

Waggit's Tale
Waggit's Tale
Howe, Peter
He is nameless. He is homeless. He is lost.Until he is found . . . by a team of mutts who shelter him and teach him how to survive the wilds of the city park.And so he becomes Waggit, the best hunter and tracker in the pack.But life in the park is dangerous and uncertain. In winter, food and warmth are scarce. Another team of wild dogs is a constant menace. And there is always the fear of capture by park rangers. Waggit can't help feeling that something is missing . . . something warm and cozy . . . and human. Then one day everything changes and Waggit must face a new threat and a new choice.Peter Howe's tale of an abandoned puppy's search for home is an exciting mix of humor, adventure, and suspense. Most of all, it is a story of how love can turn strangers into family.
Emily Post's Table Manners for Kids
Emily Post's Table Manners for Kids
Senning, Cindy Post
Which fork do I useHow do you use chopsticksIs it okay to answer my cell phone during dinnerWhat is the polite way to eat spaghettiThese and other important questions are answered in this handy guide to eating without grossing people out. Pretty much everything you need to know to get you through any meal is here—from table settings, to eating tricky foods, to holding up your end of a dinner conversation. Written by two codirectors of The Emily Post Institute, the most trusted name in etiquette, Emily Post's Table Manners for Kids isn't just for fancy parties and dinner at your grandmother's house. It's got basic information you can use every day to improve your social life.
The Bohemian Girl
The Bohemian Girl
Cather, Willa
A short story from the Classic Shorts collection: The Bohemian Girl by Willa Cather
Ingles, Elisabeth
Edvard Munch, born in 1863, was Norway's most popular artist. His brooding and anguished paintings, based on personal grief and obsessions, were instrumental in the development of Expressionism. During his childhood, the death of his parents, his brother and sister, and the mental illness of another sister, were of great influence on his convulsed and tortuous art. In his works, Munch turned again and again to the memory of illness, death and grief. During his career, Munch changed his idiom many times. At first, influenced by Impressionism and Post-impressionism, he turned to a highly personal style and content, increasingly concerned with images of illness and death. In the 1892s, his style developed a ‘Synthetist' idiom as seen in The Scream (1893) which is regarded as an icon and the portrayal of modern humanity's spiritual and existential anguish. He painted different versions of it. During the 1890s Munch favoured a shallow pictorial space, and used it in his frequently frontal p
Kama Sutra
Kama Sutra
Lamairesse, E.
Mega Square Kama Sutra pays homage to the magic of love and is a universal educational manual. This edition is tastefully illustrated with refined frescos and delicate prints.
Carl, Klaus
Bade, Patrick
Born in 1860 in a small Czech town, Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was an artist on the forefront of Art Nouveau, the modernist movement that swept Paris in the 1910s, marking a return to the simplicity of natural forms, and changing the world of art and design forever. In fact, Art Nouveau was known to insiders as the “Mucha style” for the legions of imitators who adapted the master’s celebrated tableaux. Today, his distinctive depictions of lithe young women in classical dress have become a pop cultural touchstone, inspiring album covers, comic books, and everything in between. Patrick Bade and Victoria Charles offer readers an inspiring survey of Mucha’s career, illustrated with over one hundred lustrous images, from early Parisian advertisements and posters for Sandra Bernhardt, to the famous historical murals painted just before his death, at the age of 78, in 1939.
