The No-Mess Bread Machine Cookbook
The No-Mess Bread Machine Cookbook
Korean Cooking Simplified: Authentic Korean Recipes For All
Korean Cooking Simplified: Authentic Korean Recipes For All
Simple & Easy Nutribullet Smoothies
Simple & Easy Nutribullet Smoothies
Delicious Meals In Mason Jars: Simple And Easy To Prepare Recipes In Jars
Delicious Meals In Mason Jars: Simple And Easy To Prepare Recipes In Jars
The Healthy Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook
The Healthy Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook
Low Carb Keto Alcohol and Beverages Recipes
Low Carb Keto Alcohol and Beverages Recipes
DIY Gifts In Jars
DIY Gifts In Jars
Tasty Low-carb Crockpot Recipes: 47 Irresistible Low Carb Slow Cooker Recipes Fo
Tasty Low-carb Crockpot Recipes: 47 Irresistible Low Carb Slow Cooker Recipes For Healthy Living
The Heavenly Bowls of Buddha Goodness
The Heavenly Bowls of Buddha Goodness
A to Z Ice Cream Making Ice Cream at Home for Total Beginners
Welcome to this book. The following words are not to be taken lightly. They were not written lightly, but they are words of great importance. They are words which I have never used about any other topic. Until now! Are you ready? Here they are: This book will change your life. There, I said it and you know what? I mean it. This book is about making your own ice cream. That short description alone tells you everything you need to know about the importance of this book. Will this book actually change your life? Yes, yes it will. This book will tell you a little about ice cream and a lot about how to make it. Once you are able to make your own ice cream, the possibilities are endless. You will have an infinite supply of the world's best treat. You will suddenly find yourself the talk of the town, the envy of your neighbors, the "Ice Cream Maker'. With great power comes great responsibility. This book will empower you in your dessert creating skills. You should not take your new role lightly. Your family and friends will be asking you, nay begging you, to make more and more ice cream and do you know what? When you are able to make ice cream, it is your responsibility to make it for all those who want it. If the previous paragraph scares you, then it has done its job. If you are not ready for this life challenge, then close this book and put it back on the shelf, preferably under another book. If you are reading this on an e-reader, then do not do that, just delete it. If you are not ready to become a cold-treat hero, then it is best to stop your journey now, wait for a while and try again when you are ready. If this brief introduction has bolstered you, if it has ignited a fire in you, a fire which could melt a thousand ice cream scoops, then you are ready to begin your journey into the frozen wastelands of sugar and cream. You are ready to pick up the sprinkles and chocolate sauce and dive head first into the sundae of life. It was at this point of the book that I was going to insert a little information about ice cream, a little "what is ice cream?' chapter, but you know what? If I need to explain what ice cream is to you, then you are not ready for this. Besides, who does not know what ice cream is? Instead, let's move onto the next chapter and find out a little about the history of ice cream.
A to Z Baking Breads for Total Beginners
Yes!? You can make the best bread you ever had, right at home.? Read this book and you'll find out how. Bread! We have friends over and want to commune with them; we break bread. The simple act of showing friendship and fellowship. If we are short on money, we need to make some dough. The simple start to the bread making process is synonymous with making our way in the world. If we find something amazing, it is the best thing since sliced bread. Sliced bread must have been pretty amazing. Was there anything good before it? No one will ever know. If we are celebrating, we make a toast (which I do not think has anything to do with bread, but I was running out of bread-related things to say.) Bread is something we take for granted. It is something which has been part of our culture for thousands of years. It is a part of our daily life. We cannot go anywhere without bumping into a slice of bread. From the humble cheese on toast to the mighty sandwich, to the fantastic grilled cheese sandwich, bread is everywhere. We cannot escape it. We will not escape it. Now that we have that cleared up let’s talk bread. We all know what bread is, there is no need to discuss it any further. The real reason you are here is to learn about how to bake really great bread. Well, I am going to tell you how, and more. We will start with some history before we delve into making great bread. From the dough to the finish, I will tell you everything you need to know about the loaf. From oven baked to bread maker, we will go through the various methods at your disposal. From recipe ideas to what you should do with your stale bread (hint: don’t throw it away), we will learn about the versatility of this humble yeasty treat. There is so much that bread can do and so much that you can do with bread. The ingredients are endless, the recipes are endless; the possibilities are endless. Come on a journey with me as we bake some bread.
