

Epicoene, Or the Silent Woman
Epicoene, Or the Silent Woman
Ben Jonson
Classic Elizabethan play. According to Prof. Felix Schelling in his introduction to the Complete Plays of Ben Jonson: "THE greatest of English dramatists except Shakespeare, the first literary dictator and poet-laureate, a writer of verse, prose, satire, and criticism who most potently of all the men of his time affected the subsequent course of English letters: such was Ben Jonson, and as such his strong personality assumes an interest to us almost unparalleled, at least in his age." According to Wikipedia: "Benjamin Jonson (c. 11 June 1572 – 6 August 1637) was an English Renaissance dramatist, poet and actor. A contemporary of William Shakespeare, he is best known for his satirical plays, particularly Volpone, The Alchemist, and Bartholomew Fair, which are considered his best, and his lyric poems. A man of vast reading and a seemingly insatiable appetite for controversy, Jonson had an unparalleled breadth of influence on Jacobean and Caroline playwrights and poets"
The Wagnerian Romances
The Wagnerian Romances
Gertrude Hall
Chapters cover: PARSIFAL, THE RHINE-GOLD, THE VALKYRIE (DIE WALK?RE), SIEGFRIED, THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS (DIE G?TTERD?MMERUNG), THE MASTER-SINGERS OF NUREMBERG, TRISTAN AND ISOLDE, LOHENGRIN, TANNH?USER, and THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. According to Wikipedia: "Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22 May 1813, Leipzig, Germany – 13 February 1883, Venice, Italy) was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and libretto for his works."
Die Mitschuldigen, Ein Lustspiel in drei Aufzugen
Die Mitschuldigen, Ein Lustspiel in drei Aufzugen
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Klassisches Spiel im originalen Deutsch. Laut Wikipedia: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28. August 1749 - 22. M?rz 1832) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. George Eliot nannte ihn" Deutschlands gr??ten Literaten ... und der letzte wahre Universalgelehrte auf der Erde. "Goethes Werke die Gebiete der Poesie, des Dramas, der Literatur, der Theologie, des Humanismus und der Wissenschaft, Goethes Hauptwerk, das als einer der H?hepunkte der Weltliteratur gepriesen wird, ist das zweiteilige Drama Faust. Goethes andere bekannte literarische Werke sind seine zahlreichen Gedichte, der Bildungsroman Wilhelm Meister und der Briefroman Die Leiden des jungen Werther. "
Maass fur Maas oder Wie Einer Misst so Wird Ihm Wider Gemessen
Maass fur Maas oder Wie Einer Misst so Wird Ihm Wider Gemessen
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Kom?die, ins Deutsche übersetzt. Laut Wikipedia ist "Measure for Measure" ein Stück von William Shakespeare, das 1603 oder 1604 geschrieben wurde. Es wurde (und wird weiterhin) als Kom?die klassifiziert, aber seine Stimmung widersetzt sich diesen Erwartungen Eine Vielzahl von Gründen wurde von einigen Kritikern als eines von Shakespeares Problemspielen bezeichnet.Erst im First Folio von 1623 ver?ffentlicht (wo es zuerst als Kom?die bezeichnet wurde), war die erste Aufnahme des Stücks 1604. Das Stück handelt von den Themen der Barmherzigkeit, der Gerechtigkeit und der Wahrheit und ihrer Beziehung zu Stolz und Demut: "Einige erheben sich aus der Sünde und einige aus der Tugend fallen."
William Shakespeare
Deutsche ?bersetzung der Shakespeare-Trag?die. Laut Wikipedia: "Coriolanus ist eine Trag?die von William Shakespeare, die vermutlich zwischen 1605 und 1608 geschrieben wurde. Das Stück basiert auf dem Leben des legend?ren r?mischen Anführers Caius Marcius Coriolanus."
