What makes art wonderful is that it is absolutely indifferent to fact. Art invents, imagines, dreams, and keeps between herself and reality the impenetrable barrier of beautiful style, of decorative or ideal treatment. Wilde was at the height of his form when these brilliant essays on art, literature, criticism, and society were released. A leading spokesman for the English Aesthetic movement, Wilde promoted art for art’s sake against critics who argued that art must serve a moral purpose.
Bunner Sisters
The Bunner sisters were proud of the neatness of their shop and content with its humble prosperity. It was not what they had once imagined it would be, but though it presented but a shrunken image of their earlier ambitions it enabled them to pay their rent and keep themselves alive and out of debt; and it was long since their hopes had soared higher.
Survival First Aid: How to treat injuries and save lives
Survival First Aid covers everything you ned to know about administering urgent medical attention in situations where there is no prospect of immediate professional medical help. To show you how to deal with such emergencies and potentially save someone's life, this comprehensive and indispensible guide provides step-by-step instructions for treating a range of common and less common injuries and conditions, from cleaning a wound to setting a fractured neck. Key areas include breathing and circulation; healing wounds and stopping bleeding; dealing with head injuries and altitude sickness; treating burns and scalds; mending broken bones, damaged joints and torn muscles; and avoiding poisons and removing foreign objects from wounds. You will also learn how to respond to the problems caused by extremes of climate and temperature as well as how to cope with a range of illnesses, including appendicitis, diaorrhea and malaria. With tips on injury avoidance and effecting a successful rescue, Survival First Aid ensures that you will be prepared for almost any medical emergency. —Learn key techniques such as diagnostic procedures, resuscitation and treating shock. —How to treat cuts and burns and deal with fractures and head injuries. —How to recognize and avoid poisoning and remove foreign objects from wounds. —How to cope with problems caused by temperature and climate, from hypothermia to heat stroke. —Illustrated throughout with more than 150 specially drawn artworks. —Features self-contained boxes on subjects as diverse as vaccinations, the effects of blood loss, fire safety and rescue codes.
Mai mult dec?t psihoz?
Elimin? cei mai mari doi inamici – platourile ?i plictiseala –, ?i sl?be?te rapid!?Am conceput fiecare ciclu special pentru a ?mbun?t??i c?te un aparat al organismului, inclusiv digestia ?i metabolismul. Dieta de 17 zile nu numai c? accelereaz? sc?derea ?n greutate ?i te ajut? s? duci o via?? s?n?toas?, ci ??i ?i fortific? organismul pentru a lupta ?mpotriva gr?similor!“Dieta de 17 zile te ajut?:s? sl?be?ti rapid ?i s? nu te mai ?ngra?i la locs? scapi ?i de gr?simea vizibil?, ?i de cea invizibil?s?-?i aduci toate aparatele ?i sistemele din organism la parametrii maximi de func?ionare.Dac? vrei s? scapi de kilogramele ?n plus rapid, eficient ?i durabil, aceasta este cartea de care ai nevoie! Spre deosebire de numeroasele programe de sl?bire bazate pe ?nfometare, Dieta de 17 zile a doctorului Mike Moreno se bazeaz? pe metode dovedite pentru a te ajuta s? sl?be?ti – ?i ?nc? definitiv –, indiferent dac? vrei s? dai jos 5 sau 50 de kg. Programul lui revolu?ionar ??i modific? metabolismul ca s? po?i arde gr?simile ?n permanen??.?Cu to?ii ne-am luat angajamentul, am promis ?i ne?am l?udat c? o s? m?nc?m mai s?n?tos ?i o s? facem mai mult? mi?care, dar p?n? ?i cele mai bune inten?ii au via?? scurt?. Eu am introdus obiceiuri s?n?toase ?n via?a mea profesional? ?i particular?. La fel po?i face ?i tu!“ – Dr. Mike MorenoProgramul este structurat ?n patru cicluri de c?te 17 zile.Fiecare ciclu modific? totalul caloric al alimentelor pe care le consumi. Aceast? varia?ie, pe care dr. Mike o nume?te ?confuzia organismului“, ??i men?ine metabolismul ?ntr-o stare de expectativ?; aceasta ?nseamn? c? te po?i a?tepta la mari schimb?ri ?nc? din primele 17 zile!