A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga: [The Highest Yogi Teachings]
The Yogi Philosophy may be divided into several great branches, or fields. What is known as "Hatha Yoga" deals with the physical body and its control; its welfare; its health; its preservation; its laws, etc. What is known as "Raja Yoga" deals with the Mind; its control; its development; its unfoldment, etc. What is known as "Bhakti Yoga" deals with the Love of the Absolute—God. What is known as "Gnani Yoga" deals with the scientific and intellectual knowing of the great questions regarding Life and what lies back of Life—the Riddle of the Universe.??Each branch of Yoga is but a path leading toward the one end—unfoldment, development, and growth. He who wishes first to develop, control and strengthen his physical body so as to render it a fit instrument of the Higher Self, follows the path of "Hatha Yoga." He who would develop his will-power and mental faculties, unfolding the inner senses, and latent powers, follows the path of "Raja Yoga." He who wishes to develop by "knowing"—by studying the fundamental principles, and the wonderful truths underlying Life, follows the path of "Gnani Yoga." ??And he who wishes to grow into a union with the One Life by the influence of Love, he follows the path of "Bhakti Yoga."??But it must not be supposed that the student must ally himself to only a single one of these paths to power. In fact, very few do. The majority prefer to gain a rounded knowledge, and acquaint themselves with the principles of the several branches, learning something of each, giving preference of course to those branches that appeal to them more strongly, this attraction being the indication of need, or requirement, and, therefore, being the hand pointing out the path.
Bad Cook
The ebook inspired by the hugely popular Recipe Rifle blog. One of the funniest cookbooks you are ever likely to read. And definitely the sweariest. For over three years now, Esther Walker has been entertaining foodies with her hilarious Recipe Rifle blog. Charting her progress from bad cook to, well, not-so-bad cook, she is blisteringly honest about what works, and what doesn’t, in the kitchen. If a recipe works for her, it will probably work for you. If it doesn’t, she will swear quite a lot. Crammed full of recipes, tips for entertaining, stories of pregnancy and tales of her husband (restaurant critic Giles Coren) coming home drunk, The Bad Cook will make you laugh out loud. It will also make you want to start cooking.
Food For Free (Collins Gem)
The ideal portable companion, the world-renowned Collins Gem series returns with a fresh new look and updated material. This is the perfect pocket guide for aspiring foragers. Over 100 edible plants are listed, fully illustrated and described, together with recipes and other fascinating details on their use throughout the ages. Practical advice on how to pick along with information on countryside laws and regulations on picking wild plants helps you to plan your foray with a feast in mind. This is the ideal book for both nature lovers and cooks keen to enjoy what the countryside has to offer.
Aventurile lui Tom Sawyer
Combate?i efectele ?mb?tr?nirii printr-un program ce vizeaz? patru aspecte esen?iale: EXERCI?IILE FIZICE, ALIMENTA?IA, ?NGRIJIREA PIELII, SOMNUL. ?mpreun? cu exper?ii din domeniul s?n?t??ii Harold A. Lancer, Ronald L. Kotler ?i Diane L. McKay, Greene schi?eaz? pa?i simpli ?i eficien?i pe care ?i pute?i ?ntreprinde pentru a v? rec?p?ta tinere?ea, pentru a v? bucura de o stare mai bun? de s?n?tate ?i un plus de energie, pentru a v? controla nivelul de stres ?i a dob?ndi o perspectiv? mai pozitiv? asupra vie?ii. Ve?i descoperi sfaturi despre cum s? v? personaliza?i planul de exerci?ii fizice, cum s? v? proteja?i pielea ?mpotriva efectelor ?mb?tr?nirii, cum s? v? crea?i condi?iile favorabile pentru un somn lini?tit ?i s? v? ?mbun?t??i?i regimul alimentar.
