Scènes de la vie russe
Hélas ! j’étais amoureux de celle qui écrivait à Assanof, et jusque-là rien ne m’avait fait soup?onner qu’elle e?t de l’attachement pour lui. Sa lettre, écrite en fran?ais, était pleine d’expressions de tendresse et de dévouement. Elle commen?ait par ces mots : ? Mon cher ami Constantin ?, et se terminait par un conseil et une promesse : ? Soyez prudent comme vous l’avez été jusqu’ici, et si je ne me marie pas avec vous, je ne me marierai avec aucun autre. ? Frappé comme par un coup de foudre, je restai un instant immobile, puis je m’arrachai à cet état de stupeur et sortis précipitamment. Un quart d’heure après j’étais rentré chez moi.
Scènes de la vie rustique
Moumou: L'histoire de Gérasime, le géant muet. et de son petit chien blanc moucheté de noir Moumou. - L'Auberge de Grand Chemin: L'histoire de l'aubergiste Akim Sémionov, serf d'une dame du voisingage. Un certain Nahum Ivanov, qui appartient à la classe des artisans, vole tout le bien d'Akim. Il prend sa femme, puis son argent en enfin son auberge. Quant à Akim, il chemine toujours et Dieu seul peut savoir quand prendra fin sa vie errante. - Un roi Lear des steppes: L'histoire d'ue Martin Pétrovitch Kharlov, un homme d'une taille gigantesque. Le récit captivant d'un être exceptionnel.
Home of the Gentry
Home of the Gentry is a novel by Ivan Turgenev published in the January 1859 issue of Sovremennik. It was enthusiastically received by the Russian society and remained his least controversial and most widely read novel until the end of the 19th century. It was turned into a movie by Andrey Konchalovsky in 1969.
The Reluctant Dragon
The Reluctant Dragon is an 1898 children's story by Kenneth Grahame (originally published as a chapter in his book Dream Days), which served as the key element to the 1941 feature film with the same name from Walt Disney Productions. The story has also been set to music as a children's operetta by John Rutter, with words by David Grant. The story takes place in the Berkshire Downs in Oxfordshire (where the author lived and where, according to legend, St George did fight a dragon). It is Grahame's most famous short story. It is arguably much more well-known than Dream Days itself or the related The Golden Age. It can be seen as a prototype to most modern stories in which the dragon is a sympathetic character rather than a threat. In Grahame's story, a young boy discovers an erudite, mushroom-loving dragon living in the Downs above his home. The two become friends, but soon afterwards the dragon is discovered by the townsfolk, who send for St George to rid them of it.
L'Homme qui revient de loin
Jacques voit réappara?tre son frère qu'il a assassiné pour s'approprier sa fortune. Sa femme Fanny découvre le crime mais ne crois pas au revenant...
Le Fauteuil hanté
Le quarantième siège de l?Académie va-t-il donc rester vide ? Tous les prétendants à la succession du défunt Mgr d?Abbeville s?écroulent, raides morts, en pronon?ant leur discours de réception. Pas un coup de feu, pas un éclat de voix, mais la menace d?un prétendu mage plane et alimente leshypothèses les plus farfelues. Funeste hasard ou malédiction ? Gaspard Lalouette, simple antiquaire,propose sa candidature et mène l?enquête. Cependant, même s?il parvient à percer le mystère de lachanson qui tue, il risque fort de déshonorer à son tour l?illustre assemblée. Une qualité essentielle lui fait en effet cruellement défaut
Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1599 and 1601. The play, set in Denmark, recounts how Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius, who has murdered Hamlet's father, the King, and then taken the throne and married Hamlet's mother. The play vividly charts the course of real and feigned madness—from overwhelming grief to seething rage—and explores themes of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption.
A Study in Scarlet
A Study in Scarlet is a detective mystery novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which was first published in 1887. It is the first story to feature the character of Sherlock Holmes, who would later become one of the most famous and iconic literary detective characters, with long-lasting interest and appeal. The book's title derives from a speech given by Holmes to his companion Doctor Watson on the nature of his work, in which he describes the story's murder investigation as his "study in scarlet": "There’s the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it."
Complete Exploits and Adventures of Brigadier Gerard
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a Scottish writer and physician, most noted for his fictional stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. Brigadier Gerard is the hero of a series of comic short stories by the British writer Arthur Conan Doyle. The hero, Etienne Gerard, is a Hussar in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars. Gerard's most notable attribute is his vanity – he is utterly convinced that he is the bravest soldier, greatest swordsman, most accomplished horseman and most gallant lover in all France. Gerard is not entirely wrong, since he displays notable bravery on many occasions, but his self-satisfaction undercuts this quite often. Obsessed with honour and glory, he is always ready with a stirring speech or a gallant remark to a lady.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes
The Return of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of 13 Sherlock Holmes stories, originally published in 1903-1904, by Arthur Conan Doyle. The book was first published on March 7, 1905 by Georges Newnes, Ltd and in a Colonial edition by Longmans. 30,000 copies were made of the initial print run. The US edition by McClure, Phillips & Co. added another 28,000 to the run. This was the first Holmes collection since 1893, when Holmes had "died" in "The Adventure of the Final Problem". Having published The Hound of the Baskervilles in 1901–1902 (although setting it before Holmes' death) Doyle came under intense pressure to revive his famous character.
The Tempest
The Tempest is a comedy written by William Shakespeare. It is generally dated to 1610-11 and accepted as the last play written solely by him, although some scholars have argued for an earlier dating. While listed as a comedy in its initial publication in the First Folio of 1623, many modern editors have relabelled the play a romance.