Easy and Delicious Salmon Recipes
Easy and Delicious Salmon Recipes
Vegan: Delicious Italian Vegan Recipes for Vegetarians and Raw Vegans
Vegan: Delicious Italian Vegan Recipes for Vegetarians and Raw Vegans
The Sphinx Without a Secret
Lord Murchison recounts to his old friend a strange tale of a woman he had loved and intended to marry, but was now dead. She had always been very secretive and mysterious, and he one day followed her to see where she went, discovering her stealthfully going to a boarding house. He suspected there was another man, and confronted her the next day. She confessed to having been there, but said nothing happened. He did not believe her and left; she died some time later.
Salome: A Tragedy in One Act
Oscar Wilde’s play Salome is a twist on the execution of John the Baptist, fuelled by motives of lust and slaughter. Wilde’s interpretation is deeply rooted in the Biblical story of Salome’s dance to please Herod and her mother’s plea for John the Baptist’s head. Wilde’s twist on the biblical story focuses on the personality of Salome and the hypersexual implications.
Fiul nisipurilor
Bazat? pe un plan conceput ini?ial pentru clien?ii selec?i ai autorului, cartea de fa?? reprezint? un sistem revolu?ionar care, folosind o combina?ie precis? de nutri?ie, biochimie, genetic? ?i psihologie, d? rezultate uluitoare. Scris? ?ntr-un stil clar ?i antrenant, cartea ?mbin? ani de succese ?n lumea showbizului cu strategii de ultim? or? pentru a ajuta pe oricine s? sl?beasc? s?n?tos ?i rapid!Remediile rapide nu sunt bune, dar amelior?rile corecte pot duce la pierderea permanent? a greut??ii. Nimeni nu s-a n?scut gras ?i nici menit s? aib? celulit?. Oricine – serios, oricine – poate fi slab. Cartea de fa?? te va ?nv??a cum!?Senza?ia editorial? care rivalizeaz? cu Dieta Dukan.“ – The Times?Tehnici extreme de sc?dere a greut??ii care iau cu asalt lumea dietelor de sl?bit.“ – Daily MailDac? ?i se pare c? ai dat gre? cu toate dietele pe care le-ai ?ncercat, mai g?nde?te-te! Dieta a dat gre?, nu tu. A sosit momentul s? uit?m toate acele cli?ee legate de pierderea ?n greutate ?i s? d?m ascultare adev?rului:S? sari peste micul dejun poate fi un lucru s?n?tosUnele fructe blocheaz? instantaneu arderea gr?similorDac? m?n?nci c?te pu?in ?i des, ri?ti s? aduni kilogrameImportant nu este doar c?t sport faci, ci ?i cum ?l faciGlucidele din broccoli pot fi mai d?un?toare dec?t cele din b?uturile r?coritoareSucurile de fructe provoac? pofta de m?ncare ?n exces
Postul intermitent reprezint? dieta transforma?ional? care asigur? o pierdere eficient? ?n greutate. ?n M?n?nc?, poste?te, sl?be?te, nutri?ionista Amanda Hamilton ne arat? care este modalitatea s?n?toas? de a include un plan de post ?n via?a de zi cu zi. Pierde?i rapid ?i s?n?tos ?n greutate – rezultate vizibile ?n doar ?ase s?pt?m?ni. Urma?i programul s?n?tos de post al Amandei ?i ve?i beneficia de to?i nutrien?ii necesari pentru rezultate pe termen lung. Folosi?i planurile pentru maximizarea beneficiilor postului, pentru a pierde ?n greutate, a ?ncetini procesul de ?mb?tr?nire ?i a v? ?mbun?t??i starea de s?n?tate. ?mpreun? cu sfaturile pentru post, bucura?i-v? de m?nc?ruri delicioase ?i hr?nitoare, cu peste 100 de re?ete s?n?toase ?i s??ioase pentru mic-dejun, pr?nz ?i cin?.
