

The Iranian Feast
The Iranian Feast
Kevin Dyer
In modern-day Tehran, you can never predict how life will turn out. Part thriller, part cookery lesson, this is the story of a family struggling to deal with the challenges of a regime where secrecy and surveillance are an everyday part of life. Abbas calls together his wife and daughter and their friends and nighbours for an impromptu feast. Going in the pot are fresh herbs, spices, sweet vegetables and Eli’s mother’s secret ingredient…
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Matt Beames
The world spins and the cycle of seasons turns as the Guardians of the Year gather to tell each other stories. As a new Winter begins it is time to tell another tale… A kingdom is in peril, its people driven to flee their homes as a dark forest covers the land. The King and Queen are missing and Prince Roland, only heir to the kingdom, lies sleeping, cursed never to awaken… All seems lost, and it falls to one young woman with a strong heart, aided by strange companions, to find her way to the castle at the heart of the enchanted forest. Once there, it will take a genuine act of love to break the curse and free the kingdom. A story about friendship, drawing on myth and folklore, Sleeping Beauty is an exciting and enchanting new adaptation of the well-loved story.
Mistaken… Annie Besant in India
Mistaken… Annie Besant in India
Rukhsana Ahmad
Explores the incredible story of Annie Besant’s relationship with India and the boy who went on to become one of India’s greatest teachers and thinkers – Krishnamurti. 1916: India is simmering with discontent against the Raj. Enter English proto-feminist Annie Besant, notorious at home for the match-girls’ strike, political, charismatic. In India she finds a new family and a new cause. Gandhi hails her as the leader of the Congress Party after she courts imprisonment for promoting Indian Home Rule. She admires him – but can rulers ever befriend the ruled? Can Annie’s great love affair with India last? … or is she mistaken in her beliefs, politics and adoptions? ? ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rukhsana Ahmad‘s stage plays include: Song For Sanctuary, The Gate-Keeper’s Wife, Black Shalwar, River On Fire?(shortlist Susan Smith Blackburn Prize 2002), The Man Who Refused to be God, Last Chance and Partners in Crime. Radio plays and adaptations include:?Song for a Sanctuary?(CRE award, runner-up),?An Urnful of Ashes, The Errant Gene,?Nawal El Saadawi’s?Woman At Point Zero,?Jean Rhy’s?Wide Sargasso Sea?(shortlist CRE and Writers’ Guild Award for best adaptation), R.K Narayan’s?The Guide?and Nadeem Aslam’s?Maps For Lost Lovers. She also wrote for Westway and helped to create?Pyaar Ka Passort?for BBC World Service Trust. Her fiction includes a novel;?The Hope Chest?(Virago) and several short stories have been published internationally. Her translations from Urdu include?We Sinful Women, and Altaf Fatima’s novel,?The One Who Did Not Ask. Currently she is working on?Letting Go, a new play for Pursued by a Bear, and an adaptation for the BBC of Salman Rushdie’s?Midnight’s Children.
Three Plays
Three Plays
Jonathan Moore
Award-winning playwright Jonathan Moore has been described as a “singular voice for his generation: furious, nihilistic, poetic…” (Time Out). This anthology brings together three of his critically acclaimed plays, including: This Other Eden, Fall From Light, and Treatment. ? The Plays This Other Eden?(Guardian Critics’s Choice): A story of passion. A wife and a mother. Her son and daughter. Her husband. The London Irish. Limboland. The hunger for a sense of a real culture. The desire for freedom… A tough play about a woman’s soul, told with beauty, humour and hope. “… the play burns with passion and indignation.”?Daily Telegraph Fall From Light: A young composer writes a new opera. The Director rejects it, but his lover, a young Diva, takes him to the council estate, where she and the composer grew up. There they meet Girly and his gang… A tale of art, savagery and redemption. Treatment?(Fringe First): Liam is part of a violent street gang but wants to escape. Trapped between two worlds, he has to choose between the dark allure of violence and the healing power of love.
Keith? or Moliere Rewired
Keith? or Moliere Rewired
Patrick Marmion
… A South African gunrunner turned Buddhist monk.… A gullible startup millionaire.… His radical feminist ex wife.… Their aid worker daughter.… The young British Muslim she met in Syria.… An ethical Serbian hitman.And an unstable Brazilian cleaner.Modern Britain. Moral chaos. Total nightmare.A new comedy about life in Brexit Britain, the lies we tell to each other – and to ourselves.
