

Despre dragoste - Anatomia unui sentiment
Despre dragoste - Anatomia unui sentiment
Antonesei Liviu
Edi?ia de fa?? o reproduce ?ntocmai pe cea din 1966 care a v?zut lumina tiparului la Editura pentru literatura ?i este menit? s? repun? – laolalt? cu alte titluri editate de noi – ?n circula?ie numele ?i opera unui mare profesor de filosofie ?i a unui important om de cultur? din perioada interbelice. Edi?ia este structurat? pe c?teva capitole, cum ar fi bun?oar? ?Amintiri din copil?rie ?i tinere?e“, ?Amintiri culturale, didactice ?i politice“, cuprinz?nd, ?ntre altele, ?i coresponden?a cu Titu Maiorescu, conferin?e ?i cursuri ?inute la Viena, Paris, Geneva, Praga, Oslo ?i Bruxelles. ?Petrovici a avut o via?? fracturat?. ?ntr-o vreme, a urcat n? pe Everestul performan?ei ?i al recunoa?terii publice, de unde, atunci c?nd istoria s-a virusat de o ideologie apocaliptic?, s-a pr?bu?it direct ?n groapa Marianelor, b?ntuit? de tot felul de silnicii ?i nes?buin?e. Mult? vreme s-a am?git cu in?elesul m?ng?ietor al filosofiei, a?a cum i-l h?r?zise cei vechi, dar s-a ?i ?nfiorat de mizeriile ei, atunci c?nd a v?zut-o dec?zut? ?n condi?ia de surogat ideologic. Oare trebuia, dup? ce a privit lumea prin sp?rtura pe?terii lui Platon, s-o p?ndeasc? ?i din spatele gra?iilor ?i ale z?voarelor trase? Vremurile noi, rascolnice, l-au g?sit total nepreg?tit. Glasul s?u, obi?nuit s? peroreze ?n aule universitare, ?n Camera, ?n Academie, ?n cadrul unor fastuoase reuniuni interna?ionale a fost, pentru multe decenii, obligat la t?cere.“ (Ionel Necula)
La Eneida
La Eneida
Comnea Victoria
Prin acest volum, se continu? publicarea jurnalelor lui Rainer Maria Rilke, redactate ?n tinere?ea lui.Jurnalul florentin este cea mai timpurie ?nsemnare autobiografica a poetului, prilejuit? de un voiaj ?n ora?ul lui Dante, a?ternut? pe h?rtie la pu?in dup? 20 de ani. Valoarea lui nu const? doar ?n impresiile, st?rile suflete?ti ori tr?irile autorului, ci ?i ?n faptul c? el dezv?luie c?teva dintre conceptele fundamentale, pe care se va sprijini ?ntreaga lui crea?ie ulterioar?. El dezv?luie obsesia durabil? a autorului cu privire la destinul s?u artistic: ?Deseori m? cuprinde o imens? nostalgie dupa mine ?nsumi. ?tiu prea bine, drumul e ?nc? lung.“ Jurnalul de la Westerwede, de?i evoc? doar un an din existen?a lui Rilke, dezv?luie o intret?iere de experien?e ?i de evenimente, precum debutul c?sniciei cu Clara Westhoff, dar ?i lupta cotidiana pentru existen?? ?n sensul cel mai propriu al cuv?ntului. Lipsit de ajutorul financiar patern, el se vede nevoit s?-?i c??tige p?inea printr-o salahoreal? istovitoare ?i deloc artistic m?gulitoare la diverse ziare ?i reviste. Nu lipsesc, desigur, reflec?iile despre art?, v?zute ca un modus vivendi: ?Arta este un mijloc al indivizilor, al ?nsigura?ilor de a se ?mplini pe sine“.
Jacky Donovan
When Smoky, a tiny Yorkie Terrier, is miraculously found in a foxhole in the steaming jungles of Papua New Guinea, she has no way of knowing she will become a World War II hero and Hollywood star. Flying with her new owner, Corporal Bill Wynne, on deadly combat missions, she is soon assisting the war effort, entertaining and bringing comfort to the soldiers with her unique tricks and spirited energy. Based on the true events of the American Army’s wartime struggles and Smoky’s subsequent outstanding television career, her moving and uplifting tale is sure to entertain and touch the heart of all who read it. From the author of bestseller Simon Ships Out: How One Brave, Stray Cat Became a Worldwide Hero.
Magpies and Magic II :  The Great Escape
Magpies and Magic II : The Great Escape
Timothy Michael Lewis
Faced with Princess Candera’s kidnap by the Asperian Secret Service, our heroes attempt to undertake a daring mission to free her. However their usual level of incompetence quickly strikes and they too find themselves imprisoned in Minaturia’s most fearsome prison Ultricon. No one has ever escaped its magically secure interior. Inside the prison it soon becomes clear that they are not alone in their efforts to escape. Joining forces with the existing prisoners they hope soon to escape through an extremely long tunnel. But why do the guards not seem to care about the obvious escape attempt? Why does the tunnel never reach the surface? In the world outside Casper and his forces are being pushed back to their last fortress by Stephanie's superior army. It seems only a matter of time before he is killed or faced with exile to the underworld. The Pentagram Council while gloating of their success wonder about the force possessing Stephanie's body. Why can't they control her in the way they expect? Can they conquer Minaturia and then turn their attention to the world of the Giants? Can they escape? Is Stephanie lost forever, possessed by an unknown evil force? Will Casper avoid defeat from her advancing forces? Will the Pentagram Council succeed in their efforts at world domination? Find out in the next exciting part of the series, Magpies and Magic: The Great Escape.