Tüzemb?l lángot
Использование этих рецептов поможет хозяйкам экономить время и силы и при этом разнообразить меню вкусными и полезными блюдами. Просто поместите подготовленные продукты в духовку, мультиварку или гриль — и обед приготовится без вашего участия! Аппетитная свинина под сырной корочкой.Ароматное жаркое с белыми грибами.Курица в сливочном соусе с овощами.Фаршированная утка.Телятина с пряной корочкой.Нежный мясной рулет.Рассыпчатая гречневая каша с куриными сердечками.Сытная картофельная запеканка.Пикантные баклажаны с лимоном и чесноком.Яблочно-ореховый кекс и др. Любителей отдыха на природе порадуют рецепты для гриля, особенно актуальные в летний сезон, — шашлык, рыбные стейки, куриные крылышки, кебаб, запеченные овощи и др.Ispol'zovanie jetih receptov pomozhet hozjajkam jekonomit' vremja i sily i pri jetom raznoobrazit' menju vkusnymi i poleznymi bljudami. Prosto pomestite podgotovlennye produkty v duhovku, mul'tivarku ili gril' — i obed prigotovitsja bez vashego uchastija! Appetitnaja svinina pod syrnoj korochkoj.Aromatnoe zharkoe s belymi gribami.Kurica v slivochnom souse s ovoshhami.Farshirovannaja utka.Teljatina s prjanoj korochkoj.Nezhnyj mjasnoj rulet.Rassypchataja grechnevaja kasha s kurinymi serdechkami.Sytnaja kartofel'naja zapekanka.Pikantnye baklazhany s limonom i chesnokom.Jablochno-orehovyj keks i dr. Ljubitelej otdyha na prirode poradujut recepty dlja grilja, osobenno aktual'nye v letnij sezon, — shashlyk, rybnye stejki, kurinye krylyshki, kebab, zapechennye ovoshhi i dr.
Whiskies (Collins Gem)
There are few spirits that command such dedication, interest and affection as whisky. The purpose of this book is to provide a pathway through the whisky maze, to demystify it and to provide a platform from which a lifetime’s hobby can be launched. Whisky expert Dominic Roskrow explores all aspects of this popular drink, delving into its history, dispelling the myths surrounding it and highlighting individualities of the many varieties that exist. Includes: ? Origins and history of whisky ? How whiskies are made today ? Guide to Scottish distilleries ? Single malt whiskies ? How to drink and appreciate whisky ? Sections on whiskies of the world, including Irish whiskey and bourbon ? Debunking myths ? Types of whisky ? Buying whisky
Go-go girl nyomoz
Lakatos Péter szerteágazó és leny?g?z? tudással rendelkezik sportról, harcm?vészetekr?l és testedzésr?l.” – Pavel Tsatsouline Sokféleképpen tehetünk az egészségünkért. K?ztudott, hogy az egészségmeg?rzés egyik legfontosabb eleme a megfelel? étrend. A paleolit étkezés k?vet?i els?sorban a helyes táplálkozásra fektetik a hangsúlyt, ám ez ?nmagában aligha elegend?. A rendszeres testmozgásra is id?t és energiát kell fordítanunk! Azonban egyáltalán nem mindegy, hogy mennyit és hogyan mozgunk. Tudjuk, hogy a paleolitikum embere hogyan táplálkozott. De nem csak emiatt maradt er?s és egészséges, hanem azért is, mert rengeteget és változatos módon mozgott: becserkészte és meg?lte a zsákmányát, a táplálékául szolgáló vadat olykor kilométereken át cipelte, és mindek?zben a ragadozó állatoktól is megvédte magát. A természeti ember világától jócskán eltávolodott hétk?znapjainkban a mozgások t?bbsége – még a modern, csillogó edz?termekben is – csak ülve végezhet?. Mintha a munkahelyünk?n, az iskolában, az autónkban vagy a t?megk?zlekedési eszk?z?k?n nem ülnénk eleget! A Primal Move rendszere gy?keresen megváltoztatja a testmozgásról és az edzésr?l kialakított felfogásunkat. Számos kül?nféle technikát és megk?zelítést egyesít, amelynek eredményeképpen egy kellemes kikapcsolódást és rengeteg ?r?m?t nyújtó, hasznos játékokra és gyakorlatokra épül? edzésmódszert kapunk. A Primal Move egyszerre fejleszti a mozgékonyságot és tesz fittebbé. Gyakorlásával tudatosabban viszonyulhatunk a testünkh?z és az elménkhez, ami hozzásegít bennünket, hogy az élet más területein is fejl?dhessünk. LAKATOS P?TER k?nyve azoknak szól, akik nemcsak az étkezésükben keresik az egészséget, hanem a testüket is er?ssé, kitartóvá és ellenállóvá akarják fejleszteni, és ehhez az ?si mozgást, a Primal Move rendszerét választják. A Paleolit edzés felvázolja ennek a kül?nleges mozgásrendszernek az elméleti hátterét, és gyakorlati tanácsokkal is ellátja az életmódváltásra készül?ket. Itt az id?, hogy felálljunk a székb?l, és elkezdjünk… mászni!
