
跟随小川糸,走一间间炊烟蒸腾、充满声响的厨房,料理口的瞬间,森林动物的呼吸声、鱼鳍摆动洋流的海潮味儿、舒爽山风带来的葡萄香气彷佛都能瞬间你的感官…… 每一篇短文,每一种美食,都是作家和料理人写给料理之神的信件,希望可以得到自然和料理之神的馈赠。 触摸食材、嗅闻气味时,食材会告诉你料理它们/棒的方法,这是极为感性、难以言喻的感动,那是地球的讯息,是来自大地的味道,那是料理之神的声音。



《荀子》是战国后期的思想家、教育家荀况的政论集。《大中华文库:荀子(汉阿对照 套装1-2册)》共32篇,涉及哲学、伦理、政治、军事和教育诸方面。荀子在《大中华文库:荀子(汉阿对照 套装1-2册)》中批判地总结了先秦诸子的学术思想。他在哲学上发展了古代朴素唯物主义,反对天命、鬼神迷信之说;他反对孟子的“性善论”,首创“性恶论”,主张熔礼法为一炉,兼重道德教化、法治刑赏;在“称先王”之外,荀子又首倡“法后王”之论,这一点与孔、孟有所不同。



现如今网络成为大家获取信息的主要方式,如果想考研,绝大多数学生会先参考一下别人的经验。而互联网上信息虽然丰富,但也良莠不齐。可是在考研这场“战役”中,经验太重要了,信息太重要了! 初心自创始起,团队大多为日语专业出身的硕士研究生毕业,一直精耕日语考研市场。因为起步较早,所以在国内日语考研的课程体系中算是独占鳌头了。这些年,也取得不菲的成绩:清华北大北外上外等考上的同学大都接受过初心的辅导,甚至某些知名的院校录取的学员有1/3都是我们的学员。 此书收录了2018年至2019年投稿至初心的所有优秀经验帖,按地区和时间分类,更便于读者查阅。不仅涵盖了学习方法,更分享了每位学子宝贵的心路历程。 正如我们初心的企业文化,“成人达己,不忘初心”,我们希望更多的人看到那些或成功或失败的经验帖,吸取他们的经验或者教训,考上自己心目中的院校,遇见更好的自己。

《俄罗斯文学选读(下 第2版)》是其中的下册,由郑体武编。选编范围为20世纪,选作家14位,作品56篇,其中基本作家10位(高尔基、蒲宁、勃洛克、阿赫玛托娃、马雅可夫斯基、叶赛宁、布尔加科夫、肖洛霍夫、索尔仁尼琴、拉斯普京),基本作品43篇,补充作家4位(茨维塔耶娃、特瓦尔多夫斯基、舒克申、鲁勃佐夫),补充作品13篇。 选作品均为思想性和艺术性俱佳的经典之作,既能反映国内外学界俄罗斯文学史观念的更新,也能反映俄罗斯文学的发展程、重要流派、整体成就和个性风貌。 对于中短篇创作亦出色的作家,《俄罗斯文学选读(下 第2版)》不以零碎的片段形式取其长篇作品,而取其完整的中短篇,并兼顾篇幅的适中,以保持文本的完整性和可读性。



郑赛芬等译的《巴金文选(多语种版) (精)》是由上海外语教育宣传部与巴金故居组织策划的巴金作品多语种选译,包含英语、俄语、日语、德语、法语、西语、阿拉伯语等语种。译文是翻译比赛的获奖作品。旨在向外国读者介绍中国很好的文学作品,弘扬中国文化。

《意大利文学名著便览》是‘外教社文学名著便览系列”中的一本,此系列图书还包括《英国文学名著便览》《俄罗斯文学名著便览》《美国文学名著便览》《澳大利亚文学名著便览》、《西班牙文学名著便览》等。这套书以时间为顺序,以作家为主线,通过短小精炼的篇幅,介绍各国主要文学作品的内容梗概,使读者对这些国家代表作家的作品有个大致的了解。 本书全面介绍了中世纪至20世纪下半叶意大利重要作家及其代表作,涵盖长篇小说、剧本、诗集、长诗、散文等各种文体,言简意赅,勾勒了意大利文学的发展脉络,是意大利文学门的普及读物。一书在手,便览意大利文学的概貌。


