

Collected Stories of William Faulkner(II) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(II) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
42 stories of this collection was authorized and supervised by William Faulkner who was a Nobel Prize-winning American novelist and short story writer, he came up with the themed section headings. It won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1951.
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(V) 三万元遗产(英文版)
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(V) 三万元遗产(英文版)
Mark Twain
Mark Twain was immensely popular in his day, among his critics and contemporaries as well as the numerous artists, presidents, industrialists and members of royalty whom he counted as friends. He remains popular to this day and is considered one of the great American authors. These stories contained span the course of his career, from "Advice to Young Girls" in 1865 to the titular tale in 1904.
Catherine A Story(II) 凯瑟琳(英文版)
Catherine A Story(II) 凯瑟琳(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
Catherine: A Story was the first full-length work of fiction produced by William Makepeace Thackeray. It first appeared in serialized installments in Fraser's Magazine between May 1839 and February 1840.
Astoria(VI) 阿斯托里亚(英文版)
Astoria(VI) 阿斯托里亚(英文版)
Washington Irving
Astoria by Washington Irving is a history book published in 1836. The full title being "Astoria: Or, Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains". Astoria has been read as a vivid and fascinating history, comparable indeed to the finest of romances, but rooted in the rough and hardy life of trapping, hunting, and exploration.
Basil(VI) 贝锡尔(英文版)
Basil(VI) 贝锡尔(英文版)
Wilkie Collins
This classic novel is a domestic drama packed with enough twists and turns to satisfy even the most jaded reader. Basil is the second novel written by British author Wilkie Collins, after Antonina. The story explains a young naive man of a noble family who falls in love at first sight with a poor but beautiful young lady.
Little Men Life At Plumfield With Jo's Boys(II) 小绅士(英文版)
Little Men Life At Plumfield With Jo's Boys(II) 小绅士(英文版)
Louisa Alcott
Little Men, or Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys is a novel by Louisa May Alcott, first published in 1871. The novel reprises characters from Little Women and is considered the second book of an unofficial Little Women trilogy.
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IX) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
Collected Stories of William Faulkner(IX) 福克纳短篇小说集(英文版)
William Faulkner
This magisterial collection of short works by Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner reminds readers of his ability to compress his epic vision into narratives as hard and wounding as bullets. The Collected Stories of William Faulkner won the National Book Award in 1951.
Catherine A Story(I) 凯瑟琳(英文版)
Catherine A Story(I) 凯瑟琳(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
This work first appeared in serialized installments in Fraser's Magazine between May 1839 and February 1840. Thackeray's original intention in writing it was to criticize the Newgate school of crime fiction, exemplified by Bulwer-Lytton and Harrison Ainsworth, whose works Thackeray felt glorified criminals. Thackeray even included Dickens in this criticism for his portrayal of the good-hearted streetwalker Nancy and the charming pickpocket, the Artful Dodger, in Oliver Twist.
The Virginians (I) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
The Virginians (I) 弗吉尼亚人(英文版)
W.M. Thackeray
The Virginians is a novel by William Makepeace Thackeray which forms a sequel to his Henry Esmond. Set partly in England and partly in colonial Virginia,It tells the story of Henry Esmond's twin grandsons, George and Henry Warrington. The novel follows the trials and tribulations of the twin brothers whose personal lives intrude on their decision to fight in the war effort.
