

Я помолчу: I will keep silent
Я помолчу: I will keep silent
Anastasia Volnaya
Я помолчу: I will keep silent
Невидимець. Машина часу
Невидимець. Машина часу
Djordj Vels
A obra encadeia associa??es entre os valores técnicos da língua e os valores estéticos da literatura. Realiza, ent?o, duas abordagens complementares, defi nida a unidade língua/literatura como uma díade com polos inseparáveis – a língua sustentando um código limitativo e prescritivo; a literatura alimentando a reprodu??o artística do sistema linguístico –, da fus?o de ambas resultando um efeito de sentido.
Hydroponics: The Complete Guide To Hydroponics For Beginners
Hydroponics: The Complete Guide To Hydroponics For Beginners
Nancy Ross
Marijuana: A Beginners Guide To Growing Marijuana
Marijuana: A Beginners Guide To Growing Marijuana
Nancy Ross
LEARN HOW TO GROW MARIJUANA FOR YOURSELF!! Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Benefits of Growing Your Own Cannabis Indoor vs. Outdoor Growing The Basics of Growing Cannabis Dealing with Pests and Other Gardening Issues Types of Hydroponic Systems Harvesting Much, Much, More!
Homesteading: A Beginners Guide To Homesteading
Homesteading: A Beginners Guide To Homesteading
Nancy Ross
Do you want to learn how to live more self sufficient by using the tools of homesteading? Whether you want to learn how to raise your own livestock, garden for yourself, or preserve your own food this book will help! Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Basics of HomesteadingRaising Your Own Livestock in Your BackyardThe Magic of Gardening for Your Own FoodPreserving Your Food for WinterMaking Your Own ClothesMaking Your Own Household ItemsMuch, Much, More!
While I wait for my turn
While I wait for my turn
Piereh Antoni
While I wait for my turn
Soffio verso il cielo: Prova a soffiare anche tu
Soffio verso il cielo: Prova a soffiare anche tu
Cosimo Schena
Soffio verso il cielo: Prova a soffiare anche tu
Cinco sentidos: II Edición
Cinco sentidos: II Edición
Piereh Antoni
Cinco sentidos: II Edición
The love es amor
The love es amor
Piereh Antoni
The love es amor
Whispers of a soul
Whispers of a soul
Cosimo Schena
Whispers of a soul
The Ship of Ishtar
The Ship of Ishtar
Abraham Merritt
Gustáv Murín? k?nyvében a vad és zabolátlan kilencvenes évekbe kalauzolja el az olvasót, abba az id?be, amikor a volt szocialista államoknak azzal kellett szembesülniük, hogy a demokratizálódás bizony t?rvényszer?en magával hozza a komolyabb szervezett b?n?z?i csoportok megjelenését is. Az államapparátus fenekén tojáshéj, a b?n?z?k zsebében pedig a fegyver és a pénz. Kicsoda valójában Jozef Rohá?, a profi, akihez a legvéresebb merényletek k?t?dnek Szlovákiában és Magyarországon egyaránt? Mi k?ze van a magyar b?rt?nbüntetését t?lt? Eva Reze?ovának a kassai gengszterekhez? Hogyan t?nt el 114 vagonnyi olaj Pozsony és Budapest k?z?tt? Mi k?ti ?ssze Magyarországot az újkori t?rténelem legvéresebb maffialeszámolásával? Ki szervezte meg a szlovák k?ztársasági eln?k fiának elrablását? Ki ne emlékezne a vadkeletre? Ezek a csoportok nem ismertek határokat, így a szlovák és a magyar alvilág számos ponton és ügyben kapcsolódhatott egymáshoz. Ezekb?l a t?rténetekb?l kiderül, hogyan. T?rténetek, amelyek egyszer véget érnek. A b?n azonban marad, itt jár k?ztünk továbbra is.
When the World Shook
When the World Shook
Henry Rider Haggard
A sorozat és ami m?g?tte van I. Szulejmán szultán 1494-ben született, és 1566-ban Szigetvár alatt vesztette életét. 1520-tól haláláig az Oszmán Birodalom ikonikus uralkodójaként hódított. A magyar t?rténelmet ismer?k biztosan nem rajongtak érte soha. Miután 2013-ban az egyik kereskedelmi csatorna megvásárolta az életér?l szóló Szulejmán cím? sorozatot, a szultán negatív megítélése sokat változott. A néz?k megkedvelték a Halit Ergen? által alakított Fényességest. A sorozatban ábrázolt t?rténelmi események, személyek azonban nem minden esetben egyeznek a valósággal. Ezt az alkotók is megjegyzik: a m? t?rténelmi ihletés? - ami nem azonos a t?rténelmi h?séggel. R. Kelényi Angelika tisztázza a valós t?rténelmi eseményeket. ?sszegy?jt?tt érdekességeken keresztül oszlatja el a félreértéseket, mik?zben szórakoztatja az olvasót.
