BANANAGRAMS? Secrets: The Inside Track on Becoming Top Banana (Collins Little Bo
Writer and magician Deej Johnson is aBANANAGRAMS? fanatic! Deej serves asa creative consultant at BANANAGRAMS? and claims that hisformer high-school teacher, Janise Marillat, summed him upbest in an annual report that said: “Deej’s cheerful smile oftengets him out of difficult situations… Unfortunately, these areusually situations that he creates himself.”
The Perfect Mother's Day gift for mums who have it all
Ada Adverse was brought up in a deeply puritanical household where looking at a cake or using words containing more than one vowel were considered decadences punishable by a night in the coal cellar. But at fifteen she ran away from home and is now the world’s leading authority on Having Fun, which is definitely an actual job, she has ‘Fungineer’ printed on her business cards to prove it, though in retrospect she should have been more clear that this does not mean she specialises in mushrooms. Ada’s hobbies include topiary, mazes, homing pigeons, flea circuses, forming imaginary bands in her head, embalming things, tattoos, pylons, and the films of Billy Wilder. Ada’s dislikes include predatory mcaws, getting out the wrong side of the bed, collections of masks, and porcelain dolls with realistic teeth.
The Mills & Boon Modern Girl’s Guide to Growing Old Disgracefully
Ada Adverse was brought up in a deeply puritanical household where looking at a cake or using words containing more than one vowel were considered decadences punishable by a night in the coal cellar. But at fifteen she ran away from home and is now the world’s leading authority on Having Fun, which is definitely an actual job, she has ‘Fungineer’ printed on her business cards to prove it, though in retrospect she should have been more clear that this does not mean she specialises in mushrooms. Ada’s hobbies include topiary, mazes, homing pigeons, flea circuses, forming imaginary bands in her head, embalming things, tattoos, pylons, and the films of Billy Wilder. Ada’s dislikes include predatory mcaws, getting out the wrong side of the bed, collections of masks, and porcelain dolls with realistic teeth.
The Mills & Boon Modern Girl’s Guide to:Happy Endings:Dating hacks for femin
Ada has been married eight times, including on one occasion in the early 90’s to a rock – a full twenty years, you’ll note, before Tracy Emin came up with the same idea. Unlucky in love, all of Ada’s partners have died in tragic circumstances, mostly unexplained fires. Ada’s interests include life insurance policies, petrol and topical poisons.
How To Make A Living With Your Writing With Books, Blogging and More Books, Blog
Would you like to make a living with your writing? This book will show you how. I spent 13 years working as a cubicle slave in the corporate world. I was miserable in my job and my creativity was stunted by the crushing daily grind. Then I started writing books and blogging, using my words to create products and attract readers. In September 2011, I left my corporate job to become a full-time author and creative entrepreneur and since then I've grown my business year on year, all based on my writing. More importantly, I'm finally living the happy life I always wanted. I'm not a Kindle or blogging millionaire and this is not a get rich quick scheme. But I will share with you how I make a multi-six-figure income from writing books, blogging and marketing in an ethical manner. We're living in the best time ever to make a living with your writing! Read on to learn more. The book includes the following Table of Contents: Overview of how I make a living and income split First principles Tips on writing and productivity Tips on mindset Part 1: How to make money from books It's not just one book Your publishing options: Traditional publishing Changes in the publishing industry Your publishing options: Becoming an indie author How to self-publish an ebook How to self-publish a print book How to self-publish an audiobook Part 2: How to make money online in other ways A business powered by content marketing Product sales Affiliate income Consulting or coaching Professional speaking Advertising and sponsorship Freelance writing Tips for content marketing The transition and your next steps Plus/ Companion Workbook so you can answer the questions in the book for yourself. If you'd like to make a living with your writing, click to sample or buy now.