Ryan Holiday
Tomica Bajsi? pripada onoj skupini pisaca koja doista slavi ?ivot i razliku. Bajsi? zna da je svaki ljudski ?ivot neponovljiv. Pripada onoj izumiru?oj vrsti ljudi koja ne ?eka da svijet stigne na ekran, nego ima hrabrosti suo?iti se sa svim ?ivotnim izazovima – od najuzvi?enijih radosti do najdublje patnje.Tomica Bajsi? jedan je od rijetkih lovaca na metafore i zna?enja jer savr?eno dobro zna da negdje ipak postoji to?ka u kojoj jezik, osobito onaj pjesni?ki, jo? uvijek ima razloga postojati. Jer, mo?da negdje postoji i ona kristalna kocka vedrine o kojoj je pjevao Tin Ujevi?. Ako se i danas krije negdje u prostorima suvremene hrvatske knji?evnosti, onda je posjeduje Tomica Bajsi?. I dijeli je s nama bez ikakvoga zazora i sebi?nosti. Kako je mo?e imati netko tko je doista vidio nevidljivo more iskona? Pa i ono u kojemu ?uvamo sebe od sebe samih: to na?e nevidljivo more, sunce, sol, valovi, plime, oseke i jedno jedro, kada smo pomislili da vi?e nigdje nikoga nema.
Ooh Matron!
Ooh Matron!
Sarah Jane Butfield
*****Award Winning Nurse Memoir*** I am not sure what Florence Nightingale would have made of Sarah Jane! The story starts with a sixteen-year-old country girl who, for no apparent reason at the time, suddenly decided that she wanted to be a nurse. Sarah Jane was entering adulthood with no obvious career path in sight. She had planned a traditional, some would say old fashioned, future. Her vision was to leave school, find a job in a local store, get married and eventually have children. Then everything changed, as she embarked on a journey which would help to map out her future by offering opportunities in a variety of places and healthcare settings. Find out how Sarah Jane deals with births, deaths and everything in between with laughter, tears and humility in this touching, sometimes heartrending, superbly written memoir.? ‘Ooh Matron!’ is the first book in The Nomadic Nurse Series. Each book in the series takes you on a journey through medical specialisms and environments that formed part of Sarah Jane’s nursing career. Throughout the series Sarah Jane uses her trademark honest and entertaining writing style to share insights into her thoughts, reflections and the changes in her personal life and circumstances as she moves forward in her career. 5-star reviewers say: "I laughed out loud at the hilarious antics, and was sobered by the genuine emotional moments that all health professionals will recognise. This is a book that will make you laugh and cry and you’ll feel better for it - The perfect prescription." Bookworm "This funny, yet poignant nursing memoir has Sarah Jane's trademark honest writing style which shines through in every story she tells. From starting her student nurse training in Essex to coping with patients in happy, sad and heart-breaking situations. It gives you a young woman's view into the realities of entering the world of nursing in the 1980’s. A highly entertaining and informative memoir which was able to take me from laughing out loud to having welled tears of empathy."
Чому Аз?? вдалося
Чому Аз?? вдалося
Joe Studwell
Jedan od najve?ih poznavatelja hrvatske knji?evnosti Tvrtko Zane, poznatiji pod pseudonimom Branimir Donat, u svojem je prou?avanju hrvatske knji?evne ba?tine duljem od pola stolje?a objavio veliki broj tekstova i knjiga, a broj kartica koje je napisao jednak je njegovu znanju, koje mo?emo zvati enciklopedijskim. Iz goleme ostav?tine na?eg jedinog i najve?eg poznavatelja brojnih, ?esto zaboravljenih autora, ali jednako tako i velikan? knji?evnosti, urednik Goran Rem izabrao je one mo?da najva?nije tekstove. Tre?a knjiga iz serije Prakseologija hrvatske knji?evnosti posve?ena je modernizmu i postmodernizmu. U njoj su izabrani tekstovi koji se bave autorima 20. stolje?a, zenitizmom, Vidom, Andri?em, ?oljanom, Fabrijem, Iv?i?em, hrvatskim borgesovcima, zabranjenim knjigama hrvatske knji?evnosti, poznatim i nepoznatim autorima. S jo? tri sveska izabranih djela Branimira Donata ova ?e knjiga dati maleni uvid u ?irinu tema kojima se Tvrtko Zane bavio.
Маленька паризька книгарня
Маленька паризька книгарня
Nina George
Politi?ki komentari koje je Borislav Radosavljevi? pisao od 2001. do 2003. godine za autorsku emisiju na televiziji Palma plus.
