著人一起生活,全身心投入绘画,并在死后声名大噪。"我"在他成名后开始追溯与艺术家曾经的来往与对方之后的人生经历。   艺术家的故事以生极落魄、死备哀荣的法国后印象派画家高更的生平为基础。
49元5本 The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(IV)(英文版)
The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(IV)(英文版)
W. Somerset Maugham
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含33本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧o亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   TheMoonandSixpence,中文译名为《月亮和六便士》,书中的主人公"我"是伦敦怀才不遇的作家,偶然间认识了一位证券经纪人,对方在人届中年后突然响应内心的呼唤,离经叛道舍弃一切,先是奔赴巴黎,后又到南太平洋的塔希提岛与土著人一起生活,全身心投入绘画,并在死后声名大噪。"我"在他成名后开始追溯与艺术家曾经的来往与对方之后的人生经历。   艺术家的故事以生极落魄、死备哀荣的法国后印象派画家高更的生平为基础。
49元5本 The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(V)(英文版)
The Moon and Sixpence月亮与六便士(V)(英文版)
W. Somerset Maugham
世界经典英文名著文库(GUOMAIENGLISHLIBRARY)包含34本全世界范围内超受欢迎的原版经典图书:《小王子》《老人与海》《了不起的盖茨比》《月亮和六便士》《喧嚣与骚动》《瓦尔登湖》《欧o亨利短篇小说精选》《双城记》……   TheMoonandSixpence,中文译名为《月亮和六便士》,书中的主人公"我"是伦敦怀才不遇的作家,偶然间认识了一位证券经纪人,对方在人届中年后突然响应内心的呼唤,离经叛道舍弃一切,先是奔赴巴黎,后又到南太平洋的塔希提岛与土著人一起生活,全身心投入绘画,并在死后声名大噪。"我"在他成名后开始追溯与艺术家曾经的来往与对方之后的人生经历。   艺术家的故事以生极落魄、死备哀荣的法国后印象派画家高更的生平为基础。
49元5本 War and Peace(战争与和平)(III)英文版
War and Peace(战争与和平)(III)英文版
Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace is considered one of the world’s greatest works of fiction. It is regarded, along with Anna Karenina, as Tolstoy’s finest literary achievement. It is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.”
49元5本 The Three Musketeers  三个火枪手(I)(英文版)
The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手(I)(英文版)
Alexandre Dumas
A timeless tale of adventure, romance, intrigue, and revenge, "The Three Musketeers"is the captivating story .A historical romance, this novel tells of the adventures of the hot-headed young Gascon, d'Artagnan and his three companions Athos, Porthos and Aramis as they gallantly defend the Queen of France, using their wit and their swords. They must foil the nefarious plotting of Cardinal Richelieu against the King and Queen, despite his appearance as an ally. D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers must also overcome the villainous machinations of Milady de Winter, whose lethal criminality threatens those in political power and the love of d'Artgnan for Constance Bonacieux. Dumas' classic story, first serialized in 1844, has enthralled readers with its fast-paced plot, endearing characters, and romantic ideals, immortalized by the motto" one for all, all for one."
49元5本 War and Peace(战争与和平)(I)英文版
War and Peace(战争与和平)(I)英文版
Leo Tolstoy
Often called the greatest novel ever written, War and Peace is at once an epic of the Napoleonic Wars, a philosophical study, and a celebration of the Russian spirit. Tolstoy’s genius is seen clearly in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle—all of them fully realized and equally memorable.While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters. Out of this complex narrative emerges a profound examination of the individual’s place in the historical process, one that makes it clear why Thomas Mann praised Tolstoy for his Homeric powers and placed War and Peace in the same category as the Iliad: “To read him . . . is to find one’ s way home . . . to everything within us that is fundamental and sane.”
49元5本 没有人教过你这样学英语
49元5本 双语译林:红与黑
49元5本 带着英语去旅行(套装共2本)
49元5本 速查速用日常英语口语:随翻随说,地道日常场景高频句,拯救你的口语尴尬
陈蜜 著
49元5本 大学英语六级核心词汇
  柴林艺、安逸编的这本《大学英语六级核心词汇 》用全新的写作方式帮助读者学习和记忆大学英语六 级核心词汇。为了使读者能在短时间内有效地记住六 级核心词汇,本书作了如下尝试:一是为了简捷、易 背,本书在正文中只列出了核心词汇;二是为了增加 可读性,本书配有适量的幽默插图及例句;三是对某 些重要词汇作了详解,以便读者能更有效地掌握它们 。本书的附录部分则列出了大学英语六级的全部词汇 ,总共约有5500个。读者可以将正文与附录结合起来 学习,以检查自己所掌握的词汇量。 本书适合大学本科及本科以上学生学习使用?
49元5本 自我提升读物:那些感动哈佛的励志故事 汉英对照
自我提升读物:那些感动哈佛的励志故事 汉英对照