Zilele aman?ilor
C?nd am primit invita?ia de a citi manuscrisul c?r?ii Corinei, am acceptat tem?tor. Sunt la o v?rst? c?nd ??i spui arogant c? ai citit cam tot ?i te ?ntrebi seniorial ce ar putea s? te mai surprind?. Ei bine, cartea Corinei. Care te surprinde prin toate locurile pe care le credeai securizate, impenetrabile. Te surprinde ?n primul r?nd pentru faptul c? refuz? f?r? efort scriitura feminin?, melancolic? ?i vag lamentabil?. Frazele sunt scurte ?i nu intr? b?t?nd la u??, ci tr?ntind-o de perete. Apoi, te surprinde tema predilect? a c?r?ii: amantl?curile, iubirile frugale, rela?iile interzise, tot tac?mul. Practic, Corina omoar? ?n pove?tile ei orice ipocrizie feminist? (chestie care mie mi-a mers la suflet), o ?ngroap? ad?nc ?i ?i pune capac. N-o s? omit sub nicio form? limbajul, care surprinde de asemenea. Corina folose?te limba rom?n? f?r? s? se fereasc? de extremele ei. Are curaj, ?are ou?“, cum s-ar spune. Nu c? ar fi singura, nu c? ar fi o raritate, dar a manipula cuvinte interzise ?ntr-un text literar, f?r? a-i strica savoarea, nu e la ?ndem?na oricui. R?m?ne ?ns? la final impresia general?, cea care conteaz? cel mai mult. Care e bun?, dac? nu foarte bun?. Cartea se cite?te u?or, e cinic?, e vie, are tot ce ?i trebuie pentru a deveni un succes. (?tefan Caraman)Corina Ozon vine dinspre jurnalism spre literatur?, cunosc?nd oamenii, cu talent. Scrie captivant, folosind ?n fraze c?te cuvinte chiar trebuie, f?r? floricele stilistice ?i volute descriptive ?n plus, care ar cre?te statistic durata de somn a popula?iei. ?Zilele aman?ilor“ e o carte pentru dezinhiba?i. N-o recomand pro?tilor si bigo?ilor. (Alexandru Petria)Aceasta este o carte de?teapt?. Iar vr?jitoria nu-i deloc exclus?. Te ?ine lipit de ea, nu te las? absolut deloc nici s? faci altceva ?i nici m?car s? te g?nde?ti la altceva. Nu po?i uza de niciun instrument fizic ori sufletesc pentru a i te sustrage. Iar dac? asta nu-i curat? fermec?tur?, atunci ce este? A, ?tiu. Literatur? de?teapt?. (Ana Barton)O lectur? care curge u?or, cu un limbaj direct ?i frust, perfect adaptat subiectului. Corina vorbe?te cu umor ?i amar, f?r? ocoli?uri, despre situa?ii de via?? verosimile, desprinse din cotidian. Aman?ii putem fi oricare dintre noi. (Petronela Rotar)
Divorturile amantilor
Volumul 4 din seria ?Aman?ilor” ?Sunt Corina Ozon, cea care a disecat sufletul ?i min?ile aman?ilor ?i ?i i-a pus pe tav?. Cea care a ?ncercat, cu asumarea tuturor riscurilor, s? te ?nve?e s? nu judeci, s? nu fii pref?cut ?i s? accep?i s? fii fericit. Ai fost ?ocat c?nd ai v?zut limbajul din Zilele aman?ilor, realismul din Nop?ile aman?ilor ?i actualitatea din Aman?ii 3.0. Ai r?s c?nd mi-ai citit c?r?ile, poate te-ai ?ntrebat c?t e experien?? de via?? ?i c?t fantezie. C?t este refulare ?i frustrare, ?i c?t adev?r. Stau ?ntr-un glob de cristal, pe care mul?i nu-l ating, de team? s? nu se sparg? ?i s? aib? mult de lucru dup? aceea. ?tii c?t curaj am, chiar nebunesc, iar cu nebunii s? nu te pui! Am spart bariere ?i ?i-am b?gat aman?ii ?n cas?, ?n sertarul de la birou, ?n avion sau metrou. Dac? ai avut ?i tu curajul s? cite?ti, e?ti la fel de nebun. Nebun de curajos, mai ales c? le-ai spus ?i altora s? citeasc?. Lumea e mai vie, am spart borcanul cu fluturi ?i alegem s? vorbim f?r? perdea, a?a cum e via?a. Povestea se scrie odat? cu tine, acum ?i aici, iar aventura continu?. Aman?ii, c`est moi!”