Geniul inimii
Cel mai inovator ?i mai complet program pentru ?ngrijirea pielii ?i a corpului creat vreodat?Dr. Nicholas Perricone, autor de bestselleruri New York Times, ne prezint? nutrigenomica, o nou? ?i puternic? strategie pentru men?inerea unui ten frumos ?i a unui corp s?n?tos, cu o ?nf??i?are tinereasc?, indiferent de v?rst?. Cel pe care Vogue ?l consider? unul dintre primii patru dermatologi din Statele Unite ale Americii are o audien?? imens?, care include multe dintre cele mai frumoase chipuri ale lumii.Urm?nd programul remarcabil, dar simplu, pe care dr. Perricone ?l prezint? ?n cartea de fa??, ve?i ?nv??a cum s? opri?i ac?iunea genelor responsabile pentru ?mb?tr?nire ?i s? stimula?i ac?iunea genelor care vor: re?ntineri tenul ridat ?nl?tura gr?simea corporal? cre?te masa muscular? ?mbun?t??i func?iile cerebrale ?i memoria cre?te energia accentua starea de bine psihic ?i fizic?n centrul acestei c?r?i se afl? o nou? ?i captivant? ?tiin??: nutrigenomica ?i expresia genelor. Cu viziunea sa inovatoare, dr. Perricone a aplicat aceast? ?tiin?? cu scopul de a reduce ridurile ?i de a transforma tenul ?ntr-unul suplu, fin ?i str?lucitor. Programul propus de el va ?terge pur ?i simplu anii de pe chipul ?i corpul dumneavoastr?, v? va ?mbun?t??i s?n?tatea ?i vitalitatea ?i va intensifica limpezimea g?ndirii.?Sunt o mare admiratoare a dr. Perricone ?i a filosofiei lui, potrivit c?reia ?adev?rata frumuse?e ?nseamn? o s?n?tate radiant??. ?n Ve?nic t?n?r ve?i descoperi cheile acestei ?mp?r??ii, alimentele miraculoase ?i nutrien?ii pentru un ten ?i un corp re?ntinerite ?n mod fabulos. Mul?umesc, dr. Perricone!“ – Eva Mendes, actri?? ?i filantrop?Dr. Nicholas Perricone a schimbat modul ?n care ne hr?nim. El a adus ?n centrul aten?iei alimente ?nalt performante, ajut?ndu-ne s? navig?m printre rafturile cu produse ?i s? facem alegeri inteligente ?n ceea ce prive?te nutri?ia, pentru a avea un ten ?i un corp s?n?tos. Dup? ce am citit Ve?nic t?n?r, mi-am completat imediat proviziile de chia aurie ?i de n?sturel!“ – Ying Chu, Director al departamentului de s?n?tate ?i frumuse?e, Marie Claire
Re?eta fericirii. Schimb? ceea ce faci, nu felul ?n care g?nde?ti
Тающие во рту блинчики, хрустящие вафли, нежные оладьи! ? Шоколадные блинчики с вишней ? Налистники с творогом ? Драники с ветчиной и сыром ? Вафли с грудинкой ? Сырники со сгущенкой ? Блинчики-мешочки с грибами ? Тыквенные оладьи ? Печеночные оладьи ? Яблочные оладьи с грушами ? Блинные рулетики на шпажках и еще более 60 рецептов! Прекрасные фотографии вдохновят вас на приготовление своих кулинарных шедевров! Tajushhie vo rtu blinchiki, hrustjashhie vafli, nezhnye olad'i! ? Shokoladnye blinchiki s vishnej ? Nalistniki s tvorogom ? Draniki s vetchinoj i syrom ? Vafli s grudinkoj ? Syrniki so sgushhenkoj ? Blinchiki-meshochki s gribami ? Tykvennye olad'i ? Pechenochnye olad'i ? Jablochnye olad'i s grushami ? Blinnye ruletiki na shpazhkah i eshhe bolee 60 receptov! Prekrasnye fotografii vdohnovjat vas na prigotovlenie svoih kulinarnyh shedevrov!