Matrimonio Fingido
Matrimonio Fingido
Barbara Cartland
Uno de los más apuestos y codiciados solteros de Londres, lord Melsonby se encuentra inesperadamente, atrapado en el problema de la hermosa fugitiva, Perlita Lyford, heredera de una fortuna inmensa, huérfana de madre y pierde por último, ?su progenitor, que la deja al cuidado? de una? prima hermana suya, lady Whitton. Lo que su padre no sabía, es que ella se había casado con sir Gerbold, un hombre mucho más joven que ella, y cuando lady Whitton, se murió… él vio la oportunidad de echar mano a su fortuna y de autoproclamarse su tutor. Es este hombreperverso y cruel, que Perlita huye, que solamente quiere casarse con ella, para quedarse con su dinero. Perlita, desesperada e infeliz con el destino que le esperaba, en uno de sus usuales viajes, consiguió escaparse del faetón y llegar a una modesta posada llamada La Cabeza del Rey y enseguida encuentra a lord Melsonby y le pide ayuda. Ahí, empieza un enredo fascinante, entre él y la misteriosa dama, donde se ven mezclados en una romántica aventura, ?que los conduce desde la resplandeciente sociedad victoriana, hasta una peligrosa intriga en Marruecos. Esta es una más, de las muchas obras magistrales, de la más famosa autora moderna del romanticismo, Barbara Cartland .
Love Danced in
Love Danced in
Barbara Cartland
The beautiful Joanna West’s parents had been killed in a very nasty road accident and as she is the only child she inherits her father and mother’s house in the County of Huntingdonshire. ???????? When she sees the condition of her house, she realises at once that it will need a great deal of money to be spent on it to make it as warm and cosy as her mother had done. ???????? Wondering what she could do to acquire the money that she so badly needs, Joanna remembers the big and impressive Castle nearby and wonders if she could use the spacious ballroom to give dancing lessons to earn her some money. ???????? When she approaches the charming and handsome Earl of Hollington, who has recently inherited the ancient Castle as well as his title, he too is desperately in need of money as The Castle had been badly neglected by his predecessors and is looking decidedly dilapidated and shoddy. ???????? He agrees to hire out the ballroom to Joanna for her dancing lessons after she has redecorated it and at her suggestion to let other members of the County rent rooms from him, providing that they pay to have those rooms restored. ???????? It is then that Lady Carisford, who the Earl only met on board the Liner when he was returning to England, arrives at The Castle unexpectedly. ???????? She is determined to capture the Earl as she realises that by marrying him she will own an important title and this will open wide the doors of High Society which she longs to shine in ???????? What happens when Lady Carisford tells Joanna that the Earl has asked her to marry him and how she and the Earl finds true happiness is all told in this romantic novel by BARBARA CARTLAND.
Love Finds the Duke at Last
Love Finds the Duke at Last
Barbara Cartland
The Duke of Lavenham learns from a letter that the beautiful Lady Penelope who he finds fun and amusing, is telling her friends that she is going to marry him. The Duke is horrified as he has no intention of marrying anyone for many years to come and he hurries to visit Penelope to discuss the matter with her and tell her that he has no intention of marrying anybody. As he is leaving the house, a young girl sobbing hysterically jumps into his carriage and begs him to take her away. The girl, Devinia, who is a cousin of Penelope’s, tells the Duke that Penelope has had her dog killed and she wants to die too. She is terribly unhappy and he thinks that she has been very badly treated by Penelope and her family. The Duke takes her to his Castle in the country and it is then that he has the idea that, if he and Devinia pretend to become engaged to each other, Penelope’s father cannot accuse him of breach of promise. But the Duke is quite certain if Penelope has told so many people of their intended marriage that her father will consider that he has damaged her reputation and will insist on him marrying her. All this could be prevented if Devinia would become engaged to him and they could break it off as soon as it is safe to do so. Devinia is very happy at the Duke’s Castle in the country and loves riding his horses. How Penelope’s revenge on him is to have her kidnapped by a foreign nation and carried away to become the concubine to a ruler of their country. And how the Duke desperately sets out to find her, is told in this exciting and romantic novel by BARBARA CARTLAND.