Aman?ii 3.0
Femeia asta, autoarea adic, nu e ntreag la minte i nici ia care o citesc, adic nici eu! i face singur promovare, pleac in turnee prin ar, doarme prin trenuri i pe la fanii ei p-acas, fr team c d peste vreo rud cu vasluienii. tia, adic fanii, o ajut cu organizarea evenimentelor, se implic n promovare, caut locaii pentru lansri. E aa, un fel de concubinaj sau amantlc literar de nu s-a mai pomenit. Oameni cu preocupri, profesii i niveluri de percepie diferite au devenit un fel de clan, de mafioi ai amantlcului Made in Romania. Sau mai degrab o sect, mie mi place s le spun Martorii Corinei. i lor, nou, ne place, because love is in the air, dragostea e n straturile de ozon. Aa cum e ea, dragostea, pe la noi, cu obscenitile, grobianismele i rahaturile tipic mioritice. Cnd o s-i cunoatei pe Cati i pe Mircea, eroii romanelor, vei nelege ce spun.“ (Cristian Niculescu, Bucureti) Corina Ozon face ce vrea, cu mine, cu tine, cu noi. Eu aa zic. Exact ce vrea. Ne-a scris, aa, din voleu, ntre dou postri pe Facebook, dou cri despre Viaa n Ultra High Definition. Ne place sau nu s recunoatem, noi tia care o citim suntem cam lovii cu leuca n cap i stau i m-ntreb cum de-am rezistat fr Zilele Amanilor i Nopile amanilor pn la vrsta asta“(Magdalena Manea, Toronto) Paradox este alctuirea Corinei. Blond doar la pr, cu nfiare candid de statuet de Tanagra, greu de crezut c poate fi att de spurcat la limb i oeit la fiere. Reporter par excelance, Corina are psihologia la vrful degetelor cu care tasteaz i un umor dulce amar de numa numa. i mai are ea ceva fainisim. Nu suport ipocrizia. Mircea i Cati exist n fiecare. Suntem noi, cei care mcar odat n via am fost sinceri cu noi nine i cu ispita i am clcat strmb. Iar dac unii s-au inut virtuoi, tot au pctuit n amantlcul cu gndul.“ (Ctlin Bdulescu, Braov)
Семья Эскалант. Книга 1. Злата - Любовный роман
Две сложных и сильных личности сталкиваются в битве нравов. Она — честная, благородная и невинная. Он — эгоист, сын испанских аристократов, самовлюбленный и совершенный во всём. Объединяет их на первый взгляд лишь одно — химия чувств, страсть, которая словно сверхволна сметает на своем пути принципы и предрассудки. Но еще есть тайна. Его тайна. Низкая, подлая, ломающая жизни и мечты. В этой истории есть всё: дружба и предательство, коварные интриги и мстительные враги, бессмертная любовь и всепоглощающая страсть, тонкий юмор и трогательные слова, беззаботная студенческая жизнь ивыживание среди войны… Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Nop?ile aman?ilor
Continuarea romanului bdquo Zilele aman?ilor ldquo;. bdquo Aman?ii Corinei Ozon, atacirct Zilele, cacirct ?i Nop?ile lor, sunt deja mai mult decacirct simple c?r?i, sunt un fenomen: peste tot se vorbe?te despre ei, ?i sim?i imediat c? trebuie s?-i cuno?ti ?i tu. ?i, dac? o faci, sigur nu regre?i dup?: Corina te conduce cu un stil inconfundabil icircn lumea lui Mircea ?i Cati, unde vei racircde, vei a?tepta cu sufletul la gur? urm?toarea aventur?, vei pica pe gacircnduri, vei reflecta la propria ta poveste de dragoste. Cu o scriitur? bine ?lefuit?, Corina Ozon din Nop?ile aman?ilor apas? ?i mai tare pedala fa?? de romanul ei de debut. Se cite?te repede, e savuroas?, memorabil? ?i, inevitabil, te face s? vrei mai mult! (Cristina Nemerovschi) bdquo Scriitura Corinei Ozon reu?e?te un lucru cu adev?rat dificil. S? abordeze icircntr-o manier? lejer? un subiect aparent frivol ?i s? dea icirc;n acela?i timp impresia de seriozitate ?i profunzime. De fapt, textele Corinei nu sunt frivole, dar relev?, icirc;n maniera unui Milan Kundera, de exemplu, superficialitatea ca structur? a lumii ?i, icircn special, a lumii oamenilor moderni, care iubesc pe fug?, colorat, zgomotos ?i la limita inconsisten?ei. Literatura aceasta se cite?te cu pl?cere ?i cu anxietate pentru c? ne reg?sim total icircn ea, pentru c? placircngem ?i racircdem icircn ea, pentru c? ne privim ca icircntr-o oglind?. Iar racircsul, iar??i icircn cheia lui Kundera, survine eliberator din contemplarea zadarnicelor ?i ve?nicelor chinuri ale dragostei, puse iar ?i iar icircn acelea?i laquoridicole iubiri raquo.(Doru C?st?ian)