Jelek...: ?letsz?sszenetek nem csak ?tvenéveseknek
Все тонкости изготовления домашних деликатесов! ? Описание технологии горячего и холодного копчения ? Рецепты аппетитных блюд ?с дымком? ? Советы по созданию стационарных и переносных коптилен В книге вы найдете подробное описание технологии холодного и горя?чего копчения, соления, маринования, а также множество рецептов приготовления мяса, птицы, рыбы, грибов, сыра, фруктов. Бастурма и ветчина, карбонад и сырокопченый окорок, копченые лещ и щука, колбаски и сало, копченый шпик и грудинка, пастрома и пашина, копченая курица и утка, вяленые абрикосы, дыня, помидоры – ваш стол будет ломиться от домашних деликатесов, и при этом вы будете уверены в их качестве! ПРАКТИЧНЫЙ БОНУС! Схемы и инструкции по сборке переносных и стационарных коптилен, которые можно соорудить как дома, так и на даче. Vse tonkosti izgotovlenija domashnih delikatesov! ? Opisanie tehnologii gorjachego i holodnogo kopchenija ? Recepty appetitnyh bljud ?s dymkom? ? Sovety po sozdaniju stacionarnyh i perenosnyh koptilen V knige vy najdete podrobnoe opisanie tehnologii holodnogo i gorja?chego kopchenija, solenija, marinovanija, a takzhe mnozhestvo receptov prigotovlenija mjasa, pticy, ryby, gribov, syra, fruktov. Basturma i vetchina, karbonad i syrokopchenyj okorok, kopchenye leshh i shhuka, kolbaski i salo, kopchenyj shpik i grudinka, pastroma i pashina, kopchenaja kurica i utka, vjalenye abrikosy, dynja, pomidory – vash stol budet lomit'sja ot domashnih delikatesov, i pri jetom vy budete uvereny v ih kachestve! PRAKTIChNYJ BONUS! Shemy i instrukcii po sborke perenosnyh i stacionarnyh koptilen, kotorye mozhno soorudit' kak doma, tak i na dache.
365 Foreign Dishes
Are you ever stuck for a fascinating new dish to try? This amazing cookbook contains 365 regional dishes from around the world - one for every day of the year. From Egyptian Cabbage to Scotch Scones and French Spiced Venison, this amazing list of recipes will have you trying new foods in no time! Each recipe is presented in a simple way, with easy-to-understand instructions. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Classic Cookery - Things Mother Used To Make
Things Mother Used to make is not only a wonderful cookery book with recipes for many classic dishes, but also contains a section with handy hints on running your home economically and effectively. With sections on Soups, Desserts, Meat dishes, Vegetables, Sweets, Sauces and much more, this classic book is a valuable addition to anyone's cookery range. This edition has been specially formatted for today's e-readers.
Great Cake Recipes Box Set
Great Cake Recipes Box Set
Cocinando con ni?os: ?Comparta momentos mágicos con su hijo(a)!
Cocinando con ni?os: ?Comparta momentos mágicos con su hijo(a)!
La por?ile ?mp?r??iei
Abordarea integrat? ?n tratarea bolilor de inim?: opri?i placa de aterom cardiovascular cu efecte letale ?nainte de a fi prea t?rziu!Aplic?nd programul integrativ ?i revolu?ionar din Noua cardiologie, v? pute?i implica mai mult ?n propriul proces de vindecare ?i pute?i chiar preveni boala de inim? ?nainte s? se manifeste.Opri?i acum afec?iunile cardiovasculare cu efecte letale!Centr?ndu-se pe prevenirea crizelor cardiace, Noua cardiologie v? ofer? informa?iile practice ?i strategiile de care ave?i nevoie pentru a stopa bolile de inim? din primele stadii. Ve?i afla:Cum pute?i combate bolile cardiace ?nainte de primul atac de cord.Cum arterele voastre pot fi afectate de inflamare ?i de placa ateromatoas?, fapt care duce la atac de cord, atac cerebral ?i insuficien?? cardiac? – ?i ce anume pute?i face ?n aceast? privin??.Cum medicamentele, suplimentele cu eficien?? demonstrat? ?tiin?ific ?i schimb?rile ?n stilul de via?? pot vindeca boala, pot cur??a ?i stabiliza arterele – chiar ?i ?n cele mai grave cazuri.Cum uleiul de pe?te, nattokinaza, L-arginina, coenzima Q10, magneziul, vitamina C ?i alte suplimente pot ajuta la prevenirea ?nfund?rii arterelor cu cheaguri.Cum L-carnitina ?i coenzima Q10 pot revigora semnificativ inimile sl?bite ?i bolnave.??n Noua cardiologie, autorii au dus cardiologia preventiv? la un nivel cu totul nou prin introducerea unor strategii inovatoare de amplificare a energiei celulare ?i, totodat?, de reducere a pl?cii de aterom arteriale. Lucrarea include un program comprehensiv, u?or de urmat, care ofer? un model de preven?ie. Dac? vre?i s? tr?i?i o via?? lung? ?i s?n?toas?, v? recomand c?lduros aceast? carte nou?, important? ?i revolu?ionar?. – Dr. Nicholas Perricone, autor al volumelor bestseller Ve?nic t?n?r ?i Re?eta Perricone?Un ghid cuprinz?tor ?i accesibil pentru oprirea procesului de degradare a arterelor noastre ?i, totodat?, pentru prelungirea ?i ?mbun?t??irea vie?ii noastre.“ – Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, profesor de chirurgie la Columbia University
Casa cu ieder?