Uncle Bernac: a Memory of the Empire
At this unexpected announcement Talleyrand and Berthier looked at each other in silence, and for once the trained features of the great diplomatist, who lived behind a mask, betrayed the fact that he was still capable of emotion. The spasm which passed over them was caused, however, rather by mischievous amusement than by consternation, while Berthier--who had an honest affection for both Napoleon and Josephine-- ran frantically to the door as if to bar the Empress from entering.
"L'emplacement était superbe pour b?tir une ville. Il n'y avait qu'à déblayer les bords du fleuve, en abattant une partie de la forêt, de l'immense forêt vierge enracinée là depuis la naissance du monde. Alors abritée tout autour par des collines boisées, la ville descendrait jusqu'aux quais d'un port magnifique, établi dans l'embouchure de la Rivière-Rouge, à quatre milles seulement de la mer."
Novelas Ejemplares
Las Novelas ejemplares son una serie de novelas cortas que Miguel de Cervantes escribió entre 1590 y 1612, y que después acabaría publicando en 1613 en una colección editada en Madrid por Juan de la Cuesta, dada la gran acogida que obtuvo con la primera parte del Quijote. En un principio recibieron el nombre de Novelas ejemplares de honestísimo entretenimiento. Se trata de doce novelas cortas que siguen el modelo establecido en Italia. Su denominación de ejemplares obedece a que son el primer ejemplo en castellano de este tipo de novelas y al carácter didáctico y moral que incluyen en alguna medida los relatos.
Anne of Windy Poplars
Anne Shirley has left Redmond College behind to begin a new job and a new chapter of her life away from Green Gables. Now she faces a new challenge: the Pringles. They're known as the royal family of Summerside - and they quickly let Anne know she is not the person they had wanted as principal of Summerside High School. But as she settles into the cozy tower room at Windy Poplars, Anne finds she has great allies in the widows Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty – and in their irrepressible housekeeper, Rebecca Dew. As Anne learns Summerside's strangest secrets, winning the support of the prickly Pringles becomes only the first of her delicious triumphs.
The Invisible Man
Book description * The Invisible Man is an 1897 science fiction novella by H.G. Wells. Wells' novel was originally serialised in Pearson's Magazine in 1897, and published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who theorises that if a person's refractive index is changed to exactly that of air and his body does not absorb or reflect light, then he will be invisible. He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but cannot become visible again, becoming mentally unstable as a result.
The Time Machine
The book's protagonist is an amateur inventor or scientist living in London who is never named; he is identified simply as The Time Traveller. Having demonstrated to friends using a miniature model that time is a fourth dimension, and that a suitable apparatus can move back and forth in this fourth dimension, he builds a full-scale model capable of carrying himself. He sets off on a journey into the future.
Don Quijote de la Mancha 2
Don Quijote de la Mancha, escrito por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, editado en 1605, es una de las obras más destacadas de la literatura espa?ola y la literatura universal, y una de las más traducidas La novela consta de dos partes: la primera, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, fue publicada en 1605; la segunda, El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, en 1615.
The Nightingale and the Rose: (Original 1888 Edition): Annotated
A nightingale overhears a student complaining that his professor's daughter will not dance with him, as he is unable to give her a red rose. The nightingale visits all the rose-trees in the garden, and one of the white roses tell her that there's a way to produce a red rose, but only if the nightingale is prepared to sing the sweetest song for the rose all night, and sacrifice her life to do so. Seeing the student in tears, the nightingale carries out the ritual, and impales herself on the rose-tree's thorn so that her heart's blood can stain the rose. The student takes the rose to the professor's daughter, but she again rejects him because another man has sent her some real jewels, and "everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers." The student angrily throws the rose into the gutter, returns to his study of metaphysics, and decides not to believe in true love anymore.
Les Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon
Qui ne connait pas l'illustrissime Tartarin, immortalisé au cinéma par Raimu? Mais... au cas où, voici le résumé du début de cette aventure épique, et, pour tout dire, tarasconnaise... Tartarin possède un jardin exotique où il entretient un baobab dans un pot de réséda, de nombreuses armes et quantité de livres d'aventures. ? Tarascon, les chasseurs sans gibier tirent sur leur casquette, après l'avoir lancée en l'air. Chacun dans le voisinage reconna?t que Tartarin est un vrai caractère, prêt à repousser toutes les attaques (qui ne viennent pas...). Il n'a jamais quitté Tarascon, mais l'arrivée d'une ménagerie et d'un lion en cage l'incite à partir pour l'Atlas...
La giara
Vengono qui presentate alcune novelle estratte dalla raccolta "Novelle per un anno". I paesaggi delle novelle sono vari; per quelle dette siciliane si ha spesso il tipico paesaggio rurale, anche se in alcune troviamo il tema sociale del contrasto tra le generazioni dovuto all'unità d'Italia. Altro ambiente delle novelle pirandelliane è la Roma umbertina o giolittiana. I protagonisti sono sempre alla presa con il male di vivere, con il caso e con la morte e potrebbero essere i vicini della porta accanto: sarte, balie, professori, piccoli proprietari di negozi che hanno una vita sconvolta dalla sorte e da drammi familiari. I personaggi ci vengono presentati così come appaiono, è difficile trovare un'approfondita analisi psicologica. Le fisionomie sono spesso eccentriche, per il sentimento del contrario, hanno un carattere opposto a come si presentano, parlano e ragionano nel presentarsi per come essi sentono di essere, ma alla fine saranno sempre preda del caso, che li farà apparire diversi e cambiati.