Regii timpului
lt pgt Ce ai face dac? cel mai bun prieten al t?u te-ar trimite din gre?eal? cu o ma?in? a timpului fix ?n Persia antic?, iar acolo ai fi imediat r?pit? de eunuci ai haremului m?re?ului Xerxes? Sau dac? via?a ?i-ar fi pus? ?n pericol de nenum?rate intrigi de palat ?ntr-o societate unde femeia este supus? b?rbatului prin tradi?ie? Sau dac? ar trebui s? iei de so? un rege pe care deja ?l cuno?ti din manualele de istorie, dar c?ruia trebuie s? ?i explici c? un telefon nu ?nseamn? s? vorbe?ti cu spiritele, automobilele nu sunt care ale zeilor, iar vasul de toalet? este un accesoriu foarte util? Tinerei Mora, un normal locuitor al Los Angeles-ului din zilele noastre, iat? c?, din ?nt?mplare, chiar i se petrec toate acestea. ?i nu disper?, pentru c? ?tie c? propria ei personalitate este mai puternic? dec?t niste hopuri banale precum obligatoriile c?l?torii zilnice ?ntre milenii, asasinate pe band? rulant? sau ?ocuri culturale de ambele p?r?i. Nu disper? pentru c? este o femeie hot?r?t?, pragmatic?, cu umor, dar ?i… ?ndr?gostit?. Iar dragostea cere sacrificii, nu Chiar dac? ajungi Regin?. lt lt pgtlt emgt– C??i ani are iubitul t?u ltbrgt ltgt– 2500.ltgt ltgt
The Cracking Code Book
How to make it, break it, hack it, crack it. The secret history of codes and code breaking. Simon Singh’s best-selling title The Code Book now re-issued for the young-adult market. The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. Simon Singh brings life to an amazing story of puzzles, codes, languages and riddles – revealing the continual pursuit to disguise and uncover, and to work out the secret languages of others. Codes have influenced events throughout history, both in the stories of those who make them and those who break them. The betrayal of Mary Queen of Scots and the cracking of the enigma code that helped the Allies in World War II are major episodes in a continuing history of cryptography. In addition to stories of intrigue and warfare, Simon Singh also investigates other codes, the unravelling of genes and the rediscovery of ancient languages and most tantalisingly, the Beale ciphers, an unbroken code that could hold the key to a $20 million treasure.
The Botham Report
Ian Botham was the most thrilling sight in sport for nearly two decades at the top of international cricket. He retired from the game in 1993 and has since acted as coaching advisor to the England team on the 1997/98 Zimbabwe and New Zealand tour, a commentator for Sky TV, and he has a newspaper column in the Daily Mirror. He continues to be a keen analyser of the game.
Is Shane MacGowan Still Alive?
TIM BRADFORD is a freelance writer and illustrator. He has written for the NME, When Saturday Comes, Empire and Amateur Photographer. His drawings have appeared in the Observer and the Express. He lives in London and is an enthusiastic trainee Celt.
King Dong
A pseudonym for an established comedy author who is trying their hand at something more risquè than normal…
Stepping Out Within
Stepping Out Within by Robert W. Olsen has de*ive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
The Art of Mindfulness
This selection from Thich Nhat Hanh's bestselling The Art of Power illuminates the core Buddhist concept of mindfulness for the Western readerIn The Art of Mindfulness, one of the most revered Buddhist teachers in the world, Thich Nhat Hanh delivers a life changing practice to overcome our overdriven mind, to let go of preoccupations and multitasking and focus solely on the task at hand. By devoting 100% of our attention 100% of the time on what we are doing in the moment, we can alleviate suffering, fear, and anxiety. With the energy of mindfulness and the capacity of looking deeply, we can find the insights to transform and heal any situation.