随着中俄两国交流的深入,对科技俄语人才的需求越来越多。然而,目前在我国培养俄语人才的高等学校还缺少适合的科技俄语教材。 哈尔滨工业大学俄语系历来重视科技俄语的教学与研究,无论在本科生(俄语、俄语—飞行器设计与工程)阶段,还是在研究生(外国语言学及应用语言学、俄语语言文学、翻译硕士)阶段的教学,都以之为特色。经过几十年的积淀,2009 年哈尔滨工业大学俄语系‘科技俄语阅读”课程(主持人:王利众)被评为黑龙江省精品课程。本教材正是在哈尔滨工业大学俄语系‘科技俄语阅读”课程教学实践的基础上编写而成的。本教材从科技俄语的基础知识讲起,内容由浅及深。全书渗透科技俄语词汇、语法、修辞的特点。 本教材适合高等学校俄语专业二年级学生使用(共 64 学时),也可作为其他俄语爱好者进行科技翻译的重要参考书。在本书的编写过程中得到了在哈尔滨工业大学俄语系工作的语文学博士、俄罗斯萨拉托夫国立大学 塔季扬娜·阿列克谢耶芙娜·米廖希娜(Татьяна Алексеевна Милёхина)教授的大力支持,她对全书语言进行了认真校对,在此表示衷心感谢!

《老残游记》 是清朝末年的刘鹑晚年写的一部小说。书中借老残的游历见闻,揭露了当时吏治的黑暗,反映了无辜者被陷害,人民被涂炭的社会现实,真实揭露了一些所谓“清官”实为“酷吏”的狰狞、可鄙的面孔。 《老残游记》在写景状物和刻画人物方面,很有成就。 本书采用了德国汉学家屈汉斯的德译本,该译本堪称目前*近 《老残游记》 原著的德文全译本。

The Heap:A Novel
“As intellectually playful as the best of Thomas Pynchon and as sardonically warm as the best of Kurt Vonnegut, The Heap is both a hilarious send-up of life under late capitalism and a moving exploration of the peculiar loneliness of the early 21st century. A masterful and humane gem of a novel.” —Shaun Hamill, author of A Cosmology of MonstersBlending the piercing humor of Alexandra Kleeman and the jagged satire of Black Mirror, an audacious, eerily prescient debut novel that chronicles the rise and fall of a massive high-rise housing complex, and the lives it affected before - and after - its demise.Standing nearly five hundred stories tall, Los Verticalés once bustled with life and excitement. Now this marvel of modern architecture and nontraditional urban planning has collapsed into a pile of rubble known as the Heap. In exchange for digging gear, a rehabilitated bicycle, and a small living stipend, a vast community of Dig Hands removes debris, trash, and bodies from the building’s mountainous remains, which Orville Anders burrows into the bowels of the Heap to find his brother Bernard, the beloved radio DJ of Los Verticalés, who is alive and miraculously broadcasting somewhere under the massive rubble. For months, Orville has lived in a sea of campers that surrounds the Heap, working tirelessly to free Bernard—the only known survivor of the imploded city—whom he speaks to every evening, calling into his radio show.The brothers’ conversations are a ratings bonanza, and the station’s parent company, Sundial Media, wants to boost its profits by having Orville slyly drop brand names into his nightly talks with Bernard. When Orville refuses, his access to Bernard is suddenly cut off, but strangely, he continues to hear his own voice over the airwaves, casually shilling products as “he” converses with Bernard.What follows is an imaginative and darkly hilarious story of conspiracy, revenge, and the strange life and death of Los Verticalés that both captures the wonderful weirdness of community and the bonds that tie us together.