Marea familie
Marea familie
Paul Féval
Cine-ar fi crezut c? lumea afacerilor poate fi at?t de fascinant? ?i plin? de dramatism? 350 de milioane de dolari investite ?ntr-un model de automobil plin de imperfec?iuni, f?r? s? fie g?sit m?car un responsabil pentru acest e?ec; ascensiunea spectaculoas? a unei mici companii produc?toare de h?rtie fotografic? p?n? la actualul gigant Xerox, ?nceput? de o m?n? de oameni care ?i-au riscat chiar ?i averea personal? pentru o inova?ie revolu?ionar?; b?t?lia titanic? dus? de Rezerva Federal? a Statelor Unite pentru ap?rarea lirei sterline de atacurile speculatorilor; sunt doar c?teva dintre exemplele ce arat? c?, ?n lumea afacerilor ?i a Wall Streetului, oamenii pot da dovad? fie de geniu, spirit de cooperare ?i ?n?elepciune, fie de ?nc?p???nare ?i lips? de ra?iune, indiferent de miza aflat? ?n joc. Un avertisment c? istoria se poate oric?nd repeta.
?ti testvérek
?ti testvérek
Mark Lawrence
Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, better known as Sandro Botticelli ( 1445 – 1510), was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. He belonged to the Florentine school under the patronage of Lorenzo de' Medici, a movement that Giorgio Vasari would characterize less than a hundred years later as a "golden age", a thought, suitably enough, he expressed at the head of his Vita of Botticelli. Botticelli's posthumous reputation suffered until the late 19th century; since then his work has been seen to represent the linear grace of Early Renaissance painting. Among his best known works are The Birth of Venus and Primavera. In 1481, Pope Sixtus IV summoned Botticelli and other prominent Florentine and Umbrian artists to fresco the walls of the Sistine Chapel. The iconological program was the supremacy of the Papacy. Sandro's contribution included the Temptations of Christ, the Punishment of the Rebels and Trial of Moses. He returned to Florence, and "being of a sophistical turn of mind, he there wrote a commentary on a portion of Dante and illustrated the Inferno which he printed, spending much time over it, and this abstention from work led to serious disorders in his living." Thus Vasari characterized the first printed Dante (1481) with Botticelli's decorations; he could not imagine that the new art of printing might occupy an artist. The masterpieces Primavera (c. 1482) and The Birth of Venus (c. 1485) were both seen by Vasari at the villa of Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici at Castello in the mid-16th century, and until recently, it was assumed that both works were painted specifically for the villa. Recent scholarship suggests otherwise: the Primavera was painted for Lorenzo's townhouse in Florence, and The Birth of Venus was commissioned by someone else for a different site. By 1499, both had been installed at Castello. In these works, the influence of Gothic realism is tempered by Botticelli's study of the antique. But if the painterly means may be understood, the subjects themselves remain fascinating for their ambiguity. The complex meanings of these paintings continue to receive widespread scholarly attention, mainly focusing on the poetry and philosophy of humanists who were the artist's contemporaries. The works do not illustrate particular texts; rather, each relies upon several texts for its significance. Of their beauty, characterized by Vasari as exemplifying "grace" and by John Ruskin as possessing linear rhythm, there can be no doubt. In the mid-1480s, Botticelli worked on a major fresco cycle with Perugino, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Filippino Lippi, for Lorenzo the Magnificent's villa near Volterra; in addition he painted many frescoes in Florentine churches. In 1491 he served on a committee to decide upon a fa?ade for the Cathedral of Florence.
F?zzünk ?r?mmel!
F?zzünk ?r?mmel!
Polcz Alaine
K?ztudott, hogy a pártállami diktatúra idején minden jobboldali gondolat eredend?en üld?zend?nek számított. De vajon hogyan élték túl a hagyományos politikai felosztás szerint jobboldalinak tekintett személyek és mozgalmak a Rákosi-, majd a Kádár-rendszer üld?ztetéseit? Kik választották az évtizedekre szóló, csendes ?alámerülést”, és kik azok, akik továbbra is aktívan képviselték korábbi eszméiket? ?s vajon a rendelkezésünkre álló dokumentumok alapján meg lehet-e kül?nb?ztetni a jobboldalhoz k?thet? valós társadalmi jelenségeket az állambiztonság konstruált ügyeit?l? Az UNGV?RY KRISZTI?N által szerkesztett tanulmányk?tet a Kádár-rendszer állambiztonsága szempontjából ?jobboldalinak” tekintett hagyomány és gondolkodás, illetve az ezt képvisel? csoportok 1945 és 1990 k?z?tti t?rténetéb?l ad reprezentatív válogatást. Mivel e meglehet?sen széles – a progresszív konzervatív eszmét?l a kisgazdákon át az egyetemi szervezkedésekig és a radikális széls?jobboldali mozgalmakig terjed? – politikai paletta szerepl?i és nézetei a kommunista és államszocialista diktatúra idején egyként ?ellenségesnek” min?sültek, a k?tet tanulmányai mindenekel?tt az állambiztonsági iratok feldolgozására épülnek. Az ?sszeállítás áttekintést nyújt az olvasónak a belügyminisztérium ?jobboldali” ellenségképér?l, részletesen tárgyalja a prominens kisgazda és kereszténydemokrata politikusok sorsát, illetve nyomon k?veti a háború el?tti széls?jobboldalhoz k?thet? mozgalmak utóéletét is. E hiánypótló k?tet kit?n? írásai nem csupán arra világítanak rá, hogy a jobboldali hagyományok hogyan élték túl búvópatakszer?en a háborút k?vet? fél évszázadot, de a ma jobboldalinak tekintett attit?d?ket és mentalitásokat is jobban érthet?vé teszik.