MariaDB Essentials
Quickly get up to speed with MariaDB—the leading, drop-in replacement for MySQL, through this practical tutorialAbout This BookGet to know the basic SQL queries so you can quickly start using MariaDBTake control of your data through the advanced features of MariaDBExploit the full potential of MariaDB’s exclusive features through quick, practical examples Who This Book Is For If you don't know the SQL language, but you want to quickly jump into the SQL world and learn how to use MariaDB, or if you already know how to use MySQL but you want to go further, then this book is ideal for you.What You Will LearnInstall and configure MariaDBCreate databases, tables, and indexesImport and export data from and to external filesWork with views and virtual columnsCreate, read, update, and delete records in your databaseUse dynamic columnsSet up a powerful full-text search systemAccess your external data from MariaDB through the CONNECT engine In Detail This book will take you through all the nitty-gritty parts of MariaDB, right from the creation of your database all the way to using MariaDB’s advanced features. At the very beginning, we show you the basics, that is, how to install MariaDB. Then, we walk you through the databases and tables of MariaDB, and introduce SQL in MariaDB. You will learn about all the features that have been added in MariaDB but are absent in MySQL. Moving on, you’ll learn to import and export data, views, virtual columns, and dynamic columns in MariaDB. Then, you’ll get to grips with full-text searches and queries in MariaDb. You’ll also be familiarized with the CONNECT storage engine. At the end of the book, you’ll be introduced to the community of MariaDB.Style and approach This is a complete guide that uses concrete examples to help you understand and exploit the full potential of MariaDB.
Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring
A hands-on guide to building an enterprise-grade, scalable RESTful web service using the Spring FrameworkAbout This BookFollow best practices and explore techniques such as clustering and caching to achieve a scalable web serviceLeverage the Spring Framework to quickly implement RESTful endpointsLearn to implement a client library for a RESTful web service using the Spring Framework Who This Book Is For This book is intended for those who want to learn to build RESTful web services with the Spring Framework. To make best use of the code samples included in the book, you should have a basic knowledge of the Java language. Previous experience with the Spring Framework would also help you get up and running quickly.What You Will LearnDeep dive into the principles behind RESTExpose CRUD operations through RESTful endpoints with the Spring FrameworkDevise response formats and error handling strategies, offering a consistent and flexible structure to simplify integration for service consumersFollow the best approaches for dealing with a service’s evolution while maintaining backward compatibilityUnderstand techniques to secure web servicesComply with the best ways to test RESTful web services, including tips for load testingOptimise and scale web services using techniques such as caching and clustering In Detail REST is an architectural style that tackles the challenges of building scalable web services. In today’s connected world, APIs have taken a central role on the web. APIs provide the fabric through which systems interact, and REST has become synonymous with APIs. The depth, breadth, and ease of use of Spring makes it one of the most attractive frameworks in the Java ecosystem. Marrying the two technologies is therefore a very natural choice. This book takes you through the design of RESTful web services and leverages the Spring Framework to implement these services. Starting from the basics of the philosophy behind REST, you’ll go through the steps of designing and implementing an enterprise-grade RESTful web service. Taking a practical approach, each chapter provides code samples that you can apply to your own circumstances. This book goes beyond the use of Spring and explores approaches to tackle resilience, security, and scalability concerns. You’ll learn techniques to deal with security in Spring and discover how to implement unit and integration test strategies. Finally, the book ends by walking you through building a Java client for your RESTful web service, along with some scaling techniques for it.Style and approach This book is a step-by-step, hands-on guide to designing and building RESTful web services. The book follows the natural cycle of developing these services and includes multiple code samples to help you.