De Kay, Charles
路易斯·康福特·蒂芙尼(Louis Comfort Tiffany)是闻名于世的珠宝商,也是美国新艺术运动的领头人。在美国处于不断增长的时期,蒂芙尼成功地将装饰提升到了艺术的高度。蒂芙尼的工作室尤其擅长处理玻璃,他们开创了独特的玻璃技艺,使得幻彩玻璃极具美感。追随着加勒(Galle)或多姆(Daum)的脚步,蒂芙尼对玻璃物尽其用:色彩、遮光、透光,戏玩于他的手掌间。当然,他为成功的还是充满色彩与阴影交汇的镶嵌玻璃台灯,类似于教堂的染色玻璃天窗。沉浸在色彩的棱镜之中,作者让我们梦回这家历久弥新的公司的诞生之期。
The Nabis
The Nabis
Kostenevitch, Albert
Early Italian Painting
Early Italian Painting
Crowe, Joseph Archer;Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista;Jameson, Anna
Egon Schiele
Egon Schiele
Selsdon, Esther;Zwingenberger, Jeanette
Egon Schiele’s work is so distinctive that it resists categorisation. Admitted to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts at just sixteen, he was an extraordinarily precocious artist, whose consummate skill in the manipulation of line, above all, lent a taut expressivity to all his work. Profoundly convinced of his own significance as an artist, Schiele achieved more in his abruptly curtailed youth than many other artists achieved in a full lifetime. His roots were in the Jugendstil of the Viennese Secession movement. Like a whole generation, he came under the overwhelming influence of Vienna’s most charismatic and celebrated artist, Gustav Klimt. In turn, Klimt recognised Schiele’s outstanding talent and supported the young artist, who within just a couple of years, was already breaking away from his mentor’s decorative sensuality. Beginning with an intense period of creativity around 1910, Schiele embarked on an unflinching exposé of the human form – not the least his own – so penetrating th
de Goncourt, Edmond
Shanes, Eric
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau
Lahor, Jean
作为对工业革命的回应,新艺术运动以装饰和建筑风格发端。新艺术运动初的目标是通过回归自然主题,创造新的自然美学。该运动中的设计常常伴有植物图案和高度风格化、反大起大落曲线的细致刻画,是谓之新艺术风格。 为了达到该目标,诸如古斯塔夫克林姆(Gustav Klimt)、科罗曼穆塞尔(Koloman Moser)、安东尼高迪(Antoni Gaudi)、扬托罗普(Jan Toorop)、威廉莫里斯(William Morris)等艺术家更加偏爱技术创新和形式新颖。新艺术运动试图将艺术融合进生活的所有侧面,从物质的家具到家中的装饰物品再到建筑物;建立在艺术与日常生活相融合的艺术哲学之上。1900年在巴黎世界博览会大获成功之后,这一趋势继续流行且营销了不少艺术家以及装饰艺术运动。新艺术运动的继承者在次世界大战之后依然层出不穷。所以说新艺术运动时装饰艺术“文艺复兴”的核心,一点都不为过。
Russian Avant-Garde
Russian Avant-Garde
Kovtun, Evgueny
The Russian Avant-garde was born at the turn of the 20th century in pre-revolutionary Russia. The intellectual and cultural turmoil had then reached a peak and provided fertile soil for the formation of the movement. For many artists influenced by European art, the movement represented a way of liberating themselves from the social and aesthetic constraints of the past. It was these Avant-garde artists who, through their immense creativity, gave birth to abstract art, thereby elevating Russian culture to a modern level. Such painters as Kandinsky, Malevich, Goncharova, Larionov, and Tatlin, to name but a few, had a definitive impact on 20th-century art.
Art Deco
Art Deco
Charles, Victoria;Carl, Klaus
Art Deco style was established on the ashes of a disappeared world, the one from before the First World War, and on the foundation stone of a world yet to become, opened to the most undisclosed promises. Forgetting herself in the whirl of Jazz Age and the euphoria of the “Années Folles”, the Gar?onne with her linear shape reflects the architectural style of Art Deco: to the rounded curves succeed the simple and plain androgynous straight line… Architecture, painting, furniture and sculpture, dissected by the author, proclaim the druthers for sharp lines and broken angles. Although ephemeral, this movement keeps on influencing contemporary design.
Dupouy, Alexandre
Art of India
Art of India
Smith, Vincent Arthur
Little Boys
Little Boys
Carl, Klaus H.
Ever since the ancient greeks sculpted the first kouros, children have been a source of inspiration for some of the world’s greatest artists. Whether portraits of their own children, friends, and family members, or a nostalgic psychological portrayal of the artist’s own youth, depictions of children in art remain arresting examples of an intersection between the picturesque innocence of childhood and the methodical work of adult artistry. In this delightful new puzzle book, children get a chance to see little boys and girls just like them as portrayed by great artists, learning about how children grew up throughout history while experiencing a genuine connection with works of artistic genius.
Top 5 Masterpieces vol 1
Top 5 Masterpieces vol 1
Carl, Klaus H.
Ever since the ancient greeks sculpted the first kouros, children have been a source of inspiration for some of the world’s greatest artists. Whether portraits of their own children, friends, and family members, or a nostalgic psychological portrayal of the artist’s own youth, depictions of children in art remain arresting examples of an intersection between the picturesque innocence of childhood and the methodical work of adult artistry. In this delightful new puzzle book, children get a chance to see little boys and girls just like them as portrayed by great artists, learning about how children grew up throughout history while experiencing a genuine connection with works of artistic genius.
Brodskaya, Nathalia