《20天背完六级核心词汇》是新东方考试研究中心研发的英语六级词汇类书籍,特别适合短期备考六级考试的考生。全书从真题词汇考频和认知度两方面手,整理筛选出2000个核心词汇收本书,并将这2000词汇规划了20天的学习计划。每一天的学习计划包括核心词汇、认知词汇和新增大纲词汇三个部分。每个词条下有释、搭、例三个栏目,浓缩了六级考试对词汇考查的核心内容。同时本书在每一天*始设置了Previous Check栏目,供考生背单词前自测,筛出已知和未知的词汇,以便合理分配复习时间,有针对性地选取个人所需的内容学习,不用全部死记硬背。此外,全书为所有的词汇配套了词汇拼写音频,精确到字母的朗读,方便考生随时听音记单词,检测和巩固学习的效果,真正做到速听、速记。除以上内容外,本书还提供全书音频及六级核心词组、六级翻译词汇、常用前缀后缀等实用备考资料网络下载。
The Happy Prince 快乐王子(英文原版)
The Happy Prince 快乐王子(英文原版)
《快乐王子The Happy Prince》是英国唯美主义作家奥斯卡·王尔德创作的暖心童话作品,讲述了生前无比快乐的王子,因死后被树立为华丽雕像而目睹了不同阶层的人民所过着的截然不同的生活,为城民充满苦难的生活感到痛心难过。而这时他遇见了一只即将飞往印度过冬的燕子,在燕子的帮助下他开始救助自己的城民……
The Little Prince小王子(英文原版)
The Little Prince小王子(英文原版)
《小王子The Little Prince》是法国作家安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩里于创作的短篇小说,是一本写给大人看的童话。故事以人称“我”——一个坠落撒哈拉沙漠的飞行员的视角讲述了来自外星球的金发小王子的故事,小王子来自B612星球,因为他所爱的玫瑰花他离开了自己的小小星球,地球是他太空漫游的·后一站,在此之前他已经去过了住着国王的星球、住着自负的人的星球、住着点灯人的星球、住着商人的星球等六个星球,故事记录了属于小王子独特的冒险记忆。
《四级写作与翻译考前预测20篇》为新东方考研写作一线教师王江涛依照新版的英语四级考试大纲编写而成,全书共分为两部分:四级写作考前预测20篇、四级翻译考前预测20篇。 写作部分包含20篇预测作文,涵盖教育文化类、人生哲理类、社会热类等作文类型,以及情景作文、图画作文、应用文等题型,涵盖了四级写作部分的各类可考话题。 除了预测20篇作文题目,给出相应的范文、译文、词汇、评和句型拓展,作者还悉心总结了十大写作框架,归纳了四级写作核心词汇,帮助考生丰富作文内容,在考场上快速组句成篇。 翻译预测同样包含20道预测题目,中文段落的选择话题广泛,依照历年真题的出题模式精选精编而成,英文译文则通顺地道,考生在背诵过后,即使面对从未翻译过的文章,也能写个八九不离十。在翻译预测题目的后面同样附有翻译核心词汇,供考生参考学习。 书中20篇写作预测范文和20篇翻译预测范文均附专业外教朗读音频,读者可以边听边记,将这些金句印在脑海中,以便能在考场上厚积薄发,挥洒自如。
  《和谐与共赢:海外侨胞与中国软实力》一书是国内外学界探讨华侨华人与中国国家软实力关系的著作,并被列入中宣部、新闻出版总署共同组织的“迎接党的十八大主题出版工程项目”,为全国80种重点图书之一。   该书是*人文社科重点研究基地暨南大学华侨华人研究院等单位10余位科研人员承担的国务院侨办重点课题《侨务工作与中国国家软实力》及*哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目《华侨华人在国家软实力建设中的作用研究》的*相关科研成果。   该书分理论篇、领域篇、对策启示篇,共十章,约30万字。主要围绕华侨华人与中国国家软实力关系的理论、华侨华人认同与中国软实力、侨务与公共外交及和平统一、华文传媒与中国国际形象、海外华侨华人与中华文化传播、侨务工作与中国国家软实力等议题,以生动的事例和深入的理论阐释了广大海外侨胞在传播中国文化、参与中国公共外交、促进中外交流与合作等方面的重要作用与杰出贡献,提出了独到的见解和一些重大政策建议,比如:当前应将侨务工作纳入我国“和谐世界”战略的整体工作大局,在侨务理论探讨中引入中国软实力建设内容。作者希望这些政策建议有助于包括侨务工作在内的外交实践。   同时,该书也对华侨华人与国家软实力关系的理论进行了较全面、深入的探讨,丰富了软实力理论、我国侨务理论和外交工作理论。   再有,为推进高等学校创新能力的提升,暨南大学联合国内外相关研究机构、政府部门和企事业单位,于2012年8月6日在广州成立了“华侨华人研究协同创新中心”。该书是暨南大学华侨华人研究人员和国务院侨办一线工作者集体撰写的著作,可以说是协同攻关的成果,希望对未来协同创新中心的建设有一些助益。
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(II) 三万元遗产(英文版)
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(II) 三万元遗产(英文版)
Mark Twain
This book is a collection of thirty comic short stories. Twain was immensely popular in his day, among his critics and contemporaries as well as the numerous artists, presidents, industrialists and members of royalty whom he counted as friends.
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(III) 三万元遗产(英文版)
The $30,000 Bequest and other short stories(III) 三万元遗产(英文版)
Mark Twain
This book is a collection of thirty comic short stories. These stories contained span the course of his career, from "Advice to Young Girls" in 1865 to the titular tale in 1904. Although Twain had ample time to refine his short stories between their original publication date and this collection, there is little evidence to suggest he took an active interest in doing so.
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (II) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (II) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). It is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865).
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (III) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Through the Looking Glass (And What Alice Found There) (III) 爱丽丝镜中奇遇(英文版)
Lewis Carroll
Generally categorized as literary nonsense, “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There” is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),published in 1871. It is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865).