My Thoughtful Words
My Thoughtful Words
Lorraine Donfor-Chen
My Thoughtful Words
My Art Pieces And Thoughts
My Art Pieces And Thoughts
Lorraine Donfor-Chen
My Art Pieces And Thoughts
My Artworks And Thoughts
My Artworks And Thoughts
Lorraine Donfor-Chen
My Artworks And Thoughts
Jump Up - The Rise of the Rolling Stones
Jump Up - The Rise of the Rolling Stones
Goodall, Nigel
Jump Up - The Rise of the Rolling Stones was originally a coffee-table illustrated softback that traced the band's first ten years from 1963 onwards. Now available in digital format for the first time since it was published in 1995, the book, taken from author Nigel Goodall's original unedited manuscript, assembles an amazing picture of the first decade of the 'Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Band In the World' - and includes details of previously unheard interviews with the Stones and with all those that knew and worked with them during the period the book covers. Hailed as one of the first biographies to potray a vivid and dramatic telling of the early life and career of the band, the book covers everything from Jagger and Richards meeting on Dartford Railway Station to the early days of playing West London blues clubs, the package tours, the drug busts, the women, the death of Brian Jones, the beginning of the sticky 70s and the major stadium gigs.
Fischer, George
This short biography of the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven details his life, his works and gives the reader an interesting guide to the style that defined this master of symphonies and other musical works. It also discusses the influence he had on Wagner's style. This version has been specifically edited and formatted for today's e-readers, and makes an excellent addition to any music-related book collection.
How To Sing
How To Sing
Lehmann, Lilli
This classic guide teaching the reader the techniques of singing was written by a professional opera singer - Lilli Lehman - over 100 years ago. It has since become a must-read book for all those wishing to expand their vocal talents, and teaches a range of skills which the amateur singer often overlooks. Miss Lehmann was born in Germany in 1848 and went on to become a soprano of phenomenal versatility and in later years a voice teacher of much acclaim. Miss Lehmann sung her way around europe appearing in most of the leading opera houses - her voice was her passport. Looking at her presence on the cover it is no surprise that she was one of the greatest Wagnerian singers of her day. In 1916 Miss Lehmann hung up her breast plate and founded the International Summer Academy in Salzburg that focused on voice lessons and coached many up and coming opera stars.
Life of Chopin
Life of Chopin
Liszt, Franz
This short biography of the famous composer Frederic Chopin (by none other than Franz Liszt!) details his life, his works and gives the reader an interesting guide to the style that defined this master of composing for the piano. This version has been specifically edited and formatted for today's e-readers, and makes an excellent addition to any music-related book collection.
Menpes, Mortimer
This interesting book about Rembrandt and his paintings was first written in 1905, and is just as enjoyable today. Featuring colour prints of 16 of his best paintings, this excellent introduction to one of the world's most famous painters is a great addition to any e-book collection. This version has been specially formatted for today's e-readers by Andrews UK.
One Direction - The Unofficial Book of Everything
One Direction - The Unofficial Book of Everything
Goldstein, Jack
Do you want to become the ultimate Directioner? Do you want to know everything about Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn? Want to prove your knowledge with not just one but TWO quizzes?If so, then this is the book for you! It contains all five of Jack Goldstein's 1D titles, including: 101 Amazing One Direction Facts, 101 More Amazing One Direction Facts, Harry Styles: The Story So Far, The Ultimate Quiz and finally The Ultimate Lyrics Quiz.With over 200 facts, 320 questions and a quick-read biography of Harry Styles, this is sure to keep any One Direction fan happy for hours!
World's Great Men Of Music
World's Great Men Of Music
Brower, Harriette
This excellent ebook introduces the reader to a wide range of the world's greatest composers, including interesting facts about not only their musical styles but the men themselves. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers, and will appeal to all those looking for a fascinating read about the history of classical music.