A herceg fekete lovon érkezett
A táplálkozásról szóló k?nyvek vezérfonala általában két szál szokott lenni. Az egyik, hogy adottnak veszik a nyugati ember mára kialakult étrendjét, a másik, hogy ezen belül próbálnak meg olyan új arányokat javasolni, amelyek az átlag étrendhez képest egészségesebbnek t?nnek. Ez meglehet?sen k?nny? is, hiszen a ma uralkodó táplálkozási szokások mellett a lakosság 50-60 százaléka túlsúlyos vagy elhízott. Szendi Gábor k?nyve, a Paleolit táplálkozás szakít ezzel a r?vidlátó dietetikai szemlélettel és evolúciós vizsgálódásokkal k?zelíti meg az optimális humán étrendet
?ngerul ?ntunecat: Ora?ul ?ngerilor - vol. 1
Pentru a avea o s?n?tate optim? trebuie ?n primul r?nd s? ne aliment?m s?n?tos. Alimenta?ia pe baz? de crudit??i ?nseamn? a tr?i altfel, ?ntr-un mod cu totul nou, inedit, ?nseamn? a te bucura pe deplin de via??, de alimente, de roadele gr?dinii, de natur?, de rela?ii frumoase, da, pentru c? faci economie mare de timp, e?ti mai s?n?tos, iar timpul respectiv ?l po?i petrece ?mpreun? cu cei dragi. S?n?tatea ta va avea numai de c??tigat. Ce perspectiv? promi??toare pentru via??!Lucrarea cuprinde 400 de re?ete din crudit??i, de la salate, supe, paste, sosuri p?n? la b?uturi ?i deserturi, toate preparate din legume ?i fructe proaspete ?i nuci ?i semin?e.La sf?r?itul c?r?ii exist? ?i un supliment – o sec?iune de re?ete preparate termic care pot completa un meniu alc?tuit ?n cea mai mare parte din crudit??i.
Cocktails (Collins Gem)
Are you a Bosom Caresser or a Harvey Wallbanger? Can you tell a Moscow Mule from a Brass Monkey? Can you name Ernest Hemingway’s favourite tipple? All the kit, spirits, mixers, famous drinkers – and over 80 classic and contemporary cocktail recipes, plus tried and tested hangover cures for the morning after. If you have friends coming round for drinks, or you're looking for the perfect accessory to take to a party, Gem Cocktails is the ideal quick-reference, bursting with information on everything you need to know to mix the perfect cocktail. The fact-packed introduction examines the legends of how the cocktail was invented and tells the story of its climb to fame in Jazz Age America. It then looks at the secrets of mixing a great cocktail and what you’ll need to set up your own cocktail bar – what spirits, liqueurs and mixers to keep stocked up on, what equipment you'll need and which glasses to serve each cocktail in and how to garnish. Nine drinks-based chapters then detail ingredients, assembly instructions and presentation for each cocktail and you'll even learn a little about the background to their creation. Contents include: ? Introduction ? Rum-based cocktails ? Brandy-based cocktails ? Vodka-based cocktails ? The Classic Martini ? Whisky-based cocktails ? Champagne-based cocktails ? Shooters, slammers and tequila ? Non-alcoholic cocktails ? Hangover cures