Leben und Tod K?nigs Richard des Zweyten
Leben und Tod K?nigs Richard des Zweyten
William Shakespeare
Die Shakespeare-Geschichte spielt Richard II in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "K?nig Richard der Zweite ist ein Geschichtsstück von William Shakespeare, vermutlich um 1595 geschrieben. Es basiert auf dem Leben von K?nig Richard II. Von England (regiert 1377-1399) und ist der erste Teil einer Tetralogie , von einigen Gelehrten als Henriad bezeichnet, gefolgt von drei Stücken über Richards Nachfolger: Henry IV, Teil 1, Henry IV, Teil 2 und Henry V. Es wurde vielleicht nicht als eigenst?ndige Arbeit geschrieben. "
Le Roi S'Amuse
Le Roi S'Amuse
Victor Hugo
Drame classique dans le texte original, publié en 1832. Selon Wikipedia: "Victor-Marie Hugo (26 février 1802 - 22 mai 1885) était un poète, dramaturge, romancier, essayiste, artiste visuel, homme d'?tat, militant des droits de l'homme et En France, la renommée littéraire de Hugo vient en premier lieu de sa poésie, mais repose aussi sur ses romans et ses réalisations dramatiques Parmi les nombreux volumes de poésie, Les Contemplations et La Légende des siècles tiennent particulièrement haut dans l'estime critique, et Hugo est parfois identifié comme le plus grand poète fran?ais.A l'extérieur de la France, ses ?uvres les plus connues sont les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (connu aussi en anglais sous le nom de Le Bossu de Notre Dame). était jeune, Hugo devint plus libéral au fil des décennies, il devint un partisan passionné du républicanisme et son travail touche à la plupart des questions politiques et sociales et aux tendances artistiques de son temps. Il est enterré au Panthéon. "
La Esmeralda
La Esmeralda
Victor Hugo
Pièce classique / livret de Hugo, basé sur une scène de son roman Notre Dame de Paris (Le Bossu de Notre Dame), en fran?ais original. Selon Wikipedia: "Victor-Marie Hugo (26 février 1802 - 22 mai 1885) était un poète, dramaturge, romancier, essayiste, artiste visuel, homme d'?tat, militant des droits de l'homme et représentant du mouvement romantique en France. La renommée littéraire vient d'abord de sa poésie, mais repose aussi sur ses romans et ses réalisations dramatiques Parmi les nombreux volumes de poésie, Les Contemplations et La Légende des siècles sont particulièrement estimés et Hugo est parfois identifié comme le plus grand poète fran?ais. La France, ses ?uvres les plus connues sont les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (connu aussi en anglais sous le titre de Le Bossu de Notre-Dame), bien que conservateur conservateur dans sa jeunesse, Hugo devint plus libéral au fil des décennies. il est devenu un partisan passionné du républicanisme et son travail touche à la plupart des questions politiques et sociales et aux tendances artistiques de son temps: il est enterré au Panthéon.
John F. Runciman
Short biography. Edition of 1913. According to Wikipedia: "Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22 May 1813, Leipzig, Germany – 13 February 1883, Venice, Italy) was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and libretto for his works." "Franz Liszt (October 22, 1811 – July 31, 1886) was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist and teacher."
Ein St. Johannis Nachts-Traum
Ein St. Johannis Nachts-Traum
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Kom?die in deutscher ?bersetzung. Nach Wikipedia: "Ein Sommernachtstraum ist ein Stück, das von William Shakespeare geschrieben wurde. Es soll zwischen 1590 und 1596 entstanden sein. Es zeigt die Ereignisse um die Hochzeit des Herzogs von Athen, Theseus und der K?nigin von Athen die Amazonen, Hippolyta.Sie schlie?en die Abenteuer von vier jungen athenischen Liebhabern und einer Gruppe von 6 Laiendarstellern ein, die von den Feen, die den Wald bewohnen, in dem das meiste Stück spielt, manipuliert werden.Das Stück ist eines von Shakespeares beliebtesten Werken für die Bühne und wird auf der ganzen Welt weit verbreitet. "
Mozart, the Man and the Artist, as Revealed in His Own Words
Mozart, the Man and the Artist, as Revealed in His Own Words
Friedrich Kerst
Biography, first published in1905. According to Wikipedia: "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. He composed over 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers. Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood in Salzburg. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty; at 17 he was engaged as a court musician in Salzburg, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position, always composing abundantly. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and the Requiem. The circumstances of his early death have been much mythologized. He was survived by his wife Constanze and two sons. Mozart learned voraciously from others, and developed a brilliance and maturity of style that encompassed the light and graceful along with the dark and passionate—the whole informed by a vision of humanity "redeemed through art, forgiven, and reconciled with nature and the absolute."[2] His influence on subsequent Western art music is profound. Beethoven wrote his own early compositions in the shadow of Mozart, of whom Joseph Haydn wrote that "posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years."
The World's Great Men of Music
The World's Great Men of Music
Harriette Brower
First published in 1922. Chapters include: Palestrina, Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin, Berlioz, Liszt, Verdi, Wagner, Franck, Brahms, Grieg, Tschaikowsky, MacDowell, Debussy, Toscanini, Stokowski, and Koussevitzky.
Timon von Athen/Timon of Athens
Timon von Athen/Timon of Athens
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare-Trag?die, in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "Das Leben von Timon von Athen ist ein Stück von William Shakespeare über das Schicksal eines Atheners namens Timon (und wahrscheinlich auch von dem gleichnamigen Philosophen beeinflusst), allgemein als eines seiner dunkelsten und schwierige Arbeiten. "
Great German Composers
Great German Composers
George T. Ferris
First published in 1878. Chapters cover: Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Web, Mendelssohn, and Wagner.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
Lord Byron
Byron's classic narrative poem. According to Wikipedia: "George Gordon Byron, later Noel, 6th Baron Byron FRS (1788 – 1824) was a British poet and a leading figure in Romanticism. Amongst Byron's best-known works are the brief poems When We Two Parted, She Walks in Beauty, and So, we'll go no more a roving, in addition to the narrative poems Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan. He is regarded as one of the greatest European poets and remains widely read and influential, both in the English-speaking world and beyond. Byron's fame rests not only on his writings but also on his life, which featured extravagant living, numerous love affairs, debts, separation, and marital exploits. He was famously described by Lady Caroline Lamb as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know". Byron served as a regional leader of Italy's revolutionary organization, the Carbonari, in its struggle against Austria. He later traveled to fight against the Ottoman Empire in the Greek War of Independence, for which Greeks revere him as a national hero. He died from a fever in Messolonghi in Greece."
Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson
All three series. This edition is based on on the first published collection, edited by Mabel Loomis Todd and T.W. Higginson, which was released in three "series", the first of which appeared in 1890. According to Wikipedia, Mabel Loomis Todd "became friends with the Dickinsons, and though she never met Emily Dickinson in person, the two women exchanged letters. After Emily's death in 1886, hundreds of her unpublished poems were discovered. In 1888, Emily's sister Lavinia asked Todd to copy and organize the poems, which were to be sent to the publisher Thomas Wentworth Higginson. The first volume of Poems by Emily Dickinson was published in 1890. This version included many alterations by Todd. In 1896, Todd and the Dickinson family had a falling-out over a legal battle regarding property owned by Austin Dickinson. As a result, Emily Dickinson's manuscripts were split between the two families. In 1945, Todd's daughter Millicent published some of the poems from Todd's portion of the manuscripts."
Wilhelm Tell
Wilhelm Tell
Frederick Schiller
Classic Schiller drama, in English translation. . According to Wikipedia: "Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759 – 1805) was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and dramatist. During the last few years of his life (1788–1805), Schiller struck up a productive, if complicated, friendship with already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang Goethe, with whom he greatly discussed issues concerning aesthetics, encouraging Goethe to finish works he left merely as sketches; this thereby gave way to a period now referred to as Weimar Classicism."
The Merry Wives of Windsor, with line numbers
The Merry Wives of Windsor, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
Classic Shakespeare comedy, with line numbers. According to Wikipedia: "William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard"). His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language, and are performed more often than those of any other playwright."
Les Contemplations
Les Contemplations
Victor Hugo
Poésie classique, dans le fran?ais original. Selon Wikipedia: "Victor-Marie Hugo (26 février 1802 - 22 mai 1885) était un poète, dramaturge, romancier, essayiste, artiste visuel, homme d'?tat, militant des droits de l'homme et représentant du mouvement romantique en France. La renommée littéraire vient d'abord de sa poésie, mais repose aussi sur ses romans et ses réalisations dramatiques Parmi les nombreux volumes de poésie, Les Contemplations et La Légende des siècles sont particulièrement estimés et Hugo est parfois identifié comme le plus grand poète fran?ais. La France, ses ?uvres les plus connues sont les romans Les Misérables et Notre-Dame de Paris (connu aussi en anglais sous le titre de Le Bossu de Notre-Dame), bien que conservateur conservateur dans sa jeunesse, Hugo devint plus libéral au fil des décennies. il est devenu un partisan passionné du républicanisme et son travail touche à la plupart des questions politiques et sociales et aux tendances artistiques de son temps: il est enterré au Panthéon.
The Wolves and the Lamb
The Wolves and the Lamb
William Makepeace Thackeray
Classic play. According to Wikipedia: "Thackeray is most often compared to one other great novelist of Victorian literature, Charles Dickens. During the Victorian era, he was ranked second only to Dickens, but he is now much less read and is known almost exclusively for Vanity Fair. In that novel he was able to satirize whole swaths of humanity while retaining a light touch. It also features his most memorable character, the engagingly roguish Becky Sharp. As a result, unlike Thackeray's other novels, it remains popular with the general reading public; it is a standard fixture in university courses and has been repeatedly adapted for movies and television. In Thackeray's own day, some commentators, such as Anthony Trollope, ranked his History of Henry Esmond as his greatest work, perhaps because it expressed Victorian values of duty and earnestness, as did some of his other later novels. It is perhaps for this reason that they have not survived as well as Vanity Fair, which satirizes those values."
Troilus and Cressida, with line numbers
Troilus and Cressida, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
Classic Shakespearean drama. According to Wikipedia: "Troilus and Cressida is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1602. The play (also described as one of Shakespeare's problem plays) is not a conventional tragedy, since its protagonist (Troilus) does not die. The play ends instead on a very bleak note with the death of the noble Trojan Hector and destruction of the love between Troilus and Cressida. Throughout the play, the tone lurches wildly between bawdy comedy and tragic gloom, and readers and theatre-goers have frequently found it difficult to understand how one is meant to respond to the characters. However, several characteristic elements of the play (the most notable being its constant questioning of intrinsic values such as hierarchy, honor and love) have often been viewed as distinctly "modern"..."