Courage of the Spirit
Courage of the Spirit
Norbert Weinberg
Courage of the Spirit
How to be a grownup: Your Shortcut to Maturity...
How to be a grownup: Your Shortcut to Maturity...
A. I. Abana
How to be a grownup: Your Shortcut to Maturity...
O Espiritismo e as For?as Radiantes
O Espiritismo e as For?as Radiantes
Léon Denis
ber Zsófi, a harmincas, okos és sikeres mfordító egy nap arra ébred, hogy ki akar szállni a hétkznapok mókuskerekébl. Krnyezete legnagyobb dbbenetére vidékre kltzik, hogy birtokba vegye a nagymamájától rklt, mesébe ill házat. A titokzatos Nagyi azonban, akirl faluszerte azt suttogták, boszorkány, mást is tartogat unokája számára. Zsófi krül egyre sokasodnak a megmagyarázhatatlan események és a véletlen egybeesések. Mintha a ház – vagy valaki más – üzenni akarna neki. Vajon mit jelentenek a külns dátumok a nagypapa fényképének hátoldalán Mi minden rejtzhet az ódon, sokrekesz szekreterben Kinek a horoszkópját rizgette féltett kincsként a Nagyi és miért Bauer Barbara generációkon átível regénye arra keresi a választ, honnan jvünk, és milyen terheket halmoztak ránk felmenink. Talán nem is tudunk róluk, mégis egy életen át cipeljük ket Vagy elég bátrak vagyunk ahhoz, hogy megszabaduljunk a kéretlen útravalóktól Mialatt Zsófit mindinkább magába szippantja nagymamája naplója, melynek lapjain egy idtlen szerelem felemel és szívszorító trténete bontakozik ki, saját sorsa is gykeres fordulatot vesz egy férfi váratlan felbukkanásával. Nagyon úgy fest, hogy Szoboszlai András az igazi – de lehet, hogy egy kicsit még annál is tbb. Mieltt kzs jvjük tervezgetésébe vágnának, szembe kell nézniük saját múltjukkal, és kiderül, hogy trténetük szálai a felszín alatt szorosabban fonódnak ssze, mint azt bármelyikük is gondolta volna…
A Nyár Szigetén
A Nyár Szigetén
ifj. Gaál Mózes
A Nyár Szigetén
A Szahara rabszolgái
A Szahara rabszolgái
Charles Lorre
A Szahara rabszolgái
Hétk?znapok és csodák
Hétk?znapok és csodák
Antal Szerb
Hétk?znapok és csodák
A Ballantraei f?ldesúr
A Ballantraei f?ldesúr
Robert Louis Stevenson
A Ballantraei f?ldesúr
Csak azért sem gy?l?llek titeket
Csak azért sem gy?l?llek titeket
Antoine Leiris
Csak azért sem gy?l?llek titeket
Care for Your Kitten (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Care for Your Kitten (RSPCA Pet Guide)
ublished in association with the RSPCA, the UK’s leading animal welfare charity, this practical family guide is full of expert advice on how to choose a kitten and how best to look after it. If you already own or are planning to buy a kitten this easy-to-use introductory guide is a must. Clearly illustrated with colour photographs throughout, it covers all aspects of daily care including housing, feeding, handling, hygiene, grooming, health and first aid. Published in association with the experts at the RSPCA, this book will help you ensure that you are giving your kitten the best possible start in life.
Care for Your Puppy (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Care for Your Puppy (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Published in association with the RSPCA, the UK’s leading animal welfare charity, this practical family guide is full of expert advice on how to choose a puppy and how best to look after it. If you already own or are planning to buy a puppy this easy-to-use introductory guide is a must. Clearly illustrated with colour photographs throughout, it covers all aspects of daily care including housing, feeding, hygiene, grooming, exercise and first aid. Published in association with the experts at the RSPCA, this book will help you ensure that you are giving your puppy the best possible start in life.
Care for Your Guinea Pigs (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Care for Your Guinea Pigs (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Published in association with the RSPCA, the UK’s leading animal welfare charity, this practical family guide is full of expert advice on how to choose a guinea pig and how best to look after it. If you already own or are planning to buy a guinea pig this easy-to-use introductory guide is a must. Clearly illustrated with colour photographs throughout, it covers all aspects of daily care including housing, feeding, hygiene, grooming, exercise and first aid. Published in association with the experts at the RSPCA, this book will help you ensure that you are giving your guinea pig the best possible care.
Care for Your Rabbits (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Care for Your Rabbits (RSPCA Pet Guide)
Published in association with the RSPCA, the UK’s leading animal welfare charity, this practical family guide is full of expert advice on how to choose a puppy and how best to look after it. If you already own or are planning to buy a puppy this easy-to-use introductory guide is a must. Clearly illustrated with colour photographs throughout, it covers all aspects of daily care including housing, feeding, hygiene, grooming, exercise and first aid. Published in association with the experts at the RSPCA, this book will help you ensure that you are giving your puppy the best possible start in life.
Szahara császára
Szahara császára
Percival Wren
Szahara császára