

Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy
Andrew Lang
In Greek mythology, Helen, better known as Helen of Sparta or Helen of Troy, was daughter of Zeus and Leda, wife of king Menelaus of Sparta and sister of Castor, Polydeuces and Clytemnestra. Her abduction by Paris brought about the Trojan War. Helen was described as having the face that launched a thousand ships. Helen or Helene is probably derived from the Greek word meaning "torch" or "corposant" or might be related to "selene" meaning "moon".
The Magic World
The Magic World
Edith Nesbit
This collection includes, "The Cat-hood of Maurice", "The Mixed Mine", "Accidental Magic", "The Princess and the Hedge-Pig", "Septimus Septimusson", "The White Cat", "Belinda and Bellamant", "Justnowland", "The Related Muff", "The Aunt and Anabel; "Kenneth and the Carp" and "The Magician's Heart"
Five Children and It
Five Children and It
Edith Nesbit
To Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother, the house in the country promises a summer of freedom and play. But when they accidently uncover an accident Psammead--or Sand-fairy--who has the power to make wishes come true, they find themselves having the holiday of a lifetime, sharing one thrilling adventure after another. Asleep since dinosaurs roamed the earth, the ill-tempered, odd--looking Psammead --with his spider-shaped body, bat's ears, and snail's eyes --grudgingly agrees to grant the children one wish per day. Soon, though the children discover that their wishes have a tendancy to turn out quite differnetly than expected. Whatever they wish whether it's to fly like a bird, live in a mighty castle, or have an immense fortune --something goes terribly wrong, hilariously wrong. Then an accidental wish has horrible consequences, and the children are faced with a difficult choice: to let an innoncent manbe charged with a crime or to lose for all time their gift of magical wishes. Five Children and It is one of E. Nesbit's most beloved tales of enchantment.
The Lost World
The Lost World
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Lost World is a novel released in 1912 by Arthur Conan Doyle concerning an expedition to a plateau in South America where prehistoric animals (dinosaurs and other extinct creatures) still survive. The character of Professor Challenger was introduced in this book. Interestingly, for a seminal work of dinosaur-related fiction, the animals only occupy a small portion of the narrative. Much more time is devoted to a war between early human hominids and a vicious tribe of ape-like creatures.
The Sign of the Four
The Sign of the Four
Arthur Conan Doyle
First published in 1890, The Sign of Four is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's second book starring legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. The story is complex, involving a secret between four ex-cons from India and a hidden treasure. More complex than the first Holmes novel, The Sign of Four also introduces the detective's drug habit and leaves breadcrumbs for the reader that lead toward the final resolution.
Through the Magic Door
Through the Magic Door
Arthur Conan Doyle
Through the Magic Door (1907) is an essay by Arthur Conan Doyle: his subject is the charisma and charm of books. Doyle invites readers to enjoy the greatest minds of all times through what they have left behind and argues that, when we read, the selfishness and hopelessness of the world can be left behind.
The Orange Fairy Book
The Orange Fairy Book
Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang's Fairy Books — also known as Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's Fairy Books of Many Colors — are a series of twelve collections of fairy tales, published between 1889 and 1910.
The Story of the Amulet
The Story of the Amulet
Edith Nesbit
When Cyril, Robert, Anthea and Jane rescue the magic sand-fairy from a pet shop, they have no idea of the astonishing adventures to come!
The Incomplete Amorist
The Incomplete Amorist
Edith Nesbit
A gentle tale of romance and art from a noted children's author . . . "He asked idle questions: she answered them with a conscientious tremulous truthfulness that showed to him as the most finished art. Betty told him nervously and in words ill-chosen everything that he asked to know, but all the while the undercurrent of questions rang strong within her -- 'When is he to teach me? Where? How?' -- so that when at last there was left but the bare fifteen minutes needed to get one home in time for the midday dinner she said abruptly: 'And when shall I see you again?'
El Arte de la Guerra
El Arte de la Guerra
Sun Tzu
El arte de la guerra es un libro sobre tácticas y estrategias militares, inspirado por Sun Tzu, un famoso autor militar.
Ivan Turgenev
Je voulus discerner les traits de la femme mystérieuse, mais un tremblement involontaire me parcourut tout entier et une bouffée d'air glacé me frappa au visage. Je n'étais plus couché, mais assis sur mon séant, et, à l'endroit où j'avais cru apercevoir la vision, il n'y avait plus qu'une longue raie de lumière blanche, projetée par la lune.
Le Capitaine Hyx: Aventures effroyables de M. Herbert de Renich - Tome I
Le Capitaine Hyx: Aventures effroyables de M. Herbert de Renich - Tome I
Gaston Leroux
Herbert de Renich, citoyen luxembourgeois, toujours amoureux d'Amalia, pourtant devenue la femme du terrible amiral allemand Von Treischke, se retrouve à bord du Vengeur, un sous marin extraordinaire, con?u pour le plaisir mais surtout pour la guerre, par un américain masqué - les ?tats-Unis n'étant pas encore en guerre - qui, pour venger sa femme, souhaite ch?tier les crimes allemands et fait ainsi subir les pires tortures à ses prisonniers. Herbert se retrouve mêlé à la bataille invisible - puisqu'elle est électrique - que se livre les troupes de l'américain et des allemands autour d'un fabuleux trésor enfoui dans la baie de Vigo... Vaste fresque rendant hommage à Jules Verne, ce roman de guerre fait appel à la science-fiction pour dénoncer une fois encore les atrocités allemandes. Le thème du combat subaquatique et du trésor est repris d'un projet d'aventure de Rouletabille que Leroux a abandonné pour ?entrer en guerre?.