Gamification with Moodle
Use game elements in Moodle courses to build learner resilience and motivationAbout This BookFormulate a Moodle course that acts as a flexible framework ready for your own contentKeep learners engrossed and create opportunities for motivation through the concepts of status, access, and powerA resourceful guide to innovative learning using automatic reports, assessments, and conditional release of activities Who This Book Is For This book has been designed for teachers who to use technology to create more engaging learning experiences for both online learning and in face-to-face sessions. This book will especially appeal to people who are interested in the underlying mechanics of play and games and want to know more about applying these concepts in an educational context. It is assumed that you are a teacher and expert in your field, have basic computer skills, and have access to the Internet.What You Will LearnSet up a scoring system using Moodle GradebookEnable communication and collaboration in your class as a Learning Community using forumsAssess your learners’ abilities by setting up challenges and questsConfigure gateways to check and ensure progress before new content or activities are releasedCreate Moodle assignments to provide effective feedback through a comment bank and custom scaleIssue Open Badges to recognize achievements and set up an online backpack to share digital badgesReduce anxiety for learners by using the game-like concept of “Levelling Up” In Detail This book describes how teachers can use Gamification design within the Moodle Learning Management System. Game elements can be included in course design by using, badges, rubrics, custom grading scales, forums, and conditional activities. Moodle courses do not have to be solo-learning experiences that replicate Distance Education models. The Gamification design process starts by profiling players and creating levels of achievement towards meeting learning outcomes. Each task is defined, valued, and sequenced. Motivation loops are devised to keep the momentum going. In a gaming studio, this approach would require a team of specialists with a large budget and time frames. Preparing for a class rarely has these optimal conditions. The approach used in this book is to introduce game elements into the course design gradually. First, apply gamification to just one lesson and then build up to gamifying a series of lessons over a term. Each example will indicate the difficulty level and time investment. Try it out to see what is most effective with your learners and choose wisely in your use of technology. By the end of this book, you will be able to create Moodle courses that incorporate choice, communication, challenge, and creativity.Style and approach An easy-to-follow guide full of screenshots and step-by-step instructions with estimated time frames required to accomplish numerous tasks. Tips are offered for new Moodlers and plugin extensions are suggested for advanced Moodlers. The focus of the book is on why you would want to use each activity rather than detailed technical de*ions.
Learning Firefox OS Application Development
Learn to design, build, and deploy your Firefox OS applications, built with web technologies, to the Firefox MarketplaceAbout This BookCreate beautiful and interactive Firefox OS applications by applying your knowledge of web developmentCater your applications to a huge number of users by porting them to the Firefox OSA step-by-step learning workflow with real-life applications to demonstrate the concepts Who This Book Is For This is a practical guide that uses hands-on examples to teach you how to create applications for Firefox OS and also how to port applications to Firefox Marketplace. This book is intended for developers who want to build applications for Firefox OS. An understanding of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS is required.What You Will LearnInstall, use, and access the Firefox OS simulator with the help of WebIDEGet to know about application manifest files and the essential difference between web applications and Firefox OS applicationsCreate an application that measures the tapping speed of the userCreate an application that allows a user to check in at a place with geolocation taggingAccess device-specific features with WebAPIs and implement these by building a photo editing and sharing applicationSubmit your own applications to the Firefox Marketplace and share them with othersProfessionally maintain the code of your application with the help of Github and deploy your hosted applications to OpenShift In Detail With broad compatibility, the latest in web technologies, and powerful development tools, Firefox is a great choice for both web developers and end users. Firefox OS’s promotion of HTML5 as a first class citizen opens up the walled gardens of mobile application development for web developers. It is because of this initiative that no special SDKs are required to develop for Firefox OS. This book will help you excel in the art of developing applications for Firefox OS. It sequentially covers knowledge building, skills acquisition, and practical applications. Starting with an introduction to Firefox OS, usage of WebIDE, and then the application structure, this book introduces applications of increasing complexity with each chapter. An application that measures your tapping speed, a geolocation tagging application, and a photo editing and sharing application are the three applications that will be built from scratch. You will learn about topics such as the difference between various types of Firefox OS applications, application manifest files, offline apps, and designing principles for applications. You will also learn to test and submit the applications to the marketplace and finally maintain the repository of the Firefox OS application. By the end, you will be able to develop beautifully designed, fully-fledged, and rigorously tested Firefox OS applications and also share them at the Firefox OS Marketplace.Style and approach This book is an easy-to-grasp workflow with practical examples of real-world applications such as Clickr, Check In!, and FotoFox. Each chapter explains the concepts, which are then reinforced as they are demonstrated in an application or a flowchart.