The Trespasser
The Trespasser
David Herbert Lawrence
Egy t?kéletes férfi és egy kül?nleges lány. Vajon mit rejthet a hibátlan álca? William, a milliárdos üzletember Seattle-be utazik, hogy megtalálja elhunyt nevel?apja egyetlen vér szerinti gyermekét, akit ténylegesen megillet a férfira hagyott ?r?kség. Mik?zben piszkos módszereivel a valódi ?r?k?s után kutat, ?sszehozza a sors egy dacos, szemtelen, fiatal lánnyal, aki egyedi szépségével azonnal megbabonázza ?t. William felrúgva saját szabályait, enged Jessica csábításának. Ahogy egyre k?zelebb kerülnek egymáshoz, William ráj?n, hogy Jessica nem egy átlagos lány, a múltját s?tét titkok rejtik, ami után a férfi hiába nyomoz, folyton zsákutcába fut.Mer?ben eltér? személyiségük, életvitelük és a k?ztük lév? korkül?nbség nehéz d?ntés elé állítja ?ket. Megéri ennyit szenvedni egy boldog kapcsolat lehet?sége miatt? Ha fény derül minden titokra, képesek lesznek ugyanúgy nézni egymásra, mint azel?tt?Lilly Shade t?rténete nemcsak arra bizonyíték, hogy nincsenek véletlenek, de arra is, hogy a sors sem mindig kegyes. A t?kéletes nem valódi, és ami annak látszik, csupán álca. Az ilyen álcák pedig a legs?tétebb titkokat rejtegetik.
Samson and Delilah
Samson and Delilah
David Herbert Lawrence
Ervin, ?va és Csaba t?rténete folytatódik. A F?pap és a praetoriánusok serege már nem fenyegetik ?ket, helyettük azonban egy gyilkos klán, egy természetimádó szekta és egy minden dimenziót uralni akaró entitás háborújának frontvonalában találják magukat. A tét pedig nem kevesebb, mint a F?ld j?v?je. Vajon az emberiség ki tud lépni a saját árnyékából, vagy végleg elenyészik? H?seink meg tudnak birkózni a rájuk váró akadályokkal? Bízhatnak-e az új sz?vetségeseikben? ?s egymásban??rmány, árulás, átalakulás és áldozathozatal. A világunk sorsa most d?l el!
Don Quijote
Don Quijote
Miguel de Cervantes
Cartea pe care o ?ine?i ?n m?n? este periculoas?. Incomod?, scor?oas?, incendiar? fiind, ?n mod cert, va deranja unele personaje, nelipsite de importan??, din arena politicii rom?ne?ti, care confund? adeseori politica cu diletantismul, tr?d?nd interesele sus?inute cu at?ta patos ?n campaniile electorale. ?n mod sigur, Nu tr?da?i, v? rog! va alarma edilii capitalei ce se ?ntrec ?n a distruge ?micul Paris“ de pe vremuri. Aceast? carte, a?adar, va deranja nu pu?in? lume prin scenele din via?a social-politic? post-decembrist?, cu at?t mai mult, cu c?t umorul ?fichiuitor nu-i este str?in nici pe departe autorului. Nici deta?area…
Les Trois Mousquetaires
Les Trois Mousquetaires
Alexandre Dumas
Vreau s? cred c? drumul lui Eugenio Barba este cel ?n care ?nt?lne?te copacul de care at?rn? pe creanga cea mai de sus un m?r de aur ?i f?r? s? ?i pese de cei din jurul lui, de privirile lor arogante sau sc?nteind a dispre?, se ca??r? ?n copac, ?n plin? lumin? de zi, ?i culege m?rul. M?rul norocos al destinului. Curaj, perseveren??, credin?? de nezdruncinat ?n vocea l?untrului care mereu ?i ?opte?te drumul pe care s?-l urmeze, c?ci este drumul lui.Eugenio Barba, vizionar, reformator, artist, dramaturg-regizor, maestru, scriitor, ?n dramaturgia sa, ?n cuvintele sale imortalizate ?n reflec?ii asupra sensului ?i condi?iei artei teatrului ?i a artistului, ?n cercet?rile de natur? artistic? ?i ?tiin?ific?, ?n laboratorul de teatru, sesiunile ?colii Interna?ionale de Antropologie Teatral? forjeaz? un act artistic unificator prin coprezen?e ale contrariilor, ?ntrup?ri ale simultaneit??ilor, combin?ri temporale ?i spa?iale, dintre trecut ?i viitor, dintre Est ?i Vest, declan??nd ?o revolu?ie copernician? f?r? de care ?tiin?a teatrului de la sf?r?itul secolului XX ar fi incomprehensibil?“. (Diana Cozma)
Arizona's Yesterday: [Illustrated]
Arizona's Yesterday: [Illustrated]
John H. Cady, Basil Woon
This story belongs to the year 1837, and was regarded by the generations of that and a succeeding time as the most miraculous of all the recorded deliverances from death at sea. It may be told thus: Mr. Montagu Vanderholt sat at breakfast with his daughter Violet one morning in September. Vanderholt's house was one of a fine terrace close to Hyde Park. He was a rich man, a retired Cape merchant, and his life had been as chequered as Trelawney's, with nothing of romance and nothing of imagination in it. He was the son of honest parents, of Dutch extraction, and had run away to sea when about twelve years old. Nothing under the serious heavens was harsher, more charged with misery, suffering, dirt, and wretchedness, than seafaring in the days when young Vanderholt, with an idiot's cunning, fled to it from his father's comfortable little home. He got a ship, was three years absent, and on his return found both his father and mother dead. He went again to sea, and, fortunately for him, was shipwrecked in the neighbourhood of Simon's Bay. The survivors made their way to Cape Town, and presently young Vanderholt got a job, and afterwards a