Chasing Cassandra:The Ravenels
Everything has a price . . .Railway magnate Tom Severin is wealthy and powerful enough to satisfy any desire as soon as it arises. Anything—or anyone—is his for the asking. It should be simple to find the perfect wife—and from his first glimpse of Lady Cassandra Ravenel, he’s determined to have her. But the beautiful and quick-witted Cassandra is equally determined to marry for love—the one thing he can’t give.Everything except her . . .Severin is the most compelling and attractive man Cassandra has ever met, even if his heart is frozen. But she has no interest in living in the fast-paced world of a ruthless man who always plays to win. When a newfound enemy nearly destroys Cassandra’s reputation, Severin seizes the opportunity he’s been waiting for. As always, he gets what he wants—or does he? There’s one lesson Tom Severin has yet to learn from his new bride: Never underestimate a Ravenel.The chase for Cassandra’s hand may be over. But the chase for her heart has only just begun . . .

Warlord:The Makaum War: Book Three
In the third entry in bestselling author Mel Odom’s Makaum War series, Master Sergeant Frank Sage struggles to defend against the Phrenorian threat as battle lines will be redrawn—and blood will spill... One step forward, two steps back sums up Frank Sage’s day-to-day on Makaum. No sooner does he get the drug cartels under control than a major political assassination stirs civil unrest to a fever pitch. Makaumans never wanted to choose sides in the Terran/Phrenorian war, but frustration, fear, and resentment are turning the tide against peacekeeping efforts.As street skirmishes rage on, the Terrans’ most powerful on-planet ally works with Sage’s superior officer to isolate insurgent cells—and outmaneuver the general who wants to yank troops from Makaum before their job is done. Meanwhile, the assassin who’s targeting powerful figures from all factions is still at large.Amidst the chaos, Sage must keep his eye on a lethal “prize”—the secret armory and headquarters where the Phrenorians have been stockpiling weapons, munitions, and war machines. The mission to infiltrate will put him on a collision course with Zhoh GhiCemid, his ruthlessly ambitious Phrenorian counterpart. As dangerous as ever, Zhoh isn’t afraid to die—and would like nothing better than to take Sage down with him.

一本幽默诙谐的现代社会寓言小说集,记录了普通人平凡却又跌宕起伏的生活。 From the?author of the “sophisticated and erudite”?Peculiar Ground?(Boston Globe),?comes a collection of classic, witty fables, elegantly updated for our modern times.It's in the nature of myth to be infinitely adaptable.Each of these startlingly original stories is set in modern Britain. Their characters include a people-trafficking gang-master and a prostitute, a migrant worker and a cocksure estate agent, an elderly musician doubly befuddled by dementia and the death of his wife, a pest-controller suspected of paedophilia and a librarian so well-behaved that her parents wonder anxiously whether she’ll ever find love.They’re ordinary people, preoccupied, as we all are now, by the deficiencies of the health service, by criminal gangs and homelessness, by the pitfalls of dating in the age of #metoo. All of their stories, though, are inspired by ones drawn from Graeco-Roman myth, from the Bible or from folk-lore.The ancients invented myths to express what they didn’t understand. These witty fables, elegantly written and full of sharp-eyed observation of modern life, are also visionary explorations of potent mysteries and strange passions, charged with the hallucinatory beauty and horror of their originals.

Perfect Little Children:A Novel
索菲·汉娜心理悬疑小说:女主人公贝斯开车送儿子去踢足球,路过多年未联系、曾经的好友芙洛拉家忍不住拜访,却发现芙洛拉家的两个孩子——五岁的托马斯和三岁的艾米丽——看起来仍然和12年前一模一样,这怎么可能呢? The New York Times bestselling author of The Monogram Murders and Woman with a Secret returns with a sharp, captivating, and expertly plotted tale of psychological suspense.All Beth has to do is drive her son to his soccer game, watch him play, and then return home. Just because she knows her ex-best friend lives near the field, that doesn’t mean she has to drive past her house and try to catch a glimpse of her. Why would Beth do that and risk dredging up painful memories? She hasn’t seen Flora for twelve years. She doesn’t want to see her today—or ever again. But she can’t resist. She parks outside the open gates of Newnham House, watches from across the road as Flora arrives and calls to her children Thomas and Emily to get out of the car. Except . . . There’s something terribly wrong. Flora looks the same, only older. Twelve years ago, Thomas and Emily were five and three years old. Today, they look precisely as they did then. They are Thomas and Emily without a doubt, but they haven’t changed at all. They are no taller, no older. Why haven’t they grown? How is it possible that they haven’t grown up?