Vrei s? afli secretul suprem al s?n?t??ii ?i al frumuse?ii? Nu-l c?uta ?n cutia cu medicamente, caut?-l aici!Apel?nd la doar c?teva schimb?ri de regim alimentar:vei ob?ine o str?lucire tinereasc? a pieliivei sc?pa de acnee, petele de pe ten ?i ridurivei avea un p?r cu un luciu s?n?tos ?i unghii tarite vei descotorosi de kilogramele ?n plus ?i nu vei mai calcula niciodat? caloriile!?Nu-mi place s? ?in diet?. ?mi place s? m?n?nc s?n?tos ?i tocmai ?n asta const? filosofia lui Kim. E genial?.“ – Drew BarrymoreKimberly Snyder, nutri?ionist? ?i expert? ?n ?nfrumuse?are, este cunoscut? ?n lumea celebrit??ilor din industria divertismentu-lui, pe care le ajut? s? arate excep?ional. Acum ai ?i tu posibilitatea s? beneficiezi de tratamentul vedetelor.Kim avea probleme cu p?rul aspru, st?ri de disconfort fizic ?i o burtic? ?nc?p???nat?, p?n? c?nd a ?nceput s? c?l?toreasc? prin lume ?i a aflat secrete ale frumuse?ii vechi de c?nd lumea.Astfel a descoperit c? ceea ce m?n?nci constituie cel mai bun produs pentru frumuse?e ?i a elaborat un program de anvergur? care cur??? organismul de toxine astfel ?nc?t s? po?i ar?ta splendid ?i s? te sim?i minunat.?Cartea lui Kimberly Snyder este o lectur? obligatorie, care scoate ?n eviden?? importan?a introducerii ?n alimenta?ie a c?t mai multor legume ?i fructe. Ea ?i ?nva?? pe cititori cum s? valorifice la maximum ceea ce m?n?nc?.“ – Dr. Mehmet Oz
The Vegan Bundle:Easy Steps to a Healthy Diet for Beginners
Feel?the Difference of a Plant-Based Vegan Diet! Whether you want to improve health, lose weight, show compassion for animals, or help the environment, The Vegan Bundle?shows you the way. This 3-part series of vegan books will guide?you every step of the way, giving you the tools, resources, and recipes you need to make the vegan transition - healthfully, joyfully, and deliciously. In The Vegan Bundle: Easy Steps to a Healthy Diet for Beginners,?you will find practical advice for: ·Evidence of why going vegan is the best?option·How to stay fully nourished and healthy·Common nutrition myths and explains the best sources of nutrients·How to choose healthy options while staying animal-friendly·How to adapt gradually to a vegan lifestyle·Practical strategies for eating out, traveling, and attending social occasions·How to become a savvy shopper, eat healthfully affordably, restock your kitchen, read labels, and prepare nutrient-rich meals without feeling overwhelmed·Over 50 delicious yet practical recipes sure to suit the most discriminating taste·A 5-Day & 7-Day Sample Meal Plan·And so much more Scroll to the top of the page and click the buy button to start your healthy vegan lifestyle TODAY!
Easy Low Carb Living Cookbook Box Set: 190 Low Carb Recipes
Easy Low Carb Living Cookbook Box Set: 190 Low Carb Recipes