position. He then became a master, until, after some eight or ten years of heroic perseverance, attended by much good luck, behold Mr. Vanderholt full-blown into a colonial merchant prince. How much he was worth when he made up his mind to settle in England, after the death of his wife, and when he had disposed of his affairs so as to leave himself as free a man as ever he had been when he was a common Jack Swab, really signifies nothing. It is certain he had plenty, and plenty is enough, even for a merchant prince of Dutch extraction. Besides Violet, he had two sons, who will not make an appearance on this little brief stage. They are dismissed, therefore, with this brief reference—that both were in the army, and both, at the time of this tale, in India. Violet was Vanderholt's only daughter, and he loved her exceedingly. She was not beautiful, but she was fair to see, with a pretty figure, and an arch, gay smile. You saw the Dutch blood in her eyes, as you saw it in her father's, whose orbs of vision, indeed, were ridiculously small—scarcely visible in their bed of socket and lash. An English mother had come to Violet's help in this matter. Taking her from top to toe, with her surprising quantity of brown hair, soft complexion, good mouth, teeth, and figure, Violet Vanderholt was undoubtedly a fine girl. THE LAST ENTRY "OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON THE LAST ENTRY": '"The Last Entry" is a rattling good salt-water yarn, told in the author's usual breezy, exhilarating style.'-”Daily Mail. 'In this new novel Mr. Russell has cleverly thrown its events into the year 1837, and there are one or two ingenious passages which add to the Diamond Jubilee interest which that date suggests.... "The Last Entry" is as certain of general popularity as any of Mr. Russell's former tales of the marvels of the sea.'-”Glasgow Herald. 'We do not think it possible for anyone to dip into this novel without desiring to finish it, and it adds another to the long list of successes of our best sea author.'-”Librarian. 'In addition to mutiny and murder, "The Last Entry" contains many of those good things which have made Mr. Russell's pages a joy to so many lovers of the sea during the last twenty years.... "The Last Entry" is a welcome addition to Mr. Clark Russell's library.'-”Speaker. 'The writer is as realistic and picturesque as usual in his vivid descriptions of the stagnant life on board the homeward-bound Indiaman.'-”Times. 'It is full of pleasant vigour.... As is always the case in Mr. Clark Russell's books, the elements are treated with the pen of an artist.'-”Standard. 'We expected plenty of go, of fresh and vigorous description of sea-faring life, coupled with a story which would not be wanting in interest. All this we have here.'”-Tablet.
The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Beatrix Potter
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of Beatrix Potter’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Potter includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Potter’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the textPlease visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Enchanted Island of Yew by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Enchanted Island of Yew by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
L. Frank Baum
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Enchanted Island of Yew by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of L. Frank Baum’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Baum includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Enchanted Island of Yew by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Baum’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Last Egyptian by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Last Egyptian by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
L. Frank Baum
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Last Egyptian by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of L. Frank Baum’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Baum includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Last Egyptian by L. Frank Baum - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Baum’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Ben Jonson
The Alchemist is a comedy by English playwright Ben Jonson. First performed in 1610 by the King's Men, it is generally considered Jonson's best and most characteristic comedy; Samuel Taylor Coleridge claimed that it had one of the three most perfect plots in literature. The play's clever fulfilment of the classical unities and vivid depiction of human folly have made it one of the few Renaissance plays (except the works of Shakespeare) with a continuing life on stage (except for a period of neglect during the Victorian era).
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