Abel Sánchez
Abel Sánchez
Miguel De Unamuno
Al igual que la mayor parte de las novelas de Unamuno, y a diferencia de las novelas realistas al uso en la época, Abel Sánchez carece de indicaciones cronológicas y geográficas concretas se sitúa así en un "tiempo sin tiempo". Por otro lado, en esta novela Unamuno refleja una lucha interior del protagonista, acosado por sus miedos, por sus celos y por sus concepciones encontradas, su religiosidad sin dogmas y la eterna historia bíblica que se repite, en los caínes y abeles.
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection: 221B
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection: 221B
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle’s master criminologist Sherlock Holmes continues to delight readers around the world more than a century after he first appeared in print (in 1887’s A Study in Scarlet). Here you will find all four Sherlock Holmes novels as well as the short story collections The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Return of Sherlock Holmes and His Last Bow - Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes.
Jens Peter Jacobsen
Diese Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Jens Peter Jacobsen, zu dessen Kennenlernen ich gerne die kleine einfühlsame Biographie von Hans Bethge empfehle, enth?lt das vollst?ndige erz?hlerische Werk des Dichters sowie die lyrischen Werke (einschlie?lich der sp?ter von Arnold Sch?nberg vertonten "Gurre-Lieder") und Entwürfe. Sie reproduziert den Band "S?mtliche Werke" aus dem Insel Verlag zu Leipzig (1912, 877 Seiten); die ?bersetzungen stammen von Mathilde Mann, Anka Mathiesen und Erich de Mendelssohn.
Complete Novels
Complete Novels
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn (1640-1689) was a spy for Charles II, a playwright, poet, and novelist, and the first English woman to make a living from writing. Her pen name was Astrea. Ernest A. Baker (1869-1941) was an English writer and historian of literature. In 1905, 216 years after Mrs Behn's death, he introduced this collection of ten of her novels in the language of his day, a form which was not a facsimile of her texts. This ebook, prepared 329 years after her death, silently corrects some typos, and makes further changes. The Introduction and three of the stories contain many poems. The ten stories are: Oronooko, The Fair Jilt, The Nun, Agnes de Castro, The Lover's Watch, The Case for the Watch, The Lady's Looking Glass, The Lucky Mistake, The Court of the King of Bantam, and, The Adventure of the Black Lady.
La tribuna
La tribuna
Emilia Pardo Bazán
En esta novela se ven las ideas políticas de la escritora a través de sus personajes. El obrero, como capa social aparece aquí por primera vez en el panorama novelístico espa?ol. La crisis marcada por la Revolución de 1868, la emancipación de la mujer trabajadora y las reivindicaciones laborales del incipiente proletariado constituyen la atmósfera espiritual que envuelve el mundo narrativo de esta obra.
Pride and Prejudice: Word Cloud Classics
Pride and Prejudice: Word Cloud Classics
Jane Austen
Pride And Prejudice, the story of Mrs. Bennet's attempts to marry off her five daughters is one of the best-loved and most enduring classics in English literature. Excitement fizzes through the Bennet household at Longbourn in Hertfordshire when young, eligible Mr. Charles Bingley rents the fine house nearby. He may have sisters, but he also has male friends, and one of these—the haughty, and even wealthier, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy—irks the vivacious Elizabeth Bennet, the second of the Bennet girls. She annoys him. Which is how we know they must one day marry. The romantic clash between the opinionated Elizabeth and Darcy is a splendid rendition of civilized sparring. As the characters dance a delicate quadrille of flirtation and intrigue, Jane Austen's radiantly caustic wit and keen observation sparkle.
Collected Works: (Leather-bound Classics)
Collected Works: (Leather-bound Classics)
Jules Verne
In this collection you will find : 19 classics Novels -From the Earth to the Moon -Five Weeks in a Balloon -20,000 Leagues Under the Sea -Around the World in Eighty Days -Michael Strogoff, or The Courier of the Czar -The Mysterious Island -The Survivors of the Chancellor -A Journey into the Center of the Earth -The Underground City -Dick Sands the Boy Captain -Eight Hundred Leagues On The Amazon -Godfrey Morgan -Robur the Conqueror -Ticket No. "9672" -In the Year 2889 -Facing the Flag -An Antarctic Mystery -The Master of the World -Off on a Comet +++ Jules Verne - Biography
The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598. Although classified as a comedy in the First Folio, and while it shares certain aspects with Shakespeare's other romantic comedies, the play is perhaps more remembered for its dramatic scenes, and is best known for the character of Shylock. The title character is the merchant Antonio, not the Jewish moneylender Shylock, who is the play's most prominent and more famous villain. Though Shylock is a tormented character, he is also a tormentor, so whether he is to be viewed with disdain or sympathy is up to the audience (as influenced by the interpretation of the play's director and lead actors). As a result, The Merchant of Venice is often classified as one of Shakespeare's problem plays.
The Taming of the Shrew
The Taming of the Shrew
William Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew is a comedy by William Shakespeare. It was one of his earlier plays, believed to have been written between 1590 and 1594. The play begins with a framing device in which a drunkard is deceived into thinking he is a nobleman who then watches the "play" itself, which depicts a nobleman, Petruchio, who marries an outspoken, intelligent, and bad-tempered shrew named Katherina. Petruchio manipulates and "tames" her until she is obedient to his will. The main subplot features the courting of Katherina's more conventional sister